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Setting an Intention Exercise

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Setting an Intention ExerciseVisualizing how you want a change to go and what you want the culture to be likeon your team as they lead this change.Inspired by a recorded interview between Change experts and authors, Daryl Conner and Peter Meyer.The Change Itself1. What do you most wish your stakeholders would say about the changeprocess?For example, “I feel informed and involved,” “I feel like they knew what they were doing.” “I feel like theywere always ready to answer my endless questions.”1 © 2020 The Change Decision

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2. What would most help them feel this way?Examples could be an action you take, a message they need to hear, information they need nowand periodically or involvement in some way.Your Team’s CultureThe team you’re leading the change with will have a huge impact on how well the change goes foryour stakeholders. With that in mind, it’s a good time to think about how you want your team towork together. The next set of questions helps you set an intention for great change leadershipwithin your team’s culture.3. Think about the best experience you’ve ever had leading a team or being on ateam. What was that like?Write down as many adjectives and phrases that come to mind.4. What was happening that made it that way?Write down what was happening inside and outside of the team that made it great.2 © 2020 The Change Decision

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5. What did you accomplish because of all that was happening?Write down all of your successes.6. What one or two things from that experience would you like to apply to yourcurrent team if you had your wish?Write down what would be most applicable and important to you.7. Thinking about your current team, complete this sentence: “I’ll know we’retruly working together toward successful outcomes when….”?Write down as many things that come to mind. This is your success criteria.3 © 2020 The Change Decision

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8. Based on this, what must be true to make this happen?For example, what small steps could you take in this direction? What could you do to leaddifferently? How would it help you to think differently about the people involved? Who’s help iscritical to make this vision happen?What’s next?Once you set an intention for the culture of your team, you can start taking steps to make thathappen (question 8). You can also share your intention with your team and ask them to help youachieve the goal for how you want the stakeholders to feel about the change.It may take a while for your team to behave in this new way, especially if they’re under stress, ifyour intention seems very new to them and if trust needs to be repaired or established. Whenthings become difficult, your intention can be your touchstone and guide your words andactions. That consistency will help your team recognize your commitment and over time inspireconfidence in your intention.4 © 2020 The Change Decision