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Services Department 2nd quarter 2024

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THE SERVICES DEPARTMENTVOL. 7: 2ND QUARTER JUNE 2024Official NewsletterThis issue:From the Director’s deskPAGE 01EXCITING UPDATES AHEADAs we reach the midpoint of the year, we hope you are staying warmduring these chilly days. We are thrilled to bring you the latest edition ofour newsletter, brimming with exciting updates and inspiring storiesfrom our department.We are on the hunt for fresh stories to feature, and we encourage eachof you to participate and contribute. This issue is packed with some ofthe most exciting success stories from within our department, along withessential updates you will not want to miss.But that's not all! We are launching an exciting competition to find a newname for our newsletter, one that truly resonates with you. Enter thecompetition and you could stand a chance to win a fantastic hamper!Stories of ImpactPAGE 02-08Quality Management AwarenessPAGE 09-10Leadership and Culture talkPAGE 11Departmental UpdatesPAGE 12Awareness Campaigns & EventsPAGE 13-182Vol .07 NewsletterNewsletter CompetitionPAGE 19-20

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FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK As we prepare for the second half of the year, letus continue to strive for excellence in serving ourclients, fostering meaningful collaborations, andfinding purpose in our work. Our department'ssuccess is a testament to each one of you, and Iam confident that we will achieve even greaterheights together.In the coming weeks, we will be embarking on astrategic planning session. This is a pivotalmoment for us to define our department's futuredirection. We will be actively engaging with allstaff members to gather your valuable insightsand ideas. Your participation is crucial, and Iencourage everyone to take full advantage of thisopportunity to shape our strategic direction.When the time comes to share your thoughts,please do so with the same enthusiasm andcommitment that you bring to your daily work.Your contributions are vital in setting a coursethat reflects our collective vision and goals.Together, we can continue to build a departmentthat not only meets but exceeds expectations.Thank you for your ongoing dedication and forbeing an integral part of our journeySER VI CES DE P A RT M E NT D IRE C T OR : IS R A EL M OG O M OT S IIsrael Mogomotsi2Vol .07 Newsletter 01

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NARE’S AUDESUMMER SCHOOL AWARDEarly last year, we celebrated Nare Mokobane, theOperations Manager for Cleaning and Hygiene atParktown Campus, for earning a place to attend summerschool hosted by The Association of University Directorsof Estate (AUDE) in the United Kingdom (UK). This wasnot a once off international conference as the attendeeswere required to continue with the school tasks andgroup activities from June - November 2024. Differentteams across the world were tasked with devising asolution to tackle labour shortages within HigherEducation Institutions (HEI). This year, we are thrilled to announce that Nare's teamhas won the Teams Award for their project titled"Addressing Labour Shortages in Higher Education: AStrategic Report on Attracting and Retaining Estates &Facilities Staff." Their outstanding work is set to play acrucial role in shaping AUDE’s future strategies on thisissue. The team’s innovative solution has been acclaimedfor its practicality and adaptability across highereducation institutions, with trials already underway atseveral international universities.Nare reflects, “one notable challenge I faced wasbalancing remote interactions with the need for onsitemeetings, especially when our UK-based team membersgathered physically. Despite the distance, our teamensured I remained connected and engaged through theeffective use of Teams groups for knowledge sharing andcollaboration.” This experience reflects the crucial role ofvirtual tools in fostering seamless communication acrossbordersNare concludes with a powerful reflection: “Knowledgeknows no bounds and learning knows no end.” Sheencourages her colleagues to continually seek newknowledge and share their insights with others. We areproud to see one of our own shining on a global platform.2Vol .07 Newsletter 02

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Meet Cristina Tomas, the Senior Finance Officer of theServices Department at the University of theWitwatersrand. Cristina has been a devoted employee for33 years, consistently demonstrating her commitment todelivering quality results, just as passionately as she didwhen she first joined Wits.Cristina knew from a very young age that she wouldpursue a career that would be numbers orientatedbecause she enjoyed subjects that revolved aroundnumbers during her earlier years, “I grew up as one ofthose children where numbers simply made sense” as shesays herself. When she first joined Wits, she joined as an intern in theCentral Finance Division where she was providingassistance. This period was crucial in helping her acquire thefoundational skills required for her career path, moreespecially with her reporting capabilities. Cristina’sfirst permanent post at Wits was a position as a datacapturer, and as time went on her responsibilitiesincreased and she started attending strategy meetingwhere she would assist with the development of newprocesses which were designed to increase accuracyand boost efficiency.I grew up as one of those children wherenumbers simply made sensePOWERHOUSE BEHIND THE NUMBERS MEET CRISTINA TOMAS2Vol .07 Newsletter 03

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One of the aspects that bring joy to Cristina at work is theopportunity to meet new colleagues and engage withdifferent cultures. As an outgoing person, she mentions thatthis chance to network is one of the main reasons shecontinues to enjoy coming to work every morning, even after33 years.However, Cristina's period at Wits have not been withouttheir challenges. She recalls being mentally and physicallytested during the insourcing period, which involved asignificant amount of work. This often led to long days andeven nights spent compiling figures and reports forpresentations.Despite the difficulty, Cristina overcame it with thesupport of a strong and united team. They assistedone another, ensuring no one faced the challengesalone, demonstrating true teamwork andcollaboration.Over her stay at Wits, Cristina has witnessedsignificant changes within the department. When shefirst joined, there were only 46 team members, butnow there are around 1,200 staff members.Cristina’s long-lasting success at the university isattributed to her approach to work. Her personal rulesfor success are: arrive on time, be reliable, be honest,be professional, and be ethical. In conclusion, Cristina shares a quote from Steve Jobs:"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, andthe only way to be truly satisfied is to do what youbelieve is great work. And the only way to do greatwork is to love what you do."“Your work is going to fill a large part of yourlife, and the only way to be truly satisfied is todo what you believe is great work. And the onlyway to do great work is to love what you do.”Steve Jobs2Vol .07 Newsletter 04

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 05Nurturing landscapes

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WHEN PASSIONAND DEDICATION CONVERGE2Vol .07 Newsletter 06We are thrilled to introduce you to someone who embodiesdedication and passion in every aspect of her work. MeetMs. Makhetha, fondly known as Mam Makhetha among hercolleagues. Ms Makhetha has been an integral part of ourWits family since 2011, where her role involvesmaintaining cleanliness through general wastemanagement and nurturing our gardens. She comes from a very big family as she had 8 siblingsgrowing up, with her being the 2nd oldest. She has her own family and is a mother to three children:two sons and a daughter, who unfortunately passed away.Known for her strong work ethic, Ms Makhetha's dedicationshines through in every garden she tends and every areashe cleans. She finds genuine joy in her work, whichtranslates into exceptional quality in everything she does.Her favourite moments are spent meticulously trimminghedges and cutting grass, tasks that bring her immensesatisfaction.Despite her love for her job, she faces challenges. Itfrustrates her when individuals choose to walk on freshlymaintained areas instead of using designated pathways.Another obstacle she faces is the limited access to water,which hampers her efforts to beautify our gardens. We areoptimistic that this issue will be resolved soon.Ms Makhetha finds fulfillment in seeing events held inspaces she maintains, as it reaffirms that her efforts arevalued and appreciated by others. She is deeply gratefulfor her job at Wits, as it has not only provided her withstability but has also played a crucial role in raising hergrandchild, the child of her late daughter. She expressesher heartfelt gratitude to Ryan, who, as a contractedservice provider, recruited her in 2011.Mam Makhetha believes that to succeed in life, you muststay determined and committed in what you do.

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MEET OUR NEW DYNAMIC TEAM MEMBERSMapula Mohale is an intern in the office of the director, has a BSC inurban and regional planning and an MSC in project management inconstruction. She aims to bridge the gap between students and theuniversity, addressing student struggles and bringing positive changesto students' experiences. Mapula has previously led the SRC as a FirstHealth Officer, the PGA as a media and campaigns officer, and co-founded YSTEM, an NGO. She plans to use her time at services to makepositive changes and acquire knowledge for future endeavours Nobom Mancam is a new Fleet Controller within the Transport andFleet unit. She has a Diploma in Logistics and Supply ChainManagement, along with a certificate in MS Office. Previously, Nobomworked as a Finance Administrator at Wits Health Consortium. Herachievements in her previous role include playing a key role infinancial reporting and budget preparation, consistently deliveringaccurate results with punctual submissionsMnqobi Ninela is an intern at the Stakeholder RelationshipManagement office, marking his first experience in an office setting.With a BA in Media Studies and Politics, he aims to gain practicalexperience in a corporate environment and build professionalrelationships. Mnqobi has a history of achievements, including winningleague championships, advancing with his university soccer team, andearning a First Class certificate in Media Studies. His career aspirationis to become a sports journalist, and he sees his role in the ServicesDepartment as an opportunity to further develop his skills and nurturehis creative talents.2Vol .07 Newsletter 07

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With the internship program now active in our department,coordinated by HR, we want to emphasize the importanceof this initiative for both interns and our department.Internship programs play a pivotal role for both interns andorganizations alike. These programs offer interns invaluable opportunities toapply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, gainhands-on experience, and cultivate essential skills relevantto their career aspirations. Acting as a crucial link betweenacademic learning and professional practice, internshipshelp individuals clarify their career goals, build confidence,and expand their professional network. Interns must beprovided with a conducive learning environment andtreated with the same respect as regular employees.The internship program is designed to foster growth anddevelopment. It is our responsibility to offer internsintegrated learning opportunities, ensuring they are notbogged down by low-value repetitive tasks. Instead, let usinvest in mentoring them, providing a supportiveenvironment for feedback and recognition.In the spirit of continuous growth, we encourage you toinvolve an intern in an upcoming training session, meeting,or networking event. This hands-on approach will enhancetheir exposure to professional development, enriching theirexperience and preparing them for future success. Let usempower our interns to thrive and contribute meaningfullyto our departmental's goals.UNLOCKING POTENTIALTHE SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNSHIP PROGRAM2Vol .07 Newsletter 08

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Our department has developed and is committed to implementing aquality management system (QMS) based on the ISO 9001:2015framework. This system allows us to document and improve ourpractices, ensuring we consistently meet the needs and expectationsof our customers, stakeholders, and other interested parties. Ourpolicy statement, outlined below, emphasizes our unwaveringcommitment to QMS implementation.SCOPE Services Department is one of the seven department within the Systems and Operations division reporting to the Deputy ViceChancellor – Systems and Operations. Services Department is responsible for Environmental Services (Cleaning, Hygiene, PestControl, Grounds, Landscaping and Waste Management);Operations Unit (Transport and Fleet Management, ProfessionalDevelopment Hub, Printing and Mailing); Retail Operations and Hospitality Unit (Dining Hall Catering, Retail Outlets, and Wits RuralCampus); Finance and Administration and Stakeholder Relationship Management including Environmental Health.QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY STATEMENT2Vol .07 Newsletter 09

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 10MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT We endeavour to provide excellent service delivery in support of theUniversity Community. We are committed to continued growth inresponse to the ever-changing service environment, and investmentin new technologies and innovative thinking to improve quality ofservice provision. In pursuit of a culture of excellent service, wecommit to the continual improvement of our quality managementsystem, satisfying applicable requirements, including statutory andregulatory, while enhancing customer satisfaction through effectiveimplementation of our quality management system. We recognize and understand the importance ofeffective collaboration, co-operation, and collegialitywith all our stakeholders to ensure business continuityand sustainability. We commit to working togetherharmoniously always maintaining professionalism andrespect with solution-based problem solving. We committo capacitate and continuously train, develop andmotivate our team members so as to enable utilizationof their full potential.

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EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP BY EMBRACINGTHE HEAD, HEART AND HAND MODELOn April 9, 2024, Professor Maurice Radebe, head of school at Wits Business School, took time to meet with ourmanagement team to talk about leadership and culture. He started off the session by recognizing the hard work of theServices Department team who keep the university running smoothly behind the scenes. He shared valuable ideas on howleaders can guide organizations through challenges like climate change, rapid business changes, and global risks.Professor Radebe emphasized how leaders can make a difference by setting clear goals, communicating strategies, andencouraging the right actions for change. He introduced the idea of generative leaders who strive to leave a positive markon the world, leading with their head, heart and hands. He recommended that the management team support and guide itsworkforce to align with their career development goals. He noted that while career progression for academic staff is well-defined and clearer, support staff require more guidance and support for their personal and professional growth.Head: Leaders shouldreimagine theirorganisations to serve allstakeholders, balance boldvisions with honestreflections, and maketransparent, inclusivedecisions.Hands: Effective executionthrough super-chargedteams, embracing newtechnologies, fosteringcollaboration, and role-modeling resilience are keyto successfulorganisational developmentHeart: Investing inrelationships, listeningempathetically, andfocusing on purpose arecrucial. Leaders shouldinspire and enrich thehuman experience2Vol .07 Newsletter 11

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DEPARTMENTALUPDATES2Vol .07 Newsletter 12Veronica LephalalaActing Appointment for Deputy Director Retail Operations and HospitalityVeronica Lephalala is currently appointed as Acting Deputy Director responsible forthe six dining halls, Wits Rural Campus and Retail Operations for a period of a six-month term. We extend our gratitude to Karen Du Plessis for her dedication duringher tenure as Acting Deputy Director in the first half of 2024.Ursuhla ArcharyTransfer in the Contracts and Tenders UnitWe are happy to announce the transfer of Ursuhla Archary to the Contracts andTenders Unit. With her dedication and expertise in administrative services, Ursuhlawill be working with Doris Manyamalala to streamline and enhance operationswithin the unit, ensuring efficient handling of contracts and tenders.Nare MokobaneActing Appointment for Deputy Director Environmental Services From July 1, 2024, Nare Mokobane will serve as Acting Deputy Director ofEnvironmental Services, responsible for overseeing Cleaning and Hygiene, as wellas Grounds and Waste, for a six-month term. Your support in facilitating aseamless transition is encouraged. We extend our appreciation to Brandon Adamsfor his dedicated service as Acting Deputy Director in the first half of 2024.

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World Food Safety Day, observed annually on June 7,aims to raise awareness and encourage action toprevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks. The2024 theme emphasized preparing for theunexpected, as over 600 million people fall ill and420,000 die each year from contaminated food. TheUniversity of the Witwatersrand ServicesDepartment held its third annual World Food SafetyDay commemoration on June 13, 2024, bringingtogether all stakeholders in the food industry.The event highlighted the importance ofpreparedness, vigilance, and proactive measures inensuring food safety. The guest speakers includedrepresentatives from the National Department ofHealth: Food Control, Department of EconomicDevelopment: Consumer Education, The City ofJohannesburg - Environmental Health, NationalInstitute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), and WitsSchool of Public Health. A Wits student, Ms. MasanaMunengwani shared her personal experiencesregarding dining hall food safety.The event concluded with an award ceremonycelebrating retailers and dining halls that achievedexceptional results in food safety external audits,surpassing 90% compliance score. Knockando andExecutive Kitchen from the retail operations andhospitality unit were recognized for their outstandingperformance. Additionally, Jimmys BraamfonteinCampus East and West, Zesti Lemonz, and GourmetFood Services were awarded for their high scores inthe external food safety audits.WORLD FOOD SAFETYCOMMEMORATION 2Vol .07 Newsletter 13

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 17EARTH DAY CAMPAIGN

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 18The Matrix: 22 April 2024

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 19NAME OURNEWSLETTERHelp usStand a chance to win a hamper

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2Vol .07 Newsletter 20Submit your suggested name by July 30, 2024,by completing the form accessible via the QRcode provided below:SERVICES DEPARTMENTNEWSLETTER

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HAVE A STORY TO SHARE?CONTACT US BELOW 2Stakeholder Relationship ManagerLebogang Maila Relationship Management InternMnqobi