Message Helping disempowered womenconfidently recover from Trauma,find their voice and get into theirpower.Yvonne is an Award WinningTransformational Speaker | PerformanceSpeaker Coach | Master NLP Practitioner| Hypnotherapist | Leadership Trainer.Contact: info@yvonnemichele.comYvonne MicheleCOACHING & DEVELOPMENT Yvonne Michele
Yvonne Michele is a dynamic force ofempowerment, dedicated to helping women rise,lead, and achieve emotional & financial freedom. With a commanding voice and an unwaveringmission to inspire, she guides emerging leaders todiscover their authentic voice, master storytelling,and amplify their visibility, influence, and incomethrough speaking, presenting, and performing.Celebrated as “The Queen of InspirationalSpeaking & Presenting,” Yvonne’s captivatingpresence leaves a lasting impact. She is thevisionary Founder and CEO of the GlobalEmpowerment Movement (GEM), a not-for-profitorganisation transforming the lives ofdisempowered women and girls. Through G.E.M, Yvonne has helped hundreds ofsurvivors of trauma recover with confidence, findtheir voice, and step into their power. Her missiongoes beyond healing—she empowers women torebuild their lives, embrace leadership, and thrive.As a 2013 semi-finalist on Britain’s Got Talent,amassing over 46 million views, Yvonne’s artisticjourney includes sharing stages with global iconssuch as Diana Ross, Idris Elba, and Joss Stone.CredentialsCredentialsCertified Public SpeakerCertified Leadership Trainer Certified Performance CoachFellow NLP Master Practitioner, Fellow NLP Hypnotherapist, Leadership Trainer QUALIFICATIONSQUALIFICATIONSExperience
She is also an internationally acclaimedspeaker, singer, radio and TV presenter,and the author of four transformativebooks, including Permission to Speak –GRANTED and 21 Days to LoveYourself.Her passion for community andempowerment shines through G.E.M’swork, which supports Black women andgirls overcoming domestic violence,sexual abuse, and other adversities,guiding them toward triumphantsuccess.From global stages to transformativeworkshops, Yvonne Michele’s passionignites lasting change. In her personaltime, she indulges in song-writing andcherishes moments with her grandson.Connect with Yvonne Michele and joinher on a journey of empowerment,resilience, and unapologetic success.Speaker, PresenterSpeaker, Presenter& Author& yvonnemichele.comWith a heart full of compassion and arelentless drive to see others succeed,Yvonne creates a safe and nurturingenvironment where women feel seen,heard, and supported. Her approach tocoaching is grounded in a deep beliefthat every woman is capable ofcreating a thriving business and life, nomatter where they start. Driven by a passion for transformation,Yvonne’s mission is to guide you inbuilding not just a business, but alegacy—a life of emotional, financial,and spiritual abundance that isuniquely yours. With her guidance, youwill learn how to harness your ownpower, break through limitations, andstep into your full potential.
Empowered Woman ProgrammeJoin the ‘E’ AcademySuperstar SpeakerThe Speak Easy ExperienceHow to Work with Me...How to Work with empower women to step into their full potential &create the life & business they’ve always dreamed of.We believe that every woman has the innate power tolive the life of their dreams to build a thriving,purpose-driven speaking business that brings not onlyemotional & financial abundance, but spiritualfulfilment as well. Learn more advanced speaking skills, buildconfidence within your life and business,create your magnetic signature message - growyour audience and host your own virtual andlive events.Are you ready to unlock your full potential, buildyour confidence and create The Empowered Womanprogramme is your ultimate guide to personalempowerment designed for women like you whowant to grow, thrive and take control of their future.This programme is grounded in proven behaviouralchange techniques, helping you recognise and shiftpatterns that no longer serve you. Through a blend ofguided workshop and self-paced activities you’lldevelop the confidence and clarity to soar higher inevery area of your life.This is an amazing opportunity for female businessowners and leaders who like to speak and improve yourexpert status.This is for you if you lack confidence, or you are notsure of your messaging yet, but you are ready to deliveran authentic, engaging talk The Speak Easy Experienceis THE opportunity for you.Yvonne will help you gain the best public speaking skillsthat will help you improve your confidence, createimpact while you gain expert status and also make anincome.Scan the code above to find out more Speak, find your voice like andown the stage like a superstar!!Scan the code above to find out more Scan the code above to find out more Scan the code above to find out more
Your Questions AnsweredYour Questions AnsweredHow can I work with you?How can I work with you?Near-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is apsychological approach that examines theconnection between neurologicalprocesses, language, and behavioralpatterns learned through experience. It'sused for personal development,communication, and therapyWhat is NLP?What is NLP?There are various ways people can workwith me. I do one to one coaching, onlinecoaching, group coaching and in personworkshops.If you don’t think any of the programmes Ioffer suit you, drop me a note and lets seewhat we can doContact DetailsEmail: info@yvonnemichele.comWebsite: yvonnemichele.comMobile: +447957 255670Or connect with me on social media.What’s the biggest problem you helpWhat’s the biggest problem you help with?with?I help people find their voice, whetherthey are wanting to speak on stage or justto find self confidence and therefore beable to communicate in a better way toensure that they are making clear whatthey want or need.Why do some people prefer groupWhy do some people prefer groupcoaching?coaching?Group coaching is ideal if someone valuescommunity, enjoys learning from others,and is working toward goals that benefitfrom shared discussions and ideas. Beingpart of a group allows participants toconnect with others with similar goals,challenges and aspirations.Do you offer payment plans?For my high ticket products I do, but forthe lower cost products I don’t. Managingpayment plans requires additionalresources to track instalments, sendreminder and handle late or missedpayments, for lower price products thisisn’t a feasible business model.What is the Global EmpowermentMovement?GEM is a Community Interest Company,that is a beacon of hope and a safe havenfor survivors of domestic and sexual abusewhere we uplift, empower and inspirethose seeking help to embrace their truepotential and create positive changes intheir lives.Do I have to be able to sing to workwith you?Absolutely not, although I am able tocoach people to be able to sing, it’s allabout finding the confidence to speakyour truth, you don’t even have to want toappear on a stage and speak if you don’twant to.
Here are just a few of the reviews from people thathave either attended one of my work shops, my groupcoaching, worked with me, or seen one of myperformances...Don’t just take my word for it...Don’t just take my word for it...