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NN Sept Oct 2022

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N E T W O R K N E W S I S B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y ' S S T U D E N T M A G A Z I N E . I T I S P U B L I S H E D O N L I N E B Y T H E B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T N E W S R O O M . S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2Network News

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Virgil Lybarger '25Graphic Designer, Creative Directorhe/theyAndros Fleury '25Creative Columnisthe/theyAnissa Nieves '23Creative Columnist she/herRebecca Wehner '24 Current Events Directorshe/herfall 2022 Network News TeamJulia DeRidder '23Editorshe/herDia Arias '23Associate Editorshe/herContact us: studentnewsroom@baypath.edujderidder@baypath.edudalmontearias@baypath.eduSamantha Robinson '25Local Events Columnistshe/herAlyssa Young '24Graphic Designer, Creative Columnist she/herCharlize Hernandez '23Creative Columnistshe/herContributors:Alyssa Colangelo '26Janaye Cunningham '26Marissa Gallant '23Elizabeth McDonald '26Karina Ortiz, '26Xiomareliz Rivera '26Olivia Stebbins '26Madison Tessmer '26Cora Swan '23Digital Artist & Art Directorshe/herBAY PATH UNIVERSITYSTUDENT NEWSROOMFall 2022

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As this is the first month of the school term, the Network News team focused on theway students have eased out of their summer and into the school year. We have awhole section on what students did over their break, and another sectiondesignated for first years or transfers new to the Longmeadow area looking forrecommendations of something fun to do. We also cover, as always, current eventsglobally and closer to home. Make sure to check out the end of the edition, wherewe hold our Creative Section. I’m consistently blown away by the amazing artworkmy peers produce.I’m also immensely proud of our team this year. We have gained some greatgraphic designers, have held onto some fantastic photographers and, of course,have grown our army of authors. I hope you have a great day and enjoy flipping through our September/Octoberedition of the Network News.-Julia DeRidderI’m Julia, a senior ProfessionalWriting major. I am so excited to haveofficially taken on the role of editor ofthe Network News for this school year.I’ve been on the Network News teamsince the fall of 2020, and have beenfascinated to see it grow from acareers-focused publication to trulyattempting to reflect what the studentbody is interested in. That’s what Ihope to continue to achieve this year–digging into what the Bay Pathcommunity finds important andnoteworthy, and bringing that to the page.At a diner in Flagstaff, Arizona this May. I got a "stack o' flapjacks". Source: Julia DeRidderE D I T O R ’ S N O T E

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C O N T E N T STABLE OFSummer HighlightsHispanic Heritage What's HappeningLocal AttractionsCurrent EventsHealth and WellnessCreative Spotlight Month Shoutout on Campus

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SUMMER HIGHLIGHTSSource: Alyssa YoungSource: Alex EstradaSource: Brooke EvanchekSource: Alyssa YoungThis summer I got my first degree! My family in general isvery studious on both sides but I’m the first on my mother'sside to get a degree in the United States. I know that it’sgenerally regarded as a big achievement to get anAssociates Degree but I know it was something of greatcelebration for myself and my family. I’m very proud!-Alexa EstradaThis summer, my boyfriend’s family and I took a trip toHershey Park! It was absolutely stunning, and we all hadan amazing time. It seemed like the rides were neverending. The lines were long for sure, but it was all a part ofthe experience! I would go back in a heartbeat! -Brooke EvanchekI was able to go on a beach trip to New Hampshirein June with my boyfriend and other close friends aswell as a camping trip to Maine in July. I had neverbeen to either state and they were the last ones I had to see to officially say I have been to every statein New England.-Alyssa Young(continued on next page)Section edited by Julia DeRidder and Alyssa Young

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Source: Samantha RobinsonSource: Marissa GallantSource: Madisyn VeraI attended my first Hockeyday hosted by the Springfield HockeySociety at the Big E fair grounds in West Springfield. It was a verycool experience for me being a hockey fan. I got to meet someplayers that used to play for old teams like The Indians, Kings andother local hockey teams in the area. It was so cool to meet theseplayers and learn about their hockey careers. I think the best part ofthe day was being able to get their autographs in a booklet they gaveyou when you first walked into the event. It was a day I will never forget because it was my first time attending this once in alifetime event.-Samantha RobinsonOver the summer, I spent time with my family and close friends.I went on a couple of camping trips, and the most memorableone was at Salisbury Beach. I was able to walk on the beachduring the full moon, and I was fascinated! The moon lookedred and orange, which was something I've never seen before. Itreminded me of how much I loved the beach and the ocean.Even the sunsets were beautiful there. Every day was anadventure and I found it fun and enjoyable! -Marissa GallantThis summer I made amazing memories with friends andfamily through fun events and day trips. I went to a New Kidson the Block concert, saw Hamilton on Broadway, spent timeat the beach and park, went camping, traveled while coachingsoftball and for my sister's dance competitions, tried manynew restaurants, attended my cousin's engagement,experienced a comedy show, went to a Boston Red Sox game,went to a Yard Goats baseball game, went to the Bronx Zoo,went to Six Flags New Jersey, and visited the AmericanDream Mall in New Jersey twice!-Madisyn Vera(continued on next page)

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Source: Skylar Mae TeeleSource: Julia DeRidderSource: Anissa Nieves I had the privilege to be a peer mentor in the ALLI programthis past August. It has been an absolute honor to watch themgrow and flourish into gorgeous, empowered, and vibrantyoung adults throughout this program. They taught me somany things and gave me so many laughs. If I even gaveback a fraction of what they gave me I know I have done myjob. I am so excited to see them not only succeed in butconquer their education and future.-Skylar Mae TeeleI was lucky enough to spend 3 weeks of my summer on a crosscountry road trip. My friend and I started in Massachusetts and wentSouthwest, where our westernmost point was Las Vegas, Nevada.Highlights of the trip included seeing the lunar eclipse over theGrand Canyon and speeding around Denver, Colorado on electricscooters. Definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity.-Julia DeRidderThis summer, I am happy to say, was full of abundance formy family. In July I welcomed my first child into the world –a healthy baby boy. I may be a little biased, but he is literallyperfect in every way. Motherhood has definitely been aninteresting experience, but one that I am happy to be on rightnow. I was also able to purchase my first house, and I amvery grateful that my little peanut now has a beautiful spaceto grow up in. -Anissa Nieves(continued on next page)

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Source: Meera DavéSource: Leanne Zemrock I took a trip to St Michaels, MD after hearing about it for years from friends. Werented a cottage only a block from the main street. St Michaels is a cute littletown with shops and restaurants, a museum that is a working shipyard and aharbor cruise that tells its history and shows off the houses we can't afford. Thecrab was delicious and the people welcoming. A bartender went out of her way tohelp us the first night. It's only a two hour drive from home so I may visit again. -Pat D'InnocenzoThis summer I celebrated my birthday with my best friendand two sisters with a trip. We traveled to Nashville, TN asit was one of my bucket list items. We packed in a lot ofsightseeing in the 4 days we were in town. My favoritememory from the trip was sitting at one of the roof toprestaurant/bars enjoying good music and good company. - Leanne Zemrock Graduation parties were for sure the highlight of my summer.I've always loved partying, it's definitely one of my favoritethings to do in general. But I think that specific one was a superspecial party because it was one of the last grad parties so it wasa way of saying goodbye to them one last time before we go tocollege. Of course, hanging out was always an option but withgetting ready to move into dorm rooms and getting everythingpacked, some people were just too busy. One of my friends evenmoved to California so I don't know when I'll see him again, butI'll always have the memories with me wherever I go. Highschool to college is a difficult transition but no matter what, therewill always be the friends who cared from the beginning and willcontinue to care throughout life, past high school and college butwhen you really need them the most. -Meera Davé(continued on next page)

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If I am being honest, I spent my summer still grievingmy grandparents that I lost last year one day after anotherdue to COVID. I spent my summer contemplating whatmy future holds and in what ways I can continue to makethem proud and honor them. I have decided to continueto be strong and pursue my dreams as they would wantme to. That being said applying and being accepted intoBay Path was one of my memorable summer memories. Ialso took a trip to Hampton Beach where I finally feltrelaxed, free, and at peace.-Stephanie Colon Source: Stephanie ColonSource: Sasha BeaudoinThe highlight of my summer was going to Ocean City,Maryland, with my family. We stayed in a three-storytownhouse, and had an ocean view. It was a really nice andpeaceful time to stay there and spend time with my family.And then we even got to see wild horses that roam on the beach!-Sasha BeaudoinAs a self-admitted workhorse, and a tenured Business Director dedicated to thehealthcare industry, this summer I learned that there is no greater title than thatof “mom”. Brayden was born on July 1, 2022, happy, healthy, unquestionablyhandsome, and undoubtedly made his momma’s world whole. The road to motherhood that I experienced, enveloped by the encouragement,selfless help and dedication of my amazing husband, has reminded me, onceagain, that I can achieve anything, so long as I dare to dream. I will be completing my Masters degree just in time for Brayden’s one yearbirthday, and am already planning one giant combo-celebration. New life andlifelong learning always call for celebration, and this one will be most well deserved. -Danielle NadeauSource: Danielle Nadeau(continued on next page)

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-Erin St. HilaireA memorable highlight from my summer break was travelingto Maine for a camping trip with my partner! After finishingand reflecting on my stressful spring semester, it made merealize just how much I needed this impromptu trip- a spaceto let go of my stresses and enjoy good company. Going toMaine allowed me to embrace a slow summer pace, immersemyself in nature, and enjoy quality time with my partnerdoing activities that we love. Source: Erin St. HilaireI spent a week with my family and parents in theOuter Banks of North Carolina. We took a wildhorse tour at sunset. There were so many wildhorses, and to see them in their natural environmentin the dunes and on the beach was simply amazing.-Dr. Ellen RusticoSource: Dr. Ellen RusticoThis picture was taken at Niagara Falls for my family’s vacation thisyear. I am on the far right of the picture. Then my mom and two aunts(who are identical triplets) are in the middle and my sibling is on theleft. This was the go-to destination for us this year! We picksomewhere to go and spend a week together during the summer. Thisis always the most relaxing part of summer, too bad it’s so short! Theweek was filled with visiting the gorgeous views, rock painting, tiedye, playing Oculus (virtual reality), watching movies, Yahtzee,sitting by Lake Ontario, and enjoying each other’s company! -Carleigh EspositoSource: Carleigh Esposito(continued on next page)

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Source: Dr. Lisa RuchI took a course on Medieval Africaand Africans offered by the NationalHumanities Center with additionalsupport from the Medieval Academyof America.-Dr. Lisa RuchThis summer I got married!Most of the summer was spentworking and planning for mywedding. But everything wentoff great and I had such a blast!! Source: Sara Biathrow-Eurcyla RobersonI went on my first cruise and bookedthree more since the first!-Sara BiathrowSource: Eurcyla Roberson

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All 18-29 30-49 50-64 65+15 10 5 0 Do not useLatinx20%Use Latinx3%Young Latinx womenare more likely thanmen to use the termLatinx.A brief history:The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and therecognition of a national Hispanic/Latinx identity was acatalyst for the government to create Hispanic HeritageMonth. It was Californian Congressman GeorgeBrown, representing the majority Hispanic populationof East Los Angeles and part of San Gabriel Valley,who brought the idea to Congress in June of 1968.Public Law 90-84 was passed on September 17, 1968,which required presidents to annually declareSeptember 15 and 16 the beginning of HispanicHeritage Week. The week was changed to the month we now celebratein August 1988, when President Ronald Reagan signed“S.2200 - A bill to amend Public Law 90-498 toprovide for the designation of National HispanicHeritage Month.” The first president to declare themonth as such was President H W Bush, 21 years afterHispanic Heritage Week was implemented, in 1989.Stay tuned for next month’s edition of the NetworkNews, where we will cover Hispanic Heritage Monthmore in-depth.Sources: Seventeen.comHistory.comDid You Know?Representative Esteban Torres unsuccessfullytried to pass a law expanding Hispanic Heritage Week to a month a year before S.2200was signed by Reagan. The middle of September was chosen as thebeginning of Hispanic Heritage Month because onSeptember 15, 1821, Costa Rica, El Salvador,Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua declaredindependence from Spain. HISPANICVSLATINXMany people don't know there is a difference between Hispanicand Latinx. While Latinx and Hispanic are usedinterchangeably, which is the proper term to use and when?Which term should you use?U.S. Latinx people have heardof the term Latinx.1 IN 4actually use the term toreference themselves. ONLY 3%Have not heardof Latinx76%"Hispanic" is usually used as a narrower term to refer to people fromSpanish-speaking Latin America, countries/territories of the Caribbean orfrom Spain. Latinx is a term that refers to all people of Latin Americanorigin or descent. Meaning, a Brazilian could be Latinx and non-Hispanic,a Spaniard could be Hispanic and non-Latinx, and a Colombian could useboth terms. However, there are many indigenous peoples from Spanish-speaking countries who do not identify with Spanish culture and do notspeak the language which is where Latinx comes in. Not only is Latinxmore gender-inclusive, but it is also inclusive to other cultures fromSpanish-speaking countries.What exactly is the term "Hispanic?"Information retrieved from Britannica Women Men511412 2 21<0.5 <0.5% of who say they have used Latinx todescribe themselves, by ageWhen deciding on which term to use, it's important to rememberthe context and what language is spoken, and from where. Whenspeaking to or referring to a person of Latin American origin ordescent or Spanish-speaking descent, it is in best practice to ask theperson's preference on which they like to be referred to as. Which term should be used and when?by Gabriela RamirezHispanic Heritage MonthEnjoy an infographic fromthe 2021 October/Novemberedition of the Network News. by Julia DeRidder

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Native Nation ProgramOnline Decolonizing StorytellingWorkshopThursday, 10/13/227-9 PMSpeaker: Emi Aguilar (shown above) Description: 1.5-hour virtual workshop. In this arts-integratedworkshop, participants will engage in dialogue, reflection,artmaking, and collaborative storytelling to undo settler-colonial culture. This workshop will center land and waterpedagogy, in movement toward #LandBack. This workshopwill de-center colonial perspectives, teaching practices, andvalues. Participants will be provided with a resource guide.Hybrid Latinx Symposium Friday/Saturday, October 28th from 1-2:30 PM and Saturday, October 29 from 10 AM - 3:30 PM From Awareness to Action: Generational Healing Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar Description: Online workshops to focus on physical, emotional/mental health, gender rolesexpectations, and impact on wellness. More details coming soon!Office of Multicultural Affairs Fall Events -Save the DateSource: Katie Espinosa

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@bpu_networknewsBAY PATHNetwork NewsFollow us onStay updated on newissues, get exclusivecontent, and getinvolved!@bpu_networknews

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And more!Campus AwakeningConvocationPride FestivalBanned Books

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On September 7, the Bay Path community carried onits tradition of Campus Awakening by walking aroundcampus and "waking up" each building to jumpstartanother new semester. Students emerged from theirdorm rooms at 6 AM to light candles and join in theprocession. Uplifting music was played throughout thewalk, with the trek ending in front of Leary Hall tohear President Doran and several student leaders makespeeches welcoming new students and commend theupperclassmen on their return. Campus Awakening!by Rebecca WehnerBay Path students and staff join together to welcome a new school year. Source: Samantha Robinson.Student government president Julia Dudekreflecting on her Bay Path experience.Source: Samantha Robinson.After the event concluded, students and facultywere invited to take a commemorative photo, aswell as dig into the pancake breakfast provided bythe Bay Path kitchen. The Bay Path communitywas invited to mingle and eat together inpreparation for their first week of classes. This isthe first full Campus Awakening put on by campussince before the COVID-19 pandemic, and it didnot disappoint!President Doran holds candles with sophomores MadisynVera and Brooke Evanchak. Source: Samantha Robinson.

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“Traditions are a very important part of academic life,”President Doran shared with the audience in herremarks. In keeping with an unofficial tradition, thealumna speaker was certainly the highlight of the event.Jessie Teixeira, who graduated from Bay Path’sAmerican Women’s College in 2022, gave a poignantand thoughtful address about the power of never givingup. From her childhood struggling with housinginsecurity to her acceptance to Bay Path but the inabilityto pay for college, Jessie was repeatedly told that shewas never going to reach her goals. After 7 successfuland transformative years in the military, Jessie decidedto prove her naysayers wrong once again and enrolled inBay Path, this time with the support of her wife and three children. She has now been accepted intolaw school and plans on becoming an attorney to helpgive a voice to marginalized communities. Bay Path'svalues were a common theme in the preceding speeches,but Jessie truly fulfills them authentically. First-year, transfer, and senior students along withfaculty filed into Carr Hall on September 13 to celebrate2022’s Convocation. The ceremony aims to welcomeincoming students to the Bay Path ‘family’ whilecelebrating seniors’ accomplishments at the university.Peter Testori, Dean of Academic Support Services andCoordinator of Title IX, kicked off the ceremony with awelcome speech, after which faculty members enteredthe auditorium in their full regalia. Carrie Burr, chair ofBay Path’s board of trustees, gave a short speech whichwas followed by an address from President Doran. Following Jessie’s speech was the donning of the capsceremony. Julia Dudek led the seniors in reciting thesenior affirmation, and Je’Naya Mesidor led the firstyear and transfer response. The new students placedtheir maroon caps on their heads to end the ceremony.Yet another cycle of seniors and new students fulfilledthis academic tradition.Seniors after receiving their cap and waiting to enter the auditorium. Source: Julia DeRidderJessie Teixeira, alumna speaker.Source: Julia DeRidderContinuing the Convocation traditionby Julia DeRidder

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Longmeadow's Second AnnualPride FestivalThe Bay Path community is graduallyexpanding the definition of the school as a"women's college". Transgender and gender-nonconforming students are speaking outabout the need for faculty to recognize anduplift all of their students regardless of genderidentity. The festival was an opportunity foreveryone on campus to come together andlearn, celebrate, and spread love. Bay Path'sown Dr. Peter Testori and Dr. AndreaHickson-Martin spoke during the festival'sopening comments, and students and staffwere free to play games and listen to livemusic from a variety of local queer bands andperformers. Although Longmeadow is new toits pride celebrations, there was an impressiveturnout and the students of Bay Path enjoyedthe opportunity to be true to themselves andshow that they have pride year-round.The town of Longmeadow wants thecommunity to know that pride events aren'tjust for June; celebrating who you are andwho you love is for every season! For thesecond year in a row, the town hosted theLongmeadow Pride Festival. On September18, all were welcome for a day full of livemusic, colorful booths, and flags supportingevery member of the LGBTQ+ community,The event was promoted at Bay Path forstudents to attend, and staff and facultyattended to demonstrate Bay Path's inclusionand acceptance on campus. by Rebecca WehnerLady Gaga impersonator Lady Niki performed many ofthe artist's acclaimed songs. Source: Samantha Robinson. Virgil Lybarger, Andros Fleury, Madison Dion, Rebecca Wehner,and Marissa Gallant. Source: Rebecca Wehner.

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I really enjoyed the Welcome Weekendactivities. It gave a really good firstimpression of the university and I evenended up connecting with some people that Imet at orientation. My favorite part wasdefinitely the taco truck. -Janaye CunninghamGrace Ramsey, Madison Tessmer, IsabelaRynaski, Nyla Servellon, and Alyssa Colangelo.Source: Madison Tessmer and Alyssa ColangeloOut of all the Welcome Weekend activities thatBay Path University organized, the trip to SixFlags was by far the most memorable. This wasthe trip where I met my new friends with whomI hope to spend the rest of my college career.Going on terrifying roller coasters together wasa bonding experience, even if the onlyrollercoaster I went on with them was theCatwoman ride. It did not matter if we wereholding each other's bags or getting dizzy on theteacup rides, we honestly had a blast, and it wasbecause we were all together.-Elizabeth McDonaldWelcome Weekendreflections from across campusSection edited by Julia DeRidderWelcome Weekend was a blast! I made a group of 6friends. We had fun at Six Flags, Karaoke night, lawngames, Target runs, and staying up until 2 AM getting toknow each other. We also explored the area and ate atAlex's Bagel Shop. This friend group is important to mebecause in high school I never really had friends. I did alot of things alone and didn't get invited to much. It feelsgood knowing that Bay Path has such good people aroundme. I also had a lot of fun decorating my dorm with myroommate. From the campus point of view, I did get goodimpressions. The people that helped me move in were sonice and welcoming. The events that were put togetherwere engaging and organized. I loved how I got an emailevery morning about the layout of the day. I love Bay Pathso far and cannot wait to take on the opportunities I haveset in front of me! -Madison Tessmer(continued on next page)I really enjoyed Welcome Weekend. The Peer Mentors onmove-in day were all very welcoming and friendly, andpainting and watching Winnie the Pooh with a few othernew students really set the tone of Bay Path being a close-knit community. The next day, I went to Six Flags with thesame group of girls from paint night and it was such apleasant experience to get to know each other better in anoff-campus setting with exhilarating rides. Something wetook advantage of before the beginning of classes was thepool table, which is how a couple of us made even morefriends by bonding over pool matches. We ended upattending the 90’s event in Blake and sat down to color,which was relaxing, and speaking to Dinah Moore there wasalso a treat as she is exceedingly kind and warm-hearted.Although there is not much to do around Bay Path, it is thefriends you make and the kind staff members that make theexperience more worthwhile. - Karina Ortiz

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Welcome Weekend was filled with fun eventsand activities that brought the Bay Pathcommunity together! I was super nervouscoming into move-in-day unsure if I was goingto make friends or fit in. But little did I know Iwas super wrong! The first night, myroommate and I sat down at a random table fordinner with some faces that looked familiar,and little did we know they would turn intoour friends. The Six Flags trip the followingday was amazing. We spent the entire day withthe girls we ate dinner with and that was thestart of an amazing friendship! Now we doeverything together. Shopping, going to thegym, studying, eating meals, etc. It made therest of Welcome Weekend a blast getting toexperience it alongside some new friends. Finally I feel like a part of the Bay Pathcommunity! I can't wait for the next four years here!-Alyssa ColangeloAlyssa Colangelo, Grace Ramsey, Madison Tessmer, andIsabela Rynaski. Source: Alyssa ColangeloMy experience with the Welcome Weekeend activities went verywell. I was very nervous about entering a new school but during myfirst week, I knew this was the school for me. I have met many newfriends in my classes by just being myself. Coming from a schoolwhere everyone knew each other, it was difficult to find someonenew. I wanted a new change in my life and coming to Bay Pathmade it happen. This school feels like a home away from home.When I took my first step on campus, I realized this is the school forme. Everyone here is very welcoming and accepting and knowingthat I will have at least one person on campus whom I can go to foranything makes me feel like I have a purpose at this school.Learning that the school is the second safest in America, I don’t have to worry about being afraid of going out at night oncampus alone. -Olivia StebbinsMy Welcome Weekend was amazing. Ihad so much fun with my friends gettingour faces painted and jumping in thebounce house. It was so much fun tomingle and make new friends whilst I’mstuffing my face with food. The Welcomeweek activities were a great way to createbonds to start the year with great friends.The university compared to others is so small but with all the activities it makesyou take a second look and becomes a home.-Xiomareliz Rivera

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Voices of Resilience:The Intersection of Womenon the MoveOn Sunday, September 18, in South Hadley, MA,Center Church unveiled the Voices of Resilience:Intersection of Women on the Move exhibit.Curated by Bay Path University’s own ProfessorJanine Fondon, the exhibit aimed to shine a lighton women and women of color-- to let their voicesbe heard. To prepare the exhibit, Fondon workedwith Dr. Demetria Shabazz and Dr. Lucie K.Lewis, whose story traces back to the Salem WitchTrials.The event kicked off with singer and presidentialhonoree Melba Moore’s song, “Highest Star,” andvocal talents by the Amherst Area Gospel Choir,who heralded the entrance of the Women ofResilience. The exhibit held artwork from several artists,including Renee T. Woodard Flowers and CoraSwan, amongst many more. It will remainavailable to the public until October 15 and isopen on Saturdays from 10 AM to 1 PM,Sundays from 11 AM to 2 PM, and Wednesdaysfrom 4 PM to 7 PM.Significant performers and speakers included LucieK. Lewis, Aprell Munford, and Bonnie Weaver,who embellished the lives of Sarah Forbes BonettaDavies and Sojourner Truth, respectively, andBarbara Smith, a Black feminist lesbian pioneer,activist, and organizer who founded Kitchen Table:Women of Color Press, former MacDuffie Schoolteacher Amy Hughes, and talents by pianist RuthBass Cora SwanCora Swan in front of her artwork. Source: Janine FondonBay Path's AVP of Brand Strategy, Marketing, and IntegratedCommunications Karen Woods, student Cora Swan, and Professor Janine Fondon, Chair of Undergraduate Communications. Source: Submitted Photo

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Source: Ashlyn PatridgeBPU takes on NYC!On September 18, Bay Path students took atrip to New York City to see Beetlejuice:The Musical. Those in attendance had anunforgettable experience on Broadwayand exploring the city!section edited by Rebecca WehnerSource: Alexandra StaplesSource: Rhiannon WingSource: Brianna KoziolSource: Rosy Sterner

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Source: Celine RodriguezThe Hate U Give. Banned for its supposedanti-police message and the use ofprofanity and violence. Poster by Jailyn HarrisonSource: Jailyn Harrison.BannedBooksWeekIn 2021, 1,597 books were banned or challengedacross the country, according to the AmericanLibrary Association. This was the highest number inthe twenty years since they've been tracking thedata. From January 1 to August 30, 2022, that recordwas trumped when 1,651 unique titles were targeted.Many of these books touch on themes such as race,ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity. Banned Books Week occurs annually in Septemberto combat these bans. The Children's Literatureclass, taught by Dr. Brenda Hardin Abbot, teamedup with Hatch Library and created posters aboutbanned or challenged books for this occasion. Asampling of them has been provided to be shared bythe Network News. You can view these posters andmore at Hatch.Drum Dream Girl. Banned in York, PA,without a clear explanation as to why. Poster by Celine Rodriguez(continued on next page)by Julia DeRidder

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Source: Lola Casillas.Source: Khyarah Gastón Feliciano.The Lorax. Banned due to promotinganti-consumerist and anti-logging messages. Poster by Lola CasillasAll American Boys. Banned due to supposed anti-police message, useof drugs, alcohol, and profanity. Poster by Gabrielle SchneiderCemetery Boys. Banneddue to the transgendermain character and for necromancy. Poster by Khyarah GastónFeliciano Source: Gabrielle Schneider.

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I am the Student Life and Transportation Coordinator. I manage the daily shuttle service as well as transportation for fieldtrips and other activities. I also take care ofadministrative tasks in the Student Life office. Get to know a staff member:Allison Zaczynski by Julia DeRidderAllison, who is a Bay Path University graduate of2020, joined the staff this summer as the StudentLife and Transportation Coordinator. While astudent at Bay Path, she was an active member ofcampus and was editor of the Network News.Can you explain what your job is here at BayPath? Student Life is working really hard to be inclusive of all students -- TAWC, Trad, and Grad. We want to welcome all studentsto the campus, even if they will never have an in-personclass here. They are still welcome at the events and toexperience the on-campus perks. And for those who areunable to come to campus, we are hosting many hybridevents as well.Is there anything you want the students toknow about this year? I want to make sure that the shuttle service is being offered at the times that students actually need it. I'm planning on sending outa survey to truly understand student transportation needs-- where they need to go and when.What's something you plan on changing about your role and/or how student life isdone at Bay Path? It's interesting because some things are the same and other things are different. For example, being aCommunications major I got to experience a lotof the event planning side of Bay Path, which Ihave also been involved with here in StudentLife. But as a commuter, I was removed fromthe residence side of things. So having thisposition has opened my eyes to the residenceexperience at Bay Path and all that goes into it. How does it feel to be on the faculty vsstudent side of the community at Bay Path? There are a lot of moving parts in any institution making things happen. More than meets the eye. Seeing itfrom the other side, I have a lot of respect for thehardworking people that the students will nevermeet, but directly affect their experience oncampus.Any words of wisdom for studentslooking to work for higher education institutions?Photo of Allison. Source: Allison Zaczynski

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WHAT TO DOWHAT TO DOTHE BIG ETOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN WESTERN MASS by Alyssa Young SIX FLAGSHOLYOKE MALLThe Big E fair takes placebetween September 16 andOctober 2 in West Springfield,MA. It attracts tens ofthousands & has live concertseach day.Food, games,rides, concerts& more!Six Flags New England, inAgawam, MA, is open Friday-Sunday until November andhas select Fright Fest days forSeptember and October. Food, games,rides, waterpark & more!The Holyoke Mall is a staple ofWestern MA and is open 7 days aweek, and has over 100 stores!Arcade, bowling,shopping & food. RAVE CINEMASRave Cinemas by Cinemark is inWest Springfield and is thelargest movie theater in the area.Reclining seats, concessions& 3D/IMAX options. SPRINGFIELD MUSEUMSSpringfield is home to manymuseums including the Dr. SeussMuseum. Museums for art,science & more. (continued on next page)

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Donut Dip is worth the 15-minute driveto West Springfield. After tasting one oftheir absolutely incredible donuts, you'll never look at a Dunkin' donut the same again.HIDDEN GEMSHIDDEN GEMSNEARBY ATTRACTIONS FROM THE NEWSROOMIf you like Crumbl Cookies but not theprice/drive to CT, try Hot OvenCookies in Springfield. Local,minority & woman-owned, theircookies are delicious and there are somany new options each week!Max Burger is a restaurant in theLongmeadow Shops (can be walkingdistance!) that serves deliciousburgers and very popular garlic fries!If you like looking for different typesof flowers check out the Bridge ofFlowers in Shelburne Falls. It is abeautiful sight to see. The best time togo is after a rain storm because theflowers have rain drops on them. If you’re getting bored with Starbucks, visit Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters,just a ten-minute drive from campus.Between their regular and seasonalflavors, pastries and sandwiches, there’ssomething for everyone to enjoy. I have never felt more comfortable at astore than I do Bumpy's in Springfield.They are an organic, gluten-free, kosher-certified and non-GMO local grocerystore. The owner is so sweet and alwaystries to greet his guests personally. Alex's Bagel Shop is an 8 minutewalk from campus. They havedelicious bagels, sandwiches, pastriesand of course, coffee. A must try!

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Longmeadow residents invite you to take a standby Julia DeRidderEvery Friday afternoon between 4 and 6 PM on thenorthern section of Longmeadow St, residents ofLongmeadow and surrounding communitiesparticipate in standouts, facilitated by theLongmeadow Anti-Racism Coalition (LARC). Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020,Erin Freed, one of the founders of LARC, startedprotesting for Black Lives Matter at the intersectionof Longmeadow St, Western Drive, and Forest GlenDrive. In the three years since, the Standouts haveexpanded to include stopping Asian American hate and anti-Semitism, as well as supporting Ukrainians. Stephan Platzer, a resident of Longmeadow and thepresent organizer of the Standouts, says that about3,000 vehicles drive by the intersection. "Onethousand vehicles honk in support. Anotherthousand have drivers and passengers that wave insupport. The other thousand just drive by. We onlyget a dozen nasty remarks from people who drive by." Stephan is usually at every Stand Out and remarks, "We wish to remind people every week that racism,hatred, and violence are unacceptable, and that we mustmove in a positive direction." He can be contacted for questions and comments. Heinvites you to join and says that all are welcome instanding out.Source: Stephan PlatzerSource: Stephan PlatzerWe wish to remind peopleevery week that racism,hatred, and violence are unacceptable.-Stephan Platzer

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Last season, the Springfield Thunderbirds made history not only bywinning the Eastern Conference Finals but also by making it to theCalder Cup finals for the first time in franchise history. It was a historicyear for the city of Springfield, MA, and the team. During one of thefirst-round playoff games the goalie, Joel Hofer, who was 21 at the time,scored a goal. In the words of the voice of the Springfield ThunderbirdsRyan Smith, “If that doesn’t get you fired up you don’t have a pulse."When that goal went in, the whole Massmutual Center erupted in cheers.Hofer became the second goalie in history to score a goal coming in rightbehind Samuel Montembeault who during the All-Star Classic Game in2019 scored a goal. He is also the 2nd AHL goalie in playoff history toscore a goal and 18th overall in AHL history.This year for the fifth season of Thunderbirds hockey, one of their promonights offers a Joel Hofer bobblehead in honor of his goalie goal backduring the playoffs. The whole promo schedule can be found at this link. This season is not one to miss because the team is coming into this it withthe Eastern Conference Title and a Calder Cup run. The season starts onOct 15, 2022. "If that doesn’t getyou fired up, youdon’t have a pulse." -Ryan SmithSpringfield Thunderbirds Make Historyby Samantha Robinson The Richard F. Canning TrophySource: Samantha RobinsonWill Bitten (#41) celebrating the Eastern Conference WinSource: Springfield Thunderbirds.

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All home games are played at 211 Maple StreetLongmeadow MAand are free of charge. The shuttle will bring students to and from the games.Come cheer on our Bay Path University Wildcats Volleyball TeamGames are also livestreamed.

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Here's WhatWe're WatchingShows and movies we've been streaming all month long!(continued on next page)Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)This movie is best described as a time capsule. I wouldn’t callfinally watching this movie after hearing about it for about 21years of my life a waste, but I would call it an education on thefraught late 90s, early 2000s period that I’m glad I wasn’t fullysentient for.Bridget Jones is yet another weird Pride and Prejudice fanfictionremix. I love Pride and Prejudice, and it was funny to see ColinFirth subtly reprise his role as Mr. Darcy from the miniseries, sothat was a redeeming quality of this film. However, watching workplace sexual harassment beinginterpreted as flattery was a headache. Listening to the constantdiet talk was actually painful. Parts of it were entertaining, sure,and maybe I’m just not in the right age bracket yet to fullyappreciate the plot. But the only way I can recommend thismovie, if you haven’t already seen it, is if you’re morbidlyinterested in a peak at society from a few decades ago. I certainlywon’t be watching the sequels.-Julia DeRidderSource: Empire FilmThe Sea Beast (2022)The Sea Beast was a delightful adventure into the fantastical and unknown. Its character design waswonderfully diverse, and the story itself was aheartwarming tale of found family and breakingthe cycle of violence as a monster hunter realizesthe creatures he's hunting aren't actually monsters.I really feel like animation is an underappreciatedform of storytelling, and The Sea Beast is a greatexample of how animation isn't just for kids. - Virgil LybargerSource: IMDB

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Source: Prime VideoRadio (2003)Radio has been one of my personal favorites sincemy teacher showed it to us in eighth grade. Thismovie is a fall classic for me and a powerful storyof family and acceptance in small town SouthCarolina. This film is based on the true story of 23-year-oldJames Robert "Radio" Kennedy (Cuba Gooding Jr)who, in the 1970s, faced discrimination as a blackman with a mental disability. After being broughtonto the football field by high school coach,Harold Jones (Ed Harris), Radio experiences somebacklash from the players but they soon learn toappreciate his enthusiasm and overall presence. The messages in this film do not hold back in theirrealness to discrimination people actually faced atthe time and are inspiring to see in a movie thatcame out nearly 20 years ago, in 2003. -Alyssa YoungFalcon and Winter Soldier takes placeafter the events of Avengers Endgame.This Disney+ series is great for anyonewho is a Marvel fan. The series deals withSam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) debatingon if he wants to become the next CaptainAmerica or if the government will let himbecause of the color of his skin. It is a sixepisode mini series but it deals with realworld problems and it shows that even inthe superhero world real world problemsare a big thing. -Samantha RobinsonSource: IMDBFalcon and WinterSoldier (2021)

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Current Events &Social Justice This section may contain sensitive content, including discussionsaround natural disasters and police brutality.This is a recurring section of the Bay Path Network News. A variety ofsocial issues have been and will continue to be discussed, such asminority recognition, gender equality, the Black Lives Mattermovement, global issues, and so much more.Source: CanvaSource: Pexels.

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We also stand in solidaritywith the state of Florida whichis currently undergoing thecatastrophic Hurricane Ian.Many communities are stillunder a boil water mandateand many others areunderwater.-Julia DeRidderMariaFund ( MariaFund is a recovery and rescue organization created in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Casa Pueblo ( Founded in 1980, Casa Pueblo is a community project that is committed to protecting cultural and human resources. Taller Salud ( Taller Salud is a women-run nonprofit that helps Puerto Rican communities to thrive. Techos Pa' Mi Gente ( in 2017 after Hurricane Maria, Techos Pa' Mi Gente is a community nonprofit that works toreconstruct homes after natural disasters. ¡Ayuda a Puerto Rico!In the wake of Hurricane Fiona, Puerto Rico is currently strugglingwith a lack of electricity and intense flooding, and families andcommunities alike are devastated.Organizations to Donate to:To make matters worse, Puerto Rico's federal government is hoarding funds and resources that rightfully belong tothe people in need. Here's what you can do to help.Note: Most of the sites cited here are written in Spanish.For English speakers, the language options are usuallylocated in the upper right corners of the site labeled"Espanol", or with an icon of an American/Puerto-Rican Cora Swan

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Ongoing protests in Iran following death of Mahsa Aminiby Julia DeRidderProtests have broken out in Iran andacross the globe following MahsaAmini’s death after being in Iranianmorality police custody. The 22-year-old was arrested for allegedlynot wearing a hijab. Her familyinsisted she had been tortured.According to AP News, Iranian StateTV said that at least 41 Iranians havebeen killed during thedemonstrations since they began onSeptember 16. Over 1,400 protestershave been arrested. Women are burning theirheadscarves and cutting their hair,determined to fight for their right tochoose to wear a hijab or not. Thedemonstrations are a part of a largermovement for gender equality,bodily autonomy, and stopping men’s violence againstwomen in Iran. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah AliKhamenei, broke his silence onOctober 3, denouncing the protestswhile stating he was “deeplyheartbroken” over Amini’s death. Healso blamed the United States,claiming it planned the protests in aneffort to destabilize Iran. Officialshave shut down some of the internetin Iran, limiting planning andoutside awareness.College students and other youngpeople have taken up much of thefight. AP News reports studentsshouting “Don’t call it a protest, it’sa revolution now,” at ShahidBeheshti University in Tehran.Iranian police beat, shot, anddetained protesting students at SharifUniversity. More conflict isexpected to occur as Iranians standup for their rights. Tehran, Iran. Source: Wikimedia CommonsMemorial for Mahsa Amini in Stuttgart, Germany. Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Massachusetts primaries selectsgovernor nomineesby Rebecca WehnerSource: CNN.Questions have arisen about the politicalstance of Massachusetts after Trump-backedlawmaker Geoff Diehl was selected as theRepublican nominee for governor, who is torun against Democrat Maura Healey inNovember.On September 6, Massachusetts held itsprimary election to select nominees forgovernor and lieutenant governor from bothparties. While Massachusetts has had a long-standing liberal reputation, there have beenmany Republican governors, with only oneDemocratic governor of the state since 1991. Charlie Baker, who has been the governor ofMassachusetts since 2015, is recognized asone of the most well-known state leaders oftoday. When Baker announced his decisionnot to seek reelection this year, theRepublican party went searching for anotherpromising candidate.Geoff Diehl went head to head againstbusinessman Chris Doughty for thenomination. While former president DonaldTrump had personally endorsed Diehl as hispreferred candidate, Doughty felt as if Trump'smessage and demeanor were largely toxicwithin Massachusetts politics. Despite hisclaims that Diehl would be doomed to fail inthe state, Doughty lost in the primaries with a 55.6 to 44.4% divide. The Democratic nominee opposing Diehl isMaura Healey, who has made massive politicalstrides since her announcement to run asgovernor in late January. A win for Healeywill mark her as the first female governor inMassachusetts history and the first out lesbiangovernor in the country.The Massachusetts gubernatorial election willtake place on November 8, and the resultscould potentially cause a shift in the state'spolitical alliances for future general elections.

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Dr. Surbrug: Midterms occur halfway through a presidentialfour-year term, and like presidential election years, determinewhich party will be a majority in Congress. All members of theHouse of Representatives are elected every two years,including midterms. US Senators serve six-year terms, so 1/3of the entire Senate is up for election each midterm. Themakeup of Congress will determine which laws get passed ornot passed and which judges are confirmed to federal courts,etc. At the same time, voters choose members of their statelegislatures, and many states, like Massachusetts, electgovernors in non-presidential election years (e.g. midterms).So midterms are as important as presidential election years.Dr. Surbrug is a history professor and the directorof the Honors Program here at Bay Path. He hasheld forums about voting school-wide throughoutthe years and is passionate about increasing voterturnout.Source: Bay Path University& where to find information on themWhy you should care about the midterm electionsby Julia DeRidderQ: What is the purpose of the midterm elections,and why should we care?Q: Are all states voting this November?Dr. Surbrug: Absolutely! There will be electionsin all US states, territories, and Washington, DC.Q: Does the electoral college play a role inmidterm elections?Dr. Surbrug: Mercifully, no. Only the president ischosen by the Electoral College. So whoever getsthe most votes will win.Q: Where can I find out how to receive anabsentee ballot? Dr. Surbrug: the Secretary of State or Board ofElections website. Their web pages will also haveabsentee ballot/mail-in voting links. Q: Where can we find information about whatwill be on the ballots?Dr. Surbrug: The best place besides local newspapers andwebsites is your state's Secretary of State website (whoruns elections) or the Board of Elections. As the electionnears, sample ballots listing candidates and ballotquestions will be posted.Here is the link for Massachusetts and Connecticut.Dr. Robert Surbrug.

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How QueenElizabeth II’sdeath made aglobal impactby Rebecca WehnerSource: Wikimedia Commons.Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926 in London,with no expectations from her family that shewould one day assume the throne. However, heruncle, King Edward VIII, abandoned his statusto be with an American woman; this madeElizabeth's father king, and her his heir.The longest reigning monarch of the UnitedKingdom has been a massive presence in theworld for 70 years, provoking significantdialogue from all corners of the globe. Somesee her as a pioneer, a feminist; others havecalled her a colonizer. But now that QueenElizabeth II has passed away, comments on herruling is more prevalent than ever.Following her father's death, Elizabeth wascrowned queen in 1953 at the age of 27. Englandsaw a period of great change under her rule, andshe made sure to engage with the public andvisit the Commonwealth whenever possible. Shevowed to dedicate her life to service andreceived support from her country until the veryend, when she died on September 8 this year. But while England was mourning, other nations werecelebrating, rejoicing. To some, the queen's deathrepresented liberation from a ruler who stood idly bywhen nations were suffering at the hands of the Britishmonarchy for centuries. A 2021 investigation of the royalfamily stated that over 1,000 British laws were vetted bythe crown in private before they even went to the PrimeMinister, calling into question how much power thequeen truly had. Those in opposition to Queen Elizabeth have stated thather refusal to speak out against past and present tyrannyin England contributed to the problems themselves.Among the list of Britain's lowest points were theTransatlantic slave trade, the opposition to the NorthernIreland hunger strike, and the thousands of artefactsstolen from other countries and put in museums--including the Indian Kohinoor diamond embedded in thevery crown that sat on the queen's head. QueenElizabeth's legacy brings forth many emotions fromevery nation, and as her son Charles takes the throne, it islikely that another era is beginning.

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When I got accepted into Bay Path, I felt like I was ontop of the world. Coming from a family wheregraduating with a high school diploma was consideredrare, getting accepted into a private university waslife-changing – not only for me but for my mother aswell. I don’t think I have ever seen as much prideshine on her face as I did the day I received myacceptance letter in the mail. In her eyes, her daughterwas the first to get a higher education and set a newpath for the younger children in our family. So, youcan also imagine her reluctance when I sat down withher three years into my college experience and toldher I need to take a year off of school.This decision was not easy and was met with a lot ofresistance from my family. I often heard remarks like,“If you take time off, you won’t want to go back.”Now, I grappled with this decision a lot. I oftenwondered if I was making the right choice and if myfamily was right in thinking that I wouldn’t go back.In the end, I realized that I couldn’t do my best workif I wasn’t my best self. So I took the year off– and itwas the best decision I ever made. I often feel like many college students are given theseexpectations that they MUST finish their degree infour years, or their entire life will be thrown offcourse.Finding Your Pathby Anissa NievesI like to think that I am the perfect example that thisway of thinking is completely wrong. Sometimes abreak is necessary. Sometimes, putting yourself firstis necessary. Sometimes, you need to ignore family,friends, and society's opinions and do what is best foryou. There is no “right” way to finish your collegedegree. If I can give students any advice it would be this:find your own path. Finish in four years or five oreven six – but find a path that works best for you,and do not feel guilty about it. No one knows orunderstands what you need in order to be successful,but you. Also, do not feel embarrassed aboutreaching out for help during your college experience.I do not think I would have been able to navigate mybreak without my amazing advisor helping me. Hestated something so simple, yet so affirming to me.He said, “There is no shame in taking a break. Anddefinitely no shame in doing whatever it is that youneed to do to take care of yourself.” I hope everyonethis school year is doing what they need to do to takecare of themselves, and please, do not be afraid to dowhat is best for you. If anyone is thinking of taking time off from schooland is lost on where to start, please feel free to emailme: Good luck this semesterto everyone. Health and Wellness SectionYear off

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LocationTimeHealth Services / First floorTheinert HallMonday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.Student Life (Dean of StudentsOffice)Monday-Friday 9:00 AM- 4:00 PMHatch Library Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM- 9:00PM. Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 PM - 5:00 PM.The Ryan Center- Health Science9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.If you've been in close contact withsomeone with COVID at least 5 days agoORYou are displaying COVID symptoms Bay Path wants you to take a COVID test. If you are positive, report your results onMEDICAT and notify Health Services The Path ForwardBringing you updates on the most recent Bay Path University COVID-19 policyby Julia DeRidderBiweekly testing is no longer required. If you test positive, you are responsible forletting any close contacts know. In order to be on campus, you must be fullyvaccinated with one booster, or have anapproved exemption.Masks are no longer required, unless:You aren't vaccinated You are visiting Health Services or riding on theuniversity shuttleReminders:Bay Path recommends getting additional boostershots as you become eligible.Where to pick up a rapid test:Remember to keep an eye on your email for the latest updates throughout the month.

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CreativeSpotlightTHe Creative Spotlight is asection where we highlightsome of the amazing visualand literary art that ourstudents create. These piecescan range from poetry toillustrations.This month we feature a poem from Virgil Lybarger,a short story from Andros Fleury, an essay fromSamantha Robinson, and art from Marissa Gallant.If you wish to have your art, writing, or creativeexpression featured in the next issue, please submitto

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rosemary and lemon thymeby Virgil Lybargeri am sitting in the kitchen. the walls are some color wehave not decided on yet—orange, like my childhood home,or white like yours? perhaps lavender or a soft sage green,with a white trim and shuttered windows. there is awindow box, because i cannot have a kitchen withoutgreenery. rosemary and lemon thyme dangles over thesides, the soil rich and dark in the soft spring light. thereare daffodils planted below it, because they are mymother’s favorite flower and so they are one of mine now,too. the yard is dense with lilacs, and you are stood at thecounter. we are around an island, or a small round table, or acountertop coming out of the wall. there are rickety,mismatched chairs and glasses of milk or orange juicebetween us. we have just finished cooking breakfast. thescent of citrus fills the air. orange rolls and chocolate croissants, flaking pastry andflour-covered hands. there is still a spot of white on yournose from where i flicked it earlier—and a handprint onmy back from where you retaliated. it is spring. it is sweet. it is our kitchen, in a future wehave not reached yet.

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Upon the mountain snow is a battle that is ready to see its finale, the sun watchesbefore it sets. Two who were locked in a dangerous quarrel have at last openedtheir eyes and listened until interrupted by their villain Alastor, ever so true to hisname; tormentor.Alastor thrust his sword through Idris’ back, running him through then ripping outthe blade.“Zephyr, I’m dead…” Idris fell into the snow, a wound vermillion blossoming fromhis chest. Zephyr rushed to Idris’ side with reckless abandon.“No, you’ve not been killed. You cannot die now after we have just arrived atMercy's door, not when we’ve nearly reached the end of this journey of torment.”Zephyr tried to put pressure on the wound, but it did little to stop the blood. Hethen tore fabric from his shirt to cover it better, but fear gripped his heart as thatwas soon soaked with blood.Idris weakly reached to touch his love’s face, “Perhaps this is fitting,” Slowly theyspoke, “I listened too late, I pushed you away and made my misplaced pride mypartner.” “A fitting end for you who just couldn’t stay away.” Alastor spat, looming aboveIdris.“An injustice started by you!” Zephyr cried, “You too are at fault, Idris wouldn’t bebleeding away if you weren’t here. You who lured me away with a false Elysia! Youwho showed me the cracks in the kingdom that you helped create! I do not denyour homeland has been misguided, but you do not plan to lead it any better.”Zephyr cradled Idris, pulling him into his lap.“You felt unheard, so I listened, I only told you what I saw and in the end, it was youwho agreed to go away with me. Do not play victim and say I forced your handbecause you killed him too.”“Do not blame him, you know exactly what you did.” Idris growled, grimacing inpain.“You spoke half truths, you spun a web to entangle and confuse my mind. I was afool for ever letting you get into my head and revealing to you my insecuritiesbefore Idris.” He gently lay him once more in the snow and stood.“Leave now before I kill you too.” he whispered, tears in his eyes.The Beginning of the Endby Andros Fleury (continued on next page)

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“You’re pathetic, you could never kill me even when I take your world fromyou.” His eyes shone with malice, abhorrent was his grin. “Unfortunatelywe’re short on time and you still have a role in my show, so it’s time to go.” Alastor brought his sword down to finish the deed and end Idris. Terrortrue and absolute flashed across Zephyr’s face and in that moment his mindwas the clearest it ever had been.The sword did indeed come down, and plunged into Zephyr’s back.“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Alastor roared.Zephyr was hunched over Idris with a smile.“I’m paying my debts, it’s going to take lifetimes for me to ever repent forwhat happened here.”“This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, no, no, NO! That’s not how it wassupposed to go! He’s made you ruin everything again!” Alastor shrieked,dropping his sword and collapsing into the snow.Zephyr, barely holding himself up, looks down with adoration at Idris “Ipromise to be there next time.”Idris, holding on for one more moment, whispers, “I’ll be there for you.” The life in his eyes leaves, and his soul is gone. Alastor blankly stares at thelovers, asking himself over and over what went wrong. He wanted Zephyrto suffer more, to beg him for mercy and to never have it. “What went wrong?” Alastor said.“I love Idris more than I fear you.” Zephyr, unable to stay up any longer,collapses, following Idris. Snow begins to fall, each delicate snowflake with a fate. The sun now setsand clouds are painted over the evening sky. The perfect place to be.This short story is an excerpt from Andros Fleury's novel in progress: My World For You.Stay tuned for more pieces of the story to appear in future editions of Network News!

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Everyone has something special about them, something thatthey love, something that makes them unquestionably special.What do we call those things? We call them our favorite things. What are my favorite things you may ask? Well my friend Ican tell you. There are photography, Marvel, writing, beingwith friends, taking pictures, and watching my local hockeyteam play, just to name a few. These favorite things of mineare what keep me focused and helps me realize that I am justa human being that is different from other people. I don’t letthat stop me from going for my goals. I embrace it. I embracemy superpower as some call it. I don’t let it stop me. Myfavorite things are just something that helps me when I need itor something I can go to for comfort in times of need. Is it thesame for everyone? Maybe we don’t know. Honestly though,everyone is different in their own way and that is what makesus human. Favorite Thingsby Samantha Robinson

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Knight in Shining Armorby Marissa Gallant

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