T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F F U L L E R T O NF I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
INDEXW H A T ’ S I N S I D E030508040610HARVEST OF THANKSRESOURCESBLOGFULLERTONTEAMFOSTER CARECLOTHING DRIVEOUR VISION &VALUESSave the date for our clientappreciation event! Check out our blog for morehelpful tips. Thank you for all you did!!Meet some new faces! Check out your retirementresources!
RETIREMENTResourcesWe believe that one of the most valuable things inthe world is our ability to grow and learn. Knowledgeis one thing that no one can take away from you, soas you continue to navigate the unknowns ofretirement, spend some time educating yourself ontopics that can provide you clarity.010203Whitepapers Find helpfulinvestment, retirement, andfinancial planning documentsmade to help you succeed.Read the latest financial newsand updates from the FullertonFinancial team. Blogs areupdated on a biweekly basis.Join us for one of our webinarsor seminars. We'll be discussingimportant market trends andretirement action-steps. Scan the QR Code to godirectly to the resourcelibrary on our site.REFERRALProgramFor Every Referral WhoBooks An Appointment We want to say thank you every time youshare us with your family and friends. Eachquarter all clients who have referred afriend that quarter will be entered into aprize drawing. But Wait, There's MoreEvery client who sends us a friend orfamily member will ALSO be invitied to an exclusive referral event at the end of the year. We Want to Say THANK YOU Furthermore, with every referral you sendus, who becomes a client, you can expect toreceive a small token of our appreciationfollowing their appointment. To learn more about our exciting referralprogram please visit, FullertonFP.com/Referor call our office today and ask for Kristin.
11.19.22Client Appreciation,Toy & Bike Drive Harvest of ThanksSave The Dateformal invitation to follow
Sheri RadcliffeHelp us welcome Sheri to our team!! Sheri can be foundcoordinating all things seminar related. Her sweet smile andsouthern accent have won our hearts. We are so grateful to haveher as a part of the Fullerton Family. Scott PrebleScott is an incredible advisor, who cares deeply about the integrityof his words and work. He cares for his clients and diligentlyhandles each unique portfolio. Thank you for taking your role andfiduciary responsibility so seriously and for caring for our clients sowell. Do you know someone who would be agreat fit for our team?Send them to fullertonfp.com/careers! Angie Jimenez Angie is always smiling and welcoming our clients in with a burst ofenergy and joy! She takes care of our clients to a new level. Theintentional conversation and exceptional work are noticed and soappreciated! We love you, Angie!Employee Of The MonthEmployee Of The Month(July & August)(July & August) We AreHIRINGMeet The Team!Meet The Team!
FOSTER CARE CLOTHING DRIVEO N C E A G A I N Y O U A L L C A M E T O G E T H E R T O E X C E E D T H E G O A L S S E TB E F O R E Y O U ! 2 0 0 F O S T E R C H I L D R E N I N C O M M U N I T I E S N E A R Y O U A R EA T T E N D I N G S C H O O L T H I S Y E A R W I T H N E W S H O E S , S O C K S , A N DU N D E R G A R M E N T S B E C A U S E O F Y O U R D O N A T I O N S ! ! ! T H E N E W C L O T H I N G I T E M S W E R E D E L I V E R E D T O T H E C H I L D R E N I N N E WB A C K P A C K S , A L O N G W I T H A B A G F U L L O F S C H O O L S U P P L I E S F O R T H EU P C O M I N G Y E A R . T O A D D A N E X T R A D O S E O F S P E C I A L C O N S I D E R A T I O NA N D L O V E , W E T H R E W T H E K I D S A B I G ‘ B A C K - T O - S C H O O L B A S H A T T H EM A I N E V E N T I N A V O N D A L E . W H E N W E F O U N D O U T A B O U T T H EC L O T H I N G N E E D S , T H A T W A S J U S T T H E F I R S T P A R T , O U R H E A R T S W E R ES O F U L L O F D E S I R E T O H E L P , W E W A N T E D T O M A K E S U R E W E W E N T A NE X T R A M I L E T O S H O W T H E M T H A T T H E Y A R E N O T O N L Y P R O V I D E D F O RB U T T H A T T H E Y A R E O F G R E A T V A L U E A N D I M P O R T A N C E T O T H I SW O R L D .
To put into words the impact you guys made is nearly impossible. Those who were able toattend the event, recall many precious moments with tears in their eyes. Thank you for all youdo to serve and impact our community. We are so proud to work alongside you!
Determining how much you should have saved forretirement at different points of your life can bedifficult due to income fluctuations and theinherent subjectivity of expectations and lifestylepreferences. Some people look forward to simple retirementliving in their current home for as long as possible.Others plan on setting up a home base in a priceysenior living community and traveling the world.Those two retirement dreams require significantlydifferent retirement resources. Your retirement savings potential will be based onyour income and expenses. Families raisingchildren may have fewer savings bandwidth intheir budget while a couple with significanthousehold income and no children may be able toput aside a considerable portion of their incomeeach year. One and a half times your salary at 35Three to five and a half times your salary at50Seven to 13.5 times your salary at 65Retirement Savings Rule of Thumb Retirement advisors have differing opinions onwhat your retirement saving thresholds should beat certain ages. One rule of thumb is to have the equivalent ofdouble your annual salary in some kind ofretirement savings account by the time you’re 35.If you’re making $80,000 a year in your mid-30s,you should have $160,000 in your 401(k)s andIRAs. Some retirement advisors recommend lowermultiples, like one and a half times your annualincome saved at 35. It’s not uncommon for retirement advisors torecommend graduated levels of multiples, like: Age 35, 50 and 65: How Much Should I Have Saved?w w w . f u l l e r t o n f p . c o mF u l l e r t o n F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g
While the dramatic increase in multiple towards the end of yourworking years may feel intimidating, it’s not as painful as it mightinitially appear. When retirement savers invest wisely, their moneycan grow at a significant rate each year. Consider the above example with the 35-year-old who has saved$160,000 for retirement. Imagine they managed to maintain a healthyreturn of eight percent over the next 30 years. That initial $160,000would grow to nearly $1.07 million by the time the saver reaches their65th birthday. Of course, most retirement savers don’t stop saving at the age of 35,so additional yearly investments will similarly have a chance to grow.Hitting 10-times or 15-times your annual income in savings at the ageof 65 is not at all unattainable when you’ve been putting moneyaway in well-managed retirement accounts for several decades. However, starting early is absolutely key since you’ll be relying oncompound growth to a significant degree. You’ll also need tomaximize your compound annual growth rate (CAGR) if you want tomake the most of your early retirement investing funds. What About Economic and Market Downturns? Now more than ever you might begrappling with the fact that your CAGRisn’t set in stone. However, youshouldn’t lose perspective on long-termretirement investment growth rates overthe long term. There will always begood years and bad years in the market.One year you might see a 15 or 20percent growth rate and the next youexperience stagnation or even losses.Over the long term you should ideallysee retirement savings growth averageout to a healthy rate. Not every sector is impacted equally bythe current economic challenges theworld is facing. For example, techcompanies have seen significant dropswhile some energy companies havemanaged to stay in positive territory. Investors in 2022 have been given a harsh reminder that equities can experience dramatic fluctuations. Everyone, including retirees, arealso coping with some of the highest inflation rates in more than 40 years.Not every investment is the same, anddifferent industries and asset classesexperience varying degrees of hardshipdepending on a number of complexvariables. The average retirement saver who runs abusiness or works 40-plus hours a weekwhile raising children may not have loads offree time to analyze the market andmicromanage their retirement savingsaccounts. That’s why companies likeFullerton Financial Planning exist.The services offered by our investmentmanagers and retirement planners areparticularly important during difficulteconomic times. We strive to protect not onlythe principal investments of our clients butalso the returns they’ve secured over theyears. Learn how we can help protect your nest eggby calling us at (623) 974-0300.
OURVISIONFullerton Financial Planningserves and empowers ourcommunity through financialstewardship, so thattogether, we can impact allgenerations.
Contact UsLet's Get Social!Corporate Phone: (623) 974-0300 Tempe Phone: (480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330Email: Info@fullertonfp.comAs Seen & Heard OnWatch us weekly on Saturdays on 12News at 4:30am, and on Sundays on CBS Channel 5 or KUTP FOX 10 at 09:30am.Listen to us on 92.3 KTAR FM on Saturdays at 1:00pm or Sundays at 6:00pm.Stream the Fullerton Financial Hour podcast on both Apple Podcast and Spotify.Watch us nightly on NBC Channel 12 News.Grab Stephanie Fullerton’s book, “What to Look for in an Advisor”, available in our office or online at Amazon.comFullerton Financial Planning (FFP) is an independent financial services firm and uses a variety of different investment methods. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Bycontacting FFP, you may be provided strategies that utilize insurance products, those guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurancecompany. Investment advisory services are offered through Kingdom Financial Group, LLC (KFG), an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. KFG maintains a co-advisory relationship with AE WealthManagement.Neither the firm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.The information contained is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation. None ofthe information contained on this website shall constitute an offer to sell or solicit any offer to buy a security or any insurance product.14155 N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381Corporate Office:Tempe Office:600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281F A C E B O O Kfacebook.com/fullertonfinancialplanningT W I T T E Rtwitter.com/fullertonfpI N S T A G R A Minstagram.com/fullertonfinancialplanningY O U T U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton FinancialPlanningL I N K E D I Nlinkedin.com/company/fullerton-financial-planning