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September Magazine

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SEPTEMBER 2024 ISSUE NO. 01DUCK DIGESTTHE BACK TO SCHOOL EDITIONTHE YEAR OFTHE DUCKCelebrating 100 years of ourbeloved Mascot and what itmeans to be a Duck!24-25SPORTSPREVIEWLorem ipsum dolor sitanamet, consectetur sertadipiscing elit nanyerl.

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A NOTE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENTDr. Jennifer Garcia-EdwardsenWe’ve had an incredible start to the school year! I’veseen awesome learning happening in our classrooms,and it has been so much fun getting to visit withstudents and staff each day.At this month's Board meeting, the Board approvedfour priorities and 12 goals that will guide our work foryears to come. We are celebrating 140 years of TaylorISD and 100 years of being Taylor Ducks, and thesepriorities are laying the foundation for the next decadeor more. It is an exciting time to be part of this district!

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TISD MISSION & VISION | PAGE 03Scan this QR Code to viewTISD’s Balanced Scorecard &MISSIONVISION2024 AND BEYONDIN TAYLOR ISD WE BELIEVE...… EVERY student has unique potential and shall engage inopportunities to grow in a safe environment through multipleapproaches to learning.… families are partners who will be informed and supported inthe educational process to help students discover theirunique potential.… our empowered faculty and staff utilize their respected skillsto serve as student advocates for the whole child.… our accessible campus leaders foster communityrelationships and demonstrate effective communication,servant leadership, and instructional leadership to guidefaculty and staff towards our vision.… the Superintendent and district leaders are forwardthinking, strategic, and accessible partners to our communitythat empower staff to help students achieve their uniquepotential.…the Board of Trustees is a collaborative team, anchored intradition, with a vision towards the future and a connection tothe community, inspiring exceptional workplaces andexcellence in student outcomes.2422024GRADUATES27INDUSTRYCERTIFICATIONS60COLLEGECREDITS$250KLOCAL SCHOLARSHIPSAWARDED

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CONTENTSA Strong Start 8Convocation11Empowered Educators12Headline14Headline16Headline18Headline19Headline20Headline22Headline23Year of the Duck6In the National Spotlight10

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aylor Ducks have been proudly quacking for a very long time, 100 years to be exact! It all started duringa rainy season in 1924 when the Seventh Street Campus, now known as Old Taylor High, was in its secondyear. C. R. Drake was the coach, beginning his second year in Taylor. It was reported that the boyswaddled around in the mud and rain that year like a flock of ducks. Because the coach at the time wasnamed Drake, someone put the two words together, and on November 5, 1924, the team was calledDrake’s Ducks for the first time. TTHE YEAROF THE DUCKBy Tim Crow

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Morbi consectetur erat accursus fermentum. Praesentcondimentum iaculis urna,rutrum tempor nisi sodalesvel. Mauris quis aliquamnulla, ac gravida erat. Proinfinibus tempor vestibulum.Aliquam pellentesque nisi sitamet tellus dictum, egetvolutpat metus laoreet. Ineros neque, congue sedposuere vel, porta quis risus.For the remainder of the timethat C. R. Drake coachedTaylor High School football,the team was called Drake’sDucks. After Drake left Taylorin 1930, the Duck remainedand has been our mascotever since. usce magna quam, posuere avolutpat a, posuere ac turpis.Maecenas vehicula convallisorci, et sodales quamfermentum a.Curabitur ut est ornare,tincidunt nulla vitae, dapibusdolor. Aliquam auctor nisl aurna ultricies, ut dignissimmassa posuere. Phasellusdapibus fermentum velit sitamet condimentum. Vivamusvel tincidunt sem, sit ametblandit ante. Aeneancondimentum id mauris sitamet tincidunt. Fusceplacerat enim sed erategestas iaculis at volutpatsem. Sed nec tempor ligula.Aliquam convallis pretiumurna ac suscipit. Integer quistempus purus.Jessica Smith withbusiness partnersAllan Philipps andHannah LucasFounders of GreatBrand NameAs seen on EmergingLeaders, Inc.WHY A DUCKMorbi consectetur erat accursus fermentum. Praesentcondimentum iaculis urna,rutrum tempor nisi sodalesvel. Mauris quis aliquamnulla, ac gravida erat. Proinfinibus tempor vestibulum.Aliquam pellentesque nisi sitamet tellus dictum, egetvolutpat metus laoreet. Ineros neque, congue sedposuere vel, porta quis risus.

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A STRONG STARTtcrow@taylorisd.orgTaylor ISD began the 2024-25school year with an enrollment of???, compared to end of schoollast year. The first day wentsmoothly as students learnedtheir way around campus andmade plans for a successful year.“This was the smoothest openingwe’ve ever had,” said Main StreetElementary Principal, Kerri Pierce. “Ilove seeing such good energyand happy kids.” MSE held a Strong Start assemblyto welcome students on the firstday. Pierce shared the messagethat learning is their top priority,and she wants everyone to havefun while they are learning. “It is so important that the kids arelearning everything they need tobe successful,” Pierce explained.“But it’s just as important that weare having fun while we arelearning. We want these kids to come here and have greatexperiences.” Fifth grader, JehssiFrias, said her favorite subject ismath, and she is looking forward toa great year in Ms. Snow’s class. “All my friends are in my class andit’s pretty good so far,” Friascommented. “I hope to get all A’sthis year, and I’m looking forwardto the new building being finishedsoon.” Second grade studentsand their teacher,Deborah Pachicano,are all smileson the first day ofschool at PasemannElementary.

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For TH Johnson kindergartenteacher, Julia Coward, August14th marked not only the firstday of school, but the first dayof her teaching career as well. I’m so excited about this beingmy first year as a kindergartenteacher,” Coward said. “I’mlooking forward to mywonderful kids reading andwriting and us becoming alittle family.”The 2024-2025 school year willbe Coward’s third adventureat T. H. Johnson. She attended elementary school there as astudent, and completed herstudent teaching there lastyear. “It feels great to come back tomy hometown to teach,”Coward said. “I went to THJohnson for 5th grade, and it’sstill a great place. I work withthe best teachers.”In a welcome back letter toTaylor ISD families, Dr. JenniferGarcia Edwardsen,Superintendent, said, “Onbehalf of the Taylor ISD Board of Trustees and the entireTaylor ISD Team, please knowthat we are here to partnerwith you and provide anexceptional educationalexperience for your child everystep of the way. If you haveany questions, concerns orideas, please do not hesitateto reach out to us. We valueyour input and look forward toworking together to ensurethat this school year is apositive and rewardingexperience for all.”Kindergarten teacher Julia Coward leads herkindergarten class through thehalls of T. H. Johnson Elementary as theylearn their way around the campus on thefirst day of school.Vincent Pachicanovisits with MSEassistant principal,Ashley Rush, during astrong start assemblyon the first day ofschool.

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Naomi Pasemann Elementary: Habitland – Where Leading and Learning is Sweet!Naomi Pasemann Elementary is beginning its second year of the "Leader in Me" program, which nurturesstudent leadership, fosters a culture of trust, and boosts academic success. The school year started witha Leader in Me Synergy pep rally, where Mrs. Proctor and the NPE staff celebrated past successes andoutlined their Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) for the 2024-2025 school year.NPE’s Wildly Important Goals (WIGs):Goal 1: Reading makes you a smart cookie!Students are challenged to read 20,000 books throughout the year. The "Reader in Me" program helpsstudents track their reading, explore various genres, and even earn degrees for their achievements.Goal 2: Be sweet, be in your seat!With an attendance goal of 94.5%, NPE has implemented an attendance check system, and studentstrack their attendance in their "Leader in Me" portfolios.Goal 3: Facts are sweet at NPE!By the end of the school year, 100% of NPE students will master their grade-specific math facts. Progressis tracked using data collection sheets in their portfolios.Through the "Leader in Me" program, both Main Street Elementary and Naomi Pasemann Elementary arecultivating environments where students not only succeed academically but also develop leadershipskills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Taylor ISD is fostering leadership and academic growth in its elementary schools through the"Leader in Me" program, creating positive and collaborative environments at both Main StreetElementary and Naomi Pasemann Elementary TAYLOR ISD SCHOOLSTURNING ALL STUDENTSINTO LEADERS

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Main Street Elementary: Shaping Out-of- This-World Leaders!At Main Street Elementary, the "Leader in Me" program is back and stronger than ever. Walkingthrough the halls, you can feel the energy and positivity among students and staff, especiallyduring the campus-wide Strong Start on Fridays.The "Leader in Me" program at MSE is based on the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," which are:Students receive direct instruction on living by these habits, which helps them thriveacademically and personally. Every Friday, the school holds a gathering in the auditorium tocelebrate the week's accomplishments, recognize "Leaders of the Week," reward classes with thehighest attendance, and have book drawings. The campus is filled with chants of the school'sLeader song, bringing everyone together in unity.Principal Kerri Pierce emphasizes the impact of the program: "It connects us all. It gives us thesame language to communicate a shared vision of how we want to grow individually and as acampus. It's important to recognize and celebrate the success of our students," Pierce said.To further support student growth, MSE students track their data in reading and math, allowingthem to take ownership of their learning and stay motivated to achieve their goals.

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Taylor High School student, Isaac Perez, and automotive/diesel teacher, Mark Harwell,had a lot in common. They shared the same birthday, February 23rd, they spent theirmost recent birthday on a field trip together touring the Peterbilt factory in Denton,Texas, and they both shared a passion for cars. When Mr. Harwell passed away onAugust 19th, Isaac wanted to do something to honor his teacher, mentor and friend.“Mr. Harwell was such a big part of my life, and my sister’s life, and I just felt like therewas someone talking to me in my mind telling me to do this,” Isaac said. “I decided onsomething that everyone will remember him by. Everybody knew him as a race cardriver.” The result was a sticker that Isaac created to remember Mr. Harwell’s legacy,along with the visual of a 5.0 Mustang. He gave the stickers away to attendees at Mr.Harwell’s memorial service on Monday. Isaac’s favorite memory of Mr. Harwell is of therecent field trip to the Peterbilt factory. “We went on a diesel trip on our birthday, weshare the same birthday,” Isaac said. “On our way back home, we stopped to eat andthe stories we told and all the jokes. I think I did more laughing than eating that day.”Isaac said Mr. Harwell had been his teacher for the past three years, and before thathis sister was in Mr. Harwell’s class. “All around, I’ve known him for about seven years,”Isaac said. “Those are memories that will last a lifetime.”

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1ST SIX WEEKSATTENDANCEGOALBEINGFUTUREREADYSTARTSWITHSHOWINGUP.SAMSUNG STUFFS THE BUSWITH SCHOOL SUPPLIESTo ensure kids have everything they need for a great school year, Samsung Austin Semiconductorpartnered with Taylor ISD for their Stuff the Bus campaign. This summer, Samsung raised money byselling snow cones and held a special donation match for employees. Employees donated morethan $2,000, and they also went shopping and donated boxes upon boxes of school supplies. DuringTaylor ISD’s school supply distribution event, volunteers handed out 300 backpacks and supplies.

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NATIONALSPOTLIGHTStudents and staff in Taylor ISD closed out the 2023-2024 school year with tremendoussuccess at all levels. Three groups in particular surpassed all their competitors to shine inthe national spotlight. All three group were recognized by the Taylor School Board fortheir accomplishments.IN THETaylor High School’s Academic Decathlon Scholars, and their legendary coach, VickiRowe, are the reigning ACDEC Champions in Texas and are currently ranked third in thenation. The 2023-24 team continues a longstanding tradition of success. For over twentyyears, Taylor’s ACDEC team has consistently ranked in the state’s top three and oftenplaces in the nation’s top six.ACDEC - 1ST IN STATE, 3RD IN NATION!

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WORDSTOSOARBYTaylor High School’s Culinary Arts students, and their amazinginstructor Chef Mike Erickson, cooked their way to the top of the2023-2024 barbecue competitions sponsored by the NationalHigh School Barbecue Association. Travelling to BransonMissouri to compete against America’s top high school teams,Taylor’s “Duck Dudes” brought home the national championshipfor their awesome chili. Taylor’s teen chefs also took top honorsin other categories including 3 rd place in chicken and 5th placeoverall. Special thanks to Sean and Cassie Leschber of Twisted L.BBQ for mentoring these young pitmasters.Taylor High School’s Color Guard continues their long-standingtradition of advancing to National Competition. The 2023-24Guard placed third while competing against the best teamsfrom across the country. On their way to the top, these TaylorDucks placed second at state, competing against teams frommuch larger 5A and 6A schools. In the fall, they won every 4Acompetition they attended. THS COLOR GUARD PLACES 3RD AT NATIONALS!-Ravis Kennedy“I think the most importantthing is to not procrastinate.As soon as you get thecurriculum, or whatever it isyou want to do, or as soonas you get the informationyou need, study it andmake sure you understandit. What can hold you backfrom greatness is if you taketoo long to get focused.”Class of 2025DUCK CHEFS SERVE UP NATION’S BEST CHILI!

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CONVOCATIONSUBTITLEBody textbody textbody text

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LEARNING OUT OF CLASSTaylor educators gain hands-on experience through externshipMatthew Hooks, THS CTE TeacherThis past July, Samsung Austin Semiconductor hosted five teachers from Taylor Independent School District (TISD)as part of the Workforce Solutions Capital Area and Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area Educator ExternshipProgram. Those who participated included Karly Vasut, from Taylor Middle School, Joseph Thompson, Lauren Pruitt, ClaytonTucker, and Stephen Gibson, representing Taylor High School.“It was a great experience,” said head boys basketball coach Stephen Gibson. “It gave me another avenue todiscuss with students who don't really know what they want to do after graduation from high school. Visiting withsome of the employees at the plant, you find out that they come from all walks of life, some started off in thecafeteria, or as janitors and worked their way up in the company. A lot of them are now production leaders,supervisors and even engineers.”Taylor High School science teacher Joseph Thompson found the experience incredibly valuable. “I learned thatSamsung is not expecting people to have a lot of experience in the semiconductor industry before being hired,and in fact having experience in other fields can be incredibly beneficial to the business as a whole.”Thompson also added, “I plan to encourage students to pursue what they are passionate about, as there are somany ways that someone's talents not just in STEM fields but in art, management, and beyond can be consideredvaluable in the workforce.” Thompson additionally shared a great interest in participating in the externship nextyear as well.The educators return to their classrooms with their new experiences and will integrate what they learned into theirteaching plans and classroom management to better prepare students for future careers.

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ARTTEACHER’SSUMMERADVENTUREIN BOSTONIt really is an amazing professional developmentand community building experience. It changedmy teaching for the better and I am so excited tobe a part of it by helping other educators learnhow to implement in their classrooms.For the second year in a row, Taylor High School art teacher Jean Barnett’s summer plans haveincluded adventures as a visiting faculty member at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Overeighty educators from the U.S. and abroad enrolled in this year’s program for which they can receiveprofessional development or graduate credit.“The class was a week-long intensive look at the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) philosophy,”Barnett said. “TAB is a philosophy that follows guiding principles best summed up by the followingthree sentences: What do artists do? The child is the artist. The classroom is the studio.”Barnett enrolled as a participant in the program in 2015 and 2019. Last year the directors asked her toserve as one of seven faculty members leading the institute. Guest panelists and a keynote speakerwere also included, along with plenty of studio time. This summer’s featured speaker was artist andbook illustrator, Ekua Holmes.“My specific role is leading the secondary cohort, which consists of middle school and high school arteducators,” Barnett explained. “We end the week with a pop-up show of art created by both theparticipants and the faculty.” During the institute, Barnet said participants dive deep into the philosophy, what it means, what it couldlook like and how to implement it.

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We are super excited to be partnering with Triumph ProtectionGroup as our armed security company for the 2024- 2025school year. We are pleased to announce we have armedsecurity at TH Johnson, Main Street Elementary, NaomiPasemann Elementary, and Legacy Early College High Schoolwhile our School Resource Officers (SRO) are assigned to TaylorHIgh School and Taylor Middle School. Our armed securityemployees come with multiple years of military experience,and some of them are even Taylor locals. We have been receiving excellent customer service fromTriumph Protection Group. Campus Principals, teachers,families, and even students have complimented theirprofessionalism. In fact, because of word of mouth, aneighboring school district has officially employed them aswell starting in September! When you drop off your student orare on campus for an event, make sure to stop by and say hi toour armed security guards! Taylor ISD is excited to have you!As a reminder the district has an Anonymous Tip Line to helpyou report concerns or connect with district leadershipregarding school safety. One of the best defenses against actsof violence at schools is the entire community working togetherto ensure safety. Remember - if you see something, saysomething. September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month, a crucialtime dedicated to raising awareness about mental health andpreventing suicide. This month emphasizes the importance ofunderstanding the signs of mental distress, fosteringsupportive communities, and promoting access to mentalhealth resources. By encouraging open dialogue and providingeducation, Suicide Prevention Month aims to reduce stigmaand offer hope to those affected, ultimately working towardssaving lives and supporting individuals in crisis.Want to get involved with Taylor ISD?Join the SHAC Committee!The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a groupappointed by the school district to serve at the district level.Members of the SHAC come from different areas of thecommunity and from within the school district. The majority ofmembers must be parents who are not employed by thedistrict. Texas law (Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle F,Chapter 28, Subchapter A, §28.004) requires the establishmentof a SHAC for every school district. SHACs are required to meetat least four times each year.HEALTH & SAFETYCORNEROur meeting dates for the 2024-2025school year are as follows: Thursday October 10th 4:30-5:30 Wednesday December 4th 4:30-5:30 Wednesday March 26th 4:30-5:30 Wednesday April 30th 4:30-5:30 For information about the Taylor ISDSchool Health Advisory Council, pleasecontact Jamie Moller, Director of StudentServices, at 512-365-1391.

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Taylor ISD’s transportation department is happy to share some goodnews with you as we begin celebrating 100 years of being the TaylorDucks. Over the summer we received seven new buses, with threemore arriving any day now, and all are equipped with seatbelts. Smaller children are learning seatbelt safety on a daily basis as ourdrivers help them “click” their buckles into place. In addition, a shortseatbelt video has been posted on our homepage that has alsohelped provide for a smooth transition. The new buses are equipped to transport seventy-eight elementarystudents at three per seat. Seating capacity for secondary studentsis fifty-two, or two per seat. As always, our goal is SAFETY FIRST. This includes all students anddrivers wearing seat belts at all times. It is the law. We want to extend a round of thanks to the parents & campus staffthat have helped us help our students transition into seatbelts. Withall of us working together as a team, we will keep our children SAFE.Did you know that all students receive aFREE breakfast?A la carte (snacks) are sold at gradeslevels 1-12. These are USDA Smart SnackCompliant items that range from .50cand up. Examples are cookies, fruit rollups. chips, etc. We do not limit student purchases, BUTyou can. If you would like to set a limit onyour student’s account, please contactAngelica Cazalas or 512- 352-6361ext. 1720.MEAL PRICESStudentBreakfast: FREEElementary Lunch: $2.65Secondary Lunch: $3.15AdultBreakfast: $3.50Lunch: $5.00Browse Menus HereApply for Free & Reduced Lunch HereBUCKLE UP FOR SAFETYDUCK BITESCarl Caldwell, Transportation Director

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Our current bond projects have quickly progressed during the summer break. We are planning a tourin the upcoming months and can't wait to share the progress with community and staff. At Taylor High School, construction for the new CTE wing will continue into the beginning of next year.As this work continues, some interior spaces have been renovated. THS received a new art room,renovated audio-visual classrooms, a new culinary space and we expanded the auto mechanics workspace. The fire control system was also replaced and more security cameras were added. The Middle School is expanding by adding a more secure front entrance with new front office space,art room and dance studio. During the summer, work began on expanding the band hall as well asbuilding a new theater room and a choir room. TMS also received new furniture for students and staff. Legacy Early College High School received new security cameras and door access hardware to provideease of access and more security for the site.BOND UPDATEFROM THE DESK OF LANCE WEIDLERCHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER

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At TH Johnson Elementary, a new front office space and secure frontentrance has been renovated to provide better access and security.The core space in the campus is still under construction and willcontain two new classrooms, a new nurse’s office and a teacherworkroom. THJ also received new furniture for staff and students.The new playground area and new fence will be ready the secondweek of school. As the school year begins, a new front canopy will beinstalled and a canopy for the car riders as well. T.H. Johnson ElementaryMain Street Elementary received newfurniture for staff and students. All theclassrooms were painted and new flooringinstalled. Four of the six student restroomswere renovated to allow for better access. Thiscampus received new furniture for the staffand students. Main Street's main constructionwill continue during the school year and whencomplete will provide a new cafeteria, smallstage and a new gym. A new road will also beconstructed at a later date to allow for trafficto access the site from TH Johnson Drive. Main Street ElementaryMain Street Elementary received new furniture for staff andstudents. All the classrooms were painted and new flooring installed.Four of the six student restrooms were renovated to allow for betteraccess. This campus received new furniture for the staff andstudents. Main Street's main construction will continue during theschool year and when complete will provide a new cafeteria, smallstage and a new gym. A new road will also be constructed at a laterdate to allow for traffic to access the site from TH Johnson Drive. Taylor Middle SchoolIf you have any questions in regards to the bond construction please contactLance Weidler at

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2024-2025The Taylor Ducks are gearing up to start off the 2024-25 seasonwith high expectations! Our fall Tennis team is back and lookingto build on their playoff berth last season! Coach Kevin Williamsfeels that Ducks could compete to win the 22-4A District TeamTennis Title this year. With returners, Rylee Michna, Maci Kennick,Krista Randig, Moli Kennick, Ben Bachmeyer, Josh Meller, GrayTalavera, & Hayden Hill, the Tennis Ducks have a chance tobring home some hardware. Coach Karmen Sanders is excited for the Cross Country teambecause of their huge increase in participation this year with anaddition of several multi-sport athletes who aspire to turnaround the program. "Taylor XC" has already started off theyear hot with a 1st place finish in the Rockdale Invitational inearly August. SPORTSPREVIEWSources lorem ipsumdolor sit amet magna,consectetur untenaadipiscing elit. Nullamaccumsan convallis ex,sit amet facilisis nibhtincidunt at. Pellentesquehabitant morbi tristiquesenectus et netus etmalesuada famesac.Follow @Taylor ISD Athleticson Facebook for all of the latestsports information & newsTennisVolleyball

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Lady Ducks Volleyball looks to capitalize onits historical 30 win season last year. In2023, the Ducks advanced to the 2ndround of the playoffs before they fell toSalado, who is now our new district foe.Haley Harms (Southern NazareneUniversity Commit), Mckenna Watson,Peyton Wamble, Elena Martinez, KatelynAderhold, & Tiana Candee return to thecourt to solidify the Ducks this season. After losing 28 seniors last season, newfaces look to continue the Football Ducksplayoff streak. The Ducks lost a close onein the first round to powerhouse, Boerne.Andrias "Tutu" Fisher (Washington Stateoffer), Kaddy Maravilla (District DefensiveLine MVP), Harrison Tate, Jerrell Roberson,Emmanuel Coleman, & Ethan Flagg arereturning starters who are hungry to takethis program to the next level.Duck Day is an event held to kick off theschool year and to celebrate some of ourfall extracurricular activities. Our bandperforms part of their halftime show, thefootball & volleyball teams scrimmage,and we introduce other fall sports. DuckDay also spotlights Taylor ISD programssuch as: the annual band fundraiser,"Burgers with the Band", TEF TEEFoundation, Taylor Athletic Booster Club,and local businesses that providecommunity outreach opportunities. DUCK DAY

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Age16Favorite FoodCantaloupeFavorite ArtistTaylor SwiftFavorite TeacherMrs. RoweFavorite Moment As ATaylor Duck...Winning the StateChampionship as aSophomore. (Statechampion as a freshmen,as well)STUDENT ATHLETESPOTLIGHTRylee MichnaTicket &GoldenPassInformationI look forward to seeing howmuch our team improves thisyear and how far we can go!

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This past year has been nothing short of extraordinary for Taylor High School’sBBQ teams, and we owe a massive thank you to the Taylor EducationalEnrichment (TEE) Foundation for making it all possible. Thanks to thegenerous grant awarded to our program, we were able to bring a uniquelearning experience to Taylor High School, complete with the new DUCKBRIGADE competition trailer, state-of-the-art equipment, and smokers.Without this support from our TEE Foundation, we wouldn’t have had theopportunity to compete on the big stage. Every one of our teams qualified forthe Texas High School BBQ State Championship, and in our first year, wemade it to THE SLAB: HSBBQ National Championship in Branson, Missouri. TEE GRANTS IN ACTIONGAME-CHANGER GRANT MAKETHS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSBy Chef Mike Erickson, Taylor High School Culinary Arts

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The results were nothing short of amazing: we placed 5thin the Nation, brought home the title of NationalChampions in Chili (Did they put beans in their chili? Wewill never tell!), took 3rd Place overall in Chicken, and 8thPlace in Ribs. The DUCK DUDES, along with their twoDuckettes, represented us proudly, finishing 5th Overall.Our other teams, Duck Dynasty and Party Fowls, also hadstellar seasons. We’re particularly proud of Duck Dynastyteam member Karley Aleksines, who is now a three-timeTaylor International Barbecue Contest Grand Champion.She secured her third Grand Champion at the Taylorcontest in Murphy Park.The impact of this grant goes beyond competitions. It’sbeen a true GAME CHANGER for our school andcommunity. The DUCK BRIGADE and their impressive trailerwill be featured in the 100th Year of the Ducks parade, atTHS home football games during events like the Meet(MEAT) the Teacher Tailgate, and Homecoming. We’re alsothrilled to announce that Taylor High School will host aTexas High School BBQ Regional Contest next year at ourbrand-new Career and Technical Education Center andrestaurant, the DUCK ROOM.From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the TaylorEducation Foundation for believing in our kids andprogram. We hope everyone will come out to support ourteams and, of course, COME EAT OUR HOMEWORK thisschool year when the DUCK ROOM opens in the spring.This year THE SLAB: HSBBQ National Championship is inKansas City another BBQ Mecca and we have no doubt theDUCKS will be flying high and punching their ticket to chaseanother National Championship dream with threestudents returning from last years teams.For more information or to learn how you can continue tosupport our students, please contact me, Chef MikeErickson, at We look forward toseeing you at our events and sharing more of oursuccesses with the community!

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