September 27 2019 HASHEM WANTS US 6 15 PM The in writes that Ideally a ram s horn should be used as the shofar on Rosh Hashana However if that is not possible horns from other animals are permissible The Mishnah Brurah explains that a ram s horn is to remind us of the where a ram was offered on the mizbeiach in place of Yitzchak Similarly in the Shulchan Aruch states The Mishnah Brurah quoting the Tur writes there as well it is better to use the head of a ram again to remind us of In invoking the zchus of the Akeida we place much emphasis on the The ram was seemingly a minor aspect of the story of the The zchus of the was the of and and their readiness to fulfill Hashem s command without hesitation The ram was just the replacement after Hashem said Shouldn t then the siman invoking the merit of the Akeidah be an item that directly reflects the mesiras nefesh involved A prominent Talmid Chacham proposed the following answer If there would be a siman directly paralleling the of and that would not necessarily translate into a merit for us Our Mesiras Nefesh pales in comparison to the Mesiras Nefesh of Avraham a parent willing to offer his son as a sacrifice and son acquiescing to be sacrificed Directly invoking this Mesiras Nefesh might reveal the deficiencies in our Mesiras Nefesh rather than serve as a zchus The however represents the fact that Hashem displayed His love for Avraham and Yitzchak and demonstrated that Hashem does not desire our deaths but rather our Teshuvah and Avodah Therefore we use the siman of a ram to invoke this dimension of the Akeidah September 29 Erev Rosh Hashonah no school September 30 October 1 Rosh Hashonah no school The bulletin is sponsored in honor of our mechanchim and educators by I would like to wish everyone a Have a and a Rabbi Ochs Thank you to our rebbeim and moros for teaching our students about the yom tov of Rosh Hashonah Our students from the youngest preschool classes through our 8th grade have been prepared so nicely Have nachas from their learning 8th grade girls involved the girls in grades 5 7 in a special Erev Rosh Hashonah program The theme was apple pie where each girl made 2 apple pie tarts They played apple themed games Nechama Mindy Posy gave a dvar Torah to help get everyone into the proper mindset There was certainly a great deal of spirit Thank you eighth grade girls and Morah Blumberg G O Coordinator Thank you to Mr Zach Sacher presenting during 6th grade club hour about his experiences in the Air Force and his personal journey to Yiddishketit Our preschool classes are engaged in learning that is all encompassing The PreK is our school entry level The children are adjusting to the school day and are learning about expectations in school They began learning the letters of the The classes currently are immersed in learning about the YomimTovim with activities that include learning facts singing songs baking and with activities that involve using all their senses They are learning about the fall season Activities include studying about apples shapes colors sorting and counting The Kindergarten classes are also immersed in learning about the Yomim Tovim in activities that use all their senses Reviewing the is also part of the curriculum with the goal of adding the nekudos and beginning early reading The have begun learning the A B C s They are up to the letter C and are reading their first word CAB The children are absorbed in learning math experientially using many different methods and medium
Bulletin Board 27 Elul sponsored by Torah Academy for a speedy recovery for Mr Philip David Sevinor father of Ralph Wayne Sevinor COMMUNITY EVENTS September 28 Parshas Nitzavim at Congregation Chai Odom Bar Mitzvah of Akiva Moshe Yitzchok Bressel Kiddush following davening CONDOLENCES TO Mr Greg Silverman and family on the passing of his father MAZEL TOV TO Mr Ben Mrs Ilana Bressel on the bar mitzvah of their son Akiva Moshe Yitzchok 8B
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 5 6 Preschool busy with learning and many special activities for Rosh Hashonah learning math and ABC s
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 1 5G in honor of dipping apples in honey made candy apples 5 4G builds sugar caffeine and peppermint molecules 2 1G mailing Rosh Hashonah cards to parents 6 8th grade G O Apple Pie Project 3 Science study of living and non living things in grade 2 girls 7 6G recreates the formation of Shevatim camping in the 4 Girls in 4G act out the movement of molecules 2G makes Apple cookies for Rosh Hashonah 8
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 2 4 3 6 5 1 2B created models of Noach s taivah The boys also learn about the animals going into taivah Thank you to Yaakov Wallin for bringing in two bunny rabbits classes 4 Zach Sacher presenting during 6th grade club hour about his experiences in the Air Force and his personal journey to Yiddishkeit 2 Yasher Koach to Yehudah Feuerstein for extending the extra effort to be the first to complete chelek 3 of Lashon Hatorah 5 6th graders work with Mr Luke Elson on prime factorization 3 Rabbi Ochs blows shofar in the Williston building for the boys 6 2B students make Apple cookies for Rosh Hashonah 6
Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 3rd GRADE Aryeh Silverman Eli Benmergui Jakey Wiesenfeld Yaakov Bier 6th GRADE Aryeh Block Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehoshua Kashnow Yehuda Feuerstein Gavi Rosenberg Daniel Simnegar 2nd GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Eliyahu Youshei 7th GRADE Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Tzvi Posy 4th GRADE Yaakov Fontek Uri Hain Uri Katz Ezra Klompas Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Aron Luria Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Moshe Aryeh Riesel Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Akiva Rosmarin Baruch Marshall 8th GRADE Asher Nesanel Mintzes 5th GRADE Aaron Bier Dovid Sebbag Mordy Bier Henoch Blumberg Moshe Siegel Ephraim Kashnow Tuvya Sternfield Shmuel Loketch Yaakov Wallin Naftoli Ochs
Motzaei Shabbos 8 30 10 30PM Sunday 9 12 AM Wednesday Thursday 7 9PM