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September 22 2023 Bulletin

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September 22, 2023ד״פשת ירשת ’ז וניזאה תשרפ הבוש תבש GRADUALLY 6:24 PMDear Parents,In the Haftorah for Shabbos Shuva, איבנה עשוה relays Hashem’s message: ׳ה לא ובושו םירבד םכמע וחק. Take your words with you and return to Hashem. The possuk in Parshas Nitzavim writes of Teshuva: בורק יכ ותושעל ךבבלבו ךיפב דאמ רבדה ךילא. Teshuvah is within our grasp! This is the season of Teshuva, but many of us find it hard to succeed.Some people cynically comment that instead of writing a new list of improvements, perhaps one should simply re-date last years’ list. How can we succeed, and as the Navi writes, ‘Take words with us and return to Hashem’?The Chofetz Chaim explains that the root of our difficulty in doing Teshuva and a solution by way of a moshol.A successful merchant was once purchasing new inventory from his suppliers’ warehouse. Just as he paid his large bill and left with his new merchandise, a second merchant entered and presented the supplier with his large list. As the supplier began compiling the items for the second merchant, he remembered that this customer still had some outstanding bills for previous purchases. He immediately stopped filling the order and demanded that the outstanding balance be paid before he continued. He had apparently given the merchant time to pay off the balance previously, but the merchant had never paid up.The first merchant was listening to the exchange and tried to intervene. He said: “I understand the root of the issue here. This warehouse is a wholesaler and sells large quantities of merchandise at inexpensive prices. This arrangement is ideal for a merchant like me, who lives in a large town. My sales volume allows me to generate a large profit. This second merchant though, lives in a small village. He simply cannot sell the volume of merchandise he needs to buy from the wholesaler to obtain the wholesale prices and recoup his money and make a profit. I suggest that the supplier make an exception and permit this customer to buy in smaller quantities at the same low price. Over time, he will be able to make a profit and slowly pay his outstanding debt.” The supplier agreed to the suggestion, and it was indeed successful.When the Yamim Noraim arrive, we all want to improve our ways. We come to Hashem with a list of changes we accept on ourselves to change in the coming year. Yet year after year, we find ourselves asking for additional time to make those changes. Eventually the accusing angel declares that enough is enough, it is unreasonable to keep extending credit.The solution, explains the Chofetz Chaim, is to choose one or two things to focus on to improve. Gradually, over time, we will pay off our debt. םירבד םכמע וחק – take a few things – ׳ה לא ובושו. Our Teshuva success rate will be that much higher.I wish everyone a Gut Yom Tov and a Gut kvittel! !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs● September 24-25- (Erev) Yom Kippur, No school● September 29-30- (Erev) Succos, No school● October 1-9- Succos, Simchas Torah, Shemini Atzeres- No school● October 10- Classes resume

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BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● Grade 2G planned a special erev Rosh Hashanah visit to Mrs. Judy Fine. They sang yom tov songs and enjoyed the refreshments that Mrs. Fine prepared. Thank you Morah Fontek for planning this special visit.● Rabbi Ochs visited the Hamilton building erev Rosh Hashanah and delivered divrei chizuk to an attentive 5-8G group. Thank you Rabbi Ochs for taking the time out of your busy day to inspire us.● Twenty-four girls from grades 2,3,4, and seventeen boys from grades 2, 3, 4, 5 participated in the summer kriah program. They conscientiously followed the daily kriah curriculum and honed their skills. Each student received a kriah certificate and was entered into a kriah raffel for a $50 Amazon gift card. The grand winners were Libi Riesel, grade 2 and Levi Ostashinsky, grade 2. Participating boys received ices. Kriah treats are on order for the participating girls..● On Erev Shabbos Nitzavim-Vayelech the middle school boys had their first Tomeha. The boys gathered together with their Rabbeim and friends for חור, food, and divrei Torah. At Tomeha, the exciting Torah Academy Chazara program- Talmudo Byado was introduced with a new addition for this year, encouraging the boys to Chazzer with a Chavrusa. We are looking forward to an exciting year of growth in learning. Thank you to the Rosmarin family for once again generously sponsoring this year’s Talmudo Byado. ● Art class and Gym class have begun at Hamilton! Students are enjoying these classes as a chance to develop new skills. ● Over 50% of Hamilton student body participated in our summer reading and math program! All students who participated earned canteen coupons this week. The winner of the reading raffle was Sara Liba Davydov (Israel Bookshop certificate) and the winner of the math raffle (Amazon gift card) was Bracha Posy. We are so proud of all the students who displayed our school value of EFFORT during the summer! ● In celebration of the 437 books that were read over the summer at Williston, all boys will enjoy an ice cream sundae next Wednesday 9/27.● Mrs. Sternfield presented a practical workshop on note taking skills to the 7th grade girls during history class. Thank you Mrs. Wiesenfeld for arranging this opportunity. ● 2B focused on writing numbers in both standard and word form. They played a game of real live matching, where the boys were the numbers and they used a string to connect themselves to their matches. The class had a great time!● 6B completed and got tested on the first major Sugya of Perek Hakones! To celebrate they enjoyed a homemade sprinkle cake.● 6G created artistic honey dip spoons for Rosh Hashanah. Thank you Mrs. Reifman for designing the project! Thank you Rabbi Reifman for assisting with the halachic aspect of this project.Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Condolences Day of Learning

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BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Condolences Day of Learning Mazel Tov to● Dr. Michael and Mrs. Tamar Klompas on the bar mitzvah of their son Ezra Lev (8B).● Shmuel Dovid (‘96) and Ayala Perle on the bar mitzvah of their son, Binyomin Bendet, and to grandparents Dr. Izzy and Mrs. Claudia Perle.● Avi (‘01) and Adina Metchik on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents Dr. Yitzchak and Mrs. Ireta Metchik. (our apologies for the error in the previous bulletin)● Meir Simcha and Shana Rivka ('13) (Shanske) Weissman on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents Mr. Neal (TA past President) and Mrs. Susan Shanske.● Ms. Faherty (1B Chol) on the birth of a granddaughter, and to parents Brilene and Sean Feyler.Our apologies if we inadvertently omitted your simcha! Please let us know - we’d love to share in your simcha!Community Events● Klompas Bar Mitzvah this Shabbos at Khal Tiferes Yosef - please see the ad further in the bulletin.● Congregation Bais Pinchas: Men’s Mikvah hours: Erev Yom Kippur, Sunday, September 24, 5 AM - 5:30 PM ($15 fee, please bring your own towel).

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.1. Creativity in The Learning Center.2. Second graders sanding wood for the teiva they are building with Rabbi Bork.3. 2B playing a “live” math matching game.4. 1B having fun using stencils.5. 1B addition fun. 1B art lesson with Moshe Ganger.6. Mrs. Wallach giving out Summer Kriah awards.7. 4B practices juggling.8. 4B awesome recess pics.9. Chavrusa learning in 6B.10. 7th graders working on building balloon car racers in science.9.9.

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.1. 6G made dip spoons for Rosh Hashana.2. 4G was asked to draw what a scientist looks like- not realizing they were to draw...themselves!3. 1G handwriting experts.4. 2G’s visit to Mrs. Fine.5. 7G learning note taking skills from Mrs Sternfield.6. 6G playing a game to review the rules of divisibility.7. 2G’s Rosh Hashanah cards.

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