Zman Simchasainu 6:25 PM September 21, 2018 י“עשת ירשת ב“ט וניזאה תשרפ September 23 - October 3 - (Erev) Succos , Hoshanah Rabbah, Simchas Torah, Isru Chag - No school October 4 - Regular classes resume November 2 - Grandparents’ Day The YomTov of Sukkos is also named וניתחמש ןמז, the time of our happiness. The joy of Sukkos is two-dimensional. On one hand, Sukkos is the culmination of the period of the םיארונ םימי. During Sukkos we experience the החמש of תונווע תליחמ, and the joy of knowing that Hashem accepted our Tefilos and is giving us another chance. On the other hand, Sukkos is also a celebration of ףיסאה גח. We are jubilant over the completion of the planting and harvesting season where we have gathered the produce Hashem has so graciously and plentifully bestowed. When both these elements of joy are fused: essentially our joy over the state of our תוינחור and our happiness over the solidity of our תוימשג, it generates a tremendous sense of החמש. Sukkos is thus a time to celebrate with Hashem and thank Him for His munificence in all areas of our lives, both physical and spiritual. Let us therefore try to instill this critical message within ourselves and our families, and utilize this YomTov to its maximum. Happiness and living with joy can’t be taught in the traditional sense. החמש must be modelled and transmitted via osmosis. If we emit a state of החמש, we impact our environment automatically. Especially in this וניתחמש ןמזlet us make an extra effort to model החמש to our children. חמשו רשכ גח לעטיווק טוג א Rabbi Ochs The Yomim Tovim fell out early in the school year. Thank you to the Rebbeim and Moros for putting in all the extra effort teaching about the Yomim Tovim and creating such lovely projects. We hope you will enjoy the divrei Torah. On Monday before Yom Kippur, The Bostoner Rebbe Shlit”a spoke to the boys in grades 5-8 and to the girls in grades 5-8 about kavannah in tefillah and when making brochos. The boys in grades 5-8 watched the video from the Rosh Chodesh project. This month’s theme was Hashem is constantly watching over us. The bulletin is sponsored by:
NEW BOXTOPS CONTEST Torah Academy continues to collect Boxtops For Education. We hope you have collected them over the summer. We are having a contest-by-family that will end October 15 (1-1/2 weeks after Sukkos). Please put your boxtops in a bag labelled with your fami-ly's name and send them in to the office before that date. K'sivah V'chasimah Tovah. Boxtops co-ordinator Mrs. Sharone Zuber 617-731-0983 Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 12 Tishrei - sponsored by Torah Academy - In memory of Mr. Morton Ruderman z"l, Mordechai Yehudah ben Yaakov Noach COMMUNITY EVENTS September 21 - Hoffman Shalom Zachor at their house 35 Claymoss Rd., 9-11 PM. Men and women invited. September 23 - Erev Succos, Hoffman bris IYH, Congregation Chai Odom after the 8:00 shacharis September 29- Shabbas Chol Hamoed Aufruf of Meir Beker at Congregation Chai Odom, Kiddush following davening. MAZEL TOV TO: Rabbi Shia & Mrs. Sharone (Sunday Willis-ton Office) Zuber on the engagement of their grandson, Tuvia Norkin Mr. Shlomo & Mrs. Ilana Hoffman on the birth of their son.
Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. 1st GRADE Yehuda Greenblatt Avrumi Halpern Levi Horowitz Levi Klompas Asher Nesanel Mintzes Moshe Segal Tuviya Sternfield Yaakov Wallin 2nd GRADE Eliyahu Benmergui Yaakov Bier Elchonon Frohlich Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Kashnow Eliyahu Youshei 3rd GRADE Aron Luria Chaim Yaakov Septimus 4th GRADE Naftoli Ochs 5th GRADE Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Meir Zev Gelernter Daniel Simnegar 6th GRADE Yisroel Feldman Uri Katz 7th GRADE Eliezer Markov 8th GRADE Meir Yehuda Hain Manny Tarlin The girls' division will roll out their own “Honorable Menschen" program after Succos
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1. 2B learned about blowing shofar. They were able to try to blow different kinds of shofaros. 2. 6B History made posters of different calendars from other cultures around the world in honor of entering 5779! 3. 3B in their station rotation Tornado Project. 4. 2B Succos project 5. 5th graders working on their engineering challenge 6. 8B English created posters explaining poetry terms and taught them to the class. 7. 7B at recess 2. 1. 4. 3. 1. 2. 6. 3. 5. 5. 7. 4.
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1. I spy Rosh Hashana Game in K1 2. 4G - class of Chai - ready for learning 3. Rabbi Ochs blowing shofar in K1 4. Letter B week in K2 5. PreK1 enjoys recess in the park 6. 2G watercolor pomegranate in warm/cool colors 7. Learning letter ב in K1 8. 1. 3. 5. 7. 2. 6. 4. 4.