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September 2024 Newsletter

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COMMUNICATION. WHETER YOU PREFER PHONE CALLS, TEXT,VIDEO CALS, OR IN PERSON, I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!HOW I MAKE BUYING SIMPLECOMPASSION, DEDICATION, CONFIDENCE, AND PERSEVERANCETO GET YOU THE HOME YOU LOVE.RELATIONSHIPS WITH NEW-CONSTRUCTIN BUILDER REPS ANDOFF-MARKET RE-SALE PROPERTIES.Buyers are out in forcelooking for their dreamhomes. Buyers are oftencompeting with one anotherfor the listings that areavailable. According to NAR,listings were only on themarket for an average of 31days last month.BUYER DEMAND ISSTILL STRONG4 REASONS TO SELL THIS FALLHousing inventory is stillunder the 6-month supplythat is needed for a normalhousing market. This meansthat, in the majority of thecountry, there are notenough homes for sale tosatisfy the number of buyersin the market.THERE IS LESSCOMPETITION NOWPrices are projected toappreciate by 5.4% over thenext year according toCoreLogic, if you are movingto a higher-priced home, itwill wind up costing you morein both down payment andmortgage payment if youwait.THERE WILL NEVERBE A BETTER TIMELook at the reason youdecided to sell in the firstplace and determinewhether is it worth waiting.Perhaps the time has comefor you and your family tomove on and start living thelife you desire.IT'S TIME TO MOVEON WITH YOUR LIFEHOUSING MARKET UPDATEJ A C K S O N C O U N T YNew Listingsin August239Listings Soldin August172Average Dayson Market28Average Sold Pricein August$253K

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How to CleanOutdoor CushionsVacuum with suction attachmentWashing machine/dryerBucket1 gallon warm waterStain removal brushTHE SUPPLIES:1 cup white distilled vinegar (or laundry detergent)GlovesSoft cleaning rag or spongeWater-repellent fabric protectorGarden hoseCheck the Care InstructionsConfirm if the fabric is machine washableor removable, and look for manufacturer-recommended cleaning and dryingmethods or any that should be avoided.Take Off Any Removable CoversGather all the cushions, separating theones with removable covers and thosewithout into two piles. Unzip the casesand set them aside on a clean, dry surfaceoutside on your patio or deck (this willkeep flying particles from going all overthe inside of your home). Do the samewith the cushions. Suck Up Dirt and DebrisUse your vacuum’s suction attachment togently remove surface dirt, debris, or dustbunnies from the cushions withoutremovable covers. Don’t forget to cleanhidden grime or crumbs around seams andbuttons.Toss Removable Covers in the WashWash removable covers according to theindividual care instructions, preferablyusing a detergent that won’t result inbleeding or fading colors or any otherwear and tear on the fabric.Mix a Cleaning SolutionUsing a 1 part distilled vinegar to 3 partswarm-water solution, diluted laundrydetergent is also an effective stainremover. Pour both liquids into a bucket,water first.Now It’s Time to Spot-CleanUsing gloves, dip a soft-bristled brush orsponge into the cleaning solution, thengently scrub away spots. After cleaning,allow the solution to sit on the cushionsfor five to 10 minutes.Rinse Off the Solution, Then Dry theCovers and CushionsClear the detergent off the cushions witha hose, making sure to rinse away excessvinegar or detergent solution. Allow thecushions to air-dry completely. Depending on the care instructions, youmay be able to machine-dry your coversand cushions.Protect the FabricAfter the cushions are dry and re-covered,apply an anti–water repellent to keepwater from seeping into the covers andcushions. This will prevent mildew andmold formation and go a long way towardkeeping your cushions looking, feeling,and smelling fresh.Generally, outdoor cushions only need to becleaned once or twice a year, with occasionalspot treatments in between. Allowingexcessive dirt buildup or long-standing stainsor moisture to set in can reduce the life spanand quality of outdoor furniture, making thecushions prone to mildew, mold, andpermanent stains and odors over time.HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOUCLEAN OUTDOOR CUSHIONS?

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Early Renovations: As tempting as it may be to startrenovating your new home right away, hold off on anymajor changes for a little while. Take some time to live inthe space and get a feel for what changes will trulybenefit you in the long run.Hiring a Shady Contractor: When it comes to hiringsomeone to work on your home, always do your researchand choose a reputable contractor. Taking shortcuts withan untrustworthy contractor can end up costing you moretime and money in the long run.Doing DIY's: While it may seem like a cost-effectiveoption, tackling major DIY projects without the properknowledge and skills can lead to costly mistakes andpotential safety hazards. Leave it to the professionals orstart small with DIY projects that are within your skill set.AVOID THESE THREEINVESTMENTS AS A NEW HOMEOWNERDon't make these rookie mistakes when it comes to investing in yournew home. Here are three things you should avoid at all costs:As a real estate agent, I've seen firsthand theconsequences of these investment blunders. Don't letthem hinder your dream home goals, be smart andstrategic with your investments. WHAT IS YOUR HOME WORTH TODAY?IS YOUR HOME VALUEFALLING LIKE THE LEAVES?WE HAVE SEEN SOME LOCAL HOUSING MARKETINGADJUSTMENTS AND WANTED TO KEEP YOU INFORMED ANDUPDATED ON YOUR HOME'S VALUE.