Worship Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM The worship service will be available live or following the live stream on the church’s Facebook page. Current Oce Hours Monday –Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM The oce is closed on Fridays. The oce is closed for lunch between 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM, if taken. St. Paul’s 2024 Church Council Members President: Doug Steele Vice President: Monte Hoegh Secretary: Holly Esbeck Treasurer: Steve Tjepkes Worship: Worship Stewardship: Barb Strand Educaon: Teresa Engler Fellowship: Monte Hoegh Property: Je Gude Outreach: Kirk Nelson St. Paul’s Sta Pastor: Lauri Boysen Administrave Assistants: Julie Tjepkes Joy Sturm Youth Director: Kelsea Tyson Financial Secretary: Steve Tjepkes Kitchen Coordinator: Sue Crall Custodians: Dick and Jamie Juhl St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 1011 E. 13th St Atlanc, Iowa 50022 712-243-3678 Email: stpaulsatl@gmail.com Website: www. stpaulsatlanc.com The Tidings September 2024
Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you? And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:37-40 What do you see when you look at the world around you? Do you see the stories on the news, flash-backs of history that seem to be repeating themselves right before our eyes? Do you see problems that you can’t solve...at your workplace, in your neighborhood, in your country? When I get to thinking too hard about the things that I see, I balance on the edge of anger at injustices that I feel powerless to address and depres-sion over the future and what it might mean for the youth of our communities. How is it that I have become the adult who wonders if there will be a future for the next generation to grow in, live in, and enjoy? Still the problems that I see (and I am sure my viewpoint is very limited) are nothing new under the sun. Thousands of years ago the people of scripture wrestled with the same questions and the same con-cerns: Poverty (although the earth didn’t have quite as many mouths to feed); Government struggles (although they had absolutely no say as citizens of an occupied land); Violence against people and families (although they had none of the explosive devises that we have at our finger tips). All the same problems, de-spite the different circumstances, and when Jesus addresses these problems, part of what he has to say, is take care of the needs that see existing right before your eyes. Do you know your neighbor is hurting? Show up and listen. Do you see a need next door reach out and help? Why?—because that is what it means to love, and when we others we love Christ Jesus as well. This doesn’t address large scale problems...but it does make our neighborhoods a kinder place...and one neighborhood at a time has the potential I would think to change the world. When Jesus died on the cross for us, he didn’t dismantle the looming problems of the day. He forgave our sins, loved us deeply and rose from the grave to destroy the power of death, so that we could know that noth-ing, not even death can separate us from God’s love and that death need not be feared because in Christ, even death is a new beginning. Much of the world failed to notice the story of Christ’s death and resurrection at the time...much of the world fails to notice it even to this day, and yet, Christ’s death and resurrection transforms the world every day when Christians take deep breathes and believe the good news, death has been defeated so we can have the courage to stand and care for others...with water and food, visits, and ten-der loving care. The Reformation began 500 years ago not because Luther set out to change the church, but in-stead because Luther took seriously the calling to care for the community he was called to serve, teach and care for; yet caring for his community ended up changing the whole church. This month we return to fall program-ming and service projects in our parish. I don’t suppose they will change the world, but the world does not change with big events it changes one small action at a time. The love of Christ’s death and resurrection has changed each of us profoundly, and so we share that love every day and it changes everything. With Love in Christ, Pastor Lauri
Dear friends, Words cannot express the deep gratude our family has for the people of St Paul’s. Thank you for your generous support throughout Larry’s diagnosis, treatment and death. Your pray-ers, notes, cards, messages, and presence have made all the dierence. We have witnessed the work of God through people like each of you. We believe that Larry received the healing he needed and is without pain in Heaven with all those who have gone before us. “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We connually ask God to ll you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and un-derstanding that the Spirit gives….” Colossians 1:9 With our love, Lauri, Rick, Madonna and Family
September Birthdays 9/1 Janis Hannasch 9/2 Lauri Boysen Ashley Christensen, Gavin Hansen Angela Hawkins 9/4 Brett Johnson, Michael Hocamp Darlene Planck 9/5 Jonathan Hansen, Charity Williams 9/6 Sheryl Hinzmann, Taylor Loughran, Cooper Sandbothe 9/7 Alex Hoyt, Amy Maes 9/8 Steve Myers 9/9 Tammy DeBord, Liam Hawkins, Linn Headlee 9/10 Jeff Lundquist 9/11 Andersen DeBord, Carol Gronseth Kassidy Hansen, Clara Kennedy, Sonya Mikkelsen, Seth Rohde 9/12 Ellie Benning, Mariah Leiferman Clara Pedersen 9/13 Dale Davis, Jennifer Heath, Mark Worth 9/14 Nola Schroeder 9/15 Jennifer McEntaffer, Amy Mardesen, Maya Widrowicz 9/16 Madison Clark, Alex Lensch, Mary Reimer Nadine Williamson 9/17 Aurora Pieper 9/18 Jim Crall, Todd Friesleben, Alexis Hoyt 9/19 Terry Hinzmann, Christian Kinzie Jack Planck, James McEntaffer, Amanda Martin 9/20 Jo Lage 9/21 Mike Arneson, Marilyn Blevins Olivia Engler, Evan Johansen 9/22 Sandy Nelson 9/23 Sara Strand, Steve Welter 9/24 Alyson Dreager, Marne Lieferman 9/25 Kathie Hockenberry, Harrison Hoegh, Stuart Hoegh, Scott Woolsey 9/26 Malinda Bruns 9/27 Brian Lensch, Samantha Peterson 9/28 Roxie Davis, Mary Juhler, Cadence Kennedy 9/29 Austin Hillhouse, Chad Olsen Valerie Watson September Milestone Birthdays 9/4 Darlene Planck [92] 1200 Brookridge Cir #219 Atlantic, IA 50022-2304 (712) 243-3350 9/11 Carol Gronseth [82] 1306 Plum Ave Atlantic, IA 50022-2429 (712) 249-0442 9/11 Sonya Mikkelsen [84] 215 West 14th Street Atlantic, IA 50022-2224 (712) 243-3059 9/12 Clara Pedersen [95] 1200 Brookridge Circle, Apt. 203 Atlantic, IA 50022-2304 (712) 243-3059 9/16 Mary Reimer [82] 610 E. 17th St Atlantic, IA 50022 9/16 Nadine Williamson [92] 70040 Fairview Road Wiota, IA 50274-8809 (712) 249-1315 9/18 Jim Crall [84] 1605 East 14th Street, Unit 6 Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 249-0518 9/19 Jack Planck [96] 1200 Brookridge Cir #219 Atlantic, IA 50022-2304 (712) 243-3350 September Anniversaries 9/1 Dave & Marcia Buboltz [1979] Roger & Michelle Poulsen [ 1984] 9/2 Keith & Mary Jo Allenstein [1967] 9/3 Shawn & Mindi Macha [2011] 9/4 Mick & LaVon Sager [1987] 9/6 Joe & Amy Maes [2013] 9/10 Biff & Dana Bonnesen [1988] 9/11 Clark & Linda Knop [1971] Robert & Kim Podhajsky [1993] 9/12 Jon & Heidi Johnson [2012] 9/14 Dale & Judy Leander [1958] 9/16 Gary & Linda Olsen [1990] 9/17 Tucker & Meaghan Sager [2016] 9/18 Joe & Mary Nelsen [1965] Steve & Tammie Nelson [1982] 9/29 Paul & Lauren Kite [2012] 9/30 Jeff & Heather Lundquist [2006] September Milestone Anniversaries 9/2 Keith & Mary Jo Allenstein [1967] [57 years] 103 West 14th Street Atlantic, IA 50022-2222 (712) 243-4441 9/11 Clark & Linda Knop [1971] [53 years] 108 East 22nd Street, Unit 6 Atlantic, IA 50022-2875 (712) 243-4426 9/18 Joe & Mary Nelsen [1965] [59 years] 301 4th Street Anita, IA 50020-1109 (712) 762-3731
• Pastoral Visits: The only way we know when someone is hospitalized and/or in need of a visit is if the family calls the church at 712-243-3678 or Pastor Lauri at 712-269-8423. • Miss a Worship Service? Watch St. Paul’s recorded worship service on Channel 18: Mondays 12:30 p.m. & 2 p.m. and Wednesdays at 8 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. • SWITA PASSES: If you are in need of a ride, we have SWITA coupons! Donated by the outreach commiee. Please call the church oce for more informaon. • I'd like to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible opportunity you provided my son, Elijah, to attend church camp this year and last year. The experience was transformative for him. He returned with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for his faith, and the stories he shared about the camp’s activities and lessons were truly inspiring. It was evident that the camp had a profound impact on him, both spiritually and personally. We are incredibly thankful for the support and generosity of our church community in making this experience possi-ble. Your commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of our children is deeply appreciated, and we feel blessed to be part of such a caring and supportive congregation. Thank you once again for your kindness and for investing in Elijah’s spiritual journey. We are grateful for all you do to support and enrich the lives of our youth. With sincere thanks and blessings, Holly Esbeck • Thank you for the beauful cards you sent me for my 96th birthday. It made my day very special. You are all a blessing to me. Thanks Again– God Bless you. ~Mary Ann Jespersen • Others who we would like to include in your prayers are : Jim Martens, Grace Martens, Jessie Mathisen, Laney Brosam, Gary Williams, and Bi Bonnesen, and Violet Rush • Larry Nisson, Pastor Lauri’s dad, passed away July 31st. We oer our deepest condolences to Pastor Lauri and her family. The funeral was held at First United Methodist Church on August 16. • Thank you for paying for me to go to church camp. It was the highlight of my summer. From, Oakley • Dial-a-Prayer: We could use a few more people to do Dial– a-Prayer. It is really easy and you can do it from anywhere! Please call the oce if you are interested. • Bible Studies: Adult Bible Study meets on Sundays from 10:15-11:15 at St. Paul’s-Beginning Sept. 8. O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. Psalms 107:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 41:1
Upcoming Important Dates Each weekend: Saturday evening worship 5 p.m./ Sunday morning worship 9 a.m. Sept 1 God Squad Registrations DUE! Sept 2 Ofce Closed for Labor Day Sept 3 1 p.m. Sarah Circle Sept 4 5 p.m. Youth Committee Meeting Sept 5 9:30 a.m. Dorcas Circle Sept 7-22 Silent Auction Sept 10 5 p.m. Worship Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. Outreach Committee Meeting Sept 11,18,25 God Squad 2 p.m. /Conrmation 2 p.m. /Youth Group 4 p.m. Sept 14 6 p.m. Second Saturday Supper Sept 16 9 a.m. Do Day Sept 17 5:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting Sept 22 2 p.m. WELCA Board Meeting Sept 22 Outreach Committee provide light breakfast Oct 1 1 p.m. Sarah Circle Oct 2 5 p.m. Youth Committee Meeting Oct 3 9:30 a.m. Dorcas Circle Oct 13-Nov 24 Coat Drive Oct 24 Rummage Sale Dec 7-18 Angel Tree Children’s Sermon 7-28-2024
September Worship Volunteers Worship Assistants Usher Power Point Sat Sept 7th Kim Sears Bruce & Gail Henderson Carolyn Houser Sat Sept 14th Kirk Nelson Eric Wendt Shawn Shouse Sat Sept 21st Sharon Albers Deb Lamb Julie Tjepkes Sat Sept 28th Steve Anderson Drayven Wheeler Eric Wendt Sun Sept 29th Jody Williams Keith Allenstein/Bill Gunderson Brooklyn Gelly Sun Sept 1st Mark Rothfusz Rick Boysen/Sharon Crane Addison Kite Sun Sept 8th Sandy Nelson Larry & Mary Reimer Jeanne Schwab Sun Sept 15th Doug Steele Julie Tjepkes/Rayden Wheeler Esther Steele Sun Sept 22nd Shawn Shouse Sco & Deb Peppers Cooper Anderson Fall Fellowship September 1st Steve and Julie Tjepkes 8th Rob and Teresa Engler family 15th Sarah Circle 22nd TBD 29th Terry and Sheryl Hinzmann October 6th God squad 13th Jenny and Chad Anderson family 20th Dorcas Circle 27th Confirmation November 3rd God Squad 10th Paul and Lauren Kite family 17th Sarah Circle 24th TBD December 1st Colby and Tara Wheeler family 8th TBD 15th Dorcas Circle 22nd TBD 29th TBD
Youth Programs Begin September 11th God Squad (K-5th grade) begins September 11 and will be held aer school each Wednesday unl 4 p.m. God Squad registraon forms are available on our website: stpaulsatlanc.com or at the desk in the Welcome Center. The rst Sunday of the month the God Squad aendees will sing in church and a delicious breakfast is served following the service. For more informaon , please call the church oce. Conrmaon (6th grade-8th grade) begins September 11 and will be held each Wednesday from 2p.m.-3p.m. Pastor Lauri leads this group. For more informaon, please call the church oce. Youth Group (6th thru seniors in high school) begins September 11 at 4 p.m. Students in 6th grade up are welcome to aend this group. Kelsea Tyson is our youth coordinator again this year and will be direcng this group of kids. For more informaon, please call the church oce. WELCA NEWS WELCA circles will be starng up now in September. The Sarah Circle meets the rst Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm at St. Paul’s. This month it will meet on September 3rd . The Dorcas Circle meets the 1 st Thursday of the month at 9:30am also at the church. They will meet September 5th . All women are welcome to join either circle and we encourage your parcipaon! Both circles have a Bible Study and are very informal. The fall rummage sale will be held on October 24 th . Start saving your donaons! Remember we do not accept electronics including TV’s and monitors. Silent Aucon Begins Welcome to the 2024 Outreach Commiee Silent Aucon. It is hard to believe, but this will be our 8th aucon! This year it will run from September 7th to the 22nd. This event will fund all of our giving for the year and we all know there are many needs in our community, country, and world. Please drop your basket o at the church by Septem-ber 5th. There will be a change this year - both the donors and the bidders will be kept secret. We ask that the do-nors of the baskets to not make their basket idenable and the bidders will be assigned a bidding number. Those numbers will be available either in the oce during the week or before and aer services on each Saturday and Sunday. On the last Sunday of the aucon, Sept 22, the Outreach commiee will provide fellowship for all who are there and the winning bids will be revealed! Please help us help others!
Kylo Jerey Williams Maelynn Anne Williams Recent Baptisms at St. Paul’s July 28, 2024 Kylo Williams and cousins Maelynn and Korbyn Williams Korbyn Jerey Williams Pictured above: Maelynn, Korbyn, Pas-tor Lauri, and Kylo
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