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September 2024

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I T ’ S S H O W T I M E !Monthly NewsletterW E L C O M E T O O U RS T C A N D S T AS E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4We are so happy that you are a part of our Showtime family!Let’s get this Season 11 party started! Latest updates, class info, merch orders and more!In this newsletter you will find:

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We will review the parentsurvey results, and actionplans based on thoseresults. S U N D A Y ,S E P T E M B E R8 T H , 7 P M M E E T . G O O G L E . C O M / F T C - V F R T - K Y DShowtime Theatre Company Town Hall MeetingW H A T ?Be a part of our virtual parenttownhall meeting!W H E N ?V I R T U A L L I N KW W W . S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M / C U R R E N T - S T U D E N T 803-203-0208

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August 8/2 Antonella Westbrook8/4 Kasey Knight 8/4 Declan Ayotte8/9 Millie Arledge8/11 Camden Scheetz8/12 Job Chevannes8/17 Ruby Kuhn8/17 Myla Smith 8/21 Ali Riggins 8/23 Dorsey Rushing8/24 Cameron Geisbert8/26 Annie Larsen8/27 Carter Sessoms8/27 Anna Wall8/28 Rozalyn Miller8/28 Kaylee Felder8/30 Khai Barfield8/31 Lucy Warren8/31 Brenden Ortiz

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September9/1 Bradley Dillinger 9/3 Norah Barattini9/5 Skylin Reece 9/5 Noah Phillips9/5 Kendal Malone 9/7 Scarlett Dillinger9/10 Kallie Price 9/10 Olive Ostenfeld 9/10 Mae McWaters 9/10 Charlotte Williams9/14 Morgan McConnell9/15 Lincoln Potter9/16 Anna Hilton9/19 Kennedy Clowney9/21 Olivia Combs9/27 Oliver Smith 9/29 Taylor McMullen

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What a great way toshowcase ouramazing studentsand have fun withfriends!We had so much fun celebrating theend of Season 10 and the beginning ofSeason 11!Movie PremiereYear in ReviewYear in Review

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ScheduleFee Schedule $149 Production fee perperformer needs to be paiddirectly to Showtime TheatreCompany by October 15th, Pay HereWe will run the $100 per performer fee,and $30 per person for extra shirtsordered, September 15th., to your cardon file. $35 per art class student will runto the card on file September 15th. $149 Productions fee per performerneeds to be paid directly toShowtime Theatre Company byOctober 15th, Pay HereTECH THEATRECLASSESDISNEYTRIP ARTCLASSESLEGALLYBLONDE JRPINOCCHIOLEGALLYBLONDEFor classes and productions withfees, the fee schedule is below. $35 per tech class student willrun to the card on fileSeptember 15th.$149 Production fee per performerneeds to be paid directly toShowtime Theatre Company byOctober 15th, Pay Here

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I N T R O D U C I N GMeet Our Showtime Academy Team!Visit Our Team Page on the WebsiteRead about our instructors’ experience,passions, and hopes for your child this year atShowtime!

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Jemima BowlerCall: 803-203-0208 OR Email: maddison@showtimeacademyrh.comto reserve your spot! TNT Masterclass & Fundamentals Workshop Opportunity!FREE to Immersive Level students!$25 for Basic Level students$40 for Non-Academy members Space is LIMITED & filling up quickly!! Sign Up Today!Commercial DanceJemima is an actor, dancer and musician with acareer spanning 10+ years. Specialising in multipledance styles, songwriting and musical theater,Jemima brings both passion and experience to herclasses. After training with the Royal Academy ofDance up to advanced ballet, modern and tap,Jemima has performed at Glyndebourne Operahouse, Victorious music festival and in multiplerecognised venues for both musical theaterproductions and her own performances as a popmusician under her stage name 'MIMAH'. Her workhas been recognized in a variety of musicmagazines, radio mentions and reviews of thestage. After completing her Masters Degree in PopMusic and her professional Musical Theatre trainingat Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London,Jemima has come to Rock Hill to develop herpractice and share her experience with studentswho are interested in pursuing a career inperforming arts.Jemima's classes offer participants the opportunityto refine their skills, explore new techniques andgain an insight into the industry. With a focus onpersonal growth, artistic development and buildingconfidence as a performer, Jemima is committed todeliver some inspiring and exciting masterclassesand workshops.Saturday, September 21st K-5th 1:00-2:15PM6th-12th 2:30-4:00PMA commercial dance class focuses onstyles of dance commonly seen inentertainment media, such as musicvideos, commercials, and liveperformances. These classes oftenemphasize popular and high-energydance styles like hip-hop, jazz, streetdance, and lyrical, and are gearedtowards developing skills that areapplicable in the commercialentertainment industry.

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Fun Day!SundaeSunday, October 6th at 12:00NONACADEMYMEMBERSTHAT ATTENDWILL RECIEVEA FREE 2 WEEKTRIAL!!BRING AFRIEND!!Bring a friend, come hang out, eat some ice creamand have some fun! SIGN UP HERE:RSVPCome enjoy an ice cream truck before the weather turns cold!Bring a friend and introduce them to the Showtime family! Please RSVP for all who are attending - if bringing a friendplease make sure they have a separate RSVP so we have allnecessary contact information.

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2 G R O U P S ! W E L O O K F O R W A R D T OP E R F O R M I N G A N D T R A I N I N G W I T HD I S N E Y P R O F E S S I O N A L S A TD I S N E Y W O R L D O C T O B E R 1 2 T H Every Sunday August 25th-October 6th 6:30-8 Join the Disney Trip Group MeApp- For Travel/Accommodations questions, email Elizabeth@mainstreettravelco.comFor questions aboutrehearsals/performances. Showtime is Headed to DisneyWorld in October!W W W . S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M / C U R R E N T - S T U D E N T 803-203-0208Showtime at DisneyRehearsal Updates: Use this LINK: Disney Performance Tripto access rehearsal videos, andmore important event details!!Vocal Recording Dates and Times!-Ms. Jen & Ms. Jen’s group: Saturday,September 21st at 6:30pm-Ms. Maddie & Ms. Elyse’s group:Sunday September 22nd 3:00pm.*Pizza will be provided!!

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Do youwant torock someShowtimeswag?!NewDesignsAvailable!Click on the picture for the t-shirt you need to order for you and/or your child. Turn In Your Performance T-Shirts Orders ASAP-Thanks!Get Your Showtime Gear!Use the link to to the right to purchase anAcademy or Theatre Company jacket,Showtime Academy t-shirts, water bottles andmore! S H O W T I M E G E A R !

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CHRISTMASVILLE2024Showtime Academy and ShowtimeTheatre Company, will be participatingin Christmasville in Downtown Rock HillIF YOU/YOUR PERFORMER WILL NOT BEAVAILABLE FOR THE DATES ABOVE,PLEASE EMAIL US. info@showtimeacademyrh.comPERFORMANCEOPPORTUNITIES!December 5th - The Opening Ceremonies will feature ourperformers on the JTF Academy Team. Rehearsal detailscoming soon.December 7th- Live performances will feature all of ourongoing performance classes. Performance times andrehearsal schedule to follow. (Note- Students who missmore than 3 classes October 14th-November, will not beable to perform.)December 8th- Broadway Brunch will feature our JTF STCteam members and some additional invited performers.

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E X P E R I E N C E S U R V E YDid you have a student in 42ndStreet? Did you attend 42ndStreet?Were you in 42ndStreet?Then please take Showtime TheatreCompany’s 42ndStreet Experience Survey

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RSVP today!Open HouseThere will be:Contact UsSample classes!Program info!Arts & Crafts!Photo Booth!Snacks! 803-203-0208info@showtimeacademy.comDo you want to knowmore about ourprogram?1:30-3:30Click the linkabove orscan the QRcode.Know someone interested in joiningShowtime Academy? Invite them to our September Open House!This event is for Non-Academy members

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Vist this page!Read thehandbook!Current StudentResourcesAccess links to the studentportal, show resources, JTF,the student handbook andmore.StudentHandbookRead about the expectationsfor our program, leadershipsfocuses, and other importantinformation! W W W . S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M / C U R R E N T - S T U D E N T 803-203-0208