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September 2023

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Vol 59 No 9 September 2023BulletinInstitute of Animal Technology●Tech Month Report●BLC Report●Diary Dates ●Call for RSPCA Meeting●Call for Congress 2024●Call for Andrew Blake Tribute Award

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March:IATB NEW 11/7/20 06:53 Page 14

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Vol 59 No 9 September 2023CONTENTSEDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul Associates monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology *Registered Office:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* BulletinThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSJul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:01 Page 3CONTENTS SOMNI RODENTNRB SYSTEMSyringe tube ≠ nose conesNo more tapeSEALEDCOMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING UK/EU:ProductsAccessoriesFittingsSOMNI Scientific is centered on the animal welfare and research community with a focus on clinical accuracy, clinician/technician safety, economic performance and intuitive functionality.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.IAT BULLETIN JAN22.indd 3 28/01/2022 12:11BulletinEDITOR*Carole Associates monthly by theInstitute of Animal Technology*Registered Offi ce:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* 07534 105 703Final copy date for October Bulletin23rd SeptemberThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily refl ect those of the Editor or the Institute.Dear Readers 5BLC Report 7-8Congress 2024: Call for Papers 8Congress 2024: Invitation to participate 9Congress 2024: Call for Workshops 10Congress 2024: Call for Posters 10Tech Month at the Pirbright Institute 11-12Call for Andrew Blake Tribute Award 14-15AS-ET News 16-17Your Council Needs You! 2030th Rodent Welfare Group Welfare 21Virtual Network Support Forum 22Coming Soon – Invertebrates 23Situations Vacant 23EDI – It’s OK Not To Be OKay – Let’s Talk about ... Mental Health 24-25NC3Rs: Minimising Aggression in Mice 26NC3Rs: Skin Swabbing in Small Fish 26NC3Rs: Rat Playpens27EDI – It’s OK Not To Be OKay – Let’s Talk about ... Neurodiversity 28-29RSPCA: Call for Humane Endpoints Meeting 30Diary Dates 31March:IATB NEW 11/7/20 06:53 Page 14

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AIRFLOW RANGEDiscover our comprehensive range of animal containment workstations:Contact us today! Sychem Airow Range is designed with class-leading advantages, and manufactured in the UK.SychemAIR - highly ecient air shower SychemFILL - free ow bedding dispenserSychemCHANGE - dual access animal transfer stationSychemWASTE - customisable bedding disposal unit

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BulletinJuly 2020• 5Dear ReadersTwo things to tell you, as we graduallycome out of hibernation. The first thing to say,we are now back in printed form, so I do hope youare now returning back to a more structured way ofworking and reading this in the tea room! The second thing, something you will have alreadynoticed – the July edition of the Bulletin is muchsmaller than usual. There are a couple of reasons forthis, obviously while we have been in lockdown, wehave not been attending any conferences, meetings, seminars orworkshops in person, these have all been postponed or pushed intovirtual meetings. Most of which have been done at very short notice – socurrently there is nothing much to report. Additionally, because of theunscheduled changes to our lives, the Bulletin has begun to get verybehind in our print schedule, which we now need to get back as wereturn to printed format. Our August edition will also be small – but Iguarantee our September edition will be back to normal!Back with this edition, we do have some articles of interest to you – let’sstart with MySociety – the IAT membership database. Read pages 8-11 foran explanation of how this works and how you can use it. This is ofinterest to us all, but especially so to those of us who are RAnTechs – wecan use the database to track and keep records of our CPD.Elsewhere, we have AS-ET news, which includes information on the essaycompetition – prize a trip to Congress 2021. See page 16 to see if you areeligible – even if you are not, please pass the information on to thosewho are.Make sure you take care and …Keep Reading!CarolePoverty IAT LAUNCHES EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY GenderRaceSexual OrientationDiscriminationAgeReligion or BeliefDisabilityEthnicityFairAnti-oppres sive practiceFairYout h WorkSexValuesEmpowermentLegislationDifferenc eSocietyEqualRightsStatusOpportunitiesClassBeliefsEducationNOBODY IS THE SAME BUT EVERYONE IS EQUALInstitute of Animal TechnologyAdvancing and promoting excellence in the care and welfare of animals in scienceEnsuring policies, procedures and processes don’t discriminateEducation - equal access to opportunitiesCreating an inclusive culture for NEW 10/7/20 10:01 Page 5September 2023• 5BulletinKeep Reading!Carole For those with children, the holidays are over and everyone is back to school and work as the nights start to draw in.Tech Month ran back in March and we are featuring another article, celebrating this time from The Pirbright Institute. Their origami pigs are to be admired – see pages 11 – 12.Elsewhere – pages 7 – 8 to be exact, the BLC have sent us the minutes from their last meeting, in which they discussed ideas for improvements to the Congress quiz and for best practice to organise the Congress Raf e. I thought buying tickets using a contactless machine was a great improvement this year – these days, like most, I rarely use cash.On the subject of Congress, I do hope that everyone has been thinking about how they can contribute this year – will it be a poster, workshop or presentation? I am not sure what I want to do! While you keep thinking about how your participation will contribute to making Congress a strong, worthwhile and fun meeting …admired – see pages 11 – 12.Elsewhere – pages 7 – 8 to be exact, the BLC have sent us the minutes IAT Tech Month 2023 The sta in the large animal containment unit at The Pirbright Instute parcipated in the IAT’s Tech Month this year. None of us had parcipated before so we were unsure of what to or expect. Aer we looked at the website and the entries from previous years, we were condent that we could come up with some unique ideas and be able to complete all the tasks. To start with, we printed o the BINGO sheet and decided on the direcon we wanted to complete the tasks in. We opted to go in rows, as we wanted to complete a row each week and then do the extras as and then we could – to go for the full house! As a team we discussed each week who would take on each task and when we had some free me we recorded them. We were so pleased when we learnt we had won a few of the weeks and the full house prize! We also entered the origami compeon, which a couple of us decided to take on. We knew we wanted to try and do some origami pigs and aer trying a few dierent designs we seled on one of the harder ones - which we found a tutorial for on YouTube. We made them out of the A4 paper we had in the unit but decided this wasn’t going to be big enough for the ideas we had once we had made them. We asked another department if we could use their large reels of paper and we got 6 squares of it. This made much larger pigs and we ended up taking over most of the break room oor making them! We posioned them in one of our animal rooms and came up with various ways to pose them. In the end it was them playing with enrichment which won us the prize. Image capon – Prize Winning! Overall, the fun challenges were a good experience for the team to parcipate in each week. It got us using our brains, working out how we could make the task fun to do and to watch. With our winnings we bought an air fryer for our unit! We would denitely parcipate again next year and we hope to make it more well known within our company and to raise extra awareness for the work we do within the unit. Origami PigsAIRFLOW RANGEDiscover our comprehensive range of animal containment workstations:Contact us today! Sychem Airow Range is designed with class-leading advantages, and manufactured in the UK.SychemAIR - highly ecient air shower SychemFILL - free ow bedding dispenserSychemCHANGE - dual access animal transfer stationSychemWASTE - customisable bedding disposal unit

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 7 Minutes from the Branch Liaison Contacts (BLC) meeting Held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 via ZoomEleven representatives attended, each from a different Branch Items discussed:IAT Stand possible quizVarious discussions took place around possible ideas to encourage attendees to the IAT stand at Congress 2024 with suggestions for interesting facts about various BLC or IAT members. For example – who’s pet/kitchen/ another item is this? Ideas for ‘tag along’ or here to help badges for those interested in befriending people travelling alone or new to Congress were also discussed. Congress raffle – procedure updateDiscussion around the draft for ‘best practice’ for Congress raffle organisation. It was agreed that this was an excellent guide and aid to assist the branch organising the raffle, with pointers to value (£50 max), no bulky or heavy items (unless provision is made for onward travel or direct postage) and making use of photos/posters. Promoting Animal Welfare and Technology Journal (ATW) and ‘Made a difference’ Discussion around how to make ATW more searchable, especially with pre-electronic journals. The Impact Factor of ATW was also discussed and will be raised with the editor and at Council. Kally asked for volunteers to be part of a working group to look at means of promoting ATW and how ‘We/I made a difference’.

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Bulletin8 • September 2023 Feedback on the IAT leafl etThe leafl et for managers currently only has text and the benefi ts of continued professional development (CPD). A request was made to those BLC reps present to provide a quote on how the IAT has benefi tted them as members. Action to be submitted by the 14th July to Lynda and Kally.Autumn quiz/crosswordIt was discussed and agreed that there should be an autumn quiz/crossword. Questions/queries from branchesNo questions from Branches. Any Other Business (AOB)None.Date of next meetingSeptember 13th. This will be another virtual meeting.Reporter: Tony Davidge Animal Technologists – professional empathetic steadfastCALL FOR PAPERSl take an active part in the leading annual meeting for Animal Technologistsl present a paper and qualify for free attendance at Congressl make this your debut presentation year – first time presenter papers are only 20 minutes long and as well as a free congress there is a prize for the one judged to be the bestl send your ideas today on the Submission form available from final date for submissions: Friday 8th December 2023Contact: Invitation to Participate12th March – 15th March

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 9 Come JOIN US at a NEW VENUE in Scotland CALL FOR PAPER, POSTER AND WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS ONLINE REGISTRATION opens Monday 4th September Early bird discount offer closes FRIDAY 1st December 2023 DO YOU HAVE COLLEAGUES WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING BUT DO NOT SEE THE BULLETIN REGULARLY? THEN PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CONGRESS WEBSITE AND PIN THEM TO YOUR TEA ROOM NOTICE BOARD. If you have a question to discuss with the Congress Committee, then email us via ➢ Scientific Programme - contact us with your suggestions to present a paper, a workshop or a poster - announcements with details appear in this issue ➢ First Time Presenter - consider making your first time presentation of a paper or an oral presentation of your poster - these sessions have a shorter time slot in the main scientific programme ➢ General - options are available for either full or one day conference attendance - once you have registered as a delegate – book your own accommodation – helpful links are on the website ➢ General ➢ - submission forms are available to downloaded from the website ➢ Come JOIN US at a NEW VENUE in Scotland CALL FOR PAPER, POSTER AND WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS ONLINE REGISTRATION opens Monday 4th September Early bird discount offer closes FRIDAY 1st December 2023 DO YOU HAVE COLLEAGUES WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING BUT DO NOT SEE THE BULLETIN REGULARLY? THEN PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CONGRESS WEBSITE AND PIN THEM TO YOUR TEA ROOM NOTICE BOARD. If you have a question to discuss with the Congress Committee, then email us via ➢ Scientific Programme - contact us with your suggestions to present a paper, a workshop or a poster - announcements with details appear in this issue ➢ First Time Presenter - consider making your first time presentation of a paper or an oral presentation of your poster - these sessions have a shorter time slot in the main scientific programme ➢ General - options are available for either full or one day conference attendance - once you have registered as a delegate – book your own accommodation – helpful links are on the website ➢ General ➢ - submission forms are available to downloaded from the website ➢

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Animal Technologists – professional empathetic steadfastCALL FOR WORKSHOPSl take an active part in the leading annual meeting for Animal Technologistsldo you have an area of expertise? (i.e. work with a more unusual species, bio-security, management, health & safety, been involved in a new build, environmental enrichment, GA breeding, ageing animals, transport, etc)lcould you run a 1 - 3 hour interactive workshop and qualify for a free congress?l send your ideas today on the Submission form available from date for submissions: Friday 8th December 2023Contact: Invitation to Participate12th March – 15th MarchAnimal Technologists – professional empathetic steadfastCALL FOR POSTERSCongress2024CONGRESS Invitation to Participate12th March – 15th Marchl take an active part in the leading annual meeting for Animal Technologistsl submit a poster – final date Friday 2nd February 2024*l consider giving an oral presentation of your poster as part of the main scientific programme, it could also be accepted within the first time presenter’s category – closing date Friday 8th December 2023*l send your ideas today on the Submission form available from (*posters will not be accepted for display at Congress unless they have been properly submitted and approved by the Congress Committee)l two best posters will receive a prize based on the criteria: animal welfare / scientific contentl plus claim up to 10 CPD points – details given on acceptance of submissionContact:

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 11Tech Month at the Pirbright Institute 2023The staff in the large animal containment unit at The Pirbright Institute participated in Tech Month this year. None of us had played before so we were unsure of what to expect. After we looked at the website and the entries from previous years, we were confi dent that we could come up with some unique ideas and be able to complete all the tasks. To start with, we printed off the BINGO sheet and decided on the direction we wanted to complete the tasks in. We opted to go in rows, as we wanted to complete a row each week and then do the extras as and when so we could go for the full house! As a team we discussed each week who would take on each task and when we had some free time we recorded them. We were so pleased when we learnt we had won a few of the weeks and the full house prize!We also entered the origami competition, which a couple of us decided to take on. We knew we wanted to try and do some pigs and after trying a few different designs we settled on one of the harder ones – which we found a tutorial for on YouTube. We made them out of the A4 paper we had in the unit but decided this was not going to be big enough for the ideas we had once we had made them. We asked another department if we could use their large reels of paper and we got 6 squares of it. This made much larger pigs and we ended up taking over most of the break room fl oor making them! We positioned them in one of our animal rooms and came up with various ways to pose them. In the end it was them playing with enrichment that won us the prize. IAT Tech Month 2023 The sta in the large animal containment unit at The Pirbright Instute parcipated in the IAT’s Tech Month this year. None of us had parcipated before so we were unsure of what to or expect. Aer we looked at the website and the entries from previous years, we were condent that we could come up with some unique ideas and be able to complete all the tasks. To start with, we printed o the BINGO sheet and decided on the direcon we wanted to complete the tasks in. We opted to go in rows, as we wanted to complete a row each week and then do the extras as and then we could – to go for the full house! As a team we discussed each week who would take on each task and when we had some free me we recorded them. We were so pleased when we learnt we had won a few of the weeks and the full house prize! We also entered the origami compeon, which a couple of us decided to take on. We knew we wanted to try and do some origami pigs and aer trying a few dierent designs we seled on one of the harder ones - which we found a tutorial for on YouTube. We made them out of the A4 paper we had in the unit but decided this wasn’t going to be big enough for the ideas we had once we had made them. We asked another department if we could use their large reels of paper and we got 6 squares of it. This made much larger pigs and we ended up taking over most of the break room oor making them! We posioned them in one of our animal rooms and came up with various ways to pose them. In the end it was them playing with enrichment which won us the prize. Image capon – Prize Winning! Overall, the fun challenges were a good experience for the team to parcipate in each week. It got us using our brains, working out how we could make the task fun to do and to watch. With our winnings we bought an air fryer for our unit! We would denitely parcipate again next year and we hope to make it more well known within our company and to raise extra awareness for the work we do within the unit. Prize Winning!

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Bulletin12 • September 2023 Overall, the fun challenges were a good experience for the team to participate in each week. It got us using our brains, working out how we could make the task fun to do and watch. With our winnings we bought an air fryer for our unit! We would defi nitely participate again next year and we hope to make it more well known within our company and to raise extra awareness for the work we do within the unit.Reporter: Louise Carder, senior Animal TechnicianReporter: Louise Carder, Senior Animal Technician. Reporter: Louise Carder, Senior Animal Technician.

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Reporter: Louise Carder, Senior Animal Technician. Copies can be ordered via the IAT website you need a reference book? If so, have you thought about ILASTW? This is an excellent entry level learning resource, ideal for those studying for first level qualifications. The book has been thoroughly revised into its third edition and is available to purchase as a download file and as a hard copy. This book is competitively priced – the hard copy at £20.00 (packaging and postage are included) and at £15.00 for the pdf download version.If you are seeking multiple copies of the book for your facility or department, a bulk purchase price is available. Details and an order form can be found on the IAT website – Paperback: 232 pagesl Publisher: Institute of Animal Technology (November 2017)l Language: Englishl ISBN-13: 978-1-9999168-0-0l Cost: £20.00 (includes free p&p within the UK – overseas postage will be charged)Are you undertaking IAT Level 2 and 3 qualifications?

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The Andrew Blake Tribute Award commemorates the work and life of Andrew Blake, who suffered from Friedrich’s ataxia, a hereditary condition described as one of the “worst of neurological diseases”. Andrew died in May 2002 aged 39. Andrew was passionate about the need to support scientists in their work and his commitment to speaking out against animal rights activists took up much of the last ten years of his life. He died shortly before he was to collect his MBE.ANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDSPONSORED BY THE NC3RsANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDDON’T KEEP YOUR GOOD IDEA TO YOURSELF!WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT FOR THE 2024 AWARDDETAILS OF THE AWARD This Award is given annually, where sponsorship allows, to the Animal Technician/Technologist judged to have made the most significant contribution to improving standards in laboratory animal welfare over the previous twelve months. All qualified Animal Technologists are guided in their work by the Institute of Animal Technology’s Ethical Statement: In the conduct of their Professional duties Animal Technologists have a moral and legal obligation, at all times, to promote and safeguard the welfare of animals in their care, recognising that good laboratory animal welfare is an essential component of good laboratory animal technology and science. The Institute recognises and supports the application of the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) in all areas of animal research. The Award is made to acknowledge the professional and personal commitment of Animal Technologists to improving standards in all aspects of laboratory animal care and welfare. THE PRIZE CONSISTS - CONGRESS 2024 FREE ATTENDANCEnext March WHICH WILL INCLUDE DISPLAYING YOUR POSTER(WITH THE OPTION TO ALSO GIVE AN ORAL PRESENTATION)- AN ENGRAVED GLASS PLAQUE - AND £250 CASH AWARDCLOSING DATE FRIDAY 20TH OCTOBER 2023 Need advice – or you wish to discuss anything regarding a possible entry? Then please email the IAT Administrator with your contact details and one of the organisers will respond and give you all the support you need.ARE YOU AN ANIMAL TECH?HAVE YOU BEEN PART OF A TEAM OR HAVE YOU REFINED ANIMAL CARE AND WELFARE IN YOUR FACILITY?ALL ANIMAL TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS, QUALIFIED AT ANY LEVEL AND PRIMARILY WORKING IN THE UK CAN ENTERCRITERIA – The topic of work that you describe in your application may be undertaken as part of a project and PRESENTED AS A POSTER.YOUR POSTER SUBMISSION SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS: TITLE, AIM, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Poster should also contain the content below:- Why did you undertake this work? (what was the potential problem you were trying to improve?) - How did you undertake it? (species, numbers, sex, materials used) - Describe in a comprehensive and concise manner that allows a complete understanding facilitating reproducibility. - Explain if the work contributes to one of the 3Rs. - Explain how the welfare of the animals was improved. - Describe the results you obtained including data generated with assessment. - Were there any statistics undertaken? Please provide this information. Include a brief CV outlining your overall contribution to the work. Please also list your supervisors or PPL holder if applicable for the work. Submit your Poster online via this link where you will see the Submission form for completion.To allow others to be able to replicate the work, please consult the ARRIVE guidelines:

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The Andrew Blake Tribute Award commemorates the work and life of Andrew Blake, who suffered from Friedrich’s ataxia, a hereditary condition described as one of the “worst of neurological diseases”. Andrew died in May 2002 aged 39. Andrew was passionate about the need to support scientists in their work and his commitment to speaking out against animal rights activists took up much of the last ten years of his life. He died shortly before he was to collect his MBE.ANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDSPONSORED BY THE NC3RsANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDDON’T KEEP YOUR GOOD IDEA TO YOURSELF!WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT FOR THE 2024 AWARDDETAILS OF THE AWARD This Award is given annually, where sponsorship allows, to the Animal Technician/Technologist judged to have made the most significant contribution to improving standards in laboratory animal welfare over the previous twelve months. All qualified Animal Technologists are guided in their work by the Institute of Animal Technology’s Ethical Statement: In the conduct of their Professional duties Animal Technologists have a moral and legal obligation, at all times, to promote and safeguard the welfare of animals in their care, recognising that good laboratory animal welfare is an essential component of good laboratory animal technology and science. The Institute recognises and supports the application of the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) in all areas of animal research. The Award is made to acknowledge the professional and personal commitment of Animal Technologists to improving standards in all aspects of laboratory animal care and welfare. THE PRIZE CONSISTS - CONGRESS 2024 FREE ATTENDANCEnext March WHICH WILL INCLUDE DISPLAYING YOUR POSTER(WITH THE OPTION TO ALSO GIVE AN ORAL PRESENTATION)- AN ENGRAVED GLASS PLAQUE - AND £250 CASH AWARDCLOSING DATE FRIDAY 20TH OCTOBER 2023 Need advice – or you wish to discuss anything regarding a possible entry? Then please email the IAT Administrator with your contact details and one of the organisers will respond and give you all the support you need.ARE YOU AN ANIMAL TECH?HAVE YOU BEEN PART OF A TEAM OR HAVE YOU REFINED ANIMAL CARE AND WELFARE IN YOUR FACILITY?ALL ANIMAL TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS, QUALIFIED AT ANY LEVEL AND PRIMARILY WORKING IN THE UK CAN ENTERCRITERIA – The topic of work that you describe in your application may be undertaken as part of a project and PRESENTED AS A POSTER.YOUR POSTER SUBMISSION SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS: TITLE, AIM, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Poster should also contain the content below:- Why did you undertake this work? (what was the potential problem you were trying to improve?) - How did you undertake it? (species, numbers, sex, materials used) - Describe in a comprehensive and concise manner that allows a complete understanding facilitating reproducibility. - Explain if the work contributes to one of the 3Rs. - Explain how the welfare of the animals was improved. - Describe the results you obtained including data generated with assessment. - Were there any statistics undertaken? Please provide this information. Include a brief CV outlining your overall contribution to the work. Please also list your supervisors or PPL holder if applicable for the work. Submit your Poster online via this link where you will see the Submission form for completion.To allow others to be able to replicate the work, please consult the ARRIVE guidelines:

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Bulletin16 • September 2023 AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18Watercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided fPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided fPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided framedAll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.ramed. Dimensions approx.ll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.£120ll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.ll profits going toAS-For more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.35cm x-ETFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen x25cmWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.cmFor more details contact: wendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided framed. Dimensions approx. 35cm x 25cm£120All profi ts going to AS-ETBulletin16 •July 2020AS-ET NewsThe Trustees of AS-ET would like to send our best wishes to all those of you whoare having to work in difficult circumstances, ensuring your animals are cared forand essential science carries on. It is an amazing achievement to have continuedto get to work while public transport has been lacking and while avoiding beinginfected yourselves. Congratulations to all of you for demonstrating your cultureof care in a really practical way in these dangerous times. Please make sure tostill stay safe now that the restrictions have been lifted slightly – the incidence ofinfections has slowed down but the virus is still around.As you can imagine this has been a quiet time for AS-ET but we are ready forwhen circumstances allow people to get back to enrolling on courses. Our plansfor events to mark our tenth anniversary will remain on hold until the countrybecomes more settled, however remember the Congress Bursary Competition isstill running so start writing. Congress Bursary CompetitionIf you are studying for the IAT level 2 qualification or you passed it in 2018, 2019or 2020 and you are employed as a laboratory animal technician in the UK or theRepublic of Ireland you can enter the competition. This year’s topic is —‘What challenges and rewards have you experienced as an animal technician?’ Your 1,000 word essay should be submitted by 20th October 2020. Full details areon our website ( Professor Lord Naren Patel KTChair of Trustees: Professor Sir Richard Gardner FIAT (Hon) FRSSecretary to the Trust: Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSBTrustees: Stephen Barnett MSc (Hon) FRSB, Jasmine Barley MSc FIAT,Karen J Gardner, Wendy Steel BSc (Hons) FIATRegistered Charity Number 113319Registered Office: 5 South Parade, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7JLJul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 16Watercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided fPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided fPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.Provided framedAll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.ramed. Dimensions approx.ll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.£120ll profits going toFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.ll profits going toAS-For more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen photograph.imensions approx.35cm x-ETFor more details contactwendy.steel1@outlook.comPET PORTRAITSWatercolour painting from your chosen x25cmWatercolour painting from your chosen

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 17AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18

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Page 20 OCTOBER 202311:00 to 16:15London£90 (includes lunch!)TOPICS INCLUDE:15 years of refined handlingReviewing refinements tohousing and husbandryLessons from companionrodent careDiscuss currentwelfare researchExchange viewson welfare issuesShare experiencesof 3Rs advances30TH RODENT WELFAREGROUP MEETINGRegister hereIf the answer to the above two questions is yes then listen up:The Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) is actively seeking new Council members, so whether you are interested in welfare initiatives, communications, education and training or just want to have a say, then why not get more involved in your professional body and join Council?Our Mission: Advancing and promoting excellence in the care and welfare of animals in researchAre you currently a full Member or Fellow of the Institute with two years’ consecutive membership, who wants to make a difference? Do you want to be involved in developing the future of the Institute of Animal Technology?Visit our website for further informationInstitute of Animal TechnologyYOUR COUNCIL NEEDS YOU!Why bother?• the opportunity to shape the future• great networking and personal development opportunities• choose the area that interests you on Council and join that group• expenses are paid to attend Council meetings• discounted Congress attendance• the Council Election form is simple to completeStill unsure?Contact us and we can talk you through the process, provide more information about Council activities and groups or you can visit the IAT website members’ section.You would need to be proposed and seconded by either two Members or Fellows of the Institute or nominated by a Branch. The IAT can assist with this too, if you have any difficulties.Interested?Nomination forms should be completed online from the IAT website using this link the form is submitted it is sent to the IAT Administrator ( The closing date for nominations is Friday 3rd November 2023. Simon CummingHonorary Secretary

Page 21 OCTOBER 202311:00 to 16:15London£90 (includes lunch!)TOPICS INCLUDE:15 years of refined handlingReviewing refinements tohousing and husbandryLessons from companionrodent careDiscuss currentwelfare researchExchange viewson welfare issuesShare experiencesof 3Rs advances30TH RODENT WELFAREGROUP MEETINGRegister here

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It’s OK … NOT TO BE OKAY …IAT – Virtual Network Support ForumHas it not been your day, your week, your month or even your year? Or just fancy a catch up with friendly people?Then drop in to say a quick ‘hello’ or for longer, if you have time for a chat the IAT will be there for you! Every Thursday at 12.30 join us on zoom: CLICK TO JOIN Health of Animal TechnologyCOUNCILEDI GroupEquity, Diversity and Inclusion

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 23It’s OK … NOT TO BE OKAY …IAT – Virtual Network Support ForumHas it not been your day, your week, your month or even your year? Or just fancy a catch up with friendly people?Then drop in to say a quick ‘hello’ or for longer, if you have time for a chat the IAT will be there for you! Every Thursday at 12.30 join us on zoom: CLICK TO JOIN Health of Animal TechnologyCOUNCILEDI GroupEquity, Diversity and InclusionSITUATIONS VACANTVisit the Careers pages on the IAT Website for the latest vacancies advertising details from

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Mental Health AwarenessLet’s Talk about ... Mental of Animal TechnologyCOUNCILEDI GroupEquity, Diversity and InclusionIt’s OK … NOT TO BE OKAY …Let’s Talk about ... Mental HealthManaging Mental Health at work is important for employers and employeesAccording to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six employees experience mental ill health each year.The impact of the pandemic, the increasing cost of living and changes to working practices mean that it is now more important than ever, to put workplace mental health at the top of workplace agendas. Mental health problems can happen suddenly, because of a specific event in someone’s life, or it can build up gradually over time. There are many types of mental health conditions, for example:l Depressionl Anxiety l Bipolar disorder l SchizophreniaStress is not classed as a medical condition. but it can still be serious and, cause or make worse, other mental health conditions. For example, if you have stress over a long time, this might lead to anxiety or depression.Spotting possible signs of a mental health problem:Not everyone will show obvious signs of poor mental health and it’s important not to make assumptions. But some possible signs at work include:l appearing tired, anxious or withdrawnl increase in sickness absence or being late to workl changes in the standard of a person’s work or focus on tasksl being less interested in tasks they previously enjoyedl changes in usual behaviour, mood or how the person behaves with the people they work withIt can be harder to spot these signs if employees are working from home. It is important for employers to regularly ask their employees how they are doing. They should help them to be open and honest about how they are feeling.Looking after your own mental healthIt is important to look after your mental health at work, ways to support your own mental health are:l Stay in contact with people – talk to people you work with or friends about how you are feeling. Talk to others in your facility, Mental Health First Aiders, Occupational Health, Your Manager.l Have a routine so you plan in advance what you’ll be doing each day.l Keep active and exercise.l Make time for activities you enjoy.l Reflect on what helps you feel more positive and what does not.Looking after Employees’ Mental HealthThe sooner an employer becomes aware of a mental health problem, the sooner they can provide help and support.Whilst many of the reasons behind poor mental health will not be work-related, evidence shows that employers who, reduce stigma, improve management capability and increase self-support, markedly help their employees to remain productive and stay in work. What can I do as a manager?l Be open in facilities about Mental Health awareness.l Talk regularly with individuals and teams.l Address workload issues and add additional rest breaks if required.l Organise and promote positive social events e.g. cake in the tearoom, walks at lunchtime.l Recognise signs of mental ill health and take advice on how to support staff members, this may be from HR, Occupational Health, organisational support networks or Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) in the Organisation.References and for further support and information

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Mental Health AwarenessLet’s Talk about ... Mental of Animal TechnologyCOUNCILEDI GroupEquity, Diversity and InclusionIt’s OK … NOT TO BE OKAY …Let’s Talk about ... Mental HealthManaging Mental Health at work is important for employers and employeesAccording to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six employees experience mental ill health each year.The impact of the pandemic, the increasing cost of living and changes to working practices mean that it is now more important than ever, to put workplace mental health at the top of workplace agendas. Mental health problems can happen suddenly, because of a specific event in someone’s life, or it can build up gradually over time. There are many types of mental health conditions, for example:l Depressionl Anxiety l Bipolar disorder l SchizophreniaStress is not classed as a medical condition. but it can still be serious and, cause or make worse, other mental health conditions. For example, if you have stress over a long time, this might lead to anxiety or depression.Spotting possible signs of a mental health problem:Not everyone will show obvious signs of poor mental health and it’s important not to make assumptions. But some possible signs at work include:l appearing tired, anxious or withdrawnl increase in sickness absence or being late to workl changes in the standard of a person’s work or focus on tasksl being less interested in tasks they previously enjoyedl changes in usual behaviour, mood or how the person behaves with the people they work withIt can be harder to spot these signs if employees are working from home. It is important for employers to regularly ask their employees how they are doing. They should help them to be open and honest about how they are feeling.Looking after your own mental healthIt is important to look after your mental health at work, ways to support your own mental health are:l Stay in contact with people – talk to people you work with or friends about how you are feeling. Talk to others in your facility, Mental Health First Aiders, Occupational Health, Your Manager.l Have a routine so you plan in advance what you’ll be doing each day.l Keep active and exercise.l Make time for activities you enjoy.l Reflect on what helps you feel more positive and what does not.Looking after Employees’ Mental HealthThe sooner an employer becomes aware of a mental health problem, the sooner they can provide help and support.Whilst many of the reasons behind poor mental health will not be work-related, evidence shows that employers who, reduce stigma, improve management capability and increase self-support, markedly help their employees to remain productive and stay in work. What can I do as a manager?l Be open in facilities about Mental Health awareness.l Talk regularly with individuals and teams.l Address workload issues and add additional rest breaks if required.l Organise and promote positive social events e.g. cake in the tearoom, walks at lunchtime.l Recognise signs of mental ill health and take advice on how to support staff members, this may be from HR, Occupational Health, organisational support networks or Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) in the Organisation.References and for further support and information

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Skin swabbing: refining genotyping of small-bodied fishes The NC3Rs has collaborated with experts to create a resource aimed at researchers and technicians who want to learn more about the practical and welfare aspects of switching from fin clipping to skin swabbing. The resource includes: ▪ Commonly asked questions answered in detail by experts in skin swabbing and laboratory fish welfare. ▪ A table comparing the practical aspects of fin clipping and skin swabbing. ▪ A skin swabbing protocol, peer-reviewed literature, and videos to help you develop and implement a swabbing protocol in your own facility. ▪ Advice on refining genotyping procedures if you facility is not yet ready to make the switch to skin swabbing. Minimising aggression in group-housed mice The NC3Rs has created a new resource providing recommendations for preventing and managing aggression between group-housed mice. The recommendations focus on male mice and are based on published literature. Sources include the NC3Rs mouse aggression study, which analysed data from 137,580 male mice that was collected by animal technicians across 44 facilities. The resource also includes general information that can be applied to both sexes, such as guidance on understanding sudden behavioural changes and monitoring aggression in mice.

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 27 Learn more about rat playpens with a new online resource Conventional cages limit the ability of rats to explore, exercise and engage in species-specific behaviours, such as climbing, burrowing, and upright stretching. These constraints on rat behaviour can negatively impact on their physical and psychological health, leading to unhealthy animals and potentially unreliable data. Rat playpens provide an opportunity to address the welfare issues associated with standard caging, and can also create positive change for animal technicians, researchers, and facilities. To find out more about the benefits of providing rats with playpen access visit the NC3Rs online rat playpen resource, which also includes: ▪ Answers to your common rat playpen questions. ▪ Practical tips for setting up a rat playpen in your facility. ▪ Video content, including a rat playpen webinar. With thanks to University College London, University of Leicester, and University of Bristol for images. If you have set up a rat playpen and would like to share your experiences, we would love to hear from you:

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9Mental can we embrace Neurodiversity in the workplace?Neurodivergence is fairly common, so most workplaces are already neurodiverse. Yet, there is still alack of understanding around most forms of neurodivergence, and misperceptions persist. It thereforemakes sense for organisations to take steps that make their neurodivergent stafffeel valued, part ofthe team and supported to contribute fully towards achieving the goals of the organisation.Creating amoreinclusive workplace can:lhighlight the employer’scommitment to diversity and inclusionlreduce the stigma around neurodivergencelmake stafffeel safe and empowered to disclose aneurodivergencelmake it more likely that neurodivergent staffwillbetreated fairly by their managers andcolleagueslopen the organisation up to apooloftalent that may otherwise have been overlookedlhelp retain skilled staffand reduce recruitment costs.Further Support and Training can be found at:lADHD Foundation -Adults sectionlBritish Dyslexic Association -Employer sectionlDyspraxia Foundation -Adults sectionlNational Autistic Society -Support for employerslTourettes Action -Employers sectionlNHS website and search for the specific form of neurodivergenceReferences:CIPD Guide Neurodiversity at work ,Feb 2018 ofAnimal TechnologyCOUNCILEquality and Diversity GroupIAT BULLETIN MARCH22.indd 9 21/03/2022 11:42Bulletin8 • March 2022This time, the EDI Group is focussing its “Let’sTalk” article onanother protected characteristic, NeurodiversityLet’stalk about …Neurodiversity in the workplace“Youprobably can’ttellbylooking at me, but my brain works very differently to yours.If you were to meet me, you’d probably notice that I’m tall and Ihave blonde hair.Youmight notice that Idon’toften make eye contact. But you won’tsee that I’m also extremelysensitive to bright lights and loud noises. Iamhopeless at reading body language and Imissconversational cues. Ilove coding and enjoy solving problems. Istruggle with changingenvironments, having to hot desk has ahuge impact on me’ Iamnot aneurotypicalperson, Iamwhatisknown as ‘neurodivergent’”What is Neurodiversity?Neurodiversity refers to the different ways the brain can work and interpret information. It highlightsthat people naturally think about things differently.Wehave different interests and motivations, andare naturally better at some things and poorer at others.Most people are neurotypical, meaning that the brain functions and processes information in theway society expects.However,itisestimated that around 1in7people (more than 15% of people in the UK) areneurodivergent,meaning that the brain functions, learns and processes information differently.Neurodivergence includes Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. These bringstrengths as well as difficulties.What does Neurodiversity mean?When we describe people as ‘neurodivergent’, then, we are talking about people who in one orseveral respects have athinking style at the edges of one or more of these continuums, with –inthe words of autistic author,speaker and educator Nick Walker –abrain ‘that functions in ways thatdiverge significantly from the dominant societal standards of “normal’. We needtounderstand thatthere is no standard brain.Neurodiversity is, ultimately,abiological fact of the infinite variety of human neurocognition.Now,the same term ‘neurodiversity’ is also being used to represent afast-growing sub-category oforganisational diversity and inclusion that seeks to embrace and maximise the talents of people whothink differently.(CIPD 2018)Let’s talk about ... NeurodiversityIAT BULLETIN MARCH22.indd 8 21/03/2022 11:42

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9Mental can we embrace Neurodiversity in the workplace?Neurodivergence is fairly common, so most workplaces are already neurodiverse. Yet, there is still alack of understanding around most forms of neurodivergence, and misperceptions persist. It thereforemakes sense for organisations to take steps that make their neurodivergent stafffeel valued, part ofthe team and supported to contribute fully towards achieving the goals of the organisation.Creating amoreinclusive workplace can:lhighlight the employer’scommitment to diversity and inclusionlreduce the stigma around neurodivergencelmake stafffeel safe and empowered to disclose aneurodivergencelmake it more likely that neurodivergent staffwillbetreated fairly by their managers andcolleagueslopen the organisation up to apooloftalent that may otherwise have been overlookedlhelp retain skilled staffand reduce recruitment costs.Further Support and Training can be found at:lADHD Foundation -Adults sectionlBritish Dyslexic Association -Employer sectionlDyspraxia Foundation -Adults sectionlNational Autistic Society -Support for employerslTourettes Action -Employers sectionlNHS website and search for the specific form of neurodivergenceReferences:CIPD Guide Neurodiversity at work ,Feb 2018 ofAnimal TechnologyCOUNCILEquality and Diversity GroupIAT BULLETIN MARCH22.indd 9IAT BULLETIN MARCH22.indd 9 21/03/2022 11:4221/03/2022 11:42

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FREETOATTENDCase studies on identifying sublethal indicators in acutetoxicology testsImprovements in training for animal technologistsUse of technology in animal monitoringSessions include:The RSPCA will be holding a one-day, in-person meeting which will focus onobserving and interpreting clinical signs to implement humane endpoints forfishes in regulatory toxicology.Registration is free, including lunch and refreshments, thanks to the generosity ofRSPCA sponsors. The meeting is open to those directly involved in the care and use oflaboratory animals. Full details of the meeting venue will beprovided once we confirmyour registration.A full agenda will be provided closer to the day of the meeting.Register further information, please

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BulletinSeptember 2023 • 31Front cover: Snoot Courtesy: Ian Treves DIARY DatesTo View NowProcedures with Care To view: View NowEnvironmental Health Monitoring is a 3Rs Replacement for Live Sentinel RodentsNA3RsC 2021To view: 19th SeptemberHome Improvements: Looking at evidence Based Refi nementsLASA/UFAWStevenageDetails: – 5th October Key Aspects to design an environmental enrichment program for lab rodentsFondazione Guido Bernardini OnlineDetails: – 19th October Flair Consultants Anaesthesia and perioperative care of laboratory rodents and rabbits WorkshopDetails: OctoberRSPCA and UFAW30th Rodent Welfare Group MeetingSee page 2115th NovemberAnimal Technician ConferenceCambridgeDetails: NovemberHumane Endpoints in Regulatory Toxicology RSPCA SurreySee page 3021st – 23rd NovemberLASA ConferenceCambridgeDetails: – 30th NovemberFlair ConsultantsAssessment, Prevention and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals WorkshopDetails: – 3rd May 2024Openness in Animal ResearchWest MidlandsDetails:

Page 32• • 0870 600 16 16We know your day has many important factors to consider. One of them should not be to worry about the consistency and quality of your research animal feed and nutrition. LabDiet® offers you the confidence in knowing your feed will be consistent, batch to batch, year after year.We appreciate your TRUST in US.TRUST