PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEADOver the past 18 months, the Algoma University community has collectively and successfully navigated the ongoing and evolving challenges of the global pandemic. We will continue this success moving into the Fall 2021 term as we welcome new and returning students back to campus. While we may continue to experience a few bumps and turns along the way, I am confident we are moving in the right direction. This month I have been reflecting on the word gratitude. Gratitude that I live here in Ontario, gratitude for my health and my family’s health; I am grateful to our faculty and staff as together, we managed to have one of the lowest university infection rates in the country while continuing to support the academic needs of our students. I am grateful to have kept my employment through the pandemic when I know many personal friends and family who lost life savings, family businesses and will face continued hardship. And while I know many of us have experienced hardship, I am grateful that we are making our way back to in-person learning and increased on-campus experiences. As we move into the fall term, we are pleased that enrolment and new programming continue to move us toward our goal of a sustainable 3000 FTE student body by 2024. Our students and faculty have been welcomed by new and modernized facilities in Brampton and Sault Ste. Marie; in Brampton, we have grown our campus from 13,000 to over 31,000 square feet. While many other organizations have been forced to lay off staff to address financial challenges, our employee base continues to grow with over 20 new full-time positions (faculty and staff) currently being hired across the three campuses. LOVE AND KINDNESSRESPECT BRAVERY WISDOM HONESTY TRUTH HUMILITYSEVEN GRANDFATHER TEACHINGS
As the fall term commences, we continue to move forward a range of initiatives to support the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan (extension) approved by the Board of Governors in June. This edition of the President’s Report provides an overview of key achievements since our last report as well as updates on important next steps for each objective outlined within the plan. This summer, we continued to work with the Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association and other stakeholders on plans for the ground search of the Shingwauk site. A related update to the University community was circulated earlier this month. Further updates will be posted on the newly established website.Finally, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to an amazing individual who recently passed to the spirit world - Elder Shirley Jane Roach-baa, Ozawa D’bik Giiziz Ikwe, Mukwa O’Dodem. As a survivor of the residential school era, Shirley-baa was one of the most resilient, spirited and passionate women (Nishinaabe-kwe) I have ever known. Many in our community were drawn to the strong connection she had developed to her spirituality and culture as part of her healing journey, we were drawn to her story of resilience and strength. It was a friendship that many of us will cherish for a lifetime. Chi-Miigwetch to everyone who has played and continues to play a part in this unprecedented and exciting chapter of our history. Thank you for being resilient, adaptable, creative and committed to ensuring our students have an exceptional learning environment. Thunderbirds protecting Thunderbirds - Thunderbirds protecting Communities!Asima Vezina, President and Vice-Chancellor
What We’ve Accomplished...CAMPUS CULTURE - A dynamic hub for community and student life with spaces and activities that support inspired and engaged learning and a strong sense of pride. This strategic direction will be achieved in close collaboration with student leadership to ensure all decisions reflect students’ needs. #1 PRIORITY Launch completed September 1SMOKE-FREECAMPUSHybrid in-person/virtual A SUCCESSALGOMA UNIVERSITY JOINS THEAU PARTNERS WITH UNIVERSITIES IN7Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) programNEWcountriesON2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Algoma University is a dynamic hub for community and student life Members of the Algoma University and broader community have a strong sense of pride in their institution Members of the Algoma University community are engaged and inspired in their studies, work, and extracurricular activities Algoma University promotes a culture of internationalizationFor a full listing of common University acronyms, please click here: AU Common Acronyms
• 2020-2021 Dean’s Honour List released (July 2021)• Successful transition back to on-campus learning and activities for Fall 2021 term• Final phase of Smoke free campus initiative successfully launched September 1st • SSM Food Pantry - expanded service in new location• Algoma University joins the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global network of universities, colleges and research institutions that are addressing some of the world’s most complex problems• Hybrid orientation week a success with in-person and virtual events at all 3 campuses• Eight AU faculty members and their classes engaged in new Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), with partners at universities in seven countries: Belgium, Dominican Republic, Japan, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico and Spain• Agreement signed with Canada Pakistan Business Council to support higher education and mentorship for womenWhat’s Next?• Awaiting additional Global Skills Opportunity funding announcement this fall from Employment Skills Canada and Universities Canada, for a new project on developing global leadership skills
What We’ve Accomplished...VIBRANT PROGRAMS - An integrated suite of academic programming that is current, relevant, attractive, and aligned with students’ expectations.2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Algoma University is a leader in teaching excellence Algoma University characterizes and distinguishes itself through the realization of its Special Mission Algoma University has an integrated suite of relevant programming that is linked to the broader communities#2 PRIORITY NEW TEACHING & RESEARCH FACILITIESfinalized in Sault Ste. Marie and Brampton campusestakes part in a successful summer CLIMATE ACTION FIELD SCHOOL LAUNCHES AVIATION PROGRAMMINGin Brampton
• Successful launch of new aviation programming at our Brampton campus by the School of Business and Economics in partnership with Flight 6ix• The Department of Geography, Geology, and Land Stewardship was part of a successful summer Climate Action Field School organized by the Lake Superior Living Labs Networks (LSLLN)• New teaching and research facilities for the School of Computer Science and Technology finalized in time for Fall term start in Brampton and SSM• Ontario Mental Health and Addictions Research Institute - Continued planning and engagement with government officials to support project development. Contract currently being finalized with the firm selected to conduct the project feasibility study What’s Next?• New Institutional Quality Assurance Process for all programs being finalized• New 5-year Academic Plan (2021-26) in final approval stages this fall• Establishing a dual credential program with a Chinese university
What We’ve Accomplished...RESEARCH AND INNOVATION - A culture of research and innovation that leverages existing strengths and produces an exceptional student experience while engaging with our campus communities and contributing to their sustainability.#3 PRIORITY 2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Algoma University capitalizes on scholarship, research and creative production to enhance student learning, support faculty growth, and contribute to local and regional social, cultural and economic development Algoma University cultivates a culture of research and innovation among all members of the university communityAPPOINTED FULL-TIMEResearch OfficerTri-Agency Funding for INTERDISCIPLINARY & SCIENCE RESEARCH$688K+SECURED
• Ivana Bruni appointed full-time Research Officer • Significant Tri-Agency funding totalling more than $688,000 for interdisciplinary and science research: ∘ Dr. Vivian Jiménez-Estrada (SSHRC Partnership Development Grant), “Indigenous Women Storying and Interweaving their Experiences of Gendered and Colonial Violence in Mexico and Canada” ∘ Dr. Nirosha Murugan (NSERC Discovery Grant), “Biophysical Control of Tissue Re-Programming” ∘ Dr. Nirosha Murugan (NSERC New Frontiers in Research Fund Exploration Grant), “Enhancing Brain Health After Cancer Therapy: Countering Chemo Brain using Novel, Early Detection Tools” ∘ Dr. Yujie Tang (NSERC Discovery Grant), “Learning-based Resource Management for Internet of Vehicles”• Other external research funding: ∘ Dr. Elaine Ho (Mitacs Accelerate Internship, supervised by Dr. István Imre), “Community-based water monitoring and two-eyed seeing in the St. Mary’s Area of Concern” ∘ Four NOHFC research internships (People & Talent Program)• Strengthened commitment to EDI in all research and innovation (research grants, Research Advisory Committee, policy development)What’s Next?• Continue work with Tri-Agencies on research EDI initiatives and guidelines• Nomination for AU’s fourth Canada Research Chair • Consultation and Development for Indigenous Research Policy• Draft AU’s next strategic research plan
What We’ve Accomplished...ANISHINAABE INENDAMOWIN - A recognized leader in cross-cultural sharing, healing and learning through collaborative efforts in decolonizing the university’s policies, procedures, pedagogy in fulfilment of our Special Mission. 2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Algoma University is recognized as a leader in Anishinaabe learning in Canada We are responding to the Calls to Action with strategic focus in curricula, policies, research, cross-cultural teaching and learning, community partnerships, health, land stewardship, and governance#4 PRIORITY MUKQUA WAAKAA’IGAN PROJECT ARCHITECT SELECTEDANISHINAABE ACADEMIC RESOURCE CENTRELAUNCHEDUNIVERSITY-WIDE RECOGNITION OF National Day for Truth & Reconciliation:ORANGE SHIRT DAYSEPTEMBER 30, 2021
• We have worked through the RFP process for the Mukqua Waakaa’igan project. We are quite excited that the project team has made it’s recommendation for the architect based on a highly competitive process. An official announcement will be made following the Board of Governors meeting on September 29, 2021. • Launched the Anishinaabe Academic Resource Centre designed to provide cultural and academic support to FNMI learners at Algoma and welcomed Paul Sayers to the inaugural Manager of Indigenous Relations, Community Development and Training role in the AARC• The Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association (CSAA) continue to lead the work for the imminent ground search on the Algoma U portion of the Shingwauk Site. The CSAA works in collaboration with other site partners including Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig (SKG), Algoma District School Board, Anglican Diocese and the University. Updates on the Shingwauk ground search will be posted on the website.• Continued to engage with SKG on a range of significant initiatives to support our Special Mission What’s Next?• National Day of Truth and Reconciliation events, Sept. 30th, 2021• Mukqua Waakaaai’gan architect selection and announcement slated for late September• Launch of the Algoma University Indigenization community engagement process in October• Honouring Our Commitment work continues with the CSAA to create educational resources on residential school, reconciliation and Treaty Relationships designed for elementary, secondary and post-secondary students through the Shingwauk Residential School Centre • Expanding the Gebegendaadowin (SHIFT) training through a rebrand and promotion campaign, this training will continue to be rolled out to police services, health and social service organizations across the region
What We’ve Accomplished...INSTITUTIONAL EXCELLENCE - Institutional excellence is a university-wide commitment involving students, employees, communities aligned in the spirit of continuous improvement, institutional effectiveness, organizational resilience and strong leadership resulting in long term financial sustainability.#5 PRIORITY 2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Community: People and Culture Organizational Alignment Generation of New Revenue Streams Increase Brand AwarenessOVER2700 STUDENTSRECORD ENROLMENTenrolled across all campuses THIS FALLat all 3 CAMPUSESDOMESTIC UP 9.9%INTERNATIONAL UP 147%HIGHEST PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN 1ST YEAR26.3%Ontario secondary school students in the province
• Record enrolment - over 2700 students enrolled across all three campuses this Fall • Growth at all three campuses (Brampton 239%, SSM 13.4%, Timmins 6.3%)• Domestic and international growth (domestic 9.9%, international 147%)• Highest percentage increase in first year ontario secondary school students in the province (26.3%)• Implementation of enhanced covid screening protocols and vaccine policy to help support the health and well-being of all members of the Algoma U family• University’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, first round reporting completedWhat’s Next?• Results of brand validation survey will be used to refine brand positioning pillars, institutional narrative and initial creative exploration. Final brand architecture strategy to be presented to the Board in Winter 2022• Development of a long term action plan to address the recommendations from the recently completed external operational efficiency report • Refine the Enterprise Risk Management reporting and threshold levels
What We’ve Accomplished...EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION - EDI values are embedded across the organization to fullfil Algoma University’s commitment to undoing systemic and institutional discrimination and to be publicly transparent and accountable.#6 PRIORITY 2021-22 Key Metrics/Areas of Focus Develop an EDI institutional accountability framework Foster EDI in Research, Teaching and Learning Commit to incorporating EDI into policies, processes and proceduresPRIDE FLAGRAISEDSault Ste. Marie & Brampton campusesEDUCATION AND TRAININGALGOMA UNIVERSITY becomes employer partner with theIN JULY
• 2020-2021 EDI Annual Report completed • Comprehensive EDI Climate Research Study underway. The first phase of the study, being conducted by Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA), involves preliminary research and engagement with key stakeholders and leaders• HESA - EDI Climate Research Study virtual town hall (September 24, 2021)• Review of findings of Cultural Safety Learning Program (CSLP) Review of Impact Assessment to help refine Fall 2021 offering • Pride flag raised on both Sault Ste. Marie and Brampton campuses in July to symbolize Algoma’s commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all while standing up against discrimination and violence towards the 2SLGBTQQIPA+ community• Ongoing 2SLGBTQQIPA+ education and training for a number of academic and non-academic departments/units • Participated in the The National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism hosted by the University of British Columbia. • Algoma University became an Employer Partner with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion. This partnership will provide all students and employees ongoing EDI education and awareness training via monthly webinars and unlimited access to CCDI’s knowledge repository and other EDI resources.What’s Next?• EDI Climate Research Study Phase 2: Consultations, survey administration and monitoring, focus groups, and summary of consultation results (late September to December)• Cultural Safety Online Learning Program - Fall sessions for both students and employees to begin September 27, 2021• Continued work with the VPFO and HR offices to prioritize policies which move forward EDI efforts. For instance, Self Identification Policy, Change of Name Policy and procedure to respect 2SLGBTQQIPA+ pronouns and names• Finalize Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) grant submissions to support organizations combating anti-Asian racism• Review of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education: Principles, actions and Accountabilities. Decision to support charter is forthcoming• Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion - ongoing webinars and conference • Commitment to ongoing EDI education and awareness activities and events
FOLLOW US @algomauALGOMA UNIVERSITYSault Ste. Marie Campus1520 Queen Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2G41.705.949.2301 1.888.ALGOMAUE. info@algomau.caW. algomau.caBrampton Campus24 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON L6V 1A31.905.451.0100 E. brampton@algomau.caW. Campus4715 Highway 101 East, South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H01.705.235.3211, ext. 2175 E. timmins@algomau.caW.