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September 2021

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Institute of Animal TechnologyBulletinInstitute of Animal TechnologyVol57No9 September 2021•Congress2022 –CalltoParticipate•Your Council Needs You•Equality and Diversity Group•Changes to Level 2&3Diplomas•ASRU Response•AS-ET NewsIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 1IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 1 06/09/2021 12:0406/09/2021 12:04

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EDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul monthly by theInstitute of AnimalTechnology*Registered Office:5South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IATADMINISTRATOR* 0800 085 4380BulletinFinal copy date forAugust Bulletin23rdJuneThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSDear Readers 5___________________________________CLAST information 6-7___________________________________Welcome to MySociety –8-11The IATMembershipDatabase___________________________________BING and Branch Reps –14-15first joint meeting___________________________________AS-ET News 16-18___________________________________Diary Dates 19___________________________________Vol57No9September 2021CONTENTSFinalcopydateforSeptemberBulletin23rdSeptemberDear Readers 5Response from ASRU on behalf7-8of the Science MinisterCongress 2022 –Call for Papers8Congress 2022 –Invitation to9participateYour Council Needs You10Changes to Level 2&3IAT11DiplomasAndrew Blake Tribute Award14-15Congress 2022 –Call for Workshops17AS-ET News 18-21Congress 2022 –Call for Posters19Let’sTalk About Disability 22-23and the WorkplaceRSPCA/UFAW Rodent Welfare25MeetingSituations Vacant 26Diary Dates 27IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 3 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin4 • September 2021TRY ALL OF THE JWIAPRODUCTS FOR FREE,AND THEN BENEFIT FROM25%OFF YOUR ORDER*Tryall of our Janet Wood InnovationAwardproducts withour free JWIenrichmentsamplekit.Just scan theQR code to claim yours today.If youenjoyyour sample products andwant to place an order,weare oeringa25% online onlydiscountfor alimitedtime period atwww.datesand.comGET 25% OFFYOUR ORDERIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 4 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember2021 • 5Keep Reading!Dear ReadersCaroleAutumnagain,thhee tiimmee sseeeemmss ttoo flflyybyy.Iguesseveryonehaas bbeeeenbusyoverthesummerr ––takingholidayys II hhope,butitisalwaysaquiettimefortheBuullleettiin.Obvioouuusly,Iwanttoencourageeveryonetothinkaboouuutsubmitting workforCongress2022,seepages8,99,,,17and19.IknowIsaythiseveryyearbutCongressiiisnotCongresswithoutpeoplesubmittingwork.Itcanfeelratherdauntingtogiveatalkforthefirsttime,Irememberfeelingverysickwhendeliveringmyfififirstpresentatiooon!Italsotookthefishfacilitytwoyearstoworkonandpresentour firstposteratCongressbutworrrthitintheendaswewonthhheposterawardddthatyear.Thereisalsotheopportuniiity toparticipatein the RSPCAAA//AA/UFAWRodentMMMeeeeeetttiiinnnggg ttthhhiiisssyyyeeeaaarrr–hhhaaavvveeeaaa lllooooookkkaaatttpppaaagggeee 222555.TTThhhiiissswwwooouuulllddd bbbbeagreatchannncetobeinvolvedindiscussionnnsaboutwelfareandtheimpactithasonscience,aswellasenrichmeeentandtheASRUprogrammeeechanges.AswellasthechangestoAAASRU,theIAThavebeenconcernedaboutthhheabilityoftechnicianstobeabletoworkgivenwemaynnnotbeprotecteeedascriticalworkersandtheimpactonanimalwelfare,shouldanystaffshortagesoccurbecauseofffit.Onpages7–8,wepublishhhtheresponsefromWillReynolds,ofASRRRUonbehalfoftheMinisterthhheletterwasoriginallysentto.Thereismorecorrespondenceregardiiingthismatteronthewebsite, soifyouarrreinterestedpleasetakealooook– withstaffingand restrictedtravel, amongstother thingshavvvemmmadethispandemicyearverychallengingandalthoughsomeofthenoorrrmmmaallooppppoorrttuunniittiieessooppeennttoouusshhaavveebbeeeennmmoorreeddiifffificcuullttttooaacccceessss,,sommeethingshavecarriedon.TheAS-ETbursarieshavebeenlimitedd iinnthelasstt yyearfortravelbutarestillbeingawardedforeducationn aanndyoucanreadaann aaccountonpages18–19ofsuchabursary.IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 5 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin6 • September 2021Your trustedglobal partnerin life-savingresearch.For more information on our MAX High DensityRodent Housing go to HousingTMSentinel™ EAD®: US Patent 10,575,495 B2, Canadian Patent 2,987,625. Sentinel2™: Patent Pending. Sentinel is atrademark of Allentown, LLC.EAD is aregistered trademark of Charles River Laboratories, Inc.WWW.ALLENTOWNINC.COM®Allentown, LLC ©2019. All Rights Reserved.•Increases cage density by 20%•More cost effective capacity increase vs. newconstruction/renovation•Accommodates NexGen MAX reusable&EasyCageMAX disposable cages•Upto192 cage capacity /960 mice per rack•Automatic or bottle watering available•Works with WiVarium Plus, Wi-Com InSight, Wi-ComSensus, Sentinel EAD, Sentinel2,and other AllentownFacility Support SolutionsRodent HousingAccommodates NexGen MAX reusable & EasyCage m ensus, Sentinel EAD, Sentinel2, and other Allentown 20% MoreCages in theSame Size IVCIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 6 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember2021 • 7The IATrecently wrote to the Science Minister to seek clarification on AnimalTechnician status in relation to the Critical Worker list and hereisthe responseDirectCommunicationsUnit2,MarshamStreet,,Thankyouforyourletterof28July2021regardingcriticalworkersandself-isolationasaresultoftheCOVID-19pandemic.Youraiseanumberofconcernsregardingreducedstaffinglevelsatestablishmentswhichmayimpactanimalwelfare,compliancewiththeAnimals(ScientificProcedures)Act1986(ASPA)andcontinuityofresearch.AsHeadoftheAnimalsinScienceRegulationUnit(ASRU)theMinisterhaspassedyourlettertometorespondonherbehalf.Lastyear,theGovernmentpublishedtwoletterssettingoutourpositionregardingthedeliveryofscience,andspecificallyASPA,inthecontextofthepandemic.First,TheParliamentaryUnderSecretaryofStateandMinisterforScience,ResearchandInnovationatBEIS,AmandaSollowayMP,publishedanopenletter(copyattached)ontheUKRIwebsiteon23MarchinsupportofthelifesciencesintheUK.TheletterencouragedtheIATReceives response from ASRUon behalf of the Science MinisterIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 7 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin8 • September 2021continuationofscienceandresearchprogrammesandtheprotectionofworkduringthepandemic.Secondly,on27March2020IwrotetoallEstablishmentLicenceHolderssettingouttheGBAnimalsinScienceRegulator’sresponse(acopyisappendedatAnnexA).Establishmentsshouldseektomaintainstrongestablishmentleadershipandgoodgovernanceinthedeliveryoftheirresponsibilities.ItremainsimportanttodocumenttheprocessesusedanddecisionsmadetocomplywithlicencesheldunderASPA.Asalways,theRegulatormaybecontactedforadviceontheregulatoryrequirements.YYYooouuurrrssssssiiinnnccceeerrreeelllyyy,WillReynoldsHeadofAnimalsinScienceRegulationUnit(ASRU)13August2021Yours sincerely, Animal Technologists –the key workers for medical researchCALL FOR PAPERSl take an active part in the leading annual meetingfor Animal Technologistsl present apaper and qualify for free attendance atCongressl make this your debut presentation year –first timepresenter papers are only 20 minuteslong and aswell as afree congress there is aprize forthe onejudged to be the bestl send your ideas today on the Submission formavailable from final date for submissions:Friday 29th October 2021Contact: InvitationtoParticipate29th March –1st AprilIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 8 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember2021 • 9BOOK via of theEARLY BIRD DISCOUNTavailable until31st December2021➢ Rangeofconferenceattendanceoptionsavailable- full conference(three day)*- individual days**lunch included- eveningmeals andentertainment(individually bookable)➢ Once you haveregistered- book your ownaccommodation- anddownloadthe Congress2022Appfor alluptodate information➢ Closingdatestonote- Papers andWorkshops 29th October- PosterPresentations 17th December➢ Scientific Programme- Aprovisional runningorderappearson thewebsite(subject to change)INVITATION TO PARTICIPATEWe’ve missed you –comeand seeusin2022ONLINEREGISTRATIONNOWOPENNORTH EAST UK VENUEAll enquiriesto allupdates BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 9 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin10 • September 2021If the answer to the above two questions is yes then listen up:The Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) is actively seeking new Council members, so whetheryou are interested in welfare initiatives, communications, education and training or just wantto have asay, then why not get more involved in your professional body and join Council?Our Mission: Advancing and promoting excellencein the care and welfare of animals in researchAre you currently afull Member or Fellow of the Institute with two years’consecutive membership, who wants to make adifference?Do you want to be involved in developing the future of the Institute ofAnimal Technology?Visit our website for further informationInstitute ofAnimal TechnologyYOURCOUNCILNEEDSYOU!Why bother?•the opportunity to shape the future•great networking and personal developmentopportunities•choose the area that interests you on Council and join that group•expenses are paid to attend Council meetings•discounted Congress attendance•the Council Electionform is simple to completeStill unsure?Contact us and we can talkyou through the process, provide moreinformation about Council activities and groups or you can visit the IATwebsite members’ section.You would need to be proposedand seconded by either two Membersor Fellowsofthe Institute or nominated by aBranch. The IAT canassist with this too, if you have any difficulties.Interested?Nomination forms shouldbe completed online from the IAT websiteusing this link the form is submitted it is sent to the IAT Administrator( closing date for nominations is Friday 5th November 2021.Simon CummingHonorary SecretaryIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 10 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 11New Level 2and 3IAT Diplomas in Laboratory Animal Science and Technologysyllabuses.The IATiscommitted to keep its syllabuses current and up to date, meeting theneeds of our members, students and their employers. The revised 2020 Level 2and Level 3syllabuses will be taught from 1st September 2021.Don’tpanic! If you are already studying the 2016 version of L2 or L3qualification, as most students will be, you will be able to complete the unitsyou are already registered using the syllabus they are aligned with. These willneed to be completed by September 2022.Any new units started after 1st September 2021 will be from the new syllabuses.There will be no need to redo the same unit from the new syllabus. As anexample, if you completed the Laboratory Animal Housing and Routines unitfrom the 2016 syllabus, there is no need to do the same unit from the newsyllabus.Any new student registering after 1st September 2021 will automatically enrolonto the new syllabus using the links from course provider will be able to advise you which units you need tocomplete by September 2022, so please do contact them to find out whatyou will need to complete by then. Youcan review all the providers on Adele KitchingStatement of Changes toLevel 2and 3IAT DiplomasIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 11 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin12 • September 2021ANEWBENCHMARKIN OPERATIONALEFFICIENCY...•Proven multi-species housing washing efficacy.•High throughput:10 micro-biologically AK KAB validated cyclesper hour.•Flexible installation configurations from apit depth requirement ofjust 100mm to 'wall to wall' applications.•Futureproofed: Modular design allows for retrofittable bottlewashing and H2O2 decontamination solutions.•Enhanced operator efficiency: Remote monitoring via our freeLiteView app to ensure continuous operation.•Maximum uptime: Troubleshooting and remote diagnostics withour dedicated teleservice engineering team.Find out more atwww.tecniplastuk.comor call us on 0345 050 4556IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 12 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 13IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 13 06/09/2021 12:05

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14ANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDDON’T KEEP YOUR GOOD IDEA TO YOURSELF!WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT FOR THE 2022 AWARDARE YOU AN ANIMAL TECH?HAVE YOU BEEN PART OF ATEAM OR HAVE YOU REFINED ANIMALCARE AND WELFARE IN YOUR FACILITY?ALL ANIMALTECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS, QUALIFIED AT ANY LEVELAND PRIMARILY WORKING IN THE UK CAN ENTERSUBMISSIONS SHOULD CONTAIN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE OF THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS ANDYOU CAN INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPHS/IMAGES (THESE SHOULD BE SUPPLIED AS ATTACHMENTS):CRITERIA–The topic of work that you describe in your application may be undertakenas part of aproject and presented EITHER as aPOSTER /anESSAY /aPROJECT /aSCIENTIFICPAPER.The submission whichshould contain the contentbelow must be submitted onlinevia this link whereyou will seethe Submissionform forcompletion:-Why didyou undertake this work? (what was the potentialproblemyou were tryingto improve?)-How did you undertakeit? (species, numbers, sex, materials used)-Describe in acomprehensive and concisemanner that allowsacompleteunderstanding facilitating reproducibility.-Explainifthe work contributes to one of the3Rs.-Explainhow thewelfare of the animals was improved.-Describe the resultsyou obtained includingdata generated with assessment.-Were there any statisticsundertaken? Please provide this information.-Acknowledgements&References.-Brief CV to include your overall contribution to the work.-Pleaselistyoursupervisors or PPL holder if applicable for the work.To allow otherstobeabletoreplicate the work, pleaseconsultthe ARRIVE guidelines: BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 14 06/09/2021 12:05

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15The Andrew Blake TributeAward commemoratesthe work and life of AndrewBlake,who suffered from Friedrich’s ataxia,ahereditary condition describedasone of the“worst of neurologicaldiseases”.AndrewdiedinMay 2002aged39.Andrew was passionateabout theneed to support scientists in theirwork andhis commitment to speakingout againstanimal rightsactiviststook up much ofthelast ten years of his life. He died shortly before he wastocollecthis MBE.SPONSORED BY THE ABPIANDREWBLAKETRIBUTEAWARDDETAILS OF THE AWARDThis Award is given annually, where sponsorship allows, to the AnimalTechnician/Technologist judged to have made the most significant contributionto improving standards in laboratory animal welfare overthe previous twelve months.All qualified Animal Technologists are guided in their work by the Institute ofAnimal Technology’s Ethical Statement:In the conduct of their Professional duties Animal Technologists have amoraland legal obligation, at all times, to promote and safeguard the welfare ofanimals in their care, recognising that good laboratory animal welfare is anessential component of good laboratory animal technology and science.The Institute recognises and supports the application of the principles of the3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) in all areas of animal research.The Award is made to acknowledge the professional and personal commitmentof Animal Technologists to improving standards in all aspectsoflaboratoryanimalcareand welfare.THE PRIZE INCLUDES -CONGRESS 2022 FREE ATTENDANCEnext March WHICH WILL INCLUDE PRESENTING YOUR WORK-ANENGRAVED GLASS PLAQUE -AND £250 CASH AWARDCLOSING DATE FRIDAY 29th OCTOBER 2021Needadvice –oryou wish to discuss anything regarding apossible entry? Then pleaseemail the IAT Administrator withyour contact details and one of theorganisers will respond and give you all the support you need.IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 15 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin16 • September 2021IPS – working with leading industry brands and products to supply innovative research facilities worldwideSupplying theInnovations ofModern Researchwww.ipsltd.bizBenchGuard®&TrayLinersProtective&Absorbent PapersBiodegradableWipesBamboo basedWet&Dry WipesIrradiationServicesTailored to yourspecificneedsEco-FriendlyOvershoesBiodegradable&RecyclableTestDiet®Custom madeSpeciality DietsLabDiet®Leader in ResearchAnimal NutritionBedding&NestingCreating NaturalEnvironmentsEnvironmentalEnrichmentCaring foryourLaboratory AnimalsWipesIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 16 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 17Animal Technologists –the key workers for medical researchCALL FOR WORKSHOPSl take an active part in the leading annual meetingfor Animal Technologistsldo youhave anarea of expertise? (i.e. workwith amore unusual species, bio-security,management, health &safety, been involvedin anew build, environmental enrichment, GAbreeding,ageinganimals, transport, etc)lcould you run a1-3hour interactive workshopand qualify for afree congress?l send your ideas today on the Submission formavailable from for submissions: Friday 29th October2021Contact: InvitationtoParticipate29th March –1st AprilIPS Product Supplies Limited BCM IPS LTD, London WC1N 3XXT: (0) 870 600 1616 F: (0) 870 600 1615 E: W: www.ipsltd.bizNEW APPOINTMENTMirren Allan - IPS Product RepresentativeMirren previously worked for IPS in a part-time capacity so has already acquired an invaluable insight into IPS as a distributor of critical products within our industry. Having just graduated with a BSc in Business Studies from University of Leeds, we are confident that Mirren is a perfect fit for this new and exciting role within the company. Mirren will initially be primarily responsible for building business relationships with new and existing customers, ensuring they are aware of the vast range of animal care and welfare products, along with other services IPS can offer. Mirren is looking forward to meeting with you soon, be that on-line, face-to-face or at industry trade events. IPS aredelighted to introduceMirren Allan,whorecently joined our teamasProduct Representative.IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 17 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin18 • September 2021AS-ET NewsAlthough the COVID-19 pandemic has obviously affected the number ofbursaries that AS-ET has been asked to provide, there are still studentsmanaging to attend and finish units towards qualification or as stand-aloneunits. The following report is from one of our recipients and shows howimportant your support of AS-ET is.Bursary ReportThe supervisory management unit was extremely helpful for me, as ithappened to coincide with an opportunity to be given the role of actingdeputy manager for my facility.The role has now been advertised and Ihave applied. Iamsure the new skills Ideveloped and was able to put intopractise have made my application very strong. The assignment gave me theopportunity to explore how to deal with management issues surroundingcapability and disciplinary problems, which will be invaluable as Iface these forthe first time.It was also interesting conducting research for the assignment and investigatingcommon health issues for Animal Technicians, which also included compassionfatigue, caused by culling and is aparticular issue when animals, the technicianhas been directly caring for,have to be culled. Consequently,Ihaveimplemented asystem in my own unit where any technician can ask me to cullanimals in their care if they are not comfortable doing so.Not having been involved in recruitment before, this was also interesting tostudy,especially unconscious bias –people can be unaware of the bias theydisplay towards certain people and change either the questions they ask orthe tone of their voice due to bias. This is something Iwill ensure Itake intoaccount, when the opportunity to interview comes.Patron: Professor Lord Naren Patel KTChairofTrustees:ProfessorSirRichardGardnerFIAT(Hon)FRSSecretary to the Trust: Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSBTrustees:JasmineBarleyMScFIAT,CharlieChambersMIAT,Karen JGardner, Wendy Steel BSc (Hons) FIATRegistered Charity Number 1133119Registered Office: 5South Parade, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7JLIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 18 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 19The course also explained how most problems can be prevented if staffare givenequal opportunities and that expectations of them are clearly explained andunderstood. This is something Ithink my facility already does but it is good tobe aware of and to continue to provide the same level of management.The applied learning and development skills were extremely useful when Itookon my previous role of managing surgery technician, which included trainingone of our experienced technicians in pre-operative preparation and non-sterileassistance. The ability to both create lesson plans and understanding differentlearning styles and adapt to each of these when preparing lessons and allowingthe trainee to self-assess throughout was very helpful. Now all the training feelsstructured and milestones can be monitored and documented, which is agreatchange for the facility to make.These skills enabled me to carry on into my new role as acting deputy manager,as we recently hired ajunior Animal Technician and it was extremely helpfulapplying them to training anew technician.Iamvery grateful to the Trustees to be given the opportunity to study these IATLevel 4modules, Ireally enjoy learning and developing agreater understandingin my field of work.Animal Technologists –the key workers for medical researchCALL FOR POSTERSCongress2022CONGRESS Invitation to Participate29th March–1st Aprill take an active partinthe leadingannual meetingfor Animal Technologistsl submit aposter –final date Friday 4thFebruary2022*l choose todoanoral presentationofyour posterand receive a discount–closing date Friday 17thDecember2021*l sendyour ideas today on the Submission formavailable from (*posterswill notbe acceptedfor display at Congressunless theyhave been properly submitted andapprovedbythe CongressCommittee)l two bestposters will receiveaprize based on thecriteria: environmental enrichment/scientificbasisl plus claimupto10CPD points –details given onacceptance of submissionContact: BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 19 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin20 • September 2021WaProPatercoloovidedPETour paiframedAllForwendTPOntingfd.Dimelprofitrmoredy.steeORTrom yoensions£120sgoingedetaiel1@oTRAour chosapprogto AS-ls contutlookAITosenphox. BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 20 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 21AS-ET is acharity to advance education and promote excellenceinthe careandwelfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to findout more please visit thewebsite BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 21 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin22 • September 2021During 2021, the IATEquality and Diversity Groupaims to promote the protected characteristicsThis month,Let’stalk about ... Disability and the workplaceAccording to the Family Resources Survey 2018/19, thereare 14.1 million disabled people in theUK. Thereare seven million people of working age with adisability or long term health conditionin the UK, only half of them areinwork. This represents ahuge pool of talent that businesses arepotentially missing out on.What does disability mean?Disability is defined differently for different purposes. For employment purposes in the UK, thedefinition is contained in the Equality Act 2010: aperson is ‘disabled’ if they have aphysical or mentalimpairment which has asubstantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normalday-to-day activities.‘Long-term’ means that the condition must last, or be likely to last, for more than 12 months, or islikely to last for the rest of the life of the person affected.Many disabled people (as well as those with long-term health conditions who are already inemployment) either face prejudice or alack of provision when it comes to the support they need tohelp them reach their potential or,sometimes, to even remain in work. Toomany people workingwith adisability choose not to disclose it to their employer for fear of negative consequences (interms of their career or job security) CIPD (2020)It has never been so important to raise disability awareness, as it is today.Havingaphysical or hiddendisability should not impact on what anyone can achieve; people need to be defined by their ability,and not their disability.Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest ever scientists, and role model was quoted:“Concentrate on things your disability doesn’tprevent you doing well, and don’tregret the thingsit interferes with. Don’tbedisabled in spirit, as well as physically.”Stephen Hawking (interview inthe New York Times, 2011)Disability discrimination may arise in many ways including:l direct discrimination (being treated unfairly because of adisability)l indirect discrimination (a policy,practice, or rule which applies to everyone inthe same way butit has aworse effect on some than others)l harassment (subjecting another person to prejudice remarks or actions)l victimisation (treating someone badly)l failure to make reasonable adjustmentsWhat can IdoasanEmployer?1. Develop adiversity and inclusion policy detailing required training, reasonable adjustmentsand support available. Apolicy also demonstrates the organisation takes its legal and moralobligations towards being adiverse and inclusive employer seriously.Itcan also encourageemployees to treat others equally.2. Reasonable adjustments must be considered with aspecific individual and their specific role inmind. Adjustments can include:- Altering premises –such as automated doors, providing ramps, quiet spaces, alternative formatsof signage or directions around the building.Let’s talk about ... Disability and the workplaceIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 22 06/09/2021 12:05

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23Mental Altering assessment procedures –such as giving extra time, providing assistive technology orergonomic equipment.- Training or mentoring –tosupport an employee to use new adjustments (such as speech totext software), or coping strategies (common with, for example, dyslexia or mental healthconditions).- Modified or specialist equipment –such as supportive chairs, height-adjustable or standingdesks.- Communication –providing an interpreter (for people who are, for example, deaf or who haveaspeech impairment).- Time offduring working hours –for example, for hospital appointments, physiotherapy,counselling, or treatment.- Introduce flexible working or adjusted hours.Alinemanager along with the employee and, for example, occupational health, may come up witharange of adjustments that might remove the barrier the employee with adisability or condition isexperiencing but the employer needs to make an evidence-based decision if these adjustments are‘reasonable’.What can Idoasanemployee with adisability?- If comfortable, talk to your co-workers, that way they can understand your disability,and willnot make assumptions on your behalf.- If you are comfortable to do so, discuss your feelings. Let people know what you would findmost helpful.- If the workplace needs adjustments that will assist you, bring it to the attention of management.- If asituation makes you feel uncomfortable or excluded, and you feel comfortable to do so,speak out, and tell your co workers how the situation, excludes you being involved.How can we all help reduce disability discrimination?- Challenge stereotypical behaviour and thinking –unconscious bias can lead to bad decisionmaking.- Promote asupportive and inclusive workplace.- Be open and talk about any issues as they may arise.- Ensure everyone receives the appropriate diversity and inclusion training provided by employers.- Relative related existing policies and practices which may have an impact on employees withadisability or long-term condition –for example, recruitment and selection, sickness andattendance, performance, grievance, bullying and harassment, and diversity and inclusion.Institute ofAnimal TechnologyCOUNCILEquality and Diversity GroupIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 23IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 23 06/09/2021 12:0506/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 25An exciting opportunity to get involved in the RSPCA/UFAWRodent welfaremeetingThis year’sRSPCA/UFAW Rodent Welfare Meeting is to be held online on 19October.The RSPCA/UFAW would like to have some Animal Technologists on theagenda too.What they arelooking for is:For session 1–better welfareequals better science –There are invitedspeakers to present on (i) mouse preferences for red light and (ii) theepidemiology of fighting in group-housed mice. RSPCA would really like ananimal technologist to speak (15 min plus 5for questions) about an issuethat creates both welfareissues and scientific confounds,toemphasisethe vital role that techs play in improving the science as well as promotingbetter welfare.For session 2–evaluating enrichment –Featuring the new onlineresource on evaluating enrichment.There is aspeaker from the NC3Rs togive an overview of the resource and also short talks from astatistician andan animal welfare scientist. They’d also like 2presentations (10 min each)from animal technologists who have evaluated an enrichment.Itdoesn’tmatter whether the outcome of the study found that the proposedenrichment would benefit the animals or not –what’simportant is that arobust methodology was used, as set out in the resource. It would also begood if they could sit on apanel with the other speakers for a20minutediscussion period at the end of the session.For session 3–the ASRU Change Programme –Hopefully aspeakerfrom ASRU, after which three or four 5-minute talks from Technicians/Named Persons who would like to share their experiences of the ChangeProgramme –what has gone well and what concerns they have.If you are interested in getting involved please approach Penny directly forfurther information. /UFAWRodent WelfareMeetingIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 25 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin26 • September 2021SITUATIONS VACANTVisittheCareerspagesontheIATWebsiteforthelatestvacancies advertising details from youprovide high qualitycareandwelfare to animals in research?We arestrengthening our team of AnimalTechnologists who areinvolvedinvarious aspectsof In-vitroand In-vivowork in supportofour world-leading programmes fordefenceagainst chemical andbiological weapons.As an Animal Technologist youwillberesponsibleforthe provision of high qualitycareand welfareto animals within experimental facilities; some ofwhich areconducted under high levelmicrobiologicalcontainment. Allthe work is carried out in accordancewith good practiceand Home Office legislation andguidelines.As aPersonal LicenceHolder,ahigh leveloforganisation and personal responsibilityisrequired.Youwill work within world class animal holding andexperimental facilities, with safetyand animal welfarestandards given the utmost priority. Once trained youwill be expected to makeinformed animal welfaredecisions.Formoreinformation and to apply,pleasegototheCivil Serviceand search forvacancyreference138539.Vacancyreference:138539Closing date:4October2021Salary:£18,083 -£23,241 depending on skills and experienceLocation:Dstl Porton Down, Salisbury, WiltshireSP4 0JQDstl is an executiveagencyofthe MinistryofDefence.Animal TechnologistWe’rehiringIAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 26 06/09/2021 12:05

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BulletinSeptember 2021 • 27Front cover: On the Farm Courtesy: Paul BarwoodDIARY DatesTo View NowEfficient management ofgenetically altered mouse coloniesNC3Rs/Mary Lyons CentreTo view: 2fc46ddd3e?utm_campaign=March+2021&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdeliveryTo View NowProcedureswithCareTo view: 3Rs Section /UFAWMeetingOnline meetingEnrichment and Science: Amatchmade in Heaven? and 15 SeptemberNACWO virtual TwoDay OctoberNC3Rs/IATAnimal Technicians’Symposium 2021OnlineDetails: OctoberWhat Should YouKnowAboutYour Rodent Facility?Fondazione Guido BernardiniOnlineDetails: OctoberAALASKansasDetails: /national-meeting26 OctoberNTCO WorkshopLearning OctoberNACWO Refresher WorkshopOnlineDetails:, 23-25 NovemberLASA ConferenceOnlineDetails: March –1April 2022IATCongressSee pages 8, 9, 14, 17, 19IAT BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 27 06/09/2021 12:05

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Bulletin28 • September 2021INHALATION ANAESTHESIA EQUIPMENT AND SERVICESOMNI Scientific is centered on the animal welfareandresearch community with afocus on clinical accuracy,clinician/technician safety, economic performanceandintuitivefunctionality.SOMNIPROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMERSERVICE, CLINICAL ANDTECHNICAL SUPPORT.(T) 0800 0129101 (D) 01872248890(M) 07798 SERVICETODAY0800 0129101Inspection of the carrier gassystem(O2,Air,N2O,etc.) including flowmeters, flowcontrol, seals, regulators,quick disconnects,and hosesInspection of fresh gasdeliverysystem(rebreathing system, non-rebreathingsystem, induction chamber,etc.)Cleaning and lubrication whereappropriate:•Inspection of all tubing, conduit, stopcocks,valves, O2 flush, etc.•Inspection of the wasteanaesthetic gasmanagement system(s)•Provide adetailed report foreach systemSpecialising in anaesthesia systems specific toAnimal Health and Welfare.•ISO 13485:2003 standards.•Clinical and technical support.Vaporisersare lifecritical, precision instrumentsWhen manufactured and serviced properly,theywilldeliver accurate concentrations of anaesthetic agent.VeterinaryServiceandVaporiser CalibrationYour Healthis ImportantMachine ServiceMachine BULLETIN SEPT21.indd 28 06/09/2021 12:05