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September 11

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September 11 2020 ETERNAL IMPACT 6 42 PM This week s parsha states The words are written uniquely in the Torah with a dot over each letter The Chofetz Chaim compares these dots to an author who will underline specific words or phrases to stress what is written The dotted words For us and our children are meant to draw our attention The Torah wanted to emphasize the unparalleled significance of being mechanech our children Along these lines the Belzer Rebbe offers a beautiful reading of the possuk If we want our chinuch to make a lasting impression on our children it is not enough to do all our mitzvos as privately that are only known to We must involve our children in our performance of and They watch how we act and follow accordingly When our mitzvos are then the impact is eternal Hodu L Hashem Ki Tov Our hearts are full of praise and thanks to Hashem that we are zoche to be back in school learning in person with our Rabbeim Moros and Teachers Let us hope and daven that we should be zoche to continue without interruption as well as merit a Sept 14 Williston Back to School Night 1 8Bdetails to follow Sept 18 Erev Rosh Hashanah no school Sept 19 20 Rosh Hashanah no school Sept 21 Tzom Gedaliya 12 pm dismissal 5 8G 12 30 pm dismissal 6 8B Rabbi Ochs We are glad to welcome our new staff members in the Williston building they are Rabbi Selevan 4B Rabbi Sternfield 5B Rabbi Nulman 6B Mrs Victoria Zenlea 2B Mrs Leah Garland Mr Menachem Borenstein Dr Yonatan Freeman Rabbi Raphael Friedman for boys middle school classes Mrs Natasha Bakke in the Front Office Mrs Esty Luria in the Business Office In the Hamilton building they are Mrs Rika Simon and Mrs Ilana Bercuson K1 Miss Chaya Gittel Yudkowsky K2 Mrs Devora Zwick 5G Miss Haddassa Ochs and Miss Chayala Blumberg 6G welcome back Malky Fontek 2G and in both buildings Mrs Elise Jacobson our social worker We welcome the following new families to Torah Academy The Bukiets The Beilins The Hedvats The Herbstmans The Malenkovichs The Selevans The Silvermans and The Zuckermans A special yosher koach to Dr Reuvein Shimanovich for his time spent hours setting up PPE items and doing other maintenance jobs in both buildings Thank you to all the many of our students who gave of their time moving things and helping teachers set up in their classrooms

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 14 Elul sponsored by Elliot Malka Tzipora Freedman in memory of Sarah Pia bas Zev a h Sunya Aiken mother of Malka Tzipora Freedman 14 Elul sponsored by An appreciative parent in honor of the Administration Rabbeim Moros Teachers and Staff of Torah Academy Wishing them a successful year and a Shana Tova 15 Elul sponsored by Rabbi Aaron Mrs Rena Krochmal for a refuah shelemah for Aaron Shalom ben Miral 17 Elul sponsored by Rabbi Mrs Daniel Zuckerman l zecher nishmas Doniel Yitzchak Moshe ben Benzion Shlomo z l 18 Elul sponsored by Abe Hilary Wolf in honor of the bar mitzvah of Yosef Yakov Mermelstein 19 Elul sponsored by The Weinrebs in memory of Eliyahu ben Yaakov Leib HaKohen z l 22 Elul Sponsored by Rabbi Shragi Mrs Tzippy Kaufman l ilui nishmas Shimon ben Yisroel Eliezer 22 Elul sponsored by Yaakov and Miriam Gruenstein l zecher Nishmas our beloved grandfather Mordechai Yehudah Hakohen ben Yehoshua z l father of Dr Yitzchak Metchik CONDOLENCES TO Rabbi Eli Dovek and family on the petirah of his brother Yehuda Zev ben Avrohom z l Rabbi Yudel Dowek MAZEL TOV TO Rabbi Ari Mrs Rochel Gelernter on the birth of their daughter Rochel 13 Pichey Yaakov Savitz on their recent marriage and to parents Rabbi Eli Mrs Shaindy Pichey Yakov Rivki 02 Soll Birnbaum on the birth of their son and to grandparents Dr Mrs Rochel Soll Sarah 11 Hamaoui Moishy Baddouch on their recent engagement and to parents Rabbi Aaron Mrs Ruti Hamaoui Rabbi Akiva Mrs Ettel 3G Posy on the bar mitzvah of their son Dov 8B COMMUNITY EVENTS 23 Elul This Shabbos Posy bar mitzvah Kiddush for men 11 00 am at the Mesivta of Greater Boston Beis Medrash 114 Leicester St Brighton Kiddush for women 11 15 am in the tent at 14 Wm Jackson Ave Miara backyard

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS First day of school

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