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Sept 2023 NBIFC Newsletter

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NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERSeptember 2023September 2023North Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreVictorian. TVictorian. T

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Message from the Director34 2nd Annual Road Race5 First Peoples Centre BBQ6 Entrepreneurship Training for Women7Health Outreach Calendar8 Meet the New Staff9Art Show and Contest Information10 Life Long Care Calendar11Truth and Reconciliation Day Event PosterTable Of Contents12 &13 Prenatal and Family Support 15 Medicine Walk 16 Employment Opportunities17 Apatisiwin Student Program & Save the Date for Wellbeing Event19 Anishinaabe Kwewag Giizhigad20 Akwe:go Ready for School21 Photo Contest22 Bowling Night for Suswin Village residents23 Staff Directory14 Youth Life Promotions Calendar and Seven Stones18 Open Mic Night

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Executive Director's MessageAniin Boozhoo, Wachay,Well, it seems like summer is just flyingby. It was a pretty busy month for a lot ofthe programs, with summer picnic tripsto the beach, berry picking, and end-of-summer camping trips, and many familieswill be returning to North Bay for theschool year. This fall is shaping up to have some greatprogram activities. Check our website,social media and newsletters regularly todiscover what activities are happening. One of the most important parts of livinga good life is building a healthy socialcircle around you. For the staff here atthe NBIFC, we try to incorporate at least afew Staff Fun Days each year to build thatsocial circle and enjoy some relaxing funtimes together, and let the new staff getto know everyone. We went on the ChiefCommanda on one of the chilliest days ofthe summer, but we had a great timeanyway! Wishing you the very best of the rest ofyour summer.Miigwetch, Kathy FortinNBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 3

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Men’s OutingSept. 15NBIFC Land 10 am-2 pm Men’s DrummingSept. 12 & 296:00 pm –8:00 pm Cree Talking CircleSept. 134:00 pm – 5:30 pm OPEN MIC NIGHTSept. 195:00 pm-8:00 pm Pow-wow Men’s PracticeSept. 26 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Drinking Water Class Action Application Formsare available now We can provide Bus Passes & Taxi services for Doctor Appointments Only Men’s OutingSept. 15NBIFC Land 10 am-2 pm Men’s DrummingSept. 12 & 296:00 pm –8:00 pm Cree Talking CircleSept. 134:00 pm – 5:30 pm OPEN MIC NIGHTSept. 195:00 pm-8:00 pm Pow-wow Men’s PracticeSept. 26 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Drinking Water Class Action Application Formsare available now We can provide Bus Passes & Taxi services for Doctor Appointments Only NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 7NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 7October events coming up soonFall Health Fair October 4Men’s Wellness Day October 24October events coming up soonFall Health Fair October 4Men’s Wellness Day October 24Health Outreach Program

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My name is Sarah Ledoux, and I am the newYouth Mental Health and Addiction Worker.After completing a student placement at theNBIFC, I was so excited to be hired to work withthe amazing youth that the IFC serves! I haveworked in social services for the last few yearsand recently completed my Indigenous SocialWork degree. I’ve never felt more at home thanI do here, and I appreciate the welcomingatmosphere that the NBIFC offers. I feel like Iwill be a forever learner and already appreciateall of the knowledge the NBIFC has given me. Ilook forward to meeting and working witheverybody. Please come and introduce yourselfwhen you have a chance!NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 8Welcome Our New Staff!My name is Iris Sutherland, I'm the newFamily Support and Prenatal NutritionAssistant Worker. My hometown isAttawapiskat First Nation. I love the land,songs, dance, and poetry. I love myculture and learning about the old waysto pass onto generations to come. I lovethe feeling of community and hearingthe language. I believe connections withour children are the most meaningful,and I want to give my family the best.

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ARTSHOW & CONTESTT H E M E :" W H A T T R U T H & R E C O N C I L I A T I O N M E A N S T O M E . "T H E M E :" W H A T T R U T H & R E C O N C I L I A T I O N M E A N S T O M E . "Artwork Drop Off/Registration DeadlineFriday, September 22nd, 2023.C A T E G O R I E SPRIZES TO BE WONThe art show gallery will be set up in the basement of the NBIFC during the TRC Day event,September 29, 2023. Winners will be announced at the event, and artistscan take their works home at theconclusion of the event. The art show gallery will be set up in the basement of the NBIFC during the TRC Day event,September 29, 2023. Winners will be announced at the event, and artistscan take their works home at theconclusion of the event. Art ExhibitArt Exhibit5-12 years13-20 years21 and overAnnette Questions? OPEN TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE!OPEN TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE!

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NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREART SHOW AND CONTESTLUNCH SHARING FROM SURVIVORSSOCIAL - Wear your regalia, ribbon skirtsand orange shirts, to show resilience &support. Bring your hand drums, shakers and takean opportunity to sit at the big drum andsing. Join Us ForJoin Us ForTRUTH &RECONCILIATIONDAYTRUTH &RECONCILIATIONDAY1 0 A M t o 3 P M S e p t e m b e r 2 9 , 2 0 2 31 0 A M t o 3 P M S e p t e m b e r 2 9 , 2 0 2 3980 CASSELLS STREET, NORTH BAY, ON P1B 4A8980 CASSELLS STREET, NORTH BAY, ON P1B 4A8for more 472-2811for more 472-2811Everyone Welcome

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Our musical babies and tots program has hadgreat participation, and we are having funsinging and learning new songs and makingmusical instruments. Chi-miigwetch to Jacob,who taught us some traditional Indigenouslullabies. Everyone enjoyed it.Connecting to the land with our families hasmade it possible to provide the children with theopportunity to feed the birds and identify themby name. The children enjoyed this experience.And to see the excitement in the children’s eyeswhen the birds would land on their little handswas a win/win for the children, the parents andthe program coordinators.For most of us, spending time with bugs is not apleasant experience but through the eyes of achild, bugs suddenly become an interestingtopic. Yes, bugs, bugs, bugs, the children had somuch fun looking for bugs at the waterfront.The most valuable lessons children will learn arenot from a book but from the people whoencourage their journey to learn.NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 12Prenatal & Family SupportBugs, Birds and Music

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If you are interested in our Nobody’s PerfectParenting classes, they will be offered again inOctober, with dates to be determined. You mustbe a registered participant of either FamilySupport or Prenatal Program or seekingregistration of either or both programs. Wewelcome and look forward to meeting newparticipants.We are excited to welcome Iris Sutherland, ournew assistant to the Prenatal and FamilySupport Programs. We look forward to ourjourney together to assist our families in thecommunity. Remember, “it takes an entirecommunity to raise a child.” We are grateful tobe a part of this important phase.Yours in Community Service,Cindy Guilbeault, Family Support Worker &Annette Manuel, Prenatal Nutrition WorkerNBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 13Prenatal & Family Support - continued

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 14The Seven Stones Learning Centre is always accepting new students for enrollment.Come and learn how you or your loved one can continue on the path to education. SevenStones offers one-on-one support, easy-to-work with modules, and a straightforwardlesson format. As much as possible, our Indigenous ways are incorporated into thelessons so that students increase cultural knowledge and ways of being, while earning anOntario Secondary School Diploma. Find our more today! Natalie WisemanIndigenous Alternative Secondary School Education Coordinator

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Join us for aJoin us for aMedicineWalkMedicineWalkMedicineWalkAndrew SutherlandHealing and Wellness (705) 472-2811 ext. 219For more information and to Register please contact: Date: September 22nd, 2023Time: 10am - 3pmDate: September 22nd, 2023Time: 10am - 3pmLunch providedSpace is limited so registration is requiredTransportation providedParticipants to meet at the NBIFC at 10 a.mLunch providedSpace is limited so registration is requiredTransportation providedParticipants to meet at the NBIFC at 10 a.mLearn about some of the plants that share our spaces,and our relationships with them.

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(705) 472-2811 Ext. 228 more information on these postings, go to:WE ARE HIRING!Please Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 References to:HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Email: hrc@nbifc.orgAvailable PositionsWaabanIndigenous Children's Wellness WorkerMental Health and Wellness WorkerSuswin Village Transitional Housing AdministrationAssistantCultural Resources CoordinatorSuswin Village Transitional House: Night Client Care -CASUAL RELIEFIndigenous Healthy Babies, Healthy Children ProgramWorkerChildrens Mental Health WorkerProgram CoordinatorEvents Planner Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I am a Kind Man WorkerIASSE Seven Stones Assistant

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 17The Gathering Place Garden andNBIFC work together once again. The NBIFC Apatisiwin Program once again had theopportunity to offer some support to the GatheringPlace Garden in the way of some subsidies for summerstudents. The two students, Amanda and Jackxon faced achallenging gardening season but are happy with seeingthe results of their hard labour. Each year the gardenproduces over 1000lbs of community food. The Gathering Place Garden is located on AlgonquinAvenue, across from Ecole Secondaire Algonquin. If thesign is out and the gate open, everyone is welcome tocome in and check it out! The NBIFC will be hosting a Traditional Wellbeing Event October 4, 2023. EXCITING DISCUSSIONS ABOUT HOW WE CAN LIVE HEALTHIER LIVES DEMONSTRATIONS AND MUCH MORE.STAY TUNED!

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9 am to 3 pmNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre 9 am to 3 pmNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre “Do it the Anishinaabe Kwe Way”“Do it the Anishinaabe Kwe Way”Limited Spaces MUST Register before September 29, 2023,only 80 spots are available for the event. Lorraine Liberty, and others share womens stories of success and growth. Delicious lunch Self Care - Hair, Make-up, Massage, and Photo Booth “Anishinaabe Kwe Has Talent Show” Be sure to register to take part! AnishinaabeKwewag Giizhigad AnishinaabeKwewag Giizhigad 06 October, 202306 October, 2023Annette (75)472-2811 ext. 212 apnp@nbifc.orgCindy (705)472-2811 ext. 210 afsw@nbifc.orgAnnette (75)472-2811 ext. 212 apnp@nbifc.orgCindy (705)472-2811 ext. 210 afsw@nbifc.orgAnishinaabe Womens Day

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 20Akwe:go is Ready for Fall! Serena and Jenn have been busy gettingBack to School kits ready for programyouth. There are still a few available if yougive them a call! Dungeons and Dragons will be back thismonth, along with regalia making. Don’tforget to register your youth for thesegreat events! Serena: (705)472-2811ext. 221Jenn: (705)472-2811 ext. 222

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NBIFCPhotoContestSubmit your photo to be on thecover of our next Newsletter.Thousands of people across TurtleIsland and beyond see ourNewsletter each month! inquire@nbifc.orgPhoto must carry an Indigenous theme or meaning in some way.Win a GIFT CARD!! Send in Your Photo, with title, your name, email and phone number. Image Preparation: The file should be 2MB at maximum. If you submit aphoto, you agree to the use and publication of the image where theNBIFC sees fit, and you have obtained permission from the subjects tobe photographed and submitted to the contest.

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023 | Page 22There was a healthy level of competitive spirit at the first ever Suswin Villagebowling night. Lots of laughs and good times were had by everyone, all around. Atthe time of printing there was no word on who actually won. Suswin VillageBowling Night

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