NEWSLETTERDECEMBER 2023MONTERY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LIFE MUSEUMwww.mcarlm.orgTHANK YOU TO MCARLM FRIENDSAND FAMILY!SOURDOUGH BREAD We want to thank all of our donorswho donated through MontereyCounty Gives! We couldn't do itwithout your support throughout theyears. Karen and David Park, DouglasHoltzman and Jennifer Smith, JudyParsons, Nina and Tim Ryan, CarlChristense and Jo Ann Novoson, MaryAlice Fettis, Cody Bassetti, John andJanet Buttgereit, Lura Jane Allen,Jessica and Scott Menges, JamesSpreng and Madoka Belzel, StevenSchmidt and Andy Maness, SuzanneTaylor, Suzanne Worcester and StevenMoore, Patricia Fashing and Kurt Brux,Richard and Janette Domingos, NicoleShriner, Anita and Edwin McKean,Kenneth and Marrissa Kobylenski,Peggy Gill Dickson and EdwardDickson. We can't thank you enough!In Memory of: Mel and Val Bassetti,Edward Tully, Jeff and Jean SchmidtIn Honor of: Will Taylor, and JaniceBrown Mix 4 cups of starter add 1 cup offlour, mixed with 1 teaspoon eachof baking soda, salt, 2 tablespoonsof melted butter. Mix well add moreflour to make a stiff dough about 31/2- 4 cups. Knead lightly and forminto loaves. Place into butteredpans. Allow to rise in a warm placeuntil it doubles in size, Brush withmelted butter. Bake at 400 for 5mins, then reduce heat to 350 andbake until done about 45 mins.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE!DECEMBER 2023MONTERY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LIFE MUSEUMwww.mcarlm.orgMCARLM Interns with Santa!CHRISTMAS TIME PARADE FUN! Christmas parades 2023 During the Christmas parade inKing City, MCARLM and The StageHands took home first place ridingin our Model A (1930) they did anamazing job decorating it. MCARLMand the Monterey County DanceFoundation in our Ford Lincoln(1927) with Clara and Fritz from TheNutcracker Ballet came in secondplace also did an awesome job atdecorating. Despite our initialconcerns of running out of fuel, wenever had to stop and fill up! In thePaso Robles Christmas Parade,MCARLM in our Model A (1930)proudly placed third Jim did afantastic job decorating it. It's allthanks to the Thursday crew whokeeps these cars running! The Holiday Open Housewas a fantastic event, filledwith lots of laughter, goodfood, and smiles all around.We had it all – from Taco's LaPotranca De Jalisco to SantaClaus himself, along withcrafts and hayrides by DavidPark. The highlight of the daywas the morse code craftgiving attendees a chance tolearn something new and takehome a unique souvenir fromthe event. Overall, the HolidayOpen House was a resoundingsuccess, and we look forwardto creating more memorableexperiences in the future.
BOOK OF THE MONTH DECEMBER 2023MONTERY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LIFE MUSEUMHarry F. Casey : Centennial Editionwww.mcarlm.orgDRURY TANKERSLY CLAMCHOWDER DINNER Join us for the 29th annualDrury Tankersly Clam ChowderDinner Friday January 26th!Enjoy our famous clam chowderand dessert while bidding onfun items in our auction wehave some amazing things tochoose from. This event is adelicious and an unforgettableevening of food, fun, andfundraising. You can get yourtickets now at the places listedon the flyer or come on down tothe park. Don't miss out! Centennial Edition: by Harry F. CaseyThe third installment in Casey'shistorical saga, the CentennialEdition, is set in the SalinasValley. This book delves into thelives of various individuals andhow they navigate throughchallenging times in history,including the Great Depression,World War II, and the VietnamWar.
MEMBERSHIP MCARLM appreciates the support you haveshown us, whether you are a new member, ongoinglong term member, or member yet to join. Withyour help, we have been able to accomplish manythings, including new exhibits, new educationalprogramming as well as repairs and maintenance ofartifacts and equipment. We appreciate yourcontinued support and couldn’t do it without you! JOIN TODAYYOUR MEMBERSHIP is even more critical duringthese difficult times. The future of non-profits areeven more uncertain in the current and predictedeconomic environment than ever before. Yourmuseum is going to rely heavily on the support of ourcommunity, members, and supporters through tax-deductible donations and memberships in theupcoming months to get us through, keep the doorsopen, and the programming coming. If you’realready a member, thank you for your continuedsupport. If you support our mission but have yet tojoin us as a member, please consider joining ustoday. Your help in saving and educating thecommunity and visitors about the history of the areais ever so vital, especially during these historic times. WHAT IS NEW? Our website has also done some revamping!We now have a blog and are keep up to date withevents and such online. You can also see a lot ofwhat the museum has to offer online!Please follow us on social media to additionallykeep up to date on ALL of our events/programs. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA@MCARLMUSEUM@MCARLMUSEUMMonterey County Agricultural and Rural Life MuseumMONTERY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LIFE MUSEUM DECEMBER 2023GOLD DONERSSILVER DONERSDavid Gill, John Romans, RavaRanches, Gorden and VickiRosenberg, and Barbara PlaskettJim Spreng, Azcona Harvesting, DennisCaprara, Gonzales Irrigation, Mike and MaryOrradre, Margaret Duflock, Marc Pura,Chevron, Timothy Cheney, John and JanetButtgereit, and Wilbur-Ellis Company