Sensory Offaly Seminar andWorkshop Series 2022
INTRODUCTIONThis Sensory Offaly seminar and workshop series has beenorganised by Offaly Libraries as part of our larger SensoryOffaly Programme, with support from Laois Offaly CYPSC.This programme aims to support the people of Offaly withthe challenges they and their families may face throughdisability and learning differences through seminars andworkshops.It is free of charge to all attendees (parents, children, youngadults, teachers, carers, SNAs, etc.). Advance booking isrequired. To stay up to date on future news & eventsat Offaly Libraries, please sign up for ourmonthly newsletter at Please visit our Ticket Tailor page toregister for the events listedContact Tullamore Library or 057 934 6832 with any queries.
This workshop will focus on how you can create positive and meaningfulrelationships with your child’s key-workers, social care workers, teachers,therapists, special needs assistants and other important people in yourchild’s life. It will look at styles of communication, navigating conflict,building trust, how to advocate for your child while staying in relationshipwith the staff member and how to nurture these relationships. Thisworkshop will give you the practical tools you need to rebuild or createhealthy relationships with some of the most influential people in your child’slife!Eleanor Glennon is a child and adolescent psychotherapist and playtherapist.Cultivating Relationships with YourChild's Key-Workers: Edenderry LibraryDelivered by Eleanor GlennonDate: Wednesday, 14th September Time: 18.30-20.00Location: Edenderry LibraryFocus on: Parents and carers of children with autism oradditional needsOffaly Libraries offers TTRS (Touch-TypeRead and Spell), a self-led online touch-typing course for everyone from ages 7 to107. This online course supports literacyand is suitable for people with a range ofadditional needs and learning challenges,including dyslexia and dyspraxia.
Soap-making and Slime SensoryWorkshops: Tullamore LibraryDelivered by Aoife MunnThis sensory workshop will see children make their own soap in a fun,relaxed and accessible environment, using mould shapes, scents and petalsto create a soap just for them. Children with additional needs and theirsiblings are encouraged to register for this fun family experience. Parentsare welcome to attend with their child if they wish.Aoife Munn is a horticulturalist, crafter and lecturer with a strong interest insustainability. Soap-making Sensory Workshop:Edenderry LibraryDelivered by Aoife MunnDate: Saturday, 17th September Time: 14.00 - 15.00 and 15.30-16.30Location: Tullamore LibraryFocus on: Children with autism or additional needs and theirsiblingsThese two sensory workshops will see children make their own soap in afun, relaxed and accessible environment. Using mould shapes, scents andpetals, children can create a soap just for them and make their own slime ina fun, messy session. Children with additional needs and their siblings areencouraged to register for this fun family experience. Parents are welcometo attend with their child if they wish.Aoife Munn is a horticulturalist, crafter and lecturer with a strong interest insustainability. These two events must be booked separately,Date: Saturday, 17th September Time: 11.00 - 12.00Location: Edenderry LibraryFocus on: Children with autism or additional needs and theirsiblings
Mindfulness Workshop for Children:Tullamore LibraryDelivered by Lorraine Clery Lorraine is an experienced Creative Mindfulness Practitioner who ispassionate about helping little people and their grown-ups deal withemotions through fun, creative mindfulness. SNA-trained, accredited trainerand curriculum designer, Lorraine works with children and adults, includingthose with a range of learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities. Herbackground in art and love of drama help her to create a unique style ofclass - high energy and interactive - enabling children to learn through funand empowering children to help themselves.This workshop is suitable for children with a range of additional needs, andwill focus on emotional wellbeing and mindfulness. Best suited to childrenaged 8-12.Date: Saturday, 1st OctoberTime: 15.00-16.00Location: Tullamore LibraryFocus on: Children with autism or additional needs Date: Saturday, 15th OctoberTime: 11.00-12.00Location: Birr LibraryFocus on: Children with autism or additional needs Mindfulness Workshop for Children:Tullamore LibraryDelivered by Lorraine Clery Lorraine will run the same Mindfuless Workshop as above in Birr Library,sitable for children with a range of additional needs, and focussing onemotional wellbeing and mindfulness.
Sensory rooms should be calm, inviting and relaxing spaces for children.Attendees will leave this workshop armed with the tools to make the most oftheir sensory rooms and utilise this safe and relaxing space for children inthe library. The facilitator will discuss the sensory system and how eachchild’s unique sensory system may be heightened or dysregulated if theyreceive too much or too little input from their environment. Attendees willfeel empowered to use the sensory room to its full potential and willunderstand the theory behind a multi-sensory room and how you can use itas a tool in your regulation toolkit. There will be practical examples on howto use the sensory room, sensory toys and equipment with your child/ren,all of which are offered by Offaly Libraries.Eleanor Glennon is a child and adolescent psychotherapist and playtherapist.Utilising a Sensory Room: Sharpeningyour Sensory Toolkit: OnlineDelivered by Eleanor GlennonDate: Thursday, 6th OctoberTime: 19.00-20.30Location: Online over ZoomFocus on: Parents, educators and carers of children withautism or additional needs Offaly Libraries offers a Sensory Room atTullamore Library and a Sensory Space atEdenderry Library, each containing a MagicTable. These spaces may be used byeveryone and must be booked in advance.Contact the libraries for more information
Sibshops are fun workshops for siblings of children with additional needs.As well as playing games and having fun, this workshop provides a greatopportunity for children to get together and chat about some of thedifficulties and the positives of having a sibling with additional needs.Siblings experience the same joys and concerns as their parents yet havefewer opportunities to gain access to support and often siblings do notwant to burden their parents with their own worries. Sibshop Workshopsare one way of offering them fun and the support they deserve. Liz and Linda are the founders of Sibshop Ireland. They are both nursesworking with children with additional needs and they have been runningSibshop Workshops around the country since 2017. The Sibshop workshop will take place in Tullamore Library on Thursday,3rd November, at 15.30, and will last 2.5 hours. Date: Thursday, 3rd NovemberTime: 15.30 - 18.00Location: Tullamore LibraryFocus on: Children aged 8-12 who have siblings withadditional needsSibshop Workshop: Tullamore LibraryDelivered by Liz Fitzpatrick and LindaFoley of Sibshop IrelandOffaly Libraries is delighted to announce thatthe Sensory Offaly Collection, comprising ofbooks, toys, equipment and assistivetechnology to support people with additionalneeds is available to borrow and access.Contact forinformation.
Nov 3Sept 14 Sept 17Sept 17Sept 17At a GlanceSeptember 2022November 2022Sibshop Workshop 15.30-18.00Keyworker Talk 18.30 - 20.00 Sensory Workshop 11.00 - 14.00Sensory Workshop 14.00 - 15.00 Sensory Workshop 15.30 - 16.30 Oct 1Oct 6 October 2021Mindfulness Workshop 15.00-16.00Utilising a Sensory Room 19.00-20.30
Cultivating Relationships with Key WorkersSoap-making Sensory WorkshopEdenderry LibrarySENSORY OFFALY PROGRAMMEFOCUS THE CAMERA ON YOUR PHONE ON THEDESIRED CODE & FOLLOW THE LINK TO REGISTER FORTHE EVENTRegister: Register:Register:Register:Register:Register:Register:Wednesday14th SeptemberSaturday17th SeptemberSaturday17th SeptemberSaturday1st OctoberThursday6th OctoberThursday3rd NovemberMindfulness WorkshopUtilising aSensory Room(Online)Sibshop WorkshopSoap-making Sensory WorkshopTullamore LibrarySaturday17th SeptemberSlime Sensory WorkshopTullamore LibraryFor more information on our services, check
Sensory OffalyACCESS YOUR LIBRARY SERVICE ONLINEWITH OUR DIGITAL LIBRARYDownload eBooks & eAudiobooks to your devicefor free with Borrowbox at Offaly Libraries. Foradults, teens and children.Download eMagazines, Comics, coloring books andmore to your device for free with Overdrive/Libbyat Offaly Libraries. For adults, teens and children.Stream movies for free with Beamafilm at OffalyLibraries. For adults, teens and children.Stream & download music for free with Freegal atOffaly Libraries. For adults, teens and children.Learn a Language for free with TransparentLanguage at Offaly Libraries..Learn a something new from over 400 courses forfree with Universal Class at Offaly Libraries. New to Offaly Libraries! TTRS is an accessible,multi-sensory online literacy course thatteaches reading and spelling through touch-typing. Suitable from ages seven to 107.Find more resources and information in our Digital Library