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Senior WHAM 2022

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WHAMW H A T ' S H A P P E N I N G A T T H E M E T ? Senior Showcase 2022Ana Salvas - Peace Street I'm proud that I've found who I truly am and what I truly want for myself. I've had theopportunity to intern with students with special needs and now I've found a passionfor baking while interning at Marti's Cupcakes and More. I love to make people smilewhether working at a daycare or making them delicious treats!

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We asked the graduating seniors to submit a profile of themselves and samples of the work that theycompleted over the last four years. It's impressive to see the diversity of their interests and the quality of thesubmissions. Our students have worked in social justice, creative arts, construction, and saving wildlife.They've worked to help save the planet, learned to bake cakes, worked for youth empowerment, and learnedto fix cars. They didn't accomplish these goals within the school walls; they found mentors at internship sitesand learned in the real world. They've been using industry-standard technology, learning from experts, andworking with and learning from co-workers.Our students don't just learn facts and figures; they also learn skills and techniques. They understand whatit's like to work in a professional environment and all of the responsibilities involved with that role. Ourstudents interact with customers, sit in on meetings, and have real consequences for work that they haveownership of. These skills are so important as they approach their next stages of life, whether that is collegeor career.Not every student is represented on these pages, only the students who submitted profiles. Please enjoyreading about the Class of 2022 and seeing their incredible work.WHAM | 2Celebrating the Class of 2022C O D I R E C T O R S ' C O R N E RDoc and NancyYordi Deleon Ruiz - EqualityI have taken a CNA course at American Safety. I amproud of teaching Met students about misconceptionsaround American Sign Language and how to introducethemselves and how to ask questions in ASL. I also worked with Red Shed Bicycle and built a bikefrom scratch for a student who needs transportation toschool. I plan to go to CCRI for Nursing.

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WHAM | 3Sherry Stone - JusticeMy best internship was at my current internship, which will forever be my favorite. Iam currently interning with Met Alum Jasmine Wise, at her business Styled By Jazz. Iwork with her at her hair salon. She has allowed me to work hands-on with her clientsand taught me how to bleach hair, do highlights, dye hair, and how to run a business.My best internship project was from my internship at a nail salon. From thatinternship, I learned how to file nails, do manicures, apply acrylic, take off acrylic, andI learned how to do a full set of acrylic nails. So for my project, I tried recreating atrending acrylic design. I used pictures and videos for my documentation and thenmade a presentation to show my step-by-step process.

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4 | WHAMVidelmi Sanchez - Peace Street I’m most proud of my STP which was researching theconnection between art therapy and improving mentalhealth. I’ve had internships in child development thatput me in positions where I had to observe kids. I alsogot accepted to City Year which is another opportunityfor this interest. When I leave the Met I'm planning to attend CCRI for two years followed by two years atURI.Anna-Marie Rollins - Justice My best internships were with Mixed MediaPromotions and with Music One. Using the skills Ilearned at my LTI, I hosted a live music showcase topromote upcoming artists at AS220. With the helpfrom friends and family, it was a successful event. One of my other successes was that while at myinternship at Mixed Media, I emailed a radio station inBarcelona and got my mentor’s clients' music playedin Spain. Sheyla Dardon - Peace StreetMy Passion is the medical field. While at the Met, Ihad the oportunity to meet and interviewprofessionals in the medical field and I gained abetter understanding of that work. After high schoolI am enrolling at CCRI in their Dental Assistantprogram.

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Maria Japa - Justice I had the opportunity to work with the bilingualcommunity while interning at an elementary school. I was able to help the children there with theirreading, English speaking skills, and writing. Theproject idea that I came up with was to teach thechildren the sight words according to their level bydoing different activities and having hands-onexperiences. After implementing those types ofactivities for a month, I was able to see animprovement in their English speaking and writingskills.

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Lailani Mendez - PeaceMy best internship was at Lakina Design where Ilearned about branding, working with clients, andcreating logos. I have developed a passion forphotography and I have worked on this passionthrough my internship, college course, and projectsthat I have done.I am most proud of my senior thesis project which wasan informational pamphlet on photography to helpeducate students. I plan to go to CCRI in the fall. Fitzway Foster - Peace StreetI've worked on my passion at the Met by getting myCNA License and by getting internships with aphysical therapist, at a science museum, and at abakery. My best internship is definitely the one Ihave now at Marti's Cupcakes and More. It is veryhands on and my mentor is very helpful andinteractive with us. I'm planning to go to RIC.

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Orli Juarez - LibertyMy interest in psychology began in 10th grade. I wasinterning at a preschool and taking an ACN class calledChild Development and Psychology. I always lovedworking with people, but I was curious about what thepsychology field involved. In 11th grade, I took asociology class and two more psychology classes. Ilearned so much about myself and other people. Ilearned how to think deeply and ask difficultquestions. I learned how to conduct research,compare theories, and analyze the world around me.Even after the classes ended, my passion forpsychology stayed. After the Met, I plan to attendRhode Island College as a psychology major to becomea Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

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WHAM | 5Jayniece Jimenez - EqualityE360 has to be my best internship. I made a clothingline through them and I enjoyed it, plus learned allthe fundamentals of running and owning a business. Ialso really love (which is now my current job) myCCAP internship where I’m an office assistant! I loveoffice work.Melanny Garcia - LibertyThe best project I did was my sophomore year where I traveled to the Dominican Republic andcompared the U.S. education system with theirs. I have had the same internship for the past 4 yearsat DelSesto Middle School where I work with 8th graders in a social studies classroom. At themoment, I am enrolled in a teacher's assistant certification program at the Met as well as attendingmy internship. My plan is to attend Providence College where I received a MLK scholarship whichcovers full tuition. I am planning on doing the Elementary/Special Education major and a minor inESL.

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Angel Encarnacion Martinez - JusticeMy art gallery, which I named What Is Culture?, is theproject I am most proud of. What is Culture? is a projectthat emerged from a conversation my mentor, advisor andI had when thinking about how we can highlight thevarious cultures we have at the Met community. After asurvey I sent out asking the Met community to share thecountry they would like to see represented, I identified afew countries that were mentioned a lot; DominicanRepublic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Liberia, Jamaica, Brazil,Vietnam, Bengali, Ethiopia. I created a total of 16 paintingsrepresenting the people from 16 different countries withpaint and digital tools. I created a meeting with mymentor and advisor to plan the logistics of the event. ThenI created flyers to promote the event. I promoted theevent weekly while working on the paintings. Finally Iorganized the Media Center and displayed all my originalart pieces. My event was a huge success. The art gallerywas open for everyone in our community. We had greatcultural and jazz music playing in the background whilethe attendees strolled through the gallery to learn moreabout each culture and the painting. Some of the artpieces were purchased and overall a total of $300 dollarsof artwork was purchased by the guests.

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6 | WHAMLeannah Cabral - Peace StreetMy passion is working with animals. While at theMet, I had the opportunity to work at the SouthKingstown Animal shelter and get my Penn FosterCertification. I would say I’m proud of theopportunity to use my voice as an advocate andwhere I stand in the animal community. Keyana Barron - Peace StreetIn the fall, I'm heading to URI to study AnimalScience. While at the Met I've worked at the K9-5Dog Center and my STP was to create a book of dogbreeds commonly found in local animal shelters. Ilove that while at the Met I've had the opportunity tofollow my passion through my internships, my STPand in college classes. Evan Fournier-Swire - East BayThroughout my Met career I have had theopportunity to have real world learningopportunities connected to my passion and alsocreate projects to grow my skills in multiple areas offilm. I'm most proud of obtaining an internship withVerdi Productions and being able to be immersed inmy passion in my senior year. After I graduate, I planto continue to work with Verdi Productions and otherfilm projects.

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Emely Maldonado and Denisse Lorenzo - JusticeFor our senior thesis project, Denisse and I traveled to the Dominican Republic toshare informational resources in the countryside. Some of the topics that we relayedincluded sexually-transmitted diseases as well as healthy and unhealthyrelationships. In addition to providing resources, with the help of our community herein the U.S, we received various donations. We donated basketball and baseballequipment. In addition to the high school, we also went to an elementary school andworked with 4 classes: pre-school, kindergarten, 1st grade, and second grade. Wedonated school materials and also did an activity where we painted the little kidsfaces and talked about bullying. WHAM | 7

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8 | WHAMJorge Barrientos - Peace StreetMy best interships that I've experienced were atRecycle-A-Bike and aboard the Oliver Hazard PerrySchooner. I'm proud of my STP - it was an Anime Clubwhere we watched anime and talked about it after. Itwas fun and exciting to have a session every Monday.I'm planning to attend CCRI after graduation. Jahzia Rodriguez - JusticeI am proud that I created a successful business tohelp children with anxiety and mental healthdisorders. I am also proud of everything Iaccomplished even though I was only at the Met forone year. Also, throughout this year I have beengoing to the E-Center to work on the business that Ideveloped, Encouraging Creatures. I was a finalist inthe E360 Program and came in first place at thebusiness competition. I plan to attend Curry Collegein the fall. Isabella Ombajin - UnityMy favorite internship is with my current one atPVDYM (PVD YoungMakers). I have a lot of creativefreedom at PVDYM and people around mesupporting different creative outlets I’d like to tryout, whether it be embroidery, vinyl, sewing,painting, even pottery and crocheting. I also internedat Roger Williams Museum of Natural History anddigitally created a scavenger hunt with the theme of‘Animal Crossing’ for the museums 50th anniversaryevent.

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John Gosier - Peace StreetI'm most proud that I got to play basketball for JuanitaSanchez and that I was MVP for the ChristmasTournament. I also followed my passion for basketball bylearning about basketball history and interviewingbasketball players and coaches. One of my other interestsis barbering and I'm planning to attend the Rob RoyAcademy after graduating.

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10 | WHAMDiana Falcon - Peace StreetWhat I am most proud of is helping my community bybeing in the Central Falls Prevention Coalition. I'm alsoproud of being the president for the youth council, apart of the Central Falls Prevention Coalition, andbeing on the Executive Board. I was able to be thelead on a lot of projects. For example, I did a projectwith a few 3rd and 4th grades based on Red RibbonWeek. I'm planning to attend NEIT in the fall. Destiny Pizarro - Peace StreetInterning at the Federal Couthouse in Providence

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Davanna Jackley - Peace StreetI got an internship in my junior year at Brown DPS andhave kept it since senior year. At Brown DPS, I haveinterviewed several people there. I have interviewed aBrown DPS officer, detective, detective sergeant, thechief, etc. I'm very proud of my STP that I have beenworking on. My STP is a basketball event with the localpolice officers. I want to get the community together sothey know some of their local officers and enjoy severalgames of basketball.

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12 | WHAMDarien Rith - Peace StreetI did a summer program working on a boat, got aninternship on the OHP (Oliver Hazard Perry), and did asemester out at sea onboard the Harvey Gamagewhere we learned about carpentry, navigation,celestial navigation, sailing, and much more. I'mplanning to go to New England Tech to learn moreabout the marine trades and continue my passion forit. Azly Santos - EqualityThe thing I'm most proud of doing while at the Metwas taking the CNA program and became a nursingassistant. I've received certificates in accounting,RIELDS, and CPR and I've interned at TLC Daycare. After the Met I plan to go to RIC for nursing. Azaria Vega - Peace StreetMy best LTI was at One Gun Gone. I learned a lotabout the law and had fun creating projects aroundsocial justice. I've had the opportunity to takeseveral college classes. My favorite project waswhen I created a photo gallery in my freshman yearand wrote poems for each photograph. During this Ilearned lots about camera settings. I'm planning togo to CCRI for Social Work.

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Ashley Trombley - Peace StreetI have been in educational settings with different agelevels since my freshman year. I started in a middle schoolsetting and then moved on to elementary. Now I amworking solely with the special education population atthe elementary education level. I have done multipleprojects working on many different subject areas with thekids. During the pandemic I got a job coaching preschooland school-aged kids gymnastics. I also got a job this yearat my internship for their afterschool program. Since I wasable to work on my passion since freshman year I was ableto obtain a job as a teacher's assistant in a preschoolsetting. I'm majoring in Elementary Education with SpecialEducation at The University of Rhode Island.

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Angel Then - Peace StreetI've been taking several business classes and Iinterned at Recycle-a-Bike and La Rabia Barbershop. While at the Met, I've built my own bike andcompleted an Introduction to Entrepreneurshipcourse. I'm planning to go to Year Up after the Met. Karleny Jose Coats - JusticeWith the support of my mentor and parents, formy STP I decided to visit my homeland, theDominican Republic, and identified animpoverished village that could benefit fromreceiving food baskets. I had individuals helpingme with the fundraising, purchasing of items,packing and shipping items to the DominicanRepublic, receiving the items in the DominicanRepublic, organizing the items, purchasing moreitems in the Dominican Republic, organizing forthe event which included figuring out a route todeliver the baskets, loading the vehicles with thefood baskets, delivering the baskets anddocumenting the event. I am so happy to seethat our efforts were able to provide 70 lowincome families with food baskets. Thisexperience was so rewarding.

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Adrianna Martinez - LibertyI’ve taken the CNA, EMT, and Phlebotomy classes as well asworked with one of my peers (Katie) to create a pre CNA classfor students who might be interested in taking the class. Wealso worked with Kim Reall to help students who were takingtheir CNA state test to prep for it. I would say my favorite/ thebest internship I had was at Bristol County Veterinary Hospital. Itwas very hands-on and although it wasn’t human medicine, Ilearned a lot. I am proud of how much we were able to helpothers who have the same, if not similar, passions with theknowledge we gained through opportunities that we tookadvantage of. After the Met, I'm going to RIC for their nursingprogram while working as a phlebotomist or CNA.Jaychele Schenck - LibertyAt The Met, I’ve been able to explore both of mypassions by trying out various internships inteaching, community organizing, public health,government, and so many others. I’ve alwaysbeen supported by The Met community: by thestaff, students, and overall community. The Methas given me so much more than just theopportunity to explore different career pathsand a flexible schedule. I have met many peoplewho have been influential in my life and mysuccess. I was accepted into Bentley, where Ireceived a Dean’s Scholarship, which is a$15,000 scholarship. I am excited to beattending Bentley where I will be pursuing adouble major in both Diversity, Equity &Inclusion and Media & Culture.

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Bam Sampson - East BayI have had a couple of different internships while atthe Met, but for most of the time I have been atQuad’s Automotive in Narragansett. I have learnedtwo types of welding and the heat, gas, and steelrecommended for each. I have learned how to do oilchanges, check and repair brakes, change tires, andcomplete multi-point inspections. I have learned howto use lift-tire changers and how to reset warninglights. Carleslie Quixtan - JusticeFor my Senior Thesis Project, I hosted an eventwhere students and officers from the ProvidencePolice Department had a chance to share theirthoughts on Police and Community Relations. Thegoal of the project was to bridge the gap betweenofficers and students. Officers were also able to hosta scenario demonstration with some of our students.It was interactive and replicated what recruits gothrough to prepare for real-life situations they mayencounter as police officers. Katie Rodriguez - LibertyMy best internship would be my ninth gradeinternship at Bristol County Veterinary Hospital. I gotto do so much at just 14 years old and I had the bestmentor ever who would adjust to the way I learnedbest and strived to teach me all the knowledge shehad. I got to draw blood, draw up vaccines and watchsurgeries as well.

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Catherine Landero - Peace Street Amy Sanchez-Zamudio - Peace StreetMy best internship would be my ninth grade internship at BristolCounty Veterinary Hospital. I got to do so much at just 14 and I hadthe best mentor ever who would adjust to to the way I learned bestand strived to teach me all the knowledge she knew. I got to drawblood, draw up vaccines and watch surgeries as well.Briana Hargis - Peace StreetIn my 11th grade year I took a certified nursing assistantprogram and passed. I am now a certified nursing assistant.I am proud of my senior project where I conductednumerous workshops for underclassmen who areinterested in becoming CNAs.

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Daekwon Henry - Peace StreetI have spent my whole senior year working on digitaldrawing- making pixel art and animation. I'm most proud ofmaking my STP project come to life. My project was toanimate a GIF of my character, Piffle, and set it to myoriginal music. I continued with this to create about 6 morecharacters in Pixel Art. I’ve been working on my characterssince the ninth grade, because my Personal Qualities goalwas always drawing, Maximus Mowatt - UnityMy internship is at Willbury Theatre Group and itis literally my dream job. I'm a productionassistant and I get to help out behind the sceneson a real theater set. It's so much fun and I'velearned a lot of real-world learning skills.Before this internship, I knew nothing aboutconstruction but now you can call me Bob theBuilder because I've helped build entire sets.The smallest thing I learned, but my favorite,was learning how to use a drill. I thought it wasso basic to use but apparently there's more to itthan meets the eye.

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CONGRATULATIONSTO THE GRADUATINGCLASS OF 2022 A'nyia E. HazardAbigail Marie AgostoAdam SalemAdi Noel GamacheAdrianna Ivelisis Martinez Adriel AcevedoAires SilvaAiyana Rose Stanton-ManciniAlejandro JorgeAlexander LaboyAlexander RoseAlexandra L. KehmAlexia Maire DuarteAlfredo VasquezAlize TorresAlondra Nicole Hernandez RiveraAmanda S. GuarinoAmaya Anise LopesAmy MonroyAmy Sanchez-ZamudioAna AguilarAnastajah M. SalvasAnaitalia SilvaAndrew Joel CosioAngel E. Bayron-RiveraAngel Encarnacion MartinezAngel S. ThenAngieliz DuranAnna-Marie C. RollinsAryveth Gutierrez Ashanti CastilloAshley M. TrombleyAzaria Kiana VegaAzly Santos PinedaBam SampsonBenjamin Nathanael Jennings Benjamin Raymond SargentBrayan Auriel Diaz PerezBrenda Nunez CaceresBriana M. HargisBrianna Faith GeorgeBuddha TamangCaleb Isaias LopezCamila GuerreroCamrynn I. MarvelleCarissa LombardiCarl JeffersonCarleslie Alexandra Quixtan Catherine A. LanderoCharlotte Lynne DeAngelisCharlotte ReyesCollin Michael ThomasCrisanny MartinezDaekwon HenryDaisy J. RamirezDamon C. BlanchardDaniel Dupont GarciaDanielle Allexis HieDanny Robert MaskDanyel Breton Darien Vishnu RithDarleny Cabrera DiazDavanna Precious JackleyDayana Yamilet CanteDaylin Orchid JohnsonDenisse Lorenzo MatosDesany Analeise TorresDesi I. RubeckDestiny Marie PizarroDhyanne Les’Pearl Holland Diana Ivette FalconDiana UbaldoDijair DJ TavaresEdwin Higinio Rivera GarciaElla Satine CabralEmely Maldonado RosadoEmely Yeylin TejadaEmily Elizabeth ServantEmily Isabella Rosario-CruzEsmeralda GarciaEvan Fournier-SwireEvan Reydan BetancurEzequiel DiazEzequiel Lucas TerreroFitzway Nevaeh FosterGabriel StaffordGavin GiacomozziGavin ManionGavin R. TokarskiGionna TabisheskyGuadalupe Anguilu VargasHanah Rose ViveirosHaneen Al SuwaidaniHolly de Gray BirchImani Mone't Enos Indra Lane WinangunIsaac Angel RoblesIsabella Jerae OmbajinJacob SchneiderJacqueline A. SanchezJaelyn R. BraytonJaelyn-Rose CartagenaJaheily LopezJahzia Aliyana RodriguezJailenne GuamanJamison SilvaJaychele Nicole SchenckJaylen Maria LopesJayliannie Marie PopeJayniece Angelina JimenezJeh'mue KwiteeJeremy FranceesJeremy Jesus MartinezJeremy Perez DavilaJesus ContrerasJi'han-Lynelle RobersonJodalis CamachoJoel DespradelJohn GosierJohnny Maximus EsturbanJonah Ray Herzberg MayerJonas Abel GomezJonathan DiazJonathan Isaac FrancoJorge L. Barrientos, Jr.Jose Mercardo CastroJose Miguel Angel Gonzalez Joseph Sean Weidele Joshwa Daniel BetancesJosue RosaJuan PinzonJude Ryan AndrewsJulieana NavarroKa'shanna Elizabeth TagoeKailyn OzunaKaleiyah Marie DicenzoKalel BeatoKamaria EllisKaren Marina Bulux-GarciaKarleny Jose-CoatsKatie Isabel RodriguezKenneth C. YouKenneth Supreme Hargis Kenneth WattsKeolani EsquilinKevyn Alan HernandezKeyana Arlene BarronKiana Marlene GonzalezKurtis HarrisonKweli JacksonLaila Mogahed Mohamed AhmedOmar IbrahimLailani Shanice MendezLeannah Lee CabralLeonardo Franco-Brito Lopes-BarbosaLesli Marian SimonLisely De La RocaLivan Sarit Lizheidy Cruz IldefonsoLoanmy Paulino Vasquez Madison Emily RoyMarc Kenneth Dela CruzMaria JapaMarlin Mercedes ReyesMatthew GuamanMaximus Francois MowattMaxxwell BrunelleMeadow Heather VieiraMelanny Meliza Garcia CarvajalMichael Houle Michelle St. Onge MoscosoNadia CabreraNaiomie A. PerezNasya Mercedes Sanchez Nathalia ChhoumNavahea SmithNayeli Cintron Neidi Perez MonroyNeven James BellNicauris Cabrera DiazNicholas R. JobertOrlando Hernandez Orli Sofia JuarezOwen Henry HerlihyOwen Reed Bernard Rachael Sarai JosephRaeleece WaddyRebecca SeriReyna Linda MendezRhayniel Enrique MolinaRicky D. DeFariasRoxana SanchezRuby Simone RiceRuddy J. GomezSamantha Iris MuñozSean Alexander GaskinsSean Xavier GuzmanShaniyah Monique Irene PotterSherlyn Peguero AybarSherry Marie StoneSheyla Dardon De LeonSuheidy De Los SantosTaylor Marie GeorgioTerell FrancoisThor J. GundlachTristian Maurice BembryTyrece E. BarrosVianka Alexandra Pichardo PerezVidelmi Yarissa Sanchez RosarioVincent Leamah GbayeViolet Leslie Juliana Morales ArdonWalter WinchenbachWednel Omar Collazo MaldonadoWilliam Dean SeitzYanuel Marcial MoyaYasmary ValderaYomairys LantiguaYomaris Grullon ColonYordi A. De Leon RuizZion'dre Mehki Ogiba

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P U B L I C S T R E E T C A M P U ST H E M E T P U B L I C S T R E E T3 2 5 P U B L I C S T R E E TP R O V I D E N C E , R I 0 2 9 0 5 P E A C E S T R E E T C A M P U ST H E M E T P E A C E S T R E E T S C H O O L3 6 2 D E X T E R S T R E E TP R O V I D E N C E , R I 0 2 9 0 7 E A S T B A Y  – P A U L C R O W L E Y C A M P U ST H E M E T E A S T B A Y S C H O O L1 1 5 G I R A R D A V E N U EN E W P O R T , R I 0 2 8 4 0 / M E T S C H O O L @ M E T S C H O O L M E T H I G H S C H O O LT H E M E T H I G H S C H O O L . O R GI t ’ s a l w a y s r e c r u i t m e n t s e a s o n a t t h e M e t .W e a r e a l w a y s l o o k i n g f o r n e w s t u d e n t s . S h a r e your stories of student successw i t h y o u r f a m i l y , f r i e n d s a n d n e i g h b o r s . N e w students can get more informationa t - e n t o r s a r e s o i m p o r t a n t t o o u r s c h o o l .D o y o u k n o w p r o f e s s i o n a l s i n t h ec o m m u n i t y w h o w o u l d m a k e g r e a t M e tm e n t o r s ? A s k t h e m t o r e a c h o u t t o u s o no u r w e b s i t e E L P U S F I N D N E WS T U D E N T S & M E N T O R ST he M e t i s l o o k i n g f o r b u s d r i v e r s . M u s th a v e a g o o d d r i v i n g r e c o r d , a h i g h s c h o o ld i p l o m a , t h e a b i l i t y t o p o s i t i v e l y i n t e r a c tw i t h s t u d e n t s a n d s t a f f , a n d b e a b l e t ot a k e a n d r e a d d i r e c t i o n s . A R h o d e I s l a n dC h a u f f e u r s ’ L i c e n s e i s r e q u i r e d .P r o f e s s i o n a l D r i v i n g e x p e r i e n c e i sp r e f e r r e d . U p t o 2 9 h o u r s p e r w e e k ,h o u r s m a y v a r y . C o n t a c t -Ca r e e r s @ m e t m a i l . o r g