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Senior Options booklet

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LORETO SWORDSwww.loretoswords.ieWe recognise that 3rd and 4th Year students arestill in the process of vocational development andmay find it difficult to select the necessary subjects whentheir long term career plans are not yet clarified.However, choices must be made and in Loreto CollegeSwords we have put a number of supports in place tohelp your daughter with her decision making process. INTRODUCTIONMessageYou have had the following supports to date:

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InterestAptitudeFuture CareerIn Loreto College Swords all students will study the following 4CORE subjectsIrishEnglishMathematicsFrench/Spanish (Continue language Studied for J.Cert)In addition, students choose 3 subjects from the following list: GeographyHistoryHome EconomicsArtMus icDCGBiologyChemistryPhysicsComputer ScienceAccountingBusinessThis booklet provides you with information on each of thesesubject areas including course outline, assessment and the type ofstudent/learner each subject may suit. This is an important decision for your daughter and time should betaken to carefully consider all options availableThink whilechoosing

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You should choosesubjects that you aregenuinely interested in asyou are most likely goingto enjoy those subjectsand do well in themWhat are you goodat? What subjectsdo you do best in?In addition to thecore subjects thereare some subjectsthat are essential tosome college

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SUBJECT OptionsOptionsOptionsIf your daughter requires more information andhelp she may make an appointment to meet aguidance counsellors during the school day.

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This continuation and development of the Junior Cycle Technical Graphicscourse. This subject develops qualities of comprehension, analysis andproblem solving as well as the physical skills and hand/eye co-ordinationinvolved in drawing and an awareness of design.The course is examined in 2 parts:60% Final 1 Paper, 3 hour exam in June of 6th Year and40% Project which is given in September of 6th Year to be completed byJanuary.The Project involves communication and design through sketches, computeraided design (solidworks) and other ICT applications. Pupils must produce andmodel 2D and 3D drawings on paper and using CAD. They must useappropriate presentation techniques including colour and rendering. Theymust also evaluate their own designsDESIGN & COMMUNICATION GRAPHICS DCG

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This subject develops students' comprehension ability, and problemsolving and creative thinking skills are developed through the analysisand solution of both 2 and 3-dimensional graphics. Graphics anddesign are communicated using freehand sketching skills, traditionaldraughting equipment and CAD.Why Study Design and Communications GraphicsDCG helps to further students’ cognitive and practical skills withmodules like graphic communication, problem solving, spatialvisualisation, design capabilities, computer graphics and much more.What kind of student would DCG suit?Students who have taken Tech Graphics to Junior Cert level.Students who have a keen interest in further studies in practical areasof engineering and construction, or in apprenticeships which includethe study of technical drawings.Recommendations/TipsIt is an advantage to have studied Technical Graphics at Junior Cert.level.Free-hand sketching is a main component of the core topics. Therefore,Junior Cert Art, Materials Technology or Wood Technology would serveas an advantage in this area.A basic knowledge of ICT skills is also beneficial.Students must also appreciate that work completed must conform to ahigh standard of neatness and draftsmanship.DESIGN & COMMUNICATION GRAPHICSDCG

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ARTand DesignThe Leaving Cert Art Course develops on from skills established in JuniorCycle. Areas of Art, Craft and Design are explored in more depth and througha wider variety of media. Visual Studies is an important part of the course and accounts for 30% of theoverall grade. A ten week project in 6th Year makes up 50% and this is followed by a fivehour practical art exam which accounts for the remaining 20% of the exam.Generally speaking it is not advisable to opt for Art in Senior Cycle unless youhave completed Art at Junior Cert. However, where a student demonstratesexceptional talent and interest and submits aselection of work to the Art Teacher, they will be considered should space beavailable. Art is accepted as a subject at 3rd

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The Art course for Leaving Cert is about developing the student's ability in a rangeof artistic fields and disciplines. The syllabus permits a huge number of media,from the fine arts such as sculpture, drawing, and painting, to puppet-making,embroidery, calligraphy, metalwork, and pottery.Students are expected to spend the duration of the course practicing anddeveloping their skills in several of these areas.Why Study ArtIf you want to study more in an artistic area, you can continue in Fine Art andspecialise in painting, sculpting or printmaking. Alternatively, you could go intothe design area and specialise in areas such as fashion, graphic, interior orfurniture design. Studying art, as the title suggests, allows students to be creativeand explore their desire for self-expression and develop an appreciation for artisticwork of others, including the work of famous artists and the history of art.What kind of Student would Art suit?Students who have shown an aptitude for art, such as by getting high gradesin Junior Cert Art.Anyone considering a career in a creative discipline such as Architecture,Marketing, Film and Entertainment, Web Design, Fashion, Game Design, orAdvertising.Students who are weak in other areas, such as languages or mathematics, mayfind it easier to achieve points in Art.Students who enjoy expressing themselves through art and like to sketch anddoodle. Students who are prepared to work hard at developing their artistic talent.Students who are looking for a break from intensive memory-work in theirother subjects, or to reduce pressure on themselves in June by having a subjectwith exams in April/May.TipsFor most third level art and design courses, a portfolio is required as well as theLeaving

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MusicThe Leaving Certificate Music course is designed to provide students with acomprehensive understanding of composing, listening, and performance.Throughout the course, students will study four set works of various musical styles,from classical to contemporary. Irish Music and Aural skills are also studied. Theseskills in listening and analysing are examined in June in a Listening paper.Composition is also assessed in June of 6th year. Composition covers topics suchas harmony and melody writing.In addition, students will have the opportunity to develop their practical musicalabilities through performance. A practical exam forms 50% of the total final examination. Students have an option to perform 6 pieces (one activity), or 4 pieces (one activity)and 4 pieces (a different activity). Students can also choose to present Musictechnology (one activity) and perform 4 pieces (one activity).Overall, the Leaving Certificate Music course offers a dynamic and enrichingeducational experience for students passionate about music, equipping them withboth theoretical knowledge and practical skills for further study or professionalpursuits in the field.

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Leaving Certificate Music involves a series of interrelated musical activities within each ofthe three core areas of musical experience - performing, composing and listening.In performing, students choose from a variety of individual and/or group performingactivities. In composing, students develop an understanding of musical structure and form,while the listening component provides for rich aural experiences through exposure tomusic of different periods, styles and genres.Why Study MusicStudents can get up to 50 per cent of the total marks in the musical activity that best suitstheir talent before they even sit the written paperIn music you can develop your talent and knowledge in this area and continue your studiesin a wide range of collegesWhat kind of student would Music suit?Students who have shown an aptitude for music, such as by getting high grades inJunior Cert Music and are keen to develop and practice more.If you can read music and have a competence in singing or playing an instrument. Anyone considering a career in a creative discipline such as singing, playing in a band,music production and performance technology and management.Those interested in the rock and pop areas of music can develop their talents in anumber of PLC courses in Rock and Jazz Music, including management.Students who are looking for a break from intensive memory-work in their other subjectsRecommendations/TipsBecause of the practical nature of this subject, students and/or parents should discuss thiswith the senior level music teacher before choosing it as a Leaving Certificate subject.

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The home economics syllabus provides students with knowledge, understanding,skills and attitudes necessary for managing their own lives, for further and highereducation and work.The learning experiences in home economics develop flexibility and adaptabilityin students, prepare them for a consumer-oriented society and provide alearning foundation for a wide range of careers in food, textiles, science, design,business, marketing, social studies and tourism etc.Why study home economicsStudents should study this subject in order to:Be able to research, study, analyse and interpret material. Be able and willing tolearn nutrition and culinary skills. Be able to communicate well.Be organised.Be able to discuss topics and work in teams.The examination for both higher & ordinary levels will comprise either of thefollowing:1. Written examination (80%)2. Food studies coursework(20%)Examination/courseworkThe written exam will take place in june as normal. The food studies coursework(journal) must be completed by a specified date prior to written exam.Home Economics

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A) Food studies: scientificincludes a study of nutrition, diet, food science, food safety,microbiology, food spoilage, preservation, the food industry,meal planning etc.B) Resource management & consumer studiesincludes family resources, management, financial resourcemanagement, household technology, textiles, consumer studies.Social includes sociology definitions, family, marriage,relationships, family responsibilities, family law. The Food Studies Course- work journal must be completed underTeacher supervision: it’s imperative students are present for allpractical cookery classes for completion of same. or all practicalcookery classes for completion of same. Parents are requestedto oversee research undertaken by the students and to ensurecompletion dates are met. dates are met.Before taking this course, students should have reached a highstandard in Home Economics at Junior Level. A good knowledgeof Junior Cert. is an advantage. It is not possible to take onHome Ec. for Leaving Cert. without a foundation in Home.Economics at Junior Level.

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BusinessLeaving Certificate business creates an awareness of the importance of businessactivity and develops a positive and ethical attitude towards enterprise.The learning experiences in business develop students’ critical thinking, creative andorganisational skills while enhancing literacy and numeracy skills using real-lifeexamples. Business provides students with a learning foundation for a wide range of careers inbusiness, marketing, law, enterprise and management.The SyllabusUnit 1: People in businessUnit 2: enterpriseUnit 3: management skills & activitiesUnit 4: management - insurance, finance, hrmUnit 5: business in actionUnit 6: domestic environmentUnit 7: international environmentExam: 100% written exam *(due to change in 2025)

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Why Study BusinessBusiness is not specifically required for entry into any third level course but it wouldcertainly be beneficial for candidates who might be interested in courses or careers in thearea of finance, enterprise, law and communications.What kind of student would Business suit?Business will suit a candidate who is interested in current affairs and listens to the news,reads the papers and stays alert to what is happening in the general business world. Whilethere is a fair share of learning of key concepts the ability to apply these concepts ineveryday life will be the difference between passing the subject and getting a good mark.While the business concepts are easy to understand, it will be important to show that youcan apply the concept to everyday business life.This subject suits someone who has an organised mind and likes to answer questions inbullet points, rather than in long essay format.This subject would be useful to anyone thinking of starting his or her own business in thefuture.Tips:The subject is suited to students who are willing to work hard and caters for allabilities. It is not necessary for students to have studied Junior Certificate Business Studies, butthis would be a help.Not necessary to write long essays, answers are presented in bullet points.Course content is factual and requires a lot of learning, containing only a fewmathematical elements.Ideally, students would have an interest in business and current affairs and would havean up to date knowledge of economic environment.An organised and consistent attitude to homework and study would be essential in thissubject.

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Why Study Accounting?For those considering studying accounting,actuarial studies or finance after the LeavingCert it would be unwise to leave accountingout of their subject choice. It is also be animportant subject choice for those thinking ofstarting their own business.While not required specifically for studyingany third level college course, it isrecommended if Accountancy is the careerpath you want to follow. AccountingWhat kind of Student would Accounting suit?Commonly seen as the mathematical side of business, accountingattracts the more numerate student. It teaches students thebookkeeping side of business but delves deeper, teaching you toanalyse and interpret the figures. Once you can understand andadhere to the basic rules of accountancy, it is a subject that you can dovery well in.Recommendations/TipsThe course is numerically based but theory and procedures must belearned also. While the student needs to be comfortable withnumbers he or she does not need to be at higher maths level.While the Junior Certificate Business Studies Course provides afoundation for this course, it is not essential and it is possible to takeaccountancy up at senior cycle.This course offers a hard working student the real possibility of highgrades because of the unambiguous nature of the questions. Anorganised student who likes order will be particularly suited to thiscourse.

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Geography is the study of people, theirenvironment, and the interactionbetween the two. The course followsfrom Junior Cert Geography, and coversvery similar topics (such as rocks, soils,oceans, population movements, map-reading, and economic activities) in a lotmore detail. There are a large number ofoptional sections on the course, allowingstudents to focus on the sections of thecourse which they like.The Geography course serves to give thestudent a better understanding of ourworld and its resources, and also therelationship which exists between peopleand their environment. The course also aims to achieve anawareness of other peoples' problemsand a concern for the quality of theenvironment and the conservation ofworld resources. The broad areas dealt with at Senior levelare Map-work, Physical Social Economicsand Regional Geography.Assessment :Written Exam 80%Geographical Investigation Report20%Skills such as the reading and interpretation ofphotographs, maps, pictures, tables and graphsare developed, as well as the processes ofobservation and recording during field-work.What kind of student might Geography suit?Students considering further study in areas suchas geography, economics, environmentalscience, or politics.Students who achieved solid results for JuniorCert Geography.Recommendations/Tips:Students must think abstractly and in 3-D (Becareful about studying Geography if you haveany problems with this).Geography

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Students study four topics from latermodern history (1815-1993):2 from Irish History2 from European historyOne of the four topics will be studiedas a document-based study in whichstudents use the skills of a historian toanalyse and compare primary andsecondary sources; identify bias andpropaganda; and critique the uses andreliability of documents, photographsand political cartoons in the study ofhistory.The other three topics are examined inessay format. Students will studytopics from different perspectives, forexample: politics and administration;society and the economy; culture,religion and science; key personalitiesand case studies. This will cover 80% ofthe paper.One special study topic (ResearchStudy Report - RSR) is to be preparedby all honours and ordinary levelstudents. This is submitted prior to thewritten examination in June. It covers20% of the paper.At third level, knowledge ofhistory will prove useful in mostfields, but especially whenstudying:PoliticsLawJournalismEconomicsBusinessHumanitiesIntl. RelationsConservationTHIRD LEVELHistory

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What kind of student might History suit?Students who enjoy and appreciate history, Students who are curious, have a good memory for detail, andlike writing. Students aiming to improve their critical thinking andresearch skills.Employers tend to see those who have studied History as:Independent thinkersOpen-minded and objectiveGood communicatorsAble to analyse issues and problemsAn ability to make logical appraisalsAn ability to develop arguments and counter-arguments

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CLASS LEADERChemistry is traditionally subdivided into three areas, physical, inorganicand organic chemistry. The Leaving Certificate course includes material from each of these threeareas. Any student considering the subject should have good mathematicalreasoning ability. She must also be prepared to memorise (exactly) manydefinitions as well as the preparations and properties of a large number ofchemical elements and compounds. The course includes a considerable amount of practical work and eachstudent must keep a practical notebook. For some 3rd Level courses aScience subject is essential - H4 in chemistry for Medicine (UCC) Dentistry(UCC) Pharmacy (UCC) Medical and Health Science (UCC) H5 for VeterinaryMedicine (UCD)The Faculty requirement for some courses is 2 Science subjects e.g. TrinityCollege Entry to Medicine and Dental Science require that you have two orone Science subject and Maths in place of physics. However, the entryrequirement for Medicine (6 Years) and Physiotherapy at NUI Colleges isonly for one science subject.The SciencesChemistry

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ChemistryChemistry exists everywhere, not just in laboratories, but in every living thing on land and seaand in our bodies. Chemistry is often described as 'the central science' containing a lot offormulas. So, if you enjoyed Junior Cert Science and have done well in it, and in Maths, youshould be a good candidate for Leaving Cert Chemistry.Why Study ChemistryThis subject aims to provide a relevant course for students who will complete their study ofchemistry at this level while, at the same time, providing a foundation course for those whowill continue to study chemistry or related subjects following completion of their LeavingCertificate. Chemistry is considered most useful for careers in Pharmacy, Ag Science,Medicine, Engineering, General Sciences and Biotechnology. What kind of student would Chemistry suit?If you enjoyed Junior Cert Science and you have done well in this and in Maths, you should bea good candidate for Leaving Cert Chemistry.If you apply attention to detail and are able to describe the procedures of experiments andunderstand vocabulary.Students considering a career in any scientific discipline, such as chemistry, biology,environmental science, medicine, pharmacology, or material science.Recommendations/TipsIt is recommended that a student undertaking the chemistry course has a good understandingof Junior Cert Science.Each student should have an aptitude for and an interest in laboratory work.A student would be expected to have a reasonable level of Junior Cert Maths, either atHigher or Ordinary level.

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Physics describes the forces and laws that govern natural phenomena. The subject aims to enhance students’ ability to observe, to think logically,to understand scientific method and to communicate effectively. Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an integral part of the syllabus sothat students can be aware of the principles of the applications of physicsin the everyday world. It deals with how and why things behave as they do. Physics is used to solve problems and this subject helps develop andimprove problem solving skills.Physics involves the study of light, sound, heat, mechanics, electricity, andmodern Physics.Students who are interested in the following careers would be advised tostudy Physics: Optician, Engineer, Doctor, Dentist, Electrician,Environmental science, and Radiographer.PhysicsThe Sciences

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CLASS LEADERWhy Study Physics?Physics contributes to a student’s future career in many ways. Physics teachesstudents to think logically and enables them to express their thoughts in a concisemanner. The skills and knowledge developed through their study of physics can beuseful in a wide variety of situations. IF you want to use your practical ability, yourimagination & creative flair then you will find studying Physics enjoyable.What kind of student would Physics suit?Students who wonder why and ask how?Students who are interested in the following careers would be advised to studyPhysics: Electrician, Optician, Doctor, Dentist, Engineer, Computer Technician andProgrammer.Recommendations/TipsWhile there is an element of Maths in the physics course, higher level Maths is nota requirement to do higher level Physics. Pupils should become capable of drawing and reading graphs through the course.Pupils who will gain the most from studying Physics are those who enjoy learningabout how things work. The science, technology and society section allowstudents the chance to see where the physics they are learning applies as in TVs,car motors, electricity in the home and to see some of the industrial applicationsof certain topics.For students who are interested in proceeding further with Physics, checkout theInstitute of Physics online which provides information on the range of careeroptions.Physics

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Biology is the study of life. In this course students explorethe diversity of life and the inter-relationship between organismsand their environment. The syllabus is composed ofscience for the enquiring mind,which constitutes approx. 70% ofthe syllabus, and thetechnological, political, socialand economic aspects of biology,whichconstitutes the remaining 30%.In the course of their studies,students should undertake arange of laboratory work andfieldwork. A record of this workshould be retained. Whilestudents generally find thissubject interesting the courseinvolves a lot of new terminologyand so involves a considerableamount of work.The SciencesBiology.Why Study Biology?Biology is a popular subject and is the studyof life. It requires a lot of memory work so isa good choice for students with attention todetail and excellent memory work.Many courses require at least one sciencesubject and some even require two (seethird level entry requirements). Therefore, itis a good idea to have at least one sciencesubject to keep your options open.Those considering medicine, nursing andrelated courses will find that this subject willbe of huge benefit in their studies.What kind of student would Biology suit?Students who enjoyed science for JuniorCert might wish to consider studying biologyat Senior Cycle. The course is a continuationof what was studied at Junior Cycle but inmore detail. It is particularly suited tostudents who have scored highly in theNaturalist and Investigative areas in theirinterest test.Recommendations/TipsIt is recommended that a student takingLeaving Certificate Biology has a goodunderstanding of Junior Science.Each student must have an aptitude andinterest for laboratory work.A considerable amount of learning andstudy is necessary to do well in this subject

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Science SubjectsHaving a lab science (Agricultural Science, Biology, Chemistry,Physics, Physics & Chemistry) is a requirement for some courses, soit is good to be aware of these before dropping science from yourlist.Be aware that most courses in Healthcare professions require ascience subject e.g. Nursing, Physiotherapy and OccupationalTherapy. Additionally, some Medical courses require TWO sciencesubjects such as Dentistry and Medicine.Some Engineering courses require a science subject, but many willaccept an alternative e.g. the Leaving Cert subject ComputerScience is accepted as an alternative for MaynoothBiology is a firm favourite amongst students. Year-on-year thenumber of candidates taking Biology is in excess of the number ofcandidates taking ALL of the other sciences combined. It is the mostpopular Leaving Cert optional subject, however this doesn’t meanit’s the easiest. Mathematically minded students may do better inChemistry or Physics.

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Computer Science is the study of computers and computerprogramming. The Leaving Certificate Computer Science courseintroduces students to problem-solving using programming andcomputational knowledge. The course develops an understandingof fundamental concepts of computer science and technology’s rolein society. Through applied exercises, students will develop practicalskills while working in teams to create functioning computerapplications.Computing technology now influences every part of society; it is keyto our lives. The knowledge and skills learned will be valuable to thestudent regardless of whether they pursue a career in technology.Computer science is a relatively new subject which was introducedto the Leaving Cert. syllabus in September 2018 . The first LeavingCert exam took place in June 2020. Loreto College Swords was oneof the first schools in the school to introduced it.SyllabusThe new syllabus aims to foster creativity and problem solving anddevelop in students an appreciation of the diverse role ofcomputing technology in society and the environment in whichthey live. Among the objectives is to teach students how to read,write, test and modify computer programs and how computerswork.Students will develop an appreciation of the ethical and socialimplications of computing technology and how to evaluate theaccuracy and bias of online information sources.Over the two years of the Senior Cycle programme, students will putcomputer science to practice. 4 ALTs group projects and 1 individualproject, each six-week in duration, students will work in groups toproduce computational artefacts that are personally relevant tothem, their community or society. These will include programs,digital animations, robotic systems and apps.COMPUTER SCIENCE

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COMPUTER SCIENCEWhat kind of Student Would Computer Science suit?The course will suit students who enjoy puzzling out and solving problems, logical thinking and creatingfunctional objects or programs.Students who did well in mathematics and science should find themselves suited to Computer Science.The program will build on the problem solving, analytical thinking and numerate skills developed inprimary school and junior cert mathematics.Due to the broad nature of the curriculum it is still possible for students who haven’t excelled in mathsor science to engage positively with the Computer Science course. The curriculum encompasses arange of skills learned across junior cert subjects, such as effective communication, working with others,managing information, logic and thinking critically.Computer Science has some features in common with language learning, including pattern recognition,syntax and textual analysis. However, they are not identical, with Computer Science focused onpractical problem-solving skills, logical challenges and understanding of how computers function, whichare distinct from what is learned in language classes.Students who will gain the most are those who enjoy creating applications with computers. Examplesinclude working with design software, programming languages, database software, video gamecreation programs or computer hardware.More broadly, the course should benefit any students with strong interest in how computers work,solving problems in a logical way or the effect technology has on society.WHY STUDY COMPUTERSCIENCE?The course will teach skills which are highly in demand in the economy and will equipstudents to navigate the practical and ethical challenges of an increasingly technology-driven society. If you want to pursue a career in tech fields such as software programming,data analytics or information technology, this course would likely be a useful step in thatcareer path. Students who don’t have a set career in mind should not dismiss the course,the skills and knowledge developed will be useful in all walks of life. Almost all career pathsnow involve working with technology in some way.

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L A N G U A G E SWhile Students in Loreto College Swords study either French or Spanish forLeaving Certificate (whichever one they sat at Junior Cert.), Some studentsalso decide to take up another language outside school - like German,Russian, Lithuanian, Portuguese etc (which are on the Leaving Certificatesyllabus) Languages Connect offer Saturday Language Classes for studentWho are Saturday language classes for?Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) run classes in lesser-taught languages to support studentsaround Ireland to prepare for the Leaving Certificate exams. These classes are funded by theDepartment of Education and are free of charge for students. Classes are run on Saturdays duringschool term time. The classes cover the Leaving Cert course over a two-year period, meaning students should registerbefore they begin 5th year.

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Visit.....For more information Qualifax Requirements ToolCareers PortalClassroom Guidance Subject Choice videoSome of the information in this booklet has been taken from the Careers Portal site.

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