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S E L L E R ' SG U I D EColonae ChristensenR E A L E S T A T E

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Colonae ChristensenR E A L E S T A T ES E L L E R ' S G U I D E 1. Timing Your Sale 2. Inspect And Make Repairs 3. Online Details That Help You Sell Fast 4. Price Competitively 5. Avoid Stale Lisitings 6. Offer Incentives In A Buyer's Market 7. How To Sell A House As-Is When It Needs Repairs 8. The Most Important Home Improvements To Complete Before Listing 9. How To Market A Fixer Upper10. Marketing11. Staging12. Cleaning13. Season Selling14. Backing Out Of A Contract 15. Seller Closing Costs16. Obstacles17. Contract Flow18. Maximum ExpsoureTABLE of CONTENTS... 01... 03... 06... 07... 08... 09... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 16... 17... 18... 22... 33... 36... 37

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Colonae ChristensenR E A L E S T A T ES E L L E R ' S G U I D E 19. Renovation Cost vs Value 20. About Colonae 21. Why Coldwell Banker TABLE of CONTENTS... 41... 42... 45

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D E1 . T I M I N G Y O U R S A L EIn a buyers market, there are more homes for sale than there are buyersshopping for homes. This gives buyers the negotiating power, becausemany listings are competing with each other to get the attention ofrelatively few buyers. A buyers market is often prompted by lowinterest rates. Another sign of a buyers market is a having a highpercentage of distressed properties available, like foreclosures andshort sales. In contrast, a sellers market happens when the number oflistings on the market is limited, so many buyers are competing forfewer homes, and sellers hold the negotiating power. To determine thestate of your local market, you can look at current inventory and talk toyour real estate agentP A G E 0 1 | T I M I N GSELLING IN A BUYER'S MARKETTips for selling in a buyers marketExpectations when selling a home in a buyers market

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 2 | T I M I N GPreparing to sell in a tough marketHome selling tips for listing in a buyers marketHire an experienced agent: FSBO alternative:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 3 | I N S P E C T I O N & R E P A I R S2 . I N S P E C T A N D M A K ER E P A I R SMore and more sellers are paying for a home inspection before listing theirhome so they know ahead of time what challenges they’ll come up againstduring the negotiation process. With a thorough inspection report in hand,you can make any deal-breaking improvements before listing, and you’ll beable to identify repairs that might necessitate a price reduction.MAKE THE NECESSARY REPAIRSUpdate your home to attract buyersMaximize marketing tactics

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EXTERIOR HOME UPDATESYour home only gets one first impression with a buyer, and usually it’s the viewfrom the curb. Focus on:Landscaping:Pressure washing: Painting:Decorative flourishes:S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 4 | E X T E R I O R S

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INTERIOR HOME UPDATESClean and declutterStage the home:Wash windows:S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 5 | I N T E R I O R S

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 6 | O N L I N E D E T A I L S3 . O N L I N E D E T A I L S T H A TH E L P Y O U S E L L F A S TGet professional listing photos:Have a complete listing description: Add video tours:A whopping 79 percent of recent buyers reported searching for homeson the internet, so having a complete online listing that really shows offyour home’s best features is an absolute must.

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 7 | P R I C I N G4 . P R I C E C O M P E T I T I V E L YBUYER'S MARKETSELLER'S MARKETPRICING STRATEGYAt market value:Below market value:Above market value:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EThey average selling for only 87% of the original asking price and take over 120days on average to sell! Homes priced right from the beginning, sell for over 97% of list price with anaverage of only 45 days on the market to sell! can cost you tens of thousands of dollars! Did you know…..most agents list homes at a price where the property will NOT SELL?!? Why? To get your listing. It sounds great to hear someone who holds a Real Estatelicense tell you your home is worth a lot more than what the market shows. In fact over 70% of homes listed today are initially listed overpriced, meaning theyrequire one or more price reductions before they sell if in a buyer's market. If in aseller's market the offers will come in lower as people can do their own comps now. You may be saying, “OK…so they priced it too high initially…no big deal…we can alwayscome down.” But here is the shocking truth….. Overpriced listings end up selling forless because they sit on the market too long and become stagnant. After weeks andweeks on the market the “WWWTH Syndrome” kicks in….”What’s Wrong With ThatHouse.” Here are the actual statistics of these overpriced listings that actually end of up selling(not including the ones that don’t sell at all):The TRUTH is the “Price-It-High, Come-Down-Later Strategy” actually costs youprecious equity…2%, 3%, 5%, or even more!!! When your home is initially listed toohigh, you lose the opportunity to get the premium value for your house…because ofthis simple, statistical fact: the longer a house spends on the market, the lower theoffers it generates. This happens for two primary reasons: 1. The “WWWTH Syndrome” (see above) causes buyers to offer less for yourproperty…if they’re willing to make an offer at all. After price reductions, buyers andagents perceive an increased motivation from the sellers so they make lower offersthinking you are now desperate to get an offer. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not…their perception costs you. 2. Beware of agents who set the list price on homes at unrealistically high levelssimply to get listings. They will tell you what you WANT to hear…because they areAFRAID if they tell you the truth up front…they might not get the listing. DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH?" I will always tell you the truth. And the THE TRUTH IS…Idon’t want your listing. I want to help you get WHAT YOU WANT…which is to get yourproperty SOLD in the best amount of time for the BEST PRICE and with the leasthassle. DON'T FALL FOR THIS

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 8 | S T A L E L I S T I N G S5 . A V O I D S T A L E L I S T I N G SA stale listing is a listing that has a DOM longer than other comparablehomes for sale at the same time.WHAT IS DOM?HOW DO I KNOW IF MY LISTING IS STALE?

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 0 9 | B U Y E R I N C E N T I V E S6 . O F F E R I N C E N T I V E S I NA B U Y E R ' S M A R K E TInclude add-ons:Pay closing costs:Pay for repairs:Allow rent to own: Owner financing:Pay discount points: Part of winning the sale in a cool market is understanding the needs ofyour buyer. Consider sweetening the deal with incentives that speak tocommon buyer challenges.

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 0 | S E L L I N G A S - I S7 . H O W T O S E L L A H O U S EA S - I S W H E N I T N E E D SR E P A I R SWhat do you do when you need to sell your home fast, but extensiverepairs are out of the question, either because they’re too costly or tootime consuming? Busy home sellers have a few options in this scenario,including selling as-is, completing just minor repairs, and focusing ononly the big-ticket items most buyers are concerned about.OPTIONS FOR LISTING A HOME QUICKLYSell As-IsInclude “as-is” in your listing:Inspect and disclose everything:Complete Home ImprovementsOnly tackle the highest priority items:Focus on minor cosmetic fixes:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 1 | I M P R O V E M E N T S8 . T H E M O S T I M P O R T A N TH O M E I M P R O V E M E N T S T OC O M P L E T E B E F O R EL I S T I N GIf you’re looking to get a price for your home that’s better than “as-is,”consider tackling the big-ticket items that buyers are concerned about.Remember, for most buyers, a considerable portion of their availablecash goes to their down payment, so a home that requires immediatework may be out of reach. But, if you take care of the improvements,you may be able to ask a higher price for the home, covering the cost ofthe upgrades with your list price and making it attractive to a broadergroup of buyers. Tackling problem areas now will also help you avoidpost-inspection price reductions.Home Improvements Worth DoingEasy Upgrades To Sell Your Home Fast

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 2 | M A R K E T I N G A F I X E R - U P P E R9 . H O W T O M A R K E T AF I X E R - U P P E RIf you want to know how to sell your home fast and for top dollar, yourbest bet is to enlist the help of an experienced local real estate agent.Make sure to find an agent who has experience with marketing fixer-uppers. SELLING ON YOUR OWN?Focus on the positives:Price it appropriately: Use keywords that count:

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P A G E 1 3 | M A R K E T I N GS E L L E R ' S G U I D E1 0 . M A R K E T I N GMarketing your property is everything. Do not entertain Realtors whosay all you need to do is stick a sign in the yards and put the listing onthe MLS. You are paying your Realtor 3% Commission. If that's all youwant them to do, save your money and go with a flat fee brokerage.Your Realtor should provide maximum exposure for your home. MARKETING PLANSMY MARKETING PLAN AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 4 | S T A G I N G1 1 . S T A G I N GUsing a full-fledged professional staging service isn’t your only option toprepare your home for listing. Consider these tips for DIY home staging. BASICSDeclutter:Give each room a single purpose:Depersonalize:Erase signs of pets: Deep clean: Avoid air fresheners: Look at before and after photos for inspiration:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 5 | S T A G I N GSTAGING WITH KIDSRemove baby gear.Take toys out of rooms that are not the playroom or a child’s bedroomRemove items that are personalized with your children’s names.Stage your playroom according to potential buyersPare down toys throughout the house.Keep the essentials.Remove unnecessary items that may be cluttering up the floor space.Keep the decor simple. Add lighting.Clean up stickers.

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 6 | C L E A N I N G1 2 . C L E A N I N GBefore you leave the house for a pictures, showing, or an open houserun though this room-by-room checklist to make sure you’ve coveredeverything. KITCHEN BATHROOMBEDROOMSTHROUGHOUT THE HOUSEFINAL SWEEP BEFORE SHOWINGS AND OPEN HOUSES

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 7 | S E A S O N A L S E L L I N G1 3 . S E A S O N A L S E L L I N GIn Northern Utah, each season offers benefits for selling WINTERSPRINGSUMMERFALL

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 8 | C O N T R A C T - B A C K I N G O U T1 4 . B A C K I N G O U T O F AC O N T R A C TJust like buyers, sellers can get cold feet. Between all the work you didto make your house a home and the family memories you created there,it can be hard to let go of the emotional attachment. And even if youdon’t have cold feet, there are plenty of other reasons you might decideit’s not the right time to sell.But unlike buyers, sellers can’t back out andforfeit their earnest deposit money (usually 1-3 percent of the offerprice). If you decide to cancel a deal when the home is already undercontract, you can be either legally forced to close anyway or sued forfinancial damages. Of course, the specific consequences depend on theterms of your sales contract for the house. IS A PURCHASE AGREEMENT LEGALLY BINDING?REASONS SELLERS WALK AWAY FROM CLOSINGLack of adequate replacement home: Lifestyle change: Low appraisal:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 1 9 | C O N T R A C T - B A C K I N G O U TWHEN CAN A SELLER CANCEL A PURCHASE AGREEMENT?If you only have a verbal agreement: If the contract is unsigned: If you have a new home contingency: If the buyer agrees to the cancellation: By sharing more negatives than necessary:By capitalizing on buyer contingencies:Home inspection contingency: Financing contingency:

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 0 | C O N T R A C T - B A C K I N G O U TRISKS OF CANCELING A SELLER’S AGREEMENTAppraisal contingency:Buyer Sues For Specific PerformanceBuyer Sues For DamagesListing Agent Sues For Compensation

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 1 | C O N T R A C T - B A C K I N G O U TRISKS OF CANCELING A SELLER’S AGREEMENTPay The BuyerWrite A LetterConsult Your AttorneyThink It Through

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 2 | C L O S I N G C O S T S1 5 . S E L L E R ' S C L O S I N GC O S T SSeller closing costs are a combination of taxes, fees, prepayments andservices that vary depending on your location. Closing costs can differdue to variations in local tax laws, lender costs, and title and settlementcompany fees. In some cities, you might pay thousands just to transferthe title of the home to the new owner, while in other areas it’s free. It’simportant to understand your regional burden, as well as who usuallypays closing costs in the transaction and when they’re due. WHO PAYS CLOSING COSTS — THE BUYER OR THE SELLER?Buyer closing costs:Seller closing costs:CLOSING COSTS FOR SELLERS

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 3 | C L O S I N G C O S T SREAL ESTATE AGENT COMMISSIONTRANSFER TAXNo transfer tax for Utah as of 2020.Metro area Transfer tax amount, based on median-valued home

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 6 | C L O S I N G C O S T SShopping around for title and escrow/settlement companies: Requesting a title insurance reissue rate:Loan prepayment fee: Home improvements:Moving costs:WHEN ARE CLOSING COSTS DUE?HOW TO REDUCE CLOSING COSTS?OTHER SELLING COSTS

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 8 | C L O S I N G C O S T SSELLER NET SHEETSELLERS ESTIMATED NET SHEETEstimate Purchase Price of Home1st Mortgage - Pay Off2nd Mortgage - Pay OffTitle Insurance - SLC County est x .005 of priceAppraisal - optional before setting priceRecording Fees - per CountyTransfer Taxes - per CountyProperty Taxes - per County/CityHOA Fees - if there is a HOACommissions Sellers Agent & Buyer's AgentHome Inspection - optional Survey - optionalSeller's Estimated Net ProceedsWater Shares - if there are water sharesHome Warranty - I pay for this for the buyer$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________$ ________________________________6% of offer price = 3% Seller's Agent and 3% Buyer's Agent

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 2 9 | C L O S I N G C O S T STITLE INSURANCEWhat Is Title Insurance?To put it simply, title insurance is a way to protect yourself from financial loss and related legal expenses in the event there is a defect in title to your property that is covered by the policy. Title insurance differs from other types of insurance in that it focuseson risk prevention, rather than risk assumption. With title insurance, title examiners reviewthe history of your property and seek to eliminate title issues before the purchase occurs.Title insurance also differs in that it comes with no monthly payment. It’s just a one-timepremium paid at closing.Do I need Title Insurance?Absolutely. Title insurance is a way to protect what is likely your largest investment— yourhome. An Owner’s Policy provides peace of mind that your title company will stand behindyou if a covered title issue or defect arises after you have bought your home.What Does Title Insurance Cover?Any number of title issues may arise, even after the most meticulous search of publicrecords. These hidden defects are dangerous because you might not learn about them formonths, or even years, after purchase. Some common examples of risks covered by yourOwner’s Policy include defects in title caused by:Improper execution of documentsMistakes in recording or indexing legal documentsForgeries and fraudUndisclosed or missing heirsUnpaid taxes and assessmentsUnpaid judgments and liensUnreleased mortgagesMental incompetence of grantors on the deedImpersonation of the true owners of the land by fraudulent personsRefusal of a potential purchaser to accept title based on the condition of the titleHow Much Does Title Insurance Cost?The one-time premium that you’ll pay for a title insurance policy varies by state, butgenerally is related to the value of your property. Try this closing rate calculator: all Title companies have online closing calculators. I am not tied to Stewartand I don't use any one Title company exclusively. I just like Stewart's onlinecalculator. I find it gives more breakdowns.

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1 6 . O B S T A C L E SThere could be obstacles in the selling process and selling your homeand buying another home at the same time. SELLING A HOME AND BUYING ANOTHERMULTIPLE OFFERSS E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 3 | O B S T A C L E S

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 5 | R E A L V I T A L I Z EREALVITALIZE PROGRAM - A COLDWELL BANKER EXCLUSIVEQuickly and effectively increase your home’smarket value with our tailored improvementservices. Maximize your home's selling potential withno payment until closing. East and hasslefree! The REALVitalize program is anexclusive new offering for Coldwell BankerRealty clients. We cover the upfront costs and get paid back when the home sells. You no longer have tosell your home for less because of a few needed repair you can't pay for up front. With thisprogram, my sellers will be able to say "Sell my home fast" to me and I'll be better able to dothat for you. We will recommend and even front the cost of select services to revamp your property’sappearance and enhance its desirability. This means less time on the market, with an evenhigher return on sale. We aim to prepare your home for an optimal launch on the market. After assessing yourproperty’s needs via a walkthrough, we work together in creating opportunities to increaseits value and profitability. From deep-cleaning to cosmetic improvements, Coldwell BankerRealty | Global Luxury will cover the upfront costs of select services and not collect paymentuntil the sale of your home. By investing in your home’s potential, we seek to leverage amore swift and lucrative sale for you. Select Services Might Include: No Hidden FeesNo Interest ChargesNo MarkUpsNo Credit ChecksNo Lien On Your PropertyDeep CleaningCosmetic RenovationsDeclutteringPest ControlStagingPaintingLandscapingCloset BuildoutShower DoorsWindow ReplacementBathroom RemodelNew FlooringHome AutomationRoof Repair or New RoofMold RemediationKitchen RemodelMoving ExpensesNew TileHandy ManIrrigation/Sprinkler RepairsNew CabinetsNew CountertopsUpdated Plumbing & FixturesHVAC, Replacement or CleaningElectrical, Updated Updated Lighting FixturesNew Appliances Curb Appeal/Landscaping

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1 7 . C O N T R A C T F L O WS E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 6 | C O N T R A C T F L O WStep by Step01CONSULTATIONMeet with yourselected Real EstateAgent. Discuss Price. Sign a ListingAgreement. 03MARKETINGOrder all Marketing. Talk about OpenHouses and dates. 050204REVIEW/ACCEPTOFFERHOUSE PREPMake sure minorrepairs are done. Clean and de-clutterfor marketingpictures.HOME INSPECTORThe Inspector willcome to your homeand inspect theproperty thoroughly.Negotiate the offerand the transactionterms.06APPRAISAL &TITLEThey buyer's lenderorders and Appraisaland Title Report.07CLOSINGThe day is here!Congratulations!Your agent will workwith the Buyer's Agentand wrap up.

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1 8 . M A X I M U M E X P O S U R ES E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 7 | E X P O S U R ESelling your home with the best marketing plan and the best representation for you in veryimportant to me. This can be an emotional and draining time. There is a lot of work whichgoes into selling on your end. My first priority is to make your transaction as seamless aspossible and to make the bumps along the way smoother. Below is the untouched marketing I provide at no additional cost to you. Your Listing FeaturedSundays at 10am on CWProperty Website

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 8 | E X P O S U R EPlaced On Your Property WebsiteNieghborhood AnnouncementSign Information

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 3 9 | E X P O S U R EYour Listing Will Be Featured on the MLS, Utah Real Estate, appand Coldwell Banker's AppUtah Real Estate Coldwell Banker

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 4 0 | E X S P O S U R EOur Algorithms Show Us Where The Buyer Could Come FromIf The Buyer Is Local We Will Market To Them on Social Media and Target with Direct MailYour Address

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 4 1 | R E N O V A T I O N C O S T S V S V A L U E1 9 . R E N O V A T I O N C O S T S V S V A L U EUse this guide with estimated national averages. Averages include typical finishes,does not include special finishes, large square footages, etc. Pricing is to be used asa base line guideline. Pricing below is from 2018.

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My name is Colonae Christensen and I am looking forward to working with you. I would be honored to serve you by representing you and your property to thehighest standards in the industry and provide unmatched marketing to providemaximum exposure to get your property sold. You deserve the best in Real Estaterepresentation. I will be with you every step of the way. Not only will I return phone calls, text andemails as quickly as possible, I will also help smooth the bumps along the way andanswer any questions you have. I am committed to providing you personalized service from first connection to theclosing table establishing myself as a highly dependable advocate, negotiator andleader for you. My background is in luxury new home construction working with architects, clientsand subcontractors gives me a detailed eye for construction standards, value andcost. I have helped over 600 families buying dream homes and selling their homesfrom $300,000 to $13,000,000.No two deals are alike and no two properties are alike. Every Buyer and Seller aredifferent, have different wants, needs and financial goals. I’m looking forward to getto know you and what yours are! Allow me the pleasure to work with you so you can see why Coldwell Banker Realty is#1 in Utah. S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 4 2 | A B O U T C O L O N A E2 0 . A B O U T C O L O N A EColonae Christensen(801) 673-6789 call/

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S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 4 3 | A B O U T C O L O N A E

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Our 94,000 Agents Bring Years Of Experience And Compassion To The Buying & SellingProcess. Talk To A Coldwell Banker® Affiliated Agent For Assistance With Finding Your DreamHome. Over 3,000 Offices. Since 1906.Millions of is your access point to the leading Coldwell Banker® companiesacross the country that are part of NRT, the nation’s largest residential real estate brokerage.Our site connects you to the latest local listing information, comprehensive neighborhooddata and local market experts who understand what it takes to help you reach your realestate goals.Serving more than half of the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S., independent salesassociates affiliated with Coldwell Banker/NRT distinguish themselves every day by creatingexceptional real estate experiences for their customers and their communities. But don’t justtake our word for it. In 2018, REAL Trends ranked NRT the #1 residential real estatebrokerage in the U.S. for the 21ST year in a row. It’s an honor we’ve achieved by focusing onexceptional customer service and consistently putting our clients’ evolving real estate needsfirst.Whether you measure our performance in terms of size, sales volume or number oftransactions, the leadership of the companies and sales associates represented is driving innovation and delivering value to home buyers andsellers. As a result, NRT’s growing presence in the U.S. includes more than 50,000 affiliatedsales associates and 5,200 employees in approximately 800 offices, all ready to serve you.When searching for your next home or a local market expert who’ll help you achieve yourreal estate goals, is an indispensable resource designed withyou in mind.S E L L E R ' S G U I D EP A G E 4 5 | W H Y C O L D W E L L B A N K E R R E A L T Y2 1 . W H Y C O L D W E L L B A N K E R R E A L T Y

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Colonae ChristensenR E A L E S T A T EREALTOR, AHWD(801) 673-6789 call/ COLDWELL BANKER REALTY | GLOBAL LUXURY