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WHAT'S INSIDE04 A Note From Nikki10 CBD-A Beginners Guide12 Importance of Eye Health16 Legacy-Wealth Transfer18 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips20 Self Care ChallengeYour DIY Self Survival KitGet results with allnatural skincare productsSelf Care NecessitiesSkin CareDiscover what CBDcan do for youVacation withpurposeAlternative SolutionTravel1220161018Are you headingtowards burnout?Women's HealthH I G H L I G H T S
Anyone that's traveled by air may recall hearing the phrase. “Incase of a cabin pressure emergency, put on your own mask firstbefore assisting others.” A simple concept that makes senseright? You obviously can't help others for very long if you don'ttake care of yourself first.We ALL know this, but do we practice it? This is one of the mostsimplistic acts of Self-Care. Let's define this act for a moment.Self-Care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to takecare of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It is indeed asimple concept in theory, but it’s something we very oftenoverlook. Good self-care is the key to improved mood and reduced anxiety.It's also a great way to create a good relationship with yourselfand others. You cannot give others what you don't haveyourself. The transformation truly begins within. This guide was created to provide you with some simple tips,access to resources and tools to help you with your self-carejourney. Shout out to the Queen, the multi-tasker, the wife, themother, the daughter, the sister, the caregiver, the businessowner. This is YOU sis!Let the journey begin!Self Care is the Best Care
As a licensed Life and Health Insuranceagent with over 15 years of industryexperience, I have witnessed majordisparities in Health Care especiallyamongst the Black Community. Being aparent and family member of Sickle CellSurvivors, the chronic pain, anxiety,and depression that has overwhelmedmy loved ones for years has beendevastating to watch. Often, the besttreatment option recommended isOpioids to assist in pain management,which can lead to addiction and evenworse.I knew there was a natural alternativeto help alleviate these symptoms andthe Burning Bush was born. Along theway we have discovered that allcompanies are not created equal. SinceCBD is not yet regulated by the FDAmany companies do not offer thehighest quality ingredients which meansthat consumers may not be receiving thetrue therapeutic benefits that CBD canafford them. Research and educationare key! That's why I decided to continue myeducation at the University of MarylandSchool of Pharmacy where I amcurrently pursuing my Masters ofScience in Medical Cannabis Science andTherapeutics.This graduate program is the first in theCountry that is dedicated to the study ofmedical cannabis and is equipping mewith the knowledge needed to supportthe Burning Bush clients.I pride myself in taking care of myclients holistically and utilize my yearsof experience to not only assist them intheir natural product needs but alsowith their Health and Life Insurance. It’s all about providing Care By Design.Allow me the opportunity to sit downwith you one on one and create anindividual plan to meet your needs.You’ll quickly see the Burning BushDifference.Love & Light,Nikki N. CarringtonCEOBurning Bush
What Is CBD?Hemp vs CannabisEndocannabinoid SystemCan CBD Help Me?Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compoundfound in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant witha rich history as a medicine going back thousands ofyears. The cannabis plant has over 400 naturally-ocurring chemical compounds, of which over 80 areclassified as cannabinoids, including cannabidiol(CBD) and the more well-known THC, or delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol. CBD is sold in a variety offorms, including tinctures, sprays, oils, edibles, vapesand topical creams; though most people purchaseCBD as an oil.Though more researchis needed, somescientific studies haveshown CBD may havecertain healingproperties and can beused in the treatmentof chronic pain,inflammation, diabetes,neurodegenerativediseases, arthritis, acneand anxiety, just toname a few. There aremore studies beingconducted on aconsistent basis. Beforetaking CBD you shouldalso consult with yourMedical Doctor todetermine if CBD isright for you. As withanything you put inyour body you want toensure it does not havean adverse reactionwith other medications.The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell-signaling system identified in the early 1990s byresearchers exploring THC. Cannabinoids arecompounds found in cannabis. Experts are still tryingto fully understand the ECS. But so far, we know itplays a role in regulating a range of functions andprocesses, including:sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction and fertility. Let's examine the different methods in whichconsumers use CBD.Knowing the differencebetween hemp derivedCBD and Cannabis canbe confusing. Theconfusion surroundinghemp derived CBD vs.cannabis relates to theplant’s classification,name, and makeup.Basically, hemp plantscontain more CBD, andcannabis plants containmoretetrahydrocannabinol(THC), a compound thatcauses the ‘high’ thatpeople associate withcannabis use. Bothplants look similar,smell similar and feelsimilar. In order forHemp derived CBD to beconsidered federallylegal it must contain0.3% or Less THC.
Smoking Vaping TincturesEdibles Topicals Gel CapsuleCBD comes in asmokable flower form. Hemp derived CBDcontains 0.3% or lessTHC so you won't get"High". If you areinterested in thepotential therapeuticbenefits smoking is notthe best way to takeCBD.Some people choose totake their CBD dose inthe form of Vaping. Thiscan be characterized asan e-cigarette. There arenot enough studies onCBD vaping to evaluatethe benefits and risks. There are other methodsmore commonly used.Taking CBD sublinguallyis by far the best methodto achieve results.Tinctures are the liquidoil form of CBD which canbe taken orally. Onedropper full of CBD takenunder the tongue enablesCBD to quickly move intoyour bloodstream.CBD can be added tofood. The most commonis chocolate, cookies andgummies. Keep in mindyour body still has tometabolize it before itcan start working. Youwon't feel immediateresults so patience is key.CBD can be added tolotions, creams, salvesand even bath bombs.Those suffering frominflammation likefibromyalgia, andrheumatoid arthritis canpotentially experiencesome relief by applying atopical to the areaneeding attention.CBD can be taken orallyin the form of a GelCapsule. This method isvery similar to the liquidtincture. Some do notprefer the earthy taste ofliquid CBD oil and preferthe capsules instead.Either method is effectivein achieving results.
For most of us, hitting age 40 signalsa time of change with regard toseveral aspects of our health. One ofthe most noticeable is a change inhow we see close-up objects. Calledpresbyopia, this condition is differentfrom farsightedness and results froma loss of flexibility of the lens in theeye – the lens gets more rigid and it’ssimply more difficult to focus onobjects near to you. It’s a relativelyeasy problem to correct – many of ussimply reach for a pair of “cheater”reading glasses or a flashlight to helpnavigate the fine print of restaurantmenus and other small type in low-litareas. Others find it might be time forthat first pair of prescription glasses.But as we continue to age, our eyescontinue to change. Those changesmay require more than a cheap pair ofreaders to correct. Also, hanging eyehealth can also have implications foroverall health. There are certainchanges that you can expect as you getolder, some of which are universal tomost people as they age. Otherconditions we are just more likely todevelop with age, but are notnecessarily part of a normal agingprocess.The three most common eyeconditions that tendto arise later in life are:• Cataracts• Macular degeneration• GlaucomaCataractsCataracts is the term used to describewhen the natural lens inside the eyebecomes cloudy. Symptoms may includea gradual or progressive decrease invision. Many people begin to notice thattheir glasses are no longer helping tocorrect their vision. They also willfrequently notice problems from theglare of bright lights, particularly whendriving at night. Everyone can expect toeventually develop cataracts with age ifthey get old enough. Some people maybe more symptomatic from theircataracts and require surgery soonerrather than later. The American Academy ofOphthalmology reports that “cataractsaffect more than 24.2 million Americansage 40 and older. By 75, approximatelyhalf of all Americans have cataracts.”However, they are highly treatable, andvision loss caused by cataracts is usuallyreversible. Using a surgical procedure, anophthalmologist can remove the cloudedlens and replace it with a speciallydesigned artificial lens. Cataract surgery is the most commonoutpatient procedure done in the UnitedStates across all specialties. It isincredibly common – about 2 millionadults have cataract surgery each andevery year, and it’s a very effective andsafe procedure. Now we have artificiallenses that can correct vision andminimize the need for glasses aftersurgery. These artificial lenses, whichcould be thought of as a sort of internalcontact lens, can often function nearly aswell as your original lens did before thecataract developed.The AGCs of Vision HealthAnika Goodwin, MD, FACS
Macular Degeneration As the name implies, maculardegeneration is a condition in whichthe macula – a part of the retina –degenerates or loses function. There aretwo forms of macular degeneration –dry (non-neovascular or non-exudative) and wet (neovascular orexudative). The AAO reports that nearly 11.2million Americans aged 50 and olderhave macular degeneration. TheAmerican Macular DegenerationFoundation reports that about 90percent of all cases of age-relatedmacular degeneration are the dry form,in which the cells of the maculaatrophy, and drusen – small piles ofwaste from the cells – may buildup onthe retina. The dry form typicallyresults in a slow progression of visionloss. In some cases, dry maculardegeneration can convert into the wetform, which causes more aggressivevision loss. This disease, which accounts for about10 percent of all cases of age-relatedmacular degeneration, can causeblindness faster. With the wet form,new blood vessels grow behind theretina, but they are weak and can leakfluid and blood. This leakage can causescar tissue to develop that prevents theretina from doing its job. Macular degeneration is characterizedby a gradual, progressive decline invision. Patients may notice they needmore light in certain conditions andthey may even notice distortions intheir vision. Straight lines may start tolook wavy and there might be missingspots in their vision. Glaucoma The optic nerve is a bundle of morethan 1 million nerve fibers. Thisbundle connects the retina to thebrain and enables sight. Glaucomadamages the optic nerve, causingoptic neuropathy. Glaucoma resultsfrom an increase in pressure in theeye because of a buildup of fluid inthe front part of the eye. Over time,this pressure can lead to vision loss.The AAO reports that glaucomaaffects more than 2.7 millionAmericans aged 40 and older.Glaucoma may not be noticeable atfirst, because it typically affects yourperipheral vision first. Some peoplewill only begin to notice an issuewhen that vision loss creeps into thecenter of their field of vision.Glaucoma causes a silent loss ofvision over time and getting regularcheck-ups from your eye doctor is agood way to prevent it from sneakingup on you. Glaucoma is typicallytreated with topical eye drops. Macular degeneration and glaucomaare much more common as you getolder, but not everyone developsthese conditions. Still, age is a riskfactor, as well as family history. Bothare treatable, but both can lead toirreversible vision loss if not treatedappropriately.Continued on page 19Patients with the wet form may needinjections of medicine into the eye,which would be completed at youreye clinic. Some with the dry formmay be able the manage the diseasewith eye drops and vitamins thatsupport vision, such as lutein, vitaminC and vitamin E.
Why Buy Life Insurance Check ListLife Insurance is for the living. It is anexpression of love and caring for those thatyou leave behind. When thinking ofpurchasing life insurance always make surethe decision is based on your family's pointof view and not your own. If you dieprematurely your family could potentiallysuffer from devastating financial loss. LifeInsurance should be a tool that protects theones you love. It's not only a financialdecision, it's also about love, and abouttheir future. When you purchase lifeinsurance you are enabling your loved onesto maintain their lifestyle, if youunexpectedly die. By not preparing, youforce your survivors to make toughsometimes dramatic decisions. Oftentimesthey may not be emotionally prepared tomake these decisions. You leaving yourfamily with life insurance gives themchoices.Find a ProfessionalKnow your optionsAccess your needsDecide how much to getChoose your beneficiariesChoose your riders Choose payout options
Legacy Protection Using The 3 Bucket ApproachWe have all heard the saying "Never put all of your eggs inone basket". This is especially true when it comes to yourfinances. In order to ensure a legacy for your family, havemoney for retirement and plan for other financialcontingencies, try using this 3-bucket approach.Contingency Fund (Soon)Set these funds aside in the event that you livelonger than expected, retirement funds are notenough, you experience an unexpected financial ormedical setback while you’re retired. This is a greatplace to add permanent cash value life insurancewith a long-term care rider too.Legacy Fund (Later)These are assets you want to leave to yourheirs. People have a tendency to be tooconservative in this bucket. Insurance can helpyou diversify your assets. Retirement Fund (Now)Use this funding source to save for yourretirement. We know the importance of leavingmoney for your loved ones but don't forget tosave for your future retirement too.Get a Free Quote Today!
Other Systemic DiseaseIn addition to screening for diseases ofthe eye, your ophthalmologist can be animportant health ally in spotting otherpotential problems, as the eyes canprovide a window into our overallhealth. In some patients, they might noteven know they have diabetes prior tothat visit to the ophthalmologist. Spotting these changes in the eye canalert your doctor to the underlyingproblem and start effective treatmentas early as possible. There are otherconditions that may show themselves inthe eye. Therefore, it is important to seeyour ophthalmologist regularly to helpnot just with eye health, but the rest ofthe body, too. Caring for Aging Eyes Annual follow-up is important to catch some of theseproblems earlier rather than later. TheAAO recommends a comprehensivebaseline eye examination when you hitthe age of 40 if you haven’t alreadybeen seeing an ophthalmologist oroptometrist regularly as a youngeradult. This is when early signs ofdisease or changes in vision mayappear. Once you hit the age of 65, the AAOrecommends you have your eyeschecked every year or two if you don’thave symptoms. Your ophthalmologistcan advise you on which interval is best.If you are experiencing symptoms, seea doctor right away, as catching andtreating age-related vision problemscan help preserve your sight for thelong term. Anyone with a family history of eyeproblems such as glaucoma and maculardegeneration should see anophthalmologist regularly to screen forthese diseases. If you’ve already beendiagnosed with an eye disease, you mayneed to see your eye doctor morefrequently.Dr. Anika Goodwin, MD, FACS is the Ownerand Founder of OpulenceMD Beauty a luxuryeye beauty brand featuring healthy productsfor natural lashes (mascara, lash/brow growthserum) and easy to apply mink magneticeyelash extensions (no glue!).www.opulencemdbeauty.comContinued from page 13
A self care kit is simply a collection of items that make you feelgood. These are items that help support your emotional and mentalhealth by nourishing you, uplifting you, and sometimes bringing youback from the brink of a breakdown. On the following few pages wewill build a magnificent self care kit for the rest of 2020. I challengeyou to journal how you feel everyday and bring your girlfriendsalong for the challenge. Let's finish 2020 and get on to 2021!Love and LightSelf Care Challenge
My DIY Self Care KitUse the lines below to capture your thoughts
MY DIY Self Care Kit
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