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Seed Terminator x SAGIT TL;DR Overview

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PUTTING AUSTRALIA’S HIGHEST PERFORMING MILL TO THE TEST South Australian Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT) Benchmark Report 2022/2024 Key TakeawaysIndependently Observed by Kondinin

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In 2022, Seed Terminator and iHSD* began working together to develop an accurate testing protocol that could effectively compare the performance of weed seed mills available to Australian farmers. Two years on, this is what we have learned.Dr Nick Berry, Founder“Choosing the right mill for Australian conditions can only be determined through rigorous side-by-side comparisons tested against the tough Australian ryegrass, Lolium rigidum. Anything else is just irrelevant.”*Not all participants agreed to be included in the nal results.2 SAGIT Report Key Takeaways

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Mill efcacy on native annual ryegrass seed present in source chaff. Chaff was sourced from Balaklava, South Australia and contained a population of small, naturally occuring annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) seeds. 92% Seed Terminator82% iHSD 5%*Takeaway 1TEST FOR THE REAL WORLD OR NOT AT ALL.Previous studies have demonstrated control rates of up to 99%. These tests typically used larger, commercially-sourced seeds, suggesting that smaller seeds, having endured the selective pressures of the season, are harder to kill, esspecially Lolium rigidum.Unless your mill has been pitted against real Australian ryegrass, you can’t be sure it will be up to the task. *Average control rate losses compared to 2017 Trail by Dr Walsh et al.

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Takeaway 2OUR MILLS OUTPERFORMED OTHERS, ACROSS THE BOARDSeed Terminator was able to maintain above 90% control at increasing infeed rates at 100% RPM. At reduced mill speeds, we still maintained a higher level on control that other mills. Seed Terminator was also least affected by the cushioning effect of more chaff.90% RPMInfeed Rate90% RPMInfeed Rate90% Seed Terminator70% iHSD 7% Seed Terminator 21% iHSD 9% Seed Terminator 22% iHSDAverage control rate (across varying infeed rates, mill speeds and wear).Kill reduction from increased chaff infeed rate (1-2kg/s).Kill reduction from reduced operating speed (90% RPM).4 SAGIT Report Key TakeawaysRyegrass control rate vs infeed rate and operating speed. iHSD Seed Terminator

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Takeaway 4WEAR REDUCES KILL RATE87% Seed Terminator70% iHSDAll worn mills trended lower for control of annual ryegrass. Even with the highest level of wear, worn Seed Terminator mills maintained the highest level of control. Ryegrass control by worn mills. ● New Mills ● Worn Mills0.045kWh Seed Terminator @ 2kg/s0.035kWh iHSD @ 2kg/sTakeaway 3MORE ENERGY MEANS MORE KILL.Energy consumed in chaff processing was found to be directly correlated with ryegrass control. Mills inputing more energy achieved higher levels of control – Seed Terminators input more energy overall.

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Control of small-owered mallow. 86% Seed Terminator69% iHSDTakeaway 5NOT ALL WEEDS ARE MADE EQUAL.Mill efcacy against wild radish was excellent for all mill types, averaging 99% across all tests. Seed Terminator demonstrated the highest control rates against small-owered mallow.Knowing what you are targeting can be to your advantage when choosing the best mill type for your harvest.Australian annual ryegrass is Lolium Rigidum. Results collected from any other variant don’t hold up in the eld.

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7SAGIT Report Key TakeawaysTALK IS CHEAP WHEN SCIENCE SPEAKSSouth Australian Grain Growers paid for the testing of three mills. Only two stuck the landing. We go after genuine solutions. We test rigorously and independently, and evolve with environmental changes, because to guarantee the future we want, we need designs that stand the test of time. The world depends on engineering for the greater good.

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SEED TERMINATOR HQAdelaide South Australia 23 Aldershot Road, Lonsdale SA 5160 CENTREPerth Western Australia 1/3 Craft Street, Canning Vale WA 6155REGIONAL DEPOTS Young, New South WalesSeymour, Victoria Echuca, Victoria Kingscote, South AustraliaRESEARCH PARTNERSCSIRO Flinders New Venture Institute Flinders University South Australian Grains Industry TrustThe University of AdelaideThe University of South AustraliaThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyTrengrove ConsultingWeedSmart OF WORLDEUROPEAN OFFICEGhent, BelgiumCANADAField Testing PartnersSaskatoon, SaskatchewanUNITED STATES OF AMERICAField Testing PartnersPullman, WashingtonColumbia, Missouri RESEARCH PARTNERSThe University of HohenheimThe University of MissouriThe Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesSEED TERMINATOR SALES & SUPPORT Tom Slatyer WA Gellard SA Bastian SA Jeffery VIC McGrath NSW