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2023 Employee Benets Guide

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2 2023 Benefits In the following pages you will learn more about the benets oered by Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy. Please take the me to read through this guide and make the elecons that are right for you and your family. Inside This Guide Benet Informaon……………….……………………………………………………………………...….………..3 Changing Your Coverage…………….………………………………………………………………...…….……...4 Medical Benets……………………….………………………………………………………………...…….……….5 Dental Coverage……………………….……………………………………………………………….…………….….6 Vision Coverage……………………………………………………………………………………….………………...7 Life / AD&D….………………………………………………………………………..……………….……….……...8-9 Aac……………..…………………………….………………………………………………………………...………...10 Accident………………...…………………..………………………………………………………………...…….11-12 Hospital………………….…………………..………………………………………………………………...….…13-14 Crical Illness / Cancer……….…..………………………………………………………………...………...15-16 STD…………….……………………………….………………………………………………………………...………...17 Acve 8……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………18-19 Preventave Care......…………………..………………………………………………………………...………..20 Prescripon….………...…………………..………………………………………………………………...………..21 Paycheck Example.....…………………..………………………………………………………………...………..22 Contacts and Resources………………………………………………………………………………...………...23 This document is an outline of the coverage opons proposed by the carriers(s) based on informaon provided by your company. It does not include all of the terms, coverage, exclusions, limitaons and condions of the actual contract language. The policies and contracts must be read for those details.

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3 Benefit Information Who is Eligible You are eligible to join Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy’s benet plans if you are full-me employee who works at least 30 hours per week. Eligible dependents include: • Your legal spouse • Children to age 26 regardless of student or marital status. “Children” are your natural children, stepchildren, legally adopted children, foster children and children for whom you have court appointed guardianship; • Unmarried children, up to any age, who are unable to support themselves because of a qualied physical or mental disability, provided the disability occurred prior to age 26. When Can I Enroll You can enroll in benets: • 1st of the month following 60 days of employment; • During the annual enrollment period; or • Within 30 days of a family status change If you do not enroll during these mes, you must wait for the next annual enrollment period. New Hires To enroll in benets, follow the instrucons from your HR department and make your elecons within 60 days of your hire date. The benets you choose will be eecve the rst of the month following your 60 day waing period. You will not be eligible for any other benet coverage unl the next open enrollment period, unless you have a qualied family status change. Your Medical Coverage Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy’s medical plans will be administered by United Healthcare. We encourage you to review the informaon carefully to be sure that you take full advantage of the benets of the plan you elect. If you choose to enroll in a medical plan oered, you will pay a poron of the cost. Your contribuons will be deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis over the course of your pay periods. Plan Opons There are two medical plans in which to choose. There is a Navigate HMO plan and a Choice+ PPO opon. The Navigate HMO requires a PCP selecon and referrals to see specialists. The PPO plan does cover both in-network and out-of-network benets; however, by ulizing in-network providers, you will save money and prevent paying high out-of-network charges that are not always reimbursed.

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4 Changing Your Coverage Making Changes During the Year For acve members, you cannot change benets elecons once you enroll, including dropping coverage, unl the next open enrollment period; this is an IRS rule. You may be able to change your coverage throughout the year if you experience a Qualied Family Status Change. • Marriage, divorce, legal separaon or annulment; • The birth, adopon or legal guardianship of a child; • The death of a spouse or eligible dependent; • A change in employment status for yourself, your spouse or a dependent; • A dependent no longer qualies due to age; • Open enrollment occurs for a spouse. Any change made in your coverage must be consistent with the Family Status Change. Requests for changes must be made within 30 days of the change event date. 60-Day Enrollment Period In addion to the qualifying Family Status Changes, you and your dependents will have a special 60-day period to elect or disconnue coverage if: • You or your dependent’s Medicaid or CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) coverage terminates as a result of your loss of eligibility; • You or your dependent becomes eligible for premium assistance under Medicaid or CHIP. When Does Coverage End If your employment with Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy ends for any reason, benet coverage will cease for: • Medical, Dental and Vision: the last day of the month in which terminaon occurs

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5 Medical—United Healthcare In Network CZWI HMO BCX7 PPO Network Navigate Choice+ Deducble Individual Family $3,000 $6,000 $2,000 $4,000 Coinsurance 80% 100% Out-of-Pocket Individual Family $6,000 $12,000 $3,500 $7,000 Doctor's Oce Oce Copay - PCP $10 copay (<19, $0) $30 copay Oce Copay—Specialist $60 copay $30 / $60 copay Prevenve Care 100% No Copay 100% No Copay Outpaent Services Diagnosc Tesng $40 copay No Charge Imaging $500 copay Ded. / Coins. Urgent Care $25 copay $75 copay Outpaent Surgery Ded. / Coins. Ded. / Coins. Hospital Services Emergency Room $500 copay + Ded. / Coins. (True Emergency Only) $300 copay + Ded. / Coins. (True Emergency Only) Inpaent Hospital Ded. / Coins. Ded. / Coins. Pharmacy Retail $15 / $45 / $85 / $200 $15 / $45 / $85 / $200 Mail Order 2.5 mes copay 2.5 mes copay Out of Network CZWI HMO BCX7 PPO Deducble Individual/Family N/A $5,000 / $10,000 Coinsurance N/A 70% Out-of-Pocket Individual/Family N/A Unlimited Semi-Monthly Payroll Deducon CZWI HMO BCX7 PPO Employee Only $45.54 $100.43 Employee + Spouse $227.69 $337.48 Employee + Child(ren) $227.69 $337.48 Employee + Family $409.84 $574.52

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6 DENTAL—Principal Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy’s dental plans are oered through Principal. The Principal network makes it easy to protect your health—and your smile—with the right dental care at the right price. How your plan works The dental plans oered through Principal promote and encourage prevenve care. Depending on which plan you elect, coverage is provided for basic, restorave and major services. With these dental plans you are free to see any denst you choose. Although you are not required to use a network denst, addional charges may apply by doing so. If you use a non-network denst, eligible services are paid based on the in-network fee schedule or 90% of usual and customary (UCR). This means that you may be balanced billed for charges over the negoated fee schedule or UCR To locate an in-network provider log on to and click Find A Denst Member Service Available Visit: Call: 800-986-3343 Plan Name Plus Plan Value Plan Benets In-Network In-Network Deducble - Ind/Family $50 / $150 $50 / $150 Waived for Prevenve Yes Yes Annual Maximum $3,000 $1,000 Prevenve 100% 100% Basic 80% 60% Major 50% 30% Out-of-network claims basis In-network fee schedule In-network fee schedule Orthodoncs Deducble $0 $0 Children Under 19 Covered Covered Lifeme Maximum $2,500 $1,500 Semi-Monthly Payroll Deducons Plus Plan Value Plan Employee Only $14.23 $8.96 Employee + Spouse $25.57 $16.74 Employee + Child(ren) $37.95 $24.43 Employee + Family $52.13 $34.06

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7 VISION—Principal Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy’s vison coverage is oered through Principal. Vision benets are just as important as medical and dental coverage—a regular eye exam is important for keeping your eyes healthy. Eye exams can idenfy both vision and major medical condions such as diabetes and hypertension. Early detecon for eye disease like glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneraon is also important, as these condions can aect the way you see. How your plan works With the Principal vision plan, you and your covered family members have access to quality vision care. Your plan provides coverage for roune eye exams, glasses and contact lenses. The network for your vision plan is VSP. You will save the most money if you choose an in-network provider. If you choose a provider who is not in the network, you will have to pay the total amount due at your appointment and le a claim for reimbursement. To locate an in-network provider log on to and click Find A Provider. You will need to choose the “Choice” doctor network to view the VSP doctors for your coverage. VSP Benets In-Network Out of Network Reimbursement Exam (once every 12 months) $10 Up to $45 Lenses (once every 12 months) Single $25 Up to $30 Bifocal $25 Up to $50 Trifocal $25 Up to $65 Standard Progressive $0 Not Covered Frames (Once every 12 months) Retail $130 allowance 20% o over $130 Up to $70 Contact Lenses (in lieu of glasses) Exam Standard Fit & Follow Up $25 Not covered Contact Lenses Convenonal/Disposable $130 Allowance Up to $105 Semi-monthly Payroll Deducon Employee Only $3.74 Employee + Spouse $6.49 Employee + Child(ren) $6.52 Employee + Family $9.81 Member Service Available Visit:

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8 LIFE / AD&D—Principal Basic Life / Accident Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment helps protect you and your family from nancial diculty. Your beneciaries will receive a lump sum payment if you pass away while employed by Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy. Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy pays the enre cost of the Basic Life and AD&D insurance through Principal. Member Basic Life Insurance Your basic life coverage is $25,000. The proceeds will be paid to your beneciary(ies) in the event you were to pass way. Member Basic AD&D Insurance Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance pays a benet equal to the basic life insurance benet. If you die as the result of an accident, your beneciary(ies) will receive your AD&D insurance in addion to your Basic Life Insurance. If you experience a serious injury resulng in dismemberment, you will receive all or a poron of this benet depending on the nature of your injury and according to the published schedule in the policy itself. Please be sure the HR Department has the most up-to-date beneciary on le for your Life and AD&D insurance. All benets will be paid to the designated beneciary on le. Supplemental Life and AD&D Insurance In addion to Basic Life and AD&D Insurance, you can purchase supplemental Life and AD&D for yourself. If you purchase Supplemental Life and AD&D for yourself, you are also eligible to purchase coverage for your eligible dependents. Any coverage applied for over the Guarantee Issue amount requires an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form be complete and approved before the addional coverage is provided. Employee Coverage Benet Increments of $10,000 Maximum Benet $300,000 Guarantee Issue Amount Under 70 $150,000 / 70+ $10,000 Age Reducons To 65% at age 65, to 50% at age 70 Spouse Coverage Benet Increments of $5,000 Maximum Benet $100,000 not to exceed 100% of EE amount Guarantee Issue Amount Under 70 $30,000 / 70+ $10,000 Age Reducons To 65% at age 65, to 50% at age 70 Child Coverage Benet Maximum Benet $10,000 Child Eligibility 14 days to age 26 Addional AD&D Benets Air Bag, Seatbelt, Common Carrier

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9 Supplemental Life / AD&D Rates Calculang your Cost $ ÷ 1,000 = $ x Age Based Rate = $ Benet Elected Monthly Premium $ x 12 = $ x 26 = $ Monthly Premium Annual Premium Bi-Weekly Premium Supplemental Life/AD&D Rates - Monthly Rate Per $1,000 Member Age Employee Spouse 29 and under $0.119 $0.119 30 - 34 $0.136 $0.136 35 - 39 $0.204 $0.204 40 - 44 $0.296 $0.296 45 - 49 $0.435 $0.435 50 - 54 $0.699 $0.699 55 - 59 $1.103 $1.103 60 - 64 $1.662 $1.662 65 - 69 $2.807 $2.807 70 and over $5.037 $5.037 Child Rate - $10,000 $2.00 $2.00

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17 Aflac Short Term Disability

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23 Contact Information and Resources If you have specic quesons about a benet plan, please contact the administrator listed below or your Essenal Speech & ABA Therapy Human Resources department. Benet Carrier/Contact Group # Phone Number Website / E-mail Medical United Healthcare 800-521-2227 Dental Principal 800-986-3343 Vision Principal 800-986-3343 Life/AD&D Principal 800-986-3343 Disability Principal 800-986-3343 Online Enrollment Securance - Mindy Shelander 713-977-6606 ext. 517 Human Resources Worksite Aac - Vinson Drewry 281-813-2830 vinson_drewry@us.a

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24 Notes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________