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Sea Fields

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• ArguablythebestpositionedplotinPenmereDrive• Fivebedroomdetachedhouse• Lessthan100mfromtheRiverGannel• Spectacularviews• 731sqftsouthfacingdeckedterracearea• Floodedwithnaturallight• Extendedintothedoublegarage• Lawnareagreatforyoungfamilies• Parkingforminimumofthreecars• HighlysoughtafterlocationDavidBallLuxuryCollectionaredelightedtoofferforsalethis1748squarefeet executivefamilyhomewithstunningSouth FacingpanoramicviewsoftheRiverGannel TidalEstuaryonwhatisinouropiniononeofthebestplotsonthePenmereDriveestate. Earlyviewingstronglyrecommended.GuidePrice£750,000FreeholdKeyFeatures

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Being offered for sale for first time since new, over24 years ago, the Salisbury is the largest of thehouse types build in the Penmere Drive estate. Atrue family home that starts with a spaciousentrance hall, providing access to the generouslysized separate family lounge through to theconservatory, as well as the kitchen and diner thatwere joined into a modern L shaped living space,from here access to what is probably the largestSouth facing decked terrace we've seen at over730 SQ FT, that also boasts spectacularpanoramic Gannel Estuary views. Walking past thekitchen’s pantry cupboard with double slidingdoors intothe utility room that has access to the lawn area ofthe garden, downstairs shower room with the fifthbedroom/annexe, perfect for accommodating anextended family/extending family completes thedownstairs accommodation.To the first floor the principal bedroom withstunning Gannel Estuary views and en‐suite alongwith two double bedrooms, one single and thefamily bathroom.TheProperty

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The rear garden enjoys a showstopping, sun drenched decked terrace at 731sq ft that enjoys a stunning south facing aspect, a perfect area for entertaining or sunbathing, whilst also due to the orientation of the house in the plot and those around feels unimposed upon and private. Along with a west facing lawn area provides versatility for families to the garden. A storage shed to the side provides a great way to store stand up paddle boards, kayaks etc. helping owners make use of theclose proximity to the River Gannel. Although there is no current side access there is the possibility to reconfigure to add one. To the front of the property a small lowmaintenance garden area as well as the driveway parking for a minimum of three cars.Externally

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Sea Fields is located in a the most desirable cul‐de‐sacon Penmere Drive as well as being perched just aboveTrevean Way in a prime position providing almostimmediate access to banks of the River Gannel tidalestuary which channels to Crantock Beach with itsglorious sandy dunes and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.In the immediate vicinity is the protected headland ofPentire which is located between Fistral Beach and thestunning River Gannel Estuary and home to thespectacularly located boutique eatery and hotel of theLewinick Lodge. The Gannel Estuary separates thequaint village of Crantock from Newquay. When the tideis in and you can no longer reach the sandy passage byfoot, you can take the delightful ferry from the FernpitCafé, established in 1910 which is still run by the samefamily.The town of Newquay benefits from a range of shopping,schooling and banking facilities as well as an array offashionable bars and restaurants. There are bus and railservices to outlying areas. The City of Truro isapproximately fourteen miles from the property and thecharming fishing port of Padstow within sixteen miles. Newquay Airport is approximately seven miles distancefrom Newquay and you can fly to Faro, Alicante,Copenhagen, Dublin and a host of other destinationsallowing you the freedom of travel all on your doorstep.TheLocation

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1.Particulars:theseparticularsarenotanofferorcontractnorpartofone.YoushouldnotrelyonstatementsbyDavidBallAgencies(DBA)intheparticularsorbywordofmouthorinwritingasbeingfactuallyaccurateabouttheproperty,itsconditionorvalue. NeitherDBAnoranyjointagenthasanyauthoritytomakeanyrepresentationaboutthepropertyordevelopmentandaccordinglyanyinformationgivenisentirelywithoutresponsibilityinthepartoftheagents,sellersorlessors.2.Imagesparagraphsandother information;anycomputergeneratedimages,plans,drawings,accommodationschedules,specificationsdetailsorotherinformationprovidedabouttheproperty(“information”)areindicativeonly.Anysuchinformationmaychangeatanytimeandmustnotberelieduponasbeingfactuallyaccurateabouttheproperty.Anyphotographsareindicativeofthequalityandstyleofthedevelopmentandlocationanddonotrepresenttheactualfittingandfurnishingatthisdevelopment.3.Regulations;anyreferencetoalterationstothepropertyoruseofanypartofthedevelopmentisnotastatementthatanynecessaryplanning,buildingregulationsorotherconsentshasbeenobtained.Thesemattermustbeverifiedbyanintendingpurchaser.4.Fixturesandfittings;suppliedservicesand applianceshavenotbeentestedbythevendorsagent.Prospectivepurchasersareadvisedtomaketheirownenquiries.5.Alldimensionsareapproximates.