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Mov'sMov's( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )ReferenceReferenceReferenceGroup 7Group 7Group 7Members;Dareen Aivryl SantosJamiah Apple OpidaCaleb Gavin PerezEidann Pulidohealthlinehealthlinehealthline

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Smoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeexpectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.Smoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Furthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensaging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,cancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering theseconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isto enhancing general health and enhancing general health and enhancing general health and well-being.Giving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigdifference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,or support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotinereplacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,can assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle anddiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everystep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free oftobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.Both short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitscome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When theseadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesthe quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on thebody :body :body :Lungs: Causes lung diseases like chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancerHeart: Increases the risk of heart disease andstrokeImmune System: Weakens the immune system,making you more susceptible to infectionsSkin: Leads to premature aging and wrinklesDigestive System: Higher risk of cancers in themouth, throat, and stomach.Tips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingFind a strong reason.1.Set a quit date.2.Avoid triggers.3.Stay busy.4.Seek support.5.Use nicotine replacements.6.Reward yourself.7.what are the healthbenefits of quitting?Improved lung function.1.Reduced risk of heart disease.2.Lower cancer risk.3.Better circulation.4.Enhanced sense of taste and smell.5.Increased energy levels.6.Healthier skin.7.T a b l eT a b l eT a b l eofofofcontentscontentscontentsEffects of smoking on the bodyTips to quit smokingHealth benefits of quitting smokingSummarySummarySummaryOfOfOfReflectionReflectionReflection

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Smoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeexpectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.Smoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Furthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensaging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,cancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering theseconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isto enhancing general health and enhancing general health and enhancing general health and well-being.Giving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigdifference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,or support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotinereplacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,can assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle anddiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everystep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free oftobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.Both short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitscome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When theseadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesthe quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on thebody :body :body :Lungs: Causes lung diseases like chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancerHeart: Increases the risk of heart disease andstrokeImmune System: Weakens the immune system,making you more susceptible to infectionsSkin: Leads to premature aging and wrinklesDigestive System: Higher risk of cancers in themouth, throat, and stomach.Tips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingFind a strong reason.1.Set a quit date.2.Avoid triggers.3.Stay busy.4.Seek support.5.Use nicotine replacements.6.Reward yourself.7.what are the healthbenefits of quitting?Improved lung function.1.Reduced risk of heart disease.2.Lower cancer risk.3.Better circulation.4.Enhanced sense of taste and smell.5.Increased energy levels.6.Healthier skin.7.T a b l eT a b l eT a b l eofofofcontentscontentscontentsEffects of smoking on the bodyTips to quit smokingHealth benefits of quitting smokingSummarySummarySummaryOfOfOfReflectionReflectionReflection

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Smoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andSmoking affects almost all of the body's organs andis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeis a serious health risk. It drastically lowers lifeexpectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.expectancy and lowers the standard of living.Smoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicSmoking is a known cause of several chronicillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andillnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Furthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensFurthermore, smoking impairs immunity, hastensaging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,aging, and raises the chance of lung problems,cancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering thesecancer, and other illnesses. Considering theseconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isconsequences makes it clear how crucial quitting isto enhancing general health and enhancing general health and enhancing general health and well-being.Giving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileGiving up smoking is a difficult but worthwhileprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentprocess. When considering quitting tips, it is evidentthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigthat support and planning are essential. A bigdifference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,difference can be made by deciding on a quit date,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,recognizing your triggers, and asking friends, family,or support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotineor support groups for help. Using nicotinereplacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,replacement treatments, such as gum or patches,can assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofcan assist in controlling the symptoms ofwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle andwithdrawal. Maintaining an active lifestyle anddiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asdiscovering fresh approaches to unwind, such asphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everyphysical activity or hobbies, might also help. Everystep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free ofstep toward quitting is a step toward a life free oftobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.tobacco and greater health.Both short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitsBoth short-term and long-term health benefitscome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When thesecome from quitting smoking. When theseadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentadvantages are considered, it becomes evidentthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodthat the body heals almost immediately. Bloodpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofpressure and heart rate decrease in a matter ofminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsminutes. Lung function grows better, circulation getsbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downbetter, and the risk of heart disease goes downover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousover the next few weeks and months. Seriousdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchdiseases like lung cancer and stroke become muchless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesless likely over time. Giving up smoking improvesthe quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,the quality of life and increases life expectancy,therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.therefore it's worth it to make the effort to stop.5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on the5 effects of smoking on thebody :body :body :Lungs: Causes lung diseases like chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancerHeart: Increases the risk of heart disease andstrokeImmune System: Weakens the immune system,making you more susceptible to infectionsSkin: Leads to premature aging and wrinklesDigestive System: Higher risk of cancers in themouth, throat, and stomach.Tips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingTips to quit smokingFind a strong reason.1.Set a quit date.2.Avoid triggers.3.Stay busy.4.Seek support.5.Use nicotine replacements.6.Reward yourself.7.what are the healthbenefits of quitting?Improved lung function.1.Reduced risk of heart disease.2.Lower cancer risk.3.Better circulation.4.Enhanced sense of taste and smell.5.Increased energy levels.6.Healthier skin.7.T a b l eT a b l eT a b l eofofofcontentscontentscontentsEffects of smoking on the bodyTips to quit smokingHealth benefits of quitting smokingSummarySummarySummaryOfOfOfReflectionReflectionReflection

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Mov'sMov's( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )ReferenceReferenceReferenceGroup 7Group 7Group 7Members;Dareen Aivryl SantosJamiah Apple OpidaCaleb Gavin PerezEidann Pulidohealthlinehealthlinehealthline

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Mov'sMov's( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )( P I C T U R E S T O G E T H E R )ReferenceReferenceReferenceGroup 7Group 7Group 7Members;Dareen Aivryl SantosJamiah Apple OpidaCaleb Gavin PerezEidann Pulidohealthlinehealthlinehealthline