Domain Physical Development and Health School Readiness Goal P-PMP1 - When asked, can move own body in front of, to the side, or behind something or someone else, such as getting in line with other children. P-PMP3 - Uses coordinated movements to complete complex tasks, such as cutting along a line, pouring, or buttoning. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 72.3 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will be able to use large-small muscles and gross-fine motor skills to swing, climb, dance, run, hold, and manipulate writing tools. Challenges: Children with delays or handicaps in gross-fine motor may not be able to meet this goal or may be delayed at meeting this goal. Domain Social Emotional Development School Readiness Goal P-SE1 - Uses basic strategies for dealing with common conflicts, such as sharing, taking turns, and compromising. P-SE - Cooperatively plays with other children in an increasingly coordinated way. Works with other children to make plans for what and how they will play together. When given the opportunity, these coordinated play periods get longer. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages-SE Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 63.8 percent, (below average). Expected Outcome: Children will use basic problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts with other children. Challenges: Children experiencing social and emotional delays or trauma due to other mental health concerns may show delay in this area. Domain Approaches to Learning School Readiness Goal P-ATL6 - Attends to adult during large and small group activities with minimal support. P-ATL9 - Applies different rules in contexts that require different behaviors, such as using indoor voices or feet instead of outdoor voices or feet. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 80.7 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will manage their actions, words, and behavior with increasing independence during play. Challenges: Children experiencing social and emotional delays or trauma due to other mental health concerns may show delay in this area. 2023-2024 Cheaha Regional Head Start Birth to Five School Readiness Goals
Domain Language and Literacy Development School Readiness Goal P-LIT1 - Shows rote imitation and enjoyment of rhyme and alliteration. With support, distinguishes when two words rhyme and when two words begin with the same sound. P-LIT3 - Recognizes and names at least half of the letters in the alphabet, including letters in own name (first name and last name), as well as letters encountered often in the environment. Produces the sound of many recognized letters. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 68.1 percent, below average). Expected Outcome: Children will show a steady increase in vocabulary through the acquisition of words with increasing specificity and variety and show repetition of new words offered by adults and may ask about the meaning of unfamiliar words. Challenges: Children with speech or language delays score lower in this domain than children not experiencing delays. Getting parents to interact and engage with provided speech and language enhancement activities at home is challenging. Domain English Language Development School Readiness Goal P-LC5 - Communicates clearly enough to be understood by adults across a range of situations. Pronunciation errors and grammatical errors are isolated and infrequent. Shows proficiency with prepositions, regular/irregular past tense, possessives, and noun-verb agreement. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 80.9 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will express self in increasingly long, detailed, and sophisticated ways. Challenges: Children with speech or language delays, or social and emotional delays score lower in this domain than children not experiencing delays. Getting parents to interact and engage with provided speech and language enhancement activities at home is challenging. Domain Cognition and General Knowledge School Readiness Goal P-ATL6 - With increasing independence, focuses attention on tasks and experiences for longer periods of time, despite interruptions or distractions. P-ATL10. - Frequently shows initiative, particularly when engaged in preferred activities. Demonstrates a willingness and capability to work independently for increasing amounts of time. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 65.4 percent, (below average). Expected Outcome: Children will independently identify and seek things to complete activities or tasks, such as gathering art supplies to make a mask or gathering cards to play a matching activity. Challenges: The challenge with this goal typically synchronizes with children who have a hard time staying on task or completing tasks.
Domain Mathematics School Readiness Goal P-MATH3 - Understands that number words refer to quantity. May point to or move objects while counting objects to 10 and beyond (one-to-one correspondence). Understands that the last number represents how many objects are in a group (cardinality). P-MATH4 - Begins to accurately count and compare objects that are about the same size and are in small groups with adult assistance, such as counts a pile of two blocks and a pile of four and determines whether the piles have the same or different numbers of blocks. Identifies the first and second objects in a sequence. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 57.3 percent, (below average). Expected Outcome: Children will accurately count as many as five objects in a scattered configuration. Challenges: Children with developmental delays or younger children are challenged with this goal. Domain Science and Technology School Readiness Goal P-SCI4 - Asks simple questions. Uses adults as primary resources to gather information about questions. With adult support and modeling, makes simple predictions, such as "I think that the golf ball will be heavier than the ping pong ball." P-SCI5 - With adult support, engages in simple investigations and experiments, such as building a "bridge" out of classroom materials and seeing how many dolls it will hold before it collapses. Records data with teacher assistance, mostly using pictures and marks on a page. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages-SE Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 83.3 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will draw conclusions, construct explanations, and verbalize cause and effect relationships. With adult support, compare results to initial prediction and offer evidence as to why they do or do not work. Generate new testable questions based on results. Challenges: Limited challenges. All children typically grasp and excel at sensory goals, except for children with sensory deficits. Domain The Arts School Readiness Goal P-ATL12 - Communicates creative ideas and actions both with and without prompting from adults. P-ATL13 Develops more elaborate imaginary play, stories, and other creative works with children and adults. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 75.6 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will develop more elaborate imaginary play, stories, and other creative works with children and adults, engage in sociodramatic play, and use objects or materials to represent something else during play, such as using a paper plate or Frisbee as a steering wheel. Challenges: Limited challenges. Children who have a developmental or speech delay may find it difficult to communicate effectively. 2023-2024 Cheaha Regional Head Start Birth to Five School Readiness Goals
Domain Social Studies School Readiness Goal P-SE11 - Has a sense of belonging to family and community and communicates details about these connections, such as sharing a story about a family gathering, both spontaneously and when prompted by an adult or other child. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 74.5 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will identify with themselves as being a part of separate groups, such as family, community, culture, faith, or preschool. Challenges: No challenges with this goal currently Domain English Language Acquisition School Readiness Goal P-LC2 - Shows understanding, such as nodding or gestures, in response to the content of books read aloud, stories that are told, or lengthy explanations given on a topic. Data Gathering Measures • Assessment Data • Staff Observations • Anecdotal Notes • Parental Feedback Data Sources • Ages and Stages Screenings • Assessment Reports Progress/Outcomes: At the end of the year, data analyzation program wide indicated children scored an average of 72.3 percent, (average). Expected Outcome: Children will understand and respond to increasingly complex communication and language from others. Challenges: Children who are DLLs may demonstrate more complex communication and language in their home language than in English. School Readiness Goals Achievement Level - Spring 2022/2023 Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework – AIM LinkIt PreK 4 Note: The End of Year Expectation is based on where children’s knowledge, skills, and abilities are expected to be at the end of year, not the beginning or throughout the year. For example, pre-K standards, which apply to children who will enter kindergarten the next year, reflect skills that children may not demonstrate until near the end of their pre-K year. Goals were developed with input from Local School Systems, Head Start Education Staff, Parents, Policy Council, and the Governing Board.