SUPPORTCOORDINATIONPATHWAY-HOMELESSOUTREACHABOUT LIBERTY!HOMELESSOUTREACHLiberty’s Support Coordination Pathway- Homeless Outreach is a service offeredby Liberty's pathway SupportCoordinators experienced in supportingpeople with a disability who arehomeless or in need of outreachservices. Our Support Coordination pathway teamfor Homeless and Outreach is based at: Ross House247/251 Flinders LaneMelbourne VIC 3000Every Monday 10am - 2pmLiberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering you to embrace beingyour true individual self. Our coordinated compassionate careis delivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you and with you. We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!
SUPPORT COORDINATIONHelp you apply for an NDIS fundedpackage Help you find places for assessmentsand diagnosisConnect with service providersHelp you find your medical historyBe flexible with meeting venuesHelp you reconnect with your careteam or find a new teamHave an understanding of additionalbarriers a person may face and findsupports to assist you through thesebarriersConnect you with housing supportsSUPPORT COORDINATIONPATHWAY - HOMELESS OUTREACHContact us for a SupportCoordinator! DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?(03) 5275 8627Head Office 1-3 Agra St, Norlane Vic 32140490 488 367Support Coordination is a service offered bya disability provider that assists you to useyour NDIS plan funding to accomplish yourunique goals.The role of the Support Coordinator is to helpyou coordinate and support theimplementation of the following:Communication with NDISConnecting you with a range of serviceprovidersCoordinate your funding allocations.Inclusion in your communityCapacity Building with Allied HealthTherapistCore supports- Personal care &Community accessEquipment trials and purchasesSpecialist Disability AccommodationreferralsHome ModificationsTransportThe Support Coordinators number one goalis to work with you to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you are not funded for SupportCoordination please still give us a call, wecan work out how to support you together. Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals, the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
SUPPORT COORDINATIONHelp you apply for an NDIS fundedpackage Help you find places for assessmentsand diagnosisConnect with service providersHelp you find your medical historyBe flexible with meeting venuesHelp you reconnect with your careteam or find a new teamHave an understanding of additionalbarriers a person may face and findsupports to assist you through thesebarriersConnect you with housing supportsSUPPORT COORDINATIONPATHWAY - HOMELESS OUTREACHContact us for a SupportCoordinator! DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?(03) 5275 8627Head Office 1-3 Agra St, Norlane Vic 32140490 488 367Support Coordination is a service offered bya disability provider that assists you to useyour NDIS plan funding to accomplish yourunique goals.The role of the Support Coordinator is to helpyou coordinate and support theimplementation of the following:Communication with NDISConnecting you with a range of serviceprovidersCoordinate your funding allocations.Inclusion in your communityCapacity Building with Allied HealthTherapistCore supports- Personal care &Community accessEquipment trials and purchasesSpecialist Disability AccommodationreferralsHome ModificationsTransportThe Support Coordinators number one goalis to work with you to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you are not funded for SupportCoordination please still give us a call, wecan work out how to support you together. Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals, the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
SUPPORT COORDINATIONHelp you apply for an NDIS fundedpackage Help you find places for assessmentsand diagnosisConnect with service providersHelp you find your medical historyBe flexible with meeting venuesHelp you reconnect with your careteam or find a new teamHave an understanding of additionalbarriers a person may face and findsupports to assist you through thesebarriersConnect you with housing supportsSUPPORT COORDINATIONPATHWAY - HOMELESS OUTREACHContact us for a SupportCoordinator! DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?(03) 5275 8627Head Office 1-3 Agra St, Norlane Vic 32140490 488 367Support Coordination is a service offered bya disability provider that assists you to useyour NDIS plan funding to accomplish yourunique goals.The role of the Support Coordinator is to helpyou coordinate and support theimplementation of the following:Communication with NDISConnecting you with a range of serviceprovidersCoordinate your funding allocations.Inclusion in your communityCapacity Building with Allied HealthTherapistCore supports- Personal care &Community accessEquipment trials and purchasesSpecialist Disability AccommodationreferralsHome ModificationsTransportThe Support Coordinators number one goalis to work with you to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you are not funded for SupportCoordination please still give us a call, wecan work out how to support you together. Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals, the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
SUPPORTCOORDINATIONPATHWAY-HOMELESSOUTREACHABOUT LIBERTY!HOMELESSOUTREACHLiberty’s Support Coordination Pathway- Homeless Outreach is a service offeredby Liberty's pathway SupportCoordinators experienced in supportingpeople with a disability who arehomeless or in need of outreachservices. Our Support Coordination pathway teamfor Homeless and Outreach is based at: Ross House247/251 Flinders LaneMelbourne VIC 3000Every Monday 10am - 2pmLiberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering you to embrace beingyour true individual self. Our coordinated compassionate careis delivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you and with you. We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!
SUPPORTCOORDINATIONPATHWAY-HOMELESSOUTREACHABOUT LIBERTY!HOMELESSOUTREACHLiberty’s Support Coordination Pathway- Homeless Outreach is a service offeredby Liberty's pathway SupportCoordinators experienced in supportingpeople with a disability who arehomeless or in need of outreachservices. Our Support Coordination pathway teamfor Homeless and Outreach is based at: Ross House247/251 Flinders LaneMelbourne VIC 3000Every Monday 10am - 2pmLiberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering you to embrace beingyour true individual self. Our coordinated compassionate careis delivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you and with you. We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!