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Scholars Convention Digital Book

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION We are excited to welcome everyone back to campus for this year s Scholars Convention Hosted by the Center for Faculty Advancement CFA more than 200 current and past Faculty First Look Scholars and Provost Postdoc Alumni are here to attend the week s workshops including a full day devoted to our Pathways Summit on Thursday June 8 And there are plenty of panels workshops and speakers to inspire one another and to share stories about building careers in higher ed There will also be time to socialize network and explore NYU and NYC 1M O N D A Y JUNE 5 2023 J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 9 00 a m Check in at NYU Dormitory for Scholars in Lodging University Hall 110 East 14th Street New York NY 10003 12 15 p m 2 00 p m Lunch with Faculty Resource Network Faculty Optional Kimmel Center for University Life 60 Washington Square South Rosenthal Pavilion 10th Floor

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION 8 30 a m Check in Breakfast Silver Center for Arts and Science 31 Washington Place Hemmerdinger Hall Ground Floor 9 00 a m 10 00 a m Welcome Charlton McIlwain Vice Provost Faculty Engagement and Development Morning Motivation Keynote Address Fabienne Doucet Executive Director NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools 10 00 a m 11 00 a m Power Networking Niyati Parekh Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Initiatives Connect with fellow scholars and practice your networking skills through creative group and one to one activities You ll broaden your professional network and academic community while expanding your knowledge of how networks can enhance your professional and personal goals 2T U E S D A Y JUNE 6 2023 11 00 a m 12 30 p m Focusing on What Matters Strategies to Reduce Faculty Burnout Carina Vocisano Academic Impressions In this highly interactive workshop scholars will explore the misconceived work norms that promote burnout and how to address their impacts Rampant in academic settings burnout is a prolonged period of exhaustion due to chronic work related stress When a person experiences burnout work that used to be enjoyable can feel like eating sand The factors contributing to burnout are largely systemic and these need to be addressed through changes in university norms and policy The practical application of the research on wellness is another major focus of this workshop Together scholars will explore ways to maximize wellness in several key domains social connectivity cognitive hygiene creative engagement emotional awareness and physical health J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 12 30 p m 2 00 p m Lunch Talk Enhancing Classroom Diversity Equity and Inclusion through Active Civic Engagement Initiatives for Faculty and Students James Lawler Pace University 2 15 p m 4 30 p m Storytelling for Social Impact Ashley Kolaya Third Space This workshop focuses on effectively communicating research and academic insights to non academic audiences to achieve social change Your work and research tells a story And a well told story has the power to captivate and inspire any audience Designed specifically for subject matter experts charged with translating academic insights to non academic contexts this session will invite participants to develop a presentation that resonates and stickswith any audience Faculty will learn and put into practice the key principles of truly impactful storytelling centering the audience developing a clear throughline and authentic delivery Led by Ashley Kolaya former Director of Curation and Coaching for TED and founder of the social impact storytelling agency Third Space and incorporating interactive participation with real time feedback this session will leave participants with concrete skills and tips they can put into practice immediately

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION 3W E D N E S D A Y JUNE 7 2023 9 00 a m Check in Breakfast Silver Center for Arts and Science 31 Washington Place Hemmerdinger Hall Ground Floor 9 30 a m 10 30 a m How to Conference Gillian Gualtieri Term Assistant Professor Barnard College Explore how to make the most of conference experiences as a faculty member by learning about formal and informal networking strategies conferencing as part of institutional and field service preparing for research presentations opportunities to meet with editors and tenure letter writers and more 10 30 a m 11 30 a m What Scholars Need to Know about AI Meredith K Broussard Have you been reading about ChatGPT and stressing about the implications for your classroom Have you heard stories about the future of AI but you re curious about the implications for scholarship Are you concerned about bias in automated systems and in edtech specifically Do you simply want to know more about AI NYU s Meredith Broussard will host a session on what educators need to know about AI The talk will feature stories from her new book More than a Glitch Confronting Race Gender and Ability Bias in Tech as well as some teaching tips Depending on time and audience interest there may be a demonstration of ChatGPT or a discussion of decolonizing the tech society curriculum 12 00 p m 1 45 p m Lunch with Faculty Resource Network Faculty Kimmel Center for University Life 60 Washington Square South Rosenthal Pavilion 10th Floor J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 2 00 p m 2 45 p m Mentorship Where to Find One and How to Be One Niyati Parekh Mentorship is a two way relationship that both sides approach with talents and expectations Making it work for both can be immensely rewarding This interactive discussion will focus on practical aspects of navigating mentorships e g aligning expectations on both sides at the outset and the importance of communication between the mentor and mentee to enhance personal and professional growth We will explore difficult conversations and differences across generations gender race and other intersectionalities Whether you are looking to find a mentor or become one we will provide actionable steps and resources to guide you on your journey 3 00 p m 3 45 p m Just Write Brett Gary Marita Sturken Rachel Harrison This panel will offer a conversation about different kinds of writing and promotional strategies for early career faculty eager to find time for writing and audiences for your work Among the topics the panel will consider converting the Ph D dissertation into a book manuscript developing writing habits to keep you at your projects while juggling all your other early career demands tailoring your ideas and finding your voice to reach different kinds of audiences and readers strategies for finding a publisher and using social media to promote your work 4 00 p m 6 00 p m Kick off Reception CANCELLED

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION 9 00 a m Check in Breakfast 4S U M M I T T H U R S D A Y JUNE 8 2023 Location All Day Silver Center for Arts and Science 31 Washington Place Hemmerdinger Hall Ground Floor 9 30 a m 11 00 a m 11 00 a m 12 30 p m The Impact of Pathway Programs on Higher Education Career Development Advancement Eric Felix Assistant Professor College of Education San Diego State University NYU Steinhardt Faculty First Look Scholar 2017 2018 Grace Ali Assistant Professor Florida State University NYU Postdoctoral Fellow 2018 2019 Jorge Burmicky Assistant Professor Howard University NYU Steinhardt Faculty First Look Scholar 2018 2019 Ariana Valle Assistant Professor University of California Davis NYU Postdoctoral Fellow 2019 2020 Silvia Rodriguez Vega Assistant Professor University of California Santa Barbara NYU Steinhardt Faculty First Look Scholar 2018 2019 NYU Postdoctoral Fellow 2019 2020 The Future of Higher Education Pathways Opportunities Challenges at NYU and Beyond Hua Yu Sebastian Cherng Vice Dean for Diversity Equity and Belonging Associate Professor of International Education NYU Steinhardt Emily Balcetis Associate Professor of Psychology NYU Arts Sciences Corey Blay Director Manhattan Country School Elise Cappella Vice Dean for Research and Professor of Applied Psychology NYU Steinhardt Director of NYU IES PIRT Training MJ Knoll Finn Senior Vice President for Global Enrollment Management and Student Success NYU Aisha Oliver Staley Senior Vice President General Counsel and University Secretary NYU This panel aims to showcase the significant and positive impact of Pathway Programs on the career advancement of early career underrepresented scholars The alumni will share their personal experiences and insights on how these programs have helped them overcome barriers and succeed in their careers This panel promises to be an informative and inspiring discussion showcasing how Pathway Programs promote equity and diversity in higher education This panel brings together NYU academic and institutional leaders dedicated to expanding higher education pathways that promote equity and inclusion from undergraduate to postgraduate education and careers in and beyond higher ed The panel will focus on the importance of building these pathways for all students especially those from underrepresented groups The discussion will delve into the opportunities that exist at NYU to expand them and the challenges that we face across higher education in the coming years The panel promises to be a thought provoking conversation on the future of higher education pathways and their critical role in promoting social mobility and equity J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Lunch with Faculty Resource Network Faculty 2 00 p m 3 30 p m Building an Information Ecosystem that Supports the Career Advancement of Underrepresented Scholars Charlton McIlwain Vice Provost Faculty Engagement and Development Theo Pillay Senior Vice President General Manager of Institutional Products Elsevier Stacie Grossman Bloom Vice Provost for Research Chief Research Officer Andrew Rosen Chief Executive Officer Interfolio When we talk about building pathways in which underrepresented scholars can pursue successful careers we frequently focus on things like recruitment or tenure or professional development This panel focuses on how the information environment in which research takes place contributes to broadening and making these pathways more navigable From exploring research publication data to citation metrics and networks ways to track and measure impact or exposure to information about opportunities for underrepresented scholars to advance and benefit from their research this panel provides an opportunity for participants to engage leaders building research and faculty information ecosystems about how to best shape opportunities for scholars to advance their careers in their research and creative practice 3 30 p m 5 00 p m The Magic of Academic Networking Diana L Arpino Vice Provost Charlton McIlwain Vice Provost Faculty Engagement and Development This casual mixer allows current doctoral students and pathway scholars to interact with a few fun surprises Created with a focus on academic community building this session seeks to foster an environment for organic conversations to unfold between the participants regarding career pathways and trajectories stories and other adventures in academia

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION 5J U N E 9 2 0 2 3 Location All Day Silver Center for Arts and Science 31 Washington Place Hemmerdinger Hall Ground Floor 9 00 a m Check in Breakfast 9 30 a m 10 30 a m Keynote Address Alondra Nelson We are thrilled to announce that Alondra Nelson will deliver the final keynote Formerly deputy assistant to President Joe Biden and acting director at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Alondra is a scholar of science technology medicine and social inequality She is Harold F Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and a distinguished senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Alondra is at work on a series of essays titled Society after Pandemic She will share her own career pathway and address the importance of programs like Faculty First Look and the Postdoc Fellowship along with mentoring opportunities for your students J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 opening doors for change makers in the world Corey Blay Breakthrough Scholars Leadership Program

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION SPEAKERS AND PRESENTERS Aisha Oliver Staley Aisha is Senior Vice President General Counsel and University Secretary at NYU She oversees the Office of General Counsel and the Office of Compliance and Risk Management which serve as strategic partners to NYU s schools administrative offices affiliates portal campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai and global academic sites on legal compliance and policy matters As University Secretary she oversees the Office of the Secretary and is responsible for providing guidance and resources to the University s Board of Trustees J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Alondra Nelson Alondra is a scholar of science technology medicine and social inequality Formerly deputy assistant to President Joe Biden and acting director at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy OSTP Alondra was the first African American and first woman of color to lead US science and technology policy She is the Harold F Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and a distinguished senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Alondra is the author of several award winning books including most recently The Social Life of DNA Race Reparations and Reconciliation after the Genome and she is currently at work on a series of essays titled Society after Pandemic Andrew Rosen Andrew is CEO of Interfolio a Faculty Information System for higher education institutions He began his career as a co founder General Counsel and CFO of Blackboard where he and the team successfully built and scaled the Learning Management System throughout the education marketplace and into over 50 countries He has since worked as a leader for several educational technology companies that developed analytics focused on student success faculty productivity and student retention Ariana Valle Ariana Valle is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California Davis As a scholar of race and ethnicity migration and political sociology she focuses on the experiences of Latina os in the United States Her current book project is I Am Not Your Immigrant Puerto Ricans Liminal Citizenship and Politics in Florida It draws on 112 in depth interviews with Puerto Ricans and explores the making of Puerto Rican Latino politics in Florida

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION Ashley Kolaya Ashley has spent the last decade researching how to meaningfully connect with audiences of all shapes and sizes and is an expert in learning design and facilitation She first learned how to capture hold and motivate a crowd s attention during her early career as a civic engagement educator often inspiring tens of thousands of restless teens and tweens toward leadership democracy and activism Most recently she directed the curation and coaching disciplines for two of TED s newest initiatives TED Masterclass and TED Ed programs Brett Gary Brett is an Associate Professor of Media Culture and Communication at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture Education and Human Development His most recent research and teaching takes a historical approach to media and political communications with an emphasis on cultural battles over censorship His 2021 book Dirty Works Obscenity on Trial in America s First Sexual Revolution explores how civil libertarians birth control activists and feminists journalists publishers public health activists and the ACLU struggled to curb cultural and sexual censorship He is a recipient of both the Steinhardt Teaching Excellence Award and NYU Distinguished Teaching Award Carina Vocisano Carina is an academic leadership coach with Academic Impressions a professional and leadership development organization for higher ed and has extensive experience in creating change as an academic She draws on evidence based approaches to leadership coaching including mindfulness based stress reduction positive psychology and organizational psychology Carina also teaches psychology at SUNY Purchase College and maintains a clinical practice J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Charlton McIlwain Charlton is Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement and Development and Professor of Media Culture and Communication at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture Education and Human Development As Vice Provost he advances NYU s academic excellence by supporting faculty recruitment retention and career advancement He also leads NYU s Center for Faculty Advancement which provides programming resources and special recognition and awards to promote faculty research teaching mentorship community engagement and academic leadership development His technology initiatives include NYU s Alliance for Public Interest Technology a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff who work with partners in the public and private sectors on the ethical creation use and governance of technology in society Charlton also oversees pathways programs at NYU from pre college through the professoriate which prepare diverse individuals to succeed in both academic careers and careers beyond the Academy His scholarly work focuses on the intersections of race digital media and racial justice activism Corey Blay Corey began his career in education nearly 15 years ago at Ethical Culture Fieldston School where he taught history and later became a founding member of Fieldston s then new middle school as well as its Diversity Coordinator After leaving Fieldson Corey developed a mentorship program at Teach for America earned an M B A from NYU s Stern School of Business and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service He then served as program director of the NYU Leadership Initiative where he created a scholarship program at NYU Stern for first generation low income students Corey is currently the Director of Manhattan Country School

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION Diana Arpino Diana Arpino is Vice Provost at NYU and a quantitative sociologist who employs targeted strategy data driven methodologies and inclusive diplomacy in her academic initiatives She works closely with other Vice Provosts and colleagues on academic technology initiatives to improve how data can support schools faculty and students in achieving their goals Prior to joining NYU Arpino was Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University Newark where her research examined racial and ethnic inequality including discrimination in housing and labor markets Elise Cappella Elise is Vice Dean for Research and Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU Steinhardt s School of Culture Education and Human Development She is co Director of NYU s Institute of Education Sciences Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training IES PIRT program dedicated to training the next generation of education scientists and leaders Her research focuses on understanding and promoting social emotional and academic learning and behavioral and mental health among students in pre k to 8th grade Emily Balcetis Emily is Associate Professor of Psychology at NYU She is interested in the conscious and nonconscious ways people fundamentally orient themselves to the world and the basic manner in which we all perceive and react to our worlds Her research explores motivational biases in visual and social perception and represents an intersection among social psychology judgment and decision making social cognition and perception Emily is the author of the 2020 book Clearer Closer Better How Successful People See the World and the author of more than seventy scientific publications J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Eric Felix Eric is an Assistant Professor of Community College Leadership in the Department of Administration Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education at San Diego State University He is also a Policy Fellow with the Center for Urban Education at the University of Southern California His areas of expertise include higher education policy implementation community college reform issues of racial equity and critical policy analysis Eric is a first generation college student and a proud graduate of the California State University system Fabienne Doucet Fabienne is the Executive Director of the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools She is Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education and Urban Education at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture Education and Human Development A critical ethnographer Fabienne studies how taken for granted beliefs practices and values in the US educational system position linguistically culturally and socioeconomically diverse children and families at a disadvantage and seeks active solutions for meeting their educational needs Gillian Gualtieri Gillian is a Term Assistant Professor of Sociology at Barnard College and a consultant with the Center for Faculty Advancement at NYU Her research and teaching interests include race ethnicity gender creative industries arts and culture and organizations Her recent research at these intersections has been published in Poetics Social Problems and Sociological Forum among other venues

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION Grace Ali Grace is an Assistant Professor and Provost Fellow in the Department of Art Public Policy at the Tisch School of the Arts NYU and affiliated faculty with the Asian Pacific American Institute Grace is a curator whose research and teaching practice centers on curatorial activism socially engaged art practices and art of the Caribbean Diaspora with a focus on her homeland Guyana She is founder and curator of Guyana Modern an online platform for contemporary arts and culture of Guyana and founder and editorial director of OF NOTE Magazine an award winning nonprofit arts journalism Jorge Burmicky Jorge is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies at Howard University One of his research lines examines presidential leadership in higher education with an emphasis on equity minded and socially just leadership at minority serving institutions community colleges and broadly accessible institutions His research also explores policies and practices that support the educational outcomes of men of color specifically the impact of men of color programs in student success Latino men in community colleges and promising student affairs practices for serving Latino men Marita Sturken Marita is Professor of Media Culture and Communication at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture Education and Human Development where she teaches courses in visual culture cultural memory and consumerism Her 2022 book Terrorism in American Memory Memorials Museums and Architecture in the Post 9 11 Era examines the role of memory in shaping the post 9 11 era and how the nationalistic project of 9 11 memory has given way to the challenging memory activism of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice In 2023 she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Meredith Broussard Meredith is an associate professor at NYU and research director at the NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology Her books include More Than a Glitch Confronting Race Gender and Ability Bias in Tech and Artificial Unintelligence How Computers Misunderstand the World Her research focuses on artificial intelligence AI in investigative reporting with particular interests in AI ethics and using data analysis for social good MJ Knoll Finn MJ is Senior Vice President for Global Enrollment Management and Student Success at NYU She heads a highly strategic and data driven division that has increased the pipeline of talented and diverse students to NYU Her division is responsible for all undergraduate enrollment functions for NYU s schools and colleges in New York as well as degree granting campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai and throughout NYU s global network Niyati Parekh Niyati is Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Initiatives and leads the Early Career Faculty Institute a multilevel mentoring program for early career tenure track and contract faculty across NYU She is developing the Mid Career Faculty Initiative a new career advancement program to be launched in fall 2023 Niyati is Professor of Public Health at the School of Global Public Health where her research examines the intersection of biological and behavioral factors of non communicable diseases in US populations

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION Hua Yu Sebastian Cherng Sebastian is Vice Dean for Diversity Equity and Belonging and Associate Professor of International Education at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture Education and Human Development He is a sociologist whose scholarly and community based work focuses on the social lives of marginalized youth His research examines the social relationships in the lives of minority and immigrant adolescents in the US cultural and social capital transfers between adolescents in the US and gender and ethnic differences in education in China Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison is the associate director for research communications at NYU As part of the university s Office of Public Affairs she focuses on promoting health and science research news and expertise for the School of Global Public Health College of Dentistry Rory Meyers College of Nursing and Departments of Chemistry and Biology Prior to joining NYU in 2014 to work with the Steinhardt School Rachel was part of the media relations teams at Duke University s medical center and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center She enjoys translating complex ideas into compelling stories Silvia Rodriguez Vega Silvia is an interdisciplinary scholar and assistant professor at University of California Santa Barbara s Department of Chicana o Studies She is a community engaged writer artist and educational practitioner Through cross disciplinary methods of inquiry and community engaged research methods centered on participatory art and creative expression her research explores the ways anti immigration policy impacts the lives of immigrant children Her 2023 book Drawing Deportation Art and Resistance among Immigrant Children argues that immigrant children are not passive in the face of the challenges presented by US anti immigrant policies J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Stacie Grossman Bloom Stacie is Vice Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer at NYU and a molecular neurobiologist by training She works closely with the president provost deans faculty and senior administrators to strengthen the University s research enterprise by promoting interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary research Her work encourages and facilitates technology transfer business engagement and economic development the integrity of research processes and policies and collaborative research partnerships nationally and internationally Theo Pillay Theo is Senior Vice President and General Manager of Institutional products at Elsevier He is responsible for providing insights to more effective research strategies or showcasing institutions and their researchers to improve collaboration and attract more funding Theo joined Elsevier in 2012 and has worked in different roles across the Research and Health businesses

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION In Memoriam Remembering our dear friend scholar and colleague whose impact will forever be cherished Your friendship touched our lives deeply J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Building a network with the right people is critical to success Stephanie Lee NYU Arts Sciences Jarritt A Sheel Faculty First Look Scholar NYU Steinhardt 2017 2018 Jarritt Sheel April 15 1976 November 12 2022 is remembered as a husband father son educator and renaissance man His passions for music poetry education social justice and his faith began as a young child His research in music education centered on hip hop democracy freedom and culturally responsive teaching Jarritt was a doctoral candidate at Teachers College Columbia University in the Music Education Department He taught at Berklee College of Music Valencia College New York University and the City University of New York He also worked with hundreds of students in high school band programs and toured internationally as a professional trumpet player Devon Wade Faculty First Look Scholar NYU Steinhardt 2017 2018 Devon Wade August 8 1989 November 26 2017 is remembered for his intelligence his leadership his serenity and wisdom beyond his years As a PhD Candidate in sociology at Columbia University he examined the impact of incarcerated parents on children He focused on stigma trauma and discipline in the school setting and was also passionate about teaching He received multiple awards for his promising scholarship including the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Devon was awarded a doctoral degree posthumously Multiple awards honoring mentorship and community service were created in his memory

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NYU SCHOLARS CONVENTION J U N E 5 9 2 0 2 3 Thank You Center For Faculty Advancement Team MEET OUR TEAM Autumn Bush DeeSoul Carson Tarun Charaipotra Selly Djap Sharon Kay Dave Lasala Melissa Lucas Ludwig C sar Rodr guez Andrew Stapp Brenda Talbot Jonathon Valle Special Thanks from Vice Provost McIlwain to Alexandria Martinez Meier Director of Strategic Initiatives Community Engagement because of your unwavering commitment and dedication what could have been mere aspirations blossomed into reality TYSM Samanta Shaw Program Administrator expressing heartfelt gratitude for the dedication meticulous planning and ability to translate the vision to an experience Many thanks

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Questions facultyadvance nyu edu

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