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SBN Detox Guide (Original and Active)

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BODY SLIMMING DETOXOriginal and Active Detox e-Guide

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Body Slimming Detox and Fat Burning Program Disclaimer© SBN, 2023 The information contained in this booklet is presentedsolely for informational purposes so that you may learnmore about the subject. Nothing contained in the booklet isintended to constitute, nor should it be considered, medicaladvice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of aphysician or other qualified healthcare provider. Alwaysconsult your doctor or physician before you begin any dietor weight loss program or detox cleanse. The information provided in this booklet should not beconsidered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest acourse of treatment for a particular individual, nor is itintended to refer you to a particular medical professional orhealthcare provider. It should not be used in place of a visitto consultation with or the advice of a physician or otherqualified healthcare provider. The material in the booklet is made available with theunderstanding that we are not engaged in providingprofessional advice. Information in the booklet is notexhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments orphysical conditions or their treatment. Should you have anyhealth care related questions, call or see your physician orother qualified healthcare provider promptly. You shouldnever disregard medical advice or delay in seeking itbecause of something you have read in the Program.Results from this detox assistance program may vary. Nopromises are being made that the information in theProgram will be error free, or that it will provide specificresults. No part of this guide may be reproduced, stored ortransmitted in any form, or by any means, including printedor electronic, without prior written permission from theauthor. While the author has made every effort to ensurethat the ideas, guidelines and information presented in thisbooklet are completely reliable, they should be used at thereader’s discretion. The author cannot and will not be heldresponsible for any personal or commercial damage arisingfrom the application or misinterpretation of informationpresented herein. All Rights Reserved. 2

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WELCOME!Slim By Nature is a multi-award-winningAustralian brand that has spent over 12years helping clients achieve the healthand lives they desire, and we’re ready to dothe exact same for you!Our range of Slim By Nature products andprograms have been consciously crafted bya collective of leading industry experts(Naturopaths, Nutritionists, & Homeopaths)to produce life-changing results. We investin the use of potent and bioactiveingredients that are based on the principleof ‘Nature meets Science’. Our powerfulblends bring together the wisdom oftraditional holistic therapeutic remedieswith the efficacy of evidence-basedingredients and plant actives. SBN Detox Programs (both Original andActive) follow a calculated 3-step processcombining the use of our potent DetoxDrops/ Patches with a targeted nourishingfood plan. Each step fulfils an essential goalwithin the overall process and isparamount to ensure success. Achieveyour goals by simply following ourstraightforward programs exactly as theyhave been carefully designed.This SBN Detox Program is a truly holisticdetoxification that promotes not only rapidand lasting weight loss, but also promotesdeep cellular rejuvenation, activatesessential detoxification pathways, supportslymphatic and other eliminatory organs,balances hormones, and much more! Congratulations on kickstarting yourhealth and wellness journey! 3

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ORIGINAL DETOX INFOACTIVE DETOX INFO✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Weight Loss Reduced Cravings Boosted Energy Glowing Skin Deeper Sleep Improved DigestionOptimised Gut MicrobiomeHappier Moods Eased Pain Enhanced CognitionOptimised Blood TestsHow? By enhancing CYP450 enzymes tosupercharge both Phase 1 and 2 liverdetoxification, stimulating thermogeniclipokinesv, balancing insulin and bloodglucose levels via GLUT-4 and othertransporters, and reducinginflammatory markers via interleukins,TNF-alpha, COX and other pathways.As a result, our clients experience additionalincredible health benefits:4AUSTRALIALNMARFGDYELARNDOOWNTEDEVIDENCE-BMASEDAIANGIREDIDENSCLEAENANCDNATURNEINGREIESNTSGO-RECRUELT-FEETHIA&OCFCU

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DetoxifyNourishHealOptimiseSupported by science,Nourished by nature,Here for you.

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8ORIGINAL SBN DETOX QUICK GUIDEPHASE 1LoadingPHASE 2 Detox & Fat BurningPHASE 3MaintenanceDAYSHOW TOEATHOW TOUSE YOURSBN DETOXPATCHES/ 2 DAYSDays 1-2Eat as you pleaseduring these 2 days ofloading!Detox Patches:Place x 1 Detox Patches & x 1 anti-inflammatorypatch directly onto yourskin and replace yourpatches every 24 hours forPhase 1. Detox Drops:7 drops under the tongue,3 times per day, 20-30minutes before a meal.2x 100g protein 2x 125g Vegetables2x 150g Fruit 1x SnackYour daily food intakewill consist of:Detox Drops:Continue taking 7 drops,3 times per day for theremainder of Phase 2.30, 43 OR 60 DAYSDays 3-30 (30-day program)Days 3-43 (43-day program)Days 3-60 (60-dayprogram)Detox Patches:Replace 1 x Detox patch and 1x Anti-inflammatory patchevery 24 hours for theremainder of Phase 2.Alternate sides of the bodyeach day if possible. Note: May be used inconjunction with other PatchProductsAdded drinks, Seasonings, herbs,spices and others all detailed in your approved foods listWEEK 1:Protein and Veg portionsslowly grow over the week WEEK 2:Healthy fats are introduced This essential phase involvesslowly increasing energy,nutrient and healthy fatintake in order to rebalancehormones and metabolism. WEEK 3:Portions of healthy fats,protein and veg all graduallyincrease, and more food is added/combined3 WEEKSDays 31-52 (30-day program)Days 44-65 (43-day program)Days 61-82 (60-day program)Maintenance Drops:Take 7 drops, 3 times per day,20-30 minutes before mealsfor the entirety of Phase 3.Maintenance Patches:On the first day of maintenance,remove your Detox patch andplace x1 Maintenance Patchdirectly onto the skin. Leave on for 3 days, then remove and replace every 3 days untilyour detox is complete. *A full run down is covered on page 15-17Your Original SBN Detox involves 3 essential, targeted phases:

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LOADING PHASE2 DAYS DURATIONDAY 1-29GOAL OF PHASE 1: WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 1:HOW TO USE YOUR DETOX PRODUCTS DURING PHASE 1:Detox Drops: Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes beforefood, and hold for 45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times perdayDetox & Anti-Inflam Patches: Apply 1 Detox Patch and 1 Anti Inflammatory Patchto an approved area of your choice (refer to your patch application guide page44) Leave each patch on for 24 hours, when replacing your patch, swap fromone side of the body to the other. Continue to change every 24 hours,remembering to alternate sides of your body each day. During the Loading Phase, you can indulge all you please! You can eat as much food as you like, asoften as you like! During the loading phase you are able to eat a range of foods; some higher incarbs, some higher in fat, some healthy and some less so. Try to clear your cupboard of‘temptations’ before the detox begins by eating food that is not on the approved foods list. Thismay include more processed foods (such as Pizza, bacon, cake, ice cream, and even alcohol), aswell as more whole food sources of fat (such as avocado, nuts, coconut oil and yoghurt). Do not beafraid to eat during this phase! What you do now will set you up for success during Phases 2 and 3.Our Loading Phase has been designed to prepare your body, mind and pantry for the Detox andFat Burning Phase that follows. This 2-day period helps to stimulate a higher metabolic rate,bolster glycogen energy storage (to help support the body’s needs during P2 Detox and FatBurning), and stimulate digestive and liver functions by adding to their load. It also gives yourbody a chance to absorb the potent ingredients of your Detox Drops/Patches to begin boostingyour body’s ability to burn fat, eliminate toxins, and balance hunger and hormones beforeembarking on the Detox and Fat Burning Phase of the program.

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12GOAL OF PHASE 2:WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 2:HOW TO USE YOUR DETOX PRODUCTS DURING PHASE 2:For the entirety of Phase 2, you will eat as per your Approved foods list, which is detailed belowand throughout the approved foods list on pages 19-23 . A brief overview is provided below:•2x 100g Protein •2x 125g Vegetable•2x 150g Fruit•1 snack portion•Unlimited herbs, spices, and other•Up to 35g savoury seasonings/day•Up to 35g sweet seasonings/day•Allocated drinks and additional foods•Up to 50ml milk of choice per dayDuring the Detox & Fat Burning Phase, intake of food is optimised and quality is increasedto promote rapid and lasting results, while also prioritising nutritional intake. This is thephase where you will experience the bulk of your weight loss and other amazing benefits,such as enhanced energy, balanced hunger and cravings, deeper sleep, improved digestion,and more!DETOX DROPS: Continue taking 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes before food. Hold for45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times per day for all of Phase 2. DETOX PATCHES: Continue to Replace 1 Detox and 1 Anti-Inflammatory Patch every 24 Hours.

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14GOAL OF PHASE 3:WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 3:HOW TO USE YOUR DETOX PRODUCTS DURING PHASE 3:MAINTENANCE DROPS: Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes beforefood, Hold for 45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times per day for theentire 21 days of Maintenance. MAINTENANCE PATCHES: On the first day of maintenance, apply your FirstMaintenance Patch directly onto the skin. Replace after every 3 full days of wear.During Phase 3, food portions will slowly increase, healthy fats will slowly be reintroduced, and foodswill start to be combined: This final phase is ESSENTIAL for locking in results and solidifying healthy habit change. Phase 3Maintenance involves slowly increasing caloric intake in order to gradually rebalance hormonesand metabolic rate and to boost metabolism after a period of fat loss. This in turn locks in yourweight loss and ensures you continue to maintain results post-detox.21 DAYS/ 3 WEEKS DURATIONDAY 31-52 | DAY 44-65 | DAY 62-82

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14WEEK 1:Portions of Protein and vegetables are gradually increased. P3 DAY 5:2x 125g Protein 2x 140g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 3:2x 100g Protein 2x 135g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 1:2x 100g Protein 2x 125g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 7:2x 130g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 4:2x 110g Protein 2x 135g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 6:2x 125g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasP3 DAY 2:2x 100g Protein 2x 125g Vegetable2x150g Fruit1 snack portionApproved extrasPHASE 3 MAINTENANCE PORTIONS:

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15WEEK 2:Healthy fats begin to be reintroduced.P3 DAY 10:2x 150g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butter12g nuts or seedsApproved extrasP3 DAY 8:2x 140g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butterApproved extrasP3 DAY 14:2x 160g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1.5 tsp olive oil/ butter15g nuts or seeds2 tbsp greek yoghurt40g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 12:2x 150g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butter12g nuts or seeds2 tbsp greek yoghurtApproved extrasP3 DAY 13:P3 DAY 11:2x 150g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butter12g nuts or seeds1 tbsp greek yoghurtApproved extrasP3 DAY 9:2x 150g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butter12g nuts or seedsApproved extrasP3 DAY 15:2x 160g Protein 2x 150 Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter15g nuts or seeds3 tbsp greek yoghurt40g AvocadoApproved extras2x 150g Protein 2x 150g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion1tsp olive oil/ butter12g nuts or seeds2 tbsp greek yoghurt40g AvocadoApproved extras

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16WEEK 3:You can now combine 2 vegetables in one portion, and can also combinecertain plant proteins in one serve to create a ‘complete protein’ source(More info in FAQs Pages 47-50). All food portions are also graduallyincreased. P3 DAY 16:2x 160g Protein 2x 150-175g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter15g nuts or seeds3 tbsp greek yoghurt50g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 18:2x 160g Protein 2x 150-175g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter15g nuts or seeds3 tbsp greek yoghurt60g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 20:2x 200g Protein 2x 175g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter17g nuts or seeds4 tbsp greek yoghurt70g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 17:2x 160g Protein 2x 150-175g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter15g nuts or seeds3 tbsp greek yoghurt50g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 19:2x 200g Protein 2x 175g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter17g nuts or seeds4 tbsp greek yoghurt60g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 21:2x 210g Protein 2x 200g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit1 snack portion2 tsp olive oil/ butter17g nuts or seeds4 tbsp greek yoghurt75g AvocadoApproved extras

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17Harness thepower ofwellness

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•Beef (extra lean)•Beef Mince (extra lean)•Chicken Breast•Chicken Breast Mince•Chobani Low Fat Plain Yoghurt (180g)•Cottage Cheese (½ cup low fat)•Crab•Crayfish•Eggs (x2)•Fish (fresh, lean, white, plain- not crumbed):Barramundi, Basa, Crayfish, Atlantic Cod,Atlantic Salmon (x1 per week), Tuna, Flounder,Ling, Snapper, Perch, Trout, WhitingThis section contains our approved foods that can be eaten during Phases 2and 3 of your SBN Detox. It is ESSENTIAL that you only eat foods on the listbelow- if it’s not on the list, it shouldn’t be on your plate. All food should be weighed raw (unless otherwise specified).Only eat 1 type of protein, one type of vegetable, or one type of fruit at a time.Ensure you alternate your protein, vegetables and fruit within a day. For example, if youhad tomatoes at lunch, choose a different vegetable to eat at dinner (see page 25 ‘A TypicalDay of Food’ for an Original Detox example, and page 44 for an Active Detox example) If you are not vegan, wait until you have completed 2 weeks of detox before addingplant-protein options to your Detox (P2 D13)You are able to eat your portions across any time of the day- some choose to eat some oftheir allocated food as breakfast, while others may have a piece of fruit and save theirvegetables and protein for lunch and dinner. The choice is yours!•Kangaroo Meat•Prawns/shrimp•Ricotta Cheese (½ cup low fat)•SBN PlantWell Protein (2 scoops)•Scallops•Squid (natural)•Tuna (canned in spring wateronly) •Turkey Breast•Turkey Breast Mince (extra lean)•Veal•Venison•YoPro Yoghurt (160g plain)18APPROVED FOOD LIST THE FOLLOWING KEY POINTS AREESSENTIAL TO FOLLOW DURING YOURDETOX:PROTEIN100g per serve | Twice per day | 1 protein per mealTWO DIFFERENT PROTEINS PER DAY(Refer to Page 38 for Active portions)

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19VEGETABLESPLANT-BASED PROTEIN100g per serve | Twice per day | 1 protein per mealTWO DIFFERENT PROTEINS PER DAY125g per serve | Twice per day | 1 vegetable per mealTWO DIFFERENT VEGETABLES PER DAY(Refer to Page 38 for Active portions)(Refer to Page 38 for Active portions)•Asparagus•Baby Spinach•Beetroot•Bitter Melon•Bok Choy•Broccoli•Broccolini•Brussel Sprouts•Cabbage (inc. sauerkraut &kimchi) •Capsicum•Cauliflower•Chard•Aquafaba •Bean Supreme Sage Rosemary Sausages•Beyond Burger Plant-Based Patties (halfa patty)•Cheese (Reduced Fat. Not Marinated. 50g):-Feta -Goats Cheese -Halloumi -Motzarella•Fry Family Food:-Chicken style burgers-Quinoa and brown rice protein burgers•Grains (cooked weight): Brown rice,Buckwheat groats, Quinoa •Legumes (cooked weight): Black beans,Butter beans, Chickpeas, Kidney beans,Lentils, Mung beans, Peas•Lupin Flakes (50g)•Chicory•Collard Greens•Eggplant•Endive•Fennel•Green Beans•Kale•Leek•Mushrooms•Pumpkin•Pak Choy•Radicchio•Radish•Rocket•Silverbeet•Snow Peas•Spinach •Swede•Tomatoes•Turnips•Yellow Squash• Zucchini•Oats (¼ cup)•SBN PlantWell Protein (2 scoops)•Quorn Varieties: -Quorn Fillets-Quorn Sweedish Style Meatballs-Quorn Mince-Quorn Pieces-Quorn Roast•Sausages- Linda Mccartney•Sweet Potato•Tempeh (unflavoured)•Textured Vegetable Protein (40g rawweight) •Tofu (unflavoured)•Unreal Co: -Plant Based Beefy Brat Sausages -Plant Based Chick’n Chives Sausages•Yoghurt: Kingland Dairy Free *Unless you are vegan orvegetarian, do not add plant-based proteins until you havecompleted two weeks of detox.

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(Refer to Page 38 for Active portions)(Refer to Page 38 for Active portions)(For both Original and Active Detoxes)20FRUITSDRINKSSNACKSUNLIMITED One serving per dayONE SERVE:150g per serve | Twice per day | 1 fruit at a timeTWO DIFFERENT FRUITS PER DAY•Apple•Apricot (x2)•Banana (half)•Blackberries•Blueberries•Cherries•Fig (x2)•Feijoas (x2)•Grapefruit (half) •Avalanche Sugar-Free Drinking Chocolatetinned varieties (no more than 12g)•Black Coffee•Cali Kicker (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice,cayenne, and stevia mixed in water before meals)•Kombucha (Natural. no more than 250ml)•Milk (Unsweetened. No more than 50ml):Almond, Dairy, Oat, Rice, Soy (GFO/ VO)•Bread x1 Slice: Sourdough, Rye or Gluten Free.(No seeded varieties. No more than 35g)•Carrot (125g raw weight)•x2 Crisp bread: -Orgran Gluten Free (Buckwheat, GardenVeggies or Quinoa) -Woolworths Free From Gluten (LightlySalted or Tomato & Herb)-Rice Cakes - Any Variety - 2 Rice Cakes perServe•Honeydew Melon•Kiwifruit (x1 medium size)•Mandarins (x2)•Mango (100g)•Mulberries•Nectarine (x1 mediumsize) •Orange•Passionfruit (x2)•Papaya•Paw Paw•Peach (x1 mediumsize) •Pear•Persimons (x2)•Plums (x2)•Raspberries•Rockmelon•Strawberries•Watermelon•x2 Cruskits: Light, Rye •x2 Grissini Sticks: Plain, Rosemary & Salt •x2 Melba Toast Plain•x6 Rice Crackers Plain•x2 Ryvita Original•Wraps: Low-carb or Gluten-free (up to 25g inweight. No more than 25g carbs/100g) (GFO/VO)•Monday Distilling Co- all varieties (1 x 300mldrink per week)•Plain Soda/Mineral Water•Flavoured Soda: Lo Bros Not Soda,Remedy Sodaly OR Nexba Crafted Soda- allvarieties (No more than 1 can a day)•Tea (No added flavours, sweeteners orfruit)•Water(Unless otherwise specified)

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•Ayam Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce Light (nomore than 25g)•Balsamic Dressing (Praise Fat-Free LessSugar) •BBQ Sauce (Fountain Reduced SugarBBQ Sauce (no more than 15ml)•Braggs Aminos•Callowfit Sauces (All. Available online)•Carwari sauces (available online):-Organic Mirin -Organic White Dashi-Organic Rice Vinegar-Organic Brown Rice Vinegar-Organic Japanese Balsamic Dressing -Organic Japanese Worcestershire Sauce -Organic Tamari Soy Sauce•Gravy: Mingle Better Gravy:-Traditional Beef -Umami Mushroom•All Individual Herbs and Spices*(including but not limited to): Allspice,Basil, Bay Leaf, Cardamom, Cayennepepper, Cinnamon, Chilli, Chives,Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel seeds,Garlic, Ginger, Mint, Nutmeg, Oregano,Paprika, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Staranise, Thyme, Turmeric. •Apple Cider Vinegar•Baking powder•Bicarb soda •Bone or Vegetable Broth (Up to 500ml/day. No added sugar, oil, colours, preservatives etc.)•Capers•Celery •Cucumber•Herbamare•Lemon Vinaigrette (Coles brand)•Lite Mayo (<20g)-Praise 99% Fat Free-Coles 97% Fat-Free •Marion’s Kitchen Range:-Classic Japanese Teriyaki Marinade -Honey Soy Garlic Marinade-Japanese Ginger & Sesame Dressing -Miso & Sesame Vinaigrette-Thai Basil Lime & Coconut Dressing•Mingle Sauces: BBQ, Sweet Chilli,Tomato •Mustard - no Dijon or sugar•Nando’s Peri Peri Sauce (<15ml)•Niulife Aminos (all varieties)•Sriracha Chilli Sauce•Tabasco (GFO/ VO)•Tomato Sauce (Fountain Reduced SugarTomato Sauce. No more than 15ml)•Jalapeno •Lemon Juice •Lettuce: Cos, Iceberg, Romaine•Mingle Seasonings: Butter Chicken, GreenCurry, Japanese Curry, Satay, Spag Bol •Mingle Spices: All Purpose, Bagel,Barbeque, Citrus Pepper, Garlic & Herb,Greek Garlic, Green Goodness, Guac & Avo,Mexican Taco. •Onion: Brown, Red, SpringOnion•Pepper•Pickles & gherkins (no added sugar, oil,colours etc.)•Salt•Seaweed, Kelp, Nori•SBN Seasoning Sensations•Stevia drops•Watercress21SAVOURY SEASONINGSSPICES, HERBS & OTHERUNLIMITEDNo more than 35g total per day *Note that most spice mixes (excluding mingle & SBN ranges listed above) contain added flours, oils, flavours,sugar etc., and are therefore not detox-approved)(For both Original and Active Detoxes)(For both Original and Active Detoxes)

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(For both Original and Active Detoxes)(For both Original and Active Detoxes)•Dark Chocolate 85-99% cocoa solids (10g/one square Lindt, twice a week)•Natural sweetener (Up to 1 serve/ 4g a day):-Lakanto Monkfruit Classic Sweetener-Natvia Natural Sweetener-Whole Earth Stevia -Whole Earth Monk Fruit Granules)•Natvia Range:-Smooth Salty Caramel Topping-Smooth Chocolate Topping-Strawberry Fruit Spread-Raspberry Fruit Spread-Sugar-Free Maple Syrup•Slendier Range or similar Konjac variety (1 serveas indicated on the package, once a week): -Slendier Noodles -Slendier Rice-Slendier Angel Hair•Vitamins (no fish oils, gummy vitamins,collagen powder, etc.). Click here for more infoon detox-appropriate supplements.22SWEET SEASONINGSADDITIONAL FOODS ALLOWEDNo more than 35g total per day•Callowfit Chocolate SweetSauce (Available online)•Lakanto Range-Sugar-Free Maple Syrup -Sugar-Free Golden Syrup•Queen Sugar-Free Maple Syrup

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23DETOX DROPS:Begin using your detox drops on the first day ofPhase 1 loading. Take 7 drops under the tongue, 20minutes before food and hold for 45 seconds. Dothis 3 times a day for all of Phases 1 and 2. MAINTENANCE DROPS:Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes beforefood and hold for 45 seconds before swallowing. Dothis 3 times per day for the entire 21 days ofMaintenance. DETOX & ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PATCHES:Apply 1 Detox Patch and 1 Anti-Inflammatory patchto an approved area of choice from Day 1 of Phase 1.After 24 hours replace both patches and swap toopposite sides of the body. Continue to replace yourpatches every 24 hours for the remainder of Phase 2. MAINTENANCE PATCHES:On the first day of maintenance, remove your detoxpatch and apply your first maintenance patch, thenleave it on for 3 days before replacing with a freshmaintenance patch. Do this for the entire 21 days ofmaintenance. MENOPAUSE+ & NEW FOCUS+ PATCHES:These patches are great for use in conjunction with adetox program and can be applied at the same timeas your detox patches, but they can also be useddaily to help support your body. They are appliedevery 24 hours. View hereFORMULA Z+:Take 2 tablets, 20 minutes before bed. Begin takingFormula Z+ on the first day of loading, and continuefor the entirety of your detox and Maintenance. Aswell as increasing weight loss and calorie burning,Formula Z+ also helps support a healthy weight,therefore, it can be extremely beneficial to continuetaking after you’ve completed your detox to helpsolidify and maintain results (in conjunction with ahealthy diet).HOW TO USE YOUR ORIGINAL PRODUCTSFORMULA Z+ SUBSCRIPTION

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24A TYPICAL DAY OF FOODThe following table shows an example of all the food you could potentially eat duringa day on each phase of detox. Use this as inspiration for all the delicious meals youcan create while on detox!ORIGINAL DETOX

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25MORNINGCoffee with 50mloat milk Choc Strawberrysmoothie: 150gfrozen strawberriesblended withcucuMber and 12gavalanche sugar-free drinkingchocolateCoffee with 50ml ofalmond milk andstevia drops. Yoghurt bowl: 3tbspunsweetened greekyoghurt combinedwith sugar-freemaple syrup, 15gchopped almonds,150g blueberries,and a sprinkle ofSBN Crumblicious. EAT AS YOU PLEASE! Examples:Cafe ‘Big Breakfast’,avocado on toast,acai bowl, weetbixetc. LUNCH250ml gingerKombucha125g Cauliflower‘rice’ with 100gshrimp, cooked invegetable broth.Plus coconutaminos, springonion and freshherbs. A pot of SBN LiverDetox Tea 1EAT AS YOUPLEASE! Example:Salad hamsandwiches,burgers, buddhabowl, sushi, etc.Spaghetti Bolognese: Sauteonion and garlic in1tbsp of oil, then add 80g finely diced capsicum, and 160g extra lean beef mince.Make the sauce by blending 80gchopped anddeseeded tomatoes,a dash of tomatosauce, and SBNSunday RoastSeasoning. AFTERNOONA pot of SBN FatBurning Tea 240g Avocado on2 ryevita, toppedwith salt, pepperand SBN Citrusseasoning A pot of SBN Coloncleanse tea 31 piece of sourdoughtopped withnatvia sugar- freefruit spread, 1 grated apple and a sprinkle ofcinnamon. Banana Smoothie:Blend ½ a bananawith 12g Avalanchesugar-free whitedrinking chocolate,cinnamon, waterand iceEAT AS YOU PLEASE! Example:Popcorn, protein bar, chocolate, fruit,muesli bar, peanutbutter on toast,yoghurt etc.DINNERA pot of SBNAnti-inflammatory teaCurried egg lettucewraps: Combine 2diced boiled eggs,125g pumpkin diced, SBN DurbanCurry Blend, salt,pepper, and 10g Litemayo. Serve in largelettuce leaves andenjoy! Roast veg andcaramelised onionFrittata: Roast 100gPumpkin and 50gzucchini in 1tbsp of oil. In a pan onmedium heat,caramelise dicedonions in water anda dash of sugar-freemaple syrup. Line a baking dish withbaking paper andcombine roast veg,onion, 3 eggs andSBN Chicken salt.Bake on 180 untilgolden and slightlyfirm. Serve with Litesweet chilli sauceand a side salad(diced cucumber,lettuce, spring onion and Marion’sMiso and SeasmeVinegarette. EAT AS YOU PLEASE! Example:Pizza, rice bowl,lasagne, pasta,vegetarian schnitzel,sweet potato fries,ice cream, cake etc.Wine, beer, spiritsWAT E RTOTAL = 3L250ml KombuchaTOTAL= 2.75L5 glasses (300mleach= 1.5L)2 glasses (300mleach= 600ml)2x 700ml waterbottle (1.4L total) EAT AS YOUPLEASE! Example:1.5 litres500ml alcohol2 pots of tea (500mleach= 1L)2 pots of tea (500mleach= 1L)PHASE 1EXAMPLEPHASE 2EXAMPLEPHASE 3EXAMPLE A TYPICAL DAY OF FOOD- ORIGINAL DETOX

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DAILY CALENDAR EXAMPLE | 30 DAYSClick Here to Downloadyour Calendar

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Health is True Beauty The Active Guide

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This program has been tailored to cater to those who are highly active, yet still wish to embarkon one of our Slim By Nature Detoxes.The Active program follows the same 3-step principle as our traditional programs; with a clean-eating approach taking priority. Our primary points of difference in this program are theincreased portion sizes and tailored active detox products, which have been designed topromote exercise recovery and performance, as well as stimulate burning and internaldetoxification processes!We are beyond excited to introduce this program to you and have you join our Detox Familywithout giving up the activities you love. Get ready to flourish and progress towards a healthier,happier, more confident you!Just as in our traditional programs, it is VITAL that you read throughthis entire guide before beginning your detox. Understanding theprogram is essential to your success, so if you have any questions, donot hesitate to contact us.28THE ACTIVE DETOX PROGRAMACTIVE DETOX EXERCISE CRITERIA:For those who do intense exercise for at least 40 mins, 5+ times/ week.High-intensity exercise40+ minutes per session5+ times a weekHigh-intensity exerciseexamples: F45, heavy weightlifting, long- distance running,boxing, Crossfit, high-intensityspin class or bike rising, cross-country skiing, etc.NOTE: If you DO NOT meet this active detox exercise criteria, please follow the originaldetox. YOU WILL NOT ACHIEVE RESULTS ON ACTIVE unless you meet the criteriaabove.

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SBN DETOX QUICK GUIDE- ACTIVE 30PHASE 1LoadingPHASE 2 Detox & Fat BurningPHASE 3MaintenanceDAYSHOW TOEATHOW TOUSE YOURSBNDETOXACTIVEDROPS2 DAYSDays 1-2Eat as you pleaseduring these 2 days ofloading!Active Detox Drops:7 drops under the tongue,3 times per day, 20-30minutes before a meal.Active Detox Drops:Continue taking 7 drops,3 times per day for theremainder of Phase 2.30, 43 OR 60 DAYSDays 3-30 (30-day program)Days 3-43 (43-day program)Days 3-60 (60-dayprogram)ON NON-ACTIVE DAYS:Consume original portion sizes:2x 100g protein 2x 125g Vegetables2x 150g Fruit 1x Starch SnackON DAYS YOU ARE DOINGINTENSE EXERCISE:Your daily food intakewill consist of:2x 200g protein 2x 250g Vegetables2x 300g Fruit 2x Starch SnacksAdded drinks, Seasonings, herbs,spices and others all detailed in your approved foods listWEEK 1:Protein and Veg portionsslowly grow over the week WEEK 2:Healthy fats are introduced WEEK 3:Portions of healthy fats,protein and veg all graduallyincrease, and more food is added/combinedThis essential phase involvesslowly increasing energy,nutrient and healthy fatintake in order to rebalancehormones and metabolism. Active Maintenance Drops:Take 7 drops, 3 times per day,20-30 minutes before mealsfor the entirety of Phase 3.3 WEEKSDays 31-52 (30-day program)Days 44-65 (43-day program)Days 61-82 (60-day program)*A full run down will be covered on pages 40-42Your Active SBN Detox involves 3 essential, targeted phases:

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31GOAL OF PHASE 1: WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 1:HOW TO USE YOUR ACTIVE DETOX PRODUCTS IN PHASE 1:ACTIVE DETOX DROPS: Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes before food, and hold for45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times per dayDuring the Loading Phase, you can indulge all you please! You can eat as much food as you like, asoften as you like! During the loading phase you are able to eat a range of foods; some higher incarbs, some higher in fat, some healthy and some less so. Try to clear your cupboard of‘temptations’ before the detox begins by eating food that is not on the approved foods list. Thismay include more processed foods (such as Pizza, bacon, cake, ice cream, and even alcohol), aswell as more whole food sources of fat (such as avocado, nuts, coconut oil and yoghurt). Do not beafraid to eat during this phase! What you do now will set you up for success during Phases 2 and 3.Our Loading Phase has been designed to prepare your body, mind and pantry for the Detox andFat Burning Phase that follows. This 2-day period helps to stimulate a higher metabolic rate,bolster glycogen energy storage (to help support the body’s needs during P2 Detox and FatBurning), and stimulate digestive and liver functions by adding to their load. It also gives yourbody a chance to absorb the potent ingredients of your Detox Drops/Patches to begin boostingyour body’s ability to burn fat, eliminate toxins, and balance hunger and hormones beforeembarking on the Detox and Fat Burning Phase of the program.LOADING PHASE2 DAYS DURATIONDAY 1-2

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32GOAL OF PHASE 2:WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 2:HOW TO USE YOUR ACTIVE DETOX PRODUCTS IN PHASE 2:For the entirety of Phase 2, you will select your intake from the foods listed in our ‘ApprovedFoods List’, which is detailed below. The only difference between Original and Active isPORTION SIZES, which are detailed below. BE SURE TO C ON SUME ORIGI NA L PO RT IONS ONDAYS YO U AR E NO T DOING HI GH -I NT EN SITY EXERC IS E. ACTIVE DAY PORTION SIZES:ORIGINAL/ NON-ACTIVE DAY PORTIONS:•2x 200g Protein •2x 100g Protein •2x 250g Vegetable•2x 125g Vegetable•2x 300g Fruit•2x 150g Fruit•2 snack portions•1 snack portion•Unlimited herbs, spices, and other•Unlimited herbs, spices, and other•Up to 35g savoury seasonings/day•Up to 35g savoury seasonings/day•Up to 35g sweet seasonings/day•Up to 35g sweet seasonings/day•Allocated drinks and additional foods•Allocated drinks and additional foods•Up to 50ml milk of choice per day•Up to 50ml milk of choice per dayDuring the Detox & Fat Burning Phase, intake of food is optimised and quality is increasedto promote rapid and lasting results, while also prioritising nutritional intake. This is thephase where you will experience the bulk of your weight loss and other amazing benefits,such as enhanced energy, balanced hunger and cravings, deeper sleep, improved digestion,and more!ACTIVE DETOX DROPS: Continue taking 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes before food.Hold for 45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times per day for all of Phase 2.

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21 DAYS/ 3 WEEKS DURATIONDAY 31-52 | DAY 44-65 | DAY 62-8214GOAL OF PHASE 3:WHAT TO EAT DURING PHASE 3:HOW TO USE YOUR DETOX PRODUCTS DURING PHASE 3:ACTIVE MAINTENANCE DROPS: Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutes before food, Holdfor 45 seconds before swallowing. Do this 3 times per day for the entire 21 days of Maintenance. During Phase 3, food portions will slowly increase, healthy fats will slowly be reintroduced, and foodswill start to be combined: This final phase is ESSENTIAL for locking in results and solidifying healthy habit change. Phase 3Maintenance involves slowly increasing caloric intake in order to gradually rebalance hormonesand metabolic rate and to boost metabolism after a period of fat loss. This in turn locks in yourweight loss and ensures you continue to maintain results post-detox.ACTIVE

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34WEEK 1:Portions of Protein and vegetables are gradually increased. P3 DAY 5:2x 250g Protein 2x 280gVegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 1:2x 200g Protein 2x 250gVegetable2x300g Fruit2 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 3:2x 200g Protein 2x 270gVegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 7:2x 260g Protein 2x 300gVegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 4:2x 220g Protein 2x 170gVegetable2x300g Fruit3 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 2:2x 200g Protein 2x 250gVegetable2x300g Fruit3 snack portionsApproved extrasP3 DAY 6:2x 250g Protein 2x 300gVegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portionsApproved extrasPHASE 3 MAINTENANCE PORTIONS- ACTIVE:

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35WEEK 2:Healthy fats begin to be reintroduced.P3 DAY 14:2x 320g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter30g nuts or seeds4 tbsp greek yoghurt70g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 12:2x 300g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butter24g nuts or seeds4 tbsp greek yoghurtApproved extrasP3 DAY 10:2x 300g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butter24g nuts or seedsApproved extrasP3 DAY 8:2x 280g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butterApproved extrasP3 DAY 13:P3 DAY 9:2x 300g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butter24g nuts or seedsApproved extrasP3 DAY 11:2x 300g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butter24g nuts or seeds2 tbsp greek yoghurtApproved extrasP3 DAY 15:2x 320g Protein 2x 300 Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter30g nuts or seeds5 tbsp greek yoghurt80g AvocadoApproved extras2x 300g Protein 2x 300g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions2 tsp olive oil/ butter24g nuts or seeds4 tbsp Greek yoghurt70g AvocadoApproved extras

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36WEEK 3:You can now combine 2 vegetables in one portion, and can also combinecertain plant proteins in one serve to create a ‘complete protein’ source(More info in FAQs Page 32). All food portions are also graduallyincreased. P3 DAY 20:2x 375g Protein 2x 375g Vegetable2x 150g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter35g nuts or seeds8 tbsp greek yoghurt100g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 16:2x 320g Protein 2x 300-350g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter30g nuts or seeds6 tbsp greek yoghurt80g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 18:2x 320g Protein 2x 300-350g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter30g nuts or seeds6 tbsp greek yoghurt80g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 19:2x 350g Protein 2x 350g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter35g nuts or seeds7 tbsp greek yoghurt90g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 21:2x 375g Protein 2x 375g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter35g nuts or seeds8 tbsp greek yoghurt110g AvocadoApproved extrasP3 DAY 17:2x 320g Protein 2x 300-350g Vegetable2x 300g Fruit2 snack portions3 tsp olive oil/ butter30g nuts or seeds6 tbsp greek yoghurt80g AvocadoApproved extras

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24ACTIVE DETOX DROPS:Begin using your detox drops on the first day ofPhase 1 loading. Take 7 drops under the tongue, 20minutes before food and hold for 45 seconds. Do this3 times a day for all of Phases 1 and 2. ACTIVE MAINTENANCE DROPS:Take 7 drops under the tongue 20-30 minutesbefore food and hold for 45 seconds beforeswallowing. Do this 3 times per day for the entire 21days of Maintenance. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PATCHES:Apply 1 x Anti-Inflammatory patch to an approved areaof choice from Day 1 of Phase 1. After 24 hours replaceboth patches and swap to opposite sides of the body.Continue to replace your patches every 24 hours for theremainder of Phase 2. MENOPAUSE+ & NEW FOCUS+ PATCHES:These patches are great for use in conjunction with adetox program and can be applied at the same time asyour detox patches, but they can also be used daily tohelp support your body. They are applied every 24 hours. PLANTWELL PROTEIN: Use one serving (2 scoops) as a protein portion, upto once daily. You may like to combine it with yourallowed frozen fruit, veg, seasonings etc. to create adelicious liquid lunch or smoothie bowl!HOW TO USE YOUR ACTIVE PRODUCTSPLANTWELL PROTEIN POWDER

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38A TYPICAL DAY OF FOODThe following table shows an example of all the food you couldpotentially eat during a day on each phase of your Active Detox. Use thisas inspiration for all the delicious meals you can create while on detox!ACTIVE DETOX

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39MORNINGCoffee with 50mloat milk 1 banana cooked inthe air fryer or grillwith a drizzle ofNuilife sugar-freecaramel sauce andcinnamon.Coffee with 50ml ofalmond milk andstevia drops. Smoothie bowl:Blend 300g frozenstrawberries, water,and sugar freemaple syrup. Top30g of crushedalmonds as your‘musli’ alternative. EAT AS YOU PLEASE! Examples:Fried eggs andhalloumi on toast,hash browns,fritters, cereal,smoothie bowl, etc.LUNCH250ml KombuchaA pot of SBN LiverDetox Tea 1EAT AS YOUPLEASE! Example:Steak sandwich,nourish bowls,eggs on toast,leftover pizza,sushi, etc.Salmon with Slaw:To make the slaw,combine 250g slicedcabbage with greenonion, lite mayo,coconut aminos andparsley. Serve with200g steamedsalmon and ‘tatziki’(made bycombining 2 tbspgreek yoghurt withgrated cucumber,garlic, mint, dill,garlic and a dash oflemon juice, Pumpkin &caramelised onionfrittata: Combine 250gpumpkin grilled,caramelised onion & 4eggs in a baking dishand cook. Serve with asalad of lettuce, redonion, cucumber, litemayo & lite sweet chilli. AFTERNOONA pot of SBN FatBurning Tea 21 piece ofsourdough toasttopped with natviasugar-free fruitspread and 2grated apples withcinnamonA pot of SBNAnti-Inflammatory TeaCinnamon bakedpears: slice 2 pearsin half lengthways,cut out the coreand drizzle withsugar-free maplesyrup andcinnamon. Bake orair fry for 30minutes or untiltender. Enjoy!EAT AS YOU PLEASE! Example:Popcorn, smoothie,chocolate, fruit,muesli bar, peanutbutter on toast,yoghurt, chips, etc. DINNERCauliflower shrimprisotto: Make the‘cauliflower rice’ byprocessing & lightlysautéing 250gcauliflower florets.Sauté 200g shrimpand mix through thecauliflower rice withfresh coriander,garlic and lemon. SBN Colon Cleanse teaDetox Nachos:Cut 1/2 a low-carbwrap into trianglesand grill until crispy.Sauté diced onion,250g diced redcapsicum, and 200gkangaroo or beefmince in a pan with4 tsp olive oil/ butterand SBN SouthernBBQ mix or MingleMexican Seasoning.Once cooked, pourthe nacho mix overyour toasted wrapchips, and top with4 tbsp greekyoghurt as your‘sour cream’ and‘guacamole’ (120gavocado mashedand mixed with adash of lemon juice,salt and pepper)EAT AS YOU PLEASE! Example:Fish and Chips,burger, nachos, BBQ,buddha bowl, pasta,fries, dessert etc.Wine, beer, spiritsWAT E RTOTAL = 3LTOTAL= 2.75L2 pots of tea(500ml each= 1L)2 pots of tea(500ml each=1L)DRINK AS YOUPLEASE! Example:1.5 litres of water300ml juice500ml alcohol250mlKombucha5 glasses of water(300ml each=1.5L)2 glasses of water(300ml each= 600ml)2x700ml water bottles(1.4L total) PHASE 1EXAMPLEPHASE 2EXAMPLEPHASE 3EXAMPLE A TYPICAL DAY OF FOOD- ACTIVE DETOX

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40FAQSDO I NEED TO EXERCISE?SBN DETOX MEAL PLANS:PLANT-PROTEIN COMBINING:INTERNATIONALRECOMMENDATIONS: NZ OR OTHERCOUNTRY PRODUCTSAs of Phase 3 Day 15, you can begin combining plant proteins in order to create a complete proteinsource with all essential amino acids. This includes the following combinations:Legume + brown rice = Complete proteinLegume + soy = Complete proteinLegume + quinoa = Complete proteinBrown rice + legume = Complete proteinBrown rice + soy = Complete proteinBrown rice + quinoa = Complete proteinWhether you have allergies, dietary requirements, are too busy to think about what to cook foryour next meal, or just enjoy the simplicity of following a step-by-step guide, our Nutritionistdesigned, tailor-made personalised meal plans are a great option! ORIGINAL DETOX: Our Original Detox programs DO NOT require exercise to produce desiredresults. This program is best suited for those who either have a sedentary lifestyle, or whoparticipate in light exercise such as walking, yoga, pilates etc. ACTIVE DETOX: If you are involved in regular intense exercise for at least 40 minutes, 5 times a week(i.e. running, boxing, CrossFit, HIIT, etc.), you are better suited to our Active program. If you require any alternative recommendations to those listed on our approved foods list (i.e.because you live in another country), please email us for further information: EMAIL USEMAIL USSHOP PERSONALISED MEAL PLANSHOP PREMADE SBN DETOX MEAL PLAN

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33WHY WE DON’T MIX MORE THAN 1PROTEIN OR VEGETABLE IN A MEAL:WHY THE APPROVED FOODS LIST IS MINIMAL FAT:HOW CAN I MANAGE MY HUNGER AND CRAVINGS? Our programs have been designed to not only stimulate weight loss, but alsopromote healthy digestion and enhanced detoxification. Therefore, to helpreduce the load on the digestive tract and allow for a truly holistic detox, eachmeal includes only one type of vegetable and one type of protein. This also allowsus to better connect with our bodies and understand how we respond to certainfoods. For example, if you feel bloated or tired after a meal, it is easier to seepatterns that indicate the foods your body may be reacting to. Hunger is controlled by hormones Ghrelin and Leptin that work in cycles.Hunger hormones naturally fluctuate up and down just like our otherhormones (i.e. sleep), and levels of hunger hormones also change in response toour diets, environment and stress. To learn more about how some controlledhunger is good for you, and to discover science-based tips to balance yourhunger and cravings, we recommend reading out blog:Our detox approved foods list is low fat by design. Although healthy fats aregenerally beneficial, a period of low-fat eating helps to support healthydetoxification processes. In order for dietary fat to be sufficiently digested (evenhealthy fat) the liver must work to produce and release bile. By avoiding fats duringa detox, we are able to reduce the liver’s workload and therefore create space forenhanced healing and toxin release.

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Aim for at least 2-2.5L daily or 33ml/kg of body weight. Herbal tea also countstowards your daily water intake, however, coffee and caffeine-containing teas (, black and white) do not count towards your water intake as they produce adiuretic effect. Please note that tea containing fruit is not suitable during detox. In general, your standard vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements are suitableduring detox, as are any supplements or medications that have been prescribedby your health care professional. We recommend avoiding fish oil, protein powder,collagen powder and superfood powders during detox. More information can befound on our support page in the FAQ ‘Can I still take my supplements during medetox?’Yes! Men can absolutely participate in an SBN Detox. However, increased portionsizes are essential for men to meet their increased nutritional requirements. Afteryou’ve made your purchase, please email us answers to the following questions, andour in-house Nutritionist will advise the appropriate portion sizes: •Current weight •Goal weight •Height•Level of activity (including exercise, structured sport, work, etc.)42CAN MEN DETOX?CAN I TAKE SUPPLEMENTS?HOW MUCH WATER SHOULD I DRINK?FAQ PAGEEMAIL US

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43WHAT DO I DO AFTER MAINTENANCE PHASE, AND HOW CANI MAINTAIN RESULTS?HOW CAN I BEST PREPARE FOR DETOX AND BOOST RESULTS?Our ‘Pre-Detox Course’ has been expertely-developed for this exact reason! This 10 module program contains 4-5 hours of the most updated research,proven techniques and implementable activities to help you prepare your mind,body and lifestyle for detox; giving you the best foundation for success! If youwant to maximise this experience, this course is a must before beginning yourdetox.Our Post-Detox Blueprint is your answer! Expertely-developed to helpguide you through life post-detox, this blueprint contains evidence-based information on how to eat, move and live for good health andlong-term results. It includes recommendations and personalisedcalculations for long-term optimal food intake, blood glucoseregulation techniques, sleep hygiene checklist, stress-managementtips, fasting, reducing toxin exposure, and much more!PRE-DETOX COURSEPOST-DETOX BLUEPRINTVISIT OUR SBN BLOGVISIT OUR RECIPE PAGEDo you want to dive deeper into our therapeutic benefits,mechanisms of action, neuroscience, detoxificationpathways, detox-approved recipes, and more?

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44PATCH APPLICATION Please read through the following steps thoroughly to ensure the best wear ofyour patches.Pick an approved area from the diagram to place your patch. When picking an area, please take into account clothes that may rub against your patch andareas of your body that are prone to producing more oil and sweat. Ensure your skin is clean, dry and free from any oils or moisturisers.Place patches ( 1 Detox and 1 Anti-Inflammatory) plus any other SBN patch product onthe approved area of the skin and smooth the edges of the patch down firmly. Patchesare waterproof. After 24 Hours of wear, replace each patch with 1 new patch each on opposite sides ofyour body. Continue to replace with 1 patch each after 24 hours of wear for remainderof detox.All the best of luck, lots of loveSBN Angels xTHANK YOU FOR PURCHASING OUR PATCH PROGRAM!

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45ADDITIONAL SUPPORTARE YOU EXPERIENCING A WEIGHT PLATEAU?ARE YOU STILL EXPERIENCING A WEIGHT PLATEAU?Many factors can contribute to our weight, especially as women. Havingperiods of fluctuation or plateau can be completely normal; it is allabout the long-term trends and how our weight responds and improvesover time. There is ALWAYS a reason that these fluctuations occur- it is either becauseof physiological reasons (i.e. periods, hormones, bowel motions,inflammation, etc.), or because of the food being eaten (eating incorrectportions or eating off the plan- whether unknowingly or knowingly).Our bowel motions and monthly cycles are two of the biggest factors thatcan add weight to the scales and mask our true improvements. Forexample, hormonal fluctuations during our menstrual cycle can cause ourbodies to hold a significant amount of water- up to 4-5 kg for some people!If you have lost a few kilos of fat, but your body holds this level of water, thenthe number on the scales will always be incredibly misleading anddisheartening. A similar process applies to bowel motions- if you are notpassing frequent or complete bowel motions, then this additional masssitting in your body will add weight to the scales, and mask the true fat lossyou may have achieved. For more information and tips, we recommendreading our blog ‘Bowel Motions and Detox: 10 Tips to Stimulate BowelMotions’. This is when it’s really important to focus on your long-term goals,and to trust the process. The video we linked below is a great reminder ofhow our bodies can fluctuate, but still move in the right direction overall!If you have addressed all of the factors above and are still experiencing a weightplateau, please send your food diary and daily weigh-ins to us for our in-housenutritionist to analyse- there is almost always something in your program thatneeds tweaking in order to see optimal results! Please USWATCH VIDEOREAD THE BLOG

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53APPLE DAYIf a weight plateau continues to persistduring phase 2 of your Detox, then you may find an‘apple day’ helpful to get you back ontrack. ‘Apple Days’ are used to eliminateany extra stored water weight that yourbody was holding on to. They sparkweight loss the following day on thescales, largely due to the elimination ofwater and the reduced load on thedigestive tract. This water is not regainedwhen you get back onto the usualroadmap at lunchtime - instead, you willcontinue progressing and getting backon track. ‘Apple Days’ begin at lunchtimeand continue until just before lunchtimethe following day. You are able to eat x6large apples throughout this period only.During an ‘Apple Day’, no other food orliquids (except for plain water) areallowed. Continue using your DetoxDrops or wearing your Detox Patches on‘Apple Days’.How to do an Apple Day:•Wake up, take your Detox drops (ifapplicable) and then have breakfast oryour snack after 20 minutes.•For the rest of the day, have an apple forlunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and post-dinner snack. The next day, have an applefor breakfast and a mid-morning snack (atotal of 6 apples).•Ensure you continue to take your Detoxdrops 3 times per day, or continuewearing your Detox Patches.

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47FOOD DIARYSATFRISUNWEDMONTUESTHURSPlease use the table below to keep track of all of the food and drink you consume. This can helpnot only keep you on track and inspired, but also to help identify which foods your bodyresponds well to, and which may be causing a challenge if you experience any digestivesymptoms of weight stalls. You can put in as much detail as the ‘Typical Day of Food’ above, orsimply list the food/drink (and their weight). We recommend repeating this every week of yourprogram. MORNINGLUNCHAFTERNOONDINNERWAT E R

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48MEASUREMENT CHARTWEIGHT (KG)BUST (CM)Measure around the fullest point of the chest at the nipple line. Draw the tape under the armpits.L ARM (CM)With your arms by your side, measure the largest part of each arm above the elbow while keeping the tape horizontal.Use the measurement chart below to track your progress! We highly recommend usingmeasurements and photos to track your progress, as well as weight. This is importantto keep you on track as our weights are influenced by so many other factors and don’talways reflect your true results!HIPSBUSTTHIGHWAISTARMWK 4WK 8WK 6WK 9WK 7WK 2WK 5WK 3WK 1

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49R ARM (CM)WAIST (CM)Measure just above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist. Keep the tape measure horizontal.HIPS (CM)Place the tape measure around the biggest part of your hips, ensuring it remains horizontal. L THIGH (CM)Measure around the biggest part of each thigh, ensuring the tape remains horizontal. R THIGH (CM)

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50SUPPORT & CONTACTCONTACT US:Please feel free to contact us directly should you have any questions orsimply need support. We can be reached via phone at 1800 787 628, or please use any of oursupport channels:Make sure you have joined our PRIVATE FB SUPPORT GROUP, which isfull of extremely helpful and loving women who are very generous atproviding support, recipe, tips and more! Our SBN team also provideassistance and advice through this FB Group. , mindset coaching,support and nutritional advice from our team of experts whilst you areon the program.As well as the Facebook Group, ensure you have visited our SUPPORTPLATFORM on our website. This is the most up-to-date and constantlyrefreshed source of information about all of our programs. With over 40articles of information, it is a great platform where 99% of all questions havealready been answered.FB SUPPORT GROUPSUPPORT PLATFORM

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