Partnerships &CollaborationWe welcome the opportunity to collaborateto educate and empower women to takeownership of their financial futures.
PARTNERSHIPSWe're looking for companieswho believe in supportingfinancial literacy efforts andinvesting in women as muchas we do that you?
Empowering Every Woman to Own Her Financial FutureSavviHer is the Financial Resource for the ModernWoman. It is designed to serve as an empowering,educational, and less overwhelming way for womento learn more about the wonderful world ofpersonal finance. It is our hope that our content,courses, community, and counsel serve as thecatalyst women need to feel more confident injoining the conversation so that they, too, can takeownership of their own financial health.23,780 10,07618,000 ----- 62,000 1, 708-6780 708-6780Monthly Page Views: 12,810Email Subscribers: 1,050 (from 34states and 5 countries)Demographics: 94% FemaleKey Age groups: 25 - 34: 57% 35 - 44: 22% Top Cities: NYC, LA, Chicago,London, HoustonTop Countries: US, UK, Canada
Women want to feel understood and less overwhelmedwhen talking about their finances. It is our hope thatour content, courses, community, and counsel serve asthe catalyst women need to feel more confident injoining the conversation so that they, too, can takeownership of their own financial health and learnmore about potential careers in this industry.Empower your employees to own their financial futuresand to invest in themselves by hosting a financialwellness workshop. We will customize our content,presentation, and workshop materials for your specificaudience and address key areas of interest such as:budgeting and saving, investing fundamentals, credit,homebuying, personal finance, and more. Partneringwith SavviHer legitimizes company efforts to appeal to and support your female employees.We are looking for companies who want to supportfinancial literacy efforts and investing in women asmuch as we do. If you have a unique perspective,product, or mission that aligns with ours, feel free toreach out. We would be happy to craft a partnershipthat aims to further our efforts towards empoweringwomen to own their financial futures.
A r e w e a g o o d f i t f o r w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r ?W e b e l i e v e :All women deserve to feel financially confidentEvery woman should have a core understanding of the basic principles of personal financeWomen can and should invest in their futuresFinancial literacy is a critical component to life-long successKnowledge is power and provides a very tangible sense of freedomYour strongest asset is simply owning and embracing who you are and where you come fromThat community and establishing genuine connections comes from oneself with a network ofstrong, independent, amazing, and hard-working women 708-6780. . . w o n ' t y o u j o i n u s ?
B U S I N E S S N A M ECustomized address tailored for yourconference keynote, informationalworkshops, coaching programs,educational panels, or discussions.SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTSinvestment: pricing varies by eventEmpower your employees to prioritizetheir financial health with a personalized,professional financial wellness workshop.EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPSinvestment: $35/personPricing includes customized presentation,workshop materials, and discovery call.We are always looking to partner withbrands who believe in enhancingfinancial literacy initiatives andempowering women to own theirfinancial futures.BRAND AMBASSADORinvestment: pricing varies by contentWe are happy to advocate for financialliteracy via interviews, video or socialmedia content, written material, andmore.
B U S I N E S S N A M ESponsor one month of SavviHer socialmedia and blog content catered to yourbusiness services/needs. Includes: oneblog post per week with accompanyingsocial media content as well as inclusionin our monthly newsletterSPONSORED SOCIAL MEDIAinvestment: $250/post or $850/monthWe will craft content for your company'smarketing content and materials usingour unique financial approach and toneof voice.FREELANCE COPYWRITINGinvestment: $300/pieceCost reflects time to coordinate thedetails of the piece and correspondingmain "takeaway points", one feedbacksession, editing, and inclusion of anygraphic elements. *Any additionalediting/revision needs will be assessedat our hourly rate.CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPinvestment: please inquireFee for one post individually (i.e. oneInstagram Story, Instagram Post, BlogPost, Instagram TV appearance orInstagram Live Interview): $250*Exclusive sponsorship opportunities usingSavviHer social media and blog contentcatered to your business services/needs.
HOW THIS WORKSWe aspire to collaborate with those who are also focused on financial literacyefforts, and welcome the opportunity to potentially partner with your team.Step OneLet's connect. What drives your companyforward? What are you working on? Whatkeeps you eager to learn and excited aboutthe future? We want to know all of it. Duringour initial conversation, we'll look to identifysynergies and potential mutually-beneficialpartnership opportunities Step TwoOur team will develop a comprehensiveoutline of ideas for a possible collaboration.Along with our suggestions for potentialwritten and/or graphic content, we willdevise a timeline both parties can use toensure optimal efficiency and reduceredundancy.Step ThreeWe'll schedule one final meeting todiscuss final terms and expectations.Provided we reach an agreement, we'llbegin executing per our timeline and getto work!
PAST COLLABORATIONSW W W . F I N A N C I A L L Y S A V V I H E R . C O MAUGUST 2020Worked with Penny production team towrite and record "The Modern Woman'sGuide to Retirement Planning" album.OCTOBER 2020Partnered with HealthSavings on a"Women's Worth Wednesday" educationalseries designed to discuss the many benefitsof using a Health Savings Account toresponsibly plan for future expenses.SEPTEMBER 2020PENNY FINANCIAL APPFLO TRACKER APPHEALTH SAVINGSCollaborated with Flo, the #1 mobileproduct for women's health, to writeand produce a Video Course: "TheUltimate Baby Budget Guide"
Included each week was an Instagram post and story dedicated to the weeklytopic, a corresponding blog post offering more information/details, use of thecompany logo as warranted, as well as Pinterest images that link back to saidInstagram and Blog content. SavviHer team held responsible for all graphics, content creation, and editing.A "Women's Worth Wednesdays" series for the January and FebruaryPast Collaboration Sample Portfolioin partnership with Partnership Details:
Educational Workshop ContentCustomize Your Workshop: Empower your employees to prioritize their financial health with a personalized,professional financial wellness workshop. Presentation can be held in-person orvirtually. Pricing includes customized presentation, workshop materials, andinitial discovery call. Other possible topics include: Budgeting for Baby, Debt Payoff Strategies, MoneySkills for Teens, Home Ownership 101: How to Purchase Your First Home
Educational Workshop ContentWomen Deserve aDifferent ApproachBudgeting Basics WorkshopDevelop a better understanding ofyour financial values, how theyinfluence your goals, and have aprocess for most realisticallyaddressing those financial hopesand dreams. Understand how having asustainable, manageable budgetsystem in place can providemeaningful options for yourfinancial future. Learn how to identify and addressunfavorable mindsets or behaviorssurrounding your relationship withmoney.Learn the key components of abudget and how to implement asustainable budgeting system thatyou'll actually stick with. Gain confidence from having abetter understanding of your overallfinancial health.
Educational Workshop ContentOwn your financialfuture... you'reWORTH it!Adulting 101: 10 KeyMoney Tips for the "RealWorld"Establishing and Building CreditDebt ManagementBuilding a budget you can live withProtecting Yourself (thoughInsurance and Emergency Funds)Calculating Your Net WorthPrioritizing investing at an early ageKey Home Buying Considerations Planning for Major Life MilestonesLife can come at you pretty fast. Ownyour future by staying prepared,informed, and inspired.We will discuss key topics such as:
Educational Workshop ContentWomen Deserve aDifferent ApproachPersonal Finance 101: Key Concepts EveryWoman Should KnowEstablishing and Building CreditPlanning for RetirementDebt ManagementProtecting Yourself (thoughInsurance and Emergency Funds)Calculating Your Net WorthTax-Efficient PlanningKey Home Buying Considerations Planning for Major Life MilestonesManaging Money & YourRelationshipsLearn the basics of:
Educational Workshop ContentWomen Deserve aDifferent ApproachInvesting for theEverywoman: An IntroductionWhy you should investPreparing to investInvestment account overviewHow to get startedRisk tolerance Asset allocationCompound interestInvestment vehicles (Stocks, Bonds,Mutual funds, ETFs, etc.)DiversificationDo’s/Don’ts of InvestingLearn and understand core concept andfundamentals so that you can be aconfident and strategic investor!We will cover:
Educational Workshop ContentWomen Deserve aDifferent ApproachOwning YourRetirement: You've Got This!Overview of 401(k) + BenefitsContribution limitsTaxesEmployer matchingVesting schedulesInvesting considerationsOverview of IRAs + BenefitsTraditional vs. RothContribution limitsInvesting considerationsKey Retirement ChecklistWondering what's been going on withyour 401(k) or how you can plan topermanently set your "Out of Office"?We will cover:
NEXT STEPS...If you are interested in exploring a possible collaboration or partnershipopportunity with our team, please feel free to reach out to our team. From there,we will schedule time to connect and begin our creative process.Are we a good fit to work together? Let's find out! Please contact us and we can schedule time for anintroductory call.Schedule a dateDiscuss & confirm content topicsWe'll schedule one final meeting to sign our contract and discuss finalterms and expectations. Provided we reach an agreement, we'll beginexecuting per our timeline and start developing graphic and writtencontent.Meet to finalize detailsOur team will begin developing the relevant content and send over toyour team for your review. After one round of editing, our team willsubmit the final design renderings and formalized drafts for your finalapproval. Get to work!During our introductory meeting, we will discuss and develop acomprehensive outline of ideas for a possible collaboration. Our teamwill then devise a timeline both parties can use to ensure optimalefficiency and reduce redundancy.
!Let's 708 6780Instagram:@financially.savviher