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SAUG Strategy & POV - 2023

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THE NEWDIFFERENTEvery now and then a perfect environmentfor change presents itself.Many factors coincide creating anopportunity to forge something new andmore relevant.We know that change is rarely easy. Itrequires a shared vision, clear objectivesand grit and determination.This document aims to lay out all these.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SAUG Brand Vision This section outlines the vision for SAUG, emphasizing its member-led nature and the goalto become recognized as the best SAP members organization in the world. It also discussesplans to extend the scope of SAUG to include other technologies that maximize the value ofSAP investments.2. Our Purpose, Promises & ValuesThis part of the document details the commitments and values of SAUG, including taking aleadership role on topics of interest to members, attracting and retaining more members,and amplifying the voice of SAUG members to SAP.3. Context of Change This section provides a context for the changes happening in the technology landscape andwhat it means for SAUG members. It discusses the increasing technological complexity, theexplosion of SaaS solutions, the rise of Generative AI, and the adoption of microservices.4. Vision, Purpose & Direction This section of the document articulates SAUG's ambition to become the world's leadingSAP members organization. It discusses plans for geographical expansion, including abroader reach within Australia and potential opportunities in Southeast Asia. The sectionalso highlights SAUG's goal to drive cultural change within the SAP ecosystem, inspire thenext generation of SAP professionals, and leverage its diverse membership to function as aninfluential lobby group on key business issues.5. Some Strategic Initiatives This section of the document outlines several key strategies aimed at ensuring SAUGremains at the forefront of driving value and innovation for its members.6. How Will We Measure Success? This section of the document emphasizes the importance of both qualitative andquantitative measures to assess the success of SAUG as a membership organization. Thedocument suggests that these measures, when balanced and tracked over time, canprovide a comprehensive understanding of SAUG's performance and indicate whether theorganization is moving in the right direction.7. Opportunity & Responsibility The final section discusses the responsibility of SAUG to respond to the changingenvironment and the needs of its members. It emphasizes SAUG's unique position as anexus between its members, SAP, and the broader SAP ecosystem.

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BY THE MEMBERS, FOR THE MEMBERSLet us be clear. First and foremost, weare a member-led organisation. Thisis an organisation that is governed byits member for its members.Members who actively participate inSAUG events, engage in networkingactivities, and contribute to thecommunity can expect to derivesignificant value and satisfaction fromtheir membership.At SAUG we help to connect ourmembers with the best and brightestin the SAP world (and beyond) so thatthey learn what might be useful.In this manner, SAUG members knowmore, grasp what’s valuable fasterand can explain it to others. Thismakes them even more in-demandand irreplaceable.The bottom line is that SAUGmembers are better connected,better informed and more influential.

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BRAND VISIONThe vision for SAUG is clear. It is tobecome recognized as the bestSAP members organisation in theworld where our members areactively engaged, and together weattain both personal and businessadvantage.An environment of trust wheremembers connect. A place to cometogether and discuss the latesttrends in the world of BusinessTechnology.The legacy of SAUG lies withorganisations underpinned by SAPtechnology. This will remain central toour members businesses. But weenvision extending the scope ofSAUG to include other technologiesthat maximize the value of their SAPinvestments. More solutions andoptions that are relevant to themembership (Hyperscalers, AI’s etc)A clear barometer for a MembershipOrganisation is the ability to increasemembership. Increasingmembership diversity by attracting,recruiting, and retaining members. We will do this by offering a relevantand valuable experience to ourmembers.

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PURPOSE, PROMISES & VALUESWE WILL DARE TO LEAD: We know thatour members are seeking clarity on manytechnology and economic topics. Ourmembers are wrestling with such topicsin isolation. Each organisation swingingits own machete to clear a path tomeaningful insight.We will take a leadership role on thetopics and technologies of most interestto our members.We will provide a balanced view of topicsthrough different lenses andperspectives. A contextual businessviewpoint. An SAP opinion, othertechnological perspectives, and apartner/ecosystem point-of view. We plan to execute this in a campaignformat. A series of events over time on agiven “hot topic”. Different speakers willprovide a holistic, complete, andbalanced view.We will create an ‘SAUG point-of-view’specifically relevant to our members.Covering the key facets of the topic, itspotential impact, the value and thebarriers. (What we will do)

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PURPOSE, PROMISES & VALUESWE WILL ATTRACT, RECRUIT, AND RETAIN MORE MEMBERS. We will do this byoffering a more valuable, more relevant experience. We will attract an increased membership from a pool of three broad categories:Deeper: By attracting more people from existing member organisations. We will dothis by providing services and content designed to appeal to a broader audience.An audience that is less technical, but more business oriented. We are alreadyseeing a rise in applications from the C-Suite of member organisations. We willpursue this category of member to increase recruitment and participation.Wider: Many organisations using SAP technology do not have an SAUG membership.We will attract more of these organisations, including those that do not have ERP.We will do this by having a clear value proposition and by being more relevant.Increased relevance with a refreshed brand identity and more resonantengagement.More Diverse: The SAP ecosystem, the partners and other interested parties are animportant part of the value equation. We will create a category of membershiprelevant for such organisations. We will welcome them as members and encouragethem to take part and add to the membership experience. Their unique experiences,capabilities, and viewpoints adding to the community.We feel there is opportunity to engage more with both academia and governmentto provide different insights and learning opportunities for members.This will attract more members. Members that engage more, contribute often, andrecommend SAUG membership to others.(What we will do)

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PURPOSE, PROMISES & VALUESWE WILL AMPLIFY MEMBERSHIP VOICE: SAUG is a vibrant community of influentialmembers whose voices carry significant weight. We will take steps to amplify thevoices of our members not just within the SAP ecosystem but beyond, to ensure thatthey are heard on a broader stage.To augment our members' influence within the SAP realm, we are planning to furtherenhance the channels of communication with SAP. These channels would allow ourmembers to more easily bring their concerns, ideas, and experiences directly to theSAP leadership, ensuring that the issues that matter most to our members are frontand center.Beyond the SAP ecosystem, we recognize that our members, as leaders in theirrespective fields, have valuable insights and perspectives on a multitude of topicsand issues pertinent to the Australian business community. To amplify their voices,we aim to position SAUG as a recognized thought-leadership platform, facilitatingdiscussions, sharing insights, and influencing debates on a broader range of businessand technology issues.(What we will do)

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CONTEXT OF CHANGEThings are changing fast, and the degree of complexity is increasing. This seemsself-evident. But understanding the complexity in a manner that provides contextrequires effort. There are four dimensions of change that offer clear context. These guide our shared vision and planning for the future of SAUG.These four dimensions are:1. TECHNOLOGY CONTEXT: It is easy to say that there is increasing technologicalcomplexity. It is harder to place context around this change and understand whatit means for SAUG members.We continue to see the explosion of SaaS solutions. Massive investment in SaaSsolutions is fuelling exponential growth and diversity. (Metaverse, bots,automation, sustainability, AI etc)(Why Change? Why Now?)

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The age of Generative A.I is truly uponus. Whilst the media debates issues ofsecurity, ethics and what it means forjobs. The A.I train keeps forging ahead.Generative A.I may well be the mostpowerful business tool since thespreadsheet. Its potential for benefitand disruption should not beunderestimated.As we experience the morewidespread adoptionmicroservices where solutions areconstructed as a collection ofsmall, loosely coupled, andindependently deployableservices. We see the lure ofincreased speed, scalability, andflexibility. We must also recognize theincrease in complexity that sucha distributed systemsarchitecture brings.In this environment of technology proliferation there is more choice butless clarity. And less certainty about what choices and decisions to make.

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2. BUSINESS (MEMBERS) CONTEXT: The number of systems andsolutions used by an organisation is increasing. Every companyseems to seek to rationalize its IT landscape. Yet whilst theyfocus on one area, another explodes. As business technologies, systems, and solutions fragment andmultiply, confusion and uncertainty grow.General business uncertainty continues to prevail. From supplychain disruptions to European conflict and inflationaryeconomics. The fog of confusion and uncertainty thickens.Our members are noticing that the quality of their engagementswith SAP is declining. SAP is operating in a more transactionalmanner. This is often at the expense of relationship trust andoperational empathy. This creates an “SAP Information Vacuum”.A vacuum where less meaningful information and direction isavailable.Keen interest exists in a range of current “hot topics”. Butinformation and opinions conflict rendering business implicationsand practical action planning hazardous. Are these meaningfultechnology trends or passing fads?Members are increasingly voicing concern over skills shortages inthe marketplace. The demand for skilled professionals has beenincreasing rapidly in recent years.Our members organisations rely heavily on technology. Recentrapid advancements and mass moves towards cloud hasoutpaced the supply of professionals with the latest skills andknowledge.Emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, datascience, and cloud computing require specialized expertise thatis in high demand but low supply.Skills shortages represent a growing risk to both current andfuture operations.

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3. SAP CONTEXT: SAP has now completed over 75 acquisitions. They havedeveloped, extended, and released a bewildering array of their own tools. The SAPsolution and services portfolio is vast, complex, and still in flux.We are now seeing SAP divesting its solution portfolio. The sale of experiencemanagement giant Qualtrics to private investor consortium Silverlake. The recentannouncement of the sale of training platform Litmos continues this trend.There is widespread corporate adoption of Cloud computing. This is seeing SAPstriving to change its fundamental business model. SAP is shifting from PerpetualLicencing to a Subscription Model. Today, SAP is an organisation intransition. They have successfullytraversed several technologytransitions in their history. This isdifferent.As SAP becomes a SubscriptionBusiness many things are changing. Itscommercial constructs, engagementmodels and market offers are in aconstant state of change. SAP'smessaging is inconsistent, and this iscreating confusion. Recently we have seen SAPreorganising their business operations.Consolidating the lines-of-businessand refocussing back on their coreERP heritage. This return to the corehas seen declining innovation outputand focus from SAP.SAP has seen increasing technologyfragmentation with its installed base.Capable competitors are gainingstrength and favour. This has seen SAPpulling back on many activities andinvestments as it works towards itsnext evolution.SAP is becoming increasingly reliant onits partners and ecosystems. Both as achannel to market and a critical elementof the emerging subscription-basedbased business services.The ecosystemis rapidly evolving to fill the innovationand solution gap left by SAP.

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4. ECOSYSTEM / PARTNER CONTEXT: Partners are becoming increasinglyrelevant and valuable to our members.It is fair to say that for the SAPecosystem, business is booming.We are seeing consolidation occurringin the SAP ecosystem. Larger playersare acquiring smaller organisation andexpanding their offerings andcapabilities.We are seeing an increasing numberof new entrants into the space.Especially “innovation” players whoare seeing an increase in demandfor their services. They are creatingniche differentiation solutions withcustom developments andinnovative thinking.We are seeing the emergence ofnew specialist partners. Specialistswith sustainability and AI expertiseare emerging to meet the demand.

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VISION, PURPOSE & DIRECTIONOur vision is crystal clear. TO BECOME RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST SAP MEMBERSORGANISATION IN THE WORLD.As for any Membership Organisation the ambition of INCREASING MEMBERSHIP BYATTRACTING, RECRUITING, AND RETAINING MEMBERS is strong.Let’s lay out some of the key ideas, plans and proposed initiatives for fulfilling thisvision and ambition.Increasing the Geographical Scope. In contemplating our future trajectory, it'scrucial to also consider our geographical scope and how it fits into our long-termobjectives. Historically, SAUG has been largely focused on the East Coast. However,we believe that the time has come to extend our reach and influence further afield,creating a truly Australia-wide community.This ambitious expansion would involve active campaigns and initiatives tailored tothe specific needs of members from different parts of the country. We envision aSAUG where every Australian business, regardless of its location, can participate,contribute, and extract value.Looking longer term, we propose exploring opportunities in the broader SoutheastAsia region. SAUG has the potential to evolve into a user group hub for this diverseand rapidly developing area, providing our members with an even broader range ofexperiences, contacts, and insights.This geographical expansion is a long-term goal, and its implementation would becarefully planned and executed to ensure it aligns with our values and benefits allmembers. We see this as a natural progression for SAUG, enabling us to forge newpartnerships, embrace diverse perspectives, and drive innovation on a broaderscale.

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VISION, PURPOSE & DIRECTIONCatalyst for Change in the SAP Ecosystem. Perhaps one of our most ambitious andvisionary goals is to act as the catalyst for a profound culture change within the SAPecosystem. We believe that SAUG has the potential to reignite the passion and commitmentthat initially made the SAP community so vibrant and innovative.As part of this vision, we propose initiatives and activities designed to inspire,engage, and nurture the next generation of SAP professionals. We aspire to make the ecosystem a thriving, dynamic home for these professionals.This would be a place where they can share their ideas, engage with seasonedprofessionals, and build their careers within an environment of mutual support andshared ambition.We envision a future where SAUG and its members are not just part of the SAPecosystem but are instrumental in shaping its evolution and success.

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VISION, PURPOSE & DIRECTIONSAUG as an Influential Lobby Group. With our growing membership base and therich diversity of knowledge and expertise within it, we believe SAUG has thepotential to function as an influential lobby group on issues of significant importanceto the broader business community.Beyond merely staying abreast of industry trends, our vision is to actively shape thenarrative and advocate for changes that directly benefit our members. This couldrange from issues surrounding AI and critical infrastructure, to disaster managementand other key technological advancements.Acting as a lobby group would enable us to unify our members' voices, providing apowerful platform from which to express collective concerns and promote ourinterests. Our focus would be on engaging with decision-makers, industry leaders,and legislative bodies, presenting well-informed, comprehensive perspectives thatunderscore the importance of our members' views and the necessity for action.Moreover, leveraging our collective influence in this manner would not only benefitSAUG members but also contribute positively to the wider business ecosystem. Bychampioning important issues, we can help to ensure that the needs and concernsof our community are heard and addressed, fostering a more sustainable, inclusive,and innovative business environment. To establish ourselves as an influential lobby group, we aim to develop a robustframework for identifying key issues, soliciting member input, forming well-reasonedpositions, and effectively advocating for our cause. This transformative role willplace SAUG at the heart of significant discussions, further enhancing our relevanceand value to our members and the wider business community.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESAs part of our mission to ensure SAUG remains at the forefront of driving value andinnovation for its members, we would like to propose the following new strategicinitiatives:(Things we'd like to do)TOPIC CAMPAIGNS: Recognizing the need tostay ahead of evolving industry trends, wepropose the introduction of specific “TopicCampaigns” focused on high-level issues.These would be technology-agnostic, focusingon areas of interest such as AI, DisasterManagement, and Critical Infrastructure. These will take the form of a series of eventsand activities over time offering a balancedview of topics through different lenses andperspectives. A contextual business viewpoint.An SAP opinion, other technologicalperspectives, and a partner/ecosystem point-of view. We will create an ‘SAUG point-of-view’specifically relevant to our members. Coveringthe key facets of the topic, its potential impact,the value, and the barriers. Through these efforts, SAUG can function as arobust lobby group, elevating the voice andinfluence of our members on important topics.More on this later.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESREVITALIZED MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: At the heart of SAUG's operations is themembership, which forms the backbone of our vibrant, diverse, and influential community. Tobetter serve our current and future members and to provide a more customised and focusedexperience, we propose a review and refinement of our membership categories.(Things we'd like to do)Our existing membership structureconsists of two primary categories:Company and Individual. The Companycategory further splits into Ordinary,Ordinary Associate Sub Membership, andConsultant Membership, offering a range ofoptions for organizations of varyingrelationships with SAP. The Individualcategory caters to individuals who are notpart of an organization that holdsmembership or those who wish to maintainan individual connection with SAUG. (e.g.,independent consultants)To better serve our diverse community andto acknowledge the differing needs of ourmembers, we propose extending andenhancing our membership types andcategories. This segmentation will allow usto target services and offerings moreeffectively and efficiently.NB: Before proposing new membershiptypes, we should evaluate the relevanceand effectiveness of our currentmembership categories. This examinationwill help us ascertain if these membershipsstill meet the needs of our community or ifadjustments are required.Extended / new membership types that wemay consider include:Executive Membership Level: We propose anexclusive Executive Membership Level for C-Level Executives, focusing first on CIOs. Thismembership level will provide tailored servicesand opportunities relevant to the needs andconcerns of high-level decision-makers.Segmented Partner Memberships: To extendthe benefits of SAUG membership to a broaderecosystem, we suggest the introduction ofsegmented partner memberships. Thesememberships would include:Implementers: Both global System Integrators(SI) and niche players.Software Partners: Partners like UI Path andothers offering complementary products.Community Partners: For example,Universities, Australian Computer Society,charities, and others.By joining as partners, organizations can addsignificant value to their operations. Not onlywill they be able to network and collaboratewith a broad range of professionals andbusinesses, but they will also gain a platform tocontribute their expertise and insight tovarious topics, thereby enhancing theirvisibility and influence in the SAP ecosystem.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESSEGMENTED SERVICES: We recommend creating three distinct tiers of serviceofferings that cater to different needs and aspirations of our members. These tiers -Basic, Extended, and Enhanced - will provide different levels of access, resources, andsupport, offering members the flexibility to choose the level that best aligns with theirneeds.(Things we'd like to do)1. Basic Tier - This tier wouldoffer fundamental membershipbenefits such as access to ourregular newsletters,participation in communityforums and discussions, andnetworking opportunities withother members. In addition,they would also get access toresources provided by SAPand other SAUG members. Thistier is ideal for membersseeking to keep abreast ofindustry news and trends,share experiences and learnfrom their peers.By segmenting our services in this manner, we can provide our members with a wide range ofoptions that cater to their specific needs and preferences, thereby ensuring that eachmember can derive the maximum value from their SAUG membership.2. Extended Tier - Buildingupon the Basic Tier, theExtended Tier would offeradditional benefits. Thesemembers could haveaccess to exclusivewebinars and workshopsled by industry experts,one-on-one consultationswith a few selectedpartners, and greatervisibility within the SAUGcommunity. This tier wouldbe ideal for membersseeking to enhance theirskills, broaden theirindustry knowledge, andincrease their professionalvisibility.3. Enhanced Tier - TheEnhanced Tier would be ourmost premium offering,tailored for membersseeking a highly enrichedSAUG experience. It wouldoffer benefits such asaccess to global thoughtleadership content,personalized assistance,and guidance from SAUGofficers, and opportunitiesto engage directly withinfluential figures in the SAPecosystem. Members ofthis tier could also havepriority access to SAUGevents, significantdiscounts on SAUGservices, and exclusivenetworking opportunities.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESACTIVE MEMBER RECRUITMENT & ENGAGEMENT: We recommend launching activemember recruitment campaigns targeting both existing and non-member organizationsto bolster our community. Alongside this, we plan to increase engagement through localphysical events and enhanced digital interaction. (Things we'd like to do)

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESNEW ROLES & CAPABILITIES: To better cater to our members' needs and aspirations,we propose the introduction of two key roles within our organization: Liaison Officersand Campaign Managers.(Things we'd like to do)1. Executive Liaison Officers: Theseprofessionals would be responsible forfostering strong relationships betweenSAUG and our executive members. Theywould act as the primary point of contactfor these members, providing them withpersonalized assistance, addressing theirconcerns, and helping them navigate andoptimize the benefits of their SAUGmembership. The Liaison Officers would also gathervaluable feedback from these members,allowing us to continually refine ourofferings to better serve their needs. Thisfocus on executive engagement would notonly enhance member satisfaction butalso increase our understanding of the keychallenges and opportunities within themembership.2. Campaign Managers: In line with ourstrategic initiatives such as topiccampaigns, active recruitment, andmember engagement, the role ofCampaign Managers would be pivotal. They would plan, coordinate, and executevarious campaigns, ensuring theiralignment with SAUG's strategic goals.They would work closely with ourmembers, partners, and externalstakeholders to generate awareness, driveparticipation, and ultimately ensure thesuccess of these initiatives.These new roles will inject fresh capabilities into SAUG, ensuring we are betterequipped to serve our members and execute our strategic initiatives. Furthermore, byexpanding our team with these targeted roles, we are also demonstrating ourcommitment to continuous improvement and excellence in our services.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESNEW SERVICES: We suggest broadening our services in response to the evolving needsof our members. We would like to propose the following new services for consideration:(Things we'd like to do)1. Recruitment Services: Recognizing the skills shortages prevalent in the industry, wemay introduce dedicated recruitment services. This could involve the creation of a jobboard, connecting companies with talented SAP professionals, or offering guidance onrecruitment strategies and best practices. These services will help our members toaddress their talent acquisition challenges more effectively.2. Mentoring Program: We aim to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiencewithin our community through a formal mentoring program. This service could assistmembers undergoing significant business changes, such as digital transformation, byconnecting them with seasoned professionals who have navigated similar challenges. 3. SAP Training: We are exploring the potential of offering SAP training, either directly orthrough an affiliate. This could help our members to continually update their skills andknowledge, thereby enhancing their competitiveness within the SAP ecosystem.4. Essential Business Skills Training: In addition to technical SAP skills, we recognizethe importance of broader business skills, such as leadership, strategic planning,communication, and change management. We propose offering training in these areasto help our members develop into well-rounded business professionals.5. Government Advisory Services: To further support our members, we may want toconsider offering advisory services relating to government regulations, such as visaprocedures. This could help to reduce the administrative burden on our members,allowing them to focus on their core business operations.These proposed new services represent a significant expansion of our offering andunderline our commitment to providing comprehensive, value-added services thatmeet the diverse needs of our members.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESRANKINGS & REVIEWS: We understand that maintaining transparency and trust withinour community is paramount. With this in mind, we propose the introduction of aRankings & Reviews system. However, we acknowledge that such a system couldpotentially raise sensitivities and requires careful planning and execution.(Things we'd like to do)Our Rankings & Reviewssystem would aim to assessand present a comparativeoverview of ecosystempartners, service providers,and products in the SAPdomain. This could includeour own "SAUG MagicQuadrants," a visual snapshotof market direction, maturity,and participants, similar towhat is provided by leading ITresearch and advisory firms.This initiative would bedesigned to provide a robustand unbiased analysis,allowing members to makeinformed decisions based oncollective member feedback,expert reviews, andcomprehensive research. Weenvision outsourcing thisprocess to a trusted third-party to ensure impartialityand credibility.Further, we propose to introduce a platformfor member feedback andrecommendations. This platform wouldenable our members to share theirexperiences and insights about various SAPproducts, services, and service providers,thereby contributing to our collectiveknowledge.While we acknowledge that this initiativecould be sensitive, we believe it wouldcontribute significantly to the transparencyand collective wisdom of our community. Tomitigate potential challenges, we commit toensuring that our methodology is rigorous,transparent, and fair. We will provide clearguidelines for reviews and will carefullymonitor feedback to prevent any misuse.We will maintain an open dialogue with allstakeholders to address any concernspromptly and transparently. By implementing these measures, webelieve that our Rankings & Reviews systemcan be a valuable tool for our members anda testament to our commitment totransparency and member empowerment.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESBUSINESS TRANSFORMATION STUDIES: One of the cornerstone principles of SAUG isthe shared experience, insights, and pragmatic advice within our community. As a partof our ongoing commitment to this principle, we propose the implementation ofBusiness Transformation Studies. (Things we'd like to do)These studies would involve documenting and analysing the experiences of ourmembers as they navigate significant business transformations, particularly thoseinvolving the deployment or upgrade of SAP solutions. The focus of these studies would not merely be the transformation process itselfbut also the organizational change management aspects, the challengesencountered, the strategies employed to overcome them, and the ultimateoutcomes of these initiatives.These Business Transformation Studies would then be shared within our community,providing members with in-depth, practical insights that they can apply in their owntransformation journeys. We believe that this initiative would not only providevaluable learning opportunities for our members but also create a repository ofpragmatic, real-world SAP transformation stories that would be unique to SAUG.In conducting these studies, we would ensure confidentiality and respect for theindividual experiences of our members. Our objective would be to foster anenvironment of trust where members feel comfortable sharing their experiencesand learning from the experiences of others.Through this initiative, we aim to reinforce the core tenet of shared experienceswithin SAUG, further strengthening our community's capacity to learn from eachother and collectively navigate the complex landscape of business transformation.

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SOME STRATEGIC INITIATIVESIn conclusion, we believe these initiatives will significantly enhance our offerings,providing our members with unparalleled value and strengthening our position asthe premier membership organization in our field. We look forward to discussingthese ideas in detail with the board.(Things we'd like to do)

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HOW WILL WE MEASURE SUCCESS?Measuring success in a membership organization like SAUG involves both qualitativeand quantitative measures. It is essential to capture the tangible numbers as well as theintangible perceptions and feelings of our members. These measures need to be meaningful and align with our overarching mission andstrategic objectives. Deciding upon which to adopt requires careful deliberation,consultation, and thought, recognizing that the metrics we choose will profoundlyshape our future direction.Below you will find a suggested list of some potential qualitative and quantitativemetrics that we may adopt. (Success metrics for SAUG)QUALITATIVE MEASURES:Surveys & Feedback: Surveys and feedback mechanisms provide critical insights intomember satisfaction and our effectiveness in meeting their needs. These might includegeneral member satisfaction surveys, specific thought leadership assessments, NetPromoter Score (NPS), and feedback from events.Collaboration with SAP: The depth, quality, and effectiveness of our collaboration withSAP can serve as an indicator of our influence within the SAP ecosystem.Success Stories and Testimonials: Member testimonials and success stories offerinvaluable qualitative evidence of the positive impact of our initiatives and the valuemembers derive from their association with SAUG.Industry Recognition: Recognition from within the industry, including awards, citations,and high-profile mentions, reflect our standing and influence within the broader SAPecosystem.Partner Engagement: The level of engagement and active participation of our partners inour initiatives provides insight into our value to and impact on these crucial stakeholders.Audience Engagement: This considers the participation levels of all types of membersand stakeholders, from executives and traditional members to partners, independents,and third parties.

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HOW WILL WE MEASURE SUCCESS?By using a balanced mix of these qualitative and quantitative measures, we candevelop a comprehensive understanding of our performance as a membershiporganization. Furthermore, establishing a baseline for each of these measures andtracking them over time would give us insights into whether we're moving in theright direction.(Success metrics for SAUG)QUANTITATIVE MEASURES:Membership Growth and Penetration: Tracking the growth in the number of ourmembers over time and the proportion of SAP clients who are members provideindicators of our reach and appeal.This would be calculated as the percentage of total SAP clients who are SAUG members.Member Engagement: The level of member engagement, as evidenced by theirattendance at events and participation in forums and Special Interest Groups (SIGs),indicates the value members derive from these opportunities.Event Attendance: The number of participants in our events, both physical and online,provides a tangible measure of the attractiveness and relevance of our offerings.Resource Usage and Downloads: The frequency with which members access anddownload our resources offers insight into their perceived value and usefulness.Influence on SAP Roadmap: Our ability to impact SAP's strategic directions is a powerfulmeasure of our influence and the value of our contributions to the wider SAP ecosystem.Influence on Other SAP User/Member Organisations: The extent to which other usergroups emulate our initiatives and practices is an indirect measure of our innovation andleadership.

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OPPORTUNITY &RESPONSIBILITYSAUG must respond to the changed environment, context, and the needs of ourmembers.SAUG is uniquely positioned as a nexus point. A nexus between our members, SAP,and the broader SAP ecosystem. We can help our members with a balanced view ofmany topics providing better clarity. We can help SAP to hear the amplified voices of itsclients and respond to what they really need. We can bring the evolving ecosystem into the fold andgain their experience and insights.WECANHELPIn a changing environment SAUG has a responsibility. A responsibility to evolve inbetter service of our member communities.A refreshed and refocussed SAUG membership organisation. More relevant andvaluable than ever for our members.

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