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SASA Inaugural Annual Report 2020

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CONTENTS MISSION VISION ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OUTREACH PROSPECTS 4 18 34 40 50 Mission vision What is Ancient Studies The value of Ancient Studies SASAs core values How we operate Goals for 2020 4 6 8 10 12 16 Organizational development 18 Streamlined digital outreach hubs 20 Organizational structure 22 Team leaders 24 Recruiting 26 Solving the challenges of a Remote volunteer run organization 28 Tracking reporting 30 Developing responsible busines behaviours 32 Projects started completed Projects started 34 38 Organizational outreach People reached Fundraising expenses 40 44 48 Projects for 2021 New Projects Goals for 2021 50 52 56

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CONTENTS MISSION VISION ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OUTREACH PROSPECTS 4 18 34 40 50 Mission vision What is Ancient Studies The value of Ancient Studies SASAs core values How we operate Goals for 2020 4 6 8 10 12 16 Organizational development 18 Streamlined digital outreach hubs 20 Organizational structure 22 Team leaders 24 Recruiting 26 Solving the challenges of a Remote volunteer run organization 28 Tracking reporting 30 Developing responsible busines behaviours 32 Projects started completed Projects started 34 38 Organizational outreach People reached Fundraising expenses 40 44 48 Projects for 2021 New Projects Goals for 2021 50 52 56

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 MISSION Save Ancient Studies Alliance works to reverse the current downward trend in the study of the Ancient World Building a grassroots movement through outreach collaboration accessibility and public scholarship we work toward our goal of inspiring a wider inclusive community of learners and students VISION Save Ancient Studies Alliance envisions a world in which connection with the richness of deep human history and culture is shared by all people Our vision for a New Ancient Studies will encompass Broad understandings of our pasts to help nurture cross cultural awareness curiosity sensitivity and an affinity for each other Widespread opportunities to engage with our deep pasts in educational public and cultural spheres that emphasize openness and accessibility to all Ancient Studies scholarship is a shared endeavor in a community of lifelong learners both inside and outside institutions of higher education Ancient Studies is a model of humanistic scholarship that actively engages the public imagination and exemplifies proactive inclusivity interconnectedness and cooperation Coffin of Khnumnakht ca 1850 1750 BC Egypt 4 MISSION VISION 5

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 MISSION Save Ancient Studies Alliance works to reverse the current downward trend in the study of the Ancient World Building a grassroots movement through outreach collaboration accessibility and public scholarship we work toward our goal of inspiring a wider inclusive community of learners and students VISION Save Ancient Studies Alliance envisions a world in which connection with the richness of deep human history and culture is shared by all people Our vision for a New Ancient Studies will encompass Broad understandings of our pasts to help nurture cross cultural awareness curiosity sensitivity and an affinity for each other Widespread opportunities to engage with our deep pasts in educational public and cultural spheres that emphasize openness and accessibility to all Ancient Studies scholarship is a shared endeavor in a community of lifelong learners both inside and outside institutions of higher education Ancient Studies is a model of humanistic scholarship that actively engages the public imagination and exemplifies proactive inclusivity interconnectedness and cooperation Coffin of Khnumnakht ca 1850 1750 BC Egypt 4 MISSION VISION 5

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 WHAT IS ANCIENT AMERICAN AND INDIGENOUS STUDIES ANCIENT STUDIES SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES EAST ASIAN STUDIES OCEANIA STUDIES ANCIENT EUROPE ANCIENT AFRICAN AND EGYPTIAN STUDIES The concept of Ancient Studies as encompassing a variety of academic disciplines is not yet widespread and accepted SASA includes the following disciplines within Ancient Studies ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS BIBLICAL STUDIES ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN STUDIES ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES The concept of a deeper past exists in all disciplines of historical study This is the history we mean to encompass by the term Ancient The potential gains in accepting this moniker and associating these fields with one another is appreciable The collaboration of our fields will allow for the creation of a larger niche for them within the Humanities helping to prevent their downsizing and creating a unified advocacy platform within the Humanities In essence forming an alliance of Ancient Studies fields puts us ahead of this downward trend and enables us to reposition ourselves as newly vital and flourishing fields 6 LATE ANTIQUE AND MEDIEVAL STUDIES ART HISTORY HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY ANCIENT MUSIC ANCIENT RELIGION GENERAL HISTORY GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGY Ancient Studies is a dynamic and constantly evolving field so SASA anticipates changing and growing this list in the future MISSION VISION 7

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 WHAT IS ANCIENT AMERICAN AND INDIGENOUS STUDIES ANCIENT STUDIES SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES EAST ASIAN STUDIES OCEANIA STUDIES ANCIENT EUROPE ANCIENT AFRICAN AND EGYPTIAN STUDIES The concept of Ancient Studies as encompassing a variety of academic disciplines is not yet widespread and accepted SASA includes the following disciplines within Ancient Studies ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS BIBLICAL STUDIES ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN STUDIES ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES The concept of a deeper past exists in all disciplines of historical study This is the history we mean to encompass by the term Ancient The potential gains in accepting this moniker and associating these fields with one another is appreciable The collaboration of our fields will allow for the creation of a larger niche for them within the Humanities helping to prevent their downsizing and creating a unified advocacy platform within the Humanities In essence forming an alliance of Ancient Studies fields puts us ahead of this downward trend and enables us to reposition ourselves as newly vital and flourishing fields 6 LATE ANTIQUE AND MEDIEVAL STUDIES ART HISTORY HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY ANCIENT MUSIC ANCIENT RELIGION GENERAL HISTORY GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGY Ancient Studies is a dynamic and constantly evolving field so SASA anticipates changing and growing this list in the future MISSION VISION 7

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 THE VALUE OF Socio political dynamics and cultural mentalities transcend the human experience across time and space The study of the past is a mirror in which we are able to see ourselves with greater clarity informing many aspects of our lives today All contemporary cultures are reflections of the past and as such Ancient Studies continues to be a vibrant interest for communities Likewise it influences how we think about study and present Ancient Studies themselves As the history of the human journey Ancient Studies is at the core of the Humanities I ANCIENT STUDIES We believe the study of peoples histories and cultures distant from us in time is profoundly important and has significant contemporary relevance in the following ways 8 Studying the ancient past fosters attitudes of cultural respect empathy and humility Ancient Studies brings with it an inherent understanding and affinity for peoples and cultures that feel markedly different from ourselves Ancient Studies thereby serves as an inclusive environment to encourage cross interaction between peoples of different languages cultures socio economic background gender identities sexual orientations and skin colors The empathy and understanding gained from studying ancient peoples ameliorates contemporary prejudices and inter group tensions II MISSION VISION 9

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 THE VALUE OF Socio political dynamics and cultural mentalities transcend the human experience across time and space The study of the past is a mirror in which we are able to see ourselves with greater clarity informing many aspects of our lives today All contemporary cultures are reflections of the past and as such Ancient Studies continues to be a vibrant interest for communities Likewise it influences how we think about study and present Ancient Studies themselves As the history of the human journey Ancient Studies is at the core of the Humanities I ANCIENT STUDIES We believe the study of peoples histories and cultures distant from us in time is profoundly important and has significant contemporary relevance in the following ways 8 Studying the ancient past fosters attitudes of cultural respect empathy and humility Ancient Studies brings with it an inherent understanding and affinity for peoples and cultures that feel markedly different from ourselves Ancient Studies thereby serves as an inclusive environment to encourage cross interaction between peoples of different languages cultures socio economic background gender identities sexual orientations and skin colors The empathy and understanding gained from studying ancient peoples ameliorates contemporary prejudices and inter group tensions II MISSION VISION 9

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SASA S CORE VALUES EDUCATION FOR ALL EDUCATION We believe that education empowers individuals communities and societies Liberal Arts and the Humanities including Ancient Studies is vital to fostering individuals and societies imbued with empathy compassion and altruism as well as creativity ingenuity and innovation ACCESSIBILITY We believe that education knowledge and understanding should be open and freely available to all Our past is something that is owned by all of us We endeavor to actively share this knowledge with all communities COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY RESPECT INCLUSIVITY COMMUNITY As an organization we believe that regardless of gender identity sexual orientation nationality age race disability religion social or professional status everyone must be respected for who they are Everyone has a right to learn and everyone should be supported in this journey WALKIN THE WALK AT SASA As individuals and as an organization the SASA Team values inclusivity collaboration diversity compassion integrity respect transparency equality innovation and excellence in everything we do SASA aims to model the behaviors and exemplify the attitudes that we wish to share with others COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION LEARNING SCHOLARSHIP IS A LIFE LONG ENDEAVOR VOLUNTEERISM FINANCIAL SUPPORT Intellectual engagement is a lifelong pursuit and we support this ongoing quest for knowledge awareness and meaning through Ancient Studies Ancient Studies can be enjoyed and pursued by people of all ages and backgrounds and all should be accepted as participants in excellent scholarly discussion regardless of background occupation or means The current model of restrictive membership must change to an open inclusive community We highly value volunteerism as a means of giving back to one another and the community at large We also believe that people who contribute to an organization in a regular and ongoing manner deserve financial support and recognition for their time and work Currently all SASA s fulltime staff and volunteers are unpaid We are dedicated to providing all our volunteers with the necessary tools to succeed and so we have been currently are and will continue to actively seek funding to pay our talented and dedicated volunteers QUALITY All our volunteers have a deep seated passion for the Study of the Ancient World This passion permeates and drives all that we do We hope to impart this passion and inspire others with curiosity positivity and intrepid action in working toward positive change Only by working together can we achieve our goals and Save Ancient Studies PASSION INSPIRATION We aspire to the highest quality of content and education By recruiting experts and insisting that the research and information we disseminate is evidence based and of a high educational standard we ensure the most accurate possible representation and interpretation of past peoples and histories 10 MISSION VISION 11

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SASA S CORE VALUES EDUCATION FOR ALL EDUCATION We believe that education empowers individuals communities and societies Liberal Arts and the Humanities including Ancient Studies is vital to fostering individuals and societies imbued with empathy compassion and altruism as well as creativity ingenuity and innovation ACCESSIBILITY We believe that education knowledge and understanding should be open and freely available to all Our past is something that is owned by all of us We endeavor to actively share this knowledge with all communities COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY RESPECT INCLUSIVITY COMMUNITY As an organization we believe that regardless of gender identity sexual orientation nationality age race disability religion social or professional status everyone must be respected for who they are Everyone has a right to learn and everyone should be supported in this journey WALKIN THE WALK AT SASA As individuals and as an organization the SASA Team values inclusivity collaboration diversity compassion integrity respect transparency equality innovation and excellence in everything we do SASA aims to model the behaviors and exemplify the attitudes that we wish to share with others COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION LEARNING SCHOLARSHIP IS A LIFE LONG ENDEAVOR VOLUNTEERISM FINANCIAL SUPPORT Intellectual engagement is a lifelong pursuit and we support this ongoing quest for knowledge awareness and meaning through Ancient Studies Ancient Studies can be enjoyed and pursued by people of all ages and backgrounds and all should be accepted as participants in excellent scholarly discussion regardless of background occupation or means The current model of restrictive membership must change to an open inclusive community We highly value volunteerism as a means of giving back to one another and the community at large We also believe that people who contribute to an organization in a regular and ongoing manner deserve financial support and recognition for their time and work Currently all SASA s fulltime staff and volunteers are unpaid We are dedicated to providing all our volunteers with the necessary tools to succeed and so we have been currently are and will continue to actively seek funding to pay our talented and dedicated volunteers QUALITY All our volunteers have a deep seated passion for the Study of the Ancient World This passion permeates and drives all that we do We hope to impart this passion and inspire others with curiosity positivity and intrepid action in working toward positive change Only by working together can we achieve our goals and Save Ancient Studies PASSION INSPIRATION We aspire to the highest quality of content and education By recruiting experts and insisting that the research and information we disseminate is evidence based and of a high educational standard we ensure the most accurate possible representation and interpretation of past peoples and histories 10 MISSION VISION 11

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT THROUGH OUTREACH EXPOSURE HOW WE OPERATE MAIN APPROACH SASA seeks to translate academic knowledge to a wider audience so that all generations will continue to learn about the ancient past At SASA we view all interest in Ancient Studies as a positive Our understanding of the past is shaped by the popular media we consume including comic books films novels or video games Whatever sparks a desire to learn more about Ancient Studies is beneficial and valuable Through our various grassroots projects SASA successfully harnesses the public imagination and love for the ancient world creating a rising tide of engagement and bringing together scholars life long learners young students and enthusiasts from around the world Save Ancient Studies Alliance recognizes and reaffirms the high value of Ancient Studies for the contemporary world We are also aware of the accelerating decline in our fields in enrollment numbers in university governmental and non profit support and in the minds of potential participants In this current climate where the perceived societal value of Humanities is waning direct lobbying to school decision makers for increased funding for Ancient Studies has proven to be ineffective INSPIRING A NEW GENERATION In order to thrive and grow Ancient Studies must inspire a growing base of young learners SASA works to reach and engage children and young adults of all ages in school and in their lives to activate interest and encourage further study ACCESSIBILITY Our goal is to make the study of the Ancient World accessible to as many people as possible We acknowledge that Ancient Studies fields have a long history of inaccessibility posing financial and social barriers to disadvantaged communities However this climate is slowly changing In order to realize our Vision for a New Ancient Studies an active approach is necessary to reconfigure how scholarship is done how it is made available and how scholars engage with the public SASA pushes to break down barriers to higher education to democratize Ancient Studies and to make it a welcome place for all Therefore the projects events and resources we create have an eye toward actively engaging all people in Ancient Studies The first step in reversing this trend is to raise a groundswell of interest in Ancient Studies As we transform Ancient Studies into a shining beacon within the Humanities changing attitudes toward Ancient Studies will lead to the promotion of formal educational engagement in Ancient Studies at all levels 12 MISSION VISION 13

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT THROUGH OUTREACH EXPOSURE HOW WE OPERATE MAIN APPROACH SASA seeks to translate academic knowledge to a wider audience so that all generations will continue to learn about the ancient past At SASA we view all interest in Ancient Studies as a positive Our understanding of the past is shaped by the popular media we consume including comic books films novels or video games Whatever sparks a desire to learn more about Ancient Studies is beneficial and valuable Through our various grassroots projects SASA successfully harnesses the public imagination and love for the ancient world creating a rising tide of engagement and bringing together scholars life long learners young students and enthusiasts from around the world Save Ancient Studies Alliance recognizes and reaffirms the high value of Ancient Studies for the contemporary world We are also aware of the accelerating decline in our fields in enrollment numbers in university governmental and non profit support and in the minds of potential participants In this current climate where the perceived societal value of Humanities is waning direct lobbying to school decision makers for increased funding for Ancient Studies has proven to be ineffective INSPIRING A NEW GENERATION In order to thrive and grow Ancient Studies must inspire a growing base of young learners SASA works to reach and engage children and young adults of all ages in school and in their lives to activate interest and encourage further study ACCESSIBILITY Our goal is to make the study of the Ancient World accessible to as many people as possible We acknowledge that Ancient Studies fields have a long history of inaccessibility posing financial and social barriers to disadvantaged communities However this climate is slowly changing In order to realize our Vision for a New Ancient Studies an active approach is necessary to reconfigure how scholarship is done how it is made available and how scholars engage with the public SASA pushes to break down barriers to higher education to democratize Ancient Studies and to make it a welcome place for all Therefore the projects events and resources we create have an eye toward actively engaging all people in Ancient Studies The first step in reversing this trend is to raise a groundswell of interest in Ancient Studies As we transform Ancient Studies into a shining beacon within the Humanities changing attitudes toward Ancient Studies will lead to the promotion of formal educational engagement in Ancient Studies at all levels 12 MISSION VISION 13

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP SASA is working to incorporate public facing and open access scholarship as a normal and expected part of scholarly life Too often scholarly research remains confined within the walls of academia and is not readily disseminated to the wider public What a shame The wealth of knowledge modern scholars produce is incredibly rich and relevant to the public Most scholars acknowledge the inherent merit of public outreach Yet effective public outreach in Ancient Studies fields is not prioritized within the academic community This must change if Ancient Studies is to survive HOW WE OPERATE COLLABORATION AND COMMUNITY BUILDING We believe that bringing together students and scholars from all Ancient Studies fields is imperative for powerful and meaningful outreach Although Ancient Studies encompasses fields ranging across the Sciences Humanities it remains a fragmented landscape SASA works to enable collaboration creating a coalition between people and organizations across Ancient Studies Such partnership building is essential to SASA s mission and vision Our combined outreach multiplies and amplifies the effectiveness of all 14 SOCIAL ENTERPRENEURSHIP At SASA we model our organizational strategies and practices after that of social entrepreneurship employing a modified business model in our organizational planning design thinking in our project selection and development and impact measurement in our self evaluations As a novel organization SASA s methods and programming are naturally experimental By importing and adapting business best practices into a non profit setting SASA works to continue becoming more effective in Saving Ancient Studies DIGITAL INTERCONNECTIVITY At SASA digitality is central to our daily workflow and all of our outreach projects SASA staff and volunteers work remotely connecting a dedicated international team of individuals who want to bring Ancient Studies to as many communities as possible The interconnectivity between people in different places and communities affords a tremendous opportunity for public engagement SASA leverages digital networks to reach and engage as many people as possible about the Ancient World and Ancient Studies MISSION VISION 15

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP SASA is working to incorporate public facing and open access scholarship as a normal and expected part of scholarly life Too often scholarly research remains confined within the walls of academia and is not readily disseminated to the wider public What a shame The wealth of knowledge modern scholars produce is incredibly rich and relevant to the public Most scholars acknowledge the inherent merit of public outreach Yet effective public outreach in Ancient Studies fields is not prioritized within the academic community This must change if Ancient Studies is to survive HOW WE OPERATE COLLABORATION AND COMMUNITY BUILDING We believe that bringing together students and scholars from all Ancient Studies fields is imperative for powerful and meaningful outreach Although Ancient Studies encompasses fields ranging across the Sciences Humanities it remains a fragmented landscape SASA works to enable collaboration creating a coalition between people and organizations across Ancient Studies Such partnership building is essential to SASA s mission and vision Our combined outreach multiplies and amplifies the effectiveness of all 14 SOCIAL ENTERPRENEURSHIP At SASA we model our organizational strategies and practices after that of social entrepreneurship employing a modified business model in our organizational planning design thinking in our project selection and development and impact measurement in our self evaluations As a novel organization SASA s methods and programming are naturally experimental By importing and adapting business best practices into a non profit setting SASA works to continue becoming more effective in Saving Ancient Studies DIGITAL INTERCONNECTIVITY At SASA digitality is central to our daily workflow and all of our outreach projects SASA staff and volunteers work remotely connecting a dedicated international team of individuals who want to bring Ancient Studies to as many communities as possible The interconnectivity between people in different places and communities affords a tremendous opportunity for public engagement SASA leverages digital networks to reach and engage as many people as possible about the Ancient World and Ancient Studies MISSION VISION 15

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2020 I n early 2020 David Danzig decided to start moving forward with the set of ideas he had for forming SASA He established five main goals to accomplish in the first year of SASA s existence 1 RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS 2 OUTREACH VIA ONLINE MEDIUMS OF SOCIAL MEDIA A WEBSITE AND EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROCESSES SEVERAL PROJECTS 3 DEVELOP ORGANIZATIONAL 4 IDEATE PLAN AND PROTOTYPE 5 FUNDRAISE SASA HAS SUCCEEDED IN EACH OF THESE AREAS Temple of Ramesses II in Abu Simbel 13th century BCE Egypt 16 MISSION VISION 17

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2020 I n early 2020 David Danzig decided to start moving forward with the set of ideas he had for forming SASA He established five main goals to accomplish in the first year of SASA s existence 1 RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS 2 OUTREACH VIA ONLINE MEDIUMS OF SOCIAL MEDIA A WEBSITE AND EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROCESSES SEVERAL PROJECTS 3 DEVELOP ORGANIZATIONAL 4 IDEATE PLAN AND PROTOTYPE 5 FUNDRAISE SASA HAS SUCCEEDED IN EACH OF THESE AREAS Temple of Ramesses II in Abu Simbel 13th century BCE Egypt 16 MISSION VISION 17

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT S ASA s initial development in Spring Summer 2020 aimed at early recruitment and publicizing SASA s goals The first project SASA embarked on was to create free Text in Translation Reading Groups to enable participants from high school age and up to engage with a variety of ancient texts without requiring a background in ancient languages The first groups in March May 2020 enabled the first recruitment of participants and of academic early career scholars as volunteers to lead the groups This was achieved through personal outreach and via SASA s nascent website and social media accounts These groups led to the creation of ten 8 week Reading Groups over summer 2020 with over 150 participants At the same time SASA developed its Inspire Social Media Campaign in which a team with 10 interns created a suite of original social media content during summer 2020 to be used over the course of September 2020 August 2021 This suite was composed of 150 posts about fascinating ancient topics and are still rolling out which has helped carry our social media general outreach The Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma 13th century CE Japan 18 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 19

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT S ASA s initial development in Spring Summer 2020 aimed at early recruitment and publicizing SASA s goals The first project SASA embarked on was to create free Text in Translation Reading Groups to enable participants from high school age and up to engage with a variety of ancient texts without requiring a background in ancient languages The first groups in March May 2020 enabled the first recruitment of participants and of academic early career scholars as volunteers to lead the groups This was achieved through personal outreach and via SASA s nascent website and social media accounts These groups led to the creation of ten 8 week Reading Groups over summer 2020 with over 150 participants At the same time SASA developed its Inspire Social Media Campaign in which a team with 10 interns created a suite of original social media content during summer 2020 to be used over the course of September 2020 August 2021 This suite was composed of 150 posts about fascinating ancient topics and are still rolling out which has helped carry our social media general outreach The Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma 13th century CE Japan 18 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 19

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 STREAMLINED DIGITAL OUTREACH HUBS I n line with our main objective of reaching many people of diverse ages locations and backgrounds we focused on developing our website and social media pages which have fueled our quick growth To ease the management of our social media accounts we implemented Hootsuite an app that aggregates multiple social media accounts under one interface In order to carry forward the positive outcomes from the summer Reading Groups we decided to create an avenue for consistent face to face interaction with our audience via weekly Live Events beginning in September 2020 To maximize reach across multiple platforms SASA implemented ReStream a service that allows simultaneous live streaming to multiple platforms as well as aggregated chat With these digital platforms in place SASA is well situated to scale up our digital outreach as we build momentum in 2021 Port of Messina Braun Hogenberg Civitates Orbis Terrarum Vol 1 1572 Germany 20 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 21

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 STREAMLINED DIGITAL OUTREACH HUBS I n line with our main objective of reaching many people of diverse ages locations and backgrounds we focused on developing our website and social media pages which have fueled our quick growth To ease the management of our social media accounts we implemented Hootsuite an app that aggregates multiple social media accounts under one interface In order to carry forward the positive outcomes from the summer Reading Groups we decided to create an avenue for consistent face to face interaction with our audience via weekly Live Events beginning in September 2020 To maximize reach across multiple platforms SASA implemented ReStream a service that allows simultaneous live streaming to multiple platforms as well as aggregated chat With these digital platforms in place SASA is well situated to scale up our digital outreach as we build momentum in 2021 Port of Messina Braun Hogenberg Civitates Orbis Terrarum Vol 1 1572 Germany 20 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 21

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL SASA STAFF ORGANIZATION CHART STRUCTURE DIRECTOR O n the shoulders of successful early projects the development of further organizational and digital infrastructure became imperative Due to the remote nature of all SASA work our early organic structural model needed to be overhauled quickly To accommodate the multiplicity of projects already underway and in planning SASA Director David Danzig adopted a hybrid divisional and project centered organizational model In this schema Teams were created to support SASA s main areas of endeavor and early projects as follows David Danzig RESPONSIBILITIES Management Admin Planning CASO FUTURE Co Director Managing Director Anh Nguyen LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE David Danzig Abaan Z Christian C Eric N Flor F John H Lauren K Tine R Valeria Z Plans of a sixroom building Late 3rd Millennium BCE Ancient Girsu Telloh Iraq RESPONSIBILITIES FUTURE Assistance help and or guidance in Steering Committee Long Term Planning Program Development Fundraising Organization Budgetary Planning TEAMS Fundraising Committee TEMPORARY PROJECTS COMMUNICATION LIVE EVENTS RESEARCH FUNDRAISING OUTREACH ARCHAEOGAMING ACCESS Lauren K Lauren K Valeria Z Tine R Flor F Abaan Z John H ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE INSPIRE 2021 CAMPAIGN Christian C Eric N 23

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL SASA STAFF ORGANIZATION CHART STRUCTURE DIRECTOR O n the shoulders of successful early projects the development of further organizational and digital infrastructure became imperative Due to the remote nature of all SASA work our early organic structural model needed to be overhauled quickly To accommodate the multiplicity of projects already underway and in planning SASA Director David Danzig adopted a hybrid divisional and project centered organizational model In this schema Teams were created to support SASA s main areas of endeavor and early projects as follows David Danzig RESPONSIBILITIES Management Admin Planning CASO FUTURE Co Director Managing Director Anh Nguyen LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE David Danzig Abaan Z Christian C Eric N Flor F John H Lauren K Tine R Valeria Z Plans of a sixroom building Late 3rd Millennium BCE Ancient Girsu Telloh Iraq RESPONSIBILITIES FUTURE Assistance help and or guidance in Steering Committee Long Term Planning Program Development Fundraising Organization Budgetary Planning TEAMS Fundraising Committee TEMPORARY PROJECTS COMMUNICATION LIVE EVENTS RESEARCH FUNDRAISING OUTREACH ARCHAEOGAMING ACCESS Lauren K Lauren K Valeria Z Tine R Flor F Abaan Z John H ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE INSPIRE 2021 CAMPAIGN Christian C Eric N 23

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 RESEARCH TEAM LEADERS These are in addition to SASA s Executive Team of David and his assistant SASA s leadership structure was created to foster deep engagement by our core volunteers As such the group of Team Leaders evolved into the core of SASA s leadership COMMUNICATIONS Led by Lauren Kubosch designed branding and sleek modern website manages social media presence and monthly newsletter SASA Oracle LIVE EVENTS Led by Lauren Kubosch develops a program of free virtual live events hosted on Facebook YouTube and Twitch with a selection of programming including Book Club with authors Archaeogaming and Ask an Expert Q A sessions as well as free Text in Translation Reading Groups in summer and winter INSPIRE CAMPAIGN Led by Pinar Durgan during Summer 2020 designed over 150 unique social media posts on the ancient world to engage and promote ancient studies to a broad audience Will be led by Eric Nelson during Summer 2021 Led by Valeria Zupieta Lupo researches and gathers evidence on the Downward Trend in Ancient Studies while creating materials on the importance and value of Ancient Studies ARCHAEOGAMING EDUCATION Led by Abaan Zaidi creates multimedia educational lesson plans by combining the vibrant world of video games with expert scholarly knowledge bringing this medium into classrooms to help inspire the next generation of enthusiasts ACCESS Led by John Haberstroh started development on a web platform database to list online resources within Ancient Studies fields including programs of study offered by universities a general list of all Ancient Studies informational websites a list of available scholarships and listings of ancient related public outreach projects FUNDRAISING Led by Tine Rassalle raises start up funding works to secure support for SASA s initial projects and created the website Bazaar as an alternative to traditional giving campaigns OUTREACH Led by Flor Fustinoni seeks out partnerships with other organizations including the formation of the Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations a group of AncientAncient Studies professional associations working together on outreach and advocacy VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Led by Christian Casey organizing a free public virtual academic conference for Summer 2021 that targets the participation of scholars not on traditional career paths ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 25

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 RESEARCH TEAM LEADERS These are in addition to SASA s Executive Team of David and his assistant SASA s leadership structure was created to foster deep engagement by our core volunteers As such the group of Team Leaders evolved into the core of SASA s leadership COMMUNICATIONS Led by Lauren Kubosch designed branding and sleek modern website manages social media presence and monthly newsletter SASA Oracle LIVE EVENTS Led by Lauren Kubosch develops a program of free virtual live events hosted on Facebook YouTube and Twitch with a selection of programming including Book Club with authors Archaeogaming and Ask an Expert Q A sessions as well as free Text in Translation Reading Groups in summer and winter INSPIRE CAMPAIGN Led by Pinar Durgan during Summer 2020 designed over 150 unique social media posts on the ancient world to engage and promote ancient studies to a broad audience Will be led by Eric Nelson during Summer 2021 Led by Valeria Zupieta Lupo researches and gathers evidence on the Downward Trend in Ancient Studies while creating materials on the importance and value of Ancient Studies ARCHAEOGAMING EDUCATION Led by Abaan Zaidi creates multimedia educational lesson plans by combining the vibrant world of video games with expert scholarly knowledge bringing this medium into classrooms to help inspire the next generation of enthusiasts ACCESS Led by John Haberstroh started development on a web platform database to list online resources within Ancient Studies fields including programs of study offered by universities a general list of all Ancient Studies informational websites a list of available scholarships and listings of ancient related public outreach projects FUNDRAISING Led by Tine Rassalle raises start up funding works to secure support for SASA s initial projects and created the website Bazaar as an alternative to traditional giving campaigns OUTREACH Led by Flor Fustinoni seeks out partnerships with other organizations including the formation of the Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations a group of AncientAncient Studies professional associations working together on outreach and advocacy VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Led by Christian Casey organizing a free public virtual academic conference for Summer 2021 that targets the participation of scholars not on traditional career paths ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 25

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 RECRUITING S ASA is always looking for new talented passionate individuals to help further our mission We are continually excited to bring in volunteers and share the wide diversity of our experiences in terms of age background location and profession Our staff meets with new volunteers weekly and works to place them in SASA in consonance with their abilities and desired areas of growth We have successfully filled several unpaid positions through a competitive open hiring process Already some of our staff volunteers and interns have gone on to secure quality paid positions at universities and non profits Over Winter 2020 an official onboarding package was developed comprising information about SASA past Staff Newsletters and detailed instructions and tutorials for our workspaces and project management platforms This package helps familiarize our new volunteers and interns to the ongoing projects being carried out by different teams and streamlines their integration into SASA and their specific team Great Wall of China 7th century BCE 17th century CE China 26 In Summer 2020 SASA initiated an Internship Program that inducts new cohorts of interns thrice annually according to the American academic cycle of Fall Winter and Spring semesters Interns are embedded as members in one or more of our Teams Although the nature of a remote work environment adds significant challenges to a successful internship program our staff supports our interns as much as possible to ensure their growth and development within an apprentice like educational work context ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 27

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 RECRUITING S ASA is always looking for new talented passionate individuals to help further our mission We are continually excited to bring in volunteers and share the wide diversity of our experiences in terms of age background location and profession Our staff meets with new volunteers weekly and works to place them in SASA in consonance with their abilities and desired areas of growth We have successfully filled several unpaid positions through a competitive open hiring process Already some of our staff volunteers and interns have gone on to secure quality paid positions at universities and non profits Over Winter 2020 an official onboarding package was developed comprising information about SASA past Staff Newsletters and detailed instructions and tutorials for our workspaces and project management platforms This package helps familiarize our new volunteers and interns to the ongoing projects being carried out by different teams and streamlines their integration into SASA and their specific team Great Wall of China 7th century BCE 17th century CE China 26 In Summer 2020 SASA initiated an Internship Program that inducts new cohorts of interns thrice annually according to the American academic cycle of Fall Winter and Spring semesters Interns are embedded as members in one or more of our Teams Although the nature of a remote work environment adds significant challenges to a successful internship program our staff supports our interns as much as possible to ensure their growth and development within an apprentice like educational work context ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 27

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SOLVING THE CHALLENGES OF A REMOTE VOLUNTEER RUN ORGANIZATION T he combination of SASA s burgeoning growth and remote operating structure necessitated the development of excellent internal communications and productivity supports SASA functions on a daily basis as a network of individuals working remotely across the globe when they have time that is not devoted to their family careers and other pursuits So we need an extremely flexible and layered system for different types of communication collaboration and production Our approach has been to manage these issues as they arise and integrate solutions into our existing infrastructure punctuated by periodic overhauls To solve these problems we developed and implemented a series of processes and digital solutions the latter of which are generally available at no cost or low cost Vishnu Statue 8th 9th century India 28 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT At the heart of SASA is Google Workspace a free resource for non profit organizations which facilitates email communications document sharing and organization and cloud storage Use of Google Workspace ameliorates the challenges that accompany a growing team of academic and part time volunteers whose boundaries of time commitments are respected and encouraged by management in balancing volunteering with their career academic and personal schedule This ensures that as volunteers and interns come and go new participants have access to what was created before them and build upon that legacy To facilitate quick conversation style communication we use Slack as a chat platform for open discussion Some teams even conduct all their work there instead of corresponding over cluttered emails We have also developed an internal bimonthly Staff Newsletter to help keep our variegated group of volunteers tuned in to all the news about SASA s speedy developments As a volunteer run organization SASA management must walk the fine line between flexibility and accountability We developed a work structure based around weekly Team Meetings supplemented by communication via email and Slack Volunteers and interns track their time within Clockify an app integrated into browser workspaces to understand how much time each individual is contributing to SASA and how much time is involved in realizing individual projects and tasks The umbrella platform which enables team leaders to assign and track tasks over the internet ecosystem is ClickUp ensuring that deadlines are not overlooked and that work is distributed appropriately across each team to promote collaboration 29

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SOLVING THE CHALLENGES OF A REMOTE VOLUNTEER RUN ORGANIZATION T he combination of SASA s burgeoning growth and remote operating structure necessitated the development of excellent internal communications and productivity supports SASA functions on a daily basis as a network of individuals working remotely across the globe when they have time that is not devoted to their family careers and other pursuits So we need an extremely flexible and layered system for different types of communication collaboration and production Our approach has been to manage these issues as they arise and integrate solutions into our existing infrastructure punctuated by periodic overhauls To solve these problems we developed and implemented a series of processes and digital solutions the latter of which are generally available at no cost or low cost Vishnu Statue 8th 9th century India 28 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT At the heart of SASA is Google Workspace a free resource for non profit organizations which facilitates email communications document sharing and organization and cloud storage Use of Google Workspace ameliorates the challenges that accompany a growing team of academic and part time volunteers whose boundaries of time commitments are respected and encouraged by management in balancing volunteering with their career academic and personal schedule This ensures that as volunteers and interns come and go new participants have access to what was created before them and build upon that legacy To facilitate quick conversation style communication we use Slack as a chat platform for open discussion Some teams even conduct all their work there instead of corresponding over cluttered emails We have also developed an internal bimonthly Staff Newsletter to help keep our variegated group of volunteers tuned in to all the news about SASA s speedy developments As a volunteer run organization SASA management must walk the fine line between flexibility and accountability We developed a work structure based around weekly Team Meetings supplemented by communication via email and Slack Volunteers and interns track their time within Clockify an app integrated into browser workspaces to understand how much time each individual is contributing to SASA and how much time is involved in realizing individual projects and tasks The umbrella platform which enables team leaders to assign and track tasks over the internet ecosystem is ClickUp ensuring that deadlines are not overlooked and that work is distributed appropriately across each team to promote collaboration 29

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 TRACKING REPORTING C onsistent with one of the core tenets of social entrepreneurship by which we operate monitoring the progress of SASA s digital outreach and projects is key to our future success As a groundbreaking experimental enterprise SASA must continuously perform self evaluation to maximize the potential impact of our efforts Collecting and analyzing data on all phases of SASA s operation allows for the proper evaluation of our approaches and projects Hieroglyphs from Temple of Hathor Dendera 1st Century BCE 2nd Century CE Egypt 30 To that end we set up digital tracking of our website social media and advertising from the get go SASA performs periodic reporting on all of our performance in synchrony with our internal Staff Newsletter To improve tracking of our recruiting fundraising and partnerships we secured a grant of the cloud software Salesforce Non Profit Success Pack Salesforce not only provides built in gift history account information and intuitive reports but also is a flexible platform with customizable fields that can be added to track whatever information may be needed on constituents With this type of donation tracking software infrastructure in place SASA is ready to undertake more ambitious fundraising campaigns in the years to come ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 31

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 TRACKING REPORTING C onsistent with one of the core tenets of social entrepreneurship by which we operate monitoring the progress of SASA s digital outreach and projects is key to our future success As a groundbreaking experimental enterprise SASA must continuously perform self evaluation to maximize the potential impact of our efforts Collecting and analyzing data on all phases of SASA s operation allows for the proper evaluation of our approaches and projects Hieroglyphs from Temple of Hathor Dendera 1st Century BCE 2nd Century CE Egypt 30 To that end we set up digital tracking of our website social media and advertising from the get go SASA performs periodic reporting on all of our performance in synchrony with our internal Staff Newsletter To improve tracking of our recruiting fundraising and partnerships we secured a grant of the cloud software Salesforce Non Profit Success Pack Salesforce not only provides built in gift history account information and intuitive reports but also is a flexible platform with customizable fields that can be added to track whatever information may be needed on constituents With this type of donation tracking software infrastructure in place SASA is ready to undertake more ambitious fundraising campaigns in the years to come ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 31

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DEVELOPING RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS BEHAVIORS S ASA has worked on developing the requisite frameworks in support of safe legal equitable secure and transparent organizational practice In conjunction with legal advisors SASA developed and implemented legal documents for volunteering contracting intellectual property protections and partnership development SASA was incorporated in New Jersey early in 2020 and received tax exempt status under IRS code section 501 c 3 Accordingly SASA governance procedures and financials are publicly available To protect our volunteers SASA maintains an internal complaint reporting procedure and records and archives work meetings with consent SASA guards any personal information entrusted to us by our participants according to current data security standards All SASA internal documents are available to other staff volunteers and interns in an appropriate secure document storage structure that maximizes transparency while maintaining the security of important internal information In general SASA believes in open transparent business practices so that anyone who is interested can join us in our mission Map of the State of New Jersey 1778 32 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 33

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DEVELOPING RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS BEHAVIORS S ASA has worked on developing the requisite frameworks in support of safe legal equitable secure and transparent organizational practice In conjunction with legal advisors SASA developed and implemented legal documents for volunteering contracting intellectual property protections and partnership development SASA was incorporated in New Jersey early in 2020 and received tax exempt status under IRS code section 501 c 3 Accordingly SASA governance procedures and financials are publicly available To protect our volunteers SASA maintains an internal complaint reporting procedure and records and archives work meetings with consent SASA guards any personal information entrusted to us by our participants according to current data security standards All SASA internal documents are available to other staff volunteers and interns in an appropriate secure document storage structure that maximizes transparency while maintaining the security of important internal information In general SASA believes in open transparent business practices so that anyone who is interested can join us in our mission Map of the State of New Jersey 1778 32 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 33

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PROJECTS STARTED COMPLETED In 2020 SASA launched four major projects which will have sustaining value as we turn them into long lasting programs Moai megalithic statues 1250 1500 CE Easter Island Polynesia WEBSITE REDESIGN Over the summer our first group of interns worked to completely redesign our website and build our social media presence The reorganized website efficiently and attractively publishes SASA s content projects and news I II TEXT IN TRANSLATION READING GROUPS In the spring of 2020 we held four free online synchronous Text in Translation Reading Groups In Summer 2020 we ran 9 simultaneous Reading Groups on a variety of topics taking place weekly The Reading Groups are led by Ph D scholars and doctoral students Individuals from various backgrounds participated discussing a wide range of texts and sharing their love for ancient studies This project made indepth discussion of fascinating Ancient Studies topics accessible to anyone anywhere and served as a springboard to recruiting volunteers for SASA SASA 2020 SPRING READING GROUPS SASA 2020 SUMMER READING GROUPS SASA 2021 WINTER MINI READING GROUPS Gender Identity and Sexuality in Greek Roman Literature l ed by John Haberstroh Tales of Magic and Wonder from Ancient Egyptian Literature led by Christian Casey PhD Playing with Death Games in the Ancient World led by Shane M Tompson Exodus Exile and Immigration in the Old Testament led by Eric Trinka PhD The Ancient Library of the Dead Sea Scrolls led by Tine Rassalle The Ancients Did It Too Sex Desire and Seduction in Ancient India and Greece led by Tuhin Bhattacharjee Pharaoh Triumphant Power Politics in Ancient Egypt led by Luiza Silva Roots Seeds and Trees The Genealogies of Modern Racism Ethnocentrism in Ancient Greece Rome led by John Haberstroh Long ago in a Galaxy Called the Milky Way Creation Stories from Around the World led by Shane Thompson In Their Proper Place Women in Ancient Egypt led by Theresa Tiliakos Gods Ghosts and Graves Archaeology of Religions led by Bruno Soltic Silicon Valleys of the Ancient World Ancient Technology Metals and Mining led by Sara Quaggio Secret Knowledge of the Doctor Health and Medicine in the Ancient World led by Casey Kirkpatrick PhD The Bacchae of Euripides On Priestesses Orgasmic Dancers and Other Decadent Women led by Alessandra Indelicato Tuhin Bhattacharjee Gifts Leadership and Survival A Journey Through the Persian Empire with Xenophon led by John Haberstroh Women and Power in Ancient Turkey Hittite Queens and Queenship led by Michael Moore PhD Gimme My Money Lawsuits Foreigners and Maritime Contracts in Classical Athens led by Anna Accettola Taking Care of Egypt Taking Care of the Home The Power of Elite and Royal Women led by Luiza Silva Theresa Tiliakos PROJECTS 35

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PROJECTS STARTED COMPLETED In 2020 SASA launched four major projects which will have sustaining value as we turn them into long lasting programs Moai megalithic statues 1250 1500 CE Easter Island Polynesia WEBSITE REDESIGN Over the summer our first group of interns worked to completely redesign our website and build our social media presence The reorganized website efficiently and attractively publishes SASA s content projects and news I II TEXT IN TRANSLATION READING GROUPS In the spring of 2020 we held four free online synchronous Text in Translation Reading Groups In Summer 2020 we ran 9 simultaneous Reading Groups on a variety of topics taking place weekly The Reading Groups are led by Ph D scholars and doctoral students Individuals from various backgrounds participated discussing a wide range of texts and sharing their love for ancient studies This project made indepth discussion of fascinating Ancient Studies topics accessible to anyone anywhere and served as a springboard to recruiting volunteers for SASA SASA 2020 SPRING READING GROUPS SASA 2020 SUMMER READING GROUPS SASA 2021 WINTER MINI READING GROUPS Gender Identity and Sexuality in Greek Roman Literature l ed by John Haberstroh Tales of Magic and Wonder from Ancient Egyptian Literature led by Christian Casey PhD Playing with Death Games in the Ancient World led by Shane M Tompson Exodus Exile and Immigration in the Old Testament led by Eric Trinka PhD The Ancient Library of the Dead Sea Scrolls led by Tine Rassalle The Ancients Did It Too Sex Desire and Seduction in Ancient India and Greece led by Tuhin Bhattacharjee Pharaoh Triumphant Power Politics in Ancient Egypt led by Luiza Silva Roots Seeds and Trees The Genealogies of Modern Racism Ethnocentrism in Ancient Greece Rome led by John Haberstroh Long ago in a Galaxy Called the Milky Way Creation Stories from Around the World led by Shane Thompson In Their Proper Place Women in Ancient Egypt led by Theresa Tiliakos Gods Ghosts and Graves Archaeology of Religions led by Bruno Soltic Silicon Valleys of the Ancient World Ancient Technology Metals and Mining led by Sara Quaggio Secret Knowledge of the Doctor Health and Medicine in the Ancient World led by Casey Kirkpatrick PhD The Bacchae of Euripides On Priestesses Orgasmic Dancers and Other Decadent Women led by Alessandra Indelicato Tuhin Bhattacharjee Gifts Leadership and Survival A Journey Through the Persian Empire with Xenophon led by John Haberstroh Women and Power in Ancient Turkey Hittite Queens and Queenship led by Michael Moore PhD Gimme My Money Lawsuits Foreigners and Maritime Contracts in Classical Athens led by Anna Accettola Taking Care of Egypt Taking Care of the Home The Power of Elite and Royal Women led by Luiza Silva Theresa Tiliakos PROJECTS 35

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IV III LIVE EVENTS In the fall SASA launched three types of Live Events Archaeogaming Book Clubs and Expert Q As appearing almost every weekend Archaeogaming features experts exploring video games that were inspired by the ancient world During book club events an author discusses a book they wrote that focuses on the ancient world and answers questions from the live audience Expert Q As mainly feature graduate students discussing their work and what you can do with a degree in ancient studies INSPIRE CAMPAIGN Part of growing SASA s social media presence is the Inspire Campaign which was produced over Summer 2020 and launched in September and with a year s worth of posts The campaign aims to inspire curiosity engagement education and enjoyment in connection with the Ancient World BOOK CLUBS A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes Egyptologists Notebook by Chris Naunton Heaven and Hell A History of the Afterlife by Bert Ehrman The Lost Book of Moses by Chanan Tigay Wolf Girl by Theresa Tomlinson When Women Ruled the World by Kara Cooney PROJECTS 37

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IV III LIVE EVENTS In the fall SASA launched three types of Live Events Archaeogaming Book Clubs and Expert Q As appearing almost every weekend Archaeogaming features experts exploring video games that were inspired by the ancient world During book club events an author discusses a book they wrote that focuses on the ancient world and answers questions from the live audience Expert Q As mainly feature graduate students discussing their work and what you can do with a degree in ancient studies INSPIRE CAMPAIGN Part of growing SASA s social media presence is the Inspire Campaign which was produced over Summer 2020 and launched in September and with a year s worth of posts The campaign aims to inspire curiosity engagement education and enjoyment in connection with the Ancient World BOOK CLUBS A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes Egyptologists Notebook by Chris Naunton Heaven and Hell A History of the Afterlife by Bert Ehrman The Lost Book of Moses by Chanan Tigay Wolf Girl by Theresa Tomlinson When Women Ruled the World by Kara Cooney PROJECTS 37

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PROJECTS STARTED Over the course of SASA s inaugural year many projects were initiated which will continue to develop during the coming year I RESEARCH ON THE DOWNWARD TREND The Downward Trend Research Project aims to gather and analyze data to identify statistical indicators for Ancient Studies prospects These indicators include degree completion language course enrollment and hiring at higher education institutions as well as funding for departments learned societies and individuals This research allows us to map the recent trajectory of Ancient Studies in the United States and predict the future trend Included in this work is the creation of a collection of academic disciplines that fall under a broad category of Ancient Studies II ENTRY PATHS TO ANCIENT STUDIES SURVEY Arabic translation of Dioscorides De Materia Medica Circa 13th Century CE 38 PROJECTS In an effort to understand how scholars and students currently in the Ancient Studies field began their path we created a survey The data we are accruing will help us understand the main pathways into Ancient Studies so that we can promote them in addition to discovering less common entry points that may prove to be fruitful avenues for future students 39

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PROJECTS STARTED Over the course of SASA s inaugural year many projects were initiated which will continue to develop during the coming year I RESEARCH ON THE DOWNWARD TREND The Downward Trend Research Project aims to gather and analyze data to identify statistical indicators for Ancient Studies prospects These indicators include degree completion language course enrollment and hiring at higher education institutions as well as funding for departments learned societies and individuals This research allows us to map the recent trajectory of Ancient Studies in the United States and predict the future trend Included in this work is the creation of a collection of academic disciplines that fall under a broad category of Ancient Studies II ENTRY PATHS TO ANCIENT STUDIES SURVEY Arabic translation of Dioscorides De Materia Medica Circa 13th Century CE 38 PROJECTS In an effort to understand how scholars and students currently in the Ancient Studies field began their path we created a survey The data we are accruing will help us understand the main pathways into Ancient Studies so that we can promote them in addition to discovering less common entry points that may prove to be fruitful avenues for future students 39

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 III ANCIENT STUDIES RESOURCES DATABASE Across the spectrum of Ancient Studies informational resources are currently lacking SASA is working to fill this gap by creating a new platform that presents important resources in all Ancient Studies fields and helps connect students and scholars with one another In the first tier of this project we are working on Collecting all resource websites for all Ancient Studies fields Collecting all available programs of study at institutions in North America and beyond This will provide interested students or those simply interested in taking courses with a comprehensive list of the various available programs in the country Another database will include information about scholarships and fellowships for students at all levels from undergraduate to postdoctoral researchers SASA is also developing the Port Ancient Database to promote various creative open access projects and media related to ancient studies IV VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Digital Hammurabi and Save Ancient Studies Alliance have partnered to host and create the Opening the Ancient World a free public academic virtual conference Scheduled for August 15th and 16th 2021 the conference will be livestreamed The goal of the conference is to present and support excellent scholarship by scholars at the fringes of the academic community and researchers who have not followed the traditional tenure track career path Additionally special sessions will be hosted discussing issues of how to develop outreach by Ancient Studies scholars further inclusiveness and reimagining scholarship as a lifelong pursuit within a diverse yet inclusive scholarly community V COALITION OF ANCIENT STUDIES ORGANIZATIONS CASO The goal of this organization is to bring together academic professional organizations to work on outreach and accessibility projects toward the mutual benefit of all Ancient Studies fields The first official meeting was held on December 18th 2020 with the member organizations the Society for Classical Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature We are working together to attract more academic organizations to join CASO The first joint project of CASO will be to begin building a database of online resources for Ancient Studies which will be further developed by SASA s Access Team and hosted on SASA s website PROJECTS 41

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 III ANCIENT STUDIES RESOURCES DATABASE Across the spectrum of Ancient Studies informational resources are currently lacking SASA is working to fill this gap by creating a new platform that presents important resources in all Ancient Studies fields and helps connect students and scholars with one another In the first tier of this project we are working on Collecting all resource websites for all Ancient Studies fields Collecting all available programs of study at institutions in North America and beyond This will provide interested students or those simply interested in taking courses with a comprehensive list of the various available programs in the country Another database will include information about scholarships and fellowships for students at all levels from undergraduate to postdoctoral researchers SASA is also developing the Port Ancient Database to promote various creative open access projects and media related to ancient studies IV VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Digital Hammurabi and Save Ancient Studies Alliance have partnered to host and create the Opening the Ancient World a free public academic virtual conference Scheduled for August 15th and 16th 2021 the conference will be livestreamed The goal of the conference is to present and support excellent scholarship by scholars at the fringes of the academic community and researchers who have not followed the traditional tenure track career path Additionally special sessions will be hosted discussing issues of how to develop outreach by Ancient Studies scholars further inclusiveness and reimagining scholarship as a lifelong pursuit within a diverse yet inclusive scholarly community V COALITION OF ANCIENT STUDIES ORGANIZATIONS CASO The goal of this organization is to bring together academic professional organizations to work on outreach and accessibility projects toward the mutual benefit of all Ancient Studies fields The first official meeting was held on December 18th 2020 with the member organizations the Society for Classical Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature We are working together to attract more academic organizations to join CASO The first joint project of CASO will be to begin building a database of online resources for Ancient Studies which will be further developed by SASA s Access Team and hosted on SASA s website PROJECTS 41

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL SASA honors and thanks its partners to date OUTREACH Temple of Castor and Pollux 5th Century BCE Agrigento Sicily S ASA leadership recognized that it was critical to connect with external organizations and form partnerships with those whose mission aligned with ours to gain footing and a place at the table as an NPO An Outreach Team was created to spearhead this initiative overseen by Florencia Fustinoni Under Flor s guidance a process was created to facilitate the outreach process form relationships and streamline official partnerships In 2021 the Outreach team is creating Partnership Packages with sub levels to further delineate and refine the relationships SASA has formed with these external partners This initiative has already been wildly successful and is continuing to grow and develop Through the Outreach Team SASA was present with a Virtual booth at AIA SCS Virtual Annual Meeting 100 hits and conducted a presentation at SCS Classics Everywhere session of AIA SCS VAM to promote who we are and what we are doing among peers Outreach also met with the NYU SAS undergraduate conference presenters The team also created a digital brochure on SASA and is currently exploring additional opportunities and links for the organization OUTREACH 43

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL SASA honors and thanks its partners to date OUTREACH Temple of Castor and Pollux 5th Century BCE Agrigento Sicily S ASA leadership recognized that it was critical to connect with external organizations and form partnerships with those whose mission aligned with ours to gain footing and a place at the table as an NPO An Outreach Team was created to spearhead this initiative overseen by Florencia Fustinoni Under Flor s guidance a process was created to facilitate the outreach process form relationships and streamline official partnerships In 2021 the Outreach team is creating Partnership Packages with sub levels to further delineate and refine the relationships SASA has formed with these external partners This initiative has already been wildly successful and is continuing to grow and develop Through the Outreach Team SASA was present with a Virtual booth at AIA SCS Virtual Annual Meeting 100 hits and conducted a presentation at SCS Classics Everywhere session of AIA SCS VAM to promote who we are and what we are doing among peers Outreach also met with the NYU SAS undergraduate conference presenters The team also created a digital brochure on SASA and is currently exploring additional opportunities and links for the organization OUTREACH 43

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PEOPLE SAVEANCIENTSTUDIES COM TRAFFIC REACHED 600 000 SOCIAL MEDIA REACHES SASA began tracking social engagement in September 2020 and have had over 600 000 reaches and almost 20 000 engagements across all platforms including 6 900 video views We are actively engaged and growing our audience of 2 900 followers across Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube and Twitch 20 000 7 000 USER GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS ENGAGEMENTS VIDEO VIEWS 3 500 FOLLOWERS 12 000 WEBSITE VISITORS We launched our website saveancientstudies org right along with the birth of the organization and have been able to build up our user base over time In total for our first year we have reached almost 12 000 unique users with a healthy average of 2 83 pageviews per user OUTREACH 45

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PEOPLE SAVEANCIENTSTUDIES COM TRAFFIC REACHED 600 000 SOCIAL MEDIA REACHES SASA began tracking social engagement in September 2020 and have had over 600 000 reaches and almost 20 000 engagements across all platforms including 6 900 video views We are actively engaged and growing our audience of 2 900 followers across Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube and Twitch 20 000 7 000 USER GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS ENGAGEMENTS VIDEO VIEWS 3 500 FOLLOWERS 12 000 WEBSITE VISITORS We launched our website saveancientstudies org right along with the birth of the organization and have been able to build up our user base over time In total for our first year we have reached almost 12 000 unique users with a healthy average of 2 83 pageviews per user OUTREACH 45

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PEOPLE REACHED 150 SASA INSPIRE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS 7 000 VIDEO VIEWS Sat Kaman the Seven Arches 15th Century CE Pavagadh India Videos are integral to SASA s mission as they open the ancient world in an exciting medium In addition to housing recordings of our Live Events our YouTube channel also features Inspire Campaign videos including Ancient Kitchen cooking videos of ancient recipes We also have a series of videos from volunteers on why they love Ancient Studies Our Inspire Campaign creates shareable engaging content around Ancient Studies subjects directed at social media including historical facts visuals and commentary on Demons Devils and Demigods We have posted 119 posts so far driving over 8 100 engagements 500 LIVE EVENT ATTENDEES We are working to build a community of participants from scratch through a series of Live Events including book clubs streamed archaeogaming events Texts in Translation Reading Groups and Expert Q A sessions In total we have had 600 views of our videos and 52 live event attendees This engagement was driven by 60 posts to our social media audience and over 11 300 engagements OUTREACH 47

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PEOPLE REACHED 150 SASA INSPIRE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS 7 000 VIDEO VIEWS Sat Kaman the Seven Arches 15th Century CE Pavagadh India Videos are integral to SASA s mission as they open the ancient world in an exciting medium In addition to housing recordings of our Live Events our YouTube channel also features Inspire Campaign videos including Ancient Kitchen cooking videos of ancient recipes We also have a series of videos from volunteers on why they love Ancient Studies Our Inspire Campaign creates shareable engaging content around Ancient Studies subjects directed at social media including historical facts visuals and commentary on Demons Devils and Demigods We have posted 119 posts so far driving over 8 100 engagements 500 LIVE EVENT ATTENDEES We are working to build a community of participants from scratch through a series of Live Events including book clubs streamed archaeogaming events Texts in Translation Reading Groups and Expert Q A sessions In total we have had 600 views of our videos and 52 live event attendees This engagement was driven by 60 posts to our social media audience and over 11 300 engagements OUTREACH 47

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 FUNDRAISING EXPENSES Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates 4th Century BCE 4th Century CE Cyprus Through these fundraising projects we seek to support our organizational overhead advertising costs and our numerous engaging projects including for instance Reading Groups Archaeogaming Education Project Ancient Studies Resources Platform and Downward Trend Research We are also aiming to secure capital to begin hiring paid staff who can give full dedication of their time to SASA YEAR 1 GRANTS AND DONATIONS S ASA seeks funding through multiple avenues including fundraising campaigns grant applications and passive sources such as our Bazaar and Amazon Smile We launched three major fundraising drives in the first year SASA received granted access to Google Workforce a Google Ads Grant valued at 10 000 per month and a Salesforce Non Profit database instance SASA s Fundraising Team wrote grant proposals for the Mellon Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation The Standard Foundation the Pollination Project and the Awesome Foundation Several other applications are currently in the pipeline to fund projects for 2021 2023 We created our online store Bazaar by using dropshipping offering items with SASA first generation Ancient Studies inspired graphics Through the Bazaar SASA offers donation opportunities aligned with contemporary sensibilities We also implemented Amazon Smile a program set up to allocate a small portion of funds when individuals shop using Amazon towards a non profit of their choice BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES OF 2020 2021 In total SASA received 4225 88 from 26 individuals and organizations We thank them all From incorporation in March 2020 through March 2021 we spent a total of 4260 58 OUTREACH 49

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 FUNDRAISING EXPENSES Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates 4th Century BCE 4th Century CE Cyprus Through these fundraising projects we seek to support our organizational overhead advertising costs and our numerous engaging projects including for instance Reading Groups Archaeogaming Education Project Ancient Studies Resources Platform and Downward Trend Research We are also aiming to secure capital to begin hiring paid staff who can give full dedication of their time to SASA YEAR 1 GRANTS AND DONATIONS S ASA seeks funding through multiple avenues including fundraising campaigns grant applications and passive sources such as our Bazaar and Amazon Smile We launched three major fundraising drives in the first year SASA received granted access to Google Workforce a Google Ads Grant valued at 10 000 per month and a Salesforce Non Profit database instance SASA s Fundraising Team wrote grant proposals for the Mellon Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation The Standard Foundation the Pollination Project and the Awesome Foundation Several other applications are currently in the pipeline to fund projects for 2021 2023 We created our online store Bazaar by using dropshipping offering items with SASA first generation Ancient Studies inspired graphics Through the Bazaar SASA offers donation opportunities aligned with contemporary sensibilities We also implemented Amazon Smile a program set up to allocate a small portion of funds when individuals shop using Amazon towards a non profit of their choice BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES OF 2020 2021 In total SASA received 4225 88 from 26 individuals and organizations We thank them all From incorporation in March 2020 through March 2021 we spent a total of 4260 58 OUTREACH 49

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 NEW PROJECTS I ARCHAEOGAMING EDUCATION MODULES An exciting new project we have begun to develop is the creation of archaeogaming educational modules and their implementation in middle school and high school classrooms Archaeogaming is the critique and study of portrayals of ancient people and places in video games SASA is reformulating this concept to utilize the attractiveness of video games as a springboard for education about the ancient past This project is aimed particularly at students in underserved and underfunded communities with little access to Ancient Studies We are working on creating a pilot program to be implemented in select schools in the 2021 2022 school year If successful this pilot program will be expanded and made available to teachers and schools around the world Our newly hired project leader Abaan Zaidi who in collaboration with Tine Rassalle is building out the team that will create these educational modules Statuette of Amun 10th Century BCE 8th Century BC Egypt 52 PROSPECTS 53

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 NEW PROJECTS I ARCHAEOGAMING EDUCATION MODULES An exciting new project we have begun to develop is the creation of archaeogaming educational modules and their implementation in middle school and high school classrooms Archaeogaming is the critique and study of portrayals of ancient people and places in video games SASA is reformulating this concept to utilize the attractiveness of video games as a springboard for education about the ancient past This project is aimed particularly at students in underserved and underfunded communities with little access to Ancient Studies We are working on creating a pilot program to be implemented in select schools in the 2021 2022 school year If successful this pilot program will be expanded and made available to teachers and schools around the world Our newly hired project leader Abaan Zaidi who in collaboration with Tine Rassalle is building out the team that will create these educational modules Statuette of Amun 10th Century BCE 8th Century BC Egypt 52 PROSPECTS 53

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 NEW III PROJECTS II SASA will launch a competition by inviting applicants to submit new artistic designs to go on our items for sale on the SASA Bazaar our eStore This competition will promote creativity and engagement with Ancient Studies through art and graphic design We invite artists and graphic designers of all ages to submit designs later this Spring TO HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS VIA CASO Leveraging the advocacy work already underway by Ancient Studies professional organizations SASA will develop a program with CASO to involve CASO member organizations members in producing and deploying a document that explains the multiple values of incorporating Ancient Studies in Elementary Middle and High School education IV BAZAAR ART DESIGN COMPETITION ANCIENT STUDIES ADVOCACY PROPOSAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM Drawing on the outreach interest latent in Ancient Studies scholars SASA will develop a mentorship program for college professors to work directly with high school teachers to help develop and refresh their Ancient Studies curricular lessons and extra curricular activities V LIVE ON SITE VIRTUAL EVENTS Another exciting new project is the production of Virtual Live Events on site in ancient ruins Hosted by a specialist scholar and co hosted by a SASA Educational Ambassador these events will be piloted in Spring 2021 with three events taking place live on location in Rome with the inimitable Darius Arya as host and guide PROSPECTS 55

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 NEW III PROJECTS II SASA will launch a competition by inviting applicants to submit new artistic designs to go on our items for sale on the SASA Bazaar our eStore This competition will promote creativity and engagement with Ancient Studies through art and graphic design We invite artists and graphic designers of all ages to submit designs later this Spring TO HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS VIA CASO Leveraging the advocacy work already underway by Ancient Studies professional organizations SASA will develop a program with CASO to involve CASO member organizations members in producing and deploying a document that explains the multiple values of incorporating Ancient Studies in Elementary Middle and High School education IV BAZAAR ART DESIGN COMPETITION ANCIENT STUDIES ADVOCACY PROPOSAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM Drawing on the outreach interest latent in Ancient Studies scholars SASA will develop a mentorship program for college professors to work directly with high school teachers to help develop and refresh their Ancient Studies curricular lessons and extra curricular activities V LIVE ON SITE VIRTUAL EVENTS Another exciting new project is the production of Virtual Live Events on site in ancient ruins Hosted by a specialist scholar and co hosted by a SASA Educational Ambassador these events will be piloted in Spring 2021 with three events taking place live on location in Rome with the inimitable Darius Arya as host and guide PROSPECTS 55

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2021 I DOUBLING DOWN For 2021 we have set high goals for our general public reach volunteer recruitment and general fundraising goal as double our accomplishments of our first year in operation 40 000 people Engage over on social media 6 000 new followers Attract 20 000 website visitors Generate 14 000 video views Draw attendance of over 1 000 Add to our live events 9 000 from donors Receive 2 grants to support Raise Two circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week 9th Century CE Carolingian St Emmeram Abbey Regensburg Germany 56 specific projects PROSPECTS 57

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2021 I DOUBLING DOWN For 2021 we have set high goals for our general public reach volunteer recruitment and general fundraising goal as double our accomplishments of our first year in operation 40 000 people Engage over on social media 6 000 new followers Attract 20 000 website visitors Generate 14 000 video views Draw attendance of over 1 000 Add to our live events 9 000 from donors Receive 2 grants to support Raise Two circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week 9th Century CE Carolingian St Emmeram Abbey Regensburg Germany 56 specific projects PROSPECTS 57

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2021 II III We have already laid the foundation for an extensive partnership development program which we have just begun to implement Our goal is to develop at least 30 new partnerships this year The positive effects of accelerating our partnership development will pervade all areas of SASA by adding expertise in project development expanding our network of participants and volunteers and supplying us with a growing stream of quality content output PROMOTING ACCESS TO ANCIENT STUDIES We will also take two large steps in promoting access to Ancient Studies We intend to go live with the first tier of our Ancient Studies Resources Accessibility Platform link to description above in June 2021 and we will host our first Virtual Conference link to description above jointly with Digital Hammurabi in August 2021 To support our expected growth in Year 2 we are working toward generating and expanding engagement in three pools of potential collaborators 1 Ancient Studies Outreach Organizations and Projects 2 Enlisting Academic Scholars in Outreach 3 Developing SASA Teacher Ambassadors PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IV COALITION OF ANCIENT STUDIES ORGANIZATIONS The continued development of the Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations and the planning and development of two public outreach projects through CASO this year will draw scholars attention and participation toward SASA and Ancient Studies Outreach in general The participation of university professors gives us greater legitimacy within Ancient Studies fields and helps us reach their collegiate students one of our primary target audiences PROSPECTS 59

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR 2021 II III We have already laid the foundation for an extensive partnership development program which we have just begun to implement Our goal is to develop at least 30 new partnerships this year The positive effects of accelerating our partnership development will pervade all areas of SASA by adding expertise in project development expanding our network of participants and volunteers and supplying us with a growing stream of quality content output PROMOTING ACCESS TO ANCIENT STUDIES We will also take two large steps in promoting access to Ancient Studies We intend to go live with the first tier of our Ancient Studies Resources Accessibility Platform link to description above in June 2021 and we will host our first Virtual Conference link to description above jointly with Digital Hammurabi in August 2021 To support our expected growth in Year 2 we are working toward generating and expanding engagement in three pools of potential collaborators 1 Ancient Studies Outreach Organizations and Projects 2 Enlisting Academic Scholars in Outreach 3 Developing SASA Teacher Ambassadors PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IV COALITION OF ANCIENT STUDIES ORGANIZATIONS The continued development of the Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations and the planning and development of two public outreach projects through CASO this year will draw scholars attention and participation toward SASA and Ancient Studies Outreach in general The participation of university professors gives us greater legitimacy within Ancient Studies fields and helps us reach their collegiate students one of our primary target audiences PROSPECTS 59

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR VI V TEACHER AMBASSADORS Engaging middle school and high school students is similarly important to our mission Therefore we are developing the concept of the SASA Teacher Ambassador a teacher who actively includes the ancient world in their classroom and implements SASA projects The first offerings we will provide to our Teacher Ambassadors will be our Archaeogaming Educational Modules Scholar Teacher Mentorship Program and Ancient Studies Advocacy Proposal to School Administrators By developing a network of teachers SASA will generate a pipeline to young students and be able to effect change earlier in students educational development EXPANDING OUR AUDIENCE 2021 SASA must engage several audiences at the same time including middle school and high school students college students graduate students college professors teachers enthusiasts and potential donors With the tightly interconnected group of initiatives we are continuing and developing in 2021 we are confident that we will succeed at engaging and growing our presence in all of these audiences Doubling the results in our second year of the programs we have created thus far combined with the roll out of our new initiatives will put us well on the way to becoming the primary outreach organization for Ancient Studies over the next 3 5 years By producing high impact projects bringing together the disparate Ancient Studies fields and amalgamating outreach efforts we will Save Ancient Studies PROSPECTS 61

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 GOALS FOR VI V TEACHER AMBASSADORS Engaging middle school and high school students is similarly important to our mission Therefore we are developing the concept of the SASA Teacher Ambassador a teacher who actively includes the ancient world in their classroom and implements SASA projects The first offerings we will provide to our Teacher Ambassadors will be our Archaeogaming Educational Modules Scholar Teacher Mentorship Program and Ancient Studies Advocacy Proposal to School Administrators By developing a network of teachers SASA will generate a pipeline to young students and be able to effect change earlier in students educational development EXPANDING OUR AUDIENCE 2021 SASA must engage several audiences at the same time including middle school and high school students college students graduate students college professors teachers enthusiasts and potential donors With the tightly interconnected group of initiatives we are continuing and developing in 2021 we are confident that we will succeed at engaging and growing our presence in all of these audiences Doubling the results in our second year of the programs we have created thus far combined with the roll out of our new initiatives will put us well on the way to becoming the primary outreach organization for Ancient Studies over the next 3 5 years By producing high impact projects bringing together the disparate Ancient Studies fields and amalgamating outreach efforts we will Save Ancient Studies PROSPECTS 61

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