BOUDOIR P R E PA R AT I O N G U I D E As long as you show up it s going to be AMAZING That s it That s all you have to do I ve got the rest Can t wait to see you NICOLE BENOIT
TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 06 FIRST THINGS FIRST TYPES OF IMAGES Detail Shots Beauty Portraits The Marilyn Monroe Fine Art Nudes Old Hollywood Glam French Lace Beauty Boudoir Stylized Beauty 30 WARDROBE TIPS 32 FLATTERING ALL FIGURES 36 GET YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP A S 38 23 24 2 THE BEAUTY REGIMENT Use ful pre shoot beauty tips tricks to prepare for your killer boudoir portrait session DON T YOU DARE Tips for what not to do before your boudoir portrait session WHAT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT You are amazing today and I can t wait to show you 28 WHAT TO EXPECT 29 HOMEWORK BOUD OI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E E L HELLO BEAUTIFUL P M Here is your V I P Luxe Woman Glam Me Prep guide I am so excited to be photographing you I communicate with my clients so they know exactly how to prepare and exactly what to expect throughout the whole process This guide is a comprehensive mood board designed for inspirational purposes It is designed to give you insight into what my what my creative brain is capable of creating for you I gives you a clear map into my lighting concepts wardrobe hairstyling tastes creativity posing and moodiness All tones for the camera lighting set ups creative direction of your shoot It also serves as discussion for the boudoir styles we will aim for when creating a tailored session for the uniqueness of the woman in you that we will photograph Inside you will find beauty tips for getting ready before we shoot you in what will be the most stunning photographs you have ever seen of yourself FEEL FREE TO RE VISIT THIS PREP GUIDE AS OFTEN AS YOU D LIKE www t h ec r e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 3
E L THE MARILYN MONROE LUXE HI KEY CHROMA SERIES A S Think VOGUE covergirl and editorial spreads with these incredible magazine style Portraits 8 BOUD OI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E P M www t h ec r e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 9
A S 12 B OUDOI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E P M E L www t h e cr e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 13
FINE ART NUDES A S 16 B OUDOI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E P M Taking a page out of the Renaissance art period fine art nudes are timeless display of the female form E L SEMI SILHOUETTES These bold high contrast statement images will leave you breathless Mostly silhouetted these types of shots look best in levels of undress very sheer tops www t h e cr e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 17
A S 26 B OUDOI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E P M E L www t h e cr e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 27
P M E L Every single woman has insecurities The woman who embraces herself exudes confidence That is the secret sauce where true beauty lies A S BODY ANGST I long for the day that women are comfortable in their skin at all stages for the day that women embrace their wobbly bits and beautiful side creases That said I know women well enough to be realistic and understand that many women struggle with self love and no matter how much I tell them they are beautiful they wish they would 48 B OUDOI R PREPARAT I O N G U I D E www t h e cr e a t i v e s t u d i o s c a 49
A S P M BOUDOIR FEMME EXPERIENCE YOURSELF BY NICOLE BENOIT contact thecreativestudios ca Toronto LA Professional Photographer www thecreativestudios ca IG _thecreativestudios_ FB https www facebook com thecr8tivestudios E L