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In 2024, the Shoot the Rain - MonsoonSoccer Tournament Festival for theTravel and Hospitality Industry by TPC,supported by the Department ofTourism, Government of Kerala,showcased great performances fromeveryone. Our team, Courtyard byMarriott and Port Muziris - KochiAirport, did their best and played reallywell, demonstrating not just a desire towin but also strong team spirit. It wastruly a well-played event.SHOOT THERAIN 2024

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I JOBGRADUATIONFirst Ijob Graduation in Courtyard byMarriott Kochi Airportand Port Muziris, a Tribute PortfolioHotel, Kochi. IJob involves upskilling associates toenhance their ability to work smarterand more resourcefully, therebysignificantly contributing to theirprofessional development. This notonly empowers them to achievegreater efficiency and effectiveness intheir tasks but also facilitatessubstantial career growth, opening upnew opportunities and pathways foradvancement within the organization.

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TOWN HALLMEETINGWe marked our town hall meetingby honoring the outstandingachievements of our employees ofthe month, sharing enjoyablemoments with snacks and engagingactivities. Additionally, we joyouslycelebrated the birthdays of thoseemployees who had their specialday in the previous month,fostering a sense of appreciationwithin our team.

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INTERNS MEETINGIn Courtyard by Marriott KochiAirport and Port Muziris, a TributePortfolio Hotel, Kochi, wasconducted an interns meeting theyshared experiences with theirrespective departments, and weprovided information about theproperty, grooming standards, andconducted a fire safety session.

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ORIENTATIONWe conducted a comprehensiveorientation program for the newjoiners, during which we provided anin-depth introduction to the propertyand shared detailed informationabout its various aspects.Additionally, each Head ofDepartment (HOD) led an informativesession, offering insights into theirrespective departments andexplaining the key functions andresponsibilities.

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BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGNOn July 30th, 2024, our HR teamsuccessfully conducted a BloodDonation Activity, showcasing ourdedication to community serviceand collaboration. This initiativewas a joint effort between PortMuziris, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel,Kochi, and Courtyard by MarriottKochi Airport, with the invaluablesupport of Apollo Hospital. Ouremployees were happy toparticipate in this meaningfulevent, highlighting theirwillingness to contribute to thewell-being of the community andthe spirit of working togethertowards a common goal.

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FUN FRIDAYDuring our Fun Fridaycelebration, we engaged in avariety of activities, includinga drawing challenge and aballoon activity, all of whichprovided the associates withan opportunity to unwind,foster camaraderie, and enjoya well-deserved break fromtheir routine tasks.

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