2021 2022 Narrative Budget Saint Francis United Methodist Church Cary NC saint francis united methodist church Discovering Christ Serving Others 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd Cary NC 27518 www saintfrancisumc org
We are all part of the story God is writing through this church Some of us have been in the story since the beginning some of us came in later chapters others have showed up on the pages more recently The great thing about stories is that all the pages all the people all the moments work together to express one thing That one thing here is the story of Saint Francis United Methodist Church and it is still being written This narrative budget is a snapshot of the impact we as a congregation made during the 2021 2022 fiscal year proclaiming the Word serving others growing in faith helping to fan the flame of the Holy Spirit for our kids walking together and being good stewards Thank you for listening for how God is calling you to support the mission and ministies of the church Thank you for loving people the way God showed us through Jesus And thank you for supporting the ongoing story that God is writing through this church through your prayers presence gifts service and witness
Proclaiming the Word Worship Music 262 783 21 returned to in person worship May 23 2021 gathered for weekly worship in person livestream and recorded weekly average 138 in person 120 online views supported growing AV technology needs with a new staff member restarted our Sunday morning nursery shared in Advent Lent and Holy Week worship welcomed back pastors connected to Saint Francis to celebrate our 40th anniversary blessed pets for the Feast of St Francis celebrated Holy communion with COVID safe packaging continued to glorify God through music and song by acquiring copyright permissions for online worship enhanced worship with the diverse musical gifts of our congregration with a variety of vocal and instrumental ensembles for ALL ages
Serving Others in Love Missions Outreach 186 920 15 supported local regional and world wide missions such as Ronald McDonald House Family Promise Habitat for Humanity Freedom Global Costa Rica Mission Project fed the hungry and helped the homeless donating funds and items to Oak City Cares and Dorcas including fresh produce from the Disciples Community Garden provided monthly mortgage and rent assistance to those in need through Dorcas packaged 10 000 meals for Rise Against Hunger fulfilled Christmas wish list items through our Community Partnerships Inc Angel Tree supported local schools and children through our UMAPS Ministry and our new C4C Ministry continued to live into being a reconciling church served our local community through advocacy and engagement in a new partnership with ONE Wake shared the Christmas story with a Live Nativity in person and livestream supported the mission and ministry of the United Methodist Church by meeting apportionments gave financial support to Ukraine and Disaster Relief through UMCOR United Methodist Committee on Relief worked alongside World Church Services to set up local apartments for refugees
Fanning the Flame SPARK Children IGNITE Preteen BLAZE Youth Family Ministries 205 363 17 shared stories of the Bible with children at Vacation Bible School resumed Sunday school for children preteens and youth started a children s Garden Ministry offered faith building experiences at retreats and weekly gatherings youth preteens participated and led music at Pilgrimage youth served to make homes warmer safer and drier through our annual Appalachia Service Project mission trip served the homeless guests of Oak City Cares building picnic tables youth and assembling wellness kits youth preteens fed the homeless by serving Brown Bag Ministries Preteens developed compassion and understanding for poverty in developing countries by supporting ZOE Empowers children preteens celebrated our HS graduates and supported them with Faith Families educational scholarships gathered for a Different Kind of Christmas to serve those in our community and beyond family gifted personalized Bibles to our 3rd graders celebrated Christian seasons with Lenten Activity Kits an Easter Egg Hunt and an Advent Study children engaged young disciples with Godly Play videos walked alongside12 youth confirming their faith
Growing in our Faith Adult Ministries 124 287 10 explored our faith during Sunday school classes The Grinch Advent study and the Colossian Way study engaged in spiritual conversation encouragement through Common Tables built community relationships during Footsteps NextGen and Coffee Friends gatherings discussed searched scripture during Disciple Lectionary Bible studies reconnected at an off site retreat with the Men of St Francis raised funds for missions such as the Appalachia Service Project Saint Francis Educational Scholarships through our Christmas tree sales enjoyed fellowship at monthly Primetimers Brunches 3rd Tuesday guest presentations supported by funding from The Men of Saint Francis
Walking Together Prayer Care Ministries 126 361 10 answered requests for prayer with a devoted Prayer Chain Ministry shared God s word prayers and reflections through our Daily Prayer Ministry made and prayed over prayer quilts for those in need welcomed our local community to use our outdoor labyrinth provided disposable masks at the entrances of our building provided our choirs with COVID safe masks especially made for singing offered comfort to those experiencing loss by mailing out a series of grief books mailed bundles of Christmas cards written by members of our congregation to homebound members of our chuch family served as a touch point for care and support to congregants suffering loss loneliness injury or illness offered one to one confidential Christian listening through 10 trained Stephen Ministers provided transportation to worship to residents of Jordan Oaks and Walton Woods
Being Good Stewards Church Facilities Infrastructure 331 935 27 purchased audio visual equipment and updated tech to facilitate worship in person and online updated technology and functioning of administrative laptops and campus WiFi completed overdue building maintenance replacing cupola roof and major portions of siding on the Administration Building painted exterior of Administration Building and portions of the Sanctuary building upgraded to LED interior lighting maintained our beautiful grounds addressed continuing erosion and water drainage issues installing additional gutters downspouts replaced two broken water fountains repaired ceiling and painted Multi Purpose Room repaired walkways around our campus reduced mortgage by 55 000 continued to perform background checks with those working with children or vulnerable adults in accordance with our Safe Sanctuary policy
2021 2022 Fiscal Year Financial Summary Sources of Generosity 2021 2022 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget 1 057 639 Annual pledge campaign additional financial gifts payments to missions ministries misc donations Temporary Designated Funds 105 010 Gurney Permanent Designated Fund 75 000 Total 1 237 649 How Financial Resources Were Used 2021 2022 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget and Estimated Designated Funds Spending Total 1 237 649 Balance in Additional Designated Funds Various Temporary Designated Funds 257 745 Permanent Designated Funds Men of Saint Francis 52 052 UMF Education Scholarship Fund 200 030 UMF Parsonage Escrow Fund 286 595 UMF Gurney Fund 55 598 as of 2 28 2022
saint francis united methodist church Discovering Christ Serving Others 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd Cary NC 27518 www saintfrancisumc org