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Safer You Spring 2021 Elementary

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Safer You A personal safety resource to help students thrive This resource is funded by The United Way of the Coastal Empire Spring 2021

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Safety Rules Part of personal safety is knowing how to look out for danger or dangerous situations and following the rules so we can stay safe By following these five safety rules you can help your adults keep you safe Know What s Up Knowing what s up means that you know Your personal information and your Safe Adults contact information What to do if there s an emergency including your family s safety plan Spot red flags Spotting red flags means that you can see some warning signs that might tell you that a person or situation is unsafe Some red flags are when an adult or another young person Uses mean or abusive words Asks you to keep an unsafe secret Tries to get you to do something unsafe or that makes you uncomfortable Uses hurtful touches Tries to get you to use drugs and or alcohol Make a move If you find yourself in an unsafe situation and you are able to you can make a move to GET AWAY Or if you know a situation or person is not safe you can STAY AWAY from that situation or person after letting your Safe Adult know what s happening talk it up You have a voice and you can use it to help keep you safe Here are some ways you can Talk It Up Use an assertive confident voice to say NO in unsafe situations Talk to a Safe Adult if something makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe Keep telling until someone listens No blame no shame If you are ever hurt you must remember that it is NEVER your fault No matter when where how or who hurts you it is never your fault and it is never too late to tell a Safe Adult Even if the person who hurts you tells you that what happened is a secret or that you did something wrong or that you will get in trouble if you tell You are not to blame and you should not be ashamed to tell

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My Safe Adult Contact List What should you do if something happens to you or if you have a problem Tell a safe adult right away Use the space below to identify your Safe Adults and make sure you have their contact information At least one Safe Adult should be someone outside of your family who does not live in your home dult is A Safe A elp ask for h fortable or uncom n a d c e r I a e c n s o l Some hen I fee Rules and I talk to w e Safety e h t n o k e a e m r o b S not who does m Someone break the o t e m e forc e around does not appy to b h m a I e Someon about me ho cares w e e safe n m o e p Som to kee t s u r t n I ca Someone Name Name Phone Number Phone Number Name Phone Number if you have a Safe Adult now and later on that Safe Adult doesn t make you feel safe you can always choose another Safe Adult

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Find the word in the puzzle Words can go in any direction Words can share letters as they cross over each other Assertive NoBlame RedFlags SafetyPlan TalkItUp Boundaries PersonalSpace Reporting SafetyRules Uncomfortable Emergency Private SafeAdult Secrets Unsafe