where young women become thoughtful global leadersSHGREENWICH.ORGSACRED HEART GREENWICH
“Transforming the world, one girl at a time.” MICHAEL F. BABER Head of SchoolTHE SACRED HEART JOURNEYOutstanding academics. Active faith. An international network. Opportunities to shine in visual and performing arts. Competitive athletics. A global perspective. Exciting, hands-on internships, research and activities. Top-notch facilities. A caring community that encourages exploration— and balance. Spiritual, intellectual, creative, social, and moral development.As Greenwich’s only faith-based school for girls, Sacred Heart offers all that and more. Our educational philosophy emanates from a profound spiritual and educational heritage, and from our commitment to meet the challenges of a changing world with innovative classroom strategies and new technologies. But the true hallmark of a Sacred Heart education is that our students are joyfully immersed in a learning environment with no academic ceiling. Whether a child arrives at Sacred Heart in Lower, Middle or Upper School, we inspire each girl to be—and do—her very best.follow us as we educate, enlighten + encourage future global leaders@SHGreenwich@SHGreenwich@SH_Greenwichsignature programsA PATH TO GROWTH + DISCOVERYlearn more about ourSIGNATURE PROGRAMS @ SACRED HEART GREENWICHAt Sacred Heart, our Signature Programs are paths of discovery, unique to our mission and education that provide an array of opportunities to pursue a field of study in depth.Each Signature Program engages students in a dedicated learning experience that builds upon her interests and talents, adding valuable knowledge and skills to help her approach the world’s complex issues with clarity, purpose, and optimism. These Programs inspire girls to build their academic profiles as creative, caring, compassionate, and capable leaders—and chart their goals for the future.Sacred Heart’s Signature Programs include:• The Arts• Broadcast Journalism• Campus Ministry + Service• Global Scholars Program• IBM + NASA Partnership• Network Exchange Program• SophieConnect14 | SHGREENWICH.ORG
THE SACRED HEART JOURNEYOutstanding academics. Active faith. An international network. Opportunities to shine in visual and performing arts. Competitive athletics. A global perspective. Exciting, hands-on internships, research and activities. Top-notch facilities. A caring community that encourages exploration— and balance. Spiritual, intellectual, creative, social, and moral development.As Greenwich’s only faith-based school for girls, Sacred Heart offers all that and more. Our educational philosophy emanates from a profound spiritual and educational heritage, and from our commitment to meet the challenges of a changing world with innovative classroom strategies and new technologies. But the true hallmark of a Sacred Heart education is that our students are joyfully immersed in a learning environment with no academic ceiling. Whether a child arrives at Sacred Heart in Lower, Middle or Upper School, we inspire each girl to be—and do—her very best.
04 | SHGREENWICH.ORGfaith + integrityOUR INCLUSIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITYA Sacred Heart education is firmly grounded in the belief that faith is at the heart of who we are. Our inclusive community welcomes students of diverse faiths and backgrounds. We promote the development of a strong and active faith in God by providing our girls with religious education and experiences that cultivate spiritual growth and a moral core of integrity, strength, and compassion. Our heritage is Catholic, but our environment is inclusive.We encourage each student to explore, express, and deepen her personal faith through experiences woven into our curriculum, liturgical life, our social justice and service program, our exchange and Global Scholars programs, and a wealth of extracurricular activities.
104students travel on exchange and service programs110acre campus in North GreenwichSACRED HEART GREENWICH | 05
06 | SHGREENWICH.ORGthe sacred heart sisterhoodA LIFELONG COMMUNITYSisterhood. A second home. Sacred Heart students consistently describe their relationship to their classmates and school with these words. Each girl who comes to Sacred Heart’s hilltop is unique and brimming with potential. By providing an intentional balance between learning and living, Sacred Heart cultivates a vibrant community that challenges and inspires academic, artistic, athletic and personal growth. Research clearly points to the effectiveness of all-girls education for young women. Graduates of girls’ schools account for a significant percentage of women in leadership positions in industry, academia, public life, and other professions. At Sacred Heart, each student has the freedom to be uniquely herself, finding myriad opportunities to discover and use her voice within a joyful, supportive community. You’re not just a Sacred Heart girl during your time on King Street. You remain a Sacred Heart girl for life.“ What is unique about Sacred Heart is that I could turn to any classmate, any one of my sisters, to help me overcome an obstacle or achieve a goal.”—LUDNIE RENE ’19 Clemson University
312Upper School students participate in 60 different clubs28athletics teams + clubs in the Middle and Upper SchoolsSACRED HEART GREENWICH | 07
We are1of over 150Sacred Heart schools in 41countries world wide who share a common set of GOALS + CRITERIAA MISSION TO INSPIREArgentina + Australia + Austria + Belgium + Brazil + Canada + Chad + Chile + Columbia + DR Congo + Egypt + England + France + Germany + India + Ireland + Italy + Japan + Kenya + Malta + Mexico + New Zealand + Northern Ireland + Peru + Poland + Puerto Rico + Scotland + Spain + South Korea + Taiwan + Uganda + United States + Uruguay
OUR GOALSThese goals provide an enduring framework for the development of mind, body + spirit, as our students achieve:+ A personal and active faith in God+ A deep respect for intellectual values+ A social awareness which impels to action+ The building of community as a Christian value+ Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom
10 | SHGREENWICH.ORGwomen of conscienceSOCIAL JUSTICE + SERVICEThe Social Justice + Service program creates for our students a vocation that lasts a lifetime. Lower School students learn to think about how each of our actions impact ourselves, each other and our world. Middle School students discuss ideas of vocation and covenant: what am I called to do and what do I promise to do. And Upper School students use philosophical texts to peel away layers of societal mandates and preconceived notions to arrive at the truth. This curricular foundation allows students to respond to the call of service in meaningful ways. With a more complete understanding of the people of the world and the opportunities available to combat issues in inequality and injustice, Sacred Heart girls impart change. Curriculum, commitment, and advocacy breed the morals, ethics, and understanding to propel students to be lifelong advocates for the poor, powerless, and marginalized.
25Eucharistic ministers in the senior class11,388hours of community service performed by Middle and Upper School studentsSACRED HEART GREENWICH | 11“ Transformative thinking comes from weaving a deepening intellectual understanding of our role in the world with service experiences.”—KERRY BADERDirector of Upper School Community Service
12 | SHGREENWICH.ORGfostering curiosityLEARNING BEYOND WALLSBuild robots. Film a television broadcast. Debate. Track butterfly migration. Master a world language. Conduct research about Mars. Plant a garden. Publish poetry. Our dedicated and innovative faculty forge strong relationships with our students, infusing excitement and creativity into every learning experience. In addition to acting as advisors and coaches to our students, our teachers are equally committed to their own professional growth through workshops, summer study, travel, research, and ongoing curriculum development. Sacred Heart faculty are recognized for their groundbreaking work through our Faculty Innovation Grant program and through the numerous invitations they receive to present their work at national conferences for educators.
1State-of-the-Art on campus observatory286students perform in theater productionsSACRED HEART GREENWICH | 13
signature programsA PATH TO GROWTH + DISCOVERYAt Sacred Heart, our Signature Programs are paths of discovery, unique to our mission and education that provide an array of opportunities to pursue a field of study in depth.Each Signature Program engages students in a dedicated learning experience that builds upon her interests and talents, adding valuable knowledge and skills to help her approach the world’s complex issues with clarity, purpose, and optimism. These Programs inspire girls to build their academic profiles as creative, caring, compassionate, and capable leaders—and chart their goals for the future.Sacred Heart’s Signature Programs include:• The Arts• Broadcast Journalism• Campus Ministry + Service• Global Scholars Program• IBM + NASA Partnership• Network Exchange Program• SophieConnect14 | SHGREENWICH.ORG
“Transforming the world, one girl at a time.” MICHAEL F. BABER Head of SchoolTHE SACRED HEART JOURNEYOutstanding academics. Active faith. An international network. Opportunities to shine in visual and performing arts. Competitive athletics. A global perspective. Exciting, hands-on internships, research and activities. Top-notch facilities. A caring community that encourages exploration— and balance. Spiritual, intellectual, creative, social, and moral development.As Greenwich’s only faith-based school for girls, Sacred Heart offers all that and more. Our educational philosophy emanates from a profound spiritual and educational heritage, and from our commitment to meet the challenges of a changing world with innovative classroom strategies and new technologies. But the true hallmark of a Sacred Heart education is that our students are joyfully immersed in a learning environment with no academic ceiling. Whether a child arrives at Sacred Heart in Lower, Middle or Upper School, we inspire each girl to be—and do—her very best.follow us as we educate, enlighten + encourage future global leaders@SHGreenwich@SHGreenwich@SH_Greenwichsignature programsA PATH TO GROWTH + DISCOVERYlearn more about ourSIGNATURE PROGRAMS @ SACRED HEART GREENWICHAt Sacred Heart, our Signature Programs are paths of discovery, unique to our mission and education that provide an array of opportunities to pursue a field of study in depth.Each Signature Program engages students in a dedicated learning experience that builds upon her interests and talents, adding valuable knowledge and skills to help her approach the world’s complex issues with clarity, purpose, and optimism. These Programs inspire girls to build their academic profiles as creative, caring, compassionate, and capable leaders—and chart their goals for the future.Sacred Heart’s Signature Programs include:• The Arts• Broadcast Journalism• Campus Ministry + Service• Global Scholars Program• IBM + NASA Partnership• Network Exchange Program• SophieConnect14 | SHGREENWICH.ORG
1177 King StreetGreenwich, CT 06831tel 203.531.6500fax 203.531.5206www.shgreenwich.orgfor more informationPlease contact the Admission Office at admission@cshct.org or call 203.532.3534.