Magnetic FriendsBy: LeAnna KellerBy: LeAnna Keller
The North and South families moved to California when Lola and Ruby wereThe North and South families moved to California when Lola and Ruby weretoddlers, and they have been friends now for sixteen years. Lola Northtoddlers, and they have been friends now for sixteen years. Lola Northand Ruby South are now best friends who live in the same apartmentand Ruby South are now best friends who live in the same apartmentcomplex. These two girls are inseparable, and most people don’tcomplex. These two girls are inseparable, and most people don’tunderstand their dynamic since they are the exact understand their dynamic since they are the exact opposite opposite of each other.of each other.They know lots about each other; or at least, they think they do…They know lots about each other; or at least, they think they do… Page 1
Beep, beep, beep, beep.The alarm on her phonecreates a dreadful pitchcausing the routine morningheadache. Ruby is soannoyed that she picks upthe phone and throws itacross the room. Suddenly,the bed starts to rattleand shake. Page 2
“What in the world?!”Ruby notices that the more irritated shebecomes, the more her bed shakes.Tiny cracks form in the wall behind the ironheadboard, the legs of the bed scratch thefloor, and nails loosen in the floorboards. She knows this isn’t the lasttime this will happen.After all, it ISN’T the first!Page 3
Bam, bam, bam! Someone ispounding on the door.Ruby forcefully extends herarms causing the steel doorto swing open. Lola saweverything!“Open up, it’s meLola. Wait! What wasthat ?!?”As Ruby exits thebedroom and headsdown the hallway,the bed stopsshaking, and thefloor nails fall backinto place. Page 4
When the door opens, Lola isstanding there holding a stackof ferrite ring magnets. She hadsecretly witnessed Ruby’sability before now, without herknowledge. The magnets quickly fly outof Lola’s hands towardsRuby.Now she is worried that herfriend will think she is somekind of mutant. But Lola surprises her...Page 5
Lola is apprehensive about speaking to Rubysince she seems angry already. She knows it istime to tell Ruby about her ability too.Afteralll, what are the odds that BOTH friendswould have strange abilities?Lola replies recluctantly. “I’veknown for quite some time Ruby. I’msorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Ithought you would tell me when youwere ready.”Ruby asks, “How long have you known? I mean youhave to! You aren’t scared!”After things calm down, Ruby questionsLola as if she is some kind of stranger.Page 6
Scattered around the tableare metal sheets, plasticcubes, paper, refrigeratormagnets, wood, small cobaltmagnets, candles, a hammer,batteries, bulbs, copperwire, switches, and powerstrips.The girls walk slowly to Ruby’s bedroom, and it looks as if a madscientist has been staying over. Blankets are thrown about, emptyfood containers are on her desk, and Ruby’s computer has severalscience-related pages open. Of course, her phoneand Bluetooth speakerare waiting patiently aswell.Page 7
Lola and Ruby are sitting across from eachotherfeeling as if some kind of force is pulling themcloser together. Ruby, always the “brain,” hadno trouble recollecting what she learnedthroughout elementary science class, so sheexplains to Lola how she figured out what waswrong with her. Lola interrupts Ruby to tell herabout her abilities, and the friends determinethat they are both...MAGNETICMAGNETICPage 8
“We have the ability toattract and repel things. Themore iron in an object, thestronger the forces become. Ihave permanent magnetism, sowhen I get too hot, the lessstrong my magnetism is.Do you know what kind ofmagnetism you have?”My magnetism is different than yours.It’s called ELECTROMAGNETISM,which is a temporary magnet. It is oneof the four fundamental forces ofnature. We can do some pretty coolstuff now! Watch me...Page 9
It wasn’t until last week thatI learned I can change thechannels myself without usinga remote control. “At first, I was confused aboutwhat was happening to my body, andI would get frustrated because whenI watched T.V. or listened to theradio, the channels would dowhatever they wanted to.” “It took me a long time todevelop and fine-tune my skills,but I can manipulateELECTROMAGNETIC waves andturn my ability on and off."Page 10
Through trial and error, the pair learnednot to place magnets near any electronicequipment or cards with magnetic strips.They made a standing rule that if it hasan on/off switch, there should be nomagnets around. Strong magnets will damage computers,monitors, cell phones, and credit cards,etcLola and Ruby studied for hours on end to seewhat they were capable of.They never could have imagined how powerful theycould be!Page 11
Ruby and Lola, armed with their magneticabilities, set out to help the planet byrepairing and reinforcing collapsingstructures, generating powerfulelectromagnetic fields to control and guideelectrical currents, stabilize power grids, andeven deflect threats to Earth's atmosphere. Together, their powersallow them to tackle bothimmediate threats andlong-term challenges. Page 12
Since discovering their uniqueness, scientific adventures openeddoors to increasing investigative materials, evalutating howmagnetism and electricity work together, and communicating theirfindings with the world. While neither of the girls had ever reallyfit in at school, they were now the talk of the town and forces tobe reckoned with. They explored the wonders of theelectromagnetic spectrum, including radio waves and X-rays.Page 13
Throughout their journeys, they gained a deeperunderstanding and appreciation for their abilities;learning how to help mankind to potentially avoiddisasters and provide early warnings of things to come.They could predict solar flares and earthquakes,determine directionality, and strengthen long-distancecommunication. Lola and Ruby were an unbeatablepair!Page 14
While Ruby’s permanent magnetismprovided stability and strength,Lola’s electromagnetism allowed herto maintain control. So is the relationship between -electricity and magnetism...References:Georgia Department of Education. InstructionalSegments-Fifth Grade Instructional Segment onElectricity and Magnetism 15
The EndThe End
a. Construct an argument based on experimentalevidence to communicate the differences in functionand purpose of an electromagnet and a magnet.(Clarification statement: Function is limited tounderstanding temporary and permanent magnetism.) b. Plan and carry out an investigation to observe theinteraction between a magnetic field and a magneticobject. (Clarification statement: The interactionshould include placing materials of various types(wood, paper, glass, metal, and rocks) and thicknessbetween the magnet and the magnetic object.) S5P3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicateinformation about magnetism and itsrelationship to electricity.