GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 108 ISSUE 4 APRIL 2019 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK FACING CRUCIFYING FORCES Some of you heard me preach about it on the Second Sunday of January a local mental health facility has been asking me to come make chaplain visits to LGBT patients Mostly I have been asked to come speak with transgender individuals and it has truly been some of the most sacred moments of my ministry The funny thing is that each time I am invited I am led to believe by the provider requesting the visit that the individual is struggling with their identity but when I arrive and begin to talk with them I discover it is not their identity they are struggling with but the difficulties of living fully into that identity in their family their military unit our wider society etc This month we continue in the season of Lent and it is a journey to the cross Soon we will find ourselves on Good Friday with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane We will witness him crying so hard he is bleeding as he prays Abba not my will but your will be done We will look out and see his disciples asleep all around him seeming not to have grasped the gravity of the situation at hand Some might say in that moment Jesus was struggling with his identity with who God called him to be how he identified himself and understood his mission in the world but that I don t think that was the case at all After all he was confident enough in his sense of purpose to go flipping tables in the temple and to get down on his knees and wash his friends feet and even to dip his bread in the same cup as the one he knew would sell his life away No Instead like these beautiful transgender individuals I have had the privilege to listen to and 1 walk alongside I believe his angst had everything to do with the difficulties of how his identity being fully himself was received and perceived by the world Because for some who they identify as who they know themselves to be and know God has called them to be puts them up against crucifying forces and it is hard to find the strength to keep going in the world of those forces And so as I get ready to enter Holy week I find myself wondering about the ways in which I may be participating in the crucifying forces of the world Who am I working against or holding back from living into the fullness of who God made them to be Or whose struggle have I fallen asleep to failing to grasp the gravity of the situation at hand What tables do I need to be bold enough to flip Whose feet do I need to stoop to wash What enemies do I need to break bread with And how do I come alive to grace not just for me but for the entirety of the beloved community These are big questions The Easter message will come of course with its good news that the crucifying forces are not stronger than the God who calls us that you can dare to be you and live even if they crucify you Or perhaps another message we need to hear that nothing and no one not even you can crucify the ones God calls beloved I look forward to the journey with you to the cross and through the cross into Easter resurrection Pastor Jen
BIRTHDAYS Mickey Moore 4 2 Martha Taylor 4 5 Dotti Boake 4 18 Kate Hall 4 26 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard FELLOWSHIP Available 4 07 Available 4 14 Available 4 21 Bev Kelly Linda Rupp 4 28 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship Look for the sign up sheet in the fellowship hall DEADLINE FOR MAY 2019 MESSENGER IS APRIL 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ERIC JOHNSON FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 4 07 Available 4 14 Available 4 21 Available 4 28 M Our Crop Walk team this year consisted of L R Eric Johnson Coordinator Mickey Moore Jim Moore seated Lisa Ware and Rev Jen Daysa Not pictured Beryl Fruth and Virginia Thompson CROP WALK 2019 This year the Crop Walk was Sunday March 24 in Gulfport Good Sam raised 426 to help world hunger Walkers supporters and fundraisers included Mickey Jim Moore Eric Johnson Lisa Ware Pastor Jen Daysa Ginny Thompson and Beryl Fruth It was a gorgeous walk along the Gulfport waterfront Thank you to all who supported this important cause Submitted by Eric Johnson OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE March 3 46 10 58 17 60 24 49 2
UPCOMING SABBATICAL PLANS FOR REV DAYSA FAMILY When Rev Jen Daysa was called as our pastor the search team on the advice of the congregation and session stipulated that after five years of service to our congregation she would take a sabbatical She recently asked the session if she could postpone the sabbatical until the summer of 2020 which means she will have actually ministered for us for six years While keenly aware of our pastor s need for a time of renewal and refreshing we also knew that it would be a challenge to set aside enough funds to provide for a consequential time away Our church is Rev Jen Daysa s first pastorate and though she is still very young she continues to share wisdom and love beyond her years We are thankful God called her to us and it is our desire to provide for her and her family a well deserved time away to study and reinvigorate her vision for our ministry together To that end we have formed a small committee of congregants Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill and Carolyn Woodard to assist Pastor Jen in applying for a grant from the Lilly Endowment specifically for pastoral sabbaticals The grant allows not only for monies to assist in the pastor s cost of the time away but also provides funds for activities for the church to engage in a time of renewal along parallel themes Our congregation is made up primarily of spiritual refugees brought together by a need for a welcoming spiritual home Most have been marginalized or made to feel unwelcome based on their sexual orientation skin color abilities special needs mental health addiction poverty or any other trait that made them stand out as different Together as one cohesive family of misfits we are learning to Build the Beloved Community a mantra that is not only our church mission statement but the primal need that draws us into this chosen family It is this distinction that set Pastor Jen Daysa on the path of seeking to learn more about building community in a church with such diversity In studying the early church she realized that the same dynamic was true for them They formed radically inclusive community often in the face of great hostility oppression and persecution and they did 4 so through worship at table Intrigued she began to look for ways she might learn about how community is formed in other cultures and be reminded of what it is like to be new out of place and trying to find community Her plans include a trans Atlantic cruise both ways because Jacob cannot fly to areas around the Mediterranean Sea where the apostles ministered and the early church worshiped and grew They also happen to be cultures that are known for their hospitality and their community formation particularly around shared meals In 2018 our session and Pastor Jen have worked on ideas for long range and short term goals for our church We ve arrived at four specific areas of focus over the next three years to 1 build intimacy and deepen relationships with God and each other 2 build new connections and sharing God s love our love 3 build community sustainability and 4 build a strong sense of identity and mission Through Pastor Jen s sabbatical and our plans for the church while she is gone we hope to learn more about building community
Members of the congregation are now doing research on possible activities that we can do while Pastor Jen is away We are talking to various restaurants in our area that are owned by first generation immigrant families who have come to the area We want to set up a time once a month that the church can go in and spend time with the owners learn about their experiences coming to this country and how they are learning to form community so far from home We d like to share an authentic meal from their ethnic tradition possibly even helping them cook and serve it We are looking into various ethnic restaurants such as Spanish Italian Greek etc We also are planning to coordinate two dinner parties per month where members and friends of the congregation will host a party and invite people from the groups who use our space Some of those groups include the special needs adult theater group AIDS Partnership NOW National Organization of Women Head Start and our food pantry guests We hope to deepen the connections between our congregation and these groups so that we can work alongside one another doing justice and mercy in our community Before Pastor Jen leaves she will be providing a seminar on a book called Table Talk Rethinking Communion and Community by Mike Graves After studying the book together the author has agreed to come and share with our congregation about the concept of worship around a shared meal and how the intimacy of sharing food around a table and some of the rituals that accompany that can build community While her sabbatical and our congregational time of renewal is still a year away the deadline for applying for this grant is April 11th It will be August before we know whether we have been chosen but regardless our church will be giving her the time off for a period of rest renewal and study Of course the grant would allow all of us to greatly expand the scope of our experiences Both she and the church will plan alternate activities if we do not receive the grant Watch for more details in the coming months TELL US WHAT YOU THINK YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT Worship is more than the sum of all its parts but those parts all have meaning and play a role in your overall experience 1 The Spiritual Formation Team SF is asking for your feedback on your worship experience during this Lent Season Specifically 1 What do you think of the worship space How is the lighting Sound can you hear the service The Communion Table SF works hard to ensure the visual art we create coincides with the message experience we want to for service What can we improve 2 What do you think about the order of worship Is the bulletin easy to follow You may have noticed that the announcements have been toward the end of service right before the Closing Circle Tell us what you think Do you like announcements before or at the end of worship What can we improve 3 What do you think about the worship service What did you find meaningful What did you think of videos that were used if any What about the prayers The Lord s Prayer What did you think about the music What can we improve SF Team members are Gregory Allen Sarah Butz Bill Cooley Steve Crist Chris Osberg Pastor Jen Debbie Rasmussin and Lisa Ware If you want to email me my email is drasmussin yahoo com We anxiously await your feedback Ministry Matters https www ministrymatters com worship Submitted by Debbie Rasmussin 1 5
April Oasis Trip Becoming a Frog Eavesdropper Lecture at Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center Saturday April 27th 9 30am 1 00pm Wondering what animals are talking in the night and what they are saying Must be an alligator or is it a pig frog Could that be a quacking duck Maybe a squirrel scolding Or are they just frogs chatting Join Sensing Nature biologists Jeanne Murphy and Brian Lane to visually learn some of our common Florida frogs and toads as well as learning their calls too Next grab one of Sensing Nature s Frog Callers and join our froggy jamboree That way the next night you hear them talking you can join in their conversation too We will meet at Good Sam at 9 30am carpool to Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center in St Pete The lecture is from 10 30am 11 30am For those who are interested we will have a post lecture lunch at a restaurant TBD Contact Eric Johnson with any questions 727 319 6970 Una Aventura Espa ola A NIGHT IN SPAIN Lunch a Show July Oasis Trip Saturday July 27th 11 30am Enjoy lunch at the historic Columbia Restaurant Ybor City Then attend the musical A NIGHT IN SPAIN featuring La Verbena de la Paloma the sizzling zarzuela with the Opera Tampa Singers On a hot humid carnival night in Madrid the people gather to celebrate the miracles of La Virgen the famed statue and centerpiece of Paloma Street This religious revelry includes the cast of characters found in Madrid at the turn of the 19th century the fashionable young girls a bevy of lecherous tradesmen barkeeps and well educated laborers Friends lovers strangers and devotees collide in this steamy mix of Spanish style music as the Opera Tampa Singers perform Tomas Breton s zarzuela La Verbena de la Paloma as well as Spanish dancing flamenco guitar and other tantalizing surprises We will meet at Good Sam at 11 30am to carpool over to the Columbia Restaurant see lunch menu next to the sign up sheet in the Narthex After lunch we will drive over to the Straz Center for the Performing Arts to attend the 3 00pm show of A Night in Spain Show tickets cost 30 00 If you would like to attend this show please sign up in the Narthex and give ticket money to Eric Johnson as he will be pre purchasing tickets to ensure everyone gets a seat before selling out Contact Eric Johnson if you have any questions 727 319 6970 6
TREASURER S REPORT M The new office administrator Rebecca Kessel center visited Good Sam on March 10 and brought her mother Susan left A very proud former teacher Gretchen Ackerson right is thrilled to see her former student working for Good Sam GRETCHEN S THIRD GRADE STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ERIC JOHNSON Good Samaritan s new office administrator visited Sunday with her mother Susan No one was happier to see her than Gretchen Ackerson Rebecca s not so long ago third grade teacher Gretchen says she knew back then that Rebecca would be as tall as she was Gretchen and mom Susan are both so proud of Rebecca s recent graduation from Eckerd College Susan obviously gets most of the credit but Gretchen likes to think she played a small part in Rebecca s academic success Gretchen did tell Rebecca that she doesn t have to call her Ms Ackerson anymore Submitted by Gretchen Ackerson Written by Katie Fullerton M The cross bay ferry ride on Saturday March 24 was a fun event and the weather was gorgeous After a fun lunch the group went to the Florida Aquarium L R Ken Booker Sandy Badger Bev Kelly Donna Knight Eric Johnson OASIS Coordinator and Judy Friend Watch the Sunday bulletin and the Messenger for upcoming OASIS adventures 7 The total of all giving in February was under the budget by only 716 For Pledged Giving we were under budget by only 450 On the expense side the February total was under budget by 1 940 This was primarily due to the open Administrative Assistant position Since we have hired Rebecca Kessel to that position the total expenses will increase going forward We received 10 06 from AmazonSmile as the 4th quarter 2018 1 of purchases from members who order through the AmazonSmile site naming Good Sam to receive the donation The Small Change collected in February totaled 78 53 and was deposited to the Pastor s Discretionary Fund Someone donated a Publix gift card with a small balance left on it I was able to buy 2 cans of Progresso soup for the Food Pantry with it thanks Submitted by Kate Hall GOOD SAM FOOD PANTRY TO RECEIVE 1 000 DONATION Each year for the past 8 years I have applied to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a Humanitarian Donation of food for our food pantry The donation has been valued at 500 and we have been approved all but 1 year The request that year was made too late in the year and the total allotment had already been given out I have since made our request in January There are various forms to be filled out and other documentation is required I am able to select the food items we need from an extensive list I always concentrate on the protein items canned meats peanut butter etc I made our selections based on a 500 total On March 15 I received an email informing me that our request was approved for 1 000 and that I needed to go back to the request form and increase amounts for items already selected and add some new items I am now making arrangements to go out to Plant City to the Bishop s Storehouse and pick up the food Submitted by Kate Hall
LGBT ELDER INITIATIVE MEETING SCHEDULE MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Sunday Noon Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Sunday after worship Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Attention Team Leaders Please let us know if your meeting times have changed so that we can make sure the correct information is available M The meeting was hosted by St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Clearwater FAST RALLY ON MARCH 18 The recent FAST Rally on March 18th brought out almost 600 network members The Rally began with 20 minutes of caucus time for each of the 41 congregations Good Sam had 21 network members present and pledged to bring 88 people to the Nehemiah Action on April 8th At 7 20 there was prayer scripture roll call and an inspiring challenge to do justice in God s name Each committee report began with a personal testimony by someone directly affected by the problem Then leaders summarized its work and decisions Youth Suspensions Arrests Committee learned that out of school suspensions and arrests increased in the last year FAST will continue to urge the School Board to fully implement the successful Restorative Justice program Affordable Housing reported that the County Commission passed a resolution to spend 4 15 of Penny for Pinellas funds for affordable housing over the next 10 years Unfortunately St Petersburg doesn t plan to begin using its allocated housing funds until 2023 so FAST invited the Mayor to our Nehemiah Action to express our concerns The Criminal Justice Committee researched the need for better mental health services and will ask those involved to create a central receiving facility where persons needing care can be assessed and directed to the right services The committee also researched racial profiling and will work to improve relationships between law enforcement and the community and to build trust That s quite an imposing agenda but if we can bring 3250 people to Tropicana Field on April 8th we will have a powerful voice for change This means we need every member of Good Sam who is able plus lots of family friends co workers neighbors etc Please pray for FAST and a successful Nehemiah Action Submitted by Bev Kelly M Jean Cooley spoke with the Westminster Shores group 8 M Bill Cooley led the Good Sam network members PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY BEV KELLY The LGBT Elder Initiative is made up of professionals who work in the field of aging and meet once a month to discuss how to educate train and raise consciousness regarding issues impacting the older LGBT community living in Pinellas County Committee members must be a member of Better Living for Seniors For more information go to blspinellas org committees Despite advances in LGBT civil rights many adult care providers never stop to consider that their older clients may be lesbian gay bisexual and transgender Even those who do may not know how to provide services in culturally sensitive ways As a result LGBT older adults often avoid seeking needed services out of fear of discrimination With LGBT older adults twice as likely to live alone more than four times as likely to have no children the informal caregiving support we assume is in place for older adults may not be there for LGBT elders If you know professionals who often work with LGBT clients be sure they know about this program that builds bridges between the Elder Services market and the LGBT elder community in order to advocate inform and educate on behalf of LGBT elders Submitted by Rev Jean Cooley
PACK A SNACK FOR HEAD START Pack a Snack works with selected Head Start schools to identify those children who meet the criteria of being chronically hungry or having food insecurity The program provides to eligible students a nutritious group of snacks who might not have adequate food over the weekends during the academic year This program is for the Good Samaritan Head Start Program Any Head Start child where teachers feel that they exhibit behaviors that may indicate chronic hunger or food insecurity are eligible for the program Students may be referred to the program by school personnel classroom teachers or by a child s guardian The items in the pack will be paid for and provided by Good Samaritan Church The church will enter into an agreement with Head Start Good Samaritan branch Each sack contains child friendly shelfstable food items for an average of two days Each sack will contain a combination of 10 12 items fruit cup 2 milks 2 cereals juice box pudding cup individual beanie weenies stew Vienna sausages granola bar trail mix cheese crackers or other items that may be approved as suitable Due to the rising cost of transportation and food it is hard to estimate what the actual financial cost will be Previously we estimated that each sack would cost around 5 This will vary depending on the items each week in the sacks The church will buy the food for the sacks store the food in a safe clean room and pack the sacks in Fellowship Hall after Sunday services The bags will then be delivered to Mrs Bell of Head Start on Thursday or Friday morning The Head Start school will be responsible for getting written approval from all guardians or parents that will have a bag sent to their home The school will search health records and speak to parents about food allergies or health concerns so each child receives a custom bag of food Initially the church will start with 10 children for the remaining school year This will set a good foundation for the fall semester and help remove any problems that may exist Mrs Bell estimates that 25 to 30 of the 44 children now at Head Start may be chronically hungry and eligible for Pack a Snack In the fall if the same numbers are present the number of children served will be slowly ramped up from a start of 10 to the needed number 25 30 This maintains that adequate funding is available from the church Funding for the program will consist of but not limited to church members adopting a child for 5 per week grants and outright donations to the church for Pack a Snack Robin Becker and Judy Friend will oversee or supervise the program They will need at least 4 volunteers to help sort bag and deliver the snacks to the preschool They will also need volunteers as back ups An appropriate room for food storage will need to be located in the church or food bank building Currently we are seeking 10 people who would be willing to sponsor a child for only 3 weeks at this point for a cost of 15 Please contact Robin Becker or Judy Friend if you are able to do this We are also wanting to give each of the 9 Head Start teachers a little surprise on Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday May 7 and are asking 9 more people to sponsor a teacher for 15 Robin and Judy will then take those monies and buy a gift for each teacher that will be presented to them from our church We are seeking to build stronger relationships with the groups who meet at our facility and this is a wonderful way to build our Beloved Community Submitted by Lewis Hill Good Sam Fellowship 3 Ways 2 Help HOST Provide refreshments set up serve and clean up SUPPLY Provide refreshments and let us take care of the rest SPONSOR Donate money for refreshments You pick a day or leave that to us The church supplies cups plates cutlery serving utensils napkins coffee creamer sugar and sweetners If you decide to host we will be glad to help in any way We can provide drinks show you where everything is and provide any assistance needed We will be there for you It will be your day and we want it to be a good experience for everyone Dietary Restrictions We have some folks who have dietary restrictions such as allergies to gluten onion or pineapple to name a few Some are diabetic and cannot have sugar Some are vegan We keep some things on hand that cater to these restrictions Just let us know if you want us to take care of this Please label your dishes if they are meant to satisfy any of these needs We can provide cards for this purpose Make it buy it big or small Any and all foods are welcome If you have questions see Sandy Badger or Robin Becker our fellowship coordinators 9
BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 93 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa ANNIVERSARY CLUB Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall FOOD PANTRY NEEDS FOOD PANTRY REPORT FEBRUARY 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 12 Number of clients served Adults 146 Children 61 Total 207 Volunteers during February were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carol Diehm Tom Fauquet Clarence Wilkinson and Johana Groth The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in February was 53 February saw a drop off in the number of pantry clients We had thought that the partial government shutdown would bring an increase in need for our services Perhaps the early payment of February SNAP benefits offset the need We frequently have homeless people ask for pet food for their dogs or cats A man who was living in his truck asked for dog food recently but our supply was gone Pets are a great comfort to people without homes If you see a good sale on pet food or know someone who has lost a pet please think of donating to our Food Pantry Looking ahead the annual Stamp Out Hunger Letter Carriers Food Drive will be on Saturday May 11 2019 This will be the 27th annual drive Your weekly donations of food are very important Soups vegetables spaghetti sauce and canned meats tuna are most needed Watch for the BOGO features in the grocery store ads each week Food and money donors in February Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh Good Will Industries Trinity United Church of Christ All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall Peanut Butter Soups Vegetables Spaghetti Sauce Canned Meats Tuna SESSION SUMMARY FEBRUARY 27 2019 Pastor Jen led a discussion on the goals which were approved at the January Church Annual meeting Efforts will be made to attract and welcome visitors Work is being done on a grant proposal for Pastor Jen s upcoming Sabbatical A new Office Administrator has been found a recent Eckerd College graduate Carolyn Woodard has asked to be updated by the Ministry Teams to place articles in The Messenger Announcements will be moved to the end of Sunday s rather than at the start of the service this has since changed Submitted by Rich Feigel 10
APRIL 2019 DAILY LECTIONARY Monday April 1 2019 Psalm 53 Leviticus 23 26 41 Revelation 19 1 8 Tuesday April 2 2019 Psalm 53 Leviticus 25 1 19 Revelation 19 9 10 Wednesday April 3 2019 Psalm 53 2 Kings 4 1 7 Luke 9 10 17 Thursday April 4 2019 Psalm 126 Isaiah 43 1 7 Philippians 2 19 24 Friday April 5 2019 Psalm 126 Isaiah 43 8 15 Philippians 2 25 3 1 Saturday April 6 2019 Psalm 126 Exodus 12 21 27 John 11 45 57 Sunday April 7 2019 Fifth Sunday in Lent Isaiah 43 16 21 Psalm 126 Philippians 3 4b 14 John 12 1 8 Monday April 8 2019 Psalm 20 Exodus 40 1 15 Hebrews 10 19 25 Tuesday April 9 2019 Psalm 20 Judges 9 7 15 1 John 2 18 28 Wednesday April 10 2019 Psalm 20 Habakkuk 3 2 15 Luke 18 31 34 Thursday April 11 2019 Psalm 31 9 16 Isaiah 53 10 12 Hebrews 2 1 9 Friday April 12 2019 Psalm 31 9 16 Isaiah 54 9 10 Hebrews 2 10 18 Saturday April 13 2019 Psalm 31 9 16 Leviticus 23 1 8 Luke 22 1 13 Sunday April 14 2019 Liturgy of the Palms Psalm 118 1 2 19 29 Luke 19 28 40 Sunday April 14 2019 Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 50 4 9a Psalm 31 9 16 Philippians 2 511 Luke 22 14 23 56 or Luke 23 1 49 Monday April 15 2019 Monday of Holy Week Isaiah 42 1 9 Psalm 36 5 11 Hebrews 9 11 15 John 12 1 11 Tuesday April 16 2019 Tuesday of Holy Week Isaiah 49 1 7 Psalm 71 1 14 1 Corinthians 1 18 31 John 12 20 36 Wednesday April 17 2019 Wednesday of Holy Week Isaiah 50 4 9a Psalm 70 Hebrews 12 1 3 John 13 21 32 Thursday April 18 2019 Maundy Thursday Exodus 12 1 4 11 14 Psalm 116 1 2 12 19 1 Corinthians 11 23 26 John 13 1 17 31b 35 Friday April 19 2019 Good Friday Isaiah 52 13 53 12 Psalm 22 Hebrews 10 16 25 or Hebrews 4 14 16 5 7 9 John 18 1 19 42 Saturday April 20 2019 Holy Saturday Job 14 1 14 Psalm 31 1 4 15 16 1 Peter 4 1 8 Matthew 27 57 66 John 19 38 42 Sunday April 21 2019 Easter Vigil Romans 6 3 11 Psalm 114 Luke 24 1 12 Sunday April 21 2019 Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10 34 43 Psalm 118 1 2 14 24 1 Corinthians 15 19 26 John 20 1 18 Sunday April 21 2019 Easter Evening Isaiah 25 6 9 Psalm 114 1 Corinthians 5 6b 8 Luke 24 13 49 Monday April 22 2019 Psalm 118 1 2 14 24 Joshua 10 16 27 1 Corinthians 5 6b 8 Tuesday April 23 2019 Psalm 118 1 2 14 24 Judges 4 17 23 5 24 31a Revelation 12 1 12 Wednesday April 24 2019 Psalm 118 1 2 14 24 2 Samuel 6 1 15 Luke 24 1 12 Thursday April 25 2019 Psalm 150 1 Samuel 17 1 23 Acts 5 12 16 Friday April 26 2019 Psalm 150 1 Samuel 17 19 32 Acts 5 17 26 Saturday April 27 2019 Psalm 150 1 Samuel 17 32 51 Luke 24 36 40 Sunday April 28 2019 Second Sunday of Easter Acts 5 27 32 Psalm 118 14 29 Psalm 150 Revelation 1 4 8 John 20 19 31 Monday April 29 2019 Psalm 122 Esther 7 1 10 Revelation 1 9 20 Tuesday April 30 2019 Psalm 122 Esther 8 1 17 Revelation 2 8 11 WHERE ARE YOU SEEING NEW LIFE Pastor Jen needs your help with her Easter message Share with her via email or phone call your response to the following question Where are you seeing new life 11 FELLOWSHIP HALL LIGHTING PROJECT UPDATE The new led lighting system was installed in the fellowship hall during the week of March 15 and looks great The next step will be getting new insulation blown into the ceiling above the tile grid Once that is done the ceiling tile portion of the project will be done by Good Sam members The head of the church team is Carolyn Woodard We are looking for volunteers to help with the project once the insulation is in If you are interested in helping please contact Carolyn Woodard As soon as we have a final date for the work she will contact you and let you know how you can help Clarence Wilkinson and Carolyn Woodard suited up see photo and worked together before the lighting company came to make sure all the tiles were down and as much of the old insulation was down as they could reach Please make sure to thank Clarence for all his hard work in coordinating this project Submitted by Carolyn Woodard ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Paul Fullerton Katie Fullerton s brother Edna Smith Dottie Boake Rich Feigel Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Eddie Kosinski Jenny Wilson Jean and Carolyn s neighbor Paul Brockus and Good Samaritan Church
THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email goodsam church tampabay rr com Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Lisa Ware Moderator Becky McAllister Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Clarence Wilkinson Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly