RWTPC e l e b r i t i e s W h o H a v e R e c e n t l yO p e n e d U p A b o u t M e n t a l H e a l t hR O L L W I T H T H E P U N C H E SF O U N D A T I O N , I N C .C E L E B R I T YC O R N E RMAGAZINE A N X I E T Y & D E P R E S S I O NA Double-Edged SwordT H E T I E SB E T W E E NC R E A T I V E A R T S& M E N T A LH E A L T HVolume 1AddictionFENTANYL CRISIS IN AMERICAM O O D F O O D1 0 F o o d s T o H e l p B o o s t Y o u rM e n t a l H e a l t h
A Full Service Entertainment Company Specializing In Media And
Word FromOur FounderThank you for supporting RWTPMagazine's mission to change thenarrative surrounding Mental Illnessand Disorders.Your support means a lot to us, andwe're thrilled to have you as part ofour mission to raise awareness andstart discussions about mentalhealth. WE ARE EDUTAINMENT! Our goal is to provide an informativeresource to the community and serveas a tool for fundraising to further ourcause. Together, we can make a differenceand help break the stigmasurrounding mental health.MEET THE TEAM Board Advisor Barry Florence Board Of Directors Joe DiggsKen Brewer Felicia Jones Christopher Harding Roll With The Punches Founder Joe Diggs Michelle Devane- BrownVeronica Foster Zack Atler RWTP MagazineKenya Zandrowicz Editor-In-Chief Lauren Carr Contributor Staff Writers
Table ofTable ofContentsContentsAnxiety & Depression Celebs Who HaveOpened Up AboutMental Health AddictionFentanyl Crisis Mood FoodThe Ties Between TheCreative Arts AndMental HealthThe Edutainment EventOf The Year051216192529Resource Guide 36
Anxiety & DepressionA Double Edged Sword
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RWTP Magazine Page 07Depression is a significant public healthissue, with over 280 million peopleworldwide affected by this condition.According to the World HealthOrganization (WHO), about 3.8% of thepopulation suffers from depression, with5% of adults experiencing it, and 5.7% ofadults older than 60. Women are morelikely to experience depression than men.Suicide, which claims over 700,000 livesannually, is the fourth leading cause ofdeath among 15–29-year-olds.Depression can have far-reaching negativeimpacts on an individual's life and thosearound them. Here are some ways to fightdepression, as suggested by WebMD:Find healthy ways to cope with stressand boost your self-esteem.Take care of yourself by gettingenough sleep, exercising regularly, andeating a balanced diet.Seek support from loved ones duringdifficult times.Schedule regular medical checkups andseek help if you need it.If you suspect you are depressed, seekhelp as soon as possible.Over 40 millionadults in the U.S.(19.1%) have ananxiety disorderHere are some things you can do tocounter anxiety:Deep breathingExerciseJournalingMeditationReadingSocializingSpeaking with your health careprofessionalRWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1Anxiety disorders are a prevalent issuein the United States, with over 40million adults (19.1%) being affected.Moreover, nearly 7% of children agedbetween 3-17 experience anxiety-related problems each year. It isimportant to note that most peopledevelop symptoms before the age of21, according to National Alliance ofMental Illness NAMI.
T H I S C O U L DB E Y O USponsor the Roll With The PunchesFoundation Inc. and receive recognition notonly during the event, but also in ourseasonal digital publication. It's anexcellent opportunity to promote yourbrand.YOUR BRAND HERE
Anxiety & Depression are two mental disorders thatmost times can go hand in hand. Those who sufferfrom Depression often suffer from Anxiety and viceversa. In order to better understand each disorder we mustfirst define what it is. Anxiety is defined as a Generalized anxiety disorderthat involves persistent and excessive worry thatinterferes with daily activities. Some of the symptoms are: Feeling nervous, restless or tenseHaving a sense of impending danger, panic ordoomHaving an increased heart rateBreathing rapidly (hyperventilation).Depression which falls at the opposite spectrum yetstill falls in line with anxiety is a constant feeling ofsadness and loss of interest, which stops you fromdoing your normal activities.Some of the symptoms are: Continuous low mood or sadnessFeeling hopeless and helplessHaving low self-esteemFeeling tearfulFeeling guilt-riddenFeeling irritable and intolerant of othersHaving no motivation or interest in thingsFinding it difficult to make decisionsAnxiety & DepressionA Double Edged SwordRWTP Magazine Page 08
What do you do when you break a bone? Doyou ignore it and act like nothing is wrong, ordo you treat it and let yourself heal? Why dowe continue to suffer in silence, refusing toreach out or get help? Mental health is just asimportant as physical health. A problem is notless real just because it cannot be seen. The first step towards better mental health isacknowledging and understanding. Tryjournaling to get your thoughts, feelings, andworries onto paper. You may find that thisallows you to better process your feelings, oreven take some of that weight off your chest. If you feel overwhelmed or a lot of pent upfeelings, try releasing that energy in a healthyway. One way is through exercise. Go on arun, hit a boxing bag, you can even take youremotions out in a game of fetch with yourdog, I'm sure Fido will thank you. Do not beafraid to release your emotions in a moreunconventional way. Let yourself really cry oreven scream if you need to. Do not keepthese feelings inside.Above all else, listen to yourself. Do not tryto suppress your emotions, they will onlycome back stronger and at a less thanconvenient time. You matter, but you have tostart believing it too.PRIORITIZE YOUR MENTAL HEALTHRWTP Magazine | Page 10Learn To Make YourMental Health APriorityRWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1
L a m a r J a c k s o n : A C h a m p i o n o f M e n t a lH e a l t h A w a r e n e s sL a m a r J a c k s o n i s n o t o n l y v o c a l a b o u tt h e i m p o r t a n c e o f m e n t a l h e a l t h , b u t h ea l s o p u t s h i s w o r d s i n t o a c t i o n . D u r i n gM e n t a l H e a l t h A w a r e n e s s M o n t h , h i sc o m p a n y L J E n t e r t a i n m e n t w a s t h ep r e s e n t i n g s p o n s o r f o r t h e " I t ' s O k a yK n o t T o B e O k a y ” B l a c k T i e & S n e a k e rG a l a i n W a s h i n g t o n D C . T h i s e v e n t f e a t u r e d v a r i o u s a t h l e t e s ,a c t o r s , a r t i s t s , a d v o c a t e s , a n da t t e n d e e s w h o c a m e t o g e t h e r t o r a i s ea w a r e n e s s a b o u t m e n t a l d i s o r d e r s a n dt h e c h a l l e n g e s t h e y p o s e , p a r t i c u l a r l yf o r a t h l e t e s a n d m e n . J a c k s o n t o o k t os o c i a l m e d i a t o s t a r t a c o n v e r s a t i o na b o u t t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s , a n d h i s e f f o r t sh a v e h e l p e d t o b r e a k d o w n t h e s t i g m as u r r o u n d i n g m e n t a l h e a l t h .I T ’ S T I M E T O C H A N G E T H EN A R R A T I V ET h i s e v e n t w a s r i g h t o f f t h e h e e l s o f L a m a r J a c k s o n ’ s c o n t r a c t n e g o t i a t i o n s . H e r e c e i v e d n e g a t i v ef e e d b a c k a n d r i d i c u l e o v e r a l l o w i n g h i s m o t h e r t o h a n d l e t h e t a l k s . T h a t w a s a d i f f i c u l t t i m eh o w e v e r h i s s t r a t e g y w o r k e d a n d h e e n d e d u p n e g o t i a t i n g o n e o f t h e b i g g e s t d e a l s o f a n N F LQ u a r t e r b a c k . D u r i n g t h e " I t ’ s O k a y K n o t T o B e O k a y " B l a c k T i e & S n e a k e r G a l a , L a m a r w a s h o n o r e d o n s t a g e w i t ht h e R o l l W i t h T h e P u n c h e s F o u n d a t i o n C h a i r m a n ’ s A w a r d . D u r i n g t h e c e r e m o n y , h e b r o u g h t h i sm o t h e r F e l i c i a J o n e s o n s t a g e t o p u b l i c l y t h a n k h e r f o r h e r u n w a v e r i n g s u p p o r t , e s p e c i a l l y d u r i n gh i s c o n t r a c t n e g o t i a t i o n s . T h e e v e n t w a s h e l d d u r i n g M o t h e r ' s D a y w e e k e n d , a n d L a m a r p r e s e n t e dh i s m o t h e r w i t h a b o u q u e t o f a d o z e n l o n g - s t e m m e d r o s e s . H e w a s j o i n e d o n s t a g e b y K e n B r e w e r , aR o l l W i t h t h e P u n c h e s b o a r d m e m b e r .Lamar JacksonRavens NFL Quarterback(Photo Credit) Rachel Ford RWTP Magazine | Page 13
Celebrity Voices Help BringAwareness to Mental HealthAs we approach 2024, thetopic of mental health isbecoming increasinglyprevalent in society. This isdue in part to the alarmingstatistics surrounding theissue, prompting celebrities tospeak out publicly. Over thepast year, several well-knownfigures have come forward toshare their personalexperiences with mentalhealth struggles.Several celebrities came outto show their support ofMental Health Awareness byattending the It’s Okay BlackTie & Sneaker Gala Presentedby Lamar Jackson and LamarJackson Entertainment. Names like R&B SongbirdTweet, professional harpistTulani, American JournalistRoland S Martin and, GrammyAward winning Violinist MiriBen-AriOther Celebrities Who HaveAdvocated for MentalHealth AwarenessNumerous celebrities havevoiced their own mentalhealth struggles or expressedthe importance of changingthe narrative around thistopic. This list is extensive,suggesting that it's time toprioritize our mental health.That list includes: Demi Lavato Selena GomezLady Gaga ZendayaMichael B Jordan Ariana Grande Justin Beiber Michael PhelpsTaraji P Henson Brandon MarshallAnthony Anderson onMental Health AdvocacyIn a candid conversation withPeople magazine, AnthonyAnderson opened up abouthis half-brother's mentalhealth struggles and theimportance of gettingchecked. Sadly, the loss of hisbrother was one of the drivingforces for Anthony to becomea mental health advocate.Ed Sheeran and OtherCelebrities Opened Up AboutMental Health StrugglesIn light of the recent loss of hisbest friend Jamal Edwards, EdSheeran spoke candidly about hispersonal battles with mentalhealth. According to Rolling Stone,he struggles with Bulimia Nervosa,an eating disorder. Sheeran is justone of many public figures whohave shared their experienceswith emotional struggles.Raising Awareness andSupport for Mental HealthIt's crucial to raise awareness,funding, and resources tosupport people in need,regardless of their financial orcelebrity status. Mental healthcan impact anyone, irrespectiveof their background or status insociety.(Photo Credit) Rachel Ford (Photo Credit) Rachel Ford (Photo Credit) Rachel Ford
Thankyou toour 2023Sponsors
The Link Between DrugAddiction and MentalIllnessThe National Institute on DrugAbuse (NIDA) classifies drugaddiction as a form of mentalillness. Research has shown a clearconnection between drugabuse and various mentalillnesses such as anxiety,depression, and personalitydisorders, particularly withopioids. It is worth noting thatindividuals with mental healthconditions are at a higher riskof using drugs and alcohol,and vice versa.A D D I C T I O NT H E F E N T A N Y LC R I S I S I N A M E R I C ARWTP Magazine | Page 16RWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1
Pharmaceuticals vs. Illicitly ProducedFentanyl is classified as a synthetic opioid, and it comes intwo forms: pharmaceutical and illegally made. The formeris prescribed by medical professionals to relieve severepain, such as postoperative discomfort or late-stagecancer symptoms.Fentanyl has become widespread in our communities dueto its strength and accessibility. Sadly, those who getaddicted to various opioids and illegal fentanyl find itchallenging to quit. According to some individuals dealingwith addiction, the withdrawal symptoms are too intenseand painful to endure.IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS SUFFERING FROMADDICTION. PLEASE CALL 1-800-662-4357According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC) More than one million people have died since 1999 froma drug overdose.1 In 2021, 106,699 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. The age-adjustedrate of overdose deaths increased by 14% from 2020 (28.3 per 100,000) to 2021 (32.4 per 100,000).Opioids—mainly synthetic opioids (other than methadone)—are currently the main driver of drug overdosedeaths. Nearly 88% of opioid-involved overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids.Opioids were involved in 80,411 overdose deaths in 2021 (75.4% of all drug overdose deaths).Understanding FentanylFentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is extremelypotent, up to 50 times stronger than heroin, and100 times stronger than morphine. This drug is asignificant factor in both fatal and nonfataloverdoses in the United States.These numbers are continuing to climb. More and more individuals are starting to self medicate using drugs thatare laced with Fentanyl. Ins some cases without the users knowledge. According to the CDC Over 150 people dieevery day from overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl.F E N T A N Y L : T H E C R I S I S I N A M E R I C AFENTANYLFACTSRWTP Magazine | Page 17
WE ARE HERETO HELPAt the height of the opioid epidemic, 259 millionprescriptions were written for opioids, which ismore than enough to give every American adulttheir own bottle of pills. Every day, more than 90Americans die after overdosing on opioids.CareFirst is working to educate and help memberswho struggle with opioid dependence.Call our support team at 800-245-7013 for generalsupport or if you are in crisis.RWTP Magazine | Page 19
There is a link between food and yourmood. Your gastrointestinal track iscalled your second brain for a reasonAccording to, your GI tract ishome to billions of bacteria thatinfluence the production chemicalsubstances that constantly carrymessages from the gut to the brain. Twocommon examples of this are dopamineand serotonin. Eating the proper diet canhelp promotes good bacteria growth andproduces more of these delightfulchemicals. The "Gut-Brain Axis, is a term used forthe network that connects the two parts.Neurotransmitters are able to pass fromone another freely while directlyaffecting your feelings and emotions. Studies have shown that certain foodscan help to improve your mental healthcreating fewer mood swings and helpsyou to improve focus.Take a look at our top 10 list of foodsthat can benefit your mental health. EATING HEALTHY TO PROMOTEYOUR MENTAL HEALTHRWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1RWTP Magazine | Page 20
AVOCADOAvocados are delicious and nutritious. It is a superfood that has become a superstar in its own rite.Advocados contain tryptophan. Tryptophan is anamino acid that has a powerful impact on mood andmental health. It helps to balance hormones andaids in serotonin production. Bananas are a smart way to boost yourserotonin levels. Serotonin plays a vital role inyour overall mood. Although you may not feelan immediate boost in your overall moodafter eating one. Incorporating this food intoyour diet will have major benefits down theroad. Delicious!BANANASRWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1RWTP Magazine | Page 21
Bon AppétitBLUEBERRIESEat Your Oats! Whole grains are full of anamino acid called tryptophan which producesthe feel-good hormone serotonin. Serotoninhelps to reduce depression and anxiety byrelaxing the brain.A 2016 Study found that regularly consumingblueberries can help mitigate depression, andkeeps you positive and energized. The reason is linked to its powerful effect on thebrain. Blueberries trigger neurological responsesin the brainWHOLE GRAINSRWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1YOGURTResearch shows that yogurt contains Lactobacillus abacteria-friendly bacterium that boosts immunity andimproves digestion. These bacteria play an importantrole in changing the character of the microbiome inthe body which helps eliminate depression. Yogurtworks to convert stress hormones in the brain intofeel-good hormones.DARK CHOCOLATEThanks to its high levels of antioxidant flavanol, darkchocolate can enhance your mood and boostattention levels. Dark chocolate has a higher cocoacontent than white or milk chocolate. So eat thedarkest dark chocolate with 85% or more cocoacontent. RWTP Magazine | Page 22
SALMONSalmon contains plenty of healthy fats, with one ofthe healthiest being Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3fatty acids make up 60% of our brain matter and byeating salmon and ingesting this literal “brain food”,consumers will see their serotonin levels increaseand feel their moods improve.Green tea is traditionally known to induce mentalclarity, cognitive function, physical activation andrelaxation. Recently, a special green tea, matchatea, is rapidly gaining popularity throughout theworld and is frequently referred to as a mood- andbrain food.GREEN TEARWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1LEAFY GREENSEat Your Vegetables!! Leafy greens, especially spinach,and kale, provide the human brain with high levels offolic acid. According to various studies, properamounts of folic acid help to mitigate depression. Italso helps to combat insomnia giving you a much-needed rest. RWTP Magazine | Page 23SWEET POTATOThe delicious sweet potato is packed full of vitamin B6 andVitamin C. Vitamin B6 helps the pody produce serotonina hormone that helps regulate the mood and cope withstress.
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H ET I E S B E T W E E NC R E A T I V E A R T SA N D M E N T A LH E A L T HMusic can move us, a piece of artworkcan take us places, a cinematic filmcan alter our emotions like the stringsof the puppet master. Why is that? Is there a directcorrelation between the creative artsand our mental health? The Answer IsYES!TRWTP Magazine | Page 25RWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1
Creative approaches, known as arttherapy, are utilized to addressmental health concerns and promotewell-being. This form of therapy canencompass a range of treatments,including dance movementpsychotherapy, music therapy,theater therapy, poetry, pottery,drawing, painting, and craft therapy.There are 7 different types of art forms:painting, sculpture, literature, architecture,theater, film, and music. Each has a way ofreaching into our emotions whether we arethe creator or the spectator. The arts can take us places emotionally thatour minds may not dare to venture on theirown, outside of the normal triggers. As of late studies have suggested the artscan be beneficial to our overall mental health. The best part is that it helps people toimprove their mental health throughcreativity. Making art helps many peopleexpress themselves, without having to usewords.Art As A Form Of TherapyRWTP Magazine | Page 26RWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1
A R T T H E R A P Y I S AS C I E N T I F I C A L L YR E C O G N I Z E D F O R MO F T H E R A P YAccording to some scientific studies,creative expression through arttherapy can alleviate symptoms ofanxiety, depression, and even seriousillnesses such as cancer. It can alsohelp to enhance memory function inindividuals of all ages, including thosewho may require extra support in thisarea, such as elderly people.Art therapy offers a unique approachto restoring balance in one's mind andbody. It can help individualscomprehend their mental state andexplore their thoughts and behavior ingreater depth, making it a powerfultool for those who need support.To learn more about Art Therapy, itsuses, and benefits, visit the AmericanArt Therapy Association Magazine | Page 27RWTP Magazine 2024 Volume 1
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TheEdutainmentevent of theYearWashington DC, will not be the same. In 2023 RollWith The Punches Foundation came and left itsmark. The event was in support of Mental HealthAwareness and changing the narrative surroundingMental Illness and Disorders. The founder, Joe Diggs, saw the vision and withineight months brought the vision to life with thehelp of his team, board members, sponsors, andvolunteers. From keynote speakers to discussions withhealthcare experts and celebrities, It’s Okay KnotTo Be Okay gave its attendees an inside look at Mental Illness. There were stories of tragedy totriumph that inspired and informed everyone inattendance. The live performances engaged the attendees toprepare them for what was to come next. A boxingproduction with 2x WBC Champion Keith Holmesand RWTP Founder Joe Diggs. One exciting night followed by an after-partyevent. The evening was packed with excitementfrom beginning to end. For more information on the organization RWTP Magazine | Page 29
It’s Okay Black Tie & Sneaker GalaPresented By Lamar Jackson Entertainmentwas the Edutainment event of the year. This star-studded event was hosted by Actor andComedian Anthony Anderson. The event wascomplete with live performances by R&B SongbirdTweet, Grammy award-winning Hip Hop ViolinistMire-Ben-Ari, and Harpist Tulani. RWTP Magazine | Page 30The green carpet played host to a plethoraof celebrities from around the nation.
AS THE WEATHERWARMS UPThis may be due to seasonalaffective disorder, or SAD.There are two types of SAD,fall-onset, and spring onset.Fall-onset symptoms beginlate fall months and get betteras the weather gets warmer,spring-onset is the opposite,beginning late Spring andending as Summer ends. SAD affects about 5% ofadults in the US, according tothe American PsychiatricAssociation. Seasonal affectivedisorder typically startsbetween the age of 18 and 30,but can be observed at anyage. SAD is also morecommon among women thanmen. The expectation to feel happyduring a season associatedwith growth and renewal canamplify feelings of lonelinessor inadequacy for somepeople.It's important to recognizethat depression can occur atany time of the year and maybe influenced by acombination of biological,psychological, andenvironmental factors. If youor someone you know isexperiencing symptoms ofdepression, it's essential toseek support from a mentalhealth professional. Therapy,medication, lifestyle changes,and support networks can allplay a crucial role in managingdepression and promotingoverall well-being.While SAD is more commonlyassociated with the coldermonths, some individuals mayexperience symptoms ofdepression during the transitionto spring.The arrival of spring may disruptestablished routines and habits,leading to feelings of uncertaintyor instability. For example,changes in sleep patterns due todaylight saving time ordisruptions in daily activities cancontribute to mood changes andfeelings of depression. There'soften societal pressure toembrace the positivity and joyassociated with spring, whichcan be challenging forindividuals struggling withdepression. Have you noticed that somepeople tend to recoil duringcertain months out of the year?This may even happen to you,but what is this phenomenon,and why does it occur? Sources: | THE WEATHERWARMS UP
RWTP Magazine | Page 34Inaugural event benefiting mental health awarness
BECOME A MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATEBeing a mental health advocate is crucial within our organization. We need your help tocontinue to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness and promote anenvironment of acceptance and support. By educating others on mental health issues andadvocating for access to mental health resources, advocates can help individuals feel lessalone and more empowered to seek help. Visitwww.rollwiththepunchesfoundation.orgIf You Or Someone You Know Is Suffering Due ToMental Illness Text 988 To Speak To SomeoneRWTP Magazine | Page 35
R E S O U R C E G U I D EIf You Or Anyone You Know Is Currently In Need Of Help. Here Is A List OfResources To Help Guide You Along Your Journey To HealingText 988 For HelpSAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-yeartreatment referral and information service(in English and Spanish) for individuals andfamilies facing mental and/or substanceuse disorders.1-800-662-4357NAMI National Alliance On Mental IllnessYou are not alone! If you are struggling withyour mental health, the NAMI HelpLine ishere for you. Connect with a NAMIHelpLine volunteer today. Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), text"HelpLine" to 62640 or email us athelpline@nami.org988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline The 988Lifeline is a national network of local crisiscenters that provides free and confidentialemotional support to people in suicidalcrisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day,7 days a week in the United States. We'recommitted to improving crisis services andadvancing suicide prevention byempowering individuals, advancingprofessional best practices, and RWTP Magazine | Page 36
We are so grateful to be abeneficiary of the It's Okay Knot to Be Okay Gala.On behalf of our patients andfamilies, thank you!RWTP Magazine | Page 37
"Join us on June 22, 2024 for our It’s Okay Knot To Be Okay Casino RoyaleSneaker Gala a night filled with EDUTAINMENT. Let’s bet on a brighter future formental health. Together, we can change the game, erase the stigma, and build aworld where mental health is a priority. Visit Our