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Rural Locums

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RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGPROGRAMYour chance for one-on-one trainingin beautiful rural BClocums@rccbc.caSUPPORTINGRURAL LOCUMSIN BCThere is so much tolearn — and so manyplaces to explore — inrural BC.

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The Resident Locum Matching Service is anoptional program available to familymedicine residents at UBC interested in ruralmedicine.The program is supplemental to a resident'scurrent rural training opportunities and isintended to be completed during theirelective time.RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGOur program matches residents who arelooking for extra rural training withpracticing rural and remote locums.Successful applicants will be paired andwork with a rural locum doctor in a one-to-one preceptorship for a length of rotation upto four weeks.Communities and locations will vary bypreceptor, but typically include a mixture offamily medicine clinic and rural emergencyroom training.Travel and accommodation will be theresponsibility of the resident, however,funding for up to $1,000 for round-trip traveland $350/week accommodation is availablethrough REAP to offset costs to residents.Visit for information onfunding.Interested residentscan contactlocums@rccbc.cafor more informationon our matchingservice.

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The Resident Locum Matching Service is anoptional program available to familymedicine residents at UBC interested in ruralmedicine.The program is supplemental to a resident'scurrent rural training opportunities and isintended to be completed during theirelective time.RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGOur program matches residents who arelooking for extra rural training withpracticing rural and remote locums.Successful applicants will be paired andwork with a rural locum doctor in a one-to-one preceptorship for a length of rotation upto four weeks.Communities and locations will vary bypreceptor, but typically include a mixture offamily medicine clinic and rural emergencyroom training.Travel and accommodation will be theresponsibility of the resident, however,funding for up to $1,000 for round-trip traveland $350/week accommodation is availablethrough REAP to offset costs to residents.Visit for information onfunding.Interested residentscan contactlocums@rccbc.cafor more informationon our matchingservice.

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The Resident Locum Matching Service is anoptional program available to familymedicine residents at UBC interested in ruralmedicine.The program is supplemental to a resident'scurrent rural training opportunities and isintended to be completed during theirelective time.RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGOur program matches residents who arelooking for extra rural training withpracticing rural and remote locums.Successful applicants will be paired andwork with a rural locum doctor in a one-to-one preceptorship for a length of rotation upto four weeks.Communities and locations will vary bypreceptor, but typically include a mixture offamily medicine clinic and rural emergencyroom training.Travel and accommodation will be theresponsibility of the resident, however,funding for up to $1,000 for round-trip traveland $350/week accommodation is availablethrough REAP to offset costs to residents.Visit for information onfunding.Interested residentscan contactlocums@rccbc.cafor more informationon our matchingservice.

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RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGPROGRAMYour chance for one-on-one trainingin beautiful rural BClocums@rccbc.caSUPPORTINGRURAL LOCUMSIN BCThere is so much tolearn — and so manyplaces to explore — inrural BC.

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RESIDENTLOCUMMATCHINGPROGRAMYour chance for one-on-one trainingin beautiful rural BClocums@rccbc.caSUPPORTINGRURAL LOCUMSIN BCThere is so much tolearn — and so manyplaces to explore — inrural BC.