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OCTOBER 2024ISSUE 52SHSAMORNHandcrafted Luxury Fragrances

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Lovingly Handpoured In The UKR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4I N T R O D U C T I O NOur JourneyPg.6-7Environmental PledgePg.8-9Why Use Romans ProductsPg.11-12Pg.13Candle Testing & CarePg.15-18Premium ScentsPg.19SLS & Paraben’sRomans Clean BurnPg.14Romans ProductionPg.10Halloween at RomansPg.4Christmas at RomansPg.5

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4O U R P R O D U C T SLuxury Soy Wax Melts Pg.-23-24Occassion Labels Pg.37Luxury Reed Diffusers Pg.39-40Luxury Room & Linen Sprays Pg.41-42Shower Steamers Pg.43-45Luxury Kids Bath & BodyRocks Pg.46-48Luxury Bath Rocks Pg.49Bath Bombs Pg.50Holiday Travel Bags Pg.51-52 Bath & Body Products Pg.53-61Tealights Pg.63Wax Melt Burners Pg.25-32Candles Pg.33-36Scent Of The Month Pg.64Special Offers Pg.65-66Scent Descriptions Pg.67-75Product Scent Availability Pg.76-79 24K Facial Serum Pg.62Our Scent Range Pg.20-22Homeware Pg.38

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7 SCENTS-Trick or Treat-available October 2024soy wax melts TO VIEW OUR HALLOWEEN BROCHURE

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TO VIEW OUR CHRISTMAS BROCHUREA Scent ForEveryoneLimited EditionChristmasScents14Luxury ChristmasGiftsWISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS

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I wanted to share a little bit more about why I started Romans andwhy I love working from home so much. Several years ago my Asthma had become progressively worse and itwas a chance conversation with my Asthma nurse that it wasbrought to my attention about how burning paraffin wax productscan exasperate conditions such as mine.I went away and did my own research and discovered this to be trueand found I needed to swap to soy wax products.I decided to make the change and within a very short period myAsthma had improved so much that I have never looked back.I had been a representative for several home fragrance companies inthe last 13 years and thought my experience would be a good basefor building my own business. On so many occasions I struggledwhen I could see gaps in the market that they missed and failed tocapitalise on.My husband has his own business and is very innovative and alwayslooking to test new things. We are a household where being yourown boss was always a big subject and I had this feeling there wasalways this certainty of being my own boss one day.IHaving always been obsessed with home fragrance productsespecially candles I wanted to make my own products and bring thedream to life. I wanted to do what I loved the most and it not be justabout earning an income. My passion is helping others build theirown business's and achieve their goals no matter how big or small.R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4O U R J O U R N E Y

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So I decided after testing multiple products at home that I wouldlaunch my own range into the market in 2022. I was fortunateenough to be provided with some space within my husbandsfactory/warehouse to experiment.I had so much fun not only playing with fragrances but also themarketing and business part of running my own company. We did everything ourselves, from the design of the company logo,the packaging to the marketing materials and of course, the amazingproducts we now have to offer. It was such a sharp learning curveand such a great experience.Why Romans...The inspiration for our name came whilst walking my dogs acrossRoman Fields, an archaeological park that has been described as oneof Britain's premier Iron Age and Roman monuments. Being born andhaving lived in Colchester, Britain's oldest recorded town also madeit seem even more fitting.I loved the start-up phase of my business, it was such an exciting andcrucial time. This wouldn't have been possible without all theamazing people that have encouraged and supported me so far onmy journeyThank you so much you know who you are. xx18 months on...A few months into our journey I was approached by so many peoplethat I had worked with before who wanted to sell our products thatwe decided to launch into the MLM market. The following monthswere a whirlwind and today we now have a dedicated IT team, Anational team leader, and 400+ representatives/team leaders sellingour products all over the UK.Our recent addition to the business is our new live purpose builtwebsite that is still being developed behind the scenes to bring us apurpose-built MLM back office platform to deliver the very bestexperience to our amazing reps and team leaders.If you love home fragrance products and would love the opportunityto sell them for yourself please feel to drop me an email O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4O U R J O U R N E YYOURS TRULY,Shelley HughesFOUNDER/DIRECTOR

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Vegan &EnvironmentallyFriendlyClean BurnNon-ToxicSoyWaxCrueltyFreeSLS &ParabenFreeThe Board of Romans Fragrances is committed to boththe protection of the environment and evaluating theimpact that the company's services can have.Reducing the carbon footprint of the business.Reduce energy consumption.Minimise the production of all types of waste, especially paper. Encourage reuse, recycling and the disposal of other waste thatcannot be avoided, in a responsible manner.Favour the use of suppliers who are committed toenvironmental good practice.The Directors are committed to continually improving itsperformance by regularly reviewing its environmentalprocedures and impacts.ENVIRONMENTAL PLEDGER O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4

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Vegan &EnvironmentallyFriendlyClean BurnNon-ToxicSoyWaxCrueltyFreeSLS &ParabenIn recent years, much of the conversation around soy has been heavilyfocused on deforestation and climate change.Our soy wax is sourced from a company situated in the United Statesof America.Their soy is grown in Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri,Michigan, Kentucky, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowaby US farmers.As self-declared stewards of the land, these farmers are usingregenerative farming practices to build and maintain healthy soil forgenerations to come. Through methods like crop rotation, cover crops,and no-till farming, U.S. soybean farmers are working to increase thecarbon in our soil and decrease the carbon in our atmosphere, aprocess called carbon sequestration. And their efforts are paying off.Since 1980, U.S. soybean farmers have reduced greenhouse gasemissions by 43%.As this is the main source of income for many local farmers, it is a toppriority for the farmers that the soy they grow and harvest issustainable to ensure they can continue to use their land for futureharvests.One of our prioritising principles at Romans is for our soy to sourcedfrom a deforstation free supply. Our US supplier has been categorizedas deforestation free.At Romans our soy wax is a 100% natural soy wax that is vegan friendly. ENVIRONMENTAL PLEDGER O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4

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PRODUCTIONR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4THE PURSUIT FOR PERFECTION.. .We are proud to deliver British-made bespoke luxury.Our Romans warehouse and production team is based within theheart of Colchester in Essex. We are only 1.1 miles from the beautiful, historic 11th-centuryColchester castle.As an independent family-run business we constantly strive toexpand our scented product range, with new products andfragrances being tested monthly.Each Candle, Wax Melt & Reed Diffuser production run is handmixed and poured, then hand labelled/packaged and handpicked ready for delivery to you.Every product line is small batch produced to ensure that everysingle order is fresh and smells factory massproducing at Romans!We have a passion for delivering exceptional scented products foryou to lovingly enjoy.

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Why is Soy Better?Unlike paraffin wax soy candles do not emit any harmful ortoxic gases when they burn.Soy wax candles do not emit any carcinogens either. Whenparaffin wax, which is made from petroleum burns, it emitsharmful chemicals such as toluene and benzene.Both these chemicals have been linked to the development of asthma and lung cancer.Since soy wax is made from plants it emits no suchchemicals.So when you are enjoying the scent of your soy candle you can rest easy that there is no risk to you physical andrespiratory health.Longevity... Soy wax candles are known to last longer than paraffincandles of the same size, upto 30% longer!Meaning, you are making better use out of your money andenjoying your favourite scent for longer!Environmentally Friendly and SustainableParaffin candles are derived from non renewable resources-crude oil-, soy candles are derived from renewableresources- plants!So, enjoying your favorite scent will not mean depletinglimited resources.Paraffin is a heavy hydrocarbon derived from crude oil soreleases massive amounts of carbon dioxide.About 10 grams per hour! Soy wax releases significantlylower amounts of carbon dioxide, making it moreenvironmentally friendly.Soy candles are also biodegradable- another reason whythey are an environmentally friendly and sustainable choice!PURE LUXURYR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4THE BENEFITS OF ROMANS....

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Vegan And Cruelty FreeSoy candles are vegan! If you also want to make sure thatyour candles are cruelty free- soy candles are your answer!While paraffin candles are not derived from animals ortested on them, they are not cruelty free for the planet.No Soot Deposits... Soy wax candles do not produce petro-carbon soot at all sowill burn cleaner and more efficiently.When paraffin candles emit petro-carbon soot it deposits ablackening on every thing locally to the burning candle.With soy candles, this is not an issue.Improved Mental HealthScented candles help you reach a relaxed state of mind. It is scientifically proven that scented candles can play anessential role in the physiological effects of mood, stress,working capacity, and overall mental health.As soon as you smell a good scent, it induces theproduction of hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine.These hormones are famously known as “happy hormones”,which summarises their role.Better ScentThe theory behind soy candles emitting scent better isconnected to the fact that soy candles burn more slowly.So the lower melting point of soy wax creates a larger poolof liquid wax around the flame.The fragrances are slowly released from this liquid wax,allowing the soy candle to emit the scent better!Unlike paraffin and beeswax candles, no artificial chemicalamplifiers are added to the mix!The Best Choice For Your Home

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SLS & PARABENR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4You may have heard by now that we should avoid SLS & Paraben’s But why you may ask? The Harmful Effects of Parabens:Growth of Cancerous cells -Parabens can mimic estrogen, the primary female sex hormone. They have beendetected in human breast cancer tissues, suggesting a possible association betweenparabens in cosmetics and cancer. It is believed that parabens could be one of themajor reasons for the growth of cancerous cells in the body if used on a regular basis.Affects Male Reproductive System - It is believed that absorption of paraben based products can affect the malereproductive system by lowering sperm counts and decreasing levels of testosterone.The January 2009 issue of Reproductive Toxicology reported that there is a probableinteraction between parabens and the health and activity of cells in the testes,meaning a possible decrease in sperm production in males.Premature Aging -Ironically, most of the paraben based products are beauty products meant toenhance skin. Studies have reported that researchers from the Kyoto PrefecturalUniversity of Medicine in Japan found that the parabens increase sensitivity anddamage from the ultraviolet sunrays when the skin is exposed, resulting in the deathof skin cells at a much faster rate than normal.The Harmful Effects of SLS:Skin Irritant and bears corrosive properties -According to the reports of American College of Toxicity, SLS corrodes the fats andproteins of skin and the upper layer muscle thus irritating the skin. It is an eye irritantand was shown to cause cataracts in adults. Pollutes Groundwater - When we use SLS based products, the traces of the same are mixed with undergroundwater through scum accumulation. It is toxic to the underground micro-organismswhich are essential in balancing the eco-system and also to fishes and other aquaticanimals when mixed with surrounding ponds or lakes.Helps other toxic chemicals get into the body - Since SLS molecules are too small, it easily penetrates the membranes of the bodycells. Once they fit into cells, it becomes more vulnerable for other toxic materials toenter along with SLS.It is actually a pesticide and herbicide -It is commonly used to kill weeds and insects. Makers of SLS recently petitioned tohave SLS listed as an approved pesticide for organic farming. The application wasdenied because of its polluting properties and environmental damage.

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CLEAN BURNDo you know the properties of a clean-burning candle? R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Did youDid youknow?know?The key to every candle we produce is in the wick.At Romans, we have invested heavily in thedevelopment time needed in testing wicks, wick size,and soy wax formulations. The wicks key function has a considerable impact onthe flame quality. Our aim was to produce a candlewith the perfect flame and to optimise the burningcharacteristics.A perfectly suited wick to all the other componentswithin the candle allows for a candle to burnefficiently. This alone allows the tip of the wick toreach the highest temperature that is required toburn the candle with minimal residue.The UK the market is flooded with endless low-qualityand low-cost fragranced products. These areproduced on a massed production basis and there isa high chance they contain a range of allergens andtoxic ingredients. When a candle containing allergensand toxins is burnt, these chemicals are released intothe environment.We had an aim with our hand-poured candles thatthey don't put out an unpleasant black soot whenburning and more importantly raise your indoorpollution levels.Our candles are 100% soy, so they burn clean with astrong, unaltered scent. THERE IS A RIGHT WAY AND A WRONG WAY TO BURN A SOY CANDLE? When burning your new soy candle If you burn it for to short a period oftime, you may find that it burns unevenly, potentially creating a really deeptunnelling in the centre.So the key is to ensure that the first time you burn a new soy candle, youneed to let it burn long enough for the wax to melt fully across the diameterof the candle. Once you get that first, long burn out of the way, your candlewill burn evenly going forward.

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A test to check that our candles comply with this CENstandard as regards sooting behaviour. Meeting therequirements of this standard can help show duediligence in complying with the UK General ProductSafety Directive (GPSD). To pass this test, our candles must have an average sootindex per hour of less than 1.0. BS EN 15426:2018 SOOT TESTING A test to check that our candles comply with this CENstandard as regards fire safety. Meeting theserequirements can help show due diligence in complyingwith the UK General Product Safety Directive (GPSD). BS EN 15493:2019 CANDLE FIRE SAFETY TESTINGCANDLE TESTINGAt Romans, we have invested heavily in our candles being testingto BS standards in an external laboratory testing chamber toensure that they perform to a high standard for safety. This is not acurrent legal requirement but we feel it is important for ourcustomer’s safety and our peace of mind.All four candles sizes in our range have passed their relevant testswith exceptional pass grades.As a company we have also ensured that there are candle burningand maintenance instructions on all of our candle boxesthroughout the range. The instructions are printed in easy to understand terms to ensureour customers use the product in the correct manner to ensure thesafest and most enjoyable experience.R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Safety Always Comes First

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CANDLE CARE GUIDANCER O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Maintaining your candle for a longer, cleaner and stronger scent burnComing to the endWhen a candle burns down to less than 10mm, extinguish itand do not use it again. If you continue to burn the candle anddon’t stop before there’s no wax left, heat directly from theflame could burn against the metal wick tab or the bottom ofthe container. You could end up cracking the container anddamaging anything around the candle. The 4-hour rule Have you heard of the 4-Hour Rule? do you know why youshouldn’t burn a candle for longer than four hours at a time? If you burn a candle longer than 4 hours, the scent throw couldbe reduced, and the candle wick will likely mushroom due tothe excessive carbon build-up. When a wick mushrooms, itbecomes unstable, and the flame will grow very high. Anotherthing to consider is that the wax will become too hot andcould risk the container exploding.Lighting the WickStart by trimming the wick to 4mm, then discard any debris.Place the candle on a flat and safe place to burn.Light your candle with a long match or candle lighter, this willavoid tilting the candle.Allow the candle to burn until the entire top layer of thecandle is liquid, reaching from edge to edge across the candle.How do you keep candles from tunneling?It’s a little-known fact that candles have a memory. A candle remembers when and where you blow it out.For example, if you purchase a new candle and light it to seewhat it smells like and then blow it out only 20 minutes later, asmall ring will form in the middle. This is because you have onlylet that small ring of wax around the wick melt. The next time you light the candle, it will only melt to that ring,creating a tunnel. This is what is known as a memory pool.. Soto avoid ruining your new candle it is important to understandhow to burn it properly.

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Keeping Your Candle Wick FreshWhy should you trim your candle wick?Trimming your candle wick will undoubtedlyextend the candle’s life aswell as giving you thebest burn experience. Trimming a candle wick isthe first thing you should do for a new candle, and every time before you light it again! What happens if you don’t trim candle wicks? If you don’t trim the candle wick the candle willburn at a hotter and faster rate. When thishappens, the wax gets used up quicker. There isalso more chance of black soot being given offdue to the carbon build up at the tip of the wick,this is commonly known as the mushroom.When the wick is too long, it is more likely toflicker, move or bend as it burns. Therefore youwill also create an uneven melt pool. You can control these issues by following theadvice above and using a wick trimmer beforeevery burn.WICK TRIMMINGR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Before re-lighting your candle it is important to trim your wick. Using wick trimmer’s place the base almost flush with the candle’s surface.Hold the candle wick trimmer at a 45-degree angle to ensure a proper wicklength of 4mm. Bring the two handles together to close and trim the wick. Discard the wick trimming before lighting. How to trim a wick with a candle wick trimmer

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Ant. Bronze ChromeAnt. Copper BlackWICK CUTTERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4 Designed to keep your candle neat, clean and ready for optimum burning£8.50 Each

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LOST CHERRYInspired by TOM FORDBLACK TO BLACKInspired by TOM FORDHALFETIInspired byPENHALIGON’S PERFUMETOTALLY FABULOUSInspired byTOM FORD FCKING FABULOUSSAUVAGEInspired by DIOR ROUGE 540Inspired by MAISON FRANCIS KURKDJIANFRAGRANCES THAT MAKE A STATEMENT!PREMIUM SCENTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Our premium fragrances collection offers a morepremium grade of fragrance oil compared to ournormal fragrances. These fragrances have beenspecially formulated using more natural ingredients topromote longevity, extra strength and additionalquality to the finished product. This will add even moreluxury and pleasure to your scent experience.Our Premium Scents:

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Cuban Tobacco & OakDamson Plum Rose &PatchouliDriftwoodDark CoconutINSPIRED BY YANKEEDark OpiumINSPIRED BY YSL BLACK OPIUMDazzling PomegranateDark Honey & TobaccoEnglish Oak & HazelnutINSPIRED BY JO MALONE English Pear & FreesiaINSPIRED BY JO MALONEEventusINSPIRED BY CREED AVENTUS Eventus For HerINSPIRED BY CREED AVENTUS50 Shades of RougeINSPIRED BY JO MALONEFameINSPIRED BY PACO RABANNEIIIIIIIIAvocado & Sea SaltBergamot Patchouli Blackberry & BayINSPIRED BY JO MALONEBlack CherryBlack Raspberry & PeppercornBlue Agave & CacaoINSPIRED BY JO MALONEBubblegumBlack to Black INSPIRED BY TOM FORDBlack Raspberry & VanillaBlueberry & VanillaCreamy Musk & SandalwoodClassique For HerINSPIRED BY JPG CLASSIC PERFUMECocoa PatchouliCoffee MochaCool WaterINSPIRED BY DAVIDOFFCosy MomentsINSPIRED BY BATH AND BODY WORKSCoconut & Lychee TwistIIIIIIICOMING FEBRUARY 2024INSPIRED BY SCENTSPREMIUM SCENTPCONTINUED....AVAILABLE SCENTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4P

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SOY WAX MELTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S2 0 2 4AVAILAB LE IN A L UX URY 4 P AC K APPRO X 65GRAMSOur soy wax melts are available in all 89 scents.These are the perfect way tofragrance your home quickly andfor many hours from a single cube. One of the many reasons peoplechoose wax melts is the convenienceof being able start and stop a burnto fit around their lifestyle as well asthe flexibility to change your scentsto suit your mood. The wax does not evaporate itsimply melts and gradually releasesthe scent as it burns.Once the scent has gone simplypop out the wax and replace withyour new chosen scent. To get the perfect healthy burnwith optimum scent release for thelongest duration we stronglyrecommend using Soy tealights,and that your burner measuresbetween 9-11cm tall from the baseto the underside of the wax well. NEVER USE SCENTED TEALIGHTSIN AN OIL BURNER£4.85 Premium Scents£3.90Standard Scents

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SOY WAX MELTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4A BLE ND OF LUXU RY FR AGR ANCE & ESS ENTIA L OIL SEssential oils have been used for manycenturies to benefit both the body and mind.Inhaling the aromas from a wax warmerinfused with essential oils offers potentialtherapeutic benefits.Each cube helps reduce stress, promotesrelaxation and positively influences mood andmental health.Essential Oil Scents Lavender & LimeOceanSoul Serenity£5.00We have developed this wax melt range to combine both fragrance andessential oils. This delivers both strength and longevity from thefragrance with the added therapeutic benefits of the essential oils.Essential oils are fragrances naturally extracted and derived from plants.

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WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4ROMANS TRIO BURNERThis beautiful ceramic wax burner comes with adifference. The Romans Trio Burner has 3 separatedishes so that you can burn different scents each nightwithout having to clean out your burner and beforeyour wax melt is actually ready to be thrown away,saving wastage and saving you money! Essentially this is3 burners for the price of 1Available in square and round design.£25.99Each burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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The “New” Abstract burner is the mostcontemporary of our designs to date. She isunusual and curvaceous and will make astatement in any room.Available in White.WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£15.99ROMANS ABSTRACT B URNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£15.99The Romans Vogue Burner is a timelessdesign, simple but classic and will add atouch of class to any room in the home. Available in White & BlackROMANS VOGUE BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£15.99The Romans Chic Burner is a timelessdesign, simple but classic and will add atouch of class to any room in the home. Available in White.ROMANS CHIC BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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The Romans Curve burner offers a beautifulalternative to many other burners in ourrange. It has a unique twin curved styling. Available in White & GreyWAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£16.99ROMANS CURVE BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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Romans Chanel burner is the most classy and elegant waxburner you will see. A gentle criss cross design creates alovely texture on the outside of the burner. When it is notbeing used as a burner it looks like a beautiful ornament.WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£22ROMANS CHANEL BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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This is a burner like no other. We know that you have NEVER seena wax burner like this before so make sure you add this “Exquisite”piece to your coffee or side table and admire its unique beauty.Dimensions 24 cm W x 10 cm HWAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£30ROMANS EXQUISTE BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.IMPORTANT: To only be used with 4 hour tealights not 7

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The Romans Sphere Burner is a classic and elegant burner, Very Scandinavian in aesthetics which brings a simplicityto your coffee table.Available in Black & White.WAX MELT BURNERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4£12.50ROMANS SPHERE BURNEREach burner is hand finished and some natural variation may occur from piece topiece. Minor surface imperfections and surface ripples can occur with handmadeproducts but these will not affect the functionality of the burner in any way.

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£9Blueberry & VanillaBlack Raspberry & Vanilla Cocoa Patchouli Cool WaterClassique For HerCoconut & Lychee TwistDazzling Pomegranate Dark Honey & TobaccoDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDriftwoodFluffy TowelsGold OrchidHotel Of DreamsLavender SpaLuscious Lime Mandarin OrangeMy Girl Pandoras BoxPhantomPine FreshPomegranate NoirRelax Stress ReliefSalted CaramelShanghai BlossomStarburstStrawberry & RhubardSweet Orange & ChilliStrawberry & LilyThe Dark MasqueradeThe EmperorThe TemptressTropical SurfTuscan LeatherVanilla CreamStandard Scents:Pink SugarBS EN 15426:2018 SOOT TESTING BS EN 15493:2019 CANDLE FIRE SAFETY TESTINGSMALL CANDLESR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 49CL LUXURY SCENTED SOY WAX CANDLEOur luxury small soy wax candles are lovinglyhand poured and blended with scent tobring you an amazing fragrance and createthe perfect burning experience. So whetheryou are relaxing with a book, chilling in frontof the TV or soaking in a bath they will createthe perfect ambience. Upto 40 hours burn time.Premium Scents£11.75SauvageInspired By Dior

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MEDIUM CANDLESR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 420CL LUXURY SCENTED SOY WAX CANDLEFor a longer and strongerfragrance experience ourluxury medium sized soy waxcandles offer up to 70 hours ofburn time. Our candles come in a rangeof different fragrances thatdeliver a luxurious andrelaxing scent, whether you'regiving a gift to someone elseor just treating yourself, ourscented candles neverdisappoint. £17.50Standard Scents:Black Raspberry & Vanilla Cocoa Patchouli Cool WaterCreamy Musk & SandalwoodClassique Her ForDazzling Pomegranate Dark Opium Dark CoconutDark Honey & TobaccoDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDriftwoodEventusFameFluffy TowelsHotel Of DreamsLuscious Lime Passionfruit & PapayaPhantomPine FreshPink PassionStony CoveStrawberry & RhubarbSweet Orange & ChilliSweet Almond & MacaroonTamedTranquilityBS EN 15426:2018 SOOT TESTING BS EN 15493:2019 CANDLE FIRE SAFETY TESTING

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BS EN 15426:2018 SOOT TESTING BS EN 15493:2019 CANDLE FIRE SAFETY TESTINGLARGE CANDLESR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 430CL LUXURY SCENTED SOY WAX CANDLEOur most popular and desirablecandle size in our range offeringyou up to 90 hours of luxury andenjoyment. All our candles are presented toyou with a stunning Chrome lidand delivered in a luxury embossedand glossed box for the perfectfinishing touch.All of our candles are BS standardsafety & soot tested to ensure youthe safest burn experience.Standard Scents £22Bergamot & PatchouliBlackberry & BayBlack CherryBlack Raspberry & PeppercornBlueberry & VanillaCoconut & Lychee TwistCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & Patchouli Dark Honey & Tobacco Dark OpiumDriftwoodEnglish Pear & FreesiaFluffy Towels Gold OrchidMadameMadarin OrangePink SugarPomegranate NoirPrecious Velvet Rose & OudShanghai BlossomStrawberry & Lily Thai Lime & MangoThe Dark MasqueradeThe Temptress Tranquility Tropical SurfVanilla Cream Zingy LemonPremium Scents £28Lost Cherry Inspired By Tom FordTotally FabulousInspired By Tom Ford F*****g Fabulous

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BS EN 15426:2018 SOOT TESTING BS EN 15493:2019 CANDLE FIRE SAFETY TESTINGPremium Scents£45Lost Cherry Inspired By Tom FordRouge 540Inspired by Maison Francis KurkdjianTotally Fabulous Inspired By Tom Ford F*****g FabulousStandard Scents £35Black CherryBlueberry & VanillaCocoa & PatchouliCoconut & Lychee Twist Coffee MochaCool Water Inspired By DavidoffDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoDriftwoodEnglish Oak & HazelnutEventus Inspired By Creed AventusFame Inspired By Paco RabanneHotel Of DreamsPomegranate Noir Inspired By Jo MalonePink Passion Inspired By Roberto CavalliTonka Bean & MyrrhTranquility Inspired By Neom3 WICK CANDLESR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 450CL LUXURY SCENTED SOY WAX CANDLEAll of our candles are BSstandard safety & soot testedto ensure you the safest burnexperience.

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OCCASION LABELSIt’s BoyIt’s GirlThank YouNew HomeWedding DayIn Loving MemoryOn Your EngagementHappy BirthdayCongratulationsHappy Mothers DayHappy Fathers DayHappy Valentines DayAvailable In:Our luxury occasion labelsare available for our 30cl largecandles & our XL 500ml reed diffuser.Presented with Silver foiling for thatextra touch of class.On our website these are available toorder for an additional £1.50R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4

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REED DIFFUSERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4AVAILABLE IN A 60ML/120ML/500MLStandardScents:£70PremiumScents:£100XL500ml

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REED DIFFUSERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4AVAILABLE IN A 60ML/120ML/500MLStandard Scents:60ml £12 120ml £20 500ml £70Bergamot & PatchouliBlackberry & BayBlack CherryBlue Agave & CacaoBlueberry & VanillaClassique For HerCocoa & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDazzling PomegranateDriftwoodEnglish Pear & FreesiaFluffy TowelsGold OrchidHotel Of DreamsLavender SpaLuscious LimeMountain AirMy GirlPine FreshPink SugarPlum & RhubarbPomegranate NoirRhubarb CustardShanghai BlossomStarburstStrawberry & LilySweet Orange & ChilliThe Dark MasqueradeThe TemptressTranquilityTropical SurfVanilla CreamPremium Scents:120ml £28500ml £100Black To BlackInspired By Tom FordHalfetiInspired By Penhaligon’s PerfumeRouge 540Inspired By Maison Francis KurkdjianSauvageInspired By DiorTotally FabulousInspired By Tom Ford F*****g FabulousOur Reed Diffusers are the perfect way to fragranceyour home constantly without a flame. Not only are our Reed Diffusers long lasting, but theyrelease the most amazing scent. This is due to the highquality ingredients and high fibre reeds used to bringyou the perfect fragrance experience. Simply turn yourreeds every few days to keep your fragrance experienceat its best.

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Our luxury scented room sprays are perfect to use not only as anair freshener for an instant burst of fragrance, but also the perfectchoice to freshen fabrics and soft furnishings in your home andcar. This will leave them smelling beautifully refreshed.Premium Scents: Glass Bottle Only100ml £13.50Black To BlackInspired By Tom FordHalfetiInspired By Penhaligon’s PerfumeLost CherryInspired By Tom FordRouge 540Inspired By Maison Francis KurkdjianSauvageInspired By DiorTotally FabulousInspired By Tom Ford F*****g FabulousROOM & LINEN SPRAYSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4AV AIL AB LE IN 10 0M L P LA STI C OR GLASS BOTT LES

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Standard Scents: Hotel Of DreamsLavender SpaLuscious LimeMountain AirMy GirlPet Odour EliminatorPine FreshPink SugarPlum & RhubarbPomegranate NoirRhubarb CustardShanghai BlossomStarburstStrawberry & LilySweet Orange & ChilliThe Dark MasqueradeThe TemptressTranquilityTropical SurfVanilla CreamBergamot & PatchouliBlackberry & BayBlack CherryBlue Agave & CacaoBlueberry & VanillaClassique For HerCocoa & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDazzling PomegranateDriftwoodEnglish Pear & FreesiaFluffy TowelsGold OrchidGlass Bottle 100ml £10.50Plastic Bottle 100ml £7.50ROOM & LINEN SPRAYSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4AV AIL AB LE IN 10 0M L P LA STI C OR GLASS BOTT LESCarpets & RugsDog Beds Bedding Sofas Car Seats & MatsShoes & Trainers Bathrooms Hoover FiltersOur customers favourite places to use this product:

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Scents:£3.50Each6NO T SUI T A BLE F O R U S E DU R I NG P R E GNA N C YBenefits of Shower Steamers:They provide the therapeutic benefits ofessential oils, but in half the time of a bath. Shower steamers are also great for clearing outyour sinuses, detoxing and clarifying your skin,and re-creating the spa experience at home.Aromatherapy shower steamers are tablets thatdissolve in the shower. In the process, theyrelease a fragrance from essential oils. A personmay simply enjoy their aroma or use them forhealth reasons.Essential oils in the Shower: Looking for a way to enjoy an aromatherapysoak, but don't have time for a bath? Showersteamers are the perfect solution. They providethe therapeutic benefits of essential oils, but inhalf the time of a bath. Shower steamers arealso great for clearing out your sinuses, detoxingand clarifying your skin, and re-creating the spaexperience at home.What are Shower Steamers:Shower steamers are tablets that dissolve inwater to create scented therapeutic steam. Likebath bombs, shower steamers are made withbaking soda, citric acid, and essential oils. Butinstead of placing the tablet in your bath, youplace it on the floor of your shower.How to use shower steamers:To use a shower steamer, simply place onetablet at the foot of your shower in a stream ofwater. As the tablet gets wet it dissolves andreleases essential oils into the hot shower steam.Breathe deeply and enjoy the therapeuticbenefits of the essential oils.You can expect the tablet to last approximately3-5 minutes if it's in a direct stream of water.SHOWER STEAMERSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4CONTAINS ESSENTIAL OILS

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SEA MINERALS A fresh, cool marine fragrance with lemon,lime, birch leaves and ozone notes. Leadingto a heart of watery floral notes and marinenotes resting on a base of musk, woodyamber and sandalwood.Essential Oils : Sweet Orange (Citrus Aurantium Dulcis),Lemon (Citrus Limonum), Lavender (LavandulaAngustifolia) Galbanum (Ferula Galbanum)OCEAN Fresh, green spicy top notes including citrusnotes of lemon, orange and bergamot. Theheart is dry and floral with notes of geraniumand lavender, resting on a base of gentlesubtle musk.Essential Oils : Sweet Orange (Citrus Aurantium Dulcis), Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia), Lemon (Citrus Limonum), Galbanum (Ferula Galbanum) GRAPEFRUIT & MANDARINA fresh tropical citrus fragrance that is twistedby hints of grapefruit, mandarin orange andlychee with cool zesty notes of Sicilian lemon,key lime and green leaf.Essential Oils: Sweet Orange (Citrus Aurantium Dulcis), Grapefruit (Citrus Grands)STEAMER SCENTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4

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LAVENDER & LIME A modern fragrance with top notes of juniperleading to further notes of grapefruit, pineneedles, thyme, mint, basil and armoiseblended with heart notes of sage, geranium,cloves, lavender, cedarwood and patchouli. Thedry down is rich with hints of moss, fir balsamand labdanum.Essential Oils : Lavender (Lavedula Angustifolia),Lime (Citrus Aurantifolia), Sweet Orange (Citrus Aurantiun Dulcis) SOUL SERENITY A fresh fougere accord with opening notes oflavender, lemon, lime, bergamot, pine, camphorand conifer with fruity notes of apple andpineapple on a floral heart of rose, hawthorne,sweet heliotrope, jasmine and lily on a sweetbase of musk, tonka, vanilla, patchouli,cedarwood and moss.Essential Oils : Lemon (Citrus Limonum), Lavender (Lavendula Angustifolia), Patchouli (Pogostemon Cablin)FRESH MINTA combination of strong Spearmint and FreshMint combine to give a fresh, uplifting fragranceto clear the senses and leave the user enlivenedand refreshed.Essential oils : Fresh Mint (Mentha Arvensis) R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4Scents:£3.506STEAMER SCENTS

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Available Scents:£5.25BubblegumMonkey FartsPink Sugar Rhubarb & CustardStarburst R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4KIDS BATH ROCKSAVAILA BL E IN A LU XU RY 1 75G P AC KSLS & PARABEN FREE, VEGAN & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY.Romans luxury Kids Bath Rocks are the perfect fun way for your little ones toenjoy a bath full of colour and fragrance whilst not worrying about their skin.They are SLS & Paraben free meaning they are kind and gentle to delicateand sensitive skin. Even more so than leading baby skincare brands.

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4KIDS BUBBLE BATHAVAI LABLE I N A LUX URY 250 ML BOTT LESLS & PARABEN FREE, VEGAN & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY.Available Scents:Romans luxury kids Bubble Bath is the perfect way for yourlittle ones to enjoy a bath full of fun bubbles and fragrancewhilst not worrying about their skin.They are SLS & Paraben free meaning they are kind and gentleto delicate and sensitive skin. Even more so than leading babyskincare brands.£11Pink Sugar Rhubarb & CustardStarburstBubblegumGood Night’s SleepMonkey FartsAlso available in fragrance free

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEPPERFECT FOR BABIES & CHILDREN TO UNWIND, RELAX & SLEEP EASYA powdery oriental floral accord opening with softlemon top notes and creamy lavender followed bywhite jasmine and violet blooms supported by a richbase of bemzoin, vanilla, treemoss and musks INSPIRED BY LUSH SLEEPYSLS & PARABEN FREEKids Bubble BathPerfect to use in their bath before bedtime to helpthem unwind and relax. Body ButterTo be applied after bathing to help hydrate,nourish and protect the skin.Body OilIdeal for use during baby massage and helping totreat skin conditions such as cradle cap.Bundle Deal1x 250ml Kids Bubble Bath*1x 200g Body Butter*1x 250ml Body Oil*£33.50 RRP £38.50*Items also sold seprately

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SLS & PARABEN FREE & VEGAN & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY.WITH SHEA BUTTER FOR AN ADDED TOUCH OF LUXURY.R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4LUXURY BATH ROCKSAVAIL AB LE I N A LUXUR Y 17 5G P AC KYou will only need 3-4 Romans luxury Bath Rocks per bath for astunning fragrance and colour, meaning you will get to enjoy multiplebaths from this bag.How does Shea butter in our rocks benefit your skin? High concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins make it an idealcosmetic ingredient for softening the skin. It is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It helps fight break outs and relieves dry skin and irritation.Shea butter helps to condition, tone, and soothe your skin.Available Scents:£5.50Damson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoEventusLost CherryMy Girl Pink PassionSauvageTranquility

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Available Scents:Creamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson PlumRose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoDark OpiumEventusLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarSauvageTranquility£4.95R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4LUXURY BATH BOMBSSLS & PARABEN FREE, VEGAN & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY.WITH SHEA BUTTER FOR AN ADDED TOUCH OF LUXURY.Our amazing scented Bath Bombs have a high concentrationof vitamins and fatty acids making them the perfect productfor smoothing, soothing and conditioning your skin. The Benefits:Safe for all skin typesMoisturisingNon greasy formulaAnti-inflammatoryAntioxidantAntibacterialAnti-fungalBoosts collagen productionPromotes cell regeneration Helps reduce stretch marks

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4TRAVEL BAG 1COCONUT & LEMONGRASSA collection of luxury travel size Romans products for you and your family to use on holiday. The perfect size for traveling abroad or holidaying in the UK.The Coconut & Lemongrass Scent will leave you feeling andsmelling fresh whilst also repelling flies and mosquitoes.All products are vegan and environmentally friendly.They are SLS and paraben free meaning they are suitable touse on even the most sensitive skins.Bag 1 1x 100mlShower Gel 1x 100ml Body Lotion1x 150gBody Scrub 1x 100mlBody Oil £32.50

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A collection of luxury travel size Romans products for you and your family to use on holiday. The perfect size for traveling abroad or holidaying in the UK.The Coconut & Lemongrass Scent will leave you feeling andsmelling fresh whilst also repelling flies and mosquitoes.All products are vegan and environmentally friendly.They are SLS and paraben free meaning they are suitable touse on even the most sensitive skins.Bag 2 1x 100mlShower Gel 1x 100ml Body Butter1x 150gBody Scrub 1x 100mlBody Oil £35R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4TRAVEL BAG 2COCONUT & LEMONGRASS

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2 0 2 4R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E STHE POWER OF OLIVE SQUALANELUXURY HAND WASH & LOTIONMoisturises and soothesSqualane mimics the skin’s natural oils, making it an excellentmoisturiser for all skin types. It softens and smooths dry, rough, or textured skin, leaving it feeling refreshed.Prevents moisture lossActing as a barrier, Squalane helps to lock in hydration, preventing excessive moisture loss through the skin’s surface, and promoting a balanced, healthy complexion.Strengthens skin’s barrierSqualane supports the skin’s natural barrier, helping to protect against external irritants, pollutants, and environmental stressors.Restores skin elasticityBy boosting collagen production and enhancing the skin’s elasticity,Squalane helps the skin retain a youthful appearance, reducing theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles.Lightweight and non-greasyUnlike heavier oils, Squalane absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving asilky-smooth, luxurious finish without any greasiness or heaviness.Vegan and sustainableOur Squalane is sustainably sourced from olives, ensuring that it’s notonly effective but also ethically produced. This natural emollient is freefrom animal-derived ingredients and eco-friendly, making it ideal forconscious consumers.Why Olive Squalane MattersOlive Squalane is more than just a moisturiser—it’s a skin-identicalingredient, meaning your skin recognises and integrates it seamlessly.This makes it especially effective in preventing moisture loss andpromoting smoother, softer skin. Squalane is also rich in antioxidants,which help to fight free radical damage from UV exposure andenvironmental pollutants. These free radicals can accelerate skin aging,but Squalane works to neutralise them, protecting your skin andenhancing its natural glow.Squalane’s anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for soothing irritated or inflamed skin conditions such as acne or eczema. Its gentle nature ensures that it doesn’t clog pores, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin. With regular use, Squalane boosts collagen production, helping to firm the skin and improve elasticity, leaving your hands looking more youthful and feeling incredibly soft.Both our Hand Wash and Lotion feature Olive Squalane, a highlyeffective skincare ingredient that offers a multitude of benefits

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Our luxury Hand Washes are designed to not only cleanse but alsotransform your daily routine into a luxurious skincare experience athome. They are enriched with Vitamin E and Glycerine to deeplynourish and protect your skin, locking in moisture for a softer,smoother feel. We’ve also added Olive Squalane, a powerfulingredient known for its ability to hydrate, soothe, and mimic yourskin’s natural oils, enhancing its natural barrier.Squalane is an excellent natural emollient with anti-inflammatoryproperties, helping to combat skin conditions like acne and eczema,while its antioxidant qualities protect against premature aging.R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4LUXURY HAND WASHENHANCING YOUR CLEANSING EXPERIENCEWITH ADDEDOLIVE SQUALANE& NATURALANTI-BACAvailable Scents:Dark Honey & TobaccoLime, Basil & MandarinRhubarb & Rose £11.50250mlMore Scents Coming Soon!Crafted in the UK using the finest quality ingredients, our hand washes arevegan and environmentally friendly, and free from harsh chemicals like SLS and Parabens, ensuring a gentle yet effective cleanse.

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Crafted in the UK using the finest quality ingredients, our hand washes arevegan and environmentally friendly, and free from harsh chemicals like SLS and Parabens, ensuring a gentle yet effective cleanse.R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4LUXURY HAND LOTIONENHANCING YOUR MOISTURISING EXPERIENCEOur luxury Hand Lotions are formulated with Vitamin E, Coconut Oil,Cocoa Butter, and Shea to provide deep nourishment and long-lasting protection for your skin. Enhanced with Olive Squalane,known for its ability to restore moisture, promote skin elasticity, andsoothe inflammation, this non-greasy formula will leave your skinfeeling soft and revitalized.Squalane is an excellent natural emollient with anti-inflammatoryproperties, helping to combat skin conditions like acne and eczema,while its antioxidant qualities protect against premature aging.Available Scents:Dark Honey & TobaccoLime, Basil & MandarinRhubarb & Rose £11.50250mlMore Scents Coming Soon!WITH ADDEDOLIVE SQUALANE

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FRAGRANCE FREER O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4COMPLETELY SCENT FREE FOR THE MOST NATURAL EXPERIENCE Fragrance-free products are a necessity for people with afragrance sensitivity. Sensitivities to fragranced productsare not uncommon. So you may benefit from the makingthe change to our fragrance-free range if you experienceheadaches, migraines, exzcema, psoriasis, dermatitis,itching, or redness after using scented body products.Our Romans fragrance-free range can be loved byeveryone. Babies, children, and adults alike. Giving yourfamily an unfragranced option to enjoy.250ml Shower Gel £11250ml Body Lotion £11200g Body Butter £15350g Body Scrub £13250ml Body Oil £12.50250ml Kids Bubble Bath £11250ml Shower Gel £11250ml Body Lotion £11200g Body Butter £15350g Body Scrub £13250ml Body Oil £12.50250ml Kids Bubble Bath £11SLS & PARABEN FREEVEGAN & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY

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What’s in sweet almond oil and why is it your skins BFF?Our luxury Sweet almond oil is full of vitamin E, vitamin A, monosaturated fatty acids, protein,potassium, and zinc.Vitamin E is an extremely powerful antioxidant. Oxidative stress (A.K.A. when your body doesn’t have enough antioxidants to fight free radicals) is a major cause of the deterioration of your skin’s collagen layer. Since collagen keeps your skin looking supple and wrinkle-free,you want to stave off oxidative stress with antioxidants. That’s where our luxury sweet almondoil comes in.Thanks to the Vitamin E, sweet almond oil keeps your skin cells healthy, protects your skinfrom UV radiation damage, and helps your skin look smooth, soft, and free of fine lines.The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and can heal chapped and irritated skin.Plus, the vitamin A can help reduce acne. Because the oil easily penetrates skin, it’s great for cleaning out the dirt and oil and accumulates in your pores. This process can preventblackheads and acne from developing.Because it’s packed with these vitamins and nutrients, sweet almond oil is a natural skincaresuperpower. If you’re worried about using oil on your skin especially if you have an oily skintype—there’s no need to stress. Sweet almond oil is mostly non-comedogenic, which meansit’s unlikely to clog your pores. The benefits of sweet almond oil can be appreciated by those with oily, dry, and sensitive skin.** Not suitable if you have a nut allergy**Available Scents:CoconutCoconut & LemongrassCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoGood Night’s SleepLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionSauvageTranquility £12.50250mlR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4LUXURY BODY OILPERFECT FOR MASSAGING OR AN INDULGENT SKIN TREATSweet almond oil is extracted from the fruit of the Prunus amygalus dulcis almond tree, Native to Asia and the Middle East. They first appeared in the United States in the 19th century. SLS & Paraben FreeSafe for all skin typesMoisturisingWill not make the skin oilyAnti-inflammatoryAntioxidantAntibacterialAnti-fungalBoosts collagen productionPromotes cell regeneration Helps reduce stretch marks

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4SHOWER GELSLS & PARABEN FREE250ml £11Our luxury Shower Gels areenriched with Vitamin E andGlycerine to nourish andprotect your skin. Our products are made herein the UK using the highestquality iingredients, Vegan & EnvironmentallyfriendlyCoconutCoconut & LemongrassCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoEventusLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarSauvageTranquilityAvailable Scents:

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4BODY LOTIONSLS & PARABEN FREEOur luxury Body Lotions areenriched with Vitamin E,Coconut Oil, Coco Butterand Shea to nourish andprotect your skin. A nongreasy formula will leaveyour skin feeling amazingVegan & EnvironmentallyfriendlyCoconutCoconut & LemongrassCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoEventusLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarSauvageTranquilityAvailable Scents:250ml £11

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4BODY SCRUBSLS & PARABEN FREECoconutCoconut & LemongrassCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarSauvageTranquilityAvailable Scents:Our luxury Body Scrubs are packed with Sweet AlmondOil & Dead Sea Salt that has a high percentage of mineralssuch as Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. These are known to be beneficial for skin conditions suchas Acne, Psoriasis and Eczema. These ingredients will alsoleave your skin feeling nourished & hydrated.350g£13

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CoconutCoconut & LemongrassCreamy Musk & SandalwoodDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoGood Night’s SleepLost CherryMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarSauvageTranquilityAvailable Scents:R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4BODY BUTTERSLS & PARABEN FREE200g£15Our luxury Body Butter is packed full of ingredients such asCoco Butter, Coconut Oil, Vitamin E & Aloe Vera to nourish,soothe and enrich your skin. This will leave your skin feelingfragrant, supple and soft.

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With 24 Carat Gold, and oils renowned for their, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing antioxidant powers, our facialserum offers you the best care for your skin. Adored by Cleopatra, Gold Leaf is still expertly crafted toancient methods. It’s paired with Rosehip & Argan, for skinregeneration, Presented in a premium, glass & bamboodropper bottle, with real gold..Special FeaturesScent: delicate bergamotArgan Oil: increases skin elasticity, and hair strength, Reduces oiliness, redness and inflammationRosehip Oil: High in vitamins A & C. Reduces the appearance of stretch marks and scars.Grapeseed Oil: conditions, softens and moisturises. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidantCastor Oil: scientifically proven to speed up skin repair24 carat Gold Leaf: maximum gold lustre for the least impact.Bergamot Essential Oil: calming, anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial24K FACIAL SERUMR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4WITH AUTHENTIC 24 CARAT GOLD, FOR PURE OPULENCE.Packed with highly prizedoils for the ultimate facialskincare routine. Featuring Precious Argan,Rosehip, and skin healingCastor oil.With lustrous gold, andrefreshing bergamot, forsoft, supple skin.30ml £26

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SOY TEALIGHTSR O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4UNSCENTED 4HR/7HR BURN TIMEUsing soy tealights with our wax melts is important to ensure asafe non toxic burn and to optimise the fragrance release forthe longest duration possible. This is due to soy wax naturally burning cooler than paraffinwax so it doesn’t damage the scent and release it too quickly.They are also the safer option as unlike Paraffin they do notgive off soot that builds up on the inside of your melt burnerthat could potentially catch fire.This means you can sit back and relax and enjoy your scentsand enjoy the beautiful warm glow also.To maximise your scent experience, it is recommended thatyour burner measures between 9-11cm tall from the base tothe underside of the wax well. 7HR 10 Pack £5.50 / 20 Pack £10.45NEVER USE SCENTED TEALIGHTS IN AN OIL BURNER4HR 10 Pack £3.50

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15% OFF ALL PRODUCTS IN THE RANGE.SCENT OF THESCENT OF THEMONTHMONTHPRODUCT SPOTLIGHTWax Melts £3.31 RRP £3.90Small Candle £7.65 RRP £9.00Medium Candle £14.87 RRP £17.5060ml Reed Diffuser £10.20 RRP £12.00120ml Reed Diffuser £17.00 RRP £20.00500ml XL Reed Diffuser £59.50 RRP £70.00Plastic Room & Linen Spray £6.38 RRP £7.50Glass Room & Linen Spray £8.92 RRP £10.50Available 1st-31st OctoberSWEET ORANGE & CHILLIA sweet and spicy blend of orange zest, tangerine, bergamot,cassis and neroli with undertones of black pepper, chilli andmusk.

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2 0 2 4R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E SReady for some fun? Join us at thecarnival as you inhale the sweet andsmoky aroma of our Smoke &Mirrors Fragrance Oil. The tendrilsof burning incense with a sweetspicy, resinous undertone perfectlyrecreate the excitement andmystery of running through a houseof mirrors. .4 Pack Wax Melts £3.90LIMITED EDITION SMOKE & MIRRORSOCTOBER SPECIALSAVAILABLE 1ST-31ST OCTOBER

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R O M A N S L U X U R Y H O M E F R A G R A N C E S 2 0 2 4MASQUERADE BALL BUNDLE DEALOCTOBER SPECIALSAVAIL ABLE 1ST-31ST OCTOBERBuy all 3x packs of Wax Melts for £9.94 RRP £11.70The Dark Masquerade The sun has set and the dark masquerade begins with beautiful bergamotdancing in the sparkling light of the moon, mixing with frankincense andakigalawood to form a rich woody aroma. This feeling of being alive in nature isenriched by grassy notes of vetiver and floral touches of cyclamen mingling withspicy cashmeran. Close your eyes and you will be able to picture the floralarrangements, decorating the ballroom. This is an invigorating scent that awakensall the senses with base notes of sensuous cashmere, leathery labdanum, earthypatchouli, nutty coumarin, warm, woody ciste and a touch of vanilla. Theamalgamation of these spices and flavours is enough to set the heart racing andhead spinning as it taps into your sensual subconscious. The EmperorThe handsome masked Emperor epitomises the charm of a man in uniform withregal authority. He may stand by the fire, but it is he alone that radiates heat, andeveryone at the ball wants to get closer. A striking and powerful aroma that commands the attention of your senses,catching the eyes, noses and smiles of all, but seeking only one. A rich, rambunctiousscent with significant depth and sophistication and yet a charming level ofsimplicity. Let yourself be compelled by this powerful and uniquely seductivefragrance. Strong, earthy aromas scintillate the senses like a summer forest at night,warm and dark through saffron, with honeyed, velvety undertones of vanilla andviolet, deepened by musk and enlivened by eucalyptus and patchouli.The TemptressAn enticing and sultry scent, That is bold, mysterious and provocative, like twolovers in disguise, swirling in flurries of silk, satin and lace. The Temptress teases thesenses like eyes behind a racy masquerade mask. Let the musky dry amber dancewith zingy notes of raspberry petticoats and beautiful balsamic, dominated by anearthy, natural base of cedarwood and spiced patchouli.

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SCENT DESCRIPTIONSAVOCADO & SEA SALTA fresh clean fragrance with notes ofcitrus, avocado and cucumberleading into a heart of rose and lilywith hints of sea salt resting on abase of dry flowers.BERGAMOT PATCHOULI A fresh fragrance opening withcitrus, bergamot and vetiver leadinginto a herbal heart resting on a baseof patchouli and sandalwoodBLACK CHERRYThis fragrance will indulge yoursenses in a fabulously strong scentof rich ripened black cherriesBLACK RASPBERRY & PEPPERCORNSophisticated fruity floral dominatedby notes of fresh raspberries andcherries warmed with pink and blackpeppercorns and intertwined with aplethora of transparent floralunderscored with creamy musks.BUBBLEGUMA fruity yet spicy bubblegum accordopening with top notes of apple,pear and sugary notes supported bysofter notes of strawberry, peachand orange warmed by spicycinnamon that rests on a bed ofsweet raspberry and vanillaBLACK RASPBERRY &VANILLAA delicious scent of ripe raspberrieswith hints of strawberry, sandal,jasmin, vanilla and musk BLUEBERRY & VANILLAA fruity blend dominated byblueberries and strawberries withthe powdery sweetness of vanillaCREAMY MUSK ANDSANDALWOODA creamy, indulgent musky delight.Top notes of caramelised amber andhoneyed sweet white musks. Heartnotes of softly spiced pinkpeppercorns and a gentle wisp ofgeranium stems leading into a baseof warm patchouli and butteryMadagascan vanilla podsCOCOA & PATCHOULIAn intense cacophony of pleasantlyintrusive fragrance notes. Richseductive patchouli, sweet berriesand flower heads heavily laden withnectar, are cut through with earthyspices and balanced with the slightbitterness of dark cocoaCOCONUT & LYCHEE TWISTA truly mouth-watering sorbetaccord featuring juicy fruity notes ofstrawberry, coconut, guava, peach,orange, rhubarb and guava, with softfloral hints of rose, lily, Jasmin andneroli with green nuances on asweet decadent base of coconut andvanillaCOFFEE MOCHAA mouth-watering medley of freshcoffee, cream and caramel. Theperfect sweet combination toinduldge your senses.DAZZLINGPOMEGRANATEA fruity accord combining top notesof pomegranate, peach, orange andrhubarb with floral nuances ofjasmine, rose, pear and a base ofsweet sugary notes, vanilla andwoodsDAMSON PLUM ROSE &PATCHOULIOpulent fruity notes of plum, cassisand rich dark berries indulged indecadent spices of cinnamon andclove. Glamourous floral accords ofjasmine and rose are surrounded bysweet patchouli, sensual vanilla andmoss to complete this sophisticatedfragranceDRIFTWOODA powdery balsamic accord openingwith fresh notes of bergamot andorange, followed by floral notes ofjasmine and rose, resting on a baseof sandal, cedar, guaicwood,patchouli, vanilla and woody musksHOTEL OF DREAMSA floral accord opening with notes ofspicy pepper with bergamot, lemon,grapefruit and leafy green noteswith a hint of galbanum leading intoa fruity floral heart of rose, jasmine,lily and violet with cassis, plum,peach and apple on a base ofsandalwood, patchouli, cedarwood,amber, musk, moss, tonka andvanillaLAVENDER SPABreathe in, breathe out. Breathe in,Breathe out. Once More... Breathe in,Breathe Out... feel the relaxation?That’s what our Lavender SpaFragrance Oil feels like. Treat yourselfto a day at the spa with this blendcontaining pure lavender essential oil.Let the fragrance sooth the soul andcreate an aura of peace.LUSCIOUS LIMEA fresh vibrant juicy citrusfragrance with notes of coolPersian lime supported by limepeel, green notes and a touch ofsweet mandarin.

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VANILLA CREAM A rich mouthwatering fragrancesmoothed by vanilla pods and hintsof creamy coconut, white chocolateand a whisper of fresh candyflossalongside a hint of warm spiceZINGY LEMONFresh, tangy, juicy aroma of freshlysqueezed lemons. A potent blendof lemon, lime, grapefruit andmandarinTHE TEMPTRESSThis scent opens with subtle, sweethints of juicy raspberry that enticelike a pair of full red lips. Thisintermingles with a decadent earthyheart of cedarwood, spiced withpatchouli that delicately dominatethe already invigorated senses. Thisfeeling is finished with musky endnotes emboldened with a boozy kissof balsamic bliss and will leave youdreaming of ballroom dancing, in acastle in the sky. A fragrance that'sas elusive as it is seductive.PLUM & RHUBARBA vibrant fruity accord of fresh rhubarband juicy plum supported withinterludes of ripe pear and sweet peachwith vanilla and sugar in the baseSWEET ORANGE & CHILLIA sweet and spicy blend of orange zest,tangerine, bergamot, cassis and neroliwith undertones of black pepper, chilliand musk.RHUBARB & CUSTARDA sweet confectionary accord of juicyrhubarb and vanilla custardSTARBURSTA delicious medley of mouth wateringfruity notes of strawberry, banana,pineapple, each, apple and rhubarbsupported by hints of sweet sugar andcreamy vanilla. STRAWBERRY & RHUBARBA fresh summer fruits aroma openingwith tart notes of garden rhubarbcombined with hints of grapefruit,apple, raspberry and plum combinedwith strawberry patch notes on a baseof soft cedar, musk and vanilla.PINK SUGARA sweet citrus accord combiningnotes of white sugar, lemon andbergamot with lily of the valley,musk, candyfloss and crushedvanilla pods.PASSIONFRUIT &PAPAYAA decadent woody orientalwhere fresh mandarin combineswith cardamon, mastic and floralhints of rose, jasmin and orangeblossom. The base comprisesamber, sandalwood, patchouliand sweet vanilla. PINE FRESHA simple pine fragrance opening with apine needle top note then leading ontopine woods, while resting on a mossypine base.MONKEY FARTSA vibrant sweet fruityconcoction with leading notes ofbanana and pear supported byorange, lemon, lime, coconutand jasmine on a base of muskand vanillaMANDARIN ORANGEA fresh mouthwatering mandarinfragrance that is twisted by hints ofgrapefruit, orange and lychee with cool zesty notes of Sicilian lemon, keylime and green leaf.PANDORA’S BOXA timeless paradox that willplunge you into the fiery datenight of your dreams.Spellbinding nuances of delicatecitrus notes are combined withspices and encased in asandalwood box, creating amodern air of intrigue.TAMEDExotic and enticing. A soft earthiness ofcypress and cedar sit alongside a faintwhisper of sandal. Subtle & soothing,calming & sophisticated. A woody floralmusk destined to be a timeless classic.THAI LIME MANGOFragrant mango and a hint ofpassionfruit followed by pinkgrapefruit, melon and pineapple, a littlelight jasmine blossom and abackground of raspberry sorbet.A L L S C E N T S A R E A V A I L A B L EI N W A X M E L T S & M A N Y I NO T H E R P R O D U C T ST H R O U G H O U T T H E R A N G E

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ROMANSMASCULINE SCENT DESCRIPTIONSP U R E L U X U R YCOOL WATERA fresh fougere with dominant marinenotes. The fragrance consists of citrus topnotes of bergamot, lemon and orangewith minty notes of refreshingpeppermint and cooling eucalyptusleading to mixed floral and herbal notesof geranium, lavender, lily and rosemary.INSPIRED BY DAVIDOFFCUBAN TOBACCO & OAKTransport yourself to the sultry evenings ofHavana. This sophisticated blend ofaromatic notes evokes the spirit of Cubancigars and the warmth of oak as richcologne aromas create an invigorating andrefreshing ambience with a smoky depth2 SEXYA rich, sensual, fougere fragrance with a topnote of bergamot and mandarin, warmedby crisp cardamon, pepper and ginger,leading to a hot heart of sandalwood,cumin, cedarwood and musk. Harmonisedby tonka and vanilla, smoothed by tobaccoand hints of leatherINSPIRED BY CAROLINA HERRERA 212 SEXYFOR HIMDARK HONEY & TOBACCOA rich intoxicating aroma of honey flower,crushed tobacco, warm amber, tonka beanand sandalwood. Combined with hints ofpatchouli, leather and bourbon on therocks.*Contains: Orange, Patchouli & NutmegEssential OilITALIAN NEROLIA delightfully refreshing citrus fragrancereminiscent of classic colognes withelements of bergamot, lemon and mandarinzest combined with a herbal whisper. Theheart is full blooming neroli blossoms,lavender sprigs and jasmine petals restingupon a sensual musk and amber baseINSPIRED BY TOM FORDEVENTUSA sensual fresh aromatic, masculinechypre cologne with notes ofblackcurrant, bergamot and appleintertwined with incense, peppery roseand birch on a heart of jasmine, sandal,patchouli and muskINSPIRED BY CREED AVENTUSAFTERSHAVEMY BOYA fascinating fragrance that redefinesmasculinity. Offering notes of Bergamot,White and Pink Pepper, Clary Sage, TonkaBean and Cocoa.INSPIRED BY CAROLINA HERRERA BAD BOY

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ROMANSP U R E L U X U R YMASCULINE SCENT DESCRIPTIONSTHE MALEA masculine Oriental accord opening withbergamot, lemon and orange blossomfollowed by jasmine, violet and lily warmedwith coumarin resting on a base of woods,amber, patchouli and vanilla.INSPIRED BY JPG AFTERSHAVEPHANTOMA woody aromatic fragrance openingwith citrus notes and lavender with a hintof crunchy and earthy apple resting on asmoky base of vanilla, vetiver andpatchouli.INSPIRED BY PACO RABANNESAUVAGEExperience this refreshing fragrancewhich is perfect for those who enjoy aclassic and timeless scent that exudesconfidence and sophistication.The crisp citrus notes of bergamot andmandarin provide a refreshing opening,while the floral and herbal notes ofgeranium petals, olibanum oil, andlavender add depth and complexity.The earthy and woody notes of patchouliand moss give the fragrance a naturaland grounded feel, while the warm andinviting hints of amber and musk create asense of comfort and intimacy, thisfougere blend is sure to leave a lastingimpression.INSPIRED BY DIORTOTALLY FABULOUSA warm, sensual harmony opening withclarysage, chamomile, bergamot and warmpepper leading to a heart of leather, orris,mimosa, almond and freesia resting on anintense base o cashmeran, amber, musk,tonka beans and liquorice.INSPIRED BY TOM FORD THE EMPERORWoody top notes of fresh tones ofeucalyptus simmer with sensual honeyedsaffron smoothened by Cypriot. Woodycitrus middle notes with cedarwoodspiced with earthy patchouli and softenedwith sweet and floral, velvety violet. Earthybase notes of sandalwood exuding awoody, rich, creaminess complemented bycashmeran, adding a soft sensual element,as well as a fruity balsamic tone balancedby the uniquely alluring vanilla anddeepened by musk. THE DARK MASQUERADEA rich, spicy, artful and complex aromathat wonderfully balanced. Earthy andwoody, whilst being soft, spiced, sweetand citrusy. It places you in the heart ofthe Masquerade ball feeling the magic ofexotic woods, heady Labdanum andfrankincense that feed the mind, bodyand soul. Intoxicating earthy, woodynotes infused with resinous spicedleather combine with sweet, grassy, floraltones to sweep you off your feet.

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ROMANSFEMININE SCENT DESCRIPTIONSCLASSIQUEAn Oriental amber accord opening with fruity topnotes followed by a floral bouquet heart warmedby ginger and cinnamon resting on a sweetwoody, musky baseINSPIRED BY JPG CLASSIC PERFUMEDARK OPIUMA warm Oriental spicy fragrance with top notes ofpink pepper, orange blossom and pear leading toa heart of orchid and coffee and a sumptuousbase of amber, patchouli, vanilla and cedarINSPIRED BY YSL BLACK OPIUMBLACK TO BLACK A decadent woody oriental where fresh mandarincombines with cardamon, mastic and floral hintsof rose, jasmin and orange blossom. The basecomprises amber, sandalwood, patchouli andsweet vanillaINSPIRED BY TOM FORDEVENTUS FOR HERA complex fruity aromatic floral where sparklinggreen apple, bergamot, lemon and blackcurrantrest upon a heart of rose, iris, jasmine andtuberose supported by vanilla, ylang ylang andsandalwood.INSPIRED BY CREED AVENTUS FOR HERHYPNOTIC VENOMA rich floral Oriental accord with warm notes ofmusks and vanilla soothed by hot floral elementsof carnation and lily, spicy nuances of cinnamonand cardamom are also presentINSPIRED BY DIOR HYPNOTIC POISONFAMEA sweet and intriguing fruity floral composition,opening with top notes of juicy mango andbergamot, leading to a heart dominated by lushjasmin, all resting on a base of creamy vanilla andsandalwoodINSPIRED BY PACO RABANNEMADAME A chypre accord opening with bergamot, lemon,lime, orange, green leaf, apple, plum, cassis andgalbanum leading to a heart of jasmine, rose, lily,freesia, violet and gardenia with marine hints on arich base of patchouli, sandalwood, cedarwood,amber, vanilla, tonka and musksINSPIRED BY CHANEL COCO MADEMOISELLE

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ROMANSFEMININE SCENT DESCRIPTIONSROUGE 540 An intense harmony of amber florals and jasminblended with the radiance of saffron resting on abase of ambergris and woody tones of a freshlycut cedar wood.This fragrance is the epitome of luxury andelegance. The combination of amber florals andjasmin creates a warm and inviting aroma, whilethe saffron adds a touch of radiance and vibrancy.INSPIRED BY MAISON FRANCIS KURKDJIANSHANGHAI BLOSSOMA hypnotic oriental floral accord opening withnotes of pink pepper, bitter orange and bergamotleading to a floral heart of lily, jasmin andtuberose alongside warm clove supported withincense, vetivert, patchouli, smoked woods,cashmeran and vanillaINSPIRED BY TOM FORD SHANGHAI LILY PINK PASSIONIndulge in wild and luxurious sensuality of anintense full bodied floral oriental fragrance thatwon't let you go unnoticed, opening with plum,orange blossom, A seductive wink of pink pepperwith a twist of green mandarin sets pulses racing,harmonised by ylang and rose on a floral heart oftuberose and orchid. Resting on a vanillic fondwith musk and amberINSPIRED BY ROBERTO CAVALLIMISTY CASHMEREA musky floral accord with soft citrus top notes,light florals and a sweet musk and woods baseINSPIRED BY DKNY CASHMERE MISTMY GIRLA sumptuous floral Oriental where top notes ofrose, peach and apple refreshed by a drop ofbergamot rest upon full blooming tuberose,jasmine and magnolia supported by rich woods,elegant ambers, vanilla and velvet muskINSPIRED BY CAROLINA HERRERA GOOD GIRL PERFUME PRECIOUS VELVET ROSE & OUDA chypre floral accord with notes of oudh,rose, geranium, jasmin, clove and pralineresting on a rich velvety base of cedarwood,sandalwood, vetivert, amber, musk, vanilla,patchouli and a hint of raspberry INSPIRED BY JO MALONE

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ROMANSINSPIRED BY SCENT DESCRIPTIONSBLACKBERRY & BAYThis fragrance opens with fresh notes ofblackberry leaves and blackcurrant buds,followed by a floral heart of rose, geranium,muguet and bay. Rich notes of musks andsandalwood complete this fragranceINSPIRED BY JO MALONEBLUE AGAVE & CACAOA vibrant Latin melody with sparkling citrusnotes of lime and grapefruit leading onto aheart of blue agava enriched by a sensualblend of cinnamon, vetivert and cacaoINSPIRED BY JO MALONECOSY MOMENTSEnjoy the feeling of being wrapped in yourfavourite cosy and clean sweater on a freshevening walk. Gentle sparkling elements oflemon and bergamot are complemented byoutdoorsy stemmy green and ozonic notes.Elegant lily and orchid provide a petallytransparent floralcy whilst gentle musks,wood and a drop of sugar wrap the baseINSPIRED BY BATH AND BODY WORKSDARK COCONUTA creamy woody coconut accord withcoconut, sweet vanilla, cedarwood, nuancesof tropical flowers and muskINSPIRED BY YANKEEENGLISH OAK & HAZELNUTA rich woody fragrance opening with freshlemon notes scattered with green leafy notesleading to a light nutty heart of translucentjasmine and hazelnut with hints of cypress andamber with a woodland trail of cedarwood,oakwood, patchouli and smoothed withpowdery musksINSPIRED BY JO MALONE ENGLISH PEAR & FREESIASimilar in style and identity to Jo Malone.A fresh fruity floral accord with notes of juicy pear, followed by soft florals of freesiaand Rose supported by patchouli, amberand sheer muskINSPIRED BY JO MALONEFLUFFY TOWELSThe fresh scent of clean towels warm from thedryer with notes of lemon, apple, lavender andlilyINSPIRED BY YANKEE50 SHADES OF ROUGEA masculine aromatic woody accordopening with citrus medley of bergamot,orange & rosemary. The heart of thisfragrance is a modern complex blend ofalmond, jasmine and Tonka, resting on abase of leather, cedar, vetiver, patchouli,amber, vanilla and muskINSPIRED BY JO MALONE

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MOUNTAIN AIRAn ozonic citrus opening with breezyaldehydes, fresh citrus and eucalyptus leadingto a heart of rose, lily and jasmine alongsidepine on a woody baseINSPIRED BY ZOFLORAA L L S C E N T S A R E A V A I L A B L EI N W A X M E L T S & M A N Y I NO T H E R P R O D U C T ST H R O U G H O U T T H E R A N G EPET ODOUR ELIMINATORA refreshing floral accord opening with topnotes of ozone, bergamot, orange blossom,gentle aldehydes and fruity hints followed by aclean floral heart of rose, jasmine, violet and lilyresting on a base of amber, soft woods andmusk.INSPIRED BY FEBREEZE POMEGRANATE NOIRThe fragrance starts with lime and lemon zestenhanced with light undertones ofpomegranate, raspberry and plum.Incorporated into the formulation for thisdistinctive fragrance is a wonderful traceaftertaste of vanilla, sweet musk and moss.INSPIRED BY JO MALONERELAX STRESS RELIEFA woody herbal accord opening with lime,grapefruit, orange, lemongrass, green leaf,galbanum, cedar leaf, fennel, pine, spearmint,eucalyptus and lavender with floral heart notesof lily, jasmine, rose and violet with spicy cloveon a base of cedarwood, sandalwood,patchouli, amber, tonka and vanilla.INSPIRED BY RADOXRUBY JASMINEA floral chypre with notes of neroli, lemon,pineapple and peach leading to a floral heart ofjasmine, muguet, ylang and rose on a heart ofpatchouli and sandal.INSPIRED BY LENORHALFETI A fragrance that is inspired by the MiddleEastern trade routes starting with notes ofgrapefruit, rose, saffron and armoise into ahear of jasmin, violet and muguet finally dryingdown into a heavy musky scent of amber,resins, leather and oudINSPIRED BY PENHALIGON’S PERFUMEINTENSE LUXURIOUSAn impactful fruity floral composition openingwith fruity top notes of pineapple, coconut,peach, apple, melon and orange supported byhints of fresh aldehydes leading to a floralbouquet of rose, jasmine, orange flower, lily ofthe valley, violet, peony and chrysanthemum.The fragrance is completed with a substantivebase of vanilla, precious woods, amber, tonkabean, musk, powdery heliotrope and sweetsugarINSPIRED BY COMFORTJO’S GRAPEFRUITA vibrant fruity citrus fragrance where notes offreshly sliced grapefruit are combined withsweet orange, mandarin and gentle green floralhints and a base of musk and patchouliINSPIRED BY JO MALONELOST CHERRYA mouth-watering fruity floral accord withopening notes of cherry liqueur and almondwith heart notes of black cherry, plum, Turkishrose Sambac, jasmine and spices on base notesof vanilla, sandal, patchouli, vetiver, tonka andmuskINSPIRED BY TOM FORDGOLD ORCHIDA luxurious scent of precious orchid,masterfully blended with soft, sweetnotes of vanilla, infused with mimosa,honey rose and creamy peach for purerich indulgence.INSPIRED BY LENORGOOD NIGHT‘S SLEEPA powdery oriental floral accord opening withsoft lemon top notes and creamy lavenderfollowed by white jasmine and violet bloomssupported by a rich base of bemzoin, vanilla,treemoss and musks INSPIRED BY LUSH SLEEPY

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TRANQUILITY A sensual herbal fragrance opening withrelaxing sweet orange and rosemary. It thenleads onto a calming lavender and geraniumheart, while resting on a cedarwood andpatchouli base.INSPIRED BY NEOM TRANQUILITY THAI ORCHIDA fresh floral fragrance with fruity top notes ofpear, apple, peach and bergamot leading to awatery floral heart of rose, jasmine, violet, lilyand chamomile with a base of soft woods.INSPIRED BY FEBREZETROPICAL SURFA fresh fruity floral bouquet with clean ozonictop notes, hints of plum, mango, nectarine,coconut, jasmine and lily on a background ofpatchouli leaves, sandal and neroli.INSPIRED BY SURF TROPICALTUSCAN LEATHERA true-to-life leather and oriental fragrance.This scent opens with top notes of Bergamot, Ginger,Black Pepperand Pink Pepper. Leading into middle notes ofGardenia, Ylang Ylang, Magnolia andCedarwood. All of this rests on a base of Sandalwood, Cashmeran, Tonka Bean andAmberINSPIRED BY TOM FORDTONKA BEAN & MYRRHA sweet Oriental accord opening with lemon,grapefruit and bergamot leading to a heart ofmagnolia, heliotrope, rose, orris, lily, jasmineand plum on a base of cedar, amber, patchouli,myrrh, tonka bean, orchid, guaiacwood, vanillaand musk.INSPIRED BY JO MALONESTRAWBERRY & LILYA fresh fruity floral fragrance with green fruitytop notes, strawberry, gardenia, violet andjasmine in the heart and a soft dry down withwoods and vanilla.INSPIRED BY COMFORTSWEET ALMOND MACAROON A creamy, edible smelling almond accord withdominant notes of sweet cherry and a hint ofsmooth coconut.INSPIRED BY JO MALONESEA SALT & WOOD SAGEA warm sophisticated aromatic fragrance withdelicate sage and grapefruit enriched by hintsof bergamot and tangerine leading to aninvigorating heart of fresh ozone, cool breezeand soft florals smoothed by shades of musk,ambergris and clear wood.INSPIRED BY JO MALONESALTED CARAMELA rich creamy fragrance with notes of sweetcaramel, brown sugar and smooth vanillaalongside a salted butter nuance creating amouthwatering accord.INSPIRED BY YANKEESTONY COVESerenity … a quiet place by the water filled withthe scents of sweet orange flower and whitemusk. Opening with top notes of Ozonic,Citrus and Rose Water supported by OrangeBlossom and Jasmin resting on a base of WhiteMusk & Patchouli. *Contains: Orange & PatchouliEssential oil INSPIRED BY YANKEESPARKLING BLOOM & POPPYGive your senses a burst of delight with thisblend of vibrant yuzu blossom, upliftingmimosa and happy yellow poppy, all mixedwith rich sun-drenched floral notes.INSPIRED BY LENOR

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Bubble GumCreamy Musk & SandalwoodCoconutCoconut & LemongrassDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDark Honey & TobaccoDark OpiumDark OrchidEventusGood Night’s SleepLost CherryMonkey FartsMy GirlPink PassionPink SugarRhubarb & CustardSauvageStarburstTranquilityFragrance FreeKIDS BATH ROCKSKIDS BUBBLE BATHLUXURY BATH ROCKSBATH BOMBSSHOWER GELBODY LOTIONBODY SCRUBBODY BUTTERBODY OILPICKING YOURPRODUCTSBY SCENTBath & Body

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Avocado & Sea Salt Bergamot & PatchouliBlackberry & BayBlack CherryBlack Raspberry & PeppercornBlack Raspberry & Vanilla Black To BlackBlue Agave & CacaoBlueberry & VanillaBubble gumCreamy Musk & SandalwoodClassique For HerCocoa & PatchouliCoffee MochaCool WaterCosy Momen tsCoconut & Lychee TwistCuban Tobacco OakDamson Plum Rose & PatchouliDriftwoodDark CoconutDark OpiumDazzling PomegranateDark Honey & TobaccoEnglish Oak & HazelnutEnglish Pear & FreesiaEventusEventus For Her50 Shades Of RougePREMIUMWAX MELTSSMALL CANDLEMEDIUM CANDLELARGE CANDLE3 WICK CANDLEROOM SPRAYREED DIFFUSER Home Fragrance

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FameFluffy TowelsGold OrchidGood Night’s SleepHalfetiHotel of DreamsHypnotic VenomIntense LuxuriousItalian NeroliJo's GrapefruitLavender SpaLost CherryLuscious LimeMadameMandarin OrangeMisty CashmereMonkey FartsMountain AirMy BoyMy GirlPandora’s BoxPassion Fruit & PapayaPet Odour EliminatorPhantomPine FreshPink PassionPink SugarPlum & Rhubarb Pomegranate NoirPrecious Velvet Rose & OudPREMIUMWAX MELTSSMALL CANDLEMEDIUM CANDLELARGE CANDLE3 WICK CANDLEROOM SPRAYREED DIFFUSER Home Fragrance

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Home Fragrance Relax Stress ReliefRhubarb & CustardRouge 540Ruby JasmineSauvageSweet Almond MacaroonSea Salt & Wood SageSalted Caramel2 SexySparkling Bloom & PoppyStarburstStony CoveStrawberry & LilyStrawberry & RhubarbSweet Orange & ChilliShanghai BlossomTamedThai Lime MangoThai OrchidThe Dark MasqueradeThe EmperorThe MaleThe TemptressTonka Bean & MyrrhTotally FabulousTranquilityTropical SurfTuscan LeatherVanilla CreamZingy LemonPREMIUMWAX MELTSSMALL CANDLEMEDIUM CANDLELARGE CANDLE3 WICK CANDLEROOM SPRAYREED DIFFUSER