ISSUE 4PRODUCT CATALOGUECaravan hook-up solutions & marina services
ContentsABOUT ROLECLeading specialists 4Our services 6OUR CUSTOMERSCase studies 82Branding options 86For over 30 years, Rolec has been and continues to be firmly acknowledged as a leading expert in the design, manufacture and supply of caravan hook-ups, marina services and EV charging solutions.2
ContentsCARAVAN HOOK-UPSAbout Rolec Caravan Hook-Ups 8Hook-up connection units 10Direct connection units 14Classic hook-up pedestals 18Quantum hook-up pedestals 22Smartcard metering 26Pitch management system 28Options & accessories 32Electrical mains & distribution 34Electric vehicle chargepoints 36MARINA SERVICESAbout Rolec Marina Services 40Classic service pedestals 42Quantum service pedestals 46Sanitation & bilge pump-outs 50Emergency service equipment 54Electric boat charging 58Smartcard metering 60RFID controlled services 62Berth management systems 64Options & accessories 74Electrical mains & distribution 76Electric vehicle chargepoints 783
Caravan Hook-Ups297,000Caravan hook-ups supplied to date55,500Smartcard meters installed across the leisure industry394,000Pitches electrifiedRolec has been a leading specialist in the design and manufacture of an extensive range of outdoor electrical equipment for over three decades. Our product portfolio is vast, and is well known for being robust, economically priced and widely available.Our products include electrical connection, charging, hook-up, lighting and distribution equipment. Our products are utilised in all outdoor environments but most predominantly across the now fully emerged electric vehicle charging industry, the caravan and holiday home park industry as well as for marinas, boatyards and waterfront destinations.Our experienced and dedicated teams and engineers operate from three UK locations and have supplied over a million outdoor electrical connections to EV drivers, boat owners or caravaners. Rolec remains committed to a programme of continuous development, investment and innovation to ensure the provision of high quality and reliable products at competitive prices.4
EV Charging370,000EV chargepoints supplied to date195,000Domestic EV chargepoints sold111,500Chargepoints on Smart Charging NetworkMarina Services176,500Marina pedestals sold worldwide13,000Berths managed by smart solutions505,000Berths electrified55
Product awareness trainingFREE training sessions are available for electrical contractors and sales teams to learn more about Rolec’s full range of outdoor utility products.Utilise our product academy to train your business and learn about Rolec’s products and services. Enhance your Rolec product knowledge Gain industry awareness to promote product sales Learn about client trends and how together we can both service clients Watch our “how to install” videos Learn about our smart technologies across all industriesStockWe recognise that stock is crucial to ensure timely deliveries and meet project deadlines.As well as providing stock to wholesalers across the country, Rolec holds an average stock of products and components to the value of 5 to 6 million GBP.Rolec provides a next day or 2 day delivery service to UK mainland (T&Cs apply).Our services6
DesignRolec have a team of experienced engineers that can provide M&E designs for caravan and leisure park and marina and waterfront destination developments. Services can include: Site visits Design calculations & CAD drawings Presentations and data sheets Simple product quotations “How to install” product videos Assistance in installation and commissioning of smart solutions7
With experience from serving the industry for over 30 years, Rolec provide the most cost-eective electrical hook-up solutions for caravan, leisure and holiday home parks.Our experienced engineers can oer advice and support during every step of any park development.Oering a huge array of solutions, from simple socket-only units to smart metered electric, water and lighting pedestals our products have earned a reputation for proving ideal for all locations and all budgets, which can be seen across numerous prestigious large-scale developments to smaller private owner projects.We can provide:• Electric hook-ups• Electric, water and lighting service pedestals• Distribution units• Life-saving equipment• Smartcard metering• Electric vehicle charging• Site visits• Design calculations• CAD drawings• Product presentations and data sheets• Easy to understand product quotations CARAVAN HOOK-UPS9
HOOK-UP CONNECTION UNITSThese cost eective and hard-wearing hook-up units are suitable for all caravan and holiday parks requirements. With its IP44 interlock sockets, these hook-up units ensure a safe and secure electrical connection.Every unit is complete with an IP65 weatherproof polycarbonate enclosure, RCBO providing overload and 30mA fault current protection, which is accessible via a waterproof customer re-set flap, and built-in cable terminals.• IP44 interlock sockets• Available in 6A, 10A, 16A & 32A versions• 1way, 2way, 3way & 4way versions• 18th edition regulations compliant• Optional MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection• IP65 weatherproof polycarbonate enclosure• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Optional galvanised mounting post• Easy to install & maintain• IP Rated & UV stabilised • Fire resistant10
Designed& Stockedin the UK11
HOOK-UP CONNECTION UNITS PRODUCT OVERVIEWConnection TypeMetering TypePower OutputFault ProtectionProduct CodeEnclosure SizexIPinterlocksocketNAxA xAmARCBO LSHUSmallxA* xAmARCBO LSHU-AxA xAmARCBO LSHUxA kWhmeterxA xAmARCBO LSHUxA* xAmARCBO LSHU-AxA xAmARCBO LSHUxAClass smartcardmeterxA xAmARCBO LSHULargexA xAmARCBO LSHUxIPinterlocksocketsNAxA xAmARCBOs LSHUSmallxA** xAmARCBOs LSHU-AxA* xAmARCBOs LSHU -AxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA kWhmetersxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA* xAmARCBOs LSHU-AxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxIPinterlocksocketsNAxA xAmARCBOs LSHULargexA* xAmARCBOs LS HU -AxA kWhmetersxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA* xAmARCBOs LS HU -AxIPinterlocksocketsNAxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA* xAmARCBOs LSHU-AxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA kWhmetersxA xAmARCBOs LSHUxA* xAmARCBOs LS HU -A*Supplied with 16A socket(s) restricted to a 10A output **Supplied with 16A socket(s) restricted to a 6A output 12
LARGE ENCLOSURE SMALL ENCLOSURE250mm360mm142mm152mmAccessories:Galvanisedsteelposttosuitbothsmall&largehook-upconnectionunitenclosures–mmLSAFPhotocellkitavailabletocontrolparklightingLSAFSmartcardmetersystemsoftware&readerwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 32221.5mm270mm13
DIRECT CONNECTION UNITSSpecifically designed to provide a 16A, 32A or 63A electrical supply via its direct connection facility to residential and holiday homes as well as static caravans. A hard-wearing and cost eective solution with MID compliant kWh metering or a pre-paid smartcard option.This connection unit is complete with an RCBO, providing both overload and fault current protection which is accessible via the switchgear access flap.• Available in 16A, 32A & 63A versions• 18th edition regulations compliant• Optional MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection• IP65 weatherproof polycarbonate enclosure• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Optional galvanised mounting post• Easy to install & maintain• IP Rated & UV stabilised • Fire resistant14
Designed& Stockedin the UK15
DIRECT CONNECTION UNITS PRODUCT OVERVIEWMetering TypePower OutputFault ProtectionProduct CodeEnclosure SizexAkWhmeterA AmARCBO LSDCSmallA AmARCBO LSDCxAkWhmeter A CApoleMCBAmARCD LSDCAClass smartcardmeterA AmARCBO LSDCLargeA AmARCBO LSDCA CApoleMCBAmARCD LSDC16
LARGE ENCLOSURE SMALL ENCLOSURE250mm360mm142mm152mmAccessories:Galvanisedsteelposttosuitbothsmall&largehook-upconnectionunitenclosures–mmLSAFPhotocellkitavailabletocontrolparklightingLSAFSmartcardmetersystemsoftware&readerwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 32221.5mm270mm17
CLASSIC HOOK-UP PEDESTALSHighly acclaimed across the UK’s caravan and holiday park industry, the CLASSIC is a versatile touring hook-up pedestal that is ideal for all budgets and locations. A variety of MID metered and non-metered options, along with integrated LED amenity lighting makes this a practical and suitable hook-up solution.• 16A IP44 interlock sockets• Available in 1, 2, 3 & 4way versions• 18th edition regulations compliant• MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering options• Photocell controlled LED amenity lighting head• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Hot-dipped galvanised steel internal chassis• Aluminium composite external shell• Optional ½” water tap• Segregated electric, water & lighting compartments• Strong and durable IP65 / IK10 rated enclosure• IP Rated, UV stabilised & fire resistant• Surface or root mountable• Green as standard (other options available upon request)18
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK19
CLASSIC HOOK-UP PEDESTALS PRODUCT OVERVIEWConnection TypePower OutputFault ProtectionMetering TypeWater TapProduct CodexIPinterlocksocketxAxA mARCBONANA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxA kWhmeterNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxAClass smartcardmeterNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxA kWhmetersNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxA kWhmetersNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxA kWhmetersNA LSCLx"Tap LSCLxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSCL*x"Tap LSCL**Supplied as the larger CLASSIC MIDI pedestal – 270mm x 1135mm x 270mm (W x H x D) Contact Rolec for more details 20
Accessories:Groundmountingbase forClassicpedestalGMCPGalvanisedsteelwastetray (tobeusedinconjunctionwith agroundmountingbase)LSAKSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 32205mm205mm1130mm185mm185mm21
QUANTUM HOOK-UP PEDESTALSA stylish and sophisticated anodised aluminium touring pedestal ideal for any caravan and holiday park across the UK. The QUANTUM presents an attractive and heavy-duty hook-up solution and is complete with an integrated LED louvered lighting head. • 16A IP44 interlock sockets• Available in 1, 2, 3 & 4way versions• 18th edition regulations compliant• MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering options• Photocell controlled LED amenity lighting head• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Heavy-duty aluminium body & panels• High impact resistant polycarbonate lighting lens• Optional ½" water tap• Segregated electric, water & lighting compartments• Strong and durable IP66 / IK10 rated enclosure• IP rated, UV stabilised & fire resistant• Surface or root mountable • Green as standard (other options available upon request)22
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK23
Connection TypePower OutputFault ProtectionMetering TypeWater TapProduct CodexIPinterlocksocketxAxA mARCBONANA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxA kWhmeterNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxAClass smartcardmeterNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxA kWhmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxA kWhmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxIPinterlocksocketsxAxA mARCBOsNANA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxA kWhmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUxAClass smartcardmetersNA LSQUx"Tap LSQUQUANTUM HOOK-UP PEDESTALS PRODUCT OVERVIEW24
375mm 275mm1190mmGroundmountingbase forQuantumpedestalGMQRGalvanisedsteelwastetray (tobeusedinconjunctionwith agroundmountingbase)LSAKSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 32Accessories:25
Metering & management Smartcard MeteringRolec’s smartcard metering is the ideal solution to eciently control and manage a park’s electric supplies. The smartcard meter includes a built-in electrical contactor that automatically switches the electricity supply on/o as credit becomes available or expires. Visitors pay upfront for their electricity consumption and any unused credit on the meter can be transferred back to the smartcard and returned to the oce computer for a refund.The smartcard meter system is an available option for the entire range of hook-up solutions and is perfect for caravan/holiday parks and similar locations that do not have the desire or capacity to install data cables or a networked management system. • Pre-paid smartcard operated• Class 1 accurate smartcard meter with digital display• MID compliant• Re-usable waterproof smartcards• Easy to operate software• USB card reader/writer• Secure tari management• Audible & visual low credit warning• Unused credit can be returned to the smartcard• Smartcards are unique to each sites computer software26
Third Party IntegrationGUEST/RESIDENTWeb-enabled devicePayment platformPARK OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceWifi / GSMGatewayLoRaWAN / WiFiEthernet / GSM4G / Wifi Wifi / GSMLoRaWAN ConnectionUtility management Pitch Services Management SystemMetpow is a cloud-based utility management platform designed for caravan and residential parks, giving operators full control over electricity and water usage while reducing costs and improving eciency. Guests/residents can easily track and pay for their consumption in real-time via the Metpow app, ensuring transparency and convenience. By streamlining utility management, Metpow enhances operations, boosts customer satisfaction, and supports sustainability goals. Take back control of your site’s electricity and water and future-proof your business with Metpow.Constant connectionUpfront billing Personalised dashboardsHASSLE-FREE MANAGEMENTReal-time usage insightsInteractive site mappingNEW28
Third Party IntegrationGUEST/RESIDENTWeb-enabled devicePayment platformPARK OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceWifi / GSMGatewayLoRaWAN / WiFiEthernet / GSM4G / Wifi Wifi / GSMLoRaWAN ConnectionA TYPICAL METPOW WIRELESS INSTALLATION EXAMPLEWireless Network2929
Metpow’s wireless metering system revolutionises utility management for caravan and residential parks, oering unparalleled connectivity, eciency, and convenience. With our proprietary wireless gateway technology, park operators gain full control over usage while providing guests/residents with a seamless, transparent experience.SetupUpload your site layout into the Metpow platform and map pitch locations. Configure user consumption settings, including limits or fair usage caps, with ease.Daily managementMonitor consumption in real-time, control supply remotely, and receive instant alerts for any issues.Data-driven insightsUse personalised dashboards to track trends, optimise costs, and make informed operational decisions.HardwareMetpow integrates seamlessly with all ROLEC caravan hook-up units, transforming them into intelligent utility management tools for your business.Constant connection Metpow’s LoRaWAN gateways ensure that all pitches maintain a continuous link to the Metpow back-oce system. This independent network operates without relying on Wi-Fi, 4G, or other radio frequencies, ensuring robust and reliable performance.Easily monitor live usage Park operators can monitor usage and respond to issues in near real-time.Adaptability to park environments LoRaWAN’s transmission properties, when compared to Wi-Fi and 4G, experience lower signal loss when passing through obstacles commonly found in caravan and residential parks, such as buildings, vehicles and infrastructure, ensuring more reliable and uninterrupted connectivity.Wireless systemHow it works30
Virtual wallet Start, stop & pause servicesLow balance alerts Switch currencies Return your balance Automatic top-up Enhanced eciency Increased revenueImproved guest satisfactionScalability Sustainability Operational control Park operatorsBenefits & featuresGuests/residentsManagement of pitch services anywhere, anytime on any device31
Rolec stock a large range of caravan hook-up components and accessories, all of which are available from your local electrical wholesaler. Due to our on-site warehousing facilities, we’re usually able to dispatch accessories within 24 hours. Don’t see what you need? Call us on 01205 724773 or email & ACCESSORIESGMCPCaravan Hook-UpLSAFACEULSAFACLGACEULSAK ACSA PPLA ACLG ACSA ACSA ContactRolecforthisitemACEA32
Item DescriptionProduct Codemmgalvanisedsteelposttosuitsmall&largehook-upconnectionunitenclosures LSAFClassicgalvanisedsteelgroundmountingbase GMCPQuantumgalvanisedsteelgroundmountingbase GMQRSTwastetray(tobeusedinconjunctionwithagroundmountingbase) LSAKCAmAPNMODTypeA(KA)RCBO ACEQCAmAPNMODTypeA(KA)RCBO ACEQCAmAPNMODTypeA(KA)RCBO ACEQCAmAPNMODTypeA(KA)RCBO ACEQAMODPhaseimpkWhDigitaldinrailmountedmeter–MIDB ACEUAVIPInterlockpanelsocket ACEAiAVIPInterlockpanelsocket ACEAiAVIPLockableangledpanelsocket ACEAAVIPAngledpanelsocket ACEAPhotocellkittocontrolparklighting ACLGHeattracetapeforaddedfrostprotection LSAKAPhaseClassMIDsmartcardmeter ACEUBlankreusablesmartcard(printingbrandingavailable) ACEUSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriter LSAFClassiclightlid(includingstainlesssteelbolt) ACSAClassiclightlens PPLAClassicLEDupgradekit ACLGClassiclightcollar ACSAClassicmmextrusionincludinglengthofdouble-sidedtape ACSAClassicmmaluminiumcompositeskin(rangeofcoloursavailable) ContactRolecxGLEDlampWK ACLGQuantumclearpolycarbonatelightlenshead QTMQuantumpolycarbonatetoplenscap QTMQuantumlampreflectorplate BULQuantumpolycarbonatelamplouvre QTMQuantumLEDupgradekit ACLGQuantumpolycarbonatelightcollar QTMQuantumpolycarbonatemountingbase QTMQuantummmanodisedaluminiummainbraceextrusion GSMQuantummmanodisedaluminiumsideextrusion GSMQuantumaluminiumcompositeskins(rangeofcoloursavailable) ContactRolecxGXLEDlampWK ACLG33
ELECTRICAL MAINS & DISTRIBUTIONOne of the most important elements of a caravan park development is its electrical distribution system. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Rolec understands how to design in eciency as well as capacity for future planned developments.Rolec’s team of dedicated experts can provide bespoke site electrical distribution systems along with supporting CAD drawings. We can supply mains panels and distribution units to suit any sites requirements with built-in switchgear, cable terminals and, where required, metering.• Localised distribution of electrical circuits including circuit protection• Provides isolation, current & optional fault current protection • GRP, stainless steel or technopolymer enclosures• Switchgear variants: 6A to 2000A (1Ø or 3Ø options)• Able to accommodate all switching and monitoring management solutions • Designed & built to suit all incoming/outgoing cable types & sizes• IPX5 Rated• Wall or ground (root) mountable versions• Galvanised steel mounting frames• ABS cable entry covering shroud34
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK35
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGEPOINTSThe number of people opting for cleaner and greener transport is increasing significantly and whilst the UK continues to strive towards a net-zero future, the desire and demand for EV chargepoints is growing dramatically. There are now ocially over one million electric vehicles that have been registered which means now is the perfect time for park destinations to begin oering EV charging facilities to their visitors. With over 17 years of experience in the electric vehicle charging industry and over 370,000 public and private chargepoints manufactured and installed, ROLEC continues to serve the industry with its innovations in charging hardware and software by providing a solution for all budgets and requirements. • Plug & go, mobile app or RFID controlled charging• Integrates with any OCPP back-oce• Generate recurring revenue stream• Branding & colour options• 3.6kW through to 480kW charging speeds• Wall-mounted & pedestal options• Funding, operation, & maintenance options • Nationwide installation & project management services36
Scan here to see the EV PRODUCT CATALOGUEOr visit
ROLEC strategic partnership with chargepoint funding organisations can oer you the most flexible and transparent investment opportunities for EV charging infrastructure on the market.Zero CapEx – Fixed Monthly Solution• No upfront EV infrastructure costs • Turnkey solution • OZEV grant access • Full site managementPerfect for businesses that want to provide EV charging and do not seek to generate or share revenue. Choose the level of investment and fix a monthly fee.MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONShare Costs & Revenue in a Joint Venture• 50/50 Shared investment • OZEV grant access • 50% Client net revenue share• Full site managementAn ideal solution for businesses, local authorities, and land-owners seeking to oer public EV charging with reduced upfront costs, while generating shared revenue.PART FUNDEDNo CapEx & OpEx Solution• No EV infrastructure costs• Turnkey solution • 20% Client net revenue share• Full site management An ideal solution for businesses, local authorities, and land-owners seeking to oer public EV charging and generate revenue without making any investment.FULLY FUNDEDWhichever model, all operation & maintenance costs are included the chargepoints.Interested? Contact ROLEC to find out more: FUNDING SOLUTIONS39
Rolec continue to be firmly recognised as world leading experts in the design and manufacture of service pedestals and associated products for marina and waterside destinations.Our experienced engineers can oer advice and support during every step of any marina services development.Oering a huge array of high-quality marine grade solutions, our products have earned a reputation for proving ideal for all locations and budgets, which can be seen across numerous prestigious developments to smaller scale projects.We can provide:• Electric, water and lighting service pedestals• Distribution units• Life-saving equipment• Boat sanitation pump-out equipment • Deck lighting• Smart metering, RFID control and computerised management solutions• Electric vehicle charging• Electric boat charging• Site visits• Design calculations• CAD drawings• Product presentations and data sheets• Easy to understand product quotations• Assistance in installation and commissioning of smart solutions MARINA SERVICES41
CLASSIC SERVICE PEDESTALSThe durable, robust chassis along with its aluminium composite external shell, is one of many reasons why the CLASSIC marina service pedestal is so highly acclaimed across the world’s marine industry. Available in two sizes, featuring LED amenity lighting and a variety of electrical and water and metering options.• 16A IP44 lockable sockets• Available in 2 & 4way versions• Optional MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering• Photocell controlled LED amenity lighting head• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection and 100A Isolator• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Hot-dipped galvanised steel internal chassis• Aluminium composite external shell• Optional ½” water tap• Segregated electric, water & lighting compartments• IK10 impact rating• IP Rated, UV stabilised & fire resistant• Blue as standard (other options available upon request)42
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK43
Connection TypePower OutputFault ProtectionMetering TypeWater TapProduct CodemmPedestalxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MACAx”Tap MACATAPxA kWhmetersNA MACAKWHx”Tap MACAKWHTAPxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MACAx”Tap MACATAPxA kWhmetersNA MACAKWHx”Tap MACAKWHTAPmmPedestalxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAEAx”Tap MAEATAPxAClass smartcardmetersNA MAEASCMx”Tap MAEASCMTAPxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAEAx”Tap MAEATAPxAClass smartcardmetersNA MAEASCMx”Tap MAEASCMTAPCLASSIC SERVICE PEDESTALS PRODUCT OVERVIEWSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 7444
205mm205mm205mm205mm885mm185mm185mm185mm750mm1000mm750mm PEDESTAL 1000mm PEDESTAL185mm1130mm45
QUANTUM SERVICE PEDESTALSA stylish yet sophisticated anodised aluminium service pedestal ideal for any marina or waterfront location across the UK. The QUANTUM presents an attractive and heavy-duty solution and is complete with an integrated LED louvred lighting head that enables the pedestals to be easily located whether it’s day or night. • 16A IP44 lockable sockets• Available in 2 & 4way versions• Optional MID compliant kWh & pre-paid smartcard metering• Photocell controlled LED amenity lighting head• Built-in overload and 30mA fault current protection and 100A Isolator• Built-in cable terminals• Switchgear access flap• Marine grade heavy-duty aluminium body & panels• High impact resistant polycarbonate lighting lens• Fully segregated electric, water & lighting compartments• Optional ½” water tap• IK10 impact rating• IP rated, UV stabilised & fire resistant• Blue as standard (other options available upon request)46
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK47
QUANTUM SERVICE PEDESTALS PRODUCT OVERVIEWConnection TypePower OutputFault ProtectionMetering TypeWater TapProduct CodemmPedestalxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAQRx”Tap MAQRTAPxA kWhmetersNA MAQRKWHx”Tap MAQRKWHTAPxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAQRx”Tap MAQRTAPxA kWhmetersNA MAQRKWHx”Tap MAQRKWHTAPmmPedestalxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAQRx”Tap MAQRTAPxAClass smartcardmeterNA MAQRSCMx”Tap MAQRSCMTAPxIPlockablesocketsxAxA mARCBOs xAisolatorNANA MAQRx”Tap MAQRTAPxAClass smartcardmeterNA MAQRSCMx”Tap MAQRSCMTAPSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriterLSAFBlankreusablesmartcardACEUMore accessories on page 7448
750mm PEDESTAL 1000mm PEDESTAL375mm375mm275mm275mm1190mm940mm750mm1000mm49
SANITATION & BILGE PUMP-OUT PEDESTALSHigh quality and low maintenance units oering a free-to-use or pay-to-use sanitation and bilge pump-out systems operable by a variety of methods. Evolved from Rolec’s highly acclaimed CLASSIC service pedestal with a self-contained RS100 pump, with a flow of up to 25m and 4m lift. Suitable for any marina or waterfront location.• Self-contained RS100 pump• Keyswitch or coin/token operation• Hot-dipped galvanised steel internal chassis• Aluminium composite external shell• Photocell controlled LED amenity lighting head• 10m ship-to-shore hose• 30 minute run-dry safety failure• Valve operated euro-probe with optical viewing lens• Built-in variable setting pump-out timer & non-return valve • Overload & fault current protection• Segregated electric, water & lighting compartments• IK10 impact rating• IP Rated, UV stabilised & fire resistant• Green as standard (other options available upon request)50
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK51
SANITATION & BILGE PUMP-OUT PEDESTALS PRODUCT OVERVIEWPump SpecProbe TypeButton FunctionsOperationMechanismProduct CodeSelf-contained RSpump (Vrpmwith mminlet&outletports)Sanitation (Probewithsightglass)StartStopNA MANAKeyswitch MANAPauseStop Cointoken MANABilge (PVCpipe&filter)StartStopNA MANAKeyswitch MANAPauseStop Cointoken MANA52
480mm 480mm1255mm450mm450mm53
EMERGENCY SERVICE EQUIPMENTAs visitor safety is paramount and an essential for all marina operators, Rolec oers a comprehensive range of emergency service equipment across all pedestal ranges to suit every budget and location, providing peace of mind for marina operators and visitors alike.From simple low level cabinet housing essentials including a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and life-buoy, to CLASSIC and QUANTUM versions to match the aesthetics of the utility pedestals.• Economy versions• Red for easy visibility• Illuminated versions• Strong and durable*Fire extinguisher not included with this unit.*54
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK55
EMERGENCY SERVICE EQUIPMENT PRODUCT OVERVIEWUnit TypeUnit SpecUnit EquipmentProduct CodeFloating RopeLife BuoyFirst AidKitAmenity LightingFire AxeEconomyEmergencyStationRedpolycarbonateenclosure withclearaccesspanel& galvanisedsteelstandm EEACQuantumEmergencyPedestalMarinegradeanodised aluminiumbodywithredpowder-coatedpanels&doormEEQRmEEQRClassicMidiEmergencyPedestalGalvanisedsteelinternal chassiswithpowder-coatedaluminiumshellanddoormEEADEEADQUANTUM EMERGENCY PEDESTAL1440mm380mm720mm720mm375mm 275mm56
CLASSIC MIDI EMERGENCY PEDESTAL270mm270mm1135mm720mm375mm720mmAddaSounderto anSOSpedestalMAFAFireextinguisher–kgdrypowderEEAALifebuoywithreflectivebandsandxplasticholdersEEABMore accessories on page 74Accessories:57
ELECTRIC BOAT CHARGINGAs pioneers in the electric vehicle charging industry, with over 370,000 chargepoints manufactured and installed, our electric boat charging solutions are perfectly suited for marinas seeking to oer charging facilities to electric boat owners.With a range of AC fast and DC rapid charging solutions to choose from, our electric boat charging solutions are ideal for all waterfront destinations. Whether the desire is to oer visitor’s standard AC fast charging or DC rapid/ultra-fast charging, Rolec has the solution to provide simple, straightforward and seamless charging experiences.By oering the facilities to recharge electric boats, visitors are more likely to return, therefore increasing customer loyalty and generating customer retention. Marina operators will benefit from greater footfall, as well as the ability to generate additional business revenue.• AC & DC models available• 7.4kW – 480kW charging speeds• Various multiple outlet configurations (Type 2/CCS 2)• Aluminium and stainless steel options• IP55 ingress protection• IK10 impact rating• Branding solutions available• Variety of mounting options• Choice of back-oce management platforms58
Metering & management Smartcard MeteringRolec’s smartcard metering is the ideal solution to eciently control and manage a marina’s electric supplies. The smartcard meter includes a built-in electrical contactor that automatically switches the electricity supply on/o as credit becomes available or expires. Visitors pay upfront for their electricity consumption and any unused credit on the meter can be transferred back to the smartcard and returned to the oce computer for a refund.The smartcard meter system is an available option for the entire range of marina solutions and is perfect for any waterfront location that does not have the desire or the capacity to install data cable or a networked management system.• Pre-paid smartcard operated• Class 1 accurate smartcard meter with digital display• MID compliant• Re-usable waterproof smartcards• Easy to operate software• USB card reader/writer• Secure tari management• Audible & visual low credit warning• Unused credit can be returned to the smartcard• Smartcards are unique to each sites computer software60
RFID controlled servicesSMARTVEND provides marina operators with a simple to use and easy to install RFID card controlled marina service pedestal solution. This solution is ideal for marinas, boatyards and waterfront locations that do not desire, or have the capacity to, install data cabling or a networked management system. Designed to work as an individual, standalone system, SMARTVEND marina service pedestals can be installed without the requirement for any communication cabling or network management systems. Simply connect your destination’s incoming electric cable and water pipe – and it’s ready to use! • Uses contactless, reusable RFID cards• Card reader and user display at every berth• Pedestal display shows service outlet and card credit values• Measures exact electricity and water values consumed• Two way communication allows transfer of credit from RFID card to pedestal and refund of unused credit from pedestal to RFID cardRFID card control of marina electric and water supplies62
BERTHVEND allows marina operators to control and manage their marina’s electric and water services anywhere, anytime on any device whilst providing berth holders with a seamless services provision. BERTHVEND oers a simple to use berth management system, saving time, costs and labour, whilst also allowing berth holders to pay for their services using their smartphone/tablet using the BERTHVEND app. With the inclusion of modern technologies, BERTHVEND enables marina operators to complete their day-to-day tasks without the requirement for manual intervention. Berth holders are provided with the ability to manage and control their assigned services with the tap of a finger, using the dedicated BERTHVEND app or the Customer Dock (self-service portal). Marina oce managementMulti-marina HQAnalytical feedbackBoat owner multi device accessBreaker trip alertElectrical socket auto disconnectBerth management Berth services management system64
Wired Network65
Ethernet ConnectionPayment Platform Featuring:Remote access gatewayData PedestalData PedestalThird Party IntegrationCompoNetConnectionCompoNetConnectionMARINA OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceBERTH HOLDERWeb-enabled deviceBenefits for Marina Operators • Interactive dashboard • Electric & water meter readings • Switch services on/o directly via any device • Implement own taris • Management of user accounts• Exportable data • Remote firmware updates • Reservation of utilities for visitors • Visibility of overall site electric & water consumption • Assign services to boat name • Pre-pay & post-pay options • Billing & chasing facilities and flotilla & charter billing Optional features include: • API integration enabling the incorporation of booking system, accounting and ERP applications • RFID operation of services, as well as the Customer Dock – a self-service portal allowing berth holders to independently switch on/o their assigned services via their smartphone/tablet Benefits for Berth Holders • Payments via virtual wallet with personal account • Reservation of utilities in advance • Automated in-session low balance alerts • Outstanding payment reminders • Pre-pay & post-pay options • Automatic top-up facility • Access to any marina service pedestal on the system via the BERTHVEND app • Secure payment via Opayo If marina destinations opt for the Customer Dock, berth holders are able to switch on/o their assigned services as and when required, without needing to visit/contact the marina oce.66
Ethernet ConnectionPayment Platform Featuring:Remote access gatewayData PedestalData PedestalThird Party IntegrationCompoNetConnectionCompoNetConnectionMARINA OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceBERTH HOLDERWeb-enabled deviceA TYPICAL INSTALL ATION EXAMPLE67
Essential Essential PremiumBerthholderaccessViathemarinaoceCustomerDock(self-serviceportal)Mobilephoneapp(PAYGviavirtualwallet)MarinaoperatormanagementUnlimitedmultideviceback-oceplatformaccessServicesmanagementdashboardViewassign&reserveyourmarinaservices (Electricwatersanitation&EVcharging)Remotelyreadindividualelectric&watermetersRemotelyswitchelectricsockets&watertapsonoBerth holder pre-pay & invoice accountsBilling&paymentchasingfacilitiesLinkberthholderaccountstotheCustomerDock(self-serviceportal)Independentberthholderaccess(viamobilephoneapp)Real-time, historical & analytical feedbackCustomisable tariffs & discount groupsManage user accounts (credit, access to services & transaction history)Exportable data (revenue & consumption reports)Remote over-the-air firmware updatesManaging the marinaBERTHVEND oers a solution to meet any marina berth service management requirements. The packages are designed to provide the marina with the best possible solution to meet the needs of the visitors.68
EssentialMarina operators can manage their services independently. This package enables marina operators and berth holders to benefit from standard features, such as unlimited multi-device back-oce platform access; remotely switch electric sockets & water taps on/o; berth holder pre-pay & invoice accounts; billing & payment chasing facilities.EssentialThe Essential+ package allows marina operators to manage their services, whilst also enabling berth holders to control their assigned services via the Customer Dock. This is in addition to all the standard features available in the package provides all of the features included in the Essential package.Premium Provides a payment platform that enables berth holders to independently manage their services via the BERTHVEND mobile app. This is in addition to all the features included in the Essential+ package. The mobile app allows berth holders to use the services without the need to interact with the marina’s personnel.69
Third Party IntegrationBERTH HOLDERWeb-enabled devicePayment platformMARINA OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceWifi / GSMGatewayLoRaWAN / WiFiEthernet / GSM4G / Wifi Wifi / GSMLoRaWAN ConnectionUtility management Berth Services Management SystemMetpow is a cloud-based utility management platform designed for marina’s, giving operators full control over electricity and water usage while reducing costs and improving eciency. Berth holders can easily track and pay for their consumption in real-time via the Metpow app, ensuring transparency and convenience. By streamlining utility management, Metpow enhances operations, boosts customer satisfaction, and supports sustainability goals. Take back control of your Marina’s electricity and water and future-proof your business with Metpow.Constant connectionUpfront billing Personalised dashboardsReal-time usage insightsInteractive site mappingNEWHASSLE-FREE MANAGEMENT70
Third Party IntegrationBERTH HOLDERWeb-enabled devicePayment platformMARINA OPERATORWeb-enabled deviceWifi / GSMGatewayLoRaWAN / WiFiEthernet / GSM4G / Wifi Wifi / GSMLoRaWAN ConnectionWireless NetworkA TYPICAL METPOW WIRELESS INSTALLATION EXAMPLE71
Metpow’s wireless metering system revolutionises utility management for marinas, oering unparalleled connectivity, eciency, and convenience. With our proprietary wireless gateway technology, marina operators gain full control over usage while providing berth holders with a seamless, transparent experience.SetupUpload your marina layout into the Metpow platform and map berth locations. Configure user consumption settings, including limits or fair usage caps, with ease.Daily managementMonitor consumption in real-time, control supply remotely, and receive instant alerts for any issues.Data-driven insightsUse personalised dashboards to track trends, optimise costs, and make informed operational decisions.HardwareMetpow integrates seamlessly with all ROLEC marina units, transforming them into intelligent utility management tools for your business.Constant connection Metpow’s LoRaWAN gateways ensure that all berth pedestals maintain a continuous link to the Metpow back-oce system. This independent network operates without relying on Wi-Fi, 4G, or marine radio frequencies, ensuring robust and reliable performance.Easily monitor live usage Marina operators can monitor usage and respond to issues in near real-time.Adaptability to park environments LoRaWAN’s transmission properties, when compared to Wi-Fi and 4G, experience lower signal loss when passing through obstacles commonly found in marinas, such as boats and infrastructure, ensuring more reliable and uninterrupted connectivity.Wireless systemHow it works72
Management of berth services anywhere, anytime on any deviceEnhanced eciency Increased revenueImproved guest satisfactionScalability Sustainability Operational control Virtual wallet Start, stop & pause servicesLow balance alerts Switch currencies Return your balance Automatic top-upMarina operatorsBenefits & featuresBerth holders73
Rolec stock a large range of marina service components and accessories, all of which are available from your local electrical wholesaler. Due to our on-site warehousing facilities, we’re usually able to dispatch accessories within 24 hours.Don’t see what you need? Call us on 01205 724773 or email & ACCESSORIESLGAB LGAB LGABMarina Services QTM QTM BUL QTM ACLG QTM GSM GSM GSM GSM ContactRolecfortheseitemsMANFACEUACLGLSAF74
Item DescriptionProduct CodeAdda”stainlesssteelwatertap MAFASidesocketcutout(persocket) MAFAPhotocellkittocontrolmarinalighting ACLGAPhaseClassMIDsmartcardmeter ACEUBlankreusablesmartcard(printingbrandingavailable) ACEUSmartcardmetersystemsoftwareandreaderwriter LSAFClassiclightlid(includingstainlesssteelbolt) ACSAClassiclightlens PPLAClassicLEDupgradekit ACLGClassiclightcollar ACSAClassicmmextrusionincludinglengthofdouble-sidedtape ACSAClassicmmextrusionincludinglengthofdouble-sidedtape ACSAClassicmm&mmaluminiumcompositeskin(rangeofcoloursavailable) ContactRolecxGLEDlampWK ACLGQuantumclearpolycarbonatelightlenshead QTMQuantumpolycarbonatetoplenscap QTMQuantumlampreflectorplate BULQuantumpolycarbonatelamplouvre QTMQuantumLEDupgradekit ACLGQuantumpolycarbonatelightcollar QTMQuantumpolycarbonatemountingbase QTMQuantummmanodisedaluminiummainbraceextrusion GSMQuantummmanodisedaluminiummainbraceextrusion GSMQuantummmanodisedaluminiumsideextrusion GSMQuantummmanodisedaluminiumsideextrusion GSMQuantummm&mmaluminiumcompositeskins(rangeofcoloursavailable) ContactRolecxGXLEDlampWK ACLGCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–BlueWhite LGABCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–GreenWhite LGABCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–WhiteWhite LGABCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–BlueWhite LGABCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–BlueWhite LGABCombiLEDDeckLightingKit–waystainlesssteel–BlueWhite LGABCombiDeckfixingkit(percombilight) LGABWaterStand(galvanisedsteelstandwith”stainlesssteelwatertap&mhose) MANFAddaSoundertoanSOSpedestal MAFALifebuoywithreflectivebandsplusxplasticholders EEABFirstaidkit MEDFireextinguisher–kgdrypowder EEAA75
ELECTRICAL MAINS & DISTRIBUTIONOne of the most important elements of a marina development is its electrical distribution system. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Rolec understands how to design in eciency as well as capacity for future planned developments.Rolec’s team of dedicated experts can provide bespoke site electrical distribution systems along with supporting CAD drawings. We can provide mains panels and distribution units to suit any sites requirements with built-in switchgear, cable terminals and, where required, metering.• Localised distribution of electrical circuits including circuit protection• Provides isolation, current & optional fault current protection • GRP, stainless steel or technopolymer enclosures• Switchgear variants: 6A to 2000A (1Ø or 3Ø options)• Able to accommodate all switching and monitoring management solutions • Designed & built to suit all incoming/outgoing cable types & sizes• IPX5 Rated• Wall or ground (root) mountable versions• Galvanised steel mounting frames• ABS cable entry covering shroud76
Designed &Manufacturedin the UK77
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGEPOINTSThe number of people opting for cleaner and greener transport is increasing significantly and whilst the UK continues to strive towards a net-zero future, the desire and demand for EV chargepoints is growing dramatically. There are now ocially over one million electric vehicles that have been registered which means now is the perfect time for marinas and waterfront locations to begin oering EV charging facilities to their visitors. With over 17 years of experience in the electric vehicle charging industry and over 370,000 public and private chargepoints manufactured and installed, ROLEC continues to serve the industry with its innovations in charging hardware and software by providing a solution for all budgets and requirements. • Plug & go, mobile app or RFID controlled charging• Integrates with any OCPP back-oce• Generate recurring revenue stream• Branding & colour options• 3.6kW through to 480kW charging speeds• Wall-mounted & pedestal options• Funding, operation, & maintenance options • Nationwide installation & project management services78
Or visit here to see the EV PRODUCT CATALOGUE7979
ROLEC strategic partnership with chargepoint funding organisations can oer you the most flexible and transparent investment opportunities for EV charging infrastructure on the market.Zero CapEx – Fixed Monthly Solution• No upfront EV infrastructure costs • Turnkey solution • OZEV grant access • Full site managementPerfect for businesses that want to provide EV charging and do not seek to generate or share revenue. Choose the level of investment and fix a monthly fee.MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONShare Costs & Revenue in a Joint Venture• 50/50 Shared investment • OZEV grant access • 50% Client net revenue share• Full site managementAn ideal solution for businesses, local authorities, and land-owners seeking to oer public EV charging with reduced upfront costs, while generating shared revenue.PART FUNDEDNo CapEx & OpEx Solution• No EV infrastructure costs• Turnkey solution • 20% Client net revenue share• Full site management An ideal solution for businesses, local authorities, and land-owners seeking to oer public EV charging and generate revenue without making any investment.FULLY FUNDEDWhichever model, all operation & maintenance costs are included the chargepoints.Interested? Contact ROLEC to find out more: FUNDING SOLUTIONS81
Nant Newydd Caravan ParkSituated on the east side of the Isle of Anglesey, Nant Newydd Caravan Park opted for Rolec’s caravan hook-up solutions to ensure their destination is equipped with a solution that best meets their requirements. Working closely with S J Ward Electrical, Rolec provided 61 1way 16A QUANTUM touring pedestals which included a water tap and a smart card metering system. The project also included 15 1way smartcard metered hook-up connection units along with 15 galvanised ground mounting posts. By opting for smartcard units, the park owners are able to eciently control and manage their electric supplies. After a successful design and installation, Nant Newydd Caravan Park found a requirement for a further 9 of our modern and stylish QUANTUM touring pedestals which will enable them to cater for more visitors. Caravan hook-upsCase study:83
Case study:Marina servicesRoyal Cork Yacht ClubRolec was recently chosen to provide 25 CLASSIC marina pedestals with smartcard metering for the refurbishment works at Royal Cork Yacht Club.The installing contractor, Herrick Electrical, sought advice from our sales team who advised that smartcard metering, which has been one of our most popular solutions for several years, and even more so in recent times with the high costs of electricity, would be the ideal low cost energy management solution for the yacht club. The smartcard meters are class 1 accurate and MID approved so provide the yacht club with a reliable billing solution without the need for manual meter reads, invoices and with revenue received in advance.84
Case study:EV chargingLake District National ParkRolec worked closely with AMP EV to support the Lake District National Park’s electrification journey. Our QUANTUM (AC fast) and UFC 200 (DC rapid) charging stations, complete with a back-oce management system that enabled Lake District National Park Authority to open up its charging network to the general public. Now benefiting from 28 EV chargepoints and allowing their own fleet drivers and EV driving visitors to recharge seamlessly.Lake District National Park Authority implemented various initiatives to support it’s goal becoming net zero by 2025. Implementing an electric fleet and deploying an EV charging infrastructure across multiple locations plays a significant role in meeting their net zero targets. Whilst fleet drivers are provided with the advantages of greener working operations, the general EV driving public are now provided with the facilities to recharge their vehicles when travelling from the district.85
Rolec understands the importance of brand identity, so that’s why we oer our clients the ability to customise their units to suit their brand guidelines, oering a completely unique aesthetic. From a simple logo through to a fully bespoke branding, Rolec take great pride in providing a solution that distinguishes a company’s units from their competitors’.BRANDING OPTIONSBrand names, logos and trademarks used herein remain the property of their respective owners. This listing of any firm or their logos is not intended to imply any endorsement or direct aliation with Rolec Services Ltd. and is purely to demonstrate branding opportunities.86
Outdoor utility products for the electrical contracting industryElectric vehicle charging solutions PRODUCT CATALOGUE Information provided is non-contractual but was believed to be correct at the time of publication (E&OE)
Issue 4March 2025t: 01205 724773e: