2023Rocky Mtn Ski Fest
"Thank you forincluding NPCF inyour amazing event. The families are soincredibly thankfulfor everything. Rocky Mtn Ski Festis one of the mostimpactful eventsI've been a part of."- National Pediatric CancerFoundation Chief Programs andOperations Officer
We had a terrific time!"Thank you for a terrific few days. The band and the writers are incredible, genuine,good humans. I can't believe the amount of time they spent with the kids and even atdinner last night they came to the table to talk to us. I could have never imagined theexperience would have been that special. Thank you and your staff for everything" - Father of a Pediatric Cancer Warrior
"Marina and Jackson LOVED working/supporting everyone, they said it wasone of the best weeks they've had atSki Butlers. Seeing those photos ofthe kiddos and knowing the impact ithas on the parents and extendedfamilies is pretty potent stuff."- Business Development andPartnerships Manager, SkiButlers
I just want to say what a fantasticevent Rocky Mtn Ski Fest was. I wasso impressed! Camille and I go to alot of concerts and we both thought itwas the best we have been to in years."
"This was the best day EVER!"- Pediatric Cancer Warrior
"Thank you doesn't seem appropriate- we are beyond gratefulfor the incredible opportunity. It was so much fun and Ihaven't seen my husband that happy in a long time (kind of sadto think about), but during and after Rowen's treatment it kindof hardened us. It was nice to loosen up, have fun and all inthe name of Pediatric Cancer Research. What a nice group ofguys Old Dominion are. Wow! Thank you for all you did tomake it so nice. We would love to see you again. Have a great 2023!- Mother of Pediatric Cancer Warrior
"Just wanted to thank you again for putting on such a great eventfor an exceedingly deserving cause. The last two days far exceededmy expectations in pretty much every way possible, it was the mostAMAZING experience! Can we do it again next year?" - RMSF VIP
"I feel like I belong because other kids are just like me."- Pediatric Cancer Warrior
I got toskate withthe pros!- Pediatric Cancer Warrior
"You helped usreunite as a familyagain after years ofjust managingtreatments, life,etc."- Mother of a Pediatric Cancer Warrior
"It was the most amazingtime and really put lifeinto perspective hearingsome of the stories whilewe had breakfast andlunch. Truly amazingfamilies and kids. I feelextremely blessed that wewere able to be a smallpart of it. What afantastic organization!"- RMSF VIP
Cookie Time!
Beaver Creek, ColoradoJanuary 2023"We forgot what it waslike to just have fun!"Thank You! - Pediatric Cancer Warrior Families