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Robert Carr Memory Book

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2 N D F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 8 - 5 T H J U L Y , 2 0 2 3I N L O V I N G M E M O R YRobert Carr

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Family BackgroundRobert Carr was born on February 2, 1948, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, to loving parents,Kenneth and Joan Carr. Robert’s early childhood was spent in the suburban outskirts of Brisbane,where he grew up surrounded by the natural beauty of Queensland. His parents were hardworking—Kenneth, a mechanic, and Joan, a school teacher—and they instilled in Robert the importance ofhonesty, dedication, and kindness from a young age.Robert had a younger sister, Anna. Their family was close-knit, often spending weekends on familypicnics or road trips along the coast. Brisbane's growing metropolitan backdrop provided Robertwith both the quietness of suburban life and the exciting opportunities of a bustling city.His grandparents played an important role in his upbringing, often visiting for Sunday lunches orspecial family occasions. Robert particularly cherished the summers spent at his grandparents’ ruralhome, where he and his cousins would explore the countryside, play cricket in the backyard, andlisten to stories about their family’s history. Those visits were filled with laughter and adventure, andRobert loved being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a big family gathering. These family values stayed with Robert throughout his life, as he sought to continue the warmth andcloseness of his own family background within his own family, throughout his life.

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R O B E R T ’ S F A T H E R I N H I S S C H O O L Y E A R S ( F R O N T R O W , 4 T H F R O M L E F T )A D O R E D B Y H I S P A R E N T S ,J O A N A N D K E N N E T H C A R R

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3 1 R E D F E R N D R I V ET H E F I R S T H O U E S I N W H I C H R O B E R T L I V E D

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Childhood & AdolescenceAs a child, Robert was naturally curious and full of energy. He loved exploring the nearby forests andcreeks, developing an early appreciation for nature. At Brisbane Grammar School, Robert excelled inscience and mathematics, but it was his passion for sports that shaped much of his youth. Robertplayed rugby and cricket, both of which gave him a strong sense of teamwork and perseverance—qualities that would later define his approach to both his personal and professional life.One of Robert’s most cherished childhood memories was seeing Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philipduring their royal visit to Brisbane in 1954. At six years old, Robert, along with his parents, stoodamong the excited crowd and caught a glimpse of the Queen waving to them. The event left a lastingimpression on Robert, sparking his lifelong love of history and world events.During school holidays, Robert and his friends would embark on adventurous explorations of thebushland surrounding Brisbane. They would build makeshift forts and create imaginary worlds, oftenplaying games that revolved around their favourite superheroes. As a teenager, Robert's interests expanded beyond sports and nature. He developed a keen interestin literature and was particularly drawn to science fiction novels. Authors like Isaac Asimov andArthur C. Clarke captivated him, sparking a fascination with the possibilities of technology and thefuture. Robert often spent hours at the local library, immersing himself in stories that explored theboundaries of human potential and the implications of scientific advancements. This passion forreading not only broadened his horizons but also influenced his later career choices.

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R E M E M B E R I N G O N E O F R O B E R T ' S M O S T S P E C I A L M E M O R I E S - S E E I N G Q U E E N E L I Z A B E T H I I I N B R I S B A N E W I T H H I S P A R E N T SW H E N H E W A S S I X Y E A R S O L D .

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“ T H E E L A S T I C H E A R TO F Y O U T H C A N N O T B EC O M P R E S S E D I N T O O N EC O N S T R A I N E D S H A P EL O N G A T A T I M E . ” - M A R K T W A I N

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Education and CareerAfter graduating from high school in 1966, Robert pursued a degree in Information Technology at theUniversity of Queensland. His time at university not only honed his technical skills but alsobroadened his worldview. He was eager to learn how the fast-evolving tech landscape could changeindustries and society. Robert graduated with honours in 1970 and was quickly hired by HewlettPackard Australia, where he worked as a systems analyst. Robert enjoyed the industry atmosphereduring this time, when businesses were in the early stages of systems and computing technologies.In the early days of his career, Robert's knack for problem-solving and his genuine desire to innovatepropelled him forward. He played an integral role in several ground-breaking projects, earning him areputation as one of the rising stars in Brisbane's technology scene. Yet despite his professionalsuccess, Robert was deeply grounded, always attributing his achievements to the lessons he hadlearned from his family.Robert's first promotion came in 1973, just three years after he joined the company. He waspromoted to Senior Systems Analyst due to his outstanding performance and ability to tacklecomplex projects. His keen analytical skills and dedication to improving systems earned himrecognition from both management and his peers. He successfully led a project that integrated a newaccounting software system that greatly improved the financial reporting processes for the company.This early success not only boosted his confidence but also solidified his passion for technology andits applications in business.

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As Robert's career progressed, so did his influence in the tech industry. In 2000, Robert was appointedChief Technology Officer (CTO) of a rapidly growing IT firm in Brisbane. Under his leadership, thecompany expanded its operations and was responsible for several technological innovations thattransformed the way businesses operated in Queensland.One of his proudest achievements came in 2007 when his team developed a software platform thatrevolutionized communication for small businesses, allowing them to streamline operations andimprove client interactions. This success earned Robert numerous accolades and solidified his statusas a leader in the field.Despite his professional achievements, Robert was known for his humility. He often said that hisgreatest accomplishment wasn’t his career but the family he had built with Mary and the values hehad passed on to his children.

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C O M P U T I N G A T U N I V E R S I T Y O F Q U E E N S L A N DR O B E R T ’ S E A R L YC O M P U T E R P U N C H C A R D SU Q C L A S S O F 1 9 7 0

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H P A U S T R A L I A I N T H E 1 9 7 0 SR O B E R T ’ S O F F I C E A T H PA U S T R A L I A I N T H E 1 9 9 0 SV I S I T I N GH P H Q I NP A L O A L T OI N 1 9 9 8

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Marriage and RomanceIn 1990, Robert met Mary Johnson, a vivacious and kind-hearted woman who shared his love foradventure and family. The two were introduced at a mutual friend's party, and their connection wasinstantaneous. Robert was immediately drawn to Mary’s infectious laughter and warm smile, andthey spent the evening engrossed in conversation, discovering shared interests and values. After atwo-year courtship, they were married in 1992 in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by close familyand friends.Robert and Mary built a life centred around love, support, and shared values. They welcomed theirfirst child, David, in 1994, followed by their daughters Laura in 1997, and Sarah in 2001. Robert was adevoted father, and despite the demands of his career, he always made time for his family. He wouldoften take David to rugby practice, help Laura with her school projects, and read bedtime stories toSarah. His family was his greatest joy, and his children adored him.Robert and Mary worked as partners in every aspect of their lives, whether it was planning familyvacations or navigating the challenges of their respective careers. They established a nurturing homeenvironment for their children, emphasizing the importance of education, compassion, andcreativity. Weekend family activities were a staple of their household, ranging from game nights tocooking together. Robert’s dedication to his family and Mary’s unwavering support created a lovingatmosphere that laid the foundation for their children's growth. As partners, they embraced life’s upsand downs, always finding joy in the small moments and laughter in the everyday chaos of family life.

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M A R Y , T H E L O V E O F H I S L I F EO C T O B E R 1 8 , 1 9 7 5

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Family LifeRobert approached fatherhood with a balance of discipline and warmth, instilling in his children thevalues of hard work, respect, and empathy. Family dinners became a cherished tradition where theyshared not just meals but stories and laughter. He encouraged open communication and oftenshared anecdotes from his own childhood, hoping to impart wisdom and life lessons along the way.Each of his children felt uniquely special, and Robert celebrated their individuality while fostering astrong sense of family unity.As his children grew, Robert embraced his role as a grandfather when Sarah welcomed her first child,Mary in 2013 followed by Ethan in 2016. Becoming a grandfather was a joyous experience for Robert;he found immense fulfilment in this new role. He loved sharing his passions with Mary and Ethan,from helping them with their schoolwork to reading stories about adventure and discovery. Robertoften took Ethan on fishing trips, where they would bond over the excitement of catching their firstfish or simply enjoying the tranquillity of the water.Robert's warmth and affection extended to family gatherings, which were filled with laughter, and herelished the opportunity to be the storyteller, captivating his grandchildren with tales from his youthand lessons learned throughout his life. His love for his family was palpable, and he made sure thathis legacy of kindness, curiosity, and resilience would continue through the generations.

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L O V I N G F A T H E RS U N S H I N E B E A C H , 1 9 7 5W I T H D A V I D , S A R A H A N D L A U R AI N 1 9 7 9

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“ H A P P I N E S S I S A T A B L E F U L L O FD E L I C I O U S F O O D W I T H T H EO N E S Y O U L O V E . ”

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C H R I S T M A S 2 0 2 2

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Hobbies & Personal InterestsOutside of his work, Robert was a man of varied interests. His early love for sports never waned; heremained an avid rugby fan and continued to play in local leagues well into his 40s. He also lovedbushwalking and often took his family on weekend hikes in the stunning national parks aroundQueensland.During his adolescence, Robert discovered music, and one song in particular would stay with him forlife—"Wouldn't It Be Nice" by the Beach Boys. The upbeat melody and its themes of hope and dreamsof a better future resonated deeply with him, and it became his favorite song. Whenever life threwchallenges his way, Robert would listen to the Beach Boys, always finding comfort in their optimisticoutlook.Robert had a deep appreciation for cinema. His favorite film, Shine (starring Geoffrey Rush), was onethat resonated with him for its portrayal of resilience and passion. Robert often spoke of how themovie's message of overcoming adversity and finding redemption mirrored his own values ofperseverance and hope.Fishing was another favorite pastime of Robert's. He enjoyed spending quiet mornings by the water,casting his line and enjoying the tranquility that nature offered. Fishing trips with David became acherished tradition, where they would bond over the simple pleasures of life, share stories, andappreciate the beauty of their surroundings.

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Traveling was another passion of Robert’s. In addition to his career, which led him to travel acrossthe globe, he and Mary made it a point to explore new places whenever they could, whether it was aweekend getaway to the Great Barrier Reef or an international trip to experience different cultures.One of their most memorable trips was a skiing adventure in Chamonix in the French Alps, wherethey introduced their children to the joys of the slopes. Robert relished the thrill of skiing down themountains, sharing laughter and creating unforgettable family memories amidst the snowylandscapes.Every summer, the family would take a trip to the beach, and one of Robert’s favourite spots wasNathan’s on Coney Island Beach. Though far from home, Robert fell in love with the restaurant on hisfirst visit during a family vacation to the United States. He found joy in sitting at the outdoor tables,watching the waves, feeding the birds, and sharing stories with his family. The simplicity of thosemoments nourished his soul, and Nathan’s became a beloved memory of both relaxation andreflection.Another notable interest was his dedication to community service. Robert was involved in severallocal charities, particularly those that supported underprivileged youth and helped provide access totechnology education in rural areas. He believed in giving back and was known for his generosity.

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A T R U E R O A D W A R R I O R -R O B E R T T R A V E L E D T O 2 8C O U N T R I E S F O R W O R KA N D A D V E N T U R E .

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R O B E R T ’ SF A V O R I T EM O V I E S ,M U S I C ,Q U O T E S ,L I F EM A N T R A S

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C H A M O N I X , A U V E R G N E - R H Ô N E , O U R H E R O !H E L O V E D S I T T I N G O U T H E R EA N D F E E D I N G T H E B I R D S .N A T H A N ’ S O N C O N E Y I S L A N D B E A C HC A I R N S , Q U E E N S L A N D 1 9 9 2“ W E V A C A T I O N N O T T O E S C A P E L I F E B U TF O R L I F E N O T T O E S C A P E U S . ”

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Wisdom, Legacy and LessonsRobert Carr’s life was a testament to the values of hard work, love, and integrity. He left behind notonly a successful career but also a family that cherished his memory and the lessons he imparted. Hislegacy lives on in the lives of his children—David, who followed in his father’s footsteps and pursued acareer in technology; Laura, who became a teacher like her grandmother; and Sarah, who carried onhis love for photography and storytelling. Robert often said, “Success is not measured by what youachieve, but by how you treat the people around you.” He believed deeply in the power ofrelationships and the strength of family.To his children, Robert always emphasized the importance of balance—working hard but alsocherishing the time spent with loved ones. He encouraged them to follow their passions butreminded them that true fulfilment comes from making a positive impact on the world.One of his favourite pieces of advice, which he shared often, was: "In life, you will face challenges, butit's how you respond to them that defines your character." This wisdom, passed down from hisfather, became a guiding principle for his family.Robert passed away peacefully on July 5, 2023, at the age of 75, surrounded by his beloved family.Though he is no longer with them, his impact on his family, his community, and the tech industry inBrisbane continues to resonate. He was a man who understood the value of time, relationships, andmaking a difference, and that’s how he will be remembered.

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R E M E M B E R I N G2 N D F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 8 - 5 T H J U L Y , 2 0 2 3

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Michael ArcherRobert… I don’t really know what to say, I still don’t believe it’s real. You played such animportant part in my life, you became one of my best friend when I moved. Pretty much all mybest memories include you, all the countries we have travelled to, all the nights out, we had somany good times together. You always had the biggest smile and such a positive attitude it wasinfectious. It’s hard to think that we will never get to see you again… Mia, Richard and myselfare gonna miss you so much, we love you! Our condolences go out to your family. We willalways be here for you.01/08/2023Louis RandPlease accept my condolences. May you rest in peace Robert.18/07/2023Michael ChenOur thoughts are with you during this sad time. You have our love and support.22/07/2023

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Tim WilliamsCondolences Robert’s family for your loss, Robert was an amazing man, thoughtful andhumble. Enjoyed our moments hanging out, and the whiskey nights. Rest In Peace my friend.18/07/2023Emma StuartCondolences to the Carr family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this sad time. May Robert rest in peace, a beautiful soul.18/07/2023Tony KimWe would like to convey our sincere gratitude to the Carr family, and close friends of Robert, forwelcoming us to celebrate Robert's life today. We are very sad for your loss, and sad also forVictoria that she is no longer with us. We will never forget the ways he made us laugh and theperson that he is. Our deepest condolences to you.18/07/2023

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Mary Louise BanksRobert, thank you for being a great friend, for all the laughs, fun, incredible experienceson our travels and time shared together. Thank you for being you. Miss you. My heartgoes out to Robert's, family and close friends.18/07/2023Greg TrippSincere condolences from our family to yours. May Robert rest in peace.18/07/2023Mark JohnstonI traced the worn edges of the leather suitcase. It was the one Dad had taken on all hisadventures. From backpacking in Europe to trekking through the Himalayas, this suitcase hadseen it all. Now, as I carefully packed it for my own semester abroad, a wave of emotion washedover me. Memories flooded back - childhood camping trips, Dad's infectious laugh around thecrackling fire, the whispered stories of faraway lands. A single tear landed on a well-thumbedtravel journal tucked in a corner. With a deep breath, I zipped the suitcase shut, a newfounddetermination settling in my eyes.18/07/2023

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Jake and Chloe FlemingSo sorry to hear this sad news. I have known Robert since the 70’s, he was destined forgreat things. It was a great privilege to have visited a few years ago with the family and weenjoyed every moment. It brought back memories. Sending my deepest sympathy to youand your family. Best Regards,18/07/2023David Green"Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength". That saying veryaccurately describes Robert... a real gentleman with lots of wisdom. We remember him saying"when you do something... do the right thing the first time" ... his work ethic and integrity wereremarkable! May he rest in peace. David18/07/2023Holly O‘ConnorRobert and I worked together several years ago and I was sad to hear of his passing. He was alovely man and always spoke highly of Anna and the rest of his children. May he rest in peace 18/07/2023

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Michael PowerDear Anna and Family, I was saddened to hear that Robert had passed away. We had beenneighbours back on Eliza St and I was very fond of him. He was always very kind to my wifeand I and I was sad we lost touch over the years. May he rest in peace, Michael Power18/07/2023Mabel GibsonI hoisted my backpack, the worn leather strap leaving a familiar groove on my ten-year-old arm.Grandpa Robert had given it to me before he passed away last year. Today, I was finally using iton the hike we'd always planned together. Reaching the top, I gasped. The whole valleysprawled beneath me, bathed in the golden light of dawn. It looked just like Grandpa'spaintings. A tear rolled down my cheek, a mix of sadness and pride. "This is for you, Grandpa," Iwhispered, a silent promise to keep exploring the outdoors he loved so much. 18/07/2023Sarah LeeI will always cherish the wild adventures we had... Thank you for the fun times... You will foreverbe in my heart.18/07/2023

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Sarah SithRobert, I have no words to describe the sadness I feel. It was great travelling with you.There was always a laugh when you were around. My sincere condolences the Lee familyand their friends. May you rest in peace.16/07/2023Peter & VickyRobert, you always brought the fun to any and every situation - you were such a wonderfulfriend. Rest in peace Peter. My heart is breaking for your children, family and friends - and mythoughts are with them at this difficult time.16/07/2023Mathew McMasterThanks for all the great memories Robert, you will be missed!18/07/2023

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I N O U R H E A R T S F O R E V E R .