ROBERTA KATZ CONSULTINGNonprofit Finance ConsultantHelping NonprofitOrganizations Build StrongFinance Departmentswww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158What Sets Roberta ApartHaving worked in senior financialmanagement positions at majornonprofit organizations for 15 years,Roberta experienced the day-daychallenges faced by nonprofitfinance departments and successfullyimplemented innovative andpractical solutions.The consulting services Robertaoffers to nonprofit organizationsprovide advice, guidance and toolsthat have proven to be effective inbuilding and maintaining strongfinance departments.ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMESExperience. Reputation.Results.Identified inefficiencies in billingprocedures and suggestedimprovements, resulting in addedrevenue for the organization.Recommended implementation ofpolicies, procedures and internalcontrols that resulted in preventingpayment of unauthorized expensesby the organization.Assisted in creating a formal monthend close resulting in generatingtimely and accurate monthlyfinancial data and financial reports.Proposed workflow efficiencies,chart of account optimization andinternal controls for theimplementation of the organization'sautomated accounting system.Recommended a process forpreparing for the annual financialaudit resulting in the completion ofthe audit in a timely and costefficient manner.Roberta Katz Consultingwww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158Experience. Reputation.Results.
FEATURED RESOURCESVisit• Evaluating & DocumentingFinance Department Operations• Compiling Accounting Policies &Procedures Manuals• Optimizing Workflow &Implementing Internal Controls• Fraud Risk Management• Technology ImplementationSupport• Audit Readiness & Preparation• Staff Training & Development• Building A Strong FinanceDepartment Infrastructure• It’s Time For An Assessment Of YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Finance Tips For Nonprofits• Finance And Technology• Finance And The Board of Directors• 6 Building Blocks Of A StrongNonprofit Finance Department• Fiscal Operations And TheInterrelationship With ProgramOperations• How To Create An AccountingPolicies And Procedures ManualeBOOKSWEBINARSPUBLISHED ARTICLESBLOG POSTSThe CPA Journal: Making The TransitionTo The Nonprofit Sector: An Insider'sPerspectiveThe NonProfit Times:6 Steps For Managing IndependentContractorsLinkedIn: The Accounting Policies AndProcedures Manual: An EssentialDocument For Nonprofit OrganizationsLinkedIn: Does Your Nonprofit Have AConflict of Interest Policy?• The Importance Of Assessing YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Protecting Your Nonprofit FromFraud• Is Your Nonprofit Ready For ItsAnnual Financial Audit?• Breaking The Silos In NonprofitsTo Achieve Effective FinancialManagement• Do Your Nonprofit’s FinanceOperations Effectively Support TheMission?CONSULTING SERVICES
FEATURED RESOURCESVisit• Evaluating & DocumentingFinance Department Operations• Compiling Accounting Policies &Procedures Manuals• Optimizing Workflow &Implementing Internal Controls• Fraud Risk Management• Technology ImplementationSupport• Audit Readiness & Preparation• Staff Training & Development• Building A Strong FinanceDepartment Infrastructure• It’s Time For An Assessment Of YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Finance Tips For Nonprofits• Finance And Technology• Finance And The Board of Directors• 6 Building Blocks Of A StrongNonprofit Finance Department• Fiscal Operations And TheInterrelationship With ProgramOperations• How To Create An AccountingPolicies And Procedures ManualeBOOKSWEBINARSPUBLISHED ARTICLESBLOG POSTSThe CPA Journal: Making The TransitionTo The Nonprofit Sector: An Insider'sPerspectiveThe NonProfit Times:6 Steps For Managing IndependentContractorsLinkedIn: The Accounting Policies AndProcedures Manual: An EssentialDocument For Nonprofit OrganizationsLinkedIn: Does Your Nonprofit Have AConflict of Interest Policy?• The Importance Of Assessing YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Protecting Your Nonprofit FromFraud• Is Your Nonprofit Ready For ItsAnnual Financial Audit?• Breaking The Silos In NonprofitsTo Achieve Effective FinancialManagement• Do Your Nonprofit’s FinanceOperations Effectively Support TheMission?CONSULTING SERVICES
FEATURED RESOURCESVisit• Evaluating & DocumentingFinance Department Operations• Compiling Accounting Policies &Procedures Manuals• Optimizing Workflow &Implementing Internal Controls• Fraud Risk Management• Technology ImplementationSupport• Audit Readiness & Preparation• Staff Training & Development• Building A Strong FinanceDepartment Infrastructure• It’s Time For An Assessment Of YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Finance Tips For Nonprofits• Finance And Technology• Finance And The Board of Directors• 6 Building Blocks Of A StrongNonprofit Finance Department• Fiscal Operations And TheInterrelationship With ProgramOperations• How To Create An AccountingPolicies And Procedures ManualeBOOKSWEBINARSPUBLISHED ARTICLESBLOG POSTSThe CPA Journal: Making The TransitionTo The Nonprofit Sector: An Insider'sPerspectiveThe NonProfit Times:6 Steps For Managing IndependentContractorsLinkedIn: The Accounting Policies AndProcedures Manual: An EssentialDocument For Nonprofit OrganizationsLinkedIn: Does Your Nonprofit Have AConflict of Interest Policy?• The Importance Of Assessing YourNonprofit’s Finance Operations• Protecting Your Nonprofit FromFraud• Is Your Nonprofit Ready For ItsAnnual Financial Audit?• Breaking The Silos In NonprofitsTo Achieve Effective FinancialManagement• Do Your Nonprofit’s FinanceOperations Effectively Support TheMission?CONSULTING SERVICES
ROBERTA KATZ CONSULTINGNonprofit Finance ConsultantHelping NonprofitOrganizations Build StrongFinance Departmentswww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158What Sets Roberta ApartHaving worked in senior financialmanagement positions at majornonprofit organizations for 15 years,Roberta experienced the day-daychallenges faced by nonprofitfinance departments and successfullyimplemented innovative andpractical solutions.The consulting services Robertaoffers to nonprofit organizationsprovide advice, guidance and toolsthat have proven to be effective inbuilding and maintaining strongfinance departments.ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMESExperience. Reputation.Results.Identified inefficiencies in billingprocedures and suggestedimprovements, resulting in addedrevenue for the organization.Recommended implementation ofpolicies, procedures and internalcontrols that resulted in preventingpayment of unauthorized expensesby the organization.Assisted in creating a formal monthend close resulting in generatingtimely and accurate monthlyfinancial data and financial reports.Proposed workflow efficiencies,chart of account optimization andinternal controls for theimplementation of the organization'sautomated accounting system.Recommended a process forpreparing for the annual financialaudit resulting in the completion ofthe audit in a timely and costefficient manner.Roberta Katz Consultingwww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158Experience. Reputation.Results.
ROBERTA KATZ CONSULTINGNonprofit Finance ConsultantHelping NonprofitOrganizations Build StrongFinance Departmentswww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158What Sets Roberta ApartHaving worked in senior financialmanagement positions at majornonprofit organizations for 15 years,Roberta experienced the day-daychallenges faced by nonprofitfinance departments and successfullyimplemented innovative andpractical solutions.The consulting services Robertaoffers to nonprofit organizationsprovide advice, guidance and toolsthat have proven to be effective inbuilding and maintaining strongfinance departments.ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMESExperience. Reputation.Results.Identified inefficiencies in billingprocedures and suggestedimprovements, resulting in addedrevenue for the organization.Recommended implementation ofpolicies, procedures and internalcontrols that resulted in preventingpayment of unauthorized expensesby the organization.Assisted in creating a formal monthend close resulting in generatingtimely and accurate monthlyfinancial data and financial reports.Proposed workflow efficiencies,chart of account optimization andinternal controls for theimplementation of the organization'sautomated accounting system.Recommended a process forpreparing for the annual financialaudit resulting in the completion ofthe audit in a timely and costefficient manner.Roberta Katz Consultingwww.rpkatzconsulting.comrobertapkatz@gmail.com917.359.1158Experience. Reputation.Results.