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RMG London - Eagle Point Residen

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ContentsStrategy OverviewInformConsultReviewFire Safety Equipment in your buildingMandatory OccurrencesFurther Information02030405060701

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InformWhat informationwe’ll give to residentsand building ownersConsultWhat we’ll ask for youropinions on and howwe’ll gather & use themReviewHow we’ll manage,measure and reviewyour engagementThe Resident Engagement Strategy sets out how we will make sureeveryone living in buildings they manage defined by law as ‘higher risk’is kept informed and able to participate in decision making about thesafety of their building.StrategyOverviewWhat is covered in this ResidentEngagement Strategy Summary01Since January 2022 additional measures have been put in place to improve the safetyof high rise residential buildings. this includes the provision of more information toresidents and the fire service, wayfinding signage to improve evacuation and specificsafety checks on fire safety equipment within the building. In this strategy, we will tell you how we will engage with you to help make sure yourbuilding is safe by doing the following:

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Notice BoardsLook out for messageson the notice board inyour buildingBy PostIf you have optedto receive papercommunication PortalsWe’ll post notificationsto our online customerportalsPropertyManagerThrough usualcontact with yourProperty ManagerThis is some of the information we’ll provide, about decisions relating to themanagement of your building:InformWhat information we’ll give toresidents and home owners02Fire Safety InformationWe’ll provide Fire RiskAssessments and the Fire SafetyPlan and evacuation procedurefor your building. We’ll tell youwhen we’re doing fire doorsafety checks in your buildingWe’ll inform & consult you aboutbuilding works that directlyaffect you, maintenance &proposed changes to buildingmanagementBuilding WorkThis is how we’ll keep you informed:Our WebsiteRefer to our websitefor information onbuilding safetyEmailIf you’ve opted toreceive communicationby emailDefects to Life Saving SystemsYou’ll be notified within 24 hrswith timescales for repairsResponsibilitiesWe’ll set out theresponsibilities of residentsand landlords in relation tothe safety of your building

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This is how we’ll collect and use your opinions on building safety decisions:ConsultWhat we’ll ask for youropinions on and how we’llgather and use them03We will ask for your opinions about key building decisions that impact you inone or all of the following ways:Your opinion matters to us, because it will help us tomake the best decisions to ensure that your building issafe to live in.We will sometimes contact you to ask your opinion on aspecific key building decision. This will often be in theform of a meeting with your Property Manager or asurvey, either via the portal or in the post. Your opinions will be reviewed and taken into accountbefore key decisions are made, and may influence thingssuch as when the work is carried out or the scope of thework. We will feedback to you via post, email or the portal, totell you about any changes or decisions made as a resultof your opinions. Timescales for submitting your opinion, and for us toprovide feedback will depend on the situation, but will beset out when we first contact you to ask for your opinion.Significant RiskSignificant DisruptionDecisions that have a significantimpact on your safety. For example, decisions relatingto fire compartmentation or thefire evacuation plan. Significant CostWork that needs to becarried out on yourbuilding that comes at asignificant cost or isunbudgeted.Building work that is likelyto be very disruptive. Forexample, work that is noisy,prolonged or requiresaccess to your home. SurveysPortalsVisits & meetings with your Property Manager

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04ReviewHow we’ll measure andreview your engagementWe will measure and keep under review the effectiveness of this strategy. Wewill report back on our findings and progress to all residents and homeownersor higher risk residential buildings. We will measure:Overall satisfactionthat we keep residents& homeowners safe intheir home.Number ofbuilding safetyissues reported.Number ofcomplaintsreceived aboutbuilding safety.Number ofresidents statingthat they knowwhat to do in a fire.We will measure the above by communicating with you in the ways set out onpage 3 of this document.The results may lead us to update this strategy and make changes to the wayswe engage with you in the future.

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The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 have introduced additional requirements inrelation to audits and checks to ensure and enhance the fire safety of high rise residentialbuildings. The Principle Accountable Person is also required to produce a ResidentEngagement Strategy.Fire SafetyEquipmentWhat fire safety equipment canbe found in your building andhow we ensure it is wellmaintained05The Responsible Persons are required to carry out safety checks on the following assets inyour building: These are the actions we commit to, in order to keep your building safe:Floorplans are providedWayfinding signage in in placeAsset testing (as above) is carried outEmergency Plans are providedFire safety tips are communicatedBi-annual fire drillsResident Responsibilities charter is providedAnnual Residents MeetingAnnual survey conductedPlatform provided for continuous feedbackMonthly newsletter circulatedLive issues notification and reportingDigital noticeboards: assist in recommendation and installation 010203040506070809101112Dry/WetRisersFireExtinguishersEmergencyLightingSprinklerSystemsFire AlarmEquipmentSmokeVentsSmokeDetectorsApartmentDoorsFire FightingLiftsFire Doors13

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MandatoryOccurrences What we will provideresidents and homeownersin the event of a mandatoryoccurrence.06The Building Safety Act places a duty on the principle accountable person toimplement a Mandatory Occurrence Reporting system. An incident is classified as aMandatory Occurrence if it relates to the risk of fire spread or structural failure of thebuilding and without remedy would be likely to present a risk of a significantnumber of deaths, or serious injury to a significant number of people. Any MandatoryOccurrence Events must be reported to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) by anAP or PAP. The BSR is an independent body introduced to secure the safety of people in andaround buildings and to enhance building safety standards.A Mandatory Occurrence will be reported to you within 24 hours, as stated on page 2of this document.What are Mandatory Occurrences? What happens when a Mandatory Occurrence arises?Once notified of a safety occurrence, the Building Safety Regulator will be informedas soon as possible and a full report provided to the regulator regarding the eventwithin 10 days.This report will provide a detailed breakdown of the occurrence, who it affected,actions taken, lessons learned and how it will be prevented from happening again.

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07FurtherInformationInformation for residents andhomeowners on how toobtain further informationiIf you need us to provide information in a different language or format please let usknow at Our dedicated team will be able to arrange for this to be reissued to you.Accessibility OptionsHow to escalate a complaintf you would like to make a complaint about a building safety matter, please write to us atcomplaints@dtzinvestors or or DTZinvestors, 125 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR.You will find the full complaints procedure on your Building Safety Act (BSA) Informationwebpage.For more information about how we collect and store information in line with GDPRwhen we ask for your opinions, please refer to our Privacy Statement, which can befound on your portal.