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Rising Tide 2024 Season Program

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Welcome from theINTERIM ARTISTIC DIRECTORTHANK YOU TO OUR OFFICIAL SPONSORSIt is my pleasure to welcome you to Rising Tide Theater’s 46th season. We’re thankful you have chosen to share your time with us in the gorgeous town of Trinity.Rising Tide Theatre has been a creative home for me over the past ten years. I began working here as an actor in 2014, and since then have tried my hand at assistant directing, directing, music directing, composing, playwriting, archiving, and administration. After serving two years as Associate Artistic Director, this season marks my first year in my most rewarding role to date: Interim Artistic Director. I am honoured to be taking the reins of this ground-breaking and cherished company.I have come to love the community that envelops the theatre as much as the magic that happens within its walls. Last year, I made a permanent home for myself in the neighbouring community of English Harbour. The landscape, and the people who populate it, have been the deepest source of creative inspiration I have ever known. Every morning I wake up and see the ocean out my bedroom window, I am grateful.As we usher Rising Tide into its next era, I look forward to continuing the tradition of nurturing homegrown voices while adventuring into new creative territory. Rising Tide’s legacy has been built on community and the people who participate in the common dream of belonging. It is a privilege to be tasked with upholding that legacy and trusted to champion its expansion.You’re only a guest the first time you visit. The second time? You’re family.I hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoyed dreaming it up for you. Mallory Clarke

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Welcome from ourFOUNDER & SENIOR PRODUCERThese are exciting times for Rising Tide and it is with pride and joy that we invite you to our home. I hope your experiences here will create memories that will stay with you for years to come. As we move through change and transition with vigor and determination we embrace all that lies ahead. We have always blended the past with the present as we keep a keen eye on the future and so we welcome new voices as we move into a new era. They will rise and speak to you as they should and share their vision of the world. I will continue with major initiatives including the expansion and renovation of the building, overseeing the digital/website/library project that will capture our 46 year history, strategic planning and partnerships, a little acting and directing, amongst others. We are all committed to working together to ensure a successful and creative path to the future. We have the team, we have the passion, and we have one of the most magnificent settings in the world to perform in.  Donna

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Trinity PharmaChoice464-3575Open 9:30 - 4:00Tuesday, Thursday and FridayFor All Your Prescription NeedsBonavista Pharmachoice 709-468-7350

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TwoWhalesCoffeeShopwww.twowhales.comwelcomes you to-Sir Richard Whitbourne,

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8 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024NEW FOUNDE LANDE TRINITY PAGEANTWhen sun-rays crown thy pine-clad hills, And summer spreads her hand, When silvern voices tune thy rills, We love thee, smiling land, We love thee, we love thee, We love thee, smiling land.When blinding storm gusts fret thy shore, And wild waves lash thy strand, Thro’ sprindrift swirl and tempest roar, We love thee, wind-swept land, We love thee, we love thee We love thee, wind-swept land.When spreads thy cloak of shimm’ring white, At winter’s stern command, Thro’ shortened day and star-lit night, We love thee, frozen land, We love thee, we love thee, We love thee, frozen land.As loved our fathers, so we love, Where once they stood we stand, Their prayer we raise to heaven above, God guard thee, Newfoundland, God guard thee, God guard thee, God guard thee, Newfoundland.Sir Cavendish Boyle/E.R. Krippner 1902Scene TwoAT THE INTERPRETATION CENTRESir Richard Whitbourne – 1615The first of the Fishing Admirals to hold court in Trinity (1610), Sir Richard first came to Trinity in 1579, four years before Sir Humphrey Gilbert founded the British Empire in St. John’s. He is remembered for his work A Discourse and Discovery of the New Founde Lande.Scene ThreeON GREEN POINTSettlement – 1702Before 1730, year-round habitation in Newfoundland was forbidden largely because the West Country Merchants wanted to protect their migratory fishery from planters. At that time the fishing stations were governed by the captains of the first fishing vessels in port each year. These “Fishing Admirals” were the law. A few “Adventurers,” such as William Taverner, built fishing premises before this date. A map of his plantation, dating from 1702, still exists. To escape poverty and starvation, Irish “youngsters” signed on board fishing ships. Some jumpedship to stay year round, others were put ashore to make room for fish going back to England.Scene OneTHE ODE TO NEWFOUNDLAND

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RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024 | 9NEW FOUNDE LANDE TRINITY PAGEANTScene FourON THE POINTA Pirate’s Life – 1610While this scene is not entirely historically accurate, it does reflect the amount of pirate activity that was happening in the area. Richard Whitbourne, for instance, records that he was held captive by Peter Easton, one of the great pirates of his day, in Trinity in the early 17th century. Turks or Sallee Rovers were infamous pirates from the Barbary coast (Tunisia and Algeria).Scene FiveAT HARVEY’S COVEFish and Religion - 1760Political and religious turmoil in England was another factor in the settlement pattern. By the time of the coronation of Charles, a Puritan revolution led by Oliver Cromwell was forming. Charles eventually fled to France and Cromwell set up the Commonwealth. Many people felt that there should be a complete separation between church and state. Members of these sects were called dissenters. One of these sects became known as Quakers and it was the Newfoundland Quakers, led by Joseph White, who started shipbuilding in Trinity. Meanwhile, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel sent missionaries to Newfoundland to help establish the Church of England.Scene SixAT ST. PAUL’S CHURCH*The Trinity Sealing Disaster of 1892One clear spring morning a herd of seals floated into the harbour on pans of ice. 200 fishermen climbed into small boats to take advantage of the unexpected bounty and rowed almost nine miles out into the bay. Working hard to make the ice, some stripped out of their sweaters to cool o. Then, with absolutely no warning, a bitterly cold north-eastern gale arose, spraying the men with water that froze to their bodies as they rowed. In all, 24 men and boys died, some on route, more succumbing to exhaustion on the shore. Outside in the churchyard, Mary Moores is unwilling to accept her husband’s fate. Inside, Reverend Weaver tried to comfort his flock. Many brave Newfoundlanders were lost at sea as they triedto provide a living for their families. This scene is in their memory.*Trinity Bay Disaster written by Clarence Dewling

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10 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024ETERNAL FATHER, STRONG TO SAVEWe love the place, O God, Wherein thine honor dwells; The joy of thine abode All earthly joy excels.We love thine altar, Lord; O what on earth so dear? For there in faith adored, We find thy presence near.We love the sacred font; For there the Holy Dove To pour is ever wont His blessing from above. It is the house of prayer, Wherein thy servants meet; And thou, O Lord, art there Thy chosen flock to greet.We love the word of life, The word that tells of peace, Of comfort in the strife, And joys that never cease.We love to sing below For mercies freely given; But O we long to know The triumph-song of heaven. Lord Jesus, give us grace On earth to love thee more, In heaven to see thy face, And with thy saints adore. AmenRev. William Bullock Trinity, 1854If you would like to make a donation to the upkeep of St. Paul’s, there is a donation box located at the back of the church.Scene Six Con’tAT ST. PAUL’S CHURCH*The Trinity Sealing Disaster of 1892WE LOVE THE PLACE, O GODEternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm doth bind the restless wave, Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep: O hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea. O Saviour, whose almighty word The winds and waves submissive heard, Who walkedst on the foaming deep, And calm amid its rage didst sleep: O hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea.William Whiting, 1860Scene SevenWASHERWOMENThe women of Newfoundland were, in many ways, the backbone of the family. They toiled and laboured in the home, in the field and in the gardens. NEW FOUNDE LANDE TRINITY PAGEANT

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RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024 | 11Scene EightDISTRICT COURT OF ASSIZES, 1845During the 19th century, Newfoundland’s legal system developed outside St. John’s. Magistrates, usually prominent merchants, were appointed by the Chief Justice and the proceedings of each of the District Courts were presented to him for review. The magistrates dealt with crimes from gossip to murder, often keeping the interests of their own class in mind. In the days before television, the District Court of Assizes was high entertainment.Scene NineHARD, HARD TIMES, 1820Until the early part of this century, fishermen survived on what was known as the “truck system.” Under this system, the fishing merchants would provide goods and materials to fishermen at the beginning of the season against the fisherman’s catch. The merchant in eect owned the fish before it was caught. At the end of the season, the fisherman would bring his total catch to the merchant’s shed for weighing and credit against his account. It was often the case that the fisherman’s catch would be valued at a price shy of what he owed to the merchant, thus he would go further in debt each year. If the price of fish went down, the merchant might decide that the fisherman’s ability to catch fish was not worth his supplies. Cut o from the merchant, with no means of support, the result was often slow starvation over the long winter for the fisherman and his family.Scene TenTHE ELECTION OF 1832By 1832, many of the outport merchant houses had been supplanted by the St. John’s firms. The migratory fishery was on its way out and reformers petitioned for and were granted Responsible Government. John Bingley Garland, the grandson of Benjamin Lester, was elected to the District of Trinity and became the first speaker of the House of Assembly. Garland did not complete his term. In 1833 he and his family returned to England. Their property in Trinity was eventually sold to the Ryans of Bonavista.NEW FOUNDE LANDE TRINITY PAGEANT

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12 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024THE TRINITY PAGEANTBy Donna Butt and Rick BolandThe anchor event of our festival, the pageant takes you on a journey through the town of Trinity. The whole summer company will entertain you and enthral you every step of the way. You will meet an array of colorful characters as our past unfolds in story and song. You will long remember Dustabella Durdle’s first winter here, Peter Easton and his band of pirates, the Minister consoling his parishioners at St. Paul’s Church, the raucous mischief of the old travelling court, the heart wrenching stories of hardship and privation, and above all the strength, courage and humour of our people. And you will surely sing the Ode to Newfoundland as you bid farewell to a great and grand recreation of our cherished past. For 30 years, the Trinity Pageant has been hailed by all who see it as a moving and joyous tribute to our beloved Newfoundland.A TIDY PACKAGEBy Berni Stapleton and Amy House This comedy/drama will have you laughing with glee one moment and shedding a tear the next. Set just after the cod moratorium in 1992, two sisters struggle to come to terms with a community turned upside down. This is a play about family, about loss and about the courage to move forward. Written by two of Newfoundland’s finest writers, it is a roller coaster of a ride, a journey where you will experience the strength of the human spirit, the resilience of our people and our natural humour. TERESE’S CREEDBy Michael CookCommissioned by Centaur Theatre, Montreal, QuebecTerese’s Creed is a tribute to the women of Newfoundland and Labrador who, through hard work, humour and indomitable spirit, survived the good times and the bad in small outports in the early 1960’s. Find Terese at her old wring-er washer and eavesdrop as she talks to herself about her fisherman husband, her kids and a time passed but much missed. She’ll make you laugh and she’ll make you cry-she might even make you wring out the laundry.THIS SEASON

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RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024 | 13SHENANIGANS / DINNER THEATRE A feast of mischief, music, and merriment. You will be entertained by many of the magnificent musicians, singers, and actors in our company as they sing and play their way through the traditional songs of our culture. Music, recitations, and comedy. All ages welcome.BIRTHDAY BALLOONBy Steve CochraneCommissioned by Rising Tide TheatreIt’s 5 am in the cove and David and Millie Brake are on the brink of divorce. David is a pipe fitter working in Fort McMurray, gone for weeks at a time. Millie is his “oil widow” trying to make sense of her life in a changing rural landscape as she deals with a family tragedy. She is a spitfire with a sharp tongue, laced with generations of black Newfoundland wit and when she finds out Dave is having an aair it is all she can do not to cleave him in two. An examination of the “new” Newfoundland identity the play still poses the question- what is it that keeps us in love with this place we call home.MAIDEN VOYAGEBook by Meghan GreeleyMusic by Mallory ClarkeCommissioned by Rising Tide TheatreThis brand-new Newfoundland musical has all the drama and fun of a Shakespearian romp: betrayal, revenge, triumph, gender-bending disguises, duels, ships, and an epic love story with a surprising twist. Sally is about to marry her beloved fiancé, Willie, when he is pressed into the navy and sent into battle on the high seas. Her only option? To disguise herself as a sailor and find him. Based on the narrative of the traditional folk song Willie Taylor, and packed with original music, this show features a stellar ensemble cast and tunes you’ll be humming for weeks to come.THIS SEASON

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THE FLYING DOCTOROriginally written by MoliereCommissioned by Perchance TheatreAdapted by Evan MercerWriter Evan Mercer gives this timeless comedy, which is adapted from Molière’s original comedy, an entertaining Newfoundland and Labrador touch. Fit for the whole family, this delightful comedy focuses on a hilariously absurd plan to bring two real lovers back together in the middle of an arranged marriage. Complete with a phony doctor and lots of hilarious antics this colorful production will have you laughing from beginning to end! Come enjoy some humor, sly tricks, and a happy celebration of love.And packed with original music, this show features a stellar ensemble cast and tunes you’ll be humming for weeks to come.BIRTHDAY BALLOONBy Steve CochraneCommissioned by Rising TideIt’s 5 am in the cove and David and Millie Brake are on the brink of divorce. David is a pipe fitter working in Fort McMurray, gone for weeks at a time. Millie is his “oil widow” trying to make sense of her life in a changing rural landscape as she deals with a family tragedy. She is a spitfire with a sharp tongue, laced with generations of black Newfoundland wit and when she finds out Dave is having an aair it is all she can do not to cleave him in two. An examination of the “new” Newfoundland identity the play still poses the question- what is it that keeps us in love with this place we call home.THIS SEASON

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16 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024CASTCAMERON JOHNSTONCameron Johnston is a 22 year old film student from St. John’s, studying the TV and Film Creation program at CNA. He has been working and studying performance acting for a number of years. He is also the co-founder and artistic director of Dog With Two Tales Productions. He is looking forward to his first season at the Rising Tide Theatre!ANDREW PRESTONAndrew Preston is a theatre artist based out of St. John’s, Newfoundland. Most recently, he was on stage as J.D in Best Kind Productions “Heathers: The Musical” in St. John’s. This summer will mark his third with Rising Tide, he can’t wait to be a part of another great season of shows in the beautiful Trinity Bight!AMELIA MANUELAmelia Manuel is an actor/singer/writer from Clarenville, NL. Some of her past theatrical credits include: Eleanor -Grace(Poverty Cove Theatre),Tracey -Supper Club(RCAT),Dorine -Tartue(NAC), Helena -A Midsummer Night’s Dreamand Velma Kelly -Chicago(Stephenville Theatre Festival),and Myra Bennett -Tempting Providence(Theatre Newfoundland Labrador).DONNA BUTT Donna has been with Rising Tide since its inception in 1978. For 42 years she served as the Artistic / Executive Director. She is now pleased to be Senior Producer with the company, undertaking the responsibility of numerous projects. She is also an actor, writer and director. She is the proud recipient of an honorary degree from Memorial University, the Order of Canada, the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024 | 17CASTEMMA ANDERSONEmma Anderson is a performer from Corner Brook, Newfoundland and she holds a BFA from Grenfell Campus, MUN. Her past credits include No Man’s Land, West Moon and Saltwater Moon (Rising Tide Theatre), To The Girls (Stephenville Theatre Festival), The S.S. Ethie and The Birds (Gros Morne Theatre Festival) Emma is thrilled to be back in the Bight for another wonderful season!JARED HISCOCKJared Hiscock is a 20 year old film and TV student, who is currently pursuing his studies at the College of North Atlantic in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Jared has had a lifelong passion for the film industry and tries to immerse himself in every aspect of it as much as possible. He is looking forward to his first season of performances at the Rising Tide Theatre!GRAEME OLIVIA MCNABBGraeme Olivia McNabb is an actor from Unama’ki entering their fourth year of Memorial University’s theatre BFA program. Past Rising Tide credits includeSalt-Water Moon,No Man’s Land, andWest Moon. Select credits elsewhere includeOrlando(Theatre at Grenfell),Dracula(Boardmore Playhouse), andBunny(Highland Arts Theatre).JOEL STEADJoel Stead is an actor, singer, dancer and musician from CBS, NL. They are thrilled to return to the Tide for their 7th Season in the Bight. Enjoy the show!

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18 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024CASTMICHELLE REX BAILEYMichelle Rex Bailey has been with Rising Tide Theatre for 20+ years. She has toured Ireland with West Moon. Film credits: Random Passage, Grand Seduction, Newfoundland Armageddon, Party Pirate and more. She is a play writer of plays, comedies, and a children’s musical, Play’N’Time. She has been in the popular Newfoundland series Hudson& Rex. Her behind the scenes include Background Casting and Stand-in. Michelle won the Rhonda Payne Award for a woman in theatre in 2007.MALLORY CLARKEMallory Clarke is an actor, writer, director and arts educator based in English Harbour, NL. Mallory holds a BFA in Musical Theatre Performance from the Boston Conservatory and an MFA in Theatre Performance Creation from York University. They are a PhD student in English Literature at Memorial University and teach acting in CNA’s TV and Film Creation Program.MICHAEL POWERMichael is an Actor, Singer, and Dancer from Harbour Grace. He is a graduate of the Musical Theatre Performance program at Sheridan College. Past Credits include Lead Vocalist - Deerhurst Resort; Revue (2012-2021); and 15 seasons at Spirit of Newfoundland. He is very excited to be back for his 16th season with Rising Tide Theatre.JULIA QUINTONJulia is an actor and vocalist from Corner Brook, Newfoundland. She studied Theatre at Memorial University, where she was the 2021 recipient of the Tommy Sexton Triple Threat award. Julia has performed with various companies across the island including: TNL, Camber Arts, Beyond The Overpass, and Stephenville Theatre Festival. It’s Julia’s third season at Rising Tide and she’s incredibly happy to be back!

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CASTROUZBEH MEHRRouzbeh Mehr, originally from Rasht, Iran, holds a BFA from Memorial University. With experience in theatre and TV in Iran, he passionately explores the art of acting and production in Newfoundland. Rouzbeh is happy to work at the Rising Tide Theatre for another exciting season this summer.NICK CORCORANNick Corcoran is a playwright, technician, and musician based in St. John’s, Newfoundland.SANDY GOWSandy Gow holds a BFA in Acting from Memorial University’s Grenfell Campus. She is a recipient of the Tommy Sexton Triple-Threat Award and a Gold Medal Winner for Academic Excellence in Theatre. Sandy has worked with Rising Tide Theatre for over a dozen summers as an actor, director, and musician since joining the company back in 2000. STEP TAYLORStep Taylor is a playwright and actor from Chapel Arm whose play Settle Down, Ellie recently received first prize in Ottawa Little Theater’s 83rd Annual National One-Act Playwriting Competition. When not on stage you can catch him scurrying along local trails, dipping into choice swimming holes, or annihilating Bualo wings. Art Cards & Prints: Bobbie Pike Art; Pam’s Prints; Norton’s Cove Studio; Shamrock Fine Art; Tickle Kids. Glass: Masterpiece Glassworks; Shelley’s Stained Glass. Jewellery: Art Sea; Dory Blue; Hillside Fine Craft; Natalie; SaltWater Pewter; Spicy Cat Designs; Trinity Rocks.Mummers: Dawn’s Creations; Jackie’s Mummers; Petty Hr. Mummers Collection by Shelley.Pottery: Clay Unlimited; Pothead Pottery; Northeastern Folk Art. Rug Hooking: Molly Made Kits; Tiny Hooked Rugs by Wind & Water.Woollens: Ewe Design; Marie’s Knits; Maxine’s Knits; Shelley’s Knits; SpinDrift; Wind & Water, Salt Water Pattern Books. More Crafted Treasures: April’s Outports; Brian Bursey Collectibles; Foggy Island Candles; Paradise Farms; Pender’s NL Music Books; RowHouse Crafts; The Hands of Olsen; Wild Woolies Hand Painted Yarn; Newfoundland Coins, Stamps & Children’s Books. Proudly representing only Newfoundland and Labrador artisans and crafters8 Long Run Road, Petty Harbour709-728-2147 Seasonal 709-368-5877Open: May -

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20 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024BEHIND THE SCENESCINDY KENDALL | STAGE MANAGEMENTMy 19 years with Rising Tide have made my life richer in friendship and knowledge. Living here in this beautiful place is a privilege and it’s my belief that “our goal is not to live forever, but to create memories together that lasts forever. Enjoy the show.CURTIS FREEMAN | CREW Curtis is back for his 13th season. He lives in Champney’s Arm with his wife and three sons, Gavin, Daniel and Brody. He’s looking forward to another season with Rising Tide Theatre. DAKOTA QUINN | SOUNDDEANNA PEARCE | COSTUMES Deanna has worked in the costume department at Rising Tide Theatre since 2000. She also worked at Trinity Folk Art helping create costumes for the Cabot 500 celebrations. Deanna and her husband live in Port Rexton, they have one daughter and two grandchildren. EILEEN MILLER | COSTUMES For 3 years with Trinity Folk Art and 28 years with Rising Tide Theatre-including a tour of No Man’s Land- Eileen has been busy making costumes. She lives in Port Rexton with her husband and they have two daughters and two grandchildren.ELAINE VOKEY | BOX OFFICE Elaine is happy to be back with Rising Tide Theatre for another season. She is a resident of Trinity. Elaine loves spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. IRWIN ARZAGA | LIGHTINGIrwin is a theatre and live event technician from Toronto, Ontario. He will be entering his final year at Sheridan College for the Technical Production Program and is very excited for his first season at Rising Tide.

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RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024 | 21BEHIND THE SCENESJAMAL WEEKES | VIDEOGRAPHY / MEDIAJamal Weekes is a storyteller. From film making to producing radio series to acting on stage and screen, this sun of the Caribbean seeks to examine themes and concepts which explore what it means to be, and what makes us- we.JIM PIPPY | CREW Jim is from Champney’s Arm. He worked with Rising Tide from 1993-2007. He was glad to return in 2015 and is looking forward to working with the company again this year.KATE STENSON | SET AND PROPSKate Stenson is a multidisciplinary artist and backstage cryptid from St. John’s, NL. She’s happiest sitting on the living room floor, building a world the audience can lose itself in. Kate is thrilled to be working with Rising Tide for the first time, helping bring this world to life!LISA MOULAND | BOX OFFICEOriginally from Bonavista, Lisa now resides in Trinity. It’s her 13th season with Rising Tide Theatre and is lucky to be working with such a great group of people while living in such a beautiful place.LORI SHORT | FINANCELori started with Rising Tide Theatre in 2016. She lives in New Bonaventure with her husband and spends much of her time with her two daughters and her grandchildren.MARA BREDOVSKIS | LIGHTINGMara is thrilled to be back at the Rising Tide pointing lights at things! She is currently studying technical design and production at the David Geen School of Drama at Yale University, building upon over a decade of experience leading production teams and making theatre magic in St. John’s and beyond.

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22 | RISING TIDE THEATRE 2024BEHIND THE SCENESMARCIE HICKS | PRODUCTION ASSISTANTMarcie is back for her second year at the Rising Tide, and she couldn’t be more excited to return! She has recently graduated high school, and will be studying french at the University of Ottawa in September. She is excited to spend her summer with all these talented people!MYLES BRADLEY | LIGHTING“Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Myles studied theatre in University, and it was there he discovered that he loves being behind the spotlight as much as being in front of it! Be it lighting, sound, or projections, you can be sure that Myles puts his skills to good use!”PAULETTE BOWRING | STAGE MANAGEMENTAudition, Rehearsal, Tech Week, Opening Night, House Down, Lights Up, Break Legs, Cast Party, Repeat...I am overjoyed to be back for another season as Stage Manager with this wonderful crew. Enjoy The Show!ROB RUSSELL | CREW This is my second year with Rising Tide Theater and I’m lookingforward to another great season. In my first year I learned quite a bitabout the theatre and I’m excitedto learn so much more in my secondyear.RUTH LAWRENCE | SEASONAL MANAGEMENTRuthis an actor/writer/director/producer of film and theatre, based in St. John’s, NL. As a filmmaker, Ruth’s feature films includeLittle Orphans(Best Canadian Feature, Whistler Film Festival 2020)and her new comedy feature,Party Pirate,screening here on July 21. She has directed, written, and/or produced over 70 short films and webisodes.SHARON VOKEY | ADMINISTRATIONSharon is a long-time resident of Trinity, a place she is proud to callher home. She has jumped back and forth from working in theatre to working in politics for most ofher life. The switch is easy, both professions involve drama and comedy, stages and platforms and they always revolve around fantasy.

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BEHIND THE SCENESSHAWN PIERCEY | CREW Shawn is a Trinity Bight local. He is an active member of the community and a volunteer with the Port Rexton Fire Department. He enjoys the hustle and bustle of theatre life and is happy to be back for another Season in the Bight!VALERIE ROSE | BOX OFFICEResiding in beautiful English Harbour with her partner, Valerie is looking forward to her third season. A lover of books, gardening and her precious fur babies.WILSON HOPKINS | CUSTODIANWilson is a resident of beautiful Trinity. He has been the custodian and bartender for Rising Tide since 2019. When he is not working he enjoys spending time at his cabin and reading.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFounder / Senior Producer Donna ButtInterim Artistic Director Mallory ClarkeThe association’s Board of Directors are: Chair / Treasurer Stephen Belanger, FCAMembers Travis Payne Wayne Tilley Eric Parsons Rising Tide Theatre is operated by Rising Tide Association, a non-profit association and charitable organization.  Rising Tide Theatre produces the Seasons in the Bight Festival and the annual political Revue. Program Designed by Evan Kennedy and printed by QuikPrint.

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SHOW CREDITSA TIDY PACKAGEBy .......................................................................................... Bernardine Stapleton & Amy HouseDirected by ................................................................................................................... Donna ButtSarah ......................................................................................................................... Amelia ManuelGrace ................................................................................................................ Michelle Rex BaileyStage Manager .................................................................................................... Paulette BowringSound ..........................................................................................................................Dakota QuinnLights ...................................................................................................Myles Bradley, Irwin ArzagaThe Song, Empty Nest is by ............................................................................................Jim PayneBIRTHDAY BALLOONBy ............................................................................................................................ Steve CochraneCommissioned by ............................................................................................. Rising Tide TheatreDirected by ................................................................................................................... Donna ButtMille .......................................................................................................................... Amelia ManuelDavid ................................................................................................................................Step TaylorStage Manager .....................................................................................................Paulette BowringSound ..........................................................................................................................Dakota QuinnLights ...................................................................................................Myles Bradley, Irwin ArzagaTHE FLYING DOCTOROriginally by ........................................................................................................................MoliereAdapted by .................................................................................................................. Evan MercerCommissioned by ............................................................................................. Perchance TheatreDirected by .............................................................................................................. Mallory ClarkeYae ........................................................................................................................Andrew PrestonPhonse ....................................................................................................................... Michael PowerThe Count .................................................................................................................Rouzbeh MehrValere ..................................................................................................................Cameron JohnstonLucille ........................................................................................................ Graeme Olivia McNabbMudder ........................................................................................................................... Donna Butt

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SHOW CREDITSTHE FLYING DOCTOR CON’TAmanda-Lynn ........................................................................................................Emma AndersonVeranda ............................................................................................................ Michelle Rex BaileyReginald, Reverend, Townsman, Haggard Man ............................................................. Joel SteadStage Manager .....................................................................................................Paulette BowringLighting Design ..................................................................................................... Mara BredovskisSet and Props .............................................................................................................. Kate StensonSound ..........................................................................................................................Dakota QuinnLights ...................................................................................................Myles Bradley, Irwin ArzagaMAIDEN VOYAGEBook by ................................................................................................................. Meghan GreeleyMusic by ................................................................................................................... Mallory ClarkeCommissioned by ..............................................................................................Rising Tide TheatreDirected by ............................................................................................................Meghan GreeleySally ...........................................................................................................................Mallory ClarkeKip ..............................................................................................................................Michael PowerFrances ........................................................................................................................ Julia QuintonWillie/Sailor .............................................................................................................Andrew PrestonMother ..................................................................................................................... Amelia ManuelNew Fiancée/Prostitute .......................................................................................Emma AndersonEnsemble: ........................................................................ Rouzbeh Mehr, Step Taylor, Joel Stead....................................................... Cameron Johnston, Jared Hiscock, Graeme Olivia McNabbMusicians:Guitar ........................................................................................................................Nick CorcoranFiddle ...............................................................................................................................Sandy GowStage Manager .......................................................................................................... Cindy KendallLighting Design ..................................................................................................... Mara BredovskisSet Design ................................................................................................................Gavin UrquhartSound ..........................................................................................................................Dakota QuinnLights ...................................................................................................Myles Bradley, Irwin Arzaga

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SHOW CREDITSTERESE’S CREEDBy ............................................................................................................................... Michael CookCommissioned by ............................................................... Centaur Theatre, Montreal, QuebecTerese ..............................................................................................................................Donna ButtStage Manager .......................................................................................................... Cindy KendallTHE TRINITY PAGEANTConceived and written by ................................................................... Donna Butt & Rick BolandDirected by ....................................................................................................................Donna ButtPLEASE REFER TO INSERTSHENANIGANS / DINNER THEATRENL music, comedy and recitationsDirected by ...............................................................................................................Mallory ClarkePLEASE REFER TO INSERTRandom Passage Site & TearoomStep back in time on our Guided Tours and enjoy authentic Newfoundland cuisine in ourheritage schoolhouse turned tearoom Find us at the end of Route 239 New BonaventureOpening 930am - 530pm19-22May, 27-28May3-4Jun, 10-11JunBeginning 14Jun Open Wed-Sun 930am-530pm

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He was my friend and creative collaborator for 50 years. My heart is full. I loved him deeply. We battled, we argued, we imagined, we envisioned, and we followed our dreams. For over 30 years Rick brought laughter, mischief and charm to our annual Revue audiences. To the thousands and thousands who came to Revue it was the twinkle in his eye, the fierce intelligence, the warmth and charm, the sheer joy of playing to them, every person felt he was in their kitchen speaking just to them. Wherever there is laughter, where your whole body shakes and you smile from ear to ear, think of Rick Boland.Rick gave a voice to so many, not just in the theatre but to those who were troubled, who were underrepresented, who struggled financially, anyone who needed to be lifted up. And he gave a voice, through theatre, to our stories and this place we call home. All those elements seemed to come together in Trinity. We came here together to pioneer a new concept. It was the year after the cod moratorium in 1992. On the one hand, the Trinity Historical Society and its partners were doing good work on the restoration of Heritage Buildings and on the other, there was a loss of faith, loss of livelihood, communities destroyed, torn apart, lives shattered. We wanted people (many of them young) to feel pride in who they were, to know they lived in one of the most magnificent, resilient and generous places on the face of the earth, that with all its flaws and tragedies, it is still our precious Newfoundland & Labrador. Rick believed that in his soul, we both believed it was a place worth fighting RICK BOLAND 1953-2024

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for, where all people should be heard and so the Trinity Pageant was born and then the Seasons in the Bight. He and I were so proud of all the amazing teams of people we had the honour to work with. So please wherever you hear our stories told, wherever you see the growth and rejuvenation of rural communities, someone pioneering a new concept with strength and passion, think of Rick, my glorious, brilliant colleague who for 50 years brought audiences to their feet with roars of laughter and tears of sorrow. It was as though he, the characters he portrayed, and his audience were one, and together they were a powerful voice. Rick was one of the great driving forces who helped define who we are. He has earned a place in our hearts, in our heads, and in our history. We shall hear your voice in the words of the Pageant this summer as we have for over 30 years. I will hear you in the wind, I will feel you as the moon shines over the harbour and as the Pageant travels the roads of our beloved Trinity.I will cherish you always. You will live on with your family, your friends, your colleagues, and the audience. As Tavernor says in The Pageant, “When I leave here I don’t stay away for long, I always come back, like the salmon that comes back to the river that gave it birth, because it’s home.” You are safe home now, forever with our arms around you.DonnaRICK BOLAND 1953-2024

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